FAQs on Identification of Stinging-Celled
Animals 14
Related Articles: Cnidarians, Water
Flow, How Much is Enough,
Related FAQs: Cnidarian IDs 1, Cnidarian IDs 2, Cnidarian IDs 3,
Cnidarians ID
4, Cnidarians ID
5, Cnidarians ID 6, Cnidarian ID 7, Cnidarian ID 8, Cnidarian ID 9, Cnidarian ID 10,
Cnidarian ID
11, Cnidarian ID 12,
Cnidarian ID 13, Cnidarian ID 15, Cnidarian ID 16, Cnidarian ID 17, Cnidarian ID 18, Cnidarian ID 19, Cnidarian ID 20, Cnidarian ID 21, Cnidarian ID 22, Cnidarian ID 23, Cnidarian ID 24, Cnidarian ID 26, Cnidarian ID 27, Cnidarian ID 28,
ID 29,
Cnidarian ID 30,
Cnidarian ID 31,
& Anemone ID 1,
Aiptasia ID 1, Stony Coral
ID 1, Mushroom Identification,
Soft Coral ID, Alcyoniid ID, Xeniid ID,

Anemone? ID 11/17/08 Hey Bob/Crew:
<Howdy> Hope all is well. Can you help me with an ID? I
recently rearranged the rocks in my 125 gallon tank and noticed
that there were about three of these Anemones or Zooanthids
growing on a piece of rock. I had not seen them before and am not
sure what they really are. They are each about a time in size,
pink with reddish stripes, they have a central "mouth"
in the center of the disk and white ball shaped tips on the outer
edge of what appear to be small tentacles. Sorry for the quality
of the pictures, but any idea would help to set me in the ,right
direction. I appreciate your assistance! <Mmm, actually, this
looks like a Corallimorpharian... a Mushroom... of the genus
Pseudocorynactis... please see WWM and/or the Net re this genus.
Bob Fenner>
Deep Water Coral Identification
11/16/08 Hi There. I was wondering if you guys would
have any insight to what kind of coral this might be? I was
fishing off of the Florida Keys where I live. We were fishing a
large hump that comes up from 1300 ft. to about 600 ft.. On top
of this hump we snagged this big coral on our line, which we
thought was a fish at one point. when we got if to the surface It
was something I have never seen before. I work for a company down
here which supplies Caribbean life to zoo's and aquariums all
over the world, and it has stumped everyone. <I do think it
must be a hydrocoral of some kind. A close-up pic of the polyps
would make it easier to ID with more certainty. I would also be
careful not to be breaking the law here. If it's a protected
species, it might get you into trouble taking it home... but
I'm sure, with your job, you know about all that. :-)> Any
suggestions on whit it is and maybe the best way to try and keep
it alive? <If it is indeed a Hydrocoral from 600ft then it
likely doesn't need much, if any, light. It will need quality
feeding... they are not too difficult to care for if they were
healthy when you get them (which this one appears to be).
Sara M.>
Need id -- 10/10/08 I am having difficulty
getting an ID for this (the pink tipped ones in the center).
<Anemonia amongst a patch of Zoanthids> The colony has been
in my tank since early summer. I recently found what appears to
be another one on the other side of the tank, but other than that
they have not grown past what is in the picture. They have very
vibrant colors, including the green even though it doesn't
show well in the picture. Thank you! <What is a weed? But an
organism that we/humans have not quite found use of sufficiently?
Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaqs.htm Bob
Re: Question about hermit crab growths
10/6/08 Thanks for the reply. I got a somewhat better
picture of it, still not GREAT but hopefully helps you out a
little more than the last one. Grant <Ahh, thank you for this
pic... do look "Polypoid"... am more sure these are
indeed Hydroids/Hydropolyps... There are many "kinds"
as you will see... as long as these don't spread to your
hardscape, I would count your Hermit lucky to have such a built
in defense. Cheers, BobF>
yeah |