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Apolemichthys arcuatus
(Gray 1831), the Bandit Angelfish (3). Ofttimes mis-placed in
Apolemichthys, or Desmoholacanthus (by Randall) and rightfully (at
least in the here and now) in Holacanthus. Whatever it's
called or genus you find it in, avoid it; rarely lives in
captivity. Feeds almost exclusively on sponges in the wild. Central
Pacific, only from Hawai'i and Johnston Islands. Big
Island. |

Apolemichthys arcuatus
(Gray 1831), the Bandit Angelfish (3). Ofttimes mis-placed in
Apolemichthys, or Desmoholacanthus (by Randall) and rightfully (at
least in the here and now) in Holacanthus. Whatever it's
called or genus you find it in, avoid it; rarely lives in
captivity. Feeds almost exclusively on sponges in the wild. Central
Pacific, only from Hawai'i and Johnston Islands. Big
Island. |
Apolemichthys griffisi
(Carlson & Taylor 1981), Griffis' Angelfish (2).
Occasionally imported from Indonesia and the Solomon Islands. Found
in various parts of the Central Pacific. To ten inches overall
length. Aq. |
Apolemichthys griffisi
(Carlson & Taylor 1981), Griffis' Angelfish (2).
Occasionally imported from Indonesia and the Solomon Islands. Found
in various parts of the Central Pacific. To ten inches overall
length. Aq. |