FAQs on Anemonia/Majano
Anemones 5
FAQs: Anemonia 1, Anemonia 2, Anemonia 3, Anemonia 4, & Aiptasia
Identification, Anemone
Identification, Other
Pest Anemones Eradication by: Peppermint
Shrimp, Butterflyfishes,
Injection, Hypo/Hyper-Salinity,
Related Articles: Aiptasia/Glass
Anemones, Anemones,
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eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Majano for nutrient export?
Hello WWM! I wonder if you have ever heard of anyone using majano anemones in a
refugium as a means of nutrient export, the way some people use Xenia?
<Oh yes; even Aiptasiids>
I'm curious if anyone has tried it and if it has any good potential. Would the
majanos stay isolated in the refugium, or can they spit out planulae that can
enter the main tank?
<Mmm; they fragment, don't know re successful planulation in captive systems>
Thanks for your input on this! I have tried researching but haven't found much
info on this particular topic.
*Joanne White*
<I encourage you to write up your findings, speculations and submit them here,
elsewhere for others edification. Bob Fenner>
Majano for nutrient export?
Hello Bob,
<Good morrow Joanne>
Thanks! I may just do that - this past weekend I acquired a majano-covered
rock from my wonderful LFS ("You want WHAT???").
<Hee hee>
They are set up in a species tank as I am interested in studying them. And I am
also in the process of setting up a new tank with a refugium so why not try it?
Although a majano refugium will certainly be no good for exporting pods to the
aquarium, LOL!
<Maybe; you'll soon see>
I have noticed over the past two days that a number of the majanos on my rock
have "let go" and drifted to a new location in their aquarium.
Something to keep in mind in a refugium - make sure they can't escape!
<Generally bits and pieces is their mode of extending themselves in space and
time in captive systems... pedal laceration, fission... being sucked into pumps
and overflows!>
A number of aquarists have written about having one or several majanos in a tank
for YEARS without them splitting or moving, so maybe this behavior is in
response to either a) being placed in a new environment, and/or b) overcrowding
(the rock is COVERED with them). Another thing for me to study!
<Ah yes; I suspect either dire or propitious circumstances brings on their
adventitious behavior>
As a parting note, check this out:
https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82072250.pdf New Anemonia species
discovered in Chile, Anemonia alicmartinae. Here are a few pics (hope they come
<Interesting. And yes; nice images>
*Joanne White*
Experimental Majano Tank Update!
<Hey Joanne>
I told you a few months ago I would be giving you updates on my experimental
majano tank, so here we go!
<Ah, good>
To recap: I was curious about possible uses for majano anemones so I set up
a small (5 gallon) aquarium to study them a bit.
Tank equipment: water circulation pump, heater, LED reef light. That's it!
No skimmers, no nothin'.
Infrastructure: approx. 1" sugar fine sand, several chunks of live rock
Livestock: 1 damselfish, several blue leg hermit crabs, several Nerite
snails, 1 small decorator crab, some red Gracilaria (added a few weeks ago),
and, of course, MAJANOS!
The tank is fed generously once or twice a day. Normal water change schedule
is maintained.
I have to say, this has been the easiest tank break-in ever! During the
initial break in period, there was a very small diatom bloom, which lasted
less than a week. Apart from that, there has been no algae blooms, no hair
algae, no diatoms, no red slime, nothing. Just a clean looking, healthy
tank. Meanwhile, a much larger (30 gallon) tank that was set up about the
same time frame has gone through all of the above, and still battling
Dinoflagellates. And that tank is much more lightly fed than the majano
The majanos originally came crowded on a piece of live rock. Since
introducing them to the tank they have spread out, but it doesn't seem that
they have actually increased in number. They were kind of overcrowded on the
piece of rock and so many of them just detached and settled elsewhere in the
They have not caused any trouble at all for the other tank inhabitants.
Of course there are no other corals, anemones, etc. in there, but the
damselfish and other inverts are just fine. In fact they are probably in
more danger from the damsel than the other way around, as the damsel likes
to rearrange the sand and often dumps sand on the rocks (and over the
I am planning on moving the group to a 20 gallon long tank in the near
future. I'd like to see how things go in a larger setup. Also it will be a
good place to keep some critters that I really like but that don't
belong in a reef tank. I could call the tank "Bullies of the Sea", or "Tiny
Terrors of the Deep", or some such, LOL.
I just set up a refugium on the other tank mentioned above (the one that has
gone through all the various outbreaks). I am SERIOUSLY thinking of adding
some of the majanos to the refugium.
<Yes I would. Have seen, read of folks using Glass/Aiptasia Anemones in such
a way>
Main thing I am worried about there is that I want to refugium to supply the
tank with pods, etc., and I'm not sure if they will get eaten by the majanos
or what.
<Some will assuredly>
If I can figure some way of confining the majanos to just a portion of the
refugium it might work. Or maybe just build a layer of loosely stacked
pieces of live rock at least 3 or 4 inches deep. I'm guessing the majanos
will stay at the top of the rock and sides of the refugium to get enough
light, and the lower sections of the rocks will be a true refuge for the
pods and other critters.
So that's where we are now. I'll see what develops once the group is
transferred to the 20 gallon.
*Joanne White*
<Thank you for this update, input. Bob Fenner>
Majano? 4/28/18
Hi! I purchased some Zoanthids from a friend who was dismantling and were
impressed how healthy they had become. After feeling them I wondered if these
are the Majano Anemone.
<Appear to be; yes. Please read here:
and the linked Anemonia FAQs files above>
They are confined to their original rock at the moment and don’t appear to be
hurting my bubble or Xenia. Should I get them out of there?
<Mmm; if they were mine; I'd leave as is. Unless they become too numerous, I
find these animals to be beautiful; good to keep>
I appreciate your site so much. I’ve not found a better site for FAQ
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Majano wand risk 1/13/16
We currently have a 220 gallon saltwater tank that had issues with its uv
sterilizer and protein skimmer functioning correctly and we have developed
a majano anemone outbreak. Have read a lot about the miraculous majano
wand, but am concerned about chemical reaction that the wand itself as well
as the residual of the anemone might put into the water parameters. Are
majano wands safe to use?
<To believe the reviews one can find on the Net; apparently so. A
disclaimer: I have not used this device myself>
We had a red bta that we had for over 5 years that died unexpectedly after
using the wand. No other casualties-and it does definitely kill the Majanos.
Thanks for being a great resource!!
<Am a bigger fan of other approaches. That are archived on WWM
under/including the "Majano" name. Bob Fenner>
Coral ID. Majano-Ville! 8/18/15
Can you identify this coral for me? It has grown at such a rate its on all my
rich <sic, rock> and even grows to the glass -lots of free coral :)
I thought torch or galaxia but it really has no sweeper tentacles to speak of.
It's more of single polyp coral with a full head like a Zoa...but with the
bulbous tip its.... Aaaaah, I'm so confused! Lol
<Looks like the pest Anemone Anemonia cf. majano.... See WWM re. Bob Fenner>
Many thanks,
Help with an anemone. ID, BTA or Anemonia?
Hello. I left my LFS today after purchasing an anemone they assured me was NOT a
Majano after I told them I was concerned that it looked a bit like a Majano. He
convinced me that it was a bubble tip,
<Might well be; though very small presently>
I brought it home, but before I stick it in my DT tank, I wanted to research it
myself and try to identify it. I have had no luck. There is only one anemone in
all of Google images right now which resembles mine and I found it on your
website. It is this:
The person questioned what it was and the answer was not definitive here either.
My question is, if you ever heard back from this person confirming bta or
Majano? It is listed on your anemone identifying question page on this website.
Here is my anemone:
As you can see, the distinguishing patterns on the face are identical and both
have the bubble tips. Neither have the identifying five or six white lines
around the mouth that are common with bubble tip anemones and they don't quite
match any of the Majanos I have seen either except for the fewer tentacles and
more visible open face. They are very confusing. Are they perhaps a different
species than either? Any help you can give would be just brilliant. Thanks so
<I urge patience here. In time it will be obvious what this is; in the
meanwhile, enjoy it. Bob Fenner>
majano anemones 1/22/14
need help tons of majano anemones on my 12 years old reef tank it
is 180 gal how can i get read of them
<Read? Oh, yes:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Anemone ID – 09/10/13
First of all, congratulations on an amazing site for information. I have
learned a lot from you guys.
I was wondering if you could help me id this anemone (photos attached).
<We'll see...>
It looks like a bubble tip, but since it has green neon tips, I'm not sure
whether it is a rare morph or a Condy anemone. The oral disk has the same
color as the tentacles, and the foot has a light brown color.
<Any markings on this pedicle?>
Thank you very much in advance for your time and attention.
Best regards,
<And how large...? My current guess is on the genus Anemonia:
Bob Fenner>
Re: Anemone ID – 09/10/13
Dear Bob,
Thanks for an extremely fast response.
It has no markings on the pedicle. It is about 2 inches diameter.
<Ahh! Am further decided that this is a Majano of some sort... A beauty>
I bought it yesterday from a LFS and it hasn't moved since. Two maroon
clowns were trying to host it at the LFS.
Photo attached for foot visualization.
Thank you very much again.
All the best,
<And you, BobF> |
Re: Anemone ID 9/10/13
Thank you very much.
<Ah welcome. B> |
Majano anemones 4/22/12
Bob could you tell me the best way to get rid of majano anemones ?
<Mmm, I wouldn't... but you can read others input:
and the linked files above. B>
Emailing: photo (2) 2/27/12
Dear Crew,
I recently purchased this rock and was reading your site to
figure out what is on it. I think I have found it, Majano
<Yes; appear to be Anemonia>
Polyps and Mushrooms? I see the Majano are bad for your aquarium.
Is there a way to rid the rock of them without killing the polyps
and mushrooms?
<Difficult... best to take the rock out and ever so carefully
cut away the anemones, abrade the rock where they were... with an
old tooth brush or such... rinse thoroughly... outside the
system. Wear gloves, long sleeves, eye protection>
I know three people who also purchased this rock and are
wondering the same thing. One suggested boiling water? Or
<Nah times two>
Lastly, I currently have a 75 gallon and am upgrading to a
150 gallon. (both are drilled) I have 2 Tidepool 2 sumps.
Would you recommend using them or a sump made from a 30 gallon
long tank?
<Either one... being lazy in general, I'd use the
Marineland products>
Thank you for your input.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Anemonia, control
Thank you for your quick response. I did as you said and took the
rock out of the tank and put in in a covered Rubbermaid
container. Let it sit a few days and when I opened it the majano
where coming off and laying on the bottom! If I scrub the rock
with a toothbrush it should be okay to use?
Thanks again.
<Ah yes. Welcome. BobF>