FAQs on Identification of Stinging-Celled
Related Articles: Cnidarians, Water Flow, How Much
is Enough,
Related FAQs: Cnidarian IDs 1, Cnidarian IDs 2, Cnidarian IDs 3, Cnidarians ID 4, Cnidarians ID 5, Cnidarians ID 6, Cnidarian ID 7, Cnidarian ID 8, Cnidarian ID 9, Cnidarian ID 10, Cnidarian ID 11, Cnidarian ID 12, Cnidarian ID 13, Cnidarian ID
14, Cnidarian ID
15, Cnidarian ID
16, Cnidarian ID 17, Cnidarian ID 18, Cnidarian ID 19, Cnidarian ID 20, Cnidarian ID 21, Cnidarian ID 22, Cnidarian ID 24, Cnidarian ID 25, Cnidarian ID 26, Cnidarian ID 27, Cnidarian ID 28,
Cnidarian ID 28,
ID 29,
Cnidarian ID 30,
Cnidarian ID 31,
& Anemone ID 1, Aiptasia
ID 1, Stony Coral ID
1, Mushroom Identification,
Soft Coral ID, Alcyoniid ID, Xeniid ID,

Need Information -- Corallimorph ID
Last May I started a 12 gallon salt tank with live rock. This
small pink thing was about the size of a grain of rice and has
steadily grown in the last 10 months. It is now the size of a
softball. Could you please tell me what this is, is it going to
outgrow my tank?
<Looks like you got yourself a hairy mushroom polyp...
it's hard to say if it will "outgrow" your tank. It
might depend on what you mean by "outgrow." Some of
these guys can reach the since of diner plates. Even at that
size, it might still "fit" in your tank, but it will
likely become the only thing left.
See here:
I would appreciate any information you can give me.
Lori A. Pickett
Sara M.>
Flow Issues and a few others (modified)
Hello Mr. Fenner,
(If in fact I've linked to you J )
<Ah yes>
Firstly, I have heard praise re your book: The Conscientious
Marine Aquarist, and was wondering if you could supply me with
the ISBN# in order to more easily find it please?
(or'¦. If there is a more 'direct' way I could
acquire one -- say with a blessing for success signed in the
front'¦.) gee, was that a little over the top?
<Here: ISBN-13: 978-1890087999 or on Amazon:
I have been attempting to digest the information on WWM -- a
fantastic wealth of information and people by the way -- and
other avenues, and am finding that I only achieve a rather good
impression of a professional head-scratcher as a result. I am
planning towards a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft 120gal. reef setup, ( an
upgrade from a 55gal.) and am having difficulty understanding the
plumbing/flow setup. I plan to have the tank as a divider between
two rooms, (3 sides visible), refugium underneath (40gal
hopefully or better if room permits).
My goal is to get away from mix-n-match reef stock to sps, so I
realize high flow is in order. But there appears to be many
different opinions as to what those numbers are. (Is there a
'Coles Notes -- Saltwater for dummies' book?)
<Not as far as I'm aware for the former, and the latter is
a poor work in my estimation>
The people I have spoken to at the LFS have all said that the
tank is to be drilled at both ends. Is it not possible to drill
and sump/return centered at the one end?
<It is>
If so, how does one plan towards pump size vs. flow(s).
<Ahh, posted on WWM...>
With the variety and opinions abounding it appears very confusing
to actually find a path to follow.
<... taken a bit, steps at a time...>
The only thing I am certain of is I have no reservations
regarding the use of power heads to assist flow. Presently my 55
uses Koralias as primary for circulation. If you know of a
tried-and-true design, I would be greatly interested. At the very
least, I could seriously use a pointer towards a "step
#1" you could say. I do not want to fall into the horse
before the cart trap, as it would not be fair to my future
Towards the idea of a closed flow system, am I understanding
correctly that this circuit would be completely separate from the
filtration system?
<Is generally... but I encourage you to just use internal
pumps here>
If so, does it feed from the refugium, or a separate pump housed
in the show tank itself?
I realize this leaves a rather vague avenue to reply to, but I
request you patience'¦ if I knew more, I could
formulate better Q's to ask -- sorry.
<Take your time Richard>
Oh, a final boon to request -- could you help with the identity
of an unknown please (photo attached)?
<I see this in your accompanying msg.. Is a Zoanthid polyp.
See WWM re>
I have tried to describe them to the LFS and receive the word
Aiptasia as a result, but they do not match any pic I have been
able to view throughout my search of the web. They have been
resident in the tank, same spot right below the filter, for about
7 or 8 months. They started as a speck, and have held at just
under a cm across for almost half that time now, and recently I
have noticed another speck starting at the base of the larger
specimen. They react to feeding just as a Palythoa would as far
as speed of closing goes. I'm rather hopeful it's a type
of Protopalythoa... but that's just desperation talking.
On a final - and slightly askew - note: I have read more then one
posting reply from someone who reacts disfavour ably to the
"collective" style of the Crew's responses, and
must throw my two bits into the fray. If these individuals can
not deal with real life replies from other individuals... why do
they bother?
And more importantly - How on earth do they navigate the real
<Heeee! One of my fave responses is to tell westerners that
should they get to St. Peter's gate, that their responses
will not be a matter of choosing multiple-choice>
Good thing reef inhabitants can't communicate in English, or
the tanks would suffer b/c their owners would be in therapy
24/7!! Please keep doin-what-yer-doin!
<Are endeavouring...>
Once again I thank you and the crew at WWM for your time, your
dedication, and for helping me stay with the hobby -- and helping
my sanity/salinity stay with me!
Richard J.C.
<Cheers, BobF>
Aiptasia or Colonial Hydroids!?! 2/26/10
Hello Dear WWM Crew!
I found something in my Nano and to tell you the truth, I am
There is 4 little brown anemones looking things with tubes!
at first I thought of them being an Aiptasia, then colonial
<I think Hydroids/Hydropolyps, though not necessarily
I took a long toothpick and when I touched them the tube was hard
like a feather duster.
But polyp/anemone looking like Aiptasia (I did nuke a few from
those rocks)
<You might have both! You lucky pug!>
I am very sorry for the pictures they are so small that even with
my nose stuck to the glass I can barely see them.
I would love to know what they are before I pull out the needle
and start shooting!
You guys are the Greatest Crew ever!
Love the site
<Thanks, Bob Fenner>
Live Rock Anemone ID and Skilter Search
Hey guys, I had 2 quick questions I need your help with.
I have a little 10 gallon saltwater aquarium I am gearing up for
a reef tank. I've been pretty religious in checking the
salinity levels and doing 2 gallon water changes every other
<Probably not often enough for such a small tank.>
Current stock is a Firefish, a tiny royal gramma, a percula
clownfish, 2 peppermint shrimp, some snails, and some blue leg
<Too much here, the gramma will eventually kill the Firefish
most likely, then go after the clown. My gramma is very
aggressive in a 46G with just a pair of clowns, in a ten it will
most likely kill all other tankmates.>
One day while doing maintenance I noticed a small anemone on a
piece of live rock. It doesn't appear to be a glass anemone,
but I know most desirable ones require high light which is not
available at the moment, yet the anemone appears to be thriving.
Its about a half an inch across, beige base with clear tentacles
tipped with white. I included a poor quality pic if that helps. I
was wondering if it should be removed or kept.
<Hard to say from the picture, but I would guess a
<<Very hard to see, but my guess is a Pseudocorynactis.
Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/mushrmidfaq2.htm
at the bottom for instance. RMF>>
Also before I turn the aquarium over into reef (I'm giving it
6 months to mature) I wanted to find a good quality Skilter to
replace the current filter for increased current and
<I would not spend money on a Skilter, neither filters nor
skims very well in my opinion. Look into a Aqua-C Nano for more
bang for your buck.>
The only one we sell at the store I work at does 250 gallons an
hour, probably much too much for the little 10 gallon.
<Depends on what you are keeping.>
I was hoping you might know where one could find a good quality
Skilter for a 10-20 gallon aquarium. Thanks guys!
PS I give your website to any customer at the store who is
starting out in the hobby! Keep up the good work-Ray
%20LR%20skilter.jpg) |
Can You Please Help Me Identify? Likely Protopalythoa
-- 2/5/10
Hi Guys,
<Hello George, Lynn here today.>
Thanks for the great site and help.
<Always a pleasure.>
I just bought a Nano 34 gallon and found these guys on some of
the LR. I can't tell if it is Aiptasia or hydroid Myrionema
or something else.
<Thankfully, it's neither. It appears to be a nice little
group of Zoanthids, likely Protopalythoa, aka button polyps.
Please see the following links for more information:
Be sure to check out Bob's terrific photos at this link for
<You're very welcome.>
<Take care, LynnZ>
Can You Please ID This? Fungiid 2/4/2010
There has been an interesting debate on a forum site that I
belong to as to what this coral actually is. Here is the
background on this guy... It popped up off of a Zoanthid rock
colony, there are only 2 of them that popped
up. They are VERY colorful, (one having a pinkish/purple color
body with a bright pink mouth, and short BRIGHT green
"tentacle" type things, the smaller other remained
green bodied). They appear to have a skeletal structure
that they retract into when disturbed (see picture). They eat
Mysis, and brine shrimp when spot fed. They are both growing
bigger and bigger. The Zoanthids that they are living on/amongst
are growing and multiplying like crazy,
and seem to be flourishing constantly. I have heard everything
from majano anemone,
to a Fungia plate coral..
in my opinion it appears to look more like a plate coral than an
anemone (from pictures on the web, and from it
appearing to have a skeleton)..
<Yes, I am in agreement here. If there is skeleton, it is not
an anemone.>
but someone said that you would be able to give a definite
<My vote is for a Fungiid.>
Please let me know ASAP because it is driving me crazy!
If you need more pictures just let me know, I have TONS!
<I think it is clear from the photos you've sent, it is a
-Kevin B
Tallahassee, FL
<Mich L
Gouldsboro, PA><<Well done Mich. B>>
Encrusting coral identification 2/4/2010
Hello again WWM crew
how are you guys?
<Tired. And hungry. And losing weight. But at least I am still
I`m sending this message because I recently obtained a very
striking addition to my biocube.
A very brilliantly colored blue encrusting coral of some
<Mmmm, this coral has a basal mat, looks like a Clavulariid to
I've looked around the web and the closest thing I`ve found
is labeled as a Clavularia.
<Yes! This is what I think it is, 'Star
however I`m not quite sure if its Clavularia or Anthelia.
<Anthelia I think has larger 'stalks' and looks a
little like Xenia, but with a basal mat and without the pulse. I
think this is a Clavularia>
It might be some weird type of Anthelia because I was able to
determine that the polyps are non-retractile.
Rather they simply shrink with the tentacles still exposed as
apposed to pulling into a calyx entirely like other encrusting
corals I`ve seen.
The word I have heard is that Clavularia is fully retractile and
Anthelia is not.
<Mmmm, I've not heard this, but I am not an authority on
the subject>
so this is why I am slightly confused, not to mention I`m
uncertain as to the validity of the aforementioned
<Me too>.
The polyps themselves are very tiny, but the color is noticeable
from across the room.
I`ve tried doing some reading about Clavularia and generally it
seems they are simple to care for, but if this is Anthelia then
wouldn't that render its hardiness to about that of a Xenia
being that its a Xeniid?
<Mmmm, yes, but pretty similar care considerations>.
I could be easily wrong on all counts here or just over
simplifying the issue with my lack of knowledge.
Any info would be greatly appreciated, I love Octocorals.
<They are beautiful indeed>
<Simon, who has just had to go through this message correcting
much spelling & grammar here>
Unknown inhabitant: Aiptasia Anemone.ID and Control
Well Hello!
<Hi Dani!>
I have someone living in my tank that I was hoping you could help
me ID.
You can't see it very well in the pictures but this little
guy is coming out of a tube in a piece of my live rock. It goes
inside the tube if anything touches it but doesn't seem to be
bothered by movement. The tube feels kind of soft and almost
squishy to the touch. Anyway, I would like to know what it is so
that I can either remove it if it is harmful or take care of it
properly if not. Any info you can give would be very helpful.
<Looking at the pictures, it is an Aiptasia anemone. They are
Thankfully, if you catch them early, they are easy to control.
Have a read here:
for some background and read here:
for the best methods to kill them. I've found injecting them
with a Kalkwasser slurry works the best.>
Thanks much!
<My Pleasure.>