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Pic of the Day Link,
%20uspiFJLG.jpg) |
Siganus (Lo)
uspi Gawel & Woodland 1974, the Bicolored Foxface. Fiji
endemic, from where it is regularly shipped to the trade. To nine
inches maximum length. This photo taken in... Fiji. |

Siganus virgatus,
the double-barred Spinefoot, is named for its twin oblique barring
pattern and the experience of unfortunate beachcombers who have
stepped on it. S. virgatus is a great marine "algae
eater", and more outgoing than the Foxface. The double-barred
Spinefoot, is named for its twin oblique barring pattern and the
experience of unfortunate beachcombers who have stepped on it. S.
virgatus is a great marine "algae eater", and more
outgoing than the Foxface. Occurs mainly in pairs as larger
juveniles, adults. To a foot in length in the wild. Pulau Redang,
Malaysia. |
%20vulpinusAQLG.jpg) |
The Foxface or Fox-fish,
Siganus (Lo) vulpinis is the Rabbitfish to many. Amongst its family the Foxface
has a longer tubular snout. A contrasting golden yellow body is
offset by a dark diagonal eye-band and chest patch, emarginated in
white. Your Foxface can serve as a good bio-indicator, as they
quickly lose color and "blotch out" depending on their
mood. Aquarium image. |
The Foxface or Fox-fish,
Siganus (Lo) vulpinis is the Rabbitfish to many. Amongst its family the Foxface
has a longer tubular snout. A contrasting golden yellow body is
offset by a dark diagonal eye-band and chest patch, emarginated in
white. Your Foxface can serve as a good bio-indicator, as they
quickly lose color and "blotch out" depending on their
mood. Image on Pulau Redang, Malaysia. |