Related FAQs: Anglerfishes, Anglers 2, Angler
ID, Angler Behavior, Angler Compatibility, Angler Selection, Angler Systems, Angler Feeding, Angler Disease, Angler Reproduction,
Related Articles:
Fishes with A Lure by Bob
Batfishes, family Ogcocephalidae,
/The Conscientious Marine
The Bizarre Frogfishes, Anglerfishes, Order
Part 3 of
To: Part 1, Part

By Bob Fenner
Antennarius nummifer, Spotfin Frogfish. Short rod for
fishing... spot on rear/base of soft dorsal. Indo-Pacific. E.
Africa and Red Sea to E. Pacific. PNG pic by PhilS. |

Antennarius pictus (Shaw & Nodder
1794), the Painted Anglerfish. Indo-Pacific. Principally imported
from Indonesia and the Philippines. To 16 cm. overall length. Comes
in all colors, and mottled, matching with local decor. Typically
found amongst sponges, rock near the bottom or on the mud/muck.
Below, N. Sulawesi images of some of the many color and marking
varieties of this species (or multi-species
complex). Distinguished by bony part of "fishing
rod" being about twice the length of second dorsal spine and
"lure" being an elongated and flat tuft. |
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
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Antennarius sanguineus Gill, 1863, the
Bloody Frogfish. Eastern Pacific; Sea of Cortez to Peru, including
Cocos and Galapagos Islands. To 8.2 cm., or about three inches
long. Found tucked into rocky crevices on walls, resembling and
found around sponges of varying colors. Galapagos pix. |

Antennarius striatus, Striated Frogfish.
Tropical West Atlantic and Indo-Pacific; South Africa to Japan and
New Zealand, in mud or sand bottoms, often associated with sponges.
To seven inches. Aquarium and N. Sulawesi
photos. Distinguished from the similar appearing A.
hispidus by its worm-like esca. Many pseudonyms (28) exist for
this species, including A. scaber. Males with more
tufts/camouflage than females. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
MD.jpg) |
Histrio histrio (Linnaeus 1758), the
Sargassum Anglerfish, or if it were up to me, "The Incredible
Eater Upper"... To only 13 cm. but able to eat most any animal
near its length. Known from all tropical oceans, typically found
"floating" in kelp canopies or bits that are broken off.
Aquarium photos, first by RMF, second by Mike
Giangrasso. |
A deep water angler brought up in a scientific
trawl. The SIO fish collection got an early Christmas present this
week when a gentleman called from Carlsbad to say that he had found
a most peculiar fish washed up on the beach in Del Mar. When we
went up to pick it up we found that it was a very large deep-sea
anglerfish. Back at the lab we identified it as Himantolophus
danae, a species described in 1928, heretofore known only from
a single 38mm specimen from the South China Sea. Deep sea anglers
are characterized by an angling apparatus on the snout, with a
luminous bait at the end. The bait, which contains luminous
bacteria, may be variously elaborated, as in this species. This
individual is a female; all male anglerfish are very small. In this
species the males are free-living. The photograph was taken by Phil
Hastings (the ruler is 15cm long). Richard Rosenblatt Scripps
Institution of Oceanography
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla CA |

To: Part
1, Part 2,
Bibliography/Further Reading:
Bavendam, Fred. 1998. Lure of the frogfish. National Geographic
Emmens, C. W. 1985. Anglerfishes. TFH 10/85.
Freise, U. Erich. 1973. Anglerfishes. Marine Aquarist 4(5):73.
Goldstein, Robert J. 1987. The Frogfishes. With care, these are
excellent tank fish. Pet Age 11/87.
Michael, Scott W. 1991. Commerson's Frogfish, Antennarius
commersoni (Latrelle). FAMA 11/91.
Michael, Scott W. 1994. Anglin' fish. Fish that lure in their
prey. AFM 9/94.
Michael, Scott W. 1995. Frogfishes: anglers of the reef. AFM
Michael, Scott W. 1995. The frogfishes: species in the marine trade.
AFM 12/95.
Michael, Scott W. 2004. The warty angler (Antennarius maculatus)
(Desjardins 1844. Coral Magazine 2004, v. 2
Molter, Ted. 1983. Antennarius scaber Cuvier. FAMA 1/83.
Pietsch, Theodore W. & David B. Grobecker. 1985. Frogfishes:
aggressive mimics of the reef. FAMA 4/85.
Pietsch, Theodore W. & David B. Grobecker. 1987. Frogfishes of
the World. Systematics, zoogeography, and behavioral ecology. Stanford
Press. 420pp.
Severin, Kurt. 1960. The Angler among the fishes. TFH 1/60.
To: Part
1, Part 2,