FAQs on Bulb, Bubble Tip/Rose Anemone
Health 4
Related Articles: Bubble
Tip, Rose Anemones, Entacmaea quadricolor, Use in Marine
Systems by Bob Fenner, Bubble Tip
Anemones by Jim Black, Recent
Experiences with BTA's by Marc Quattromani,
Cnidarians, Colored/Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs: BTA
Disease 1, BTA Disease 2,
BTA Disease 3, BTA Health 5, BTA
Health 6 BTA Health 7, BTA Health 8, BTA Health
9, BTA Health 10,
Health 11,
BTA Health 12, BTA
Health 13,
FAQs on BTA Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (e.g. Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Predatory/Pest, Treatments
& E. quad. FAQ
1, E. quad FAQ 2, E. quad. FAQ 3, E.
quad FAQ 4, E. quad FAQ 5,
BTA ID, BTA Compatibility, BTA Selection, BTA
Behavior, BTA Systems, BTA Feeding, BTA

New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Rose Anemone Color variation, Possible Shipping Stress --
4/13/07 Hi Team <Hello Christyna, Brenda here> I thought I
was buying a rose anemone but when I received it from Aquacon- (it was
tank raised) it looked very irritated. <Rose Bubble Tip
Anemone? I'm going to have to assume here that when you
say 'received' you mean it was shipped. This is not
uncommon for any anemone to be stressed from shipment.> It has a
burgundy colored stump (foot) but the tentacles are looking really
green? (It is still scrunched up) Is this
truly a rose anemone? I paid 140.00 for a small guy and want to make
sure it is a true rose. <Rose Bubble Tip anemones come in many
different color variations. Some of those variations include
some green. On the other hand $140.00 for a 'small
guy' seems expensive to me, however if shipping was included in
that cost, that may be the correct ball park.> Also, understand that
this was out of light for a full day- but last night it looked not so
good- its mouth was open huge and lips were very loose on it- also, the
tentacles are not extended- is there something I can do to help it
out? <Pictures would help me out a lot
here. A mouth wide open is never good, but 'if' the
anemone was shipped, and placed in a healthy environment, I
wouldn't worry yet. Give it some time. Your
anemone may need a week or so to over come the shipping and its new
environment. Do check your water
parameters. Anemones need pristine water conditions.>
Also, aqua con has said to NOT feed the anemone- that it only needs
light and by feeding it will kill my tanks water- any thoughts to
that? <Ouch!!!! Yes, some not so pleasant
thoughts. Your anemone needs to be fed meaty
foods. Silversides, krill, lance fish, are all good
choices. I'm not familiar with the company you are
dealing with, but I can tell you they are giving you some very bad
advice. I can't tell you how many people have been told
the exact same thing. I usually hear about it when the
anemone is starving.> BTW- your website is great, is there a
membership? <Thank you! No, there is no
membership. This is a free service provided by Bob Fenner
and several volunteers that are dedicated to helping people like you
and the livestock you keep.> Thanks so much! Christyna
<You're welcome. Christyna if you need more help with
your anemone, please provide me with your lighting information, age of
set up, water parameters, other equipment, tank mates and pictures if
you can. Good luck with your new
anemone! Brenda>
Shrinking BTA, Entacmaea quadricolor -- 4/10/07 <Hi Brad,
Brenda here> Hello, I am fairly new to aquariums. I have a 55 gallon
salt water tank with a satellite lighting system with dual actinic and
dual daylight compact fluorescent bulbs. I have a Bak pak protein
skimmer, a cascade 300 filter, a power head, 40 lbs live rock and 30
lbs live sand. I have had it for eight months. I just started playing
with coral about 2 months ago. I have 1 tang, 1 maroon clown, I have
one small mushroom coral, 2 large feather dusters, 1 sponge coral, 1
polyp, I just purchased a BTA (4 to 6 inch) 5 days ago it has been
doing fine. It was doing great this morning when I went to
work. I came home at 6 it had shriveled up drastically its
bubble tips are about the size of long grain rice. <A picture would
help. If the tentacles are short and stubby, it is likely
hungry. It needs to eat meaty foods like krill, silversides,
lance fish or mysis shrimp.> Tested water, all levels are at zero
the temperature was low at 72. <The temperature is much too low for
an anemone. Gradually bring it up to around 79 -- 80
degrees. What is the salinity, pH and alkalinity?> I do
not know if this is the problem or not please help. Has it died or what
has gone wrong. <It could be the problem, or it could be a
combination of things. It could be expelling waste, what
have you been feeding it? It may still be acclimating to its
new environment. Anemones will shrivel up from time to time
to expel waste. I doubt that it is dead. If it
starts to look like it is melting or decaying get it out fast and do a
large water change. A dead anemone can really spike the
ammonia.> Thanks, Brad <You're
welcome! Brenda>
Reef tank with BTA and Sea Star without Live Rock --
4/7/07 Hi, <Hello, Brenda here> I tried to find
my answer on your FAQs and such, but could not find what I was looking
for. I started a 55 Gallon reef tank with live sand (no live
rock). <No live rock? This doesn't sound like a reef
tank.> My water tests have all come out as 0's. I have two
tank-raised ocellaris clowns, two small damsel fish, a small orange
Linckia, and have added two small bubble tip anemones. This is my first
effort with anemones so I don't know what exactly they do when
first introduced to the tank. Neither is attaching to anything. They
are both sitting on the bottom of the tank. <Please research before
you buy an animal.> One seems to be repeatedly puffing up, and then
gets smaller. The other has gotten very small and looks to be spewing
some slime out of its mouth. Is this what they are supposed to do or
are they dying? <Could be expelling waste, but my guess is it is
dying. You have not provided an adequate environment for
them.> If they are OK, will they attach to something in the tank on
their own or do they need a little guidance? <Your tank needs live
rock, for many reasons. I'm not sure what you are
expecting it to attach to.> I have a question about my little sea
star as well. It seems to ball up on itself quite a bit. It almost
looks like it is inside out. Is this supposed to happen? <Again, it
sounds like you have not provided it with an adequate
environment.> I'm new to all this. Please help.
<This sounds like a new tank also. These animals need an
established environment, which includes live rock. It sounds
like you are rushing into things. Please search WWM for the
benefits of live rock, and the care requirements for your anemone and
sea star. I suggest you return your anemones and sea star to
the LFS until you can provide an established environment for these
animals.> Thanks, Mistie <You're
welcome! Brenda>
BTA, Possible Splitting, Entacmaea quadricolor --
3/15/07 Hi, <Hello, Brenda here> I have
checked out your site for more information on my current problem.
My Green BTA has developed a small tear in its column and this
morning when I checked on it its guts were starting to hang out.
<Is it splitting? Or was it injured somehow?> I
know this probably means it is not going to survive too long but I
was wondering what I could do to try and help it recover. <Keep
pristine water conditions.> It appears to have torn itself
coming out from behind a rock but was fine and all puffed up an
hour or so before I checked it according to my husband so I was
hoping it wasn't too late. <A picture would be helpful, but
it sounds to me like it is splitting, and you will end up with two
very soon.> I have a 500 gallon reef tank and the BTA has been
in there over a week now feeding and looking fairly happy other
than hiding occasionally. Thanks for your help. Francesca Wise
<You're welcome. Brenda> |
Re: BTA, Possible Splitting, Entacmaea
quadricolor - 3/15/07 Hi Thanks for your reply, Things seem to
have gotten a lot worse since this morning and I think it's
probably now too late. I have attached a picture. Is there anything
we can try? <The only thing you can do for it now is keep your
water parameters stable. Is it possible that the anemone
was injured by a power head? They have been known to
recover from this. I do agree it doesn't look
good. Keep a close eye one it. If there are
any signs of life, the anemone has a chance. Here is a
website with pictures of others that have been
injured. http://www.karensroseanemones.net/coverpowerheads.htm
> Thanks, Francesca
<You're welcome. Brenda> |
Bubble Tip Anemone and Prime -- 3/11/07 Bob, <Hi Cindy,
Brenda here> I have a question about a Bubble tip. My
husband got this guy on Thursday. He put Prime in the tank
today. <Why? Prime is used to remove chlorine and
ammonia. It is also used during cycling to reduce ammonia,
nitrate and nitrite toxicity. You should be using RO or
RO/DI water. An anemone should not be added to a tank until
it is well established. It is recommended to wait six months
to one year before adding an anemone.> Now the Anemone is sucked
back until it is very small and looks a little jelly like. <It is
not unusual for an anemone to deflate from time to time. It
needs to expel waste. If it looks like it is melting or
decaying, it is dead. Need to remove it, do a large water
change and monitor your water parameters closely.> What could be
wrong with this guy and is there anything we can do to help him?
<Without more information on your tank such as equipment, age, water
parameters, and as to why Prime was added, I can't offer much
help.> He did try to feed him today but he wouldn't eat.
<That is not unusual for a newly introduced anemone.> Cindy
<Sorry, need more information. Brenda>
Bubble Tip Anenome... Dippppp! 3/1/07
Hi Crew, <Patrick... email attachments of no more than a few
hundred Kbytes... what does this mean to you?> Your site has
helped a ton with me setting up my first reef tank. Thank you.
<For?> About my system: 75gal Oceanic with Oceanic stand,
20gal sump with AquaMedic Protein Skimmer. 80lbs of live sand, 70
lbs of Totoka live rock. Tank lighting comes from a 48 inch
Coralife Aqualight with 2 150 watt metal halides, and 2 96 watt
fluorescents. The tank has fully cycled from what I can tell, all
water parameters look fine. (Tested last night.) Fish: 1 Purple
Tang, 1 Tomini Tang, 5 Chromises, 2 Signal Gobies, 2 Purple
Firefish, 1 Gold Striped Maroon Clownfish. Inverts: 2 Cleaner
Shrimp, 1 (new) bubble tip anemone. SO... here is my question,
(also, any other suggestions won't hurt, I need all the help I
can get:) Last night I got a new BTA that looked great.
I bought the piece of live rock that it was on at the LFS so we
wouldn't have to force it to move it's foot. <Good>
So I come home, acclimate it using the drip method for about 2
hours, then I submerse the bag it was in and take him out of the
bag underwater. All is going good. I put it towards the top of the
tank under one of the metal halides. <Mistake numero uno...>
I was hoping my clown fish would go into the BTA and sure enough he
went right for him. It this point I turned on the metal halide
because I wanted to see if he would react to the light. Sure
enough, his tentacles bulbed up nicely. Now, the clown fish started
to swim very aggressively in the BTA, and it looked like it
didn't like it. It began to move its foot and slowly creep down
the rock pile towards the bottom. All the while the clown fish is
aggressively swimming in it and keeping it from closing itself. So,
now the BTA is anchored towards the bottom of the tank, where it
doesn't get enough light. I am not going to try to move it and
whenever I try to move the rock it is on it just goes to the bottom
of the tank. Also, its tentacles are not bulb shaped anymore, I
think because it isn't getting sufficient light. Attached is a
picture. Thanks in advance for any advise on what I should do,
Patrick <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/index.htm and the
linked files in blue. BobF> |

BTA Troubles, Entacmaea quadricolor,
Overstocking -- 3/1/07 /Bren Hi Crew, <Hi Patrick, Brenda here
tonight> Your site has helped a ton with me setting up my
first reef tank. Thank you. <Happy to hear you find it
helpful.> About my system: 75gal Oceanic with Oceanic stand,
20gal sump with AquaMedic Protein Skimmer. 80lbs of live sand, 70
lbs of Totoka live rock. Tank lighting comes from a 48 inch
Coralife Aqua light with 2 150 watt metal halides, and 2 96 watt
fluorescents. The tank has fully cycled from what I can tell, all
water parameters look fine. (Tested last night.) Fish: 1 Purple
Tang, 1 Tomini Tang, 5 Chromis, 2 Signal Gobies, 2 Purple
Firefish, 1 Gold Striped Maroon Clownfish. Inverts: 2 Cleaner
Shrimp, 1 (new) bubble tip anemone. <Twelve fish and an
anemone in a newly cycled tank is too many. You are way
over stocked, especially with a new setup. These fish need
to be added slowly, after each one has been quarantined for 30
days. Please research the tank size requirements for you
tangs, your system is not large enough.> SO... here is my
question, also, any other suggestions won't hurt I need all
the help I can get. Last night I got a new BTA that looked
great. I bought the piece of live rock that it was on at the LFS
so we wouldn't have to force it to move its foot. So I come
home, acclimated it using the drip method for about 2 hours, then
I submersed the bag it was in and took him out of the bag
underwater. All is going good. I put it towards the top of the
tank under one of the metal halides. I was hoping my clown fish
would go into the BTA and sure enough he went right for him. At
this point I turned on the metal halide because I wanted to see
if he would react to the light. Sure enough, his tentacles bulbed
up nicely. Now, the clown fish started to swim very aggressively
in the BTA, and it looked like it didn't like it. <Maroon
clownfish are known to be aggressive. Looking at the
pictures, the anemones size is border line compared to the size
of that Maroon. It is recommended that the anemone be a
minimum of three times larger than the Maroon. You system
is not ready for an anemone. You need to have a well
established home. It is recommended to wait a minimum of
six months before introducing an anemone.> It began to move
its foot and slowly creep down the rock pile towards the bottom.
All the while the clown fish is aggressively swimming in it and
keeping it from closing itself. So, now the BTA is anchored
towards the bottom of the tank, where it doesn't get enough
light. I am not going to try to move it and whenever I try to
move the rock it is on it just goes to the bottom of the tank.
<It is still acclimating itself to its new environment.
Your lighting may be more intense that what it was used to.>
Also, its tentacles are not bulb shaped anymore, I think because
it isn't getting sufficient light. <It is not yet
completely understood why these anemones lose their bulbs or
bubbles. The anemone will roam until it finds a suitable
place.> Attached is a picture. <Looking at the pictures it
appears that this anemone is slightly bleached, or loss of zooxanthellae. The anemone needs small portions of food fed
every 1 - 2 days with meaty foods soaked in Selcon. Given
the fact that your tank is not established and is over stocked,
you can not provide an adequate environment for it. I
suggest looking for a local hobbyist to look after the anemone,
or returning to your LFS until you can provide a better
environment. Continue to search WetWebMedia so you are able
to gain more knowledge on anemones, cycling, stocking, and
quarantine.> Thanks in advance for any advise on what I should
do, Patrick <You are welcome Patrick! Good luck with
your setup. Brenda>
Update: My new BTA is Shrinking,
Entacmaea quadricolor -- 3/2/07 <Hi Josh, Brenda following
up> Thanks again for all you help here. <You're
welcome.> To answer your questions from your
response: The anemones mouth is gaping wide open as long
as it is deflated like that (as pictured). <Yes, I
see that. That is not a good sign. However,
there is still hope.> Then his mouth closes up nice and tight
when he re-inflates (as pictured). <It looks much better, but
not as tightly closed as I'd like to see. It has
also expelled some (not all) of its zooxanthellae (bleached).>
The lighting at the fish store it was kept in was a couple small
PC's which seem like plenty for the size tank it was
in. <Would need to know wattage and tank size to be
sure. Unfortunately we don't know what misery this
little guy went through to get to the LFS. Shipping can
be harsh on them.> I actually get all my stuff from one of your
sponsors - That Fish Place - fantastic place I must
say. <Yes, I have a wish list of things to purchase
there.> I am not overfeeding the anemone as most of the time
when I am home he is too deflated to eat anyhow. I have
managed to get him a small piece of shrimp 2 different days in the
week that I've had him. Although, I have seen him
catch some of the fish food and eat that as well. <Being able to
catch food is an excellent sign!!!!!> The lighting, filtration,
tank mates and equipment I have are as follows: - 75G
tank - established 4 months <An aquarium established 6 months or
more is recommended for an anemone.> - Coralife Lunar Aqualite
PC setup (260W) - (2) - Aquaclear 50 power heads - Red Sea Prism
protein skimmer <This skimmer has not had the best
reviews. I strongly suggest considering upgrading.> -
50lbs live rock - adding more later <Good, I recommend a minimum
of 1 ½ lbs per gallon> - (5) - large turbo snails -
(9) - small snails - (10) - tiny blue leg hermits - (10) - red leg
hermits <Yikes, that's a lot of hermit
crabs. Crabs have been known to pester and sometimes
kill small fish, anemones, and polyps. The rule of thumb
for crabs is one or less per 10 gallons.> - (2) - yellow tail
damsels - (1) - red firefish - (2) - cinnamon clowns - (1) - green
serpent Star - (2) - very small false percula clowns - they are
temporarily partitioned off in this tank till my wife's tank
matures here shortly and are placing those in her
tank. Those clowns, one damsel, the fire fish and the
anemone are on the partitioned side. <Make
sure the anemone is getting enough flow.> The tanks parameters
are very stable and seem not to budge much at all which is a little
frustrating since a couple of the numbers aren't where I would
like them to be. I keep the temperature between
76-78. The salinity is at 1.024, PH - 8.3, Nitrite - 0,
Nitrate -- 20 (can't get that to move, even after a water
change). I do 10% water changes weekly. <Your
temperature and salinity are a little low. Try a target
temperature of 79-80, and target a salinity of
1.026. Start topping off with premixed saltwater to
bring the salinity up. You need to work on those
nitrates some more. Anemones need pristine water
conditions. A better skimmer would help with
that. Do you have, or have you considered a
refugium? That will also help with the
nitrates. More information here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/refugium.htm > Anyhow, the
two pictures attached are new. The deflated picture is
from last night at 11:00 and the inflated picture is this morning
at 6:30. It is doing this religiously once a day but it
is never the same time. He is expelling waste every
time. <If he starts loosing more color, he is
expelling zooxanthellae, not waste. It is still a
possibility that he is still acclimating too your light.> I have
been feeding it raw shrimp, what else should I feed it or is that
sufficient? <The little guy needs some
Selcon! http://www.thatpetplace.com/pet/product/productInfo.web?infoParam.mode=1&infoParam.itemKey=207914 You
will need to soak small portions of food in Selcon every 1 -- 2
days. His color should start to
improve. Start with about 1/8'
portions. His tentacles are a little shorter than they
should be, a sign he is hungry. The foods I recommend
are silversides, Mysis shrimp, krill, lance fish, along with the
raw shrimp you are using. All of these can be soaked in
Selcon before feeding.> Also, as there are none right now, can I
put ANY other inverts in with the anemone in the future? <Most
snails will be fine. Shrimp are usually
fine. Sometimes they will bother an anemone, especially
if there is not food readily available to them. Make
sure they are reef safe and that you have researched them before
you do. Crabs are unpredictable and can be predators,
but are still listed as reef safe most of the time.> Thanks
again, Josh
<You're welcome! Brenda> |
Re: BTA Troubles, Entacmaea
quadricolor, Overstocking -- 3/2/07 Hello Bob and Brenda,
<Hi Patrick, Brenda following up.> Thank you both for your
quick replies. <You're welcome!> Mr. Fenner, I don't
know what you mean by "Bubble Tip Anemone... Dippppp!"
<Not quite sure myself.> <<It's derogatory... STOP
sending too-large files/attachments... Brenda... reject these...
please. RMF>> I'm sorry about the size of the
attachments. I thought a picture may help you to understand what I
was talking about. In the future I won't attach a picture.
<Please do send pictures. Without them my chances of
helping you with your anemone decrease. The problem was
the size of the pictures. They were placed in my in-box
while I was out. It was several hours before I read my
mail. They were causing problems with the server and Bob
desperately need to move them.> Also, when I said your site has
helped me with my new tank I meant that by reading your advice to
other people with similar issues as me I was able to find
solutions. Brenda, thank you for your in-depth advice.
<You're welcome> The person at my LFS said it would be
okay to put the anemone in the tank, but after reading your email I
have brought it back to the store. <Good choice. Once
your tank is suitable you can try an anemone again if you
desire. I also recommend you research everything before
your purchase. The LFS is there to make money.> In terms of the
tank being overstocked, I have had the tank going since the middle
of December and have just now finished adding the fish for the
tank. Also, I took out 3 Chromis and the Tomini tang. Hopefully
this reduces the bioload. So far though, everything is going very
well. Thank you again for your advice and Bob I apologize again for
the size of the message. <Bob will see your message.>
<Good luck with your hobby. Brenda><<Real good. B>> |

My new BTA is Shrinking, Entacmaea quadricolor --
2/28/07 <Hi Josh, Brenda here> I just got a bubble tip
anemone 4 days ago on a Friday evening. Sunday morning 10:30
it looked great, then I left and came home around 2:00 and it was
shriveled up to about 1/4 of the size and excreting a white/clear
slime. <It is expelling waste.> Also, the mouth was enlarged and
looked inverted with some curly stringy stuff coming out.
<Yikes! Is the anemones mouth tightly closed the rest of
the time?> For all practical purposes it looked about 10 minutes
away from death. <I have seen that often. I remember
being in a panic the first few times. My anemones have me trained
now.> I checked all my water parameters and everything was great, I
did a 10% water change anyway. We then left again around
4:00 and came home around 8:30 and he looked great, completely
re-inflated and actually the overall body looked bigger than the day
before. <Great!> He did well all day Monday until
about an hour after I got home and he started shriveling up again and
this time was excreting a brown substance which I am assuming was
waste. <Yes, anemone waste is not always the same color.> He then
continued to shrivel up as bad, or worse, than Sunday
morning. I though he was a goner this time for
sure. Nothing I could do at this point but to just wait it
out. He was still that way when I went to bed around
11:00. I got up the next morning and checked him before I
went to work around 6:30 and he was completely re-inflated again and
yet still looked even bigger and perfectly healthy. What is
he doing? <Possibly acclimating to your lighting. Do you
know what kind of lighting it was kept under previously?> From what
I understand, anemones don't typically shrivel up that bad right?
<Wrong, they can shrivel up to almost nothing.> I know it is hard
diagnosing without a picture. <Yes, but we still try.> I
don't know if it is just still acclimating to my tank or
what. <Yes, it is likely still acclimating to its new
home, but will still expel waste from time to time.> Does the
anemone coming back what seems bigger each time have any significance?
<Not necessarily, would need to see a picture. My guess
is that it is still part of the acclimation process.> I have yet not
even seen a picture on the web with one shriveled up as bad as mine
was. <I can fix that. http://www.karensroseanemones.net/deflating.htm Great
website! Be sure to read through all of it.> Any
ideas? <Most of what I'm reading seems
normal. The curly white appendages you are seeing, is not
typically seen externally on an anemone. Are you over
feeding? I suggest meaty foods, no bigger than the anemones
mouth 2 -- 3 times a week. Make sure you have adequate
lighting, filtration, and water parameters. Also make sure
your anemones color is up to par, meaning no loss of
zooxanthellae. If you have any more problems or questions,
please give us your exact water parameters, including salinity and
temperature along with your equipment list, age of your setup, other
tank mates, and a picture if possible.> Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks very much - your website is extremely
helpful for so many other things I want to learn about. Josh
<You're welcome! Good luck with your new
anemone! Brenda>
Problems with Bubble Tip Anemone, Entacmaea
quadricolor -- 2/22/07 Hi, <Hi Brian, Brenda
here. I received your second e-mail before I had a
chance to respond to the first, so I will take care of them both
now.> I love the site -- thanks! <Thank you!> I have a new
rose tipped anemone in my 75 gallon tank. There is a
satellite light fixture with 4 65 watt bulbs (two are 10000k, and
two are actinic). It seemed great yesterday, but this
morning it looks bad (see attached photo -- sorry for the bad
resolution, I only have my phone with me at work). I
gave it a piece of defrosted krill yesterday
afternoon. Is it a goner? The water is
seemingly great -- nitrates at 0, specific gravity at 1.0225.
<Too low, gradually bring it up to 1.026.> I've got about
100 pounds of Florida and Fiji live rock. There is also
a 30 gallon refugium with miracle mud below the tank. Thanks! Brian
Resurrection! Hi, Looks like all is well. The
anemone spit out some brown goo, and it's back to normal.
<Glad to hear it is looking better. It was probably
expelling waste. Let us know if it starts to bleach
(loss of zooxanthellae) or if you have any other
problems. Work on bringing the salinity up
gradually. Also search WetWebMedia FAQs for more
information on these anemones.> Thanks,
<Your welcome. Brenda> |

Joes Juice for Aiptasia Control Versus BTA, Entacmaea quadricolor
- 2/4/07 Hello, <Hi Sharon, Brenda here> I have 3 BTAs and an
Aiptasia problem. Before using Joe's Juice, I would like to know if
this will harm the BTAs. <There is mixed results with Joe's
Juice for Aiptasia control. To answer your question, too
much at once may harm your BTA. If you choose this route, I
would not use it near your BTA. Start out slow and watch
your livestock closely.> My first thought was to move the infested
rock to a bucket filled with saltwater and zap them there, but all of
my rock can be removed. Help! <An alternative that I have used is
Peppermint Shrimp, Lysmata Wurdemanni. Unfortunately others have had
mixed results with Peppermint Shrimp. There is more
information on both here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/aiptasia_impressions/aiptaisia_impressions.htm
> Sharon <Hope this helps. Brenda>
Bubble Tip Anemone Trouble 1/5/07 Hello,
First of all, I love your site. Your site has helped me many
times and I think I may need your help again. I have had a bubble tip
anemone for about 3 months now and it has begun to look very ill. First
of all, when it arrived it looked very healthy and
was greenish/ blue in color. <Unusual... perhaps
artificially dyed...> It moved around for a week or two
and never found a spot it really could stay in until about 2 months
ago. <Also a bad sign...> Anyways, it has recently
become almost pure white in color. <Bleached> This could mean
that he was bleached right? <Yes...> My friend also
ordered an anemone from the same site and his BTA seems to
be losing its color too. <Can be "just" shipping
stress...> Also, my anemone chose to settle upside down (hanging
upside down), <... bad> rooted to the bottom of an overhang of my
live rock. In this spot it receives virtually no light at
all but hasn't moved for over a month now. At first it
came out daily and slowly began to open less and less until recently
when it does not open at all. I try to feed it 2-3 times a
week. <Good> Here is my problem now. I woke up this
morning to find that my coral banded shrimp was eating part of the
anemone (yuck...). <Mmm, yes... Stenopids are quite
opportunistic...> I thought the anemone was definitely dead but it
still moves a little and opens partially before closing back
up. Anyways, I got the shrimp away from it but that is not
all that is wrong with it. My BTA now refuses food by
holding it and then dropping it. Also, its mouth is now
sticking out and there seem to be frilly things hanging out of the
place where the shrimp took a bite. I am currently trying
feeding it with foods that are vitamin enriched but as far as I can
tell it is a lost cause. It did not seem to be in bad shape
until the shrimp attacked it. I have owned a few anemones successfully
but this is the first one that seems to really be in trouble (if it was
bleached would that be the cause of this decline in health?). <Oh
yes> I have tried everything I can but nothing seems to be
working. As soon as he decided to settle under that rock and
especially after he was attacked by the coral banded shrimp (I have
removed the shrimp from the tank) the BTA's condition has worsened
and I cannot remove him from the rock without tearing him or chiseling
off part of the rock. <Best to move the anemone with the rock...
attached... to another setting... one with a higher nutrient
availability... really, a "dirty" tank with high/er nitrate,
phosphate... mulm on the bottom, subdued lighting...> My main
question is whether or not I should let him be and see if he can
recover <Very unlikely in the present setting> or try and take
him out and let him live out what seems to be the final moments of his
life in my quarantine tank. Also, if he passes away how
would I remove him without contaminating the tank. I heard
that siphoning out a dead anemone may be a good idea, is that true?
<Mmm, yes... if decomposed to that point> Thanks for any help you
can give me, Michael. <I would move the rock/anemone... to the QTank
if this is the best... change water out with the gunk you siphon out
from the substrate... Your and your friends anemones were likely
"doomed" through improper "handling" through the
"chain of custody", twixt collection, holding, shipping
through parties... a lack of lighting, feeding... other sources of
stress... I would contact your supplier re... the more such data points
they have, use, the more likely something/s will be done to limit such
losses. Bob Fenner>
Success! BTA... health, clown
symb. 12/17/06 Hello To All.
I just wanted to take a moment
to thank all you. Your informative sight has given me the
ability to successfully mate a pair of wonderful
animals that belong together. Took me a couple tries. I had a
percula clown who was not interested in my BTA. So, the poor
guy went from a 150 gal tank to a 10 gal hospital tank.
He's fine, but the tomato would of beat him up. <Oh
yes> That and my son wanted him. :-) I have
browsed your sight left and right and continue to do so. All
the articles i read and some personal attention through emails
are all greatly appreciated. Please see enclosed pic of
my tomato clown fish 2 days old and a 3 week old BTA. <This
last badly bleached...> Not even 24 hours in the tank, well
as you can see he's having a blast. Although, i feel the
clown is a bit large for the size on the anemone but
he doesn't seem to mind. <Do keep a close eye here...
Clowns can be too exuberant... for their hosts>
Right now i am running 2 150w MH bulbs. Is that
enough light or do you think i should upgrade to 2 x 250w
MH bulbs? <Mmm, not necessarily, no> Just
wondering. All I can do to make him grow is make sure my water
is in check, and feed him. In time, he'll grow. It
seems like the BTA accepted him. My clown has been cleaning
him. All good stuff. Thanks again. I really love your
web site. <Ah, good... Your Anemone needs to re-incorporate
useful endosymbiotic algae... Do a bit of searching re this issue
please... and thank you for sharing your success, enthusiasm. Bob
Fenner> |

Re: Success!
12/17/06 Thank - you so much bob! <Welcome> I am not
really sure what you meant by your comment here: <This last
badly bleached...> <Please see, read on WWM re... the
indices, search tool...> In regards to this comment: <Do keep
a close eye here... Clowns can be too exuberant... for their
hosts> What do I do in this case? <Again... reading> I am
a bit worried about that. He seems to be a but rough with him.
Before I had this clown, my BTA would be fully open! Not he has
parts of him open and certain parts covered. I just thought it may
take some time for the BTA to get used to its host. Last night the
clown was doing allot of moving around here. 3 weeks later the BTA
has not moved. Only once the first day after that he seemed to be
happy. in regards to this comment: <useful endosymbiotic
algae> I most definitely will and thanks again for the advice.
<Ah, good. BobF> |
Re: Success! Bleached BTA
12/18/06 In regards to: <This last badly bleached...>
<Please see, read on WWM re... the indices, search tool...>
Just to clarify, you want me to do some more reading on an
article title " This last badly bleached"? or did you
want me to search for an article titled the indices <The
article, FAQs on BTAs...: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/bubbletipanemones.htm
and the linked files above...> Also what article should I
search for in regards to the exuberant clown? <Please... learn
to/use the indices, search tool on WWM> Should I type that or
is there a title or link you can recommend? I have read almost
every FAQ on Anemones and clown fish. Most clown and anemone
behaviors. Sorry, hope I am not a bother. <Please make known
what process you've employed to find this information...
specifically. Am desirous of amending what we have in the way of
"instructions", examples of how to find what folks are
looking for. BobF>
Re: bleached? 12/18/06 Hi Bob,
You saying that my BTA looks bleached. Now I
understand. Please note that when that photo you saw was taken,
it was taken at night, w/ no light on or anything. What ever
color you see in the pic came from the camera's flash. Can
that be the reason? <Mmm, no> I never really thought it was
a problem because he does have some color. His tip when they are
bubbled up during the day are white, but he was always a cream
color. <Read my friend... Don't write, read. RMF>