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Xyrichthys pavo Valenciennes 1840, Peacock
Wrasse. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, eastern African coast all the way
over to the tropical eastern Pacific coast, Hawai'i... To
sixteen inches in length. Occasionally offered to the trade as
juveniles. Often mistaken for leaf litter in the wild. Feeds on
crustaceans, mollusks. Red Sea 08 |

Zebrasoma desjardinii
("day-har-din-ee-eye") (Bennett 1835), Desjardin's
Sailfin Tang. Seeing this fish and Z. veliferum at the same
time might cause you to do a double take; they are very similar in
color and markings. Desjardin's Tang comes to the trade mainly
from the Indian Ocean or Red Sea. Red Sea 08 |
"Koi" varieties of Yellow Tangs are
known... mostly yellow, orange, white and sometimes black marking
mottled... They are beauties... and seem (by me) to be more
"intelligent"... definitely harder to photograph than
"standard" Z. flavescens. |
Zebrasoma gemmatum (Valenciennes 1835), the
Spotted Sailfin Tang. Well-named in the vernacular and science;
that is, spotted and as rare, beautiful and expensive as a precious
stone. This Indian Ocean endemic is rarely imported to the west,
and what a shame. It is just as hardy as any of the
Zebrasoma and a real beauty. Interzoo 08 |