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FAQs on Identification of Stinging-Celled Animals 8

Related Articles: Cnidarians, Water Flow, How Much is Enough,

Related FAQs: Cnidarian IDs 1, Cnidarian IDs 2, Cnidarian IDs 3, Cnidarians ID 4, Cnidarians ID 5, Cnidarians ID 6, Cnidarian ID 7, Cnidarian ID 9, Cnidarian ID 10, Cnidarian ID 11, Cnidarian ID 12, Cnidarian ID 13, Cnidarian ID 14, Cnidarian ID 15, Cnidarian ID 16, Cnidarian ID 17, Cnidarian ID 18, Cnidarian ID 19, Cnidarian ID 20, Cnidarian ID 21, Cnidarian ID 22, Cnidarian ID 23, Cnidarian ID 24, Cnidarian ID 26, Cnidarian ID 27, Cnidarian ID 28, Cnidarian ID 29, Cnidarian ID 30, Cnidarian ID 31, & Anemone ID 1, Aiptasia ID 1, Stony Coral ID 1, Mushroom Identification, Soft Coral ID, Alcyoniid ID, Xeniid ID,

Emailing: greenbaby, carpet,  3-13-07 Thanks for the reply. couple more questions please. any idea the name of this? (carpet coral?) <? Maybe an encrusting Gorgonian, Briareum?> and this green with tentacles transparent and purple small bubble tip anemone?)?just had a baby next to it. <A juvenile cnidarian... of whatever it's next to> and this one ? <A Scolymia? Or related genus/species of Mussid> thanks Richard <I encourage you to acquire a good reference on Cnidarian husbandry... Likely the best would be Eric Borneman's "Reef Corals", or volume 2 of Fossa and Nilsen's "The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium". For ID and more. Bob Fenner>

Sudden Appearance of a Bright-Pink, Flat Anemone! UFO?  3/5/07 Hello again. <Hi there> Last night I transferred some fishes into my 2 month old brand new tank, which has live rock, crabs, shrimps, sea hare <Do investigate the biology of this animal> and a leather coral.  All are doing well.  This morning there was a bright-pink 'thing' with a trunk of approximately 2 cm long with a flat round disc at the end of approximately 2 cm diameter with stubby little frills around the edges.  The centre of it has green and white patches and what looks like a little hole. <Does "read" like a polypoid form of life> It wasn't sticking straight up, but bent over.  Presuming this to be an anemone I have trekked through all your pages on anemones and I have found one picture that looks a little like the anemone I discovered this morning except mine is luminous pink.   <Neat> Unfortunately I do not have a digital camera so I cannot send you a picture with this email.  I want to know what the name of the anemone is on the picture on the page entitled "FAQs on Anemone Compatibility 1." please? <At the top right? An Anemonia majano>   Also does the colour and shape of mine sound like it could be the same as the one on your picture? (If the one in your picture has a positive ID).  A couple of hours later it had become completely flush with the rock and difficult to see. <Have never seen a bright pink Anemone period... unless it had been dyed> My major concern is if it an anemone which could kill any of my fish, crustaceans or corals I would rather take it out of my tank. Thanks once again in advance. Angela. UK. Still raining <Likely is a Zoanthid... from the tentacle description, its sudden appearance... Do you have "reefing" friends who might come by and take a look, perhaps a digital image to make/send? BobF>

Re: Sudden Appearance of a Bright-Pink, Flat Anemone!  -- 03/09/07 Hi Bob <Angela> When I said I will not probably see it again for another two months I meant because I have had my tank set up for two months and it has only just appeared.  It can only have come in on the live rock added when my tank was installed. <Ahh!> I did have a tiny 3- 4 cm across hitchhiker xenia which came in on a piece of macro algae; I attached it to the rocks, but it has disappeared since this strange pink creature appeared and disappeared.  Is it more likely to be the sea hare eating this? <Mmm, could be affecting them... maybe by just kind of grazing over...> I was told that they do not bother corals? <Generally not, no> Thanks a bunch Angela PS. Doing lots of reading but always getting conflicting information. <Gots to sort the wheat from the chaff... Keep an open (by slightly cynical) mind, and you'll do fine. Bob Fenner>

Small Invasive Polyps...(Hydroids I Think) - 02/19/07 Hi Mr. Fenner, <<Hello Dominique...tis Eric here this morning>> Hope you're doing fine. <<Doing well, thank you>> I have some small unknown (to me) polyps that are spreading on the LR. <<Yes, I see>> When they reach Montipora they seem to burn the border (1 or 2 mm) of these SPS.  So far they didn't grow on the SPS.  I fear they may inhibit growth of my SPS or grow on them as they spread in the tank. <<A valid concern>> One picture is cropped to have a closer view but the other picture is already a close shot since I used a macro lens.  I tried to brush them off the LR with a toothbrush with no success.  They seem to retract in the LR deep enough to avoid the brush and possibly regrow quickly when damaged. <<Is likely, yes>> Could you please ID those polyps and/or give me hints as to how to get rid of them or how to deal with the problem...? <<Well Dominique, though at first glance these seem to resemble Aiptasia anemones what I think you actually have here is a species of hydroid (though Anemonia Majano can't be ruled out either).  These can have very powerful stings as you have witnessed...and can spread very quickly in some instances to plague-like proportions.  Trying to brush them off the rock in the tank is usually futile as you already know and may even cause their spread.  There are nudibranchs that might prey on the hydroids but these are very obligate feeders and would require identifying the exact species of hydroid you have...all this assuming you could even find/obtain the nudibranch.  Your best option here is to remove the affected rocks and give them a freshwater soak (maybe add a small amount of bleach) and then leave them in the sun to dry.  Obviously this will destroy any/all life on and in the rock.  You may find alternative strategies you can try by looking through our FAQs on these critters.  You can begin by starting here, and following the associated links at the top of the page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hydrozoanfaqs.htm>> Many thanks!
<<Good luck, EricR>>

Re: Small Invasive Polyps...(Hydroids I Think) - 02/20/07 Thanks for the quick answer! <<Welcome>> That is bad news though. <<Can be nasty little devils>> I have several colonies/frags of M. digitata on these LR.  If you have any other suggestions please get back to me. <<Can these colonies not be removed/placed on new rock?>> Could using a syringe and lemon juice or Joe's Juice to kill them bit by bit each day be a good strategy? <<Not foolproof, but give it a try if you're willing...you may be able to at least keep them at bay>> Maybe use a tool that scratched the LR deep enough (unlike a toothbrush). <<Perhaps...using a steel-wire brush, or maybe even an old carpenters chisel to remove a layer of rock from beneath the hydroids.  You will need to do this outside the tank in a bucket of seawater...rinsing the rock thoroughly when done in a different bucket of clean seawater before placing back in the tank>> Not having to remove the LR from the tank would be very good in this situation... <<Not possible, in my opinion...too much risk of exacerbating the problem by spreading the hydroids throughout the tank>> I did get a peppermint shrimp and have seen no more Aiptasia since then, but it seems it won't do the trick with this new pest. <<Indeed, they often won't even touch the Aiptasia...best to find/use an alternative method>> Thanks! Dominique <<Do let me know how your battle progresses.  Eric Russell>>

Encrusting Gorgonian? RMF.

Species ID, No Photo, Corallimorpharia  2/19/07 Hello to the wonderful crew at Wet Web Media, <Hello again Brandon, Mich with you.> I hope this correspondence finds you all well, if not partially water logged.  I know I am.   <Been better, a little under the weather and a foot of snow to boot!> I am writing because I have managed to purchase a coral that I was sure that I could identify, and now I am less and less sure.  I was told that it, (I am now almost certain is corallimorph), was a type of hairy leather.  From the way that it was closed in the shop it certainly looked like a leather.  Once I got it home, it opened up to where it is in the picture.   <Mmm, sorry to say Brandon, there is no picture here.> I introduced some food in the tank, and I noticed a rather large mouth come out.  This is when I began to think that it might be something else.  So I went to Wet Web, specifically, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/corallim.htm.  Personally, I am leaning toward Rhodactis sp., or Discosoma sp.  I was hoping that you guys could clear that up and hopefully point me to where I can find enough info to fill in the sp.   <See above comment.> I was also curious about something else too.  I have a 75 gallon reef with a 20 gallon sump.  The day before yesterday, I had the sump and the tank full.  Today (two days later) it would appear that I have lost five to seven gallons in water.  I was wondering if perhaps this is normal, or should I get out the silicone, and start looking for leaks?   <Hehee, let's hope not!> At what rate does normal evaporation run?   <Depends on many factors.> Hopefully, the following information will help more, I have two 175 watt HQI 10,000K halides, and one 96 watt actinic 03 PC sitting about 6 inches off the surface, and over the refugium in the sump I have two normal incandescent lights.  Would this much light be able to cause all of this evaporation?  We are looking at two days.  I am thinking that this is a lot. <I would error on the side of caution.  I would definitely check about your tank, for a leak or other potential problem, if you are concerned and have noticed a sudden a sudden increase in the need for top off water.  That being said 2.5 to 3.5 gallons per day could be reasonable given your lights and various other unknown factors.> Thank you all for all of the help that you provide, especially the help that you have given me. <You are most welcome Brandon.  -Mich> Brandon R. Foster
Re: Species ID, No Photo, Now with Photo, Rhodactis spp.   2/20/07 Sorry Mich, Let's see if it comes through this time. <Yay!  Got it!  Yes, definitely Rhodactis spp. commonly called elephant ear mushrooms or hairy mushrooms.  Can't tell you the species, though your photo very much resembles a picture in Eric Borneman's book "Aquarium Corals" on page 207 including the forked tentacles, however the photo is only marked as Rhodactis sp.  These are potential fish eaters, so be careful here.  -Mich>   Brandon R. Foster
Re: Species ID, No Photo, Now with Photo, Rhodactis spp. Part 2   2/20/07 Oh yeah I almost forgot, Sorry to hear that you were feeling ill lately Mich, I hope that clears up.   <Thanks, me too.  Sinus infection... the box of tissues is my new best friend.  We're inseparable.> I was sick all last week.   <Hope you weren't as cranky as I've been.> I used the time to make a refugium in a 20 gallon long.  My wife said that I must not have been that sick.  HA!  You're never too sick when you are high on silicone rubber sealant.   <Heeeeee!> Right onto the matter at hand, It was in fact evaporation that was causing the water loss, and it was a gross over estimation on how much water was leaving.  It was more like a gallon and a half.   <Seems much more reasonable.> I sure did look like more though.  The odd thing is that the salinity reading didn't shift like you would think. Perhaps it was so small a shift that the Hydrometer that I have didn't register the change.   <Not surprising, the loss is a fraction of the overall volume of the system.> But yeah 1 - 2 gallons is quite normal.  Heh. <Very good.> Thanks again,
<You are quite welcome!  -Mich>

Polyp ID?   1/31/07 <Greetings, Mich with you today.> Hi was wondering if you can tell me the name of the tall polyps on the left of the picture (cylindrical with wart like surface), as well as their aquatic needs. <Yes, these are Tube or Snake Polyps (Isaurus sp.).  They are not commonly seen in the industry, so lucky you!  Care is the same as other members of the family Zoanthidae.  They are relatively hardy and tolerant as are other zoanthids, which, I presume you are familiar with as I see them in your photo.   Thanks!
<You're welcome! -Mich>

Softies, LPS, SPS, What's the Difference?  1/27/07 Adam, <Adam's busy tonight Frank, Pufferpunk filling in.> You are correct, I skimmed your links but did not read thoroughly. <Although guilty of skimming myself at times, folks here have gone to a lot of trouble looking up these links & posting them for you.  Please try to respect that & do some searching for yourself too.> I meant no disrespect to you by asking for a second opinion.  I just thought that the more input the better educated I would be.   <Much input/education found by using the search tool.> I will read the links further to get a better grasp.  Is there a difference between Softies and LPS and Stonies and SPS or are they just synonyms? <Softies (soft corals), are corals without skeletons.  LPS (Large Polyp Stonies) have a skeleton & large polyps attached (generally eat meaty foods).  LPS (Large Polyp Stonies), have an external skeleton with small polyps.  All info readily available & easily searched for on your own.  ~PP> Thanks again, Frank

Majano I.D.  - 01/24/2007 Hey guys (and girls) - I love your website. <Thanks!> It has got to be fun to run it!   <Umm'¦ okay'¦ we'll go with that hehe.> Okay, on to my question... <Of course.> My husband and I started our 75g tank a little over a year ago. <Neat.> A few months after getting set up, we noticed this little polyp hanging out.  Since it didn't look too much like the dreaded Aiptasia guys, we left it alone.   <Not quite Aiptasia but almost as unfriendly'¦.it appears to be majano'¦http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/aiptasia_impressions/aiptaisia_impressions.htm  The above is an article which entails a little info about them as well as some useful methods on getting rid of them.> Since then, it has gotten larger - it is currently approximately 3/4" across when open.  In all this time, it hasn't spread or even split once! <Likely due to low nutrient levels'¦..consider yourself lucky.> It has little pink tips on its tentacles.  I'm attaching a couple pics and I was hoping someone might know what this guy is? <The pictures were very helpful, thanks.> Thanks for providing such a great service to us all! <Welcome.>
<Adam J.>

Coral(limorph) ID   6/2/06 Hello to all the Crew! <John> I have used this site many times and often refer others here. Great information in a easy to use format. <Ah, thank you and welcome> Recently I purchased a small rock of Zoanthid corals and received a bonus. tentative ID is LPS Scolymia species button coral, or a type of Fungia. Attached are two photos, one with a flash used the other without a flash. Physical description: Hard to the touch. The top or dome (disk?) as it were is attached to a stalk or stem. <I see it> The parent is attached to four smaller daughters in the same fashion as Palythoas or zoanthids. Any help in making a positive ID would be helpful in making correct choices in placement and possible feeding and or dosing additives. John. <Looks like a mushroom anemone to me: http://wetwebmedia.com/corallim.htm Bob Fenner>

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