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Pic of the Day Link,
Acanthurus pyroferus Kittliz
1834, the Chocolate Surgeonfish. Indo-Pacific; Seychelles to the
French Polynesia, down to the GBR. To ten inches in length. A
successful mimic of three (four if you count C. vrolikii in Palau
where C. flavissimus is absent and it mimics the other!) Centropyge
Angels. Here as a mimic of Herald's Dwarf Angel. Aquarium
image. |

Acanthurus sohal (Forsskal 1775),
the Red Sea Clown or Sohal Tang. My vote for best surgeonfish of
the genus Acanthurus, though some individuals get quite aggressive
with age and size. As long as they're "kingfish",
problems are few. Interzoo 08 |
Acanthurus sohal (Forsskal 1775),
the Red Sea Clown or Sohal Tang. My vote for best surgeonfish of
the genus Acanthurus, though some individuals get quite aggressive
with age and size. As long as they're "kingfish",
problems are few. Red Sea |
Acanthurus sohal (Forsskal 1775),
the Red Sea Clown or Sohal Tang. My vote for best surgeonfish of
the genus Acanthurus, though some individuals get quite aggressive
with age and size. As long as they're "kingfish",
problems are few. Red Sea pic by MikeK. |