FAQs on Identification of Stinging-Celled
Related Articles: Cnidarians, Water Flow, How Much
is Enough,
Related FAQs: Cnidarian IDs 1, Cnidarian IDs 2, Cnidarian IDs 3, Cnidarians ID 4, Cnidarians ID 5, Cnidarians ID 6, Cnidarian ID 7, Cnidarian ID 8, Cnidarian ID 9, Cnidarian ID 10, Cnidarian ID 11, Cnidarian ID 12, Cnidarian ID 13, Cnidarian ID
14, Cnidarian ID
15, Cnidarian ID
16, Cnidarian ID 17, Cnidarian ID 18, Cnidarian ID 19, Cnidarian ID 20, Cnidarian ID 21, Cnidarian ID 22, Cnidarian ID 23, Cnidarian ID 25, Cnidarian ID 26, Cnidarian ID 27, Cnidarian ID 28,
ID 29,
Cnidarian ID 30,
Cnidarian ID 31,
& Anemone ID 1, Aiptasia
ID 1, Stony Coral ID
1, Mushroom Identification,
Soft Coral ID, Alcyoniid ID, Xeniid ID,

Mystery Coral 5/25/10
Hello everyone! Thank you for all of your help and info. My
Pistol Shrimp and Yellow Watchman Goby have been housing this
little coral for about a month. I could see it through the bottom
of the tank. I thought it was a
<Does this polyp have a hard/stony skeleton?>
Tonight, when I got home from work, the little coral was out of
the tunnel. It's about the same size and thickness of a
nickel but is a little less flimsy than a Ricordea. I used to
have a green Lobo in my tank and thought this might be a
I also thought it might be a light starved Ricordea. Here is a
pic. Any help would surely be appreciated. Again,
thank you for all of the past help. John Aurelio.
<Your photo is too blurry, unresolved to be of use. I suggest
you peruse here:
the third tray down... Cnidarians et al. Identification. Bob
Corallimorph? |
Strange Polyp ID 5/8/10
I was hoping you could help me out. I've had these polyps pop
up on one rock in the past few months. I've
had these rocks for 5+ years, and never seen anything like them.
As faras I can tell, they didn't hitch hike in on any other
corals either, as they are isolated in one spot far away from
anything else. They are
soft and fleshy and close up when I touch them.
<Good clues>
They don't look like any sort of majano that I've ever
seen (they are definitely not the majano that I occasionally spot
in my tank). They have short tentacles, and are surrounded by a
ring of white dots.
What are these? As you can see, there are about 6 of them growing
in close proximity to each other (photo is attached).
Thank you!
<My guess is that they're some sort of Zoanthid... do wash
your hands if/when they've been in this tank... they're
quite toxic. Do read here re:
and the linked file above re Compatibility. Bob Fenner>
Hi quick question regarding weird growths
I have just found your site, and it looks very useful!
<Oh yes>
I am a saltwater newbie, having set up my Nano tank to cycle less
than a week ago, it has just live rock at present, however, I am
noticing some weird growths on some of my live rock, I am
concerned this is Aiptasia and would appreciate you taking a
<Mmm, not Aiptasia>
I have included a photo, the best shot I could get, which
isn't great!
Basically the organisms in question are about 3 - 4 mm across and
have 8 "tentacles"?
<A good clue... might be some sort of Clavulariid... an
Octocoral "polyp" group... Not Actinarians, anemones,
which are "Hexacorals">
the base is purple, same as the rock, I hope this is enough
information to help you!
Many Thanks
<Next best guess would be that these are some sort of
Hydropolyp... start reading here: http://wetwebmedia.com/cnidaria.htm
and on to the linked files above... Like Adam and Eve, the ID
FAQs first.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Hi quick question regarding weird growths
You guys ROCK :)
thanks very much :)
<Welcome. B>
Re: Hi quick question regarding weird
growths 4/2/10
one more question, should it be considered a pest?
<Could be... stinging, displacing other life... B>
Re: Hi quick question regarding weird growths
ok thank you very much for your help, there are more of them every
so I'm going to remove that piece of rock , its only a small
bit ! :)
<Real good. BobF>
Re: Hi quick question regarding weird growths
actually having read the article you pointed to on this page :
I shall isolate the rock away from the other rocks, and see what
<Even better! B> |
Re Reef tank, Duncanopsammia prop.
Hello again Simon,
<Hello Eric>
I hope I've done this right as I'm not the most computer
<Yes, just fine>
I had the question about the Duncan coral propagation after I
found about 9 tiny heads growing under the fragment of mushroom
coral I bought... Well here is the pic, hope it sent.
<Got it!>
It looks EXACTLY, like every picture I've looked at of them.
From colour pattern to centre feeding apparatus to the stalk.
<Ok, but the polyps here are retracted. Have they come out at
Only exception is they are smaller and the tentacles are shorter,
I'm sure because they are young.
Any ways, if you think they may not be Duncans for any reason let
me know and I will take appropriate steps regardless.
<Because you can't see the polyps, these photos alone
would not confirm it to me, but coupled with your description I
can believe it. This is very lucky, as this is a quite wonderful
coral in just about every regard, best of all that it is very
hardy indeed. The thing that is worrying me is that the polyps
are not 'out'. This means that 'summat is up',
probably water quality>.
So. That's them under the green "mush" cap there
are four there and five more on the other side. It also appears
two more are spouting or branching off of one of the larger
tubes, unfortunately you cannot see them due to the low
resolution of the picture. They are hiding in there tubes
unfortunately I don't have time for them to open as I have an
<So they have opened before? Good if so.>
I also wanted to know where to get the putty and when I attach
them do I do it above water ???
<This can be done in or out of the water.. best done out if
you can, but the putty does work fine 'in-tank'. Do be
warned not to use too much at a time if you do though, it can
irritate corals if you use too much in the system. As for where,
look on the web.. search Google.. 'Milliput'. But have
you considered removing the mushroom instead? I think this might
be a better option, if these are growing out from all sides of
that small piece I would be loath to remove them for the sake of
a single Corallimorph>
If so how long can they be out of the water.
<Ooo, a good amount of time'¦ easily enough to do
the job. As long as you keep the coral moist the whole time, you
can have it out of the water for hours, but the job really should
only take a few minutes. I do implore you to purchase Anthony
C's 'book of coral propagation'.. an excellent book,
and covers a lot more ground than the title suggests. Or try here
for some techniques: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-11/fotm/index.php
Fragging Duncanopsammia is identical to branching Euphyllia, but
the skeletons on Duncans are a bit more dense, so it does take a
little more work. Simon>
Re: Reef tank, fragging 3/25/10
<Hi Eric!>
Thanks again for the timely response ..
<No problem>
And yes they are most definitely open and stay out most of the
<That's good then>
Even as I left they had opened more then in the pic I sent so I
guess when I get home I will take a look to formulate a plan of
action as to whether I'm going to move the mush or the
Duncans... If I have more questions I'll get back to you as
I'm fairly new to this..
<Ok, no problem>
Although I am a little worried now that you mentioned them not
being open I've read they are more active at night is this
<Not in my aquarium they are not. Most definitely open during
the day and about half-retracted at night>
And what would be some early warning signs of sickness or
<Polyps not opening will be the first sign. You are aware that
this is a Scleractinian coral and so will require maintenance of
Ca, Mg & Alkalinity? Read here:
Ps if you don't mind I will send a pic of them open when I
get home let me now if that's ok as I'm sure you are
<This is fine Eric, send whatever pictures you like (of the
coral that is!). Simon>
Re: Reef tank, fragging 3/25/10
<Hi Eric>
Here is a pic of the "Duncans" I hope it is clear
enough for a positive ID.
<Not really.. these look more like Zoanthids to me here.. are
you sure these have a hard skeleton? Try here:
Although from what you've told me I'm 99.7% sure
that's what they are. And they do, like you said seem to be
more active during the day. I just thought I'd ask just in
case... so please ID for me if possible, and I'd like to say
"I know every one says it" that you and the rest of the
crew are the apex of timely, intelligent helpfulness. so for that
I commend you,
Thanks again Eric
<No problem, Simon>
Re: Reef tank, fragging
Yes most Zoanthids... That's them ..
<Heee! Still lucky, but not quite so!>
That's why the pic is so Important .
<Agreed. This last one was far better>
So they should be fine where they are, right, ???
<Yes - just make sure they can get some light>
Thanks again for the help
<No prob.s! Simon.>
Re: Reef tank, fragging 3/25/10
Guess I'll just have to buy some Duncans:( not too bad though I
was planning on it any way... well your links and info are great
thanks again for your time and patience. I'm sure I will have
more questions in the future so I'll be in touch... Thanks
<It's a pleasure Eric>
<Simon> |
Polyp identification please!! Order Zoanthidea
Oh trusted keepers of Aquaria related knowledge....
How's that for an intro? Hope it gets me a quicker response
<It will!>
I have a small Oceanic 8 gallon Bio-cube that I am getting set
up. It has ~8lbs of live rock, 5lbs of live sand and some seeded
bioballs. I have gone through my cycle and have a True Perc and a
Blood shrimp and various snails for cleanup duties.
(Well stocked. Is a small tank. Hope you're not planning to
add any more fish except maybe a cleaner goby.>
My question is this: I have been watching my live rock with
interest to see the various hitchhikers that appear over
<One of my biggest joys in the hobby!>
One that has recently appeared has me puzzled. I would like to
think that it is Goniopora
<I don't think it's a Goniopora.>
but am more concerned that it is Majano anemones that have popped
<Doesn't look like Majanos to me.>
What is your opinion?
<Looks like something in the order Zoanthidea, likely
Zoanthids or perhaps Palythoa growing, You can frag them enjoy
them and share them with friends.
Just make sure you wear gloves when you handle them as they most
contain Palytoxins which is a neuromuscular poison which can be
deadly in large enough doses. More here:
and here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/woundf3.htm >
I have attached a picture for your perusal.
<I see, thank you.>
(See attached file: unknown polyp.bmp)
Thanking you in advance,
Mmmm, could be Goniopora... regenerating.
Hitchhiker Zoanthid ID / Aiptasia?
Hello Crew,
<Hello Sam>
I'd like to begin by reminding you all that you have one of
the most useful websites for aquarium keeping on the web. Thank
<Yes, it's a great website for sure!>
I have a polyp that recently sprouted from a piece of (now cured)
live rock. The usually ravenous blue-legged hermits haven't
touched it, and I swear I saw an Astrea snail up on that rock
last week. It looks a lot like a Zoanthus of some sort, but could
it perhaps be an Aiptasia instead?
<No, I do think this is a Zoanthid>
The tank is just started - it has been cycled for a month, with 5
blue-legged hermits (I know you don't recommend them, but
they have really been entertaining), 5 Astrea 'cone head'
snails, and one big, healthy, and happy true Percula. I'd
like to add one more fish and some soft corals, but am going
<Good practice and well done>
It's a 30 gallon tank with 10 gallon sump, all nitrogen
species undetectable, pH looks like 8.0-8.2, specific gravity
<Would raise this to 1.025>
temp ~78, but I may be overfeeding the clown a little since she
can be lazy and won't chase down food that isn't on her
<Heee! If she's not chasing food, then she must be fat! A
bit like my mother-in-laws cat... with a food bowl containing
'low fat' food that is always full to the top, and a
belly that touches the ground. But this excess you are feeding is
likely getting consumed by something... and the clown may also be
getting most of it's food from the system, in the form of
plankton, 'pods' that could be feasting, multiplying, on
your excess additions...>
Thanks in advance for your help in examining this blurry photo -
it appears aquarium photography is an art in itself.
<It is, and one that I have yet to master myself - I think
this is good enough for this purpose however>
Help ID Please 3/12/10
Wet Media
I live in Florida and purchased live rock from a local live rock
I have notice two different life form growing on the rock, they
are probably very common species. I have seen the coral on
various shell and rocks found along the shore. Thank you for your
<Mmm, tis a Glass Anemone (Aiptasia sp.) and a Montastrea sp.,
a member of the stony coral family Faviidae. Bob Fenner>
Dominick Perrone Jr.
Re: Help ID Please, Cnid. f'
>Montastrea sp
Thank You so much. I know I need to rid tank of the Glass
<Mmm, not necessarily... See WWM re...>
nut how about the coral frags I have lie 5 or 6 bundle in 4
pieces of live rock? PS Just found this web site it is an awesome
Dominick Perrone Jr.
<And re this. Cheers, BobF>