FAQs about Caryophyllid Coral Environmental Disease
(Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...)Related Articles:
Coral Pests and
Disease; pests, predators, diseases and conditions by Sara
Mavinkurve, Caryophyllid
Corals, Elegance
FAQs on Euphylliid Disease:
Caryophyllid Disease 1, Caryophyllid Disease 2, Caryophyllid Disease 3, Caryophyllid Disease 4, Caryophyllid Disease 5, Caryophyllid Disease 6, Caryophyllid Disease 7, Euphylliid Health 8, Euphylliid Health 9, Euphylliid Health 10,
Health 11, Euphylliid Health 12,
Euphylliid Health 13,
Euphylliid Health 14,
& Elegance Coral Disease/Pests,
FAQs on Euphylliid Disease by Category:
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Predatory/Pest, Treatments
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease: Stony Coral Disease 1, Stony Coral Disease 2, Stony Coral Disease 3, Stony Coral Disease 4, Stony Coral Disease 5, Stony Coral Disease 6, Stony Coral Disease 7, Stony Coral Disease 8, Stony Coral Disease 9, Stony Coral Disease 10, Stony Coral Disease 11, Stony Coral Disease
12, Stony Coral Disease 13,
Stony Coral Disease 14,
Stony Coral Disease 15, Stony Coral
Disease ,
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Category: Diagnosing:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Family: Acroporid Disease, Acroporid Disease 2, Acroporid Disease 3, Acroporid Disease 4...,
Caryophyllid Disease 2..., Elegance Coral Disease/Pests, Dendrophylliid Disease, Faviid Disease, Faviid Disease 2, Fungiid Disease, Mussid Disease, Mussid Health 2, Poritid Health, Trachyphylliid Disease, Trachyphyllia Disease 2,
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Type: Brown Jelly Disease, RTN,
Reef conditions water wise; with SOME measurable NO3,
HPO4... not too brisk current, moderate light/ing
Diatoms, Phosguard and photo period; plus Euphyllia env. loss f'
Hello all and thank you for the kind service you do for us in the hobby.
<Hope to be helpful!>
I have had my 60 gallon reef tank since September 2011. For many years I ran a
Marineland reef capable led light. I loved it. Eventually some leds began
shorting out and I replaced it with a Kessil 350 led.
<Excellent product.>
After 8 months the Kessil stopped working.
<Uh oh! Any idea why or what specifically went wrong? I'd have looked into
getting this fixed, it should be under warranty and in any case, failure like
this is both uncommon and unacceptable with a light of that build and price.>
I went without a light for a month or two and lost my hammer coral.
<And probably a lot of other organisms great and small, certainly. What else was
in there? And did it get window/external light? Did you feed the tank?>
I then bought another Marineland reef capable 48" led fixture and put it on my
tank. Here is my issue now; I got a horrible diatom outbreak right away. I tried
decreasing the photo period from 8 hours to 6 hours and then to 4 but nothing
helped. My sand and my rocks were covered with horrible powdery brown growth. I
tested my r/o water with a tds meter and discovered I needed new filters. I
ordered these and began using purchased r/o water that tests ok in the meantime.
I rinsed my rocks in old tank water and did a 15% water change and kept the
light off for a week and started running Phosguard Saturday. My tank looks
amazing again. Can I put my light back on? Will I get another outbreak? Was it
my water? I'm so confused and unsure what made the positive difference, the lack
of light or the Phosguard. I appreciate any insight.
Thank you for your time,
<Well this is certainly a combination of factors but can be boiled down
to "nutrients" from die-off, possibly your source water as well, lack of water
changes, disrupted biological filtration. All these will cause all
sorts of nuisances to crop up. Your best weapon here is simply more
frequent/larger water changes. Say 20% a week. This will get things back on
track, especially alongside the Phosguard and good ro/di water. If it were me I
would set the light up normally; diatoms/slime algae and their ilk love
low-flow, "dirty" water and usually, low lighting. There's no mystery or trick
here, just keep up your water quality with water changes, keep the tank as
stable as possible, under stock it for a while and don't feed any more than you
need to. Then go from there. As you have seen, coral is known to be "fragile"
but it often surprisingly tough! Anything that survived
this disaster is likely to do great again if you stick to the above concepts.
Re: Diatoms, Phosguard and photo period
I also want to add I run a reef octopus hang on the back skimmer that produces
maybe half a cup of dark skim a day.
<Excellent! Invaluable tool and it seems like you have it tuned in well.>
Re: Diatoms, Phosguard and photo period
> Thank you for your quick and insightful reply. I emailed Kessil last week
> and they gave me some troubleshooting which has done nothing. I need to
> follow up as I think she needs my receipt. It was very pricey and I'm still
> in shock it broke. My tank is next to a bank of 3 north facing windows so
> my fish still had a photo period and the blue mushrooms have doubled in
> number.
<Ah north light windows, beloved by painters! Cooler light (towards the blue end
of the spectrum), may have had an effect on your tank perhaps. Better than warm
yellow light, certainly.>
> Not worth losing my hammer though. I continued to feed my 4 fish
> yes. At your advice I resumed using my marineland light 2 days ago at
> preset timer, I think it's 8 hours on. I will do a 20% water change as you
> advised this weekend. My sandbed is clear, no diatoms. Thank you for your
> support and kindness. It's a lonely feeling to flounder and struggle in
> this hobby and nice to have knowledgeable people to turn to mitigate this
> feeling.
> Have a wonderful day,
> Sarah
<Thank you for the kind words, glad to be of use. No need to feel alone in the
fish n' coral keeping hobby though! I cannot overstress how great it is to join
a local aquarium club (they are just about everywhere). Also try social groups
online. There is a Ladies' Frag Swap Facebook group my better half frequents
that might interest you, as a suggestion. Remember, slow down, enjoy, don't let
up trying to get that Kessil replaced/repaired, and maybe sell some of those
blue 'shrooms or trade them...get some new hammer frags :)>
Branching hammer coral not looking normal after splitting
Hello, I have a problem here I can't figure out that maybe you can help me with
my hammer split about a month or two ago, and is now looking like all the fleshy
bits under the polyps and center is missing and the skeleton is exposed?
<I see some of this in you pix>
Why would this happen?
<What re your water quality? Oh, see some issue below>
I thought at first it was a peppermint shrimp I had in the tank so I removed
him, but the hammer does not seems to be getting better? What do you
<All life needs some N, P, K... You state you have zero NO3; do you have
measurable HPO4? Need some of both. What are you feeding this Euphylliid?
Do you dose iodide-ate? Have you read on WWM re the family's needs?>
Water perimeters are: calcium 440 kH 179 ph 8.3 nitrate 0 nitrite 0 ammonia 0
tank size 30gal and my critters are 2 ocellaris clowns, 2 blue green Chromis, 1
Firefish, 1 purple Gorgonia, 2 small colonies of Zoa,
<These may be poisoning the other corals. See WWM re Zoanthid
1 organ pipe, the hammer, green torch coral and my clean up buddies. Any advise
would be really appreciated. Thank you.
<The reading for now. Bob Fenner>
.jpeg) |
Re: Branching hammer coral not looking normal after splitting
Hello and thank you for your reply I do have measurable phosphates the last time
check which was yesterday
the read at 0.25
<Ah, good>
and I feed them reef snow and I haven't dosed anything.
<Mmm; no to using "snows"; as these have almost no food value. PLEASE read here:
and the linked files above. B>
Re: Branching hammer coral not looking normal after splitting
Alrighty I will continue reading on and learning as much as possible.
Hopefully my little buddy pulls through. One more question, if I increase the
amount of brine that I'm feeding the fishes will that be good for him to eat up
or should I spot feed him brine or mysis? Maybe he's starving and I had no idea
I just feel awful :-(
<... read>
Post RTN, Euphylliid myst. loss
Dear WWM,
Thank you for the help you have given me for my reef tank. I have been
keeping a log of everything that happens, water changes and how much is
changed, when things are added to qt tank and then to main, how often
and what things are eating, etc.
<Ah, thorough>
My water chemistry seems to stay the same.
Ammonia-0, Nitrite-0, Nitrate-.5, Phosphate-.05, Calcium-450,
pH-8.3. I had really nice growth, almost doubling in size, of my
Euphyllia glabrescens.
Then I took a trip out of town. I was gone for three days. I had a
family member look after the tank. When I returned the Salinity was
about 1.029.
I usually keep it at 1.026. I added water over the course of the day
and things seemed to be doing alright. One day later my Euphyllia
glabrescens was not expanded and looked almost flat. Within the next 16
hours it was completely gone.
It was so abrupt and quick (hence 'rapid'). I was just
wondering if the salinity change was the factor that killed it.
<Could have triggered...>
I had it for several months and hadn't done anything different. I
was planning on adding Euphyllia ancora but I don't want to be a
coral killer. I was dosing with Kent Zooplex frequently like every
other day. I also fed mashed fish to the tank's corals weekly.
<Mmm, there are better foods... see WWM re>
I also don't think it was allelopathy because I have had this mix
(All LPS, all but one Euphyllia the other Duncan polyp) together for
some time and I had just done a water change. Any ideas? Have a nice
<Thanks; can't tell from what is presented... I would have you
read here:
and the linked files above. Do you use iodide-ate? I would. Bob
Re: 05/02/10 Euphyllia hlth. mostly --
<Hello Ryan>
Let me know if this photo helps.
<Mmmm, looks dead to dying to me>
Nitrate>50 PPM
<This is 5 - 10 times too high. The major concern here>
<This should be zero. Have you double tested this
Phosphates 0
<Some is required>
Salinity 1.21
<1.021? This is too low. Should be 1.025 - 1.026>
Temp 74.5 F
<Would raise this as well to 78-80>
Canister filter with GFO
<A probable source of nitrates if not cleaned twice a week, and
the GFO is not something I would be running here>
<As well?>
<I'm not sure what this is... maybe it is too early in the
morning for me....>
<Yes, Ryan, this does help a lot. As noted above your problems
are water quality and chemistry. Do be aware, that this is a
calcifying organism and requires that calcium, alkalinity and
magnesium are correct as well as the
others noted above. Please read here:
Simon> |
Frogspawn branches breaking - 6/3/08
I have had a frogspawn that has been doing quite well and growing
substantially over the past two years. In the last month or so I have
had two sizable branches with multiple mouths break off. <This will
happen from time to time.> Do the branches simply deteriorate over
time as their calcium is dissolved in the water, <Yes> or is this
the effect of having a low dKH/alkalinity for an extended period of
time? <Also yes'¦would speed decay up> For the last two
years or so (I think) I was running (unintentionally and unknowingly) a
dKH=4-5 and calcium 350-450. (adjusting manually with turbo calcium
pellets only) I have now raised the dKH to 7-8 in the past week with
SeaChem Reef Builder, but I had another sizable branch break off this
morning. Could this be the work of my gigantic long-spine urchin?
<Not the work of the urchin, no'¦though he poses other
dangers to your corals worth reading about in the fine articles to be
had by searching this site. Euphylliid corals have fairly open, brittle
skeletons that shatter easily. Over time they do break down, but this
process is accelerated by low alkalinity which causes expedited
dissolution of Scleractinian product. The bad news is raising your
alkalinity won't strengthen old skeleton, but it will prevent
further decay and help the coral to build sturdy new skeletal material.
Current Water parameters: Nitrates=0 Phosphates=0 DKH=7 Calcium=410
<You'll want to shoot for a slightly lower Ca to accommodate a
higher alkalinity. Continue to raise that, and everything looks great.
No worries.> Thanks! <Welcome!> Aaron Chandler
Dying torch coral 03/28/08 Hi Bob: New here
so hope I am not bugging you. <Of course not, but Bob is in
Malaysia... SaraM here.> I have had a Torch coral for about 4
weeks and it seemed to be doing fine. I placed it high in the
tank. I have it in a medium flow area in a 180 gal tank with 150
gal refugium. I feed home made phyto and feed somewhat heavy with
the fish food. Mysis shrimp perhaps once a week. About a week ago
the coral started receding. It is now totally receded. I moved it
down to the bottom of the tank to see if this would help. All my
water parameters seem to be OK. Do I need to spot feed him?
<might help> I have a heavy lighting system with 3 10000K
metal halides and 2 20000K bulbs supplemented with 2 T5 actinic
and moonlighting. <What are the wattages of these bulbs? If
the coral was too high up (or if the light is too direct), there
might be a localized heat problem. Strong, indirect lighting is
preferred.> Top up water is RODI and I run a calcium reactor,
UV sterilizer and a Euro Reef 240 Skimmer. I am running a deep
aragonite sand bed (5"). The tank suffered a unfortunate
crash about 6 months ago but seems to be bouncing back well. At
the moment the tank is really not stocked very heavily as I
wanted the system to be well established before restocking.
Chaeto grows very well in the refugium as well as some grape
Caulerpa. I harvest almost weekly. I do a weekly water change of
20 gallons using Instant Ocean. Lots of copepods and micro fauna
in the sump. I know you probably need a lot more information to
diagnose the problem , but just thought you may have a particular
suggestion regarding this coral. <What is near the coral? Any
leather corals in the tank?> Thanks for your time in this
matter, appreciate it. <I'm sorry I can't give you a
specific diagnosis. If you want my educated guess, I think the
lighting you put it under might have been too intense/direct. Did
you properly acclimate the coral?> Bev Parker <Best, Sara
Re: dying torch coral 03/28/08 Thanks so
much for your quick response Sara. Yes the coral did come from a
much less lighted tank at the LFS. Bulbs are 3 -150Watt 10000K MegaChrome Blue by Giesemann and 2 -250Watt 20000K. <Ahh, I
think this is your "problem" then. That's a lot of
light! And if it was under less light when you got it, the
"shock" of suddenly being under intense direct lighting
could easily be the problem here.> Yes there is a large
branching leather coral upstream from the torch about a foot
away. <Generally, you should avoid putting LPS corals in with
leathers. That said, many people do it anyway and swear they
never have a problem with it.> And no I did not do any
reduction of light when placing the coral. Probably all big
mistakes I guess? <It's how we learn, right?> I will
move the torch upstream and leave him near the bottom. Hope this
will bring him back. <These are generally tough corals. If the
lighting was the problem, moving it near the bottom should
help.> Thanks again as I really appreciate the life of these
corals and what we must do to maintain them. <Thanks, me
too.> Take care........Bev(dassystem1 on the forums) Bev
Parker <Good luck, Sara M. (Sihaya on the forums)>
Frogspawn stalk question... hlth.
mostly, and a "blue" light LED f' --
1/26/08 Hi there, I have a seemingly healthy and happy
frogspawn that has grown from three heads to seven in about 5
months (he loves mysis shrimp). <Mmm, needs more than this,
nutrition and water quality supplement-wise> I have the 5 inch
stalk stuffed into a hole in one of my rocks to anchor it. well..
something is eating away at the stalk and it is looking pretty
weak at this point so I have two questions. 1) what do I do once
it breaks? <Re-orient, place it> and 2) what is eating the
stalk? <Perhaps nothing. Have you observed a predator?> I
have two ridiculously large black urchins, <Mmm, could be
poking it> 1 scooter blenny, 1 fox face (he came after this
started) 4 green chromis, 1 mandarin, two tank bred percula
clowns, and something that is 1/2 pink 1/2 yellow his make eludes
me at the moment. I add calcium occasionally <How and why?>
and an all in one nutrient supplement once every week or two.
<... of what constituency, and how do you test for?>
I'll admit that I almost never change my water but I seem to
have a high evaporation rate and add a gallon of distilled water
per day( not sure if that is good or not but it certainly stopped
my algae issues). <And your stony coral health evidently> I
used to test my water constantly but now I do it rarely because
all looks well. <... can be deceiving. I "measure"
such events in life by "results"> I do have a
bristle worm problem that I am trying to solve. <Small
possibility that these polychaetes might be involved as
well...> Thanks in advance. <Ummm, well... there could be
"something" chewing et al. here... but could just as
well be an anomaly of water quality and/or nutrition at play...
making the skeleton of the Euphylliid "soft"... Need
more/real data to assess better... Or you might read:
http://wetwebmedia.com/carydisfaqs.htm and the linked files
above...> P.S. would you consider the PowerBrite 460 led blue
light a moon light? <Sure> I just bought it today and the
salesmen said it was a moonlight but it says its for growth??
<Mmm, blue? What wavelengths? See WWM re... will not likely
boost growth, or photosynthesis period. Bob Fenner>
Re: frogspawn stalk question -- 1/28/08 Thanks for the
response. Here is more info including photos to help with the
diagnosis. <Good ones too> My tank is 90 gallons. It's
been up for about 8 mo.s since we moved to Florida and prior to
that about 1 yr. My lights are CF, 3 10,oook, 2 50/50 actinic, 1
6700k (accidental purchase). GH 180, KH 80-120, Ph 7.5,
<Yikes... way too low... unable to biomineralize...>
Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, temp 78. I did pluck a tiny star fish off
my frogspawn last night and another was on the rock nearby. I
have removed 6-8 over the last 6 months or so. I read that they
were a nuisance. Do you think they could be the problem? Stacy T.
<Could be some aspect of predation, but the pH... is a huge
issue here. Could be "it" alone... please... read re:
on WWM and nutrition of Euphylliids/Caryophylliids... RMF>
Lighting (One More Time!) - 05/18/06 Dear Eric R. <<Hello
Diane>> It's been a long time since I've written in and
the first time to you. <<Welcome back>> I have been trying
to follow Bob's advice; read, read, read some more, then make up
your own darn mind. (To paraphrase). <<Indeed>>
Well, I got the first part down. However, just when I
thought I had this lighting figured out I went to a different LFS and
POOF! here we go again. <<Ha!...nature of the
beast/hobby...opinions abound!>> If you would be so kind to go
over what I have and help me straighten this out. <<Would be glad
to provide my input>> We have a 125 gal. acrylic tank 72" X
18" X 20" with a 6" DSB. Lights
hang 11 to 12" above the water line and can be raised or lowered
as needed. <<Ok>> The lights are two 36" Power
Compacts, the left-one is SunPaq 10,000K/460-Actinic and the right-one
is SunPaq Dual-Daylight 6,700/10,000K. The
halides are 3 X 175 watts. Left is 6500K, middle is 20,000K
and right is 14,000K. <<Mmm, why the variation across the length
of the tank? Are you attempting to create differing
"zones/niches"?>> The yellow of the daylight halide is
tempered by the blue of the actinic and the blue of the 14K Halide is
tempered by the yellow of the daylight PCs (the 20K is because I have
read so many raves and Anthony's book BOCP says for LPS you can go
bluer.) <<Ok>> Well yesterday we went to a different LFS
and they had the MOST beautiful corals! We purchased several
and during the selection and bagging process I questioned the manager
as to his procedures for maintenance and lighting. He told me that 15K
are THE best and that my 6500K should only be used for high light SPS.
<<Too "general" a statement...I disagree>> Now
Drs. Foster and Smith will let me return bulbs for replacement but am I
that far off with my lights? <<I don't know, what are you
keeping/trying to accomplish with this lighting?>> There
can't be that much difference between 14K and 15K! <<Or even
20K...agreed>> However, I am not sure about the 6500K and the
20K. <<A marked difference in spectral output...but the 6500K
still contains enough "blue light" for most all
corals>> We have: (all bought yesterday),1 6" green Bubble
(Plerogyra sinuosa), 1 6" Favites (?) shared corallite walls.
<<Favites, yes...a shared wall between the calyces>> They
are both under the 65K with the Favites on the sand and the Bubble
three inches higher, on a rock. <<It may be fine, but keep an eye
on the Bubble coral. Plerogyra are not high light requiring
corals, if the "bubbles" looks to be turning brown or stop
expanding, do move it lower/to a more subdued lighting location>>
One 4" green Long Tentacle Plate/Disc (Fungia scutaria) on the
sand under the 20K with the most gorgeous green Fox (Nemenzophyllia
turbida) also under the 20K but under a ledge. To the right
of them are 2 separate pieces of Branching Hammer (Euphyllia parancora)
consisting of 8 and 9 heads respectively (after adaptation, thought of
moving apart under different lights to experiment?).
<<Sure>> They are also placed just three inches above the
sand bed, however the highest two heads are 6" below the water
line and they are centered between the 20K and the 14K. Now,
under the 14K is my baby, an Open Brain coral (Trachyphyllia geoffroyi)
whom I've had 2 years now. She is not the vivid color
when I purchased her (bright green and deep maroon) but I would swear
in the last few days her red is coming back! <<Maybe had
"too much" light before hand. It's not a hard
and fast rule by any means, but many LPS with "red" pigments
require/demand lower light levels than those with "green"
pigments>> The new bulbs are either more to her liking or else
the color was always there and I just couldn't see it under the old
5500Ks. <<A bit of both>> After all that I
guess my questions are, is the 6500K that bad?
<<Nope...especially considering the wattage/distance you have the
bulbs above the tank. That's not to say I think it's
the best bulb for your particular selection of
livestock. Speaking for me...for an LPS dominant tank I
would go with a higher Kelvin rating...10000K is a good "all
around" spectrum...but in this instance I would be tempted to go
with a quality 14000K or 20000K bulb for each fixture. Much
depends on your own sense of aesthetics and what your trying replicate
in your system>> (I have a 10K that I can replace it with but it
is WHITE!) Am not interested in SPS (never say never).
<< <grin> >> Is the 20K a good bulb for LPS?
<<With enough intensity, yes. If you go with 20000K I
recommend you move the lights to within 6-8 inches of the water's
surface>> The blue look is nice and the corals are beautiful
under them but I want what is best for the animals (short of leaving
them in the oceans of course). <<...of course>> These are
the only corals I want with the possible addition of a nice Hammer (E.
ancora) and maybe, sometime down the road a ways, I would love to have
an Elegance (Catalaphyllia jardinei). <<Do please read
up/research the Catalaphyllia well (you can begin here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/elegance.htm). This is not an
easy coral to keep, and is best tried in a specie specific system
designed to/for its care>> Thank you so much for your time and
patience. All of you are appreciated and I hope one day you
will all know how much! <<Thank you for the kind
words...we're happy to assist>> Wishing you the best of life,
Diane. <<And to you in kind, Eric Russell>> P.S. the LFS is
ATM in Las Vegas, Nevada the one on the corner of Patrick and Sandhill
in the Southeast part of the valley. Beautiful corals and
good prices. <<Hmm, will have to make a point to stop in next
time I'm in Vegas. EricR>>
Lighting (One More Time!) II - 05/20/06 Polyp Bailout in Branching
Hammer Dear Eric, Thank you so much for answering so quickly. You guys
(yes, and gals) are great! <<You're welcome...and thank
you>> But it seems quick as you were problems arise quicker!
<<Uh oh>> The Branching Hammer has just been dissolving
continuously since adding them to the tank. I have been
reading for two days now and since 2 a.m. this morning, But
other than photo shock (?) which I didn't think happened that
quickly, I am at a loss. I have also siphoned off two more
gooey brown heads of the Hammer. <<Mmm, photo shock
"can" have a rapid effect, especially if the coral was
already stressed...but from the "gooey brown" description,
I'm inclined to suspect a bacterial/protozoa
infection. Though admittedly pure speculation, but have you
read through our coral disease FAQs?>> I separated the two
pieces, leaving the best (?) of the two in its original location and
moving the other to the far left end where I have removed the 6500K
halide (to be replaced by another 14K Thank You
<<welcome>>). I also dipped this piece in an
iodine mix of one quart aquarium water and ten drops Lugol's for
ten minutes. It only has two heads, out of nine, that look
even halfway viable so I figured we had nothing to lose. The
other piece has two heads that look great and two that look iffy.
<<I would dip "both" pieces in the iodine
solution: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/iodfaqs.htm
>> We bought these corals on the 17th of May and this is the
first day the Green Bubble has inflated but it is no longer the
fluorescent green it was in the store, but rather a much paler green.
<<Hmmm, would have thought the bubble coral to inflate before
now...possibly telling (something in your water
parameters?). The color is "possibly" a function
of the lighting...maybe the LFS had more "actinic" over the
coral in the store>> The Long Tentacled Plate is starting to show
himself and the Fox looks to be doing O.K. Only the E.
parancora crashed (but I know it's still real early in the
game). At the LFS the corals were in maybe six inches of
water approximately 18 inches under 175 watt 14 and 20K
(3). The salinity was 1.025 but I forgot to ask about
pH. Anyhow I drip acclimated them over four plus hours and
swore I would not move them around for at least 2 weeks if at
all. But I'll probably move the Bubble lower when the
new bulb gets here. <<Okay>> Right now it is about 16
inches to the left of 20K, 5 inches below the water surface and 15
inches under the 10K/actinic P.C. My water parameters are
temp. 80 ; salinity 1.025; my pH was 8.3 at 6:30 last night and 8.0 at
7 this morning. <<Is fine>> I had added 1 tsp. Seachem Reef
builder directly to the tank in an effort to get my alk. up from
2.5. Added it last night and this morning my alk is
3. Amm. is 0, nitrites are 0, but my nitrates are 10.
<<Mmm...possibly a result of the decomposing Euphylliid...or an
indication something else is amiss>> I have a 6 inch DSB and
never had a problem with nitrate. I use a Turboflotor-Multi
HOB skimmer and (temporarily) an Aquaclear 110 with 2 new bags
Chemi-pure and one Polyfilter. <<Both good stuff>> My
iodine kit showed no iodine even after a couple of small water changes
(approx. 20%) over 2 days so I added 4 drops Lugol's, still nothing
on the test so I added 3 more drops, still nothing this morning.
<<Hmmm...>> I use I.O. salt and the new water tests at .05
iodine, (perhaps the chemical filtration). <<Ah...yes>>
Water movement is with 3 Aquaclear 70s
<<...? Aquaclear 70 power filters? How
often do you clean these...should be done "at least"
weekly>> and 1 Seio 820. <<Some additional
"vigorous" water movement would likely do this tank some good
as well>> I don't know what else to do except maybe another
small water change today to get the nitrates back to zero. <<I
recommend a 30-40 percent water change>> I did not think my
set-up was that different from the LFS where all the corals looked
fantastic! Do you have any suggestions. <<Mmm,
yes...dip both Euphylliids again (remove any diseased/dieing heads
first), perform a 40% water change, and keep monitoring water
quality/performing water changes as needed>> The sad thing is I
truly love the Euphylliid family and could easily picture a tank of
just them. <<Would be beautiful I'm
sure. Don't give up...get over this hurdle, learn from
the experience, and pursue your dream tank>> One more
thing. Do they dye corals? <<Some...mainly
"soft" coral species...a terrible practice>> The Bubble
was a very vivid neon green and the Fox is bright, almost fluorescent
green. (But the Hammer is/was a more normal brown and green).
<<Is rather unlikely these were/are dyed corals...have not heard
of this being attempted with stony/LPS corals. Regards, Eric
Russell>> <Unfortunately... I have. RMF>
Hammer Coral
Sickness? Death 4/6/06 Hello,
I am having a big problem with my work's fish
tank. We have had this hammer coral for over a
We have no nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, or phosphates in the
water. The PH is always a little low (between 7.9 and
8.1) but the tank has always been like that even after adding lots
of PH balance.
<? Something else wrong here... insufficient water changes, poor
salt mix, not enough soluble substrates, too much
And it has never seemed to hurt anything.
<Operative word: "seemed">
About 4 months ago about 25% of the hammer coral shriveled up and
has never come back.
<It's gone>
The rest of the hammer then started to grow, but now I came into
work to find it receded into the exoskeleton and it was covered in
a white fuzzy covering. And this morning it was totally
gone.... I am at a frantic loss. Here is a before pic
and an after pic. In the before pic the hammer is to the
far right. Any advice would be so
helpful. Thank you for your time.
<... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/caryophyllids.htm
and the linked files above... You don't offer sufficient info.
to make good guesses at what has gone on, not gone on here, but by
reading others circumstances, you'll likely bring to your
awareness... Bob Fenner> |

Frog spawn total polyp bail out 6/5/03 Bob, I have a
frogspawn (grape I believe) that went through total polyp bail-out.
<yikes! quite stressed to do so> I have recovered the polyp heads
and am trying to get them to attach and re-calcify. They detached about
a month ago. <indeed slow about it> The polyp heads are doing
great, have good color and are extending nicely. I have the smaller of
the two inside of an old open clam shell and covered with a piece of
fruit net to keep it in place. The other is moving itself around the
tank. Is there anything that I can do to speed up the re-attachment
process? Thanks, John <definitely... feeding small/tiny calcium rich
foods... shell-on crustaceans usually do the trick (Mysids and Pacifica
plankton are good to start with). Feeding weekly or more often is key
here. Best regards, Anthony>
RE: frog spawn total polyp bail out 6/5/03 Anthony, Thank you
for your quick response. In addition to, I am using two part b-ionic.
Will this slow the calcification process? <should help if dosed
properly> My CA is running 480-500. <yikes! Careful mate. Sounds
like some SPS-keeper talked you into this precariously high level
(dangerous for most aquarists). There is a clear and present danger of
a chemical "snowstorm" if you try to raise alk high too. We
have articles and FAQs here on WetWebMedia about the topic at length...
do browse more starting here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/calcalkmar.htm
> I am however switching this tank slowly over to seawater obtained
from our local supply at the Scripps institute of oceanography (San
Diego). <a bad decision in my opinion. Never use natural seawater...
not even from Scripps <G>. Seriously... I have been to the
institute... yes, driven down and seen the spigots from which to draw
their filtered seawater. This after the president and other members of
the San Diego Marine Aquarium Society wiped their tanks out for using
it! Keep in mind... that they treat that grossly filtered water heavily
after (!) the point at which you can draw grossly filtered seawater.
The population along the California coast makes that water truly
unsuitable IMO. Please do read more on out site (use Google. search too
for a keyword search) and also chat with the SDMAS folks (great
people/club) regarding> I started this AFTER the polyp bail-out. I
change between 1-2 gals. a day on a 55 Gal. Stress, quite possible. The
frogspawn was located in the close vicinity of pulsing xenia.
<little aggression from the Xenia> Could have also been that I
use to add the top of water (DI) to the HOB CPR skimmer located near
the frogspawn. <yikes if this is unaerated or unbuffered... even
then the fresh influx is rough indeed> Could a change in temporary
SG stress it? <indeed... quite unnatural for this subtidal
species> Next my tomato clowns were being very active this spring
and would constantly brush the frogspawn and keep it from fully
expanding. <adding insult to injury <G>> Last but not
least, my I have the address to your web site? Thanks again, John
<yes, my friend... there is so much to learn here:
www.wetwebmedia.com Kind regards, Anthony>
Pearl bubble health question Finally, not a lighting question
from me! :) <I'm not betting on it until I finish reading the
whole message <G>> I recently installed a large pearl bubble
coral into my 75 gallon reef tank. I went through what I thought was a
good acclimation process, and I expected him to take a while to
acclimate to the tank. He seems somewhat OK (it's only been 3 or 4
days, so as well as can be expected after the move),
<agreed> but last night I thought he was dying - he started
emitting streams of a gooey-looking substance through slits in his
body. <two things it could be... simply excrement (usually dark in
color), or Zooxanthellae packets (symbiotic algae) from stress... often
luminary shock (lights too bright). Acclimation to bright lights takes
weeks.. a drawn out process with shade screens atop the coral, etc. Do
you recall the synopsis for doing that from my lighting article, bud?
NO worries anyway... it still may be excrement. Was there a recent
large feeding? Bubble corals need to be fed finely minced meaty foods
4-5 times weekly minimum. Daily would be better> I was about to
remove him from the tank entirely, into quarantine, but I noticed that
he didn't actually look like he was on his last legs, but the
emissions disturbed me. They went on for about an hour, not
continuously but every once in a while. This morning, he looks like he
always has. I'm keeping a close eye on him, but would like to get
your input. <excellent... as per above> My lighting is a pair of
250W MH (as if you guys haven't heard enough about *that* recently)
and 4 55W actinic PCs. I'm acclimating him by lowering the MHs to 3
hours a day and working back up to 9 hours over a 10 day period, but
I'm wondering if he's just having a bad reaction to the change
in light (although he'd been under lower-intensity MHs prior to
entry in the tank). <this is a bad habit and an inappropriate
acclimation technique. Even if it is the only coral in the tank. And
when there are other corals... this means every established coral in
the tank will be deprived of light every time a new coral is added?
Yikes. Do read my acclimation technique using screens at the bottom of
this article (excerpted from my coral book):
> Thanks... Arthur
<best regards, Anthony>
Re: Pearl bubble health question "And when there are
other corals... this means every established coral in the tank will be
deprived of light every time a new coral is added?" Yikes! You
know, I wondered about this recently. I have read about other methods,
but always stopped after reading about placing it low and moving it up
- he's large, so that wouldn't work. The screen idea never
occurred to me, but it's an elegant and simple solution.
<awesome, my friend! It does seem to work well for most folks>
The reason I thought it would work out to place him and lower the MH
duration was because I'm simultaneously replacing the MH bulbs,
going from 10KK to 20KK (I got the 20KK Radiums - *love* the
effect). Even though the 10KK bulbs I'm replacing are only 3 months
old, I was concerned about the new bulbs' being too strong, and
having asked a million light-oriented questions recently, I didn't
want to ask another and thought I had a good solution (bad
assumption). <not necessarily a bad assumption... just a bit
risky without concurrent use of a PAR or Luxmeter. And in the future
when a bulb change was not a convenient segue, it would quite possibly
compromise the other corals> I'm about 4 days into lowered
levels, and have worked back up to 5 hours (out of 9, up from the
lowered starting point of 3) - should I simply put the hours back to 9
and place the screens, or continue the path because of the new bulbs,
or do something else entirely? <having reduce the photoperiod,
I'd be content to see you carry on as planned. Slow acclimation of
all to increasing photoperiod. Do be sure to feed well... food can
compensate for lower/inadequate light with corals> Dang it, I knew
*somehow* this would get back to a question from me about lights...:)
Arthur <Ha! no worries at all... never hesitate to ask or wonder.
Keep learning, sharing and growing. Kindly, Anthony>
Euphyllia Ancora Hi Craig !!!!!!!!! Thanks for the advice on
timers, you're like my piscatorial guardian angel! <Hi
Mimie!> I recently purchase an Anchor coral for <cheap>(like
the budgie!) and it is a beautiful addition to my tank. I love the
metallic green that seem to stand out in the actinic light. Prior to
buying it, I did some research on your site and am a little quizzical
on the aspects of water movement and lighting because of the
conflicting notes on the articles and the FAQ section. I've got
mine wedged between some LR about 4 inches from the surface, close to
the powerhead. (I have a 2X55W PC unit but only turn on the 10000K
actinic lamps. The other is a 7100K lamp. Photoperiod is 12 hrs.) Also
offered some Mysis shrimp soaked in Zoecon but it did not consume it.
Of course all filtration and powerheads were turned off. <I
purchased a bleached Hammer because it was a deal too:>) They like
full spectrum lighting (50/50 actinic and white) so turn on all of your
lights, perhaps over a few days, and try to match the lighting
intensity from the store at first. It will likely be alright where it
is, light wise. The Tentacles should gently wave in the current,
nothing too vigorous. This family of corals have hard skeletons which
can bruise or cut the soft tissue in too-strong current. It would
likely not open or stay open. I don't target feed my hammer, which
has grown considerably and recuperated nicely from it's former
condition, but I feed my fish a large variety of natural foods which
indirectly feeds the hammer.> Also got a juv. Zebrasoma Velifera who
just loved the shrimp but hasn't sampled the Gracilaria algae in my
tank...although my Mexican Turbos seem to munching on it throughout the
day. <Note: I will be moving the tang to a 135G FO system I am
getting for Xmas *smile*> Please advise. Just me, MER <Wow, my
advice? Have fun! Enjoy your hammer coral, with
the proper light, a moderate current and fed fish it should do just
fine. Some people target feed their LPS corals, there is more on this
at WetWeb, in Anthony's book, Bob's book or the new Invert book
coming out soon. Remember, LPS corals need adequate calcium
and alk levels as well. Bye for now, Craig>