FAQs on Butterflyfish
Parasitic Diseases
FAQs on Butterflyfish Disease:
Butterflyfish Disease 1,
Butterflyfish Disease 2,
Angels and Butterflyfishes &Crypt,
FAQs on Butterflyfish Disease by Category:
Related Articles:
Related FAQs:
Butterflyfish Identification,
Butterflyfish Systems,
Butterflyfish Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Butterflyfish Compatibility,
Butterflyfish Behavior,
Butterflyfish Selection,
Butterflyfish Reproduction,
VERY often Chaetodontids have trematode/fluke parasite
fauna (body and gills) on import.
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Tinkeri with ich
Hello Wetweb Media Crew! I hope this email finds you all well. I currently have
a Tinkeri Butterflyfish in QT. I've had him for almost 2 weeks now and have
gotten him to eating a lot. This morning i noticed some fine white spots on the
black, part of his body. I think its ich.
<Mmm; maybe, may be not. I would NOT be treating w/o confirming this via
sampling and microscope use>
What medicine can I use on him as I understand they do not tolerate copper based
medicines so well? I currently have him on Paraguard. But a lot of forums say it
really isn't very effective against ich?
<Mmm; aldehydes can be effective... like other medications, S.O.P.s, NEED to be
administered under propitious/ideal conditions>
Would love to hear your thoughts as I would hate to lose this fish.
<Oh, I do understand. Have spent hundreds of hours looking for Tinker's in
Many thanks!
<I would first try a pH adjusted (and aerated) freshwater bath; moving this fish
in the process; either to the main/display or a new/clean isolation system.
Please read here Re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dips_baths.htm
Bob Fenner>
A Rabble of Butterflyfishes - Please Expand. And getting out
to see BFs in the wild
Greetings Bob,
<Hey Sarah>
I thoroughly enjoyed your recent piece in CORAL about butterflies and
your experience in the Philippines - what an enthralling time that must
have been.
<And still are!>
We've corresponded before regarding Chaetodons I've attempted to keep,
some of which have been thriving to date. The reason I write now is in
reference to your paragraph about hobbyist quarantine and suggesting to
place butterflies immediately into the display.
<I see>
It states, "This standard operating procedure assumes that there are no
established bullying livestock...and your butterflyfish is in good
initial health. The preventative dip/bath mentioned should take care of
external parasites..."
<I'd like to insert the word/s "hopefully (and) most" in front of
"external parasites">
I find this conflicting because it is difficult to find specimen in good
initial health.
<Mmm; okay... how 'bout another sub... "better" for "good"?>
I don't overdo quarantine, I prefer an established setup with some live
rock, will utilize TTM, freshwater dips and deworming, usually
Levamisole. But I have found that dips, even those with Formalin
do not eradicate all present ectoparasites,
<This is so... esp. more deeply "embedded" Protozoans; some worms...>
leaving enough to potentially take hold in the aforementioned display.
So unless each fish had a skin scrape, I wouldn't be comfortable with
the dip and place procedure. For ex, I recently I purchased a trio of
pyramid butterflies from DD that had a very aggressive strain of
Amyloodinium and dipped them daily as part of treatment and it only
resolved 80-90% of parasites attached to the fish. If I would have
initially dipped and placed these fish in the display, none of which had
torn fins, reclusive behavior, heavy breathing, spots, dusty appearance
upon arrival, I would have jeopardized C. tinkeri and a slew of others.
So, theoretically, if all fish are in good initial health this method
works and there's no need to further stress a fish
in qt possibly tipping the balance between health and disease, but some
high mortality diseases aren't blatantly apparent immediately, even to
the trained eye. Please explain your reasoning.
<You're compelling me to be more clear, erudite. Appreciated. My
statements are intended for a "general audience" and some sort of
"average" livestock, situation... On the whole I will stick
with your careful review of what I've written, presented on balance for
the public... AS (I hope to be clearer here) for MOST folks, trials, BFs
will be MORE impugned by delaying their introduction than their health
guaranteed or restored (by quarantine, treatment there for parasites).
Given the opportunity (as we are doing here, or better still in propria
persona), I WOULD/DO consider your approach more beneficial,
KNOWING/TRUSTING that YOU know "what you're doing". Understanzee?>
Additionally, where are your favorite places in the world to
dive, snorkel even and observe butterflyfish?
<Gosh... there are a few. Hawaii in general (here's that word
again) for being convenient, close, known... esp. to see the endemic C.
fremblii; all places in the "coral triangle" (Malaysia, P.I., Indo....
N. E Australia) for sheer diversity (and local abundance at times); and
a great fave, the Red Sea... for endemism and coloration. Am going to
try and find you on
Facebook, add you to our "Scuba Diving Friends" page... to share
Do look me up as well if interested, and send a friend request. I am
Robert Fenner there>
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Quarantine question
I have a Threadfin Butterflyfish that looks like it is hemorrhaging and some
of the scales seem to be separating.
<Mmm, I see this>
Attached is a picture. It is especially evident near the dorsal fin and down
the side of the fish. Any idea what this might be?
<Yes; this fish is classically "breaking down"... can't tell exactly from
what from the pic (need more information re the recent past... system,
handling... AND sampling and microscopic exam to be sure re ext. parasitic
involvement. HAVE seen Uronema, Cryptocaryon... Mycobacteria almost
always.... w/ such fishes. I would tell you that w/o immediate action (I'd
lower spg drastically; like to 1.010) this fish will soon perish. I WOULD
remove it, or all other fishes from the same system. There are blitzkrieg
type treatments... that attempt to treat all likely pathogens... A poor
avenue to take.... Do you have time to study, NOW? Bob Fenner>
Auriga with ick
I have a 180 FOWLR with inverts that has been set up for three years. I
only have seven fish: a 7 inch Hawaiian Naso, a 4 inch Melanarus Wrasse,
a 4 inch Solar Fairy Wrasse, a 4 inch Magnificent Foxface, a 4 inch
Auriga Butterfly and two 3 inch Zebra Barred Dartfish.
I have had the Auriga since the beginning. Tonight I noticed it is
plastered with ick.
<Yikes. Wonder what triggered this infestation (from latent, in-tank
There have been no changes to the tank for months. None of the other
fish are showing signs yet. I have a 30 gallon that I can quickly set up
as a quarantine with water from the main tank Can an Auriga be treated
with copper?.
<Yes... are "mid" hardy to Cu++ exposure; but this, along w/ reduced spg
is the route I would go here for now. IF the entire pop. of fishes show
similar effects, I would switch to CP... Chloroquine; as gone over on
If not what would be best? The fish is still eating but I do not know
for how long. thanks for your help.
<Need to move NOW... run through a pH adjusted freshwater bath enroute.
Bob Fenner>
Fluke surviving Muelleri Butterflyfish in QT with bacterial
infections (?) 10/13/13
<Good eve Sarah>
A friend of mine recommended you with the highest regard. I've
attached a cell phone picture (I don't have a regular camera, sorry) of
the affected area on my Butterflyfish. I've had him 15 months, he
eats live blackworms and a homemade frozen seafood blend.
Parameters are good in the quarantine.
The photo: Below the glare line in the middle brown stripe the lesion
like area is visible. There is some redness, the scales are raised,
inflammation is visible from the profile view and there are a couple
white apparatus' attached next to the inflammation. The white apparatus
will begin small and hard like, very bright white and after a couple
days grows larger and more flesh like, hangs off the fish (can visibly
see it moving as he swims) and then falls off. Above the glare line is
an example of one that can be seen moving in the current as the fish
swims. A 5 min fw dip didn't seem to affect the area.
<... have you looked at this material under a 'scope?>
I dosed Kanamycin into the water 2 days ago, also have been feeding in
frozen food. It seems too early to know if it's working.
Currently, the fish is eating, but hiding in his pvc most of the
Additionally, he had a lower jaw (inside the mouth) infection that is
now reoccurring.
Thank you for your time.
<I suspect the white material is simply "mucus" (body slime)... an
exudate... from...? Not curable w/ antibiotics, nor
Do you suspect there is a parasite here? I would move this fish back to
the main/display system. Bob Fenner>
Re: Fluke surviving Mueller Butterflyfish in QT
with bacterial infections (?) 10/14/13
Thank you, Bob. I've been actively looking for someone to look under a
'scope, although, I'm concerned about increasing the fish's stress level as
he's been in hiding except for feeding time for several days.
<You are wise here... life is indeed "a series of compromises", and you are
right to consider the trade-off in handling this (or any) specimen>
This fish has undergone 17 days Praziquantel treatment (unsuccessful)
followed by 23 days Formalin, which I believe, effectively eliminated the
<... am very surprised it didn't eliminate the fish>
I feel the lesions/mouth infection are some sort of secondary ailment - i
have read flukes are like portals for other diseases.
<Can be>
I do not know if there's some sort of parasite at this time.
<Highly unlikely... grossly appears to be "sores"...>
The fish's name is Ziggy.
<"Ziggy played guitarrrrrrrr" Bowie>
I appreciate your time.
<And I everyone's. BobF>
Re: Fluke surviving Muelleri Butterflyfish in
QT with bacterial infections (?) 10/15/13
Good Day Bob,
Took Ziggy in this morning for a biopsy. The man said there is no mucus
by the sores (which is bad), so he pulled a scale via tweezers
and looked under the 'scope.
He told me there are no parasites (I assumed) and that
the infection seems to be coming from the inside out.
All he could say is that it's bacterial and suggested running a
full 5 day course of antibiotics, which I have been (Kanamycin - in food
too) with today being the 5th day. Lastly, he said to begin treating
tomorrow with a Nitrofuracin product because they are absorbed well.
<Yes; better... though best would be to do a rudimentary sensitivity
test/run... >
I have a seeded identical QT and could treat with NFP Nitrofuracin green
powder immediately or I could wait out the day with the Kanamycin
treatment like the man suggested?
<I'd just stop the one and start t'other if you're adamant re
such antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment (I am not... most such
treatments are more destructive than useful... microbial issues
starting w/ other causes... mostly environmental, social, nutritional...
and cured by fixing the same. Moving, isolating specimens... is much
more likely to kill them>
I'm reluctant to wait and "see what happens," yet, very cautious.
He also said the fish looks very healthy aside from the bacterial
<Yes; all the more reason why I'd move it... not treat>
For the past few days, the fish has been hiding in a pvc and reluctantly,
(which is a new development) ate a few live blackworms today.
<Cheers, B>
PS - I am very thankful to have found your site, will donate.
SW med. reading,
BFs, Velvet, Copper 01/30/10
Hi everyone
Hi again guys lol. Ok, so I am in the middle of a two month fallow
period in my 90gal tank due to a velvet outbreak. I currently have my
3..5" Heniochus in a ten gallon
QT tank with a penguin 150 HOB power filter a heater and some sand in a
pouch from my main tank to avoid a level spike (or at least help with
it). I have medium amount of circulation and an airstone for oxygen. I
just made the first dose of Cupramine.
<... I would not expose these, or most other Chaetodontids to
copper... Look into/use a Quinine compound instead. Read here:
Now, the label says to dose this for two weeks
<Not w/o testing for free copper daily>
and your good to go (if no signs of spots or symptoms), but do you
think this is long enough?
<I suggest you read re Cu use on WWM>
I know for a face there is velvet in the water because it's the
same water that was from my display tank. If not two weeks, what amount
of time do you feel is safe enough to say the fish is free of velvet
and can be placed back into the display? And, how do you feel about the
"Prime" product by Seachem just in case I run into problems
with ammonia and water changes aren't completely
cutting it?
<Start here: http://wetwebmedia.com/mardisindex.htm
scroll down... Bob Fenner>
Re: Crypto or
something else? & BF dis. 11/29/09
Thanks for the quick reply, Bob. The saddleback butterfly, who has been
"cleaning" the rock beauty, has a blood-red, swollen mouth
now (doom I know for B/F fish!). Wonder if it could be from
"cleaning" the rock beauty?
<Mmm, doubtful. Much more likely resultant from dashing around the
small system in the dark, banging into things>
Parasite or bacteria that has been transferred, perhaps?
<Mmmm, duet... not really... Most all are omnipresent to
Anyhow, I'll keep an eye on things and treat with Crypto Pro
(quinine sulphate) if I feel like the mystery spots are looking like
Ich on the rock beauty. Not sure what to do for the poor
<Not much can be done unfortunately... Keep some light on outside
the system at night. BobF>
Re: Crypto or
something else?& BF dis., beh. 11/29/09
Think I have figured out how the saddleback is damaging it's mouth.
It seem to "peck" madly at the front glass as it swims up and
down on it's side.
Very strange!
<Mmm, actually... not "strange" in the meaning of
Butterflyfishes and many other families display both territorial
behavior in detecting their reflections, and "do this" sort
of thing in small volumes>
Anyhow, put a fresh oyster in the tank tonight and it went to town on
<Ah! Very good>
Continued after feeding to keep going up and down the glass though,
which is troubling.
<Do please tape a piece of paper (newspaper will do) on one end and
a long side of this tank... Should have a discernible effect
Thanks again for the insight and quick reply. I won't trouble you
any more on this particular subject. Take care.
<Never a trouble Michael. BobF>
Disease Diagnosis 11/14/09
Hello WWM Crew,
I am embarrassed to have to write you under these circumstances
but I am looking for help diagnosing the problem I have going on
<No need/cause for embarrassment>
First, the background information. I have a 160 gallon tank with
120lbs live rock, a purple tipped anemone, two tank raised clowns
and a purple tang. I have had all of this in the tank for about 3
years with zero problems. I felt it was time to add to the tank
so I set up a QT tank (not sure if you can call it this, as I put
live rock in, fed it with water and some substrate from the main
display and let it cycle for over a month now. so really it's
just a small 'other tank'). I then went to the LFS and
a Saddleback BF and a Raffles BF. After staring at them for
almost too long in the tanks at the LFS and talking with an
employee (here is where the problem starts), he convinced me that
they have had these fish for a few weeks, the water isn't
shared with the other thanks, they are eating just fine
<Did you see this?>
and are essentially quarantined right there in the store. So I
took them home, fresh water dipped them and plopped them in my
160 gallon tank, totally ignoring the fact that I had a perfectly
good QT tank beside it (yes I know. lesson learned.).
Here we are a week later, with the Raffles doing wonderfully -
eating happily, swimming around with personality, picking at
rocks. even happy to see me when I come around with some food.
The Saddleback, however, is doing some things that I am not sure
about. Last night, for the first time, I saw him rub on one of
the rocks -
<Some rubbing behavior is fine>
he would line up his fin / gill area, press against it and then
do a swoop off of the rock. I only saw him do this twice at that
moment, and after watching them for hours, he hasn't done it
Another thing he did last night was move his mouth open and
closed quite a bit, and do some very heavy fast breathing while
staying still in the water.
He also once in a while does a body shake / shiver.
<Also natural>
He isn't nearly as active as the Raffles, and doesn't
pick at any rocks.
<This is bad... this specimen is very thin... has a low index
of fitness as we say in fisheries>
He also won't eat (I have been feeding Mysis). There are no
signs of white specs on him, and he looks totally fine, other
than maybe his gills look a little red (see attached photos).
I'm thinking I am going to move him to the QT tank, treat the
tank with copper
<I would not do, use this>
(obviously move the LR out before doing this) and if you think it
would be a good idea, do 3 - 5 formalin dips on him.
<Perhaps one enroute to quarantine>
However, I am looking for some sort of confirmation that this is
<Is not. If so, all your fishes would have contracted it, and
likely be dead by now>
as I am now thinking that even though all the other fish are
fine, they are going to eventually come down with it too.
<And your system would be infested>
Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention is that when I decided his
gills were slightly red, I couldn't believe it as I can't
remember the last time I have had water problems in the big tank,
but I figured my ammonia or nitrite levels were high. so I did
that check and everything is perfect (0 and 0). Nitrate is even
fine at just above zero.
So this once again confused me (if the water was bad the other
fish would be complaining too I would assume).
So first things first, based on the pictures and the actions
described above, what do you think I am looking at here?
<For one, a "bad" specimen... IF it is not too
inconvenient, I would simply return it to the store
Is it a parasite I can be rid of by copper and formalin
<This regimen will almost certainly kill this fish in its
present condition. Even when Chaetodon ephippium, actually all
Chaetodontids are in excellent shape, they fare poorly if exposed
to copper, formalin>
If so, I assume this means the other fish are infected as well
and I should treat everyone and leave the main tank fallow for a
month or two?
<Again, I don't read or see in your pix evidence of
parasitic infestation>
Or should I just treat the Saddleback and see how the others fair
in the meantime? Or, maybe I should see how it plays out, which
means I should concentrate on getting the Saddleback to eat?
<If you can't return the B'fly, I'd try interesting it
in other foods, soaked in a vitamin & HUFA prep. (liquid
stimulant) like Selcon... Try adding some new/er live rock, try
frozen/defrosted bloodworms, a small opened shellfish (from the
human food store or Gamma brand), try even some live brine
shrimp. This "upon the horse": ephippium (which for
humans is a saddle) is likely just stressed from capture,
handling, transport...
starved from lack of nutrition through the process. In future, I
would demand that such potential purchases be fed in my presence.
Please read here:
Bob Fenner>
Thank you in advance,
P.S. I apologize for my dirty tank - I haven't cleaned it
since the arrival of the BFs as the Mag-float stresses them out
and I am trying to avoid any unnecessary stress!
A question for
Bob, please (since he wrote the article), B'fly fish sel.,
disease 8/20/09
Hi there Bob. I have learned much from your book, the photos are
fantastic, as well.
I have a question on the disease resistance nature of two species you
place high on the list of suitable aquarium inhabitants. In one write
up on Golden Butterflies, and in a few questions from readers, you
state they usually come in pretty clean, and would really only
recommend a dip before placing directly in the display, skipping the QT
for these.
However, I followed a link you posted to a reader that gave an updated
version for the care of these butterflies, and in that article
you'd stated they are quite susceptible to Ich and velvet.
Perhaps I interpreted your statement incorrectly?
<Sorry for the confusion... this Chaetodontid is "more
susceptible" than many fishes/groups used in our interest, but
amongst the Butterflyfishes as a family is very sturdy, typically
parasitic et al. disease resistant. Does this make (more) sense? Tough
as BF's, but BFs themselves are quite susceptible...>
do not point this out to show a contradiction, for I don't believe
there is one...only to receive clarification on the disease prone
nature of the Golden Butterfly.
Are they as susceptible to Ich and velvet on the level of a Hippo Tang?
Or more hardy (disease-wise)
<Much less susceptible than Paracanthurus... which in turn are
relatively tough for Acanthurids!>
like a damsel or a Mac Angel?
<Two notches down from a Mac let's say>
Your approval of them had me put a pair on hold at my LFS.
My second choice for my 320 FOWLER display (that currently only houses
an 8" Naso Tang) would be a pair of schooling Bannerfish if the
Golden Butterfly is not the best choice. I would like to get a pair of
either one. It all comes down to which of the two are more susceptible
to getting those marine diseases of Ich/velvet.
<Heniochus of all species are about "on par" with
Chaetodon larvatus...>
I am aware that even the hardiest of fishes can succumb to such
parasites, but I'd love to hear from you which of the two species
you'd recommend on just that one factor alone.
Your decades of fish keeping and wholesale importing have certainly
yielded some fascinating files of information.
Thank you kindly,
<Happy to share, Bob Fenner>
We don't
want to lose our new addition! please help! (Butterfly Qs)
11/05/08 Hello, <Hi.> I am writing to you in
desperation. My husband and I have purchased a long nosed butterfly
over the weekend. He looked happy and healthy at the store though we
did notice a few spots when we got home. <It should have been
quarantined or even brought back.> The number of spots has increased
and we are unsure how to treat him. The spots are small and white
(possibly looks like Ich, I have attempted to take pictures but have
yet to get one that is not blurry) and are all over his body.
<Please see here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm and
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichart2mar.htm and get familiar with the
disease, symptoms and treatments described. See here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/forcipdisfaqs.htm for Longnose butterfly
disease cases.> He has taken to hanging out behind some live rock in
the bottom right corner of the tank but this evening I noticed he was
hanging out near the surface in the top right corner. He started
floating with his tail towards the surface and head down late this
evening (similar to what our clownfish do), and seemed to be moving
slower and floating instead of swimming is this normal? <Floating
tail up at the surface? Not normal, I would be concerned, too.> Once
the lights when out he went back to the bottom corner (to sleep?).
<Probably.> We have a 35 gal tank <Too small for the new
addition. Please see here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/forcipig.htm .
There is some good disease information found as well.> with 2 clown
fish, 2 damsels, 1 chocolate chip starfish and our recently added long
nosed butterfly, along with fair amount of live rock. We are looking to
expand but due to financial constraints have post boned the expansion
(We started with a 10gal saltwater take 14 months ago <If you still
have this one running, it would be a small-but-better-than-nothing
quarantine or treatment tank.> and upgraded to 35 early last spring,
but are looking to upgrade again). Our readings are consistently normal
<What's that?> and other then a slight algae over growth
lately we have had no problems in the 14 months we have had our reef
tank. We have fallen in love with our butterfly (still working on a
name for the colorful little guy) and would hate to lose him. How can
we help him? <Read where you have been referred to above and act
accordingly. Good luck. I hope the butterfly (and your other fish) get
well again.> Desperate in Tennessee <Marco in
BF spot, Dottyback color
loss, Centropyge feeding in QT 7/12/06 Thanks for your
prompt reply, <Please include prev. corr...> I have done as you
said and given my Copperband with a freshwater dip mixed with M/Green.
He has a parasite attached to his front left fin, I hope it will come
off after a few more dips. But he is looking much better after the
first dip, the itch has receded significantly. And he's eating well
as usual. <Mmm, a parasite? Might just be a "spot" from
bumping into something... I'd try a purposeful cleaner organism...
perhaps a Lysmata sp. shrimp... Gobiosoma goby...> Now onto my
Dottyback. He has lost a lot of colour, when I got him he was a bright
magenta and yellow, now he's faded to a dull purple and yellow. I
have been told this is due to him not being the dominant fish in the
aquarium, as the Anthias don't seem to like him too much and chase
him sometimes. <Possibly a/the factor here> I feed him Mysid
shrimp, brine, algae flakes, angel fish mix, ocean plankton, pretty
much whatever I can get my hands on, and he is still showing no signs
of his original colour. Any suggestions? <Spectrum pelleted
food/s> My final question is about my eibli angel, which is refusing
to eat Mysid shrimp, marine algae, brine shrimp and flakes. He is in my
QT tank atm, and I'm worried that he hasn't eaten for 2 days. I
am not treating the tank with any medication so I am thinking of buying
a small piece of live rock for him to nibble on. Would you suggest Nori
too? <Do add a good deal of ready-cured live rock with obvious algal
growth> I'll just like to add that you guys provide a valuable
service and your advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Albany
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Heniochus acuminatus with Ich
6/23/06 Hi WWM crew!! <Hi> I have an Heniochus acuminatus
that show symptoms of ick. <Uh oh> It has white spots, that look
like salt. It doesn't have that much but it still concerns me.
<It should> It is still eating well. It doesn't breathe
rapidly. All the other fish are healthy. <All other fish are
infected with Ich, just not symptomatic.> I don't want to treat
the main tank, because I have some invertebrate. <Almost always a
bad idea.> I am not able to set up a hospital tank, I don't have
the space for it, since I live in an apartment. <Really need one,
doesn't need to be always set up, can be taken down when not in
use. Without a QT/hospital tank expect to continue to have
problems with communicable diseases.> Yesterday, I have give it a
freshwater bath( specific gravity: 1.008) with blue Methylene for 10
minutes. <Provides temporary relief, not a cure.> But, today, it
still shows symptoms of ICK. <Most likely will continue until the
Ich life cycle is broken.> What should I do to treat my fish? <If
you are unable/unwilling to get a hospital/QT tank and remove and treat
all fish and allow the tank to run follow there is not much you can
do. Provide good quality water and food and hope the
fish's immune system and fight off the Ich.> I have bought a
Formaldehyde - green malachite solution to use it in a bath, but I am
not sure if it is a good idea and how much should I use and for how
long. <Toxic stuff, I'm not a big fan of it. Baths
will help temporarily, but when the fish is returned to the tank they
will be reinfected.> Could I use copper in a bath that would last
for a long time? <Not effective.> If yes, how much should I use
and for how long? Any other treatment I could try? <Not that
wouldn't nuke the tank. Medications are not specific
enough to kill the Ich and not destroy the live rock and
biofiltration.> Thank you very very much!!! I hope
my fish will be fine, I really like it!! <Hope so.> Steve T.
acuminatus with Ich Part II 6/30/06 Hi Chris, <Hi> As per
your advice, I am actually looking to setup a hospital tank for my
fish, to help to get ride of the ick problem... I have 2 clown fish, 2
green Chromis, 1 neon goby, 1 six line wrasse and the Heniochus. What
size of hospital should I go with? <Good to hear, at least a 20 for
all those fish. If easier you could go with a couple of
smaller tanks and split up the livestock.> Today the Heniochus have
stopped to eat... :( <Uh-oh> What is my best bet with it? Should
I give it a freshwater bath until I set-up the hospital tank? Any other
ideas? <A bath may help, make sure its ph adjusted and the right
temperature. Try adding either Selcon or garlic to the
food. Both seem to stimulate the feeding
response. If it goes too long try some live brine
shrimp.> Thank you very much... Steve <Good luck and remember to
QT any new additions to avoid these problems in the future.>
acuminatus with Ich Part III 7/1/06 Hi again Chris, <Hi>
Sorry to bother you again, <No bother.> I promise I will
quarantine any new addition to my tank in the future. <Good> But,
I just have a idea of what I could try to cure my fish from ick and get
it out of my main tank. I know that the WWM crew are not big fan of
hyposalinity, but could I just buy a tank (the one I would use in the
future to quarantine any new addition) and use it to put all my hermit
crab. They are the only invert I have in my system. I would put many
pieces of live rock with them. So I would not kill all the zooplankton
in LR and the crabs would be more safe... Could I lower the SPG in the
main tank to kill the ick in it? I would keep the hermit crab apart for
6 weeks. Would it be effective? If yes, at what SPG would it cure the
fish without being stressful to the fish? I have read from ATJ (the
only name I have found of that guy) that the SPG should be at 1.009 to
kill the ick. You can see this article here : '' http://www.petsforum.com/personal/trevor-jones/hyposalinity.html''
What do you think of that? <Well, it will get rid of the Ich if kept
at that salinity long enough. However, it will also kill off
most of your live rock, and in the process cause a huge ammonia
spike. If you remove all the LR there will probably not be
sufficient biofiltration and cause the same problem.> Thank you very
very much for your help. If I found that the better treatment is the
copper in a hospital tank, I will do it... Honestly, I don't feel
confident about my capacity to keep them all alive in a basic none
established system, though. <With lots of water changes should be
fine. Could also use Bio-Spira to jump start the
biofiltration.> Steve <Chris>
Heniochus acuminatus with
Ich Part IV 7/3/06 Hi again, <Hi> I just wanted to say that I
should have listen to you one week ago. I mean I should have treated it
as fast as I could. Even if the Heniochus had finally eaten yesterday,
I have found it today in my overflow box dead. <Sorry to
hear.> I just feel like crap. The worst thing, it was my
girlfriend fish... It was her birthday present. <Yeah, I learned
that lesson the hard way too, no fish for gifts.> I
don't think she will like the tank anymore... I feel right now like
I would give up too... It is sad that I had to make that fish die just
to learn a so simple lesson!! <Been there, done
that. Almost quit after losing my possum wrasse, loved that
fish.> So, I know that I will sing the same old
song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO EVERYONE, don't be
damn stupid like me, DO QUARANTINE YOUR FISH!!!!!!!! <A convert, and
ready to give others the advice, some good out of a bad situation.>
So now that the only really sick fish is dead (the wrasse only had 2-3
spots and it is now gone), should I just wait 1 week or 2 before I
start to treat them in a hospital tank? <Start immediately.> I
mean that way I could let some sponge in my tank to have some
biofiltration ready for the quarantine process. <See if you ca find
some Bio-Spira to kick-start the biofiltration. But do not
buy it if it hasn't been kept refrigerated, some stores don't
and without it the bacteria will die.> Should I start using the
biofiltration right at the beginning or after the copper treatment so,
the copper would not kill the biofiltration? <From the
beginning.> Can I use filter pad that absorb ammonia with
a copper treatment? <No, all will also remove the copper as far as I
know, just have lots of new salt water ready for water
changes.> If not, would it be better to use hyposalinity,
so I could use absorbent resin to help to maintain good quality of
water ? <Most of the bacteria cannot survive the salinity change
anyway, so copper is probably the better way to go.> Again Thank YOU
VERY VERY MUCH for your patience Chris!!! <Anytime>
Gill Irritation: water
quality or Disease? 3/2/05 I've tried posting this at
WetWebFotos board but no one has answered. Here's the thing:
I've had a double saddle butterfly for 2 months and he recently
began exhibiting a strange new behavior. After evening feeding
time, he occasionally (not all the time) starts swimming oddly on his
side and kind of charging abruptly on and off at the live rock and
glass. <this is called "glancing" or
"scratching" and is a sign of gill irritation caused by
parasites, disease or water quality> Like he's confused or
addled. He also develops an instant fright/night coloring, and breathes
rapidly. It only happens after feeding (an hour before lights go out).
<sounds more like parasites that handicap its higher respiratory
(excitement from food, etc) periods> I've been trying to
pinpoint the cause but can't determine it. It seems to happen when
I feed foods he's not fond of (for variety purposes) and hence
maybe he's angry he hasn't gotten enough to eat(?). That sounds
nuts I know. He's a pretty aggressive eater when it comes to foods
he likes. <parasites are mostly likely... and being expressed not
surprisingly after some weeks after import (very stressful). Hence the
critical need to understand and apply proper quarantine to all new
fishes (4 weeks minimum) to prevent these things from contaminating
your tank as well as having a better shot at curing them (in bare
bottomed QT)> Just recently he's been breathing rapidly and
presenting himself numerous times to the neon goby for cleanings.
Should I freshwater dip him or wait until other classic Ich signs
emerge? <do dip promptly... and do so once daily for 8 consecutive
days for the best chance at breaking the larval cycle> I have just
added a coral beauty and yellow watchman goby after a 4 week qt (the cb
had Ich in qt and I treated with hyposalinity) <if this BF was in QT
for a 4 full weeks... I wonder if it wasn't the addition of some
snails, algae or live food (without QT) to the tank that infected this
fish?> tank 100 gallons 8.2 pH ammonia, trite and trate 0 salinity
1.024 Thanks kindly, Angela <best of luck! Anthony>
Re: weird butterfly
behavior Thanks for the quick reply Anthony. <Antoine's out
till the 7th> The butterfly was in QT for 5 weeks before introducing
him into the main tank. He, like all of my fish, got Ich
immediately in the QT and I treated him with hyposalinity (1.009) for
2.5 weeks in a bare-bottomed tank then raised salinity slowly over the
next 2 weeks. <Sounds like the Crypt was in your system...>
He was fine up until the weird addled behavior started a month after
introduction to main tank (he doesn't scratch on the rocks but
looks like he's lost a bit of control over his swimming ability and
the change in color is spooky) I will dip him now as I fear he may have
gotten Ich from the recent tank additions (even though they were
QT'd for 4 weeks). I don't see any spots or scratching yet,
just rapid breathing and the constant begging for a cleaning.
<Bob Fenner>
Butterfly with gill
flukes? My double saddle butterfly has been breathing rapidly for a
week now. It's not Ich or velvet as I'm familiar with these
diseases, and all of my fish have been QT'd for a month before
introduction to the main tank. The bf isn't scratching, there are
no spots on him, just the heavy breathing. I'm pretty sure he has
gill flukes... <Stop! Where would these Trematodes have "come
from?"> ...so I've been administering 50 min formalin baths
(2 teaspoons Kordon's formalin/gallon) everyday for the past 3
days. Is this a sufficient treatment? <Possibly... there are more
efficacious "de-worming" medicines... as you will see:
I've read that it's better to treat with formalin as a bath
rather than constant exposure in a qt tank. <Yes... please read:
So far, the butterfly is still eating well, not hiding, but still has
the rapid breathing. I've also noticed that he has thread-like
poops. Could he have internal parasites as well? <Yes... but very
much more likely this is just symptomatic of the toxic formalin
exposure> All other fish are fine, although I noticed a long stringy
poop coming from the coral beauty (I've never seen her poop like
this). Are internal parasites contagious? I've attached a photo of
the coral beauty poop. Ammonia, ni trite, nitrate, 0 Salinity 1.024 pH
8.2 79º Thanks, Angela <Angela, I would suspend the formalin
treatments, look into Praziquantel... what you are doing is too toxic
to continue, not likely helpful... the fish do not have monogenetic Trematodes... unless you've observed these under a microscope I
strongly suspect there is not a pathogen involved here. Bob
Re: butterfly with gill
flukes? Ok thanks for the reply Bob. I actually went and bought
Prazi-pro yesterday and administered an hour long bath as directed. I
plan to do another bath 3 days from now. Are the baths ok or should I
just treat long term in a qt tank? <I would take the latter
route> So far no breathing improvement. <... sometimes these
fishes do "just" breathe hard... perhaps environmental
influence/s... maybe social... I would not panic re> He's still
eating well. As far as the stringy poops, the BF has always had them (I
never saw him poop in QT, and was suspicious of that. It's because
the thread-like poops are very hard to see) I figured he had gill
flukes because of the internal parasite signs... <I do wish
everyone had ready access to a decent microscope (I have a neat, but
cheapy QX3 Mattel/Intel unit... that's fabulous) to LOOK before
using toxic chemical treatments... as I assure you that orders of
magnitude more livestock is "bumped off" by well-meaning
aquarists than dies from actual pathogenic infection/infestation>
...but also I'm at a loss as to what other pathogen would cause the
rapid breathing (he has no spots or other signs) -a <As stated...
there is almost certainly not a pathogen present. BobF>
Re: butterfly with gill
flukes? Again, thanks for the quick reply Bob. I'll let him be
for the rest of the week and then QT him on the weekend. I do wish I
could help him! He's also constantly begging the neon goby for a
gill cleaning (which he never did before), that's another reason I
suspected the flukes. -a <Mmm, well "general
irritation"... a zillion possible causes... will elicit the same
behavior. Bob Fenner>
- Pearlscale
Flashing - I have a 90 gal with a dwarf lion and a Pearlscale
butterfly. The Pearlscale has been scratching on the rocks for a few
days now. <Uggh.> I have only had him for about a
week. <Does this mean you did not quarantine or at least give
it a freshwater dip on the way into your tank?> He does not
scratch all the time. <May be ok, but if it happens several times in
a five minute period, then you likely have a parasitic problem looming
on the horizon.> My pH is a little low and my alk is low
also. <Wouldn't worry as much about the alkalinity as I
would the pH, although they are related. Do work on your water
quality... poor water quality is a big source of stress and will lead
to other problems, susceptibility to disease.> I don't see
any spots on him what so ever. <No so easy to see spots inside
the gills... keep a very close eye on things.> He is not
eating anything I put in there only the algae on the rocks.
<You may want to try this... find a lumpy piece of live rock or a
dead brain coral. Thaw out a Formula One or Two type of food and then
press into the spaces in the rock and re-freeze. Once the food has set
back up, put the rock in the tank so the fish can employ its natural
feeding habits on some real food. This will acclimate it to your
various foods and will also [more importantly] get it eating.> So my
question is, is this Ich? <Could be... scratching can often
occur before you see spots so I'd keep a close eye on things and
get that quarantine tank ready to go.> TIA <Cheers, J --
- Pearlscale
Flashing, Follow-up - Thanks for the fast response. <My
pleasure.> No I did not do a freshwater dip. I am getting
ready to get a QT tank. The main tank is only 1 month old so I thought
there was no need for a QT tank yet, but I should have done the fresh
water dip. <There is ALWAYS a need for quarantine.>
Anyway thanks for all the great info and I will try the rock thing you
talked about feeding him. <Cheers, J -- >
- Running on
One Gill - So sorry to bother you again but I'm concerned about
my Raccoon Butterfly. As I wrote before, he, along with 2 perculas are
in a QT with CopperSafe as treatment for Ich. This is day 5. I
haven't seen spots on any of these guys for 4 days now. However,
the b/f is only using one gill to breathe today. The clowns are fine.
And the information I read about this problem on your site was in
regards to smaller fish doing this because of Ich. He is 4" and
has been in the with the CopperSafe. Could this still be Ich?
<Or worse, Oodinium... both infest the gills but Oodinium tends to
spread very quickly and is fatal if not addressed.> If not,
what else could be going on? <Well... butterflies are
sensitive to copper, and I would have treated with formalin. Likewise,
if this is Oodinium, it is not particularly responsive to copper and
would have to be treated with formalin.> He definitely is
doing double time with the other gill. <Is not a good sign...
the best I can say is that if the fish is still with you by the time
you get this mail, I'd run some activated carbon on the quarantine
to remove the copper. Then I'd set up a pH-adjusted, freshwater dip
for this fish and a follow-up bath in tank water with a formalin
solution. Once the fish is returned to quarantine, I'd begin
re-treatment with formalin and work on keeping the water quality as
good as possible. Follow the instructions on the formalin bottle to the
letter - formalin is bad news when overdosed. Because both copper and
formalin are toxic, they will make it impossible to keep a running
biological filter so you'll need to have several days worth of
water changes ready to perform perhaps 25% every other day, perhaps
more. You have a set of compounding problems here that will keep you on
your toes... keep the water quality as high as possible... diligence
will prevail.> Thanks once again, Christy
<Good luck. Cheers, J -- >
- White Spots on Raccoon Butterfly - I have a small raccoon
butterfly in my main tank - FOWLR. I had it in quarantine
for 2 weeks and now in my main tank for 2 weeks. I see some
tiny white dots on the tail. It's eating normally and
acting fine. Should I put it back into quarantine tank with
medicine or is it nothing and will it go away? <I'd leave it be
for now - a few spots on a fin shouldn't be an extreme concern and
better at this point for the fish to resume a "normal" life
rather than quarantine. Do keep an eye on those spots and make sure
they don't multiply - if they do then you know what you'll need
to do.> Thanks. Mitch <Cheers, J -- >

Hello, <Howdy> Some background: 55 gal
saltwater reef tank approx 14 years old. Wet/dry filter, protein
skimmer. Lots of live rock, Sailfin tang, Regal angel...
<Pygoplites?> ...Squarespot Anthias, flame angel, blue devil
damsel, cleaner shrimp, leather coral, fluorescent green carpet
anemone, some plants. <All in a 55?> Regular water changes,
addition of trace elements and calcium. Today we (my wife and I)
purchased a Longnose butterfly from a shop we have done business
with for years. In the store the only thing noticeable was a small
bump on one side that an aggressive damsel was picking at. Feeling
sorry for the poor guy we bought him and he is now in our reef
tank. Here's the catch. When we got him home we went thru an
acclamation period of about 3 hours, floating the bag, mixing tank
water with the bag water, lights out in the tank, etc. When
we finally did put him into the tank, and later turned on the
lights, we noticed small (very, very small) white spots on his
head, and fins. His body looks clean, and the spots don't
appear to be raised. These were not at all evident in the
store's lighting, but seem to be enhanced by the blue actinic
lighting in our tank (my guess). Not sure if this is early
stage of Ich or what, so here we are. Please look at the
attached photos and give us your opinion. Thanks very
much in advance. Look forward to your reply. Michael &
Gulnar - Bethel, CT <Mmm, looks like Cryptocaryon rather than
"normal" stress coloration markings to me... I would
(have) quarantined this and other new specimens if you had a larger
system... as it is, with such a tiny tank, so much life already, I
would NOT have added any more... possibly upsetting whatever magic
dynamic you had... What will you do now? Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm
Bob Fenner> |
New Copperband BF with Ich 3/29/04 I woke up this
morning and see that my Copperband is starting to get s few spots of
ICK. As mentioned before, it's in a 10g QT by itself w/LR/LS.
Should I give it a fresh water dip? <I do believe this will be
very helpful. 3 minutes bare minimum to be effective... towards 5
minutes at least ideally. Do be sure to adjust the temperature and pH
of the FW dip water very accurately to match the tank water. Aerate
this bath several hours in advance too> Should I medicate the
dip? <Formalin would be fine, but any of the organic dyes
(Meth blue, Mal green, etc) or Copper/metals may take their toll on
this sensitive fish> Should I just treat the entire
tank? <if it is bare bottomed (glass) QT, then this may be an
option.> If you recommend medication, what should I use?
<Formalin and FW dips gets my vote. Daily or nearly so for the next
week> I'm giving this fish my all - I don't know
who's stressed more - me or the fish (fish I'm sure). Thanks
again, Dennis Nolan <best of luck. Anthony>
- Non-Ich-magnets - Hi all, Hope things are going
well. I have several questions for you. I have a
75 gallon saltwater FO tank with no live rock. I had
considered getting a Klein's butterfly as I have heard that it
would be good for a beginner. <Very hardy once established>
However, I recently heard in a local fish store that ALL butterflies
are prone to parasitic infections and that I should stay away from them
unless I was very experienced at dealing with that type of thing.
<Sounds like more of a problem with the fish that THEY get. There
are several very hardy butterflies that you should have no problem
with, including the Klein's.> Please tell me what
you think. Also, I currently have a pair of false
perculas and a royal Gramma. I had thought of getting a
yellow tang at one time, but am scared because I have heard and read
that they are all very inclined to Ich and also usually bully other
fish already in the tank. <Tangs are a little more susceptible to
Ich than some other fish, but provided that the fish is well acclimated
and quarantined in a different tank (check out: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/QuarMarFishes.htm)
you should have no problem.> Are chances good that if I get one I
will have to deal with Ich, even with proper care; and would I have
problems with them picking on other fish? <If the store you are
dealing with consistently has parasitic problems with butterflies and
tangs, you may want to find another shop! Simply quarantine and you
should be all set. Should something happen it is very easy to treat in
the QT.> Also, are there any types of tangs that are less
susceptible than others to this disease? <Check out http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tangs,.htm>
Any recommendations as to a fairly peaceful and hardy fish I
could add to what I already have that shows itself a lot? <How about
building up a good amount of live rock and going for a Centropyge
angel? ( http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/index.htm)
Tangs and pygmy angels will benefit tremendously from the addition of
live rock (the algae and critters are excellent natural food sources).
Otherwise, be sure to feed these guys small amounts of a variety of
algae based frozen foods several times per day. Good luck! -Kevin>
As always, thank you so much for your help and patience with all my
questions, James
Butterfly Problems, Disease
Thanks... Actually a few more comments. I read
that the Butterflies were a schooling fish... so my initial experience
was with purchasing 3 Aurigas that looked healthy and placing them in
my 90 gallon tank (no quarantine) in October. They lasted
about 6 weeks before any signs of problems. Those fish
seemed to frequently rub themselves against my live rock and I never
witnessed them fighting or anything bothering them.
<Rubbing on the rocks "Flashing" is the primary symptom of
Ich and other parasites.> Finally, one day I noticed one with a
puncture mark... it died two days later. Perhaps a week >later I noticed another Auriga with a slash mark on it's
side... it began to deteriorate. A couple of days later it
was missing and it took me almost two days to find buried under sand
under the live rock. By that time, there was higher levels
of ammonia in my tank and my remaining Auriga and my small yellow
boxfish seemed to be doing not so well. I then setup a
quarantine tank (way too quickly) to get my Butterfly and Boxfish in
their own tank. It was obviously a rookie mistake... temp was too
low... both fish died within 3 days. <Maybe not temp, but Ich, temp,
overall stress certainly.> Of note, I used Detox2 in my canister
filter and would recommend it to anyone with high
ammonia... It cleared my 90 gallon tank of any signs of
ammonia within 2 days!! The rest of my tankmates are fine
and I have never had any problems with them. <Yes, the fish named
are somewhat hardy but can still be Ich hosts.> So... my tank has
shown signs of stability from Nov to January. I introduced
the Pearlscale Butterfly and my Fire Goby to my quarantine tank with a
new piece of live rock (another rookie mistake... didn't know
anything about the curing process). I noticed after two days
high ammonia and nitrates in my quarantine tank in addition to some
cobweb like matter all over my live rock. In order to save
my fish I put them in the main tank. Both fish were fine. I
have since cured my live rock and know for next time. There were no
visible signs of disease or parasites on my Pearlscale
Butterfly. If anything, perhaps the fish was a little darker
toned in around the face area. I didn't think it was
unordinary. My other fish are doing great. The
deceased Pearlscale body didn't have any apparent attack marks on
it and my water quality has been top notch since the ammonia outbreak
in November. <Except you still have had hosts in main tank, no QT
for new fish, and then release of un-quarantined stock into main. Dude,
it's your money, but you need to figure out the quarantine deal,
and to do one thing at a time, slowly, so as not to cause all sorts of
confusion and mistakes. As I posted before I think this is a typical
parasite problem. The Gobies can be resistant to Ich, but if you turn
an Angel or God forbid a Tang loose in there it is all done but the
crying. The Gobies may actually be the hosts.... I strongly advise you
go to WetWebMedia.com and read the quarantine section thoroughly, esp.
about no rock or mineral containing items in the QT and esp. about
parasites, how they are transmitted and their life-cycle so you can
avoid them in the future. Remember, nothing good happens fast in this
hobby! Slow down and be methodical in your approach. It is slow, but
much more enjoyable! Thank you for the kind words, we really try to
help folks out. I sure hope this helps you! Craig>
Re: Butterfly Problems, Disease Ok... thanks for
the info. But... I have only ever seen my
Butterflies 'flash' and I have seen Butterflies flash in all
four aquariums in Calgary, Canada. <I'm not shocked or
surprised!> I thought it was behavioral? <Nope.><<Yep. RMF>> My Pearlscale
perhaps only 'flashed' once or twice that I saw in the 2 months
that I had him... whereas my 3 Aurigas were 'flashing'
daily. None of the Butterflies have ever had peculiar
markings on them in the way of spots. <This isn't necessary,
look at your picture of the cleaner and the Pearlscale...cleaning his
gills, not a good sign! The flashing may only be an indicator of
infestation, including gills.> As well, no other fish have spots or
marking or act weird. How does one detect Velvet Disease?
<Usually listlessness, rapid gilling, perhaps flashing at first.
Fairly rapid demise without treatment. Please go to WetWebMedia.com and
completely read the parasite articles for all the info you really need.
Far too much to answer here!> So, given that I have fish and
invertebrates that appear very healthy...what should I
do? Trust that they are ok... wait a month or so and add my
Royal Gramma? I intended to quarantine that Butterfly but
made the live rock mistake. <I understand.> From now on all my
fish will be quarantined for the 21 days. <Please do read the QT
articles as well. 2 weeks can be enough to spot problems, but then
treatment may take longer. I am a big fan of some of the treated
anti-parasite foods like Tetra (discontinued and some not so nice
reader bought ALL the stash at my local store, greedy and unnecessary)
so you may want to order Seachem's Metronidazole food additive and
use it to treat all your fish. Follow the label, but it is something
like two weeks. Use it judiciously.> Do you think it is safe to add
another fish in a month? Or do I have to fight some disease in my tank
that is not visible? P.S. Did you like the pictures? Dave
<Loved the pictures, helped me a lot in seeing what the shrimp was
after, likely Ich or velvet on that fish. If you get your fish eating
medicated food with Metronidazole, then I would be more confident in
adding another fish after treatment and during any possible
flair-ups. Best of luck! Craig>
Butterflies Aren't Free Mornin fellas... <Hey there-
Scott F. here!> Am getting a tad frustrated with my saltwater tank.
90gallon, live sand, huge canister filter, etc..
Creatures: 2 small clowns, shrimp goby, mandarin goby, small
little boxfish, pistol shrimp, coral banded shrimp, cleaner
shrimp - yep, he still hasn't become a cocktail for my CBS, 2
emerald crabs, 45 hermit crabs, 25 snails, had 3 butterfly Aurigas.
Everyone is doing just peachy except for my Auriga
Butterflies. I have read on your site that they are pretty
hardy fish that are easy to keep. <It certainly has the reputation
of being one of the hardiest butterflies for aquariums> Anyhow, I
introduced 3 butterflies together 3 weeks ago. I introduced
them appropriately to my tank but did not quarantine them ~ yaya, I
know, I just bought a doctor/quarantine tank and will quarantine all
new creatures from now on. <Good! You spared yourself from the
lecture... :) > One of them died overnight while the
other two were fine. I then replaced the butterfly with
another Auriga. All 3 were doing well for a week or so, when
one day I noticed what appeared to be a criss-cross laceration on the
side of one of the butterflies. He survived a couple of days
and then died. The other two were doing fine... 4
days after the death of the aforementioned, I noticed
another butterfly sitting upright, but at an angle at the bottom of the
tank. He had a small laceration in the bottom of the middle
of his side. Called Big Al's to ask what was up with the
Butterflies they were giving me. Before I even mentioned
their behaviors to the guy at Big Al's, he told me that the
Butterflies were probably scraping themselves against my liverock
because of an itch and that that was the likely cause of their
lacerations. <A possibility, for sure...but what's the cause of
the "itch"...?> He didn't think anything in my tank
would go after the largest of my fishes (the Aurigas). Ya,
my butterflies and only my butterflies over the past two/three weeks
had been swimming slowly up to a rock and then quickly slamming their
bodies against the rock. Their is perhaps tiny little
bubbled skin marks behind the gills... not sure if it is a bacteria or
if it is just the fishes appearance. <Nope- not part of their
appearance...under normal circumstances> So, I bought a 20gallon
hospital/quarantine tank and used my main tank's
water. Water seems to be ok and now my last two butterflies
are in the tank. I bought "REEF SAFE KICK-ICH" to
treat it. <IMO, this stuff is better used as salad dressing than a
fish "medication"...and please don't use it in your main
tank! It's really a "pepper sauce", intended to make the
fish slough off body slime in the hope that the parasites go with
it...Also- are you sure that Ich is what you are dealing with? Please
verify the illness (assuming it is an illness, not just an injury)
before using any medication. Sometimes, administering the wrong
medication can be worse than not medicating a fish at all.> This
morning, my butterfly with the small laceration on the bottom middle of
his side is laying on my hospital tank bottom. It looks like
he has a newly developed sore on his dorsal fin (it's a little
reddish). He can't swim upright but seems to
have a lot of energy. I left him there while I go to
work. I expect him to be dead when I return from work
leaving me one butterfly with no lacerations (but the guy still seems
to rub against rocks as I described above). So... questions: a) do you
think it is the 'ICK' causing them to rub against the
rocks...thus causing the lacerations?? <A possibility- Ich
definitely can cause fish to scratch> b) is this REEF SAFE KICK-ICH
a good treatment??? <Umm...I don't really have anything nice to
say about this stuff...> c) are butterflies really easy to keep??
<IMO, not really! Butterflies need very stable water chemistry, lots
of space (Aurigas can reach almost 10 inches!), high oxygen content,
brisk circulation, and an established aquarium. They are usually the
first fish to decline if your water quality falls off. Aurigas and Long
Nosed butterflies are considered the easiest to keep of a rather touchy
group> d) any idea why I have had such bad luck with JUST my
butterflies?? All other creatures are happy campers. <As
above...The species we're discussing are not "difficult",
but I would not classify them as "easy", either!> Is their
anything I haven't done that I should be doing??? May I
have overlooked something?? Please help...Dave <Well,
Dave-Quarantine, of course, is the best thing that you can do. Apart
from that, selecting good, healthy specimens is very important...These
fishes don't always ship well, and can "break down", as
Bob likes to say, quite easily...These fishes need lots of space, too-a
very important and often overlooked factor in the husbandry of these
(and many other) fishes, IMO. Don't be discouraged by this
experience. Do review all water parameters, recheck your husbandry
procedures (i.e.; water changes, feeding, skimming, etc.), study your
future purchases very carefully, and choose healthy specimens that are
eating at the store. Go for it. but do read all you can and be prepared
for a better run at it this time! You can do it! Good
luck! Scott F.>
Butterflies Aren't Free (Cont'd.) Thanks for the
info... <Our pleasure-that's why we're here!> So how does
one know if they are paying $39 for "Pepper Sauce" as opposed
for a viable treatment (re: REEF SAFE KICK ICK) ???? Is there a better
treatment for 'the itch' or 'ick' whatever you call it?
<If you are indeed certain that Ich is the malady that you're
dealing with, then I'd use (in a separate treatment tank) a proven,
"mainstream" cure, such as copper sulphate, properly
administered and monitored for concentration.> The only signs my
butterflies have is that they rub themselves against the rocks... they
may have slight imperfections like a few missing scales behind the
gills... but this is also where they are rubbing
themselves. So, from what I can see... all signs point to
some sort of skin irritation /itchiness??? <Well- itching is an Ich
symptom, but there are other symptoms to this illness as well. In the
absence of signs, it could even be a different parasite of some sort.
You really need to check the FAQ's on marine parasites on the
wetwebmedia.com site for more info. than I can touch on here regarding
the identification and treatment of parasitic conditions> My water
has been tested on average twice a week and I have just bought my own
water test kit. My test last night showed a pH of 8.2-8.3, 0
nitrites, ammonia level was pretty close to 0 (I need to cut back my
twice a week frozen shrimp feedings, as it is not all consumed), and my
nitrates were between 0 and 4.From what I have read, this is a pretty
good test... and as mentioned before, I can get the ammonia back
to zero with feeding more carefully. <I am concerned
about the ammonia reading- it really should be completely undetectable
on a hobbyist-grade test kit...You are correct in re-visiting your
husbandry techniques...and do try a different test kit to confirm your
results> So, should I stick to treating my one surviving butterfly
with this KICK ICK? He does rub on the rock, but has
virtually no scales missing and no cuts... he is the last
'healthy' one??? <I really don't like this product...but
that's just me, of course. I'd make a positive ID on the
condition that you're dealing with, and treat accordingly> This
guy is in my 20 gallon doctor tank alone. <Good procedure> Should
I do anything with my main tank? Do you think my main tank might be
carrying something??? Even though my two gobies, two clowns, and my
boxfish are doing fine? <If you are dealing with a contagious
disease, such as Ich, you really need to get everyone out for
observation/treatment (even if all inhabitants don't show signs),
let the main system go "fallow" for about a month...If it is
Ich that's in your tank, you must take aggressive steps to treat
it, IMO> What's a better ICK/ITCH medication?? <I like copper
sulphate for Ich, as mentioned above> I am fully expecting my
remaining butterfly to do ok... should I grab another butterfly and
pair them up after he has been quarantined??? <That can work, but
there can be some aggressive behaviour between the two fish on
introduction> The only other thing I can think of is my Coral Banded
Shrimp getting nasty with my butterflies as they do bother him in hopes
that the CBS will clean them. On the other hand, the CBS
doesn't bother my mandarin goby that will sleep right in front of
him... and the CBS hasn't bothered my Cleaner Shrimp either.
<Hey- you never know...> I guess the butterfly is a fairly cheap
fish that I don't mind experimenting with, but I don't want to
risk the rest of my tank. Opinion??? Thanks guys! Dave <Well, Dave-
I encourage you to keep trying, but do study their needs and prepare
for them. Good luck! Scott F.>
Interesting Parasite Bob, I thought I had seen every
parasite until today. A large golden butterfly with brown spots
shaped similar to flat footballs spread pretty evenly throughout
the body (many, many of them). At close glance, you could
actually see them doing 180 and 360 degree turns. They are not on
the outside. They are actually under the scales as you can see
the scales raised some. The fish is going nuts trying to shake
them off and you can see a couple of blood spots from where I
guess they have been. What is this? Are they a type of leach or a
flat worm? None of the other inhabitants appear to have any on
them. I immediately treated the entire tank (210 gallons, Fish
Only, No Live Rock) with Clout. Any ideas? Thanks for any help you can
provide. >> Likely some sort of body fluke, aka trematode... a
group of largely parasitic flatworms (Phylum Platyhelminthes)... There
are many of these that infest marine fishes... DO dip the animal in
freshwater (dechloraminated, with maybe a teaspoon of baking soda...
don't worry about the dosage... it's safe) for now... and as
fast as you can, get your hands on some formalin/formaldehyde and re-do
the freshwater dip with a stated (look on the bottle... a few drops per
the dipping volume if it's full-strength... i.e. 37%) for a good
ten minutes... do this soon, as the butterfly is on its way out... and
don't worry about the helminth (worm) getting on to your other
fishes... these tend to be quite species-specific in their hosts. Bob
"Yamaguti" Fenner
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |