FAQs on Butterflyfish Trauma
FAQs on Butterflyfish Disease:
Butterflyfish Disease 1,
Butterflyfish Disease 2,
Angels and Butterflyfishes &Crypt,
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Related FAQs:
Butterflyfish Identification,
Butterflyfish Systems,
Butterflyfish Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Butterflyfish Compatibility,
Butterflyfish Behavior,
Butterflyfish Selection,
Butterflyfish Reproduction,
The vast majority of BFs are lost due to "incidental"
trauma/stress from collection, handling, shipping; including not being
fed till received by retailers, etailers
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Ailing Pearlscale Butterflyfish 7/18/17
Thank you in advance for "listening" to my sick fish problem.
<What we're here for!>
Back in May (`24th) I picked up a group of Butterflyfish for my FOWLR tank (2
Pakistani, a Longnose, a Saddleback and a Pearlscale).
<Ohhhh, all faves of mine>
I have been using a three 50gal tank QT system with hyposalinity (1.01 SG) (I
have since read your recommendation of skipping the QT and just doing a FW dip).
They stayed at that level for 3 weeks. Everyone did well except the Pearlscale -
he would not eat. Since the QT tanks were all one system I took 3-4 days to
raise the salinity to 1.021 which is where my display tank is at and moved
everyone but the Pearlscale into the display tank. I was tempted to move him to
but then I noticed he had a patch of darker scales on his side (pic
1). After a few days I noticed there were a few dark dots near the base
of his tale - I thought - black spot disease?
<Mmm; no; not this. Likely simple trauma; damage from collection, handling,
I didn't see how that could have
survived the hyposalinity but nonetheless I tried a treatment of PraziPro.
After 5 days I remembered I had some Chloroquine Phosphate in the house.
So I did a 20% water change and treated him with that. I spoke to the
manufacturer and they suggested giving 2 treatments 3 days apart. If that had no
effect to try erythromycin. There was no change - in fact the dark
area on his side was getting larger. I added carbon and a 20% water change.
Then I went to the LFS and he didn't have erythromycin so he have me two
treatments worth of CLOUT tablets to try. I tried two treatments.
<Mmm; I wish you would have written sooner. None of these treatments is
of use; will help. I'd move this fish into the main/display and not worry re
biological disease here>
No improvement (Pic 2). By the way it had now been 6 weeks and I still haven't
seen him eat. I added carbon again and did another 20% water change and figured
I would let him live out the few days he had left in peace. A few days went by
and I found some OLD (probably ineffective) erythromycin (it still has a 'Mail
Order Petshop' label -so real old). I figured the worst it could do is hasten
the death of a lost fish so I treated him with that.
Still no change. I put carbon back in. Now I am out of options (I probably
poisoned him with too many drugs). Unless you have any other suggestions I will
just let things lie. But from the pics, do you have any idea what this might be?
I would appreciate any insight you can give.
Mike S.
<Move this fish. Bob Fenner>
Sick Longnose BF? 03/07/06 Hi
all! I have another question for you fine folks. I just
got my Longnose Butterfly and he has done great so
far. He eats very well, and he loves to swim around like
he's strutting his stuff. <Is then> But i noticed today
that he has a little red spots , at the base of his beak at both
sides. I attached a picture for you. <Unfortunately
these didn't "come through"> I researched other
pictures on the net and none of them had his little
spots. Is this something i should be worried about or is
something that varies from fish to fish. <Some reddening does
occur in Forcipigers... due to? Stress? From? In general this is
not a sign to treat their system... unless it is affecting feeding
behavior> His skin is clear right there and the red is
underneath the skin. Thanks for the help!! Nick
<I would not "panic" here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Longnose? 03/07/06 Sorry for the
picture not going through. I will try to attach it as a
file this time. <No worries. And do see it here> Today it
seem to be not as red as it was yesterday so maybe it was a
"stress situation, upon arrival, into his new
home. He eats very well so i guess it is not a problem.
<I hope not as well> I the picture can help. Or maybe it
could help someone else since a popular fish. Thank you
very much for my newfound peace of mind. <Welcome. Do see the
"blood mark"... appears to be well-defined... likely from
a "bump" into something and likely will heal of its own
accord. Cheers, Bob Fenner> |

Red coloration on a raccoon
8/25/05 Hello again WWM crew. Update. My pacific tang has started
eating just about anything I put in his QT tank, and is now also rather
hyper. He has another week to go before his trip to the big tank! I
purchased a raccoon butterfly yesterday from my local LFS. I looked for
all of the bad indicators as described in the article on raccoon
Butterflyfish. ( http://www.wetwebmedia.com/raccoon.htm)
He ate at the store, had no reddening, and was very bright colored.
This evening I got home from work and noticed that the top of his
mouth/nose area was starting to get slightly red and it looked like he
had a small piece of flesh coming off. <Common... from being moved,
netted... bumping into things... dangerous if the mouth is too
damaged...> I attempted to take a picture, but it is hard to get a
close up shot of his nose with any sort of clarity. I didn't notice
any red coloration around his fins as of yet. Today he seems less
energetic and would eat none of the brine shrimp I dropped in the tank
unlike last night. He still has good coloring, but does appear to be
breathing slightly quicker. I'm not sure how the reddening nose
ties into this next fact, but I have seen him glance off of the pvc
couplings I have put in his QT tank. After researching your
site, and searching for just about every combination of red mouth,
glancing, and Butterflyfish I could think of I'm now writing to you
for help. He is currently in a 10 gallon tank with a whisper 10 gallon
power filter, a heater set to 81 degrees, and two 3'' pvc
elbows (I have been thinking about putting in an air stone). <I
would> The water parameters are 1.0235 specific gravity, ph of 8.2,
ammonia and nitrites at zero, and a slightly detectable nitrate of
about 2-3(barely registers on test kit). The water from the tank came
directly from my main tank which currently has about 75 lbs of live
rock and 18 turbo snails. The raccoon was drip acclimated for about 2.5
hours when I initially obtained him. Thanks in advance for any tips on
care or diagnosis you can provide. Rick <... very likely just
resultant from the move... keep observing, be ready to dip, move the
fish to better, larger quarters... Bob Fenner>
decussatus 7/31/05 Hi! <Hello> I am from India and I have
been referring to this site for information quite regularly but this is
the first time that 'am actually asking a question. <I see>
Couple of days back I got myself an Juv. Koran Angel and a Chaetodon
decussatus. Today I noticed that the Chaetodon decussatus has some kind
of reddish bruise above the right eye, other than that all the fish are
doing fine. Could you give me some insight into the situation. Any help
appreciated. <Mmm, very likely the butterfly has suffered some sort
of physical trauma (a "knock" on the head) in being captured,
transported... I do hope it recovers in your good care. Optimized,
stable water quality and frequent feedings are what you want to be
careful to provide here. Bob Fenner> Regards Rajeev Menon
Heniochus diphreutes maybe in Trouble - Urgent
- Please advise Hello WWM Crew - Need some advice. I purchased
a 5" Heniochus diphreutes about 3 days ago, which is in my 40
G quarantine tank. My quarantine tank is cycled and I don't
usually use copper in it unless I really need to. The water
parameters are: Ammonia 0, pH 8.3, Nitrites 0, Nitrates ~ 10, Temp
80. I do about a 5 - 10% water change in the quarantine directly
from my 300 Gal reef which has very stable water conditions. o.k.
-- Now the problem - The butterfly is eating very well and I feed
it vitamin enriched Mysid shrimp fairly frequently in small
quantities. It also seems to be swimming around the quarantine,
somewhat curious and looking for food all over. However, over the
past three days, I have started to see a small white growth/sore on
one of the sides of the fish. It started out looking like a small
wound, but it is starting to show some white foam like growth on
it. The fish does seem to shiver every now and then. I was
originally planning on using Melafix to see if I could disinfect
the wound, but now I am not so sure that this is not a parasite.
<I would not use this tea mixture> I have attached a picture
of the fish, and have marked the wound/parasite as well. Could you
please help me identify what this may be? Should I start copper
sulphate? Or move ahead with my plans for a MelaFix treatment.
<Likely either an "owee" from capture, transport... or
an expression of stress...> I look forward to your advice. Thank
You as always. -Azim <If it were me, my fish, system, I
would subtend the quarantine procedure in this case... dip/bath the
Heniochus... place it in your main system... where there are
hopefully biological cleaners... This is "worth the risk"
(small) of actual biological disease transmission. Bob
Fenner> |

- Wound on Butterflyfish - Hi brilliant
aquarists! Thanks a bunch for your help in the past. My
fish only aquarium is working wonderfully thanks to you
lot. Water is absolutely pristine (no traces of ammonia,
nitrate, nitrite, pH = 8.3, specific gravity =
1.023). The tank is stocked with: 1. one 3.5"
yellow tang 2. one 2" maroon clownfish 3. one 3" raccoon
butterfly fish (picture included) 4. one 1" damsel (the blue
one with a bright yellow tail) The question is the butterfly
fish. I notice on its right side near its fin is an
abrasion of some sort (you can kind of see this in the picture
attached). <I see.> It does occasionally rub the abrasion
against the piece of dead coral I have in the tank. Is
this something I should be concerned about? <Yes.> Is one of
the other fish picking on it? <Could be, could also just be an
acquired wound... but you need to make sure it doesn't get
worse.> Also, the clownfish has been doing great except just a
few days ago its dorsal fin looks like its been chomped on.
<I'd blame the damsel.> The butterfly fish just came into
this tank about two weeks ago (quarantined) - could it be picking
on the clownfish? <Could be - is something you really need to
sit down at watch for.> Regarding the damsel, lately it looks
like it is picking stuff off of the tang's body. The
tang gets close to the damsel, turns slightly to the side and lets
the damsel pick at it. Is this normal?? <It's not
abnormal - many juvenile fish act as cleaners.> Lastly, what do
you all think about adding a niger trigger? <That would likely
work out well in this tank... I wouldn't add much more.>
What size would you recommend considering the sizes of the fish I
already have. <Smallish - not much larger than anyone else.>
The tank is 90gal. Thanks a bunch!
<Cheers, J -- > |
Re: Abrasion? Dear WWM Crew: I had the
irresistible opportunity to purchase and ostensibly healthy 5"
Chelmon rostratus that had been returned to my LFS after well over
a year in another customer's tank (he moved). It is a beautiful
specimen that eats just about any frozen food. I've
never handled a fish this big before and had some trouble getting
him into my 10G QT. Now I see what appears to be a slightly bloody
abrasion on it's left side. (see attached photos). <I
see> I have been adding Kent Marine Pro-Tech Coat daily since I
notice this. Should I treat with an antibiotic? If so, what? Am I
mistaking something more ominous for a "simple" abrasion?
It continues to behave normally and eat well. <I would place
this fish in your main/display system without much worry. It is
very likely pathogen free... and will only suffer from being
quarantined much longer. Bob Fenner> Your input will be highly
valued. Thanks, Steve Allen |
Banged-Up Butterfly I have had a Pearlscale butterfly fish
for 5 weeks now and I am wondering if it is safe to put it in my large
tank yet? I bought it from a local pet store and he was in great shape.
I took him home and put him in my quarantine tank with 2 blue/yellow
tailed damsels I also bought. A few days later, I noticed he had a lot
of scales missing from both sides of his body. I removed the rocks I
had in the tank and also the 2 damsels. I could see his pink flesh
where the scales were missing. First of all, what could have caused
this??? <Could be that he was somehow damaged during
handling/introduction, or that there was an "incident" with
his quarantine "pals", the damsels. Maybe he even just
scraped up against something in the tank...hard to be sure> I have
been adding penicillin to keep down any bacteria infection and stress
coat. He is always active and hungry. <Good steps on your part, and
great to hear that he's always eating! A fish that eats usually
recovers well, in my experience!> I can never seem to feed him
enough to fill him up. His scales still have not fully returned ? I am
wondering if there is any info you can give me as to how this could
have happened and if it is safe to put it in my big tank yet? Any info
would be great. Diggy <Well, Diggy, I'm not sure if the scales
will ever completely re-generate, but I'd make sure that the flesh
is in good shape and that there is absolutely no sign of infection
before you put him in the main tank. I'd really fatten him up, and
then release him into the main tank if he appears otherwise healthy.
Good luck! Regards, Scott F>
Threadfin Butterfly Injury Hi, I have a 3 in. threadfin
butterfly. It now has a bad injury on it's side. Its scales are all
shredded off, and you can see red on it. He is eating but doesn't
seem to be swimming around a lot as before. The wound is like the size
of the quarter, it looks real bad. So how do I help him recover, and
hope he doesn't get an infection? Thanks! <Well, the fact that
he's eating is very good. Do use vitamin preparations to enrich his
foods during recovery. As far as injury treatment is concerned, a few
things you can do: First, maintain the highest water quality that you
can in his treatment tank (do remove him to a quarantine/hospital tank
for treatment). You can administer "stress coat"
preparations, such as Novaqua, to protect and coat the fish's skin.
Lowering the specific gravity in his treatment tank can prevent some
infectious diseases from manifesting themselves. If a secondary
inspection does manifest itself, do begin treatment with antibiotics.
Consult the disease treatment resources on wetwebmedia.com for much
more information on wound management. Stay on top of his condition, and
he should recover well! Good luck! Scott F.>
Threadfin Injury (Follow-up) Thanks, currently I am feeding
him all of his vitamins, the salt is low. The injury seems to be
better, ill keep you updated. Thanks! <Glad that he's doing
well. Keep up the good work! Scott F.>
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |