FAQs on Bulb, Bubble Tip/Rose Anemone
Predators, Pests
Related Articles:
Bubble Tip, Rose Anemones, Entacmaea quadricolor, Use in Marine Systems by Bob Fenner,
Bubble Tip Anemones by Jim Black,
Recent Experiences with BTA's by Marc Quattromani,
Colored/Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs:
BTA Disease 1,
BTA Disease 2,
BTA Disease 3,
BTA Disease 4,
BTA Health 5,
BTA Health 6,
BTA Health 7,
BTA Health 8,
BTA Health 9,
BTA Health 10,
BTA Health 11,
BTA Health 13,
FAQs on BTA Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Social (e.g. Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
& E. quad. FAQ 1,
E. quad FAQ 2,
E. quad. FAQ 3,
E. quad FAQ 4,
E. quad FAQ 5,
BTA Compatibility,
BTA Selection,
BTA Behavior,
BTA Systems,
BTA Feeding,
BTA Reproduction/Propagation,
Most often and most deleterious are over-zealous Clownfish mutuals...
NEED to have these be small... a fourth, fifth the size of the width of
the anemone... OR cover the latter with a strawberry basket or such to
protect if damaged... Also, crabs, some hermits, large shrimps can/do
damage anemones by walking on them, stealing foods, eating them
outright. |
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Bubble Tip Anemones... improper env... no ref!
I have searched, and cannot for the life of me found the information I
am looking for.
I have a small 29 gallon tank. It is a BioCube from Oceanic with 10K
light, blue actinic lighting, and a moonlight.
I have not made modifications or upgrades. The system consists of 16
pounds of live rock, 10 pounds of base rock, 20 pounds of live sand
(aragonite). The occupants are
1 false percula,
1 red scooter blenny, <May have a problem finding enough food in a
tank this small>
46 blue hermit crabs, <That is a lot of crabs.>
2 chestnut snails,
2 peppermint shrimp
1 bubble tip anemone.
<I think I see the problem already...>
My previous research did NOT indicate that the BTA would compact upon
<They can and will, sometimes because they "feel like it"
other times because of stress.>
At which point, I panicked. I now understand this behaviour, but I
still wonder about the frequency and the duration of this. It has done
it twice within twelve hours.
<That is excessive.>
If you could add images of a healthy 'hunkered down' BTA to
your FAQ, this would be wonderful. Adding the possible duration and
frequency and what isn't normal would be even better.
<"Normal" is very subjective.>
I researched Peppermint shrimp. And, now, I wonder if my shrimp might
be harassing my BTA. Can that happen?
<Ding - We have a winner. Peppermint shrimp are not reef safe, and
will eat anemones.>
I am still waiting for my BTA and my Ocellaris to form a
<Can take days\weeks, if it happens at all. Bubble Tips are not
natural hosts for Ocellaris clowns.>
I have had both for over a week and a half. The tank has been up for a
little over a month.
<A bit too soon to be adding anemones.>
The damsels were banished to my son's tank... and now we are down
to two of those little devils from our four!
Bleached BTA, Entacmaea quadricolor eats bicolor
angel -- 4/15/07 Please help me identify this anemone. <Sure
will> I brought it from my local pet store and recently it
killed my bicolor angel. His head was sucked in his mouth. <A
bicolor angel should not be kept with an anemone. It is
known to nip at them.> Did the anemone sting or just suffocate
my angel cause he was hungry or for any other reason. I have been
feeding the anemone since I brought it home on a regular basis.
<Your anemone was likely defending itself. What have
you been feeding your anemone? It is
hungry. The short tentacles are a sign that it is not
getting enough to eat.> It has a brown base with white chubby
tentacles and at times they appear to be thin and pointy like.
<Your anemone is a bubble tip anemone, Entacmaea
quadricolor. It is known to have 'chubby'
tentacles at times. Your anemone is also
bleached. This means it has expelled its zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae is an algae the lives
inside them. I suggest feeding meat foods, like
silversides, soaked in Selcon daily. I also suggest
portions no bigger than the anemones mouth.> I have attached a
couple of photos I took this morning. If it's not too much to
ask could you send me a link or some information on his requirement
and what if any special precautions I should take. <I recommend
researching before you purchase. Anemones are delicate
and difficult to keep creatures with special
requirements. There is a lot of information regarding
such on WWM. Also www.karensroseanemones.com is also a
great site.> Thanks in advance for all your help. Cheers,
<You're welcome! Brenda> |
Re: Bleached BTA, Entacmaea
quadricolor eats bicolor angel -- 4/16/07 Thank you again for
all your help. <You're Welcome!> I have been feeding
frozen brine shrimp as the person I purchased from suggested and
for now on I will be feeding it daily. <Brine shrimp has little
or no nutritional value. Try some
silversides. Once your anemone is healthy again, you can
cut back on feedings to 2 -- 3 times a week.> Will my clowns go
in this as they haven't yet? <There is no guarantee with
clownfish. It may take some time, and it may never
happen.> Is this because he is hungry? <No.> I have a pair
of Ocellaris. Also in my 5ft tank I have a large Regal blue tang, a
very beautiful Large Powder Blue Tang (Surgeon Fish), Coral beauty
and a Heralds Angel <C. heraldi?> along with some live rock
and a Catalaphyllia. I also purchased a medium sized butterfly fish
and was told it won't eat the Catalaphyllia as he will sting
the fish. The fish pecked at the coral. I have now moved
the butterfly to a different tank. Will the coral come
back to its normal self again and why didn't it sting the
butterfly? <Butterfly fish are known to eat anemones, which also
sting. It is likely immune to the sting. It
should never be kept with corals or anemones. It may
come back. It really depends on the amount of damage and
if it is in a healthy environment. You have to be
careful with Angel fish and Butterfly fish with corals and
anemones. As far as your anemone's health, it sounds
like there is a lot going on here. Feedings need to be
changed, and increase. It needs to be separated from the
Angel fish, Butterfly fish and Catalaphyllia. It sounds
like you are getting some bad advice. I suggest making a
list of all your livestock and researching their care and
compatibility.> Thank you.
<You're welcome! Brenda> |
Update: Re: Bleached BTA, Entacmaea quadricolor eats
bicolor angel -- 4/17/07 Hi Brenda, <Hi Kristy> Ok so I have now
separated the bubble anemone and Catalaphyllia. <Good> I moved the anemone
into a smaller tank (3ft) I used once for quarantine. I used the same water
from the 5ft and shell grit. So conditions didn't change much, I transferred
the rock he was on along with him. I was watching his behavior closely. His
mouth was closed up all day yesterday so I wasn't able to feed him any
silversides so I went to the store and got some Aquasonic liquid sea food.
<Yikes! You are putting the food in his mouth? Stop! The anemone will
take the food itself. It will open his mouth all by itself. Never put
anything in its mouth. Aquasonic liquid sea food? I don't know what this
is. If it is a liquid food it is not an anemone food. Do not use it on an
anemone. They need meaty pieces of food. Your anemone is bleached and in
poor health. If you tear it, it will likely not recover. If the anemone is
unable to hold onto the food with its tentacles, simply drop the food near
its mouth from an inch or so away. Turn down the flow if you need to so it
doesn't get blown away. If your anemones mouth is open that means its
health is declining. It does not mean that it wants you to put food in it.>
Last night when I went in to check on him, his foot was puffed up and was
rolling/floating around the grit on the tank. Once he rolled right over
until he was on his tentacles. <This is not a good sign.> I placed another
piece of rock in the tank thinking he might be just moving. I carefully
placed him on the rock. Did I do the right thing and he only done this
behavior when the tank lights were off, was he searching for light. <Your
anemone is looking for a happy environment. My guess is it will not find
one.> I turned on the marine light (blue light) and decided to leave him be.
Should I have done this? Should I have fed him when he was all puffed up and
open. Anemones are so fussy but it is a learning experience and I like to
learn new things. <Anemones are not fussy when they are healthy and placed
in the proper environment. It may be a learning experience for you, and you
may like it. However your anemone is sick, and will likely die. This is an
animal that you chose to keep. It is your responsibility to provide it with
the proper environment. This includes researching and knowing the
requirements before you purchase.> So it is also kind of fun, and stressful
at times. But it is all worth it at the end. <It might also be worth reading
the information and website that I provided for you previously. Also,
WetWebMedia covers all of these items. Myself and many others have covered
them many times.> Sorry to bug you with so many questions, I just want the
best for the anemone. Do you know the reason why he would act like so.
<There are many reasons. As I stated in my e-mail yesterday, 'As far as
your anemone's health, it sounds like there is a lot going on
here. Feedings need to be changed, and increase. It needs to be separated
from the Angel fish, Butterfly fish and Catalaphyllia. It sounds like you
are getting some bad advice. I suggest making a list of all your livestock
and researching their care and compatibility.' This morning he has settled
on the rock I placed him on but is still closed and can't seem to put food
in him and doesn't seem to want it as he closes more when I place it on his
tentacles. PLEASE HELP MY ANEMONE. <Take him back to where you got him, or
offer him to someone in a local club.> THANKS HEAPS. kind REGARDS KRISTY
Update: RE: Bleached BTA, Entacmaea quadricolor eats bicolor angel -- -
04/17/07 4/87/07 You must have had me mistaken. I didn't use the correct
choice of words by stating that I tried to put food in his mouth meaning is
mouth was visible but closed, I could see the center of the disk as the
tentacle were sucked in so bad. No way will I do that. As I know the risks
of driving further to anemone heaven. <Good> I have read the site that you
gave me from top to bottom. Its a great site, also another document that I
found useful was
Its really good and I read most of that one today, I recommend it to all
that would like to purchase an anemone. <It is a good reference. It is not
BTA specific such as Karen's website.> The more I read on my BTA the more I
regretted buying it. I have chosen to see if the store will take it back and
I have learned a lot from this experience and I would hate for this to die.
I will be doing heaps more research on these before I buy another. <Both
excellent choices. Do you have a local reef club? You may find someone
local with experience that can help your anemone.> Thank you for all of your
help; will let you know how my Catalaphyllia goes in the future. Kind
Regards Kristy <You're welcome! Good luck to you! Brenda> |
Tiny creatures living on my bubble anemone!
Misplaced -- 06/11/07 I have a 20 gallon tank, been up for 4
months and very stable, no deaths and box fish, <... this is way too
small a volume to keep an Ostraciid> mandarin goby, <Ditto> 2
clowns, a camel shrimp and a couple damsels <Ditto> are thriving
and happy. <Ah, no> I just introduced a rose bubble anemone (I
think, orangy white with a little green) to the tank 2 days ago. <A
very poor idea> I might have to return it though, as it hasn't
seemed to find a good spot and is contracting and expanding a bit.
<They do this last...> Today to my great surprise, I observed
tiny little mite looking creatures on it. There are probably 50 on this
medium anemone. They are flat, same orangy color of the anemone and
they are oval and about 1 mm in diameter. They are "crawling"
on it sporadically and pulsate/lift up slightly from the surface of the
anemone. Are these symbiotic creatures or contributing to the
anemone's discomfort? <Mmm, don't know... there are
acarinans in marine/reef settings... Many can become problematical in
challenging/challenged situations. That is, these could be working this
anemone woe...> Is this a sign of another general state of the
anemone? It's mouth is a bit 'loose'. <... Likely
trouble> Also, I am observing at times, what looks like digestive
strands being exuded from some of the tentacles. Is this possible and
why? <Stress... perhaps a damaged specimen> Thanks so much. Your
website is a great contribution to the fish loving community! Julia
<Julia... please do read re anemone keeping on WWM:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/index.htm And if it were my
system, I WOULD return this animal/anemone post haste... There is too much
probability that it will perish, take your other animals with it here... DO read
re the Systems, Compatibility of the life you list... and going forward, what
you intend to keep. You NEED a much larger system here. Bob Fenner>
Re: tiny creatures living on my bubble anemone! --
06/11/07 Thanks Bob for your advice. I will return the anemone.
<Ah, good> How do I go about catching the mandarin goby to return
it also? Is there anyway to get around taking everything out???
<This may be necessary> I wish the store had told me the goby
would not be healthy in my system before I bought it!!! Thus the
importance of your site. Wish I'd found it before my purchase...
Julia <I as well. Life to you my friend. Bob Fenner>
E. quadricolor concerns 7/17/04 Hey
there, I have recently added a bubble tip anemone to my tank 3 weeks
ago, and it's habits seem strange compared to the information I
have read over the internet. It seems to thrive in the
evening to early morning, but within a couple hours of the lights
coming on it shrinks up and its oral disk opens right up and eventually
turns inside out (some days). This has been a constant since
about 4or 5 days after it was added to the tank. I have been
feeding it Mysis soaked in Selcon and live phytoplankton every second
day, although the poachers get a lot of it. <What you are describing
is definitely some kind of stress. The lighting you list
below is probably not enough to maintain this animal, let alone light
shock it, so I would suspect a water quality issue.> The first
couple of days it moved around the tank, but since then it has been in
the same spot about halfway to the surface under an overhang. It is
however in a more turbulent area since it is directly behind where the
two powerhead flows come together. <Too much current is often an
issue, but if the anemone wandered and settled in this spot, I doubt
that this is the problem. Do keep an eye on it to
go on the move again.> Tank Specs: 32 Gallon, 130watt PC 50/50, 2
Powerheads @270GPH/each on opposite sides of the tank, Protein skimmer
running 24/7 Temp:81, pH:8.2, nitrite 0, ammonia 0-0.6, salinity:
1.026, 35lbs live rock + 20lbs base rock. <All sounds fine, but your
light is a bit low to be keeping anemones. Also, any
detectible ammonia is a problem, I would verify your results on another
test kit (preferably another brand).> In the hopes of finding a
solution it there is a problem, I'll tell you now the tank is
probably overstocked, but since my levels have stayed consistent I have
not been overly concerned. The tank is about 4 months old.
Tank Inhabitants: 2 cleaner shrimp 1 fire cleaner shrimp 2 peppermint
shrimp 25 various hermits +/ - 25 various snails +/ - 2 ocellaris
clownfish (medium) 1 regal tang (small) 1 clarkii clownfish (medium) 1
tube anemone 1 Hawaiian feather duster Blue mushrooms Button polyps
Finger leather Plate coral <Waaaayyy too many hermits and snails for
such a small tank. Also, peppermint shrimp can pester
desirable anemones. Button polyps and mushrooms may produce
chemicals that will adversely affect the anemone.> The clarkii is
only a week new to the tank and has yet to go into the anemone, I added
the clarkii hoping that it would keep the poachers away since the 2
ocellaris did not seem to care much for the anemone. All
corals are located well away from the anemone. <Clownfish often take
a while to move into an anemone in captivity, particularly if the
species don't normally associate in the wild and/or the clowns are
captive raised.> Any suggestions would be
appreciated. Thank you, Steve <I would suggest observing
the peppermints for irritating behavior or removing them
regardless. I would also consider adding more
light. Using small amounts of carbon occasionally will help
reduce the chemical competition from other animals. Although
it doesn't have anything to do with your anemone problem, I would
also reduce the numbers of hermits and snails to 1/3 of what you have
now and maybe considering giving up the hermits all together (too
destructive with minimal benefit, IME). Best
regards. Adam>