FAQs on Anemonia/Majano
Anemones 2
Related FAQs: Anemonia 1, Anemonia 3, Anemonia 4, Anemonia 5, & Aiptasia
Identification, Anemone
Identification, Other
Pest Anemones Eradication by: Peppermint
Shrimp, Butterflyfishes,
Injection, Hypo/Hyper-Salinity,
Related Articles: Aiptasia/Glass
Anemones, Anemones,

New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
could you ID these creatures?
Hi WWM Crew,
I have attached two pictures for you. Curious what these are...
and if they are invasive.
<Mmm, can be... the first is a Clavulariid, the second Anemonia. See WWM
re. Bob Fenner>
They have started to grow throughout my tank... not many but they have
come up quickly. If these are invasive, I would like to know
sooner than later so I can take care of them. Does not look like
Aiptasia. Could it be Majano... thoughts?
Majano Anemone ID -- 10/11/07 Hi again guys,
<Hi Mike, Brenda here tonight> I just wanted to thank you
for all your help in establishing my first reef set-up. I made a
contribution on Amazon Honors; it's the least I could do
after all your help and money you've saved me at the local
store (and what I could have saved if I knew about the site
sooner). <Thank you for the contribution, and for your kind
words!> I recently purchased fully cured live rock with great
stuff (e.g. many Stomatella varia, red mushroom anemones). Could
you help me ID this particular critter? It is merely the size of
a quarter, reddish stem and mouth area, and tentacles are red and
tipped with bright green. I apologize in advance, but the
attached photos were the best I could do. <It is a Majano
Anemone, a pest anemone. See here:
http://www.melevsreef.com/pics/bta/not/majano.html and here
> Thanks,
<You're welcome! Brenda>

Anemone ID -- 09/08/07 Hi WWM Crew,
<Chris> I have an anemone that I cannot positively identify.
It is an interesting one that s really beautiful, but I am not sure
what it is. <Mmm... think I know> Can you please see if you
have any luck with this one. I have included a picture. The white
one is a Sebae (I know that one...lol), but the one in front looks
like a morphed Bubble. <Yes...> Please let me know your
thoughts. Thanks Chris <Is likely an Anemonia species... perhaps
A. sulcata... maybe cf. majano... on a few clues... the color and
shape of the pedicle (base), and shape and number of tentacles, and
lastly position near the Heteractis... BobF> |

Unidentified problem anemones?
7/30/07 Some guy gave me something he said was an anemone to
give to my out of town brother when he came in for a visit. When he
came into town and saw them he said "I don't want that
#@*%" So I removed it from my aquarium as well, or so I
thought. These little critter are round with tentacles and somewhat
reddish and somewhat fluorescent green and they procreate like a
rabbit! <Heee, Lagomorphs don't do scission... at least as
far as I'm aware> I now have an aquarium overran with these
anemone looking like creatures that are killing off my desirable
corals and clogging up my plumbing and pumps. I have a 90 g tank
with a 20 - 25 g sump. I have a picture of these creatures
(although not that clear) I am attaching. I'm sure others have
had a problem with these if ever introduced into their tanks they
just take over everywhere. How do I rid myself of these pests? what
will eat them? Should I still consider this "guy" a
friend? Should I introduce this "guy" to flesh eating
bacteria? Please help me! These things are creating havoc in my
tank. Thanks in advance - Spence <These are very likely
Anemonia... cf. majano... Please see WWM re. Bob Fenner> |

Mystery Majano -- 6/1/07
Alex (golly....twice in one week!), <Hee! Hello!> We wrote a
few weeks ago about some mystery anemone in our tank. However, the
photos we attached weren't clear enough to get a real idea of
what they look like. We hope the attached photos (close-up shot is
vertical; horizontal shot shows them in the lower right corner) are
better. <Yes, these are Majano Anemones. Search WWM and the web
on that and see. They are considered pests by some, but are not a
problem for others.> They arrived about the size of peas on a
rock with a coco worm (still there). There were three. A few weeks
ago, one of them went on walkabout to another part of the tank.
<Not far I hope.> Yesterday he split into two. <Yikes!>
We have had them since December. They are now the size of golf
balls. <Hmm, I don't think they get any bigger than this. It
sounds like you have a very nice habitat for Majanos!> Are they
bad? Very bad? Perfectly good? <Badness is in the eye of the
beholder.> Our LFS does not know what they are. <Mine
either.> We don't really want anemones (too many coral).
<Good point!> So, my question is this: Which tank should
house them ... fish or septic? <Since yours are already
multiplying and going on walkabouts, you may want to remove them. I
had one come on a new rock recently, and decided to add him and
wait and see. He is not growing quickly, and I think he is cute.
But there are plenty of people who have had them become pests.>
Also, for your enjoyment, we have attached a photo of our much-
beloved "mushroom rock." <Very beautiful!> Thanks
as always!
Michael and Dianne
<Cheers, Alex> |

Pomacanthus employment in ridding pest anemones
2/28/07 Thanks for the help as always, <Of course.> I have
been researching Pomacanthus imperator as a possible candidate for
Anemonia majano control. <Mmm...not my first choice.> I read that
other of the Pomacanthus species such as Pomacanthus E. navarchus and
Pomacanthus E. xanthometopon also may feed on these pests.
<They can and do at times but when there are filamentous algaes,
microfauna, other sessile invertebrates....prepared foods in the tank
the animal is more likely to opt for those. Like asking me or you to
choose between a medium-well rib-eye or room temperature okra. It's
not near the top of the list, when it comes to their diet make-up.>
What am wondering is: Is this information correct <To
some degree but see above.> (is it probable that these angels will
eat this anemone)? <Possible yes, likely....> If so, which ones
are most likely to do so or have you heard do so? <Of Pomacanthus
angels, Pomacanthus imperator is probably the most likely, at least
this is what I was told on a chat forum a year or so ago by Steven Pro.
I personally have never employed them in this manor.. Pomacanthus
Angels themselves are not an animal to be taken lightly, bought at a
whim. Require large and well planned systems. Often suffer from
shipping, handling, poor environment, etc. .> Any other suggestions
will be great, thanks :) <Read this: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/aiptasia_impressions/aiptaisia_impressions.htm
.> Adam <Adam J.>
Majano anemones. . . care? 12/6/06
Well, I've seen a lot of pages on how to nuke them, but none on how
to Care for them. . . <Heeeee! Perhaps just to do "the
opposite" of what is suggested for their elimination?> I was
given a small majano by a local store. It has its own little
2 gallon tank with some macro and some live rock. <Actually quite
beautiful animals IMO as well> Right now I've got
too much flow (I think. The filter is rated at up to
100 gph, yet is turned down as far as it will go) on
there. So far in the week I've had her really can't
see a green and PINK anemone being a guy :) ), <Watch this... or you
may be/stay a "lonely guy" w/ matching ferns> she's
been hanging out on the wall of the tank on the opposite side of the
filter, soaking up the flow. I guess for one, should I reduce the
flow? If so how? <I'd leave this as is. Is not too
much... but get a larger system, soon.> The filter is
the smallest sort I can find, and the only other option would likely be
a tiny powerhead (would take digging to find) or an airstone of some
variety. Also, do I need a heater? <Yep> She
hasn't shown any sort of negative effect from being in cool water
yet, though doesn't it supposedly take a while for them to show
stress from improper conditions? <Not long at times...> How much
light would I need? <Enough... see WWM re Anemone Lighting: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemonelightngfaqs.htm
"and the linked files above"...> Also, what to feed?
<See... not much> Not exactly a nutritious diet, but it seems
like the biggest thing that tiny mouth will take is a large Cyclops
"micro crab" which is extremely tiny. What else
would be a good choice that is small enough that I wouldn't have
most of it rotting in the tank. Also, should I play with
things a bit to try to get a bit of a higher content of
dissolved stuff an extra pellet to rot on the bottom for instance), or
how often should I feed her? Last question: is there any
sort of cleaners I can have in such a small tank? <Best to cut up
something marine, meaty into very fine bits, put this in suspension,
turn off the filter, and squirt this with a turkey baster into/towards
the anemone... once, twice a week... Are variably photosynthetic... Bob
Majano/Aiptasia Removal 11/8/06 Good evening (at
least it is here in TX.); <Evening> My question revolves around 2
pest anemones. I am currently in the process of cycling my new 110
gal., corner overflow, that is using an old wet/dry trickle filter as a
sump/live rock design of my own (no bio balls or ceramic, I just want
to use live rock, DSB). My question is, I have recently spotted a
Majano anemone, and a few Aiptasia anemones in one of my other tanks
(thanks to WWM for helping me ID these bad boys!). I want to remove the
live rocks that these "pests" are on and put them in my sump
for the 110 gal. to help cycle it and act as a filter. My question is
two-fold 1. Will these "pests" invade my main tank if they
are in the sump? <Very possible.> and 2. Will live rock in a sump
require a lot of lighting to be an efficient biological
filter? <No light needed for biological filtration, but a
little might be nice for some algae.> Thanks in advance, Erick..
Erick Swanson
Majano Anemones 10/29/06 <Hi
Scott, PufferPunk here> I posted a similar message on a local
forum and your site was recommended for help. I bought a
few rocks from another reefer that had quite a few "green
Aiptasia/zoos". I thought they were interesting and
not a pest until they started spreading to other
rocks. I have since moved the rock into another tank
that doesn't mind them but I want to get rid of them from my
tank. I was going to try Joe's Juice first and then
some peppermint shrimp. From reading other posts, I am
guessing this is a form of Aiptasia but I wasn't sure because I
haven't seen a pic of anything like it. What do you
think? http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p83/Mullins1420/100_0889.jpg
<Those are Majano anemones. These pretty little
anemones come with a bad attitude. They can quickly reproduce and
will sting anything they come into contact with. Therefore, most
reefers choose to eradicate them. Too bad... they really are
pretty. Best way to rid your tank of them is to remove
the rock they ore on. They will take over your tank
& wipe out most of your corals. ~PP> Thanks for
the help, Scott |

Not Bubble-Tip... Majano Anemones! 10/15/06 Hi there EricR.
<<Hello Tree>> Thanks for your response. <<Quite
welcome>> I gathered some of my anemones and took them to the pet
shop, they told me they were "Majano" anemones.
<<Yikes! An unwanted pest for sure...>> I looked
them up, mine look just like them, and found one site were the guy said
they were the "Tribbles" of anemones. <<Indeed they can
be...and killing all in their path>> Seeing how fast they
multiply I have to agree. I had three on the tank glass and
within a week ended up with eleven. <<Can be very difficult to
eradicate>> All of the glass inhabitants have been moved. I set
up another tank system just for them. <<Interesting
prospect>> If they survive, which I'm sure they will, within
a few months maybe I'll add some sexy anemone shrimp. <<Have
never heard of these shrimp taking up with Majano anemones...do let us
know how this fares>> In the meantime, any that stray on the
glass are being transferred and the largest concentration of them on
one of my rock pieces will be transferred into the tank
also. I know it will be ongoing to eliminate them from my
main tank but I'm willing to try. <<Is all you can do>>
Even though they eliminated some of my mushrooms I can't really
eliminate them. <<First I've heard of someone setting up a
species tank for Majano anemones..."Kudos" to you for
this...interesting creatures in their own right>> Thanks, Tree
<<Regards, EricR>>
Majano Anemone Question 11/9/05 Dear WWM Crew,
<Ivy> I have a 3.5g Nano tank, and recently acquired at a frag
swap, a beautiful Green Pink Anemone. Now I know I have come to the
conclusion that is the pest anemone the Majano, but I could not bring
myself to actively kill it since it is quite large (2 inches across)
and quite beautiful. (I also feel guilty) <No need> I have been
advised to kill it immediately as it could spread, <Ridiculous>
however I have kept it for 3 months now, and it has not produced any
clones. I figure if it will not spread, and is easy to keep alive, it
might be a good host for my inverts. <Mmm> My questions are.. a.)
Will Anemone Shrimp, and/or Sexy shrimp be able to host in a Majano?
<Possibly, though not likely> b.) Will the Majano grow much
larger? <No> c.) How bad is the sting of the Majano on corals
such as Zoos, Frogspawn, Hammers, mushrooms, GSP. <Not a big winner
over these (quite the opposite generally), though best to keep
separated...> d.) What is your opinion on keeping it in my nano?
<A beautiful animal that will make a worthy addition> I have
attached a picture of the Anemone. Thanks, Ivy <Cheers, Bob
Fenner... "a weed is a plant that a use has yet to be found
Re: Aiptasia or something else? Thank you for the quick
response. If I understand you correctly, you believe that this is
an Anemonia species, not Aiptasia, which although it can spread
like Aiptasia if there are poor tank conditions, can otherwise be
contained and enjoyed. <Mmm, could still be a Glass
Anemone species...> I looked at several different sources and
while there are certain pictures of Anemonia cf. Majano that look
similar, most of the pictures seem vastly different to me. The
majority of the pictures of Anemonia cf. Majano appear to have more
tentacles than the animals in my system. (I am basing that comment
on the number of observed tentacles more than the tentacle position
as depending on if the animals are open or "shut" the
tentacles can appear different.) Furthermore, it appears that some
of the pictures have a bulbish shape to the tentacles, while others
are more rounded. Is this just a bit of diversity in the species or
the hallmark of different species of Anemonia? <Both> Another
question that developed as a result of my research is the fact that
most of the accounts regarding the Anemonia species states that
they tend to move towards the light. I have only had 2 of these
animals move and in both instances it was away from the light. One
going to the underside of a piece of rock for a few weeks before
moving to the side of the same piece. Another just moving lower on
the rock, away from the light. This seems to be contrary to
everything I read, especially since I am running currently running
a low light system (6500K NO T8 50/50 bulb while I am waiting on
getting my ballast fixed) <Depends on the quality, intensity of
light...> Finally, all of the literature seems to state that the
Anemonia sp. all have a powerful sting. As I said in the initial
question, I have witnessed multiple contacts between these animals
and the other inhabitants of my tank. That fact does not make sense
to me in light of what the literature states. Thanks again.
<Your mileage may vary. Bob Fenner> |
