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Pic of the Day Link,
Acanthurus lineatus
(Linnaeus 1758), the Striped, Pajama/Pyjama, Clown Surgeonfish.
Indo-Pacific; with exception of Red Sea (replaced by similar
Sohal). An aggressive species that causes trouble often with growth
in aquariums. To fifteen inches in length. Lives along reef edges
of high water movement, and oxygen concentration. Here in the
Maldives. |

Acanthurus lineatus
(Linnaeus 1758), the Striped, Pajama/Pyjama, Clown Surgeonfish.
Indo-Pacific; with exception of Red Sea (replaced by similar
Sohal). An aggressive species that causes trouble often with growth
in aquariums. To fifteen inches in length. Lives along reef edges
of high water movement, and oxygen concentration. Here in Nuka
Hiva, Marquesas, Fr. Polynesia. |
Acanthurus lineatus
(Linnaeus 1758), the Striped, Pajama/Pyjama, Clown Surgeonfish.
Indo-Pacific; with exception of Red Sea (replaced by similar
Sohal). An aggressive species that causes trouble often with growth
in aquariums. To fifteen inches in length. Lives along reef edges
of high water movement, and oxygen concentration. Here off of
Queensland, Australia. |
Acanthurus lineatus
(Linnaeus 1758), the Striped, Pajama/Pyjama, Clown Surgeonfish.
Indo-Pacific; with exception of Red Sea (replaced by similar
Sohal). An aggressive species that causes trouble often with growth
in aquariums. To fifteen inches in length. Lives along reef edges
of high water movement, and oxygen concentration. Here in the
Seychelles. |