FAQs on Discus
FAQs on Discus Disease:
Discus Disease 1,
Discus Disease 2,
Discus Disease 3,
FAQs on Discus Disease by Category:
Diagnosis, Environmental,
Nutritional, Social,
Related Articles:
Plants +
Discus = Wow! by Alesia Benedict,
Planted Aquariums:
Plants and Discus: What They Need To
Thrive By Alesia
Benedict, Discus Divas, Glitz,
Glam and Lots of Demands by Alesia Benedict,
Neotropical Cichlids,
African Cichlids,
Dwarf South American Cichlids,
Asian Cichlids,
Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Discus 1,
Discus 2,
Discus Identification,
Discus Selection,
Discus Compatibility,
Discus Behavior,
Discus Systems,
Discus Feeding,
Discus Reproduction,
Cichlids of the World,
Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification,
Cichlid Behavior,
Cichlid Compatibility,
Cichlid Selection,
Cichlid Feeding,
Cichlid Disease,
Cichlid Reproduction,
Discus burned from heater (just add Melafix, Bob?)<<Don't
raise my BP!>> 1/27/15
Hi there,
We just added couple discus in our tank and one of them started sulking
and didn't notice he was sulking by the heater. When I moved him,
there's a white mark, scales sloughed off and u can see his white meat.
The damaged area is about half inch.
<Oh dear.>
Right now, I have him QT with Melafix and 2 tbsp of Aquasalt. Temp is
about 84-85F.
<Apart from the salt and the Melafix, neither of which are helpful,
you're doing everything right. Time, good water quality, the right diet
are all that's needed here. In spotlessly clean water (0 ammonia, 0
nitrite, below 20 mg/l nitrate) fish have an astonishing ability to
heal. Provided the wound stays clean, it will be covered with mucous
very quickly, largely sealing it off from the outside, and new skin will
start growing within a few days. You should see clear signs of healing
after a week or so. Adding salt doesn't really do anything helpful,
particularly for soft water fish like Discus. Instead make sure the
water soft (less than 5 degrees dH, and the lower the better) and keep
the pH at 6-6.5 or even slightly below. Why?
Because bacteria don't enjoy acidic water, and many fish from blackwater
habitats -- such as Discus -- are actually overwhelmed by bacteria if
kept in alkaline conditions should they become stressed for some reason.
you're keeping Discus, you presumably know all about water chemistry,
and I'd like to think you're keeping this fish in soft, acidic
conditions anyway.>
Am I doing this QT right? Any medication u can recommend?
<Not really any medication for burns. An antibacterial is worth having
on hand in case Finrot appears, but adding Melafix may or may not be
It's an unreliable medication, and while it is sold (in part) as a
preventative, something to stop infections getting started, in some
situations it makes things worse. Bob F is not a fan, and I can
certainly think of better, more reliable medications.>
Thank u
<Cheers, Neale.>
Injured discus -- 06/29/07 Hi Crew! Bob
here, I have a question concerning one of my 5 Discus. This one
happens to be the king of the tank! I think it's a male,
still on the juvie side though. The fish was startled and ran
into a piece of driftwood in my 55 gallon planted tank. <Out
of fright? Fighting?> I see several scrapes on one side some
areas have small amounts of tissue hanging loose, so it appears
to go deeper than the scales. I have a huge concern of bacterial
infection, thought it may be better to prevent than to wait and
treat. <Likely, yes> It would be difficult to quarantine
the fish, my 10 Q tank is in use with some new fish, but if
necessary I could go ahead and put the new fish in a 55 community
tank I have. Should I treat? With what? You know, I have
penicillin 500 mg and Cephalexin 500 mg but have don't know
how to dose a fish. I'm reading a study done on bacterial
infection in fish and antibiotics, Penicillin was used with good
success. Thank you for being there to help, it means a lot! Bob
<Mmm, I would hold off at this point re treatment per se...
Keep up your maintenance regime... the Penicillin will not likely
do anything... the Cephalexin could cause more trouble than
it's worth... Bob Fenner.>
Re: injured discus -- 06/29/07 Bob here again. I have a
picture of the fish to go with my questions. Hope they catch up
with each other. You can see the scrapes on it's side. Thanks
again! <Good pic... and I definitely would hold off on
treatment. Bob Fenner>
Re: injured discus 6/30/07 Thanks
Bob, fish does look better today. I will be removing the
driftwood with shape edges and keeping an eye on this fish.
<Ah, good. Judging from the pic you sent along, and your
general conscientiousness, I think all will be well here>
Scares the heck out of me seeing these fish do that! This
incident bring up an on going problem I am having with these
fish, they startle so easily, then take off ramming into anything
in the tank, I may be on the other side of the room. <Mmm, you
might consider darkening one or more end/back of this tank...
paper, dark vinyl-based paint.... can be removed at some later
date... The diminished reflected light will do a great deal of
good here> I hand feed them trying to develop some trust but
one fish will brush up to another, unseen, he jumps then the
whole bunch shoots off cowering behind plants. I thought removing
some of the more active tank mates would help, so far I have
removed 3 YoYo loaches and almost all of the school of Zebra
Danios. Two Zebras remain as I just couldn't catch them
without totally stressing them all. <These ditherfish are of
benefit... I'd leave them in> I'm trying a fish trap
right now. At this time it has had little effect. The only other
remaining tank mates are a pair of Bristlenose Plecos, one Oto
cat and a number of Red Cherry and Ghost shrimp. I have 6
Rummynose Tetras and 5 Otos in the QT tank to add to the 55
discus tank next week. Discus range from 3/12" to 5", 2
Blue Diamonds and 3 Marlboro Reds, they seem to get along well, a
lot of head butting, tail slapping, nothing ever gets serious.
<Mmm, they will need more room... particularly if, more likely
when, two of them pair off...> I was hoping the Rummies would
help calm the Discus a bit. I have no idea what to do next.
Valium for fish? <A few "things"... more cover,
space, time-experience...> As far as my tank condition: I do a
50% water change and vacuum every week Temp 82 PH 6.8- 7.0 the
breeder recommends 7.0 <Mmm, no higher than this... I would
say 6.5 or so...> GH 8 KH 4 Nitrite and ammonia 0 Nitrate
20ppm <This is more than I'd allow... no more than
this> I add CO2 and dose ferts, the tank is planted kinda on
the dense side. <Welcome. BobF>

A Marine (Water
Quality) and a Freshwater (Discus Injury) Question - 04/22/06
Hello, and many 'thank you's' for all the wonderful help
you've provided me over the years! <<Howdy...and you're
welcome>> I have two concerns that call for your brand of
expertise: <<Alrighty>> 1) My 55gal reef tank has quite a
layer of 'scum' on the surface and has had quite an algae
problem over the last week or so and 2) My discuss is breathing better
and I'm wondering if he's going to keep on keeping on or what.
<<Okay...lets split these queries up and tackle one at a time,
shall we?>> Reef details: I recently (3 months ago) moved from
having very good water (20ppm total hardness strait out of the tap) to
having very hard water (340ppm out of the tap). <<Mmm,
indeed...though should be a moot point if you are filtering your tap
water before use>> Our area is also home to a very large
phosphates mine-I don't know if this could effect the water supply,
but I thought I'd throw it in just in case. <<Ah yes, there
is likely a huge excess of phosphate in the ground water>> Until
about 3 weeks ago I hadn't had any problems. <<Building up in
your system over time>> Then I got a slight scum on the surface
that lasted a couple days and went away...for a week...to be replaced
with a worse scum for 3 to 5 days and went away...for 5 days or so...to
be replaced by the current scum layer which continues to get worse as
the days go by. My surface skimmer is drawing just fine, I
have about 780gph turn over in my tank, and my skimmer is only
producing about 1/2 cup of dark skimmate every day. <<Hmm...is
curious that the surface skimmer can't handle/remove the
"scum">> I'm replacing 2gal. of top off daily that
is filtered through a PUR-tm faucet filter. <<Ahh...herein lies
the problem. This filter is inadequate for your needs, it is
neither designed nor intended to filter water to the quality you need
for your reef tank. It may have proved adequate with your
previous tap water supply, but it seems obvious you need something with
"more power" now. Do look in to either an RO/DI or
Kati/Ani filtration system...can make all the difference here>> I
need to replace the 10000K 250w MH as it is around a year to
year-and-half old. <<I doubt these are your problem...probably
even have a few more months of useful life to them>> I also have
130w CFL super-actinics that are about 3 month old. I have
about 15 sm. snails of varying types and about the same number of sm.
hermits. The bioload is 1--3" Coral beauty angel, 1--2
1/2" Yellow watchman goby, 1 Fire goby, 1--2" Ocellaris
clownfish, 1 med. coral banded shrimp, 1 pr. skunk shrimp, 3 peppermint
shrimp, 1--2" sea hare (not the normal species...smaller and
bright green). Soft corals include: sm. Stolonifera, 8
anthelia polyps, and various mushroom, Xeniid, and Kenya tree
frags. I also have a 3" bubble tip anemone.
<<Ugh...you were doing so well up to this point
<G>. I hate to see motile invertebrates housed with
sessile invertebrates...especially in a small system such as
yours>> Discus details: During the move (three months ago) the
largest and most hale of my four 3" discuss managed to make a dive
for the floor during transfer from the transport tank to the show tank.
<<Ouch!>> From that point on he's been sickly and dark,
and his gill covers have been unevenly distended. <<Likely
suffered some physical trauma>> His right was hardly moving and
the left was always twice as open as the other
discuss. Well, four or five days ago he started hiding in
the back and got really dark...trouble signs...and I was about to
separate him to his own hospital tank, when, two days ago, I noticed
that he was back up front, lightening up, and HIS GILLS WERE BOTH
WORKING! <<Yea!>> Well, he's kept a better color,
though still not his best by a long shot, and he's still using both
gills equally. Do you have any idea what happened?
<<Specifically?...no...but it's obvious he suffered
injury/stress from the fall to the floor...and appears to be
recuperating nicely on his own>> Thanks for both helps. Branon.
<<Cheers my friend, EricR>>