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Pic of the Day Link,
.JPG) |
Antennarius pictus (Shaw & Nodder
1794), the Painted Anglerfish. Indo-Pacific. Principally imported
from Indonesia and the Philippines. To 16 cm. overall length. Comes
in all colors, and mottled, matching with local decor. Typically
found amongst sponges, rock near the bottom or on the mud/muck.
Below, N. Sulawesi images of some of the many color and marking
varieties of this species (or multi-species
complex). Distinguished by bony part of "fishing
rod" being about twice the length of second dorsal spine and
"lure" being an elongated and flat tuft. Lembah
Strait. |

Engyprosopon grandisquama(Temminck
& Schlegel 1846), the Largescale Flounder. Indo-Pacific:
East Africa and throughout the Indian Ocean to the Indo-Australian
Archipelago. This one in Raja Ampat. |
Parupeneus bifasciatus (Lacepede 1801), the
Double-Bar Goatfish. Indo-Pacific, including Hawai'i. To
fourteen inches in length. Raja Ampat. |
Convict blenny, family
Pholidichthyidae; one species, Pholidichthys leucotaenia
(Wirtz 1991), southwest Philippines to Solomon Islands. A large
assemblage, schooling as they do, in Raja Ampat. |