FAQs about the Imperator Angel Pathogenic Disease
(see also: Angels and Butterflyfishes & Crypt)
FAQs on Emperor Angel Health:
Emperor Disease 1, Emperor Disease 2, Emperor Health 3, Emperor Health 4,
Emperor Health 5,
FAQs on Emperor Angel Health by Category:
Diagnosis, Environmental,
Nutritional, Social,
Trauma, Genetic,
Related Articles: Imperator
Angels, Pomacanthus
Angels, Marine
Related FAQs:
Angels 1, Emperor
Angels 2, Emperor Angels 3,
Emperor Angel ID, Emperor Behavior, Emperor Compatibility, Emperor Angel Selection, Emperor Angel Systems, Emperor Feeding, Marine Angelfishes In
General, Selection, Behavior,
Compatibility, Health, Feeding, Disease,

Angelfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert
(Bob) Fenner
Emperor Angel with sore mouth 11/6/17
I have an emperor angel who's currently being quarantined in Cupramine.
<Pomacanthids really don't like Cu exposure... Please see (read) on WWM re>
He's on his 6th day and doing well at 0.35ppm. He eats well, no heavy breathing,
swims around as usual. However recently he has started to develop some kind of
sore on his lower lip.
<I cannot emphasize how DANGEROUS this is. I would remove (use
GAC likely) all copper and take great care that this fish is feeding, and having
more cover for this fish to hide, feel secure. IF the mouth continues to be
infected... this specimen will die>
Attached is a picture of him.
Bit shy of the camera however you can see his lips on the reflection.
Please help me identify what this is, the cause and how to treat while in
Cupramine. Any help on this would really be appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Sagen George
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Is this fungus on my Emperor angelfish?
Hi Crew. Thank you again for such a wonderful website.i have an emperor
angel in Qt ( ph 8.1-8.2,nitrate 10-15, nitrite and ammonia 0,temp 79
F,salinity 1.025 I use ro water for water changes and top of)My emperor
angel had Ich and was scratching on the rocks,(was treated with
Cupramine) to the point of getting 3 small cuts which now developed a
weird growth. they look like raised cauliflower growth (and I thought
<Is my guess... viral... a reaction from stress... From? Copper exposure
among what?>
but its on the cuts so I was wondering if it was possible that it is
fungus or infection. The growth are raised-about 3 mm and 3-4 mm wide.
please let me know what do you think.i know the pictures are not very
good-but he
won't stay still for a second. My qt is a 1" acrylic tank that is badly
scratched so I put him in this container for pics (these are the best
pics I got so far)
Thank you very much. And have a great day.
<I'd do what is listed on WWM to boost immunity, add a purposeful
cleaner organism that will get along w/ whatever you have; and be
patient. Bob Fenner>
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Emperor Angel Eyes-please help... Flukes, env., mortuus est.
Hello-i got an emperor angel online with a bunch of problems.
<Aye ya; I'll say>
The seller
said the fish was fully quarantined and supposedly went through PraziPro
and copper(No way that was true) .First of all ,he arrived with
flukes and
after 2 days in QT i could see them all over his eyes and when i tried
performing a fresh water dip
<I'd have added some formalin with...>
i saw 40-50 fall of (i ve never seen so many
to come of from 1 fish).The reason i say "tried " is because he didn't
the dip well-became stiff as a board and refused to swim, so i rushed
back into his QT.i then tried PraziPro in his tank. Nitrite and Ammonia
at 0,Nitrate 30,
<... too high>
PH kept dropping slowly to 8.But this treatment was
stopped short too-the angel stopped eating and was laying in the corner
looking as if he is about to die. His eyes got very cloudy. The water
dosing PraziPro was cloudy and after reading a bunch of posts on various
forums i couldn't figure out why its staying so cloudy. So ended up
carbon back in the filters 3 days after the start to get the Prazi
i got to say the angel was swimming shortly after. A day later i saw
flukes and attempted a second fw dip (PH and Temp was matched to the Ph
that was in his tank)
-with same result-the angel was too stressed to keep
him in more then a minute,
<... this was NOT RO water (sans gas) I take it>
but even a minute left a lot of flukes in the FW
.And now i see white dots which look like ICH on him. I have Cupramine
would like to use it but His eyes' been getting worse and now im afraid
that copper might make it worse. They look like there is a white crusty
tube-like extension coming from his cornea(i ll try attaching some
pictures) .I added KanaPlex and Furan-2 in his water to protect/treat
possible infection of the eyes. But i think the ich needs to be
Please help,
<Well; where to start here? It appears you're aware of
the routines for standard treatments... and dips/baths thank goodness as
well. Should I refer you to reading about eye problems with Angels? I
would aerate your next and all future immersion baths, and try a modicum
of formalin per the SOP on WWM. I do hope this fish rallies for you. Bob
.jpg) |
Re: Emperor Angel Eyes-please help
hi,i just got home from work and he seem to be worse. He seem to be
doing a
slow barrel roll...
<Very bad>
i did a 50% water change with water out of my reef. So
Nitrates are down to 15-20 (its really hard to differentiate between the
shades) The water i use is RO
<Has no oxygen in it... We've had a few write-ins where "the apparent
immediate stress" was due to the fish not being able to respire...>
and i do have a pump and airstone in my
dips/bath. I usually aerate the water for about 30 min before i put the fish
<Ah, good>
I'm not sure if i should try another dip.
<... it's too late. BobF>
Is This Crypt? 7/25/10
<Hello Jimmy>
I have a friend that has a gorgeous Imperator Angel ( 5-6")
that was recently acquired by mail order. It has been in a QT for
approx 4 weeks treated "prophylactically" in SG 1.009
and Chloroquine Phosphate per Goemans recommendations. The
fish is eating, and seems "OK". The question here is
what are these white spots?
My friend thinks that they are Cryptococcus
<Cryptocaryoniasis, Cryptococcus is a genus of fungi.>
irritans. I am not so sure.
<I believe your friend is correct.>
Firstly, these have been on the fish for 2-3 weeks. The fish is
breathing OK and when one of these lesions does go away there is
some pitting and discoloration. I have seen this before as a form
of HLLE when treating a Naso Tang with hyposalinity.
<Is not a form of erosion.>
Every time we talk this issue comes up. I have recommended that
he continue the Chloroquine but start raising the
salinity. Any thoughts?
<This fish needs to be treated with a more effective
medication. See here.
James (Salty Dog)>
Appears so. RMF |
Pomacanthus imperator with flukes and
mystery raised scale patch 5/13/09
I purchased my first large angelfish a couple weeks ago. He's a
beautiful juvenile Pomacanthus imperator. He's been eating like
a pig (I've been feeding him green Nori with added garlic,
Formula 1 and 2, all soaked in Zoe and VitaChem on a daily rotating
basis). Sadly, he's had some problems.
<<Christine here. Sorry to hear that he has issues, but it
seems you knew that before you purchased him. Risky, but I am
encouraged to see you really doing this thoughtfully. Feeding
regimen is superb.>>
He is housed alone in a 20 gallon quarantine tank with some PVC,
live rock rubble, and an established sponge filter. The water
parameters test as such:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10
pH: 8.3
Specific Gravity: 1.024
Temp: 78 degrees F
<all good. You can drop the salinity a bit if you like to
encourage any uninvited "friends" living on him to drop
A couple days after his purchase, I noticed him scratching
specifically at one gill. Assuming he had ich (I could see a white
spot or two) I began treating him with 2.5mg/L concentration of
<Test kit for Copper levels I hope?>
Two days later, I found him displaying telltale signs of flukes. He
was twitching his head from side to side, had discolored blotches
of skin, some of his fins were frayed, and he was breathing
rapidly. I thought for sure that I would lose him. Worried, I did a
5 minutes freshwater dip and flukes fell from his gills, his eyes,
and his body.
<Superb work>
I did a 100% water change to remove the Cupramine and stopped the
treatment altogether. I did some research and decided to treat the
quarantine tank with PraziPro at the recommended dose of 1 teaspoon
(5 ml) for the 20 gallons. So far, I have been treating him for 3
days. I saw him scratch once but overall, his breathing has calmed
down and he's behaving normally. After 5 days of treatment, I
plan to wait at least 3 days and treat with PraziPro again for
another 5-7 days at 2.5mg/L
<Good as well.>
Something else bothers me. In the store, I noticed a small area of
lifted scales. It looked like a simple physical injury to me and,
after being tempted by a cheap price tag, didn't seem like too
much of a concern. I've been keeping my eye on it and it seems
as though it's slowly changing, almost as if part of the area
is shedding off. I'm worried it's another external parasite
but this is my first fish problem besides ich. The spot itself is
lifted and white. I tried to take some photographs but the fish is
so active that it's difficult to get a great shot.
<Angelfish are terrible at posing unfortunately. The pic makes
it look like the area has some fleshy tan bits hanging off--is this
so, or an artifact of the picture?>
Do you have any ideas on possible treatments and/or a diagnosis?
Does his current PraziPro treatment seem realistic and
<Depends on what the problem is. Praziquantel is wonderful for
flukes, but not effective for much in the way of unicellular
parasites and bacteria, so it won't help you there. Two things:
one, if he had ich before, and you did a partial treatment, he
still has it in all likelihood. Before he joins your other animals
in the display I'd make sure he has had a full course of
treatment for ich, either hyposalinity or preferably the rest of
the Cupramine course. Second, that lesion could be anything based
on the photo--viral, bacterial, remnant damage... You can watch it
and see how it goes, or while he is in the middle of the
Praziquantel courses you could add some antibiotics to ensure no
bacterial infections. Favorites of mine include Kanamycin (hard to
find at your LFS but can be found at fishyfarmacy.com) or
Nitrofurazone (available locally). For me, expensive desirable
fish=high desire to try to treat instead of wait :) >
I know the special needs of this fish regarding diet and space. His
final destination will be in a 125 gallon with a 38 gallon sump.
Because he is my most expensive fish and I am cheap at heart, I am
determined to give him the best care possible!
<As I said so far your treatment and handling has been well
thought out and thorough. Do let us know how it goes.>
Thanks for your help!
<pleasure, Christine> |
Re: Pomacanthus imperator with flukes and mystery
raised scale patch 5/28/2009
Thank you for the quick reply!
Yes, I did test Cupramine while it was being administered. I
began testing with a API Copper test kit but found the levels to
be somewhat ambiguous. I purchased a Red Sea copper test kit to
double check my doses, finding the color chart to be more user
friendly. According to Seachem, the Red Sea kit is
I've always been wary of copper. I talked to Seachem support
to discuss the treatment of flukes with Cupramine.
<Mmm, not my choice of treatments... I'd look to
Anthelminthics... Levamisole would be the best... Prazi, others
secondary. Less toxic, more specific>
They told me that to be effective against flukes, the copper must
be at 0.4-0.5 mg/L. I've only ever treated at 0.25mg/L
without issues and am reluctant to use such levels on a delicate
fish like the emperor.
<Me too... I would not exceed 0.35 ppm of free cupric ion
I will give the emperor a week after the PraziPro treatment to
decide to treat for ich. He'll be in the tank for at least
three weeks by then. I will keep him in the quarantine until his
raised scale issue is healed, which should be plenty of time for
ich to raise its nasty head. If it does or if I see any signs, I
will treat at 0.25mg/L.
You are correct about the "fleshy bits". The area does
have a little fleshy area hanging off. It concerns me greatly. If
it does get worse, what would you recommend as a course of
<No treatment... perhaps the stocking/using of cleaner
Like I said before, I have little experience with pathologies...I
hear a lot about formalin dips. Is that advisable?
<No... too harsh and stressful to move the fish>
Of course I will do more research on treatment options while
awaiting your response.
There are other things I noticed today. It seems that this
morning, the angelfish was breathing with only one gill. His
breathing rate was calm. I've heard that this could be just
normal, albeit mysterious behaviour for the fish.
<Yes... also indicative of gill "complaints", e.g.
Another thing I have observed is two white spots on the ventral
(anal?) fin of the angelfish (seen in the image attached now and
previously). These have been present for at least four days
without change. At first, I thought they were flukes but did not
come off during the freshwater dip. They haven't fallen off
and/or spread like ich...Could it be something like a slight case
of Lymphocystis?
I will take a trip to the LFS to look for the antibiotics you
mentioned (Nitrofurazone or Kanamycin). While I am wary of mixing
medications, you mentioned adding them to the existing PraziPro
treatment. I will do more research in the meantime!
I sincerely appreciate your feedback!
<When in doubt, treat with nothing. BobF>
Re: Pomacanthus imperator with flukes and mystery
raised scale patch 5/28/2009
I was rummaging around in my collection of random aquarium
bottles and found that I had some API Melafix. Would that work
for an antibacterial agent? Personally, I'm not quite sure it
is effective...
<It's worse than a hoax... not to use>
I'm pretty sure that the LFS has Nitrofurazone in the form of
API Furan-2. Would that be appropriate?
<... I'd leave off with this here as well>
Sorry about sending numerous e-mails. I'm beginning to feel
rushed, especially because I'm unsure what to do about the
lifted lesion-like area! That, and I do not trust the word of my
money-hungry LFS.
<See my prev. close... RMF>
Emperor angel bumps: Probably Lymphocystis SW Viral
Disease 4/30/2009
Hey Crew!
<Hi Grant>
Any idea what these bumps on my emperor angel could be?
I really only have experience with ich and this doesn't look
like that, it's all clumped up and looks fleshier
<It looks like Lymphocystis You can see some pictures of it
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/viraldislymph.htm and read the FAQs
about it here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lymphfaqs.htm >
For history on him, he came from Christmas Island about 2 months
ago. I quarantined him, he had ich, I treated with Cupramine.
Once he had been disease free for a period of time, I introduced
him to my display tank. He has been fine for about 2 weeks and
now he is getting these bumps. there are some on his fins and
then some on his side.
<Which is typical>
Thanks for any help you can offer!
<Read the FAQs, Not much really to be done other than keep up
with the water quality and good diet. It normally clears itself
up in a few months time.>
Treatment Options for Juvenile Emperor with Ich --
Hello WWM Crew,
Thanks you for your outstanding website. With the help in no
small part of your collective advice, I have managed to develop a
135 gallon SPS system which is thriving in a way I could not have
imagined when I began this venture about two and a half years
<Ahh, congratulations>
If nothing else, I hope this message is a testimonial to other
readers about the value of the quarantine tank.
I also hope that get some of your experienced advice in
connection with a juvenile emperor angelfish that I acquired last
week. He is a bit small (about 1-1/4 inch nose to tail) but
exceptionally energetic and curious. He also demonstrated a very
good appetite at the LFS store. I purchased him and introduced
him to his temporary home; a 20 gallon OT with "mature"
sponge filter, heater and a couple of power heads.
Unfortunately, after a day or two in quarantine, he started
showing signs of Ich. Referring to the attached photo, you will
likely see the tell-tale spot on his pectoral fin, as well as a
couple tiny spots on his caudal and anal fin.
<I see this>
My first response was to begin to lower the salinity of the tank
and monitor the progression of the parasite and host (i.e. see if
the fish can fight off the Ich with its own natural defenses as
he continues to gain strength in QT). I am also wiping down the
floor/walls of the QT and replacing about four gallons of make-up
water (taking "diluted" water from the main display) on
a daily basis.
The salinity is now down to 22 ppt
<Mmm, needs to be quite lower for hyposalinity to be of use
and emperor is showing no signs of distress and maintains his
voracious appetite. But there is also no evidence of any
significant reduction at the affected areas.
<Also good>
I have done lots of research on the subject of Ich and believe
that early and decisive action is very important, so I am
presently considering two treatment options. The first is to
continue the water change and hypo salinity regimen (taking
salinity down to 15-16 ppt for the prescribed duration). Assuming
I can get to the point where there are no longer any visible
spots attached fish, I would do a 100% water change (again, using
diluted water from the main display) and completely wash down the
interior of the QT.
The second option would be treatment with SeaChem Cupramine, but
given the "tender age" of this juvenile emperor, I am
concerned about the toxicity affects over the (hopefully long)
lifetime of this particular fish.
I realize that it is up to the individual aquarist to take
responsibility and implement the appropriate treatment option,
but I would very much appreciate hearing the thoughts of folks
with your collective experience.
Would you follow one (or both) of the treatments outlined above,
or possibly something else altogether?
<Due to the factors you mention, I would go with the first
Thanks in advance.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Fish white spots - is it ick? 3/14/08
Hello <Daniel> The next day after I bought this Imperator,
white spots started to appear. I moved it to the QT, treated him 7
days with Aquarium Munster's Protomarin Intensiv (20mg copper
sulfate pentahydrate, 1mg tetramethyl-4 &
4-diamino-triphenyl-carbinol) and a 30 minutes dip in Aquarium
Munster's Furamarin (24mg Nifurpirinol). <Was the free
copper ion level checked... at least daily... to assure there was a
constant therapeutic concentration (0.20-0.35 ppm)? I think not>
It started to look better after the treatment, but now, after 2
weeks of that he turns more and more to white. I noticed the
discoloration is amplified especially when the lights are off. Few
months ago I lost a Forcipiger with the same symptoms. The other
fish feel fine. Could it be a fungus? Or internal bacteria?
<Mmm, not likely> Please find below the water parameters:
Temperature: 78.8F PH = 8 KH = 8 NH4= 0.5 NO2= 0.1 NO3= 10 PO4 =
0.5 Cu=0 Ca=420 Salinity = 1.025 I'm looking forward for
advice. Thank you Daniel <This Angel appears to be (still)
infested with Cryptocaryon... I would read thoroughly here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm and the linked files above.
Bob Fenner> |

Need Help with Sick Emperor Angel... env...
Crypt 1/10/08 Hi Crew, <Jim> I need your help. I woke
up this morning and my Emperor Angel is bloated around the belly and
swimming hard to stay down in the water column. From what I have read
on your website that is likely a bacterial infection. But I am not sure
how to proceed with treatment. <Mmmm> Let me describe the
sequence of events: The tank is a 150G (long), Fish Only, Wet/Dry (I
know, not the best, but it has been set up for almost 12 years and I
haven't wanted to mess with it), Berlin protein skimmer (again, I
know, not the best and scheduled for replacement--but it has seemed to
work adequately on this non-reef aquarium), Vecton UV sterilizer. Had
six fish before emperor--raccoon BF, large Foxface (have had 7+
years--how long do they live?), <At least 10-12> Volitans lion,
pair of Bluejaw trigger, small v-tail grouper. >Yikes... packed
in!< The grouper was the newest fish--added this spring. Nothing
else in the he last two years. When I got the butterfly, direct from a
diver in Hawaii, it seemed to have a small white spot on its
side--looked like it might be an external parasite. <No worries>
It wasn't growing or seeming to affect the fish, so I left it
alone. Don't know if that was the right call or not--but over the
years I think my efforts at "treating" sick fish have done
more harm than good, so I try to adopt a "wait and see"
approach. <You are wise here> In November, the spots began to
multiply and get larger. I would have liked to add a biological
cleaner, but couldn't figure out anything the lion wouldn't
eat. I finally removed the fish to a QT tank with a cleaner goby, who
went to town. <Ah, good> For Christmas, my wife bought me the
emperor--I've been wanting one for years. Fish arrived FedEx, very
healthy. I acclimated him straight into the display--I know, QT is of
vital importance, but my only QT at present is a 20G, and I
wouldn't have wanted to QT a 7" angel <... Jim... your main
tank is way too crowded...> in a 20 even if the BF weren't
already there. I am working on procuring and setting up a 55G QT. I
noticed a day or two later that the emperor was only using one gill
about half the time. Then after about a week, the emperor developed a
case of ich. I immediately lowered specific gravity to 1.009, and dosed
with OrganiCure (not sure I should have done the OrganiCure in
retrospect, but I was extremely anxious). Emperor was clearly
distressed and his eyes clouded up slightly, but was still eating well
and breathing almost normally, and about 24-48 hours after I lowered
the specific gravity everything seemed to improve. I know that the
cysts would have fallen off anyway as part of their life cycle. I also
know they could come raging back in two or three weeks, <Sooner>
but I am hoping the UV and the lowered SG will mitigate against this. I
also saw a couple spots on the BF too (I had just returned him before
the outbreak, possibly prematurely, but again--he is large and a 20G
can only be stable with a 5" fish for so long), but nobody else
seemed affected. Everyone was doing great, emperor was cleared up
except for the slightly cloudy eyes, which I attributed to the stress
<And the medication... the formalin principally> of the ich and
which were slowly improving. Then this morning I got up to find the
emperor swimming hard for the bottom, very bloated. <... yes...>
Water parameters have been good in the past--Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0,
Nitrate => 10 ppm. I don't check alkalinity, calcium, etc. since
it is FO. I will check the main parameters after work this afternoon,
and perform a 20% water change as a general measure (there was of
course a massive water change when I lowered the SG). What else can I
do? <... really? Move all to larger or more "spread out"
quarters...> Should I really put the fish through the stress of
trying to remove him (there's a lot of rockwork) and QT in a 20G
tank? Medicate food with antibiotics? <Not efficacious> Just keep
water quality good and wait? <This would be best... if there was
more space...> Please advise--I don't want to lose this fish
after waiting 5 years to get one. Thank again for your help. Jim
<... the Emperor alone needs more than 150 gallons... Don't
think it will do enough good to ask you to read on WWM re Pomacanthus
imperator... or the "origins" of Crypt... but the situation
you're in is predictable from your statements above... No
quarantine, the use of OrganiCure, the crowding... Do you see this? I
would move as many of the fishes here to other quarters as practical...
and, yes... read on WWM re the above mentioned topics... then,
let's chat. Bob Fenner>
Re: Need Help with Sick Emperor Angel
1/11/08 Bob, <Jim> I do read WWM quite a bit... I have for
years. And contrary to what you apparently think, I do try to take
responsible care of my animals. <Mmmm... I made no such comment re
your motive, activity/ies other than to state your system is too
crowded...> And I do try to keep adult size needs in mind,
too--hence I have not had any Naso species tangs in 10+ years since I
became aware of their long-term needs. The fact that most of my fish
have been with me 4+ years, and in many cases much longer, seems to
suggest that I am doing okay overall. <Good> I didn't realize
that six fish (now seven) was overcrowding a 150G tank, <Yes...
psychologically, and from your numbers on water quality measure, from
the standpoint of taxing your maintenance/gear> especially since
none of these fish seem to have "territory" issues with each
other. <They're established...> The Pomacanthus page on WWM
says nothing specific about size, and the general angelfish page only
says "as large a system as possible." Looking for more
specifics, Marine Center says that the minimum tank size is 55G
(ridiculously small), LiveAquaria says 100G, which I still think is
inadequate, and Aquacon says 125G. <For a/the record... I'll say
a (stock size) 240, or three hundred gallon for long term care of this
species> I just realized you had a separate page dedicated to
Pomacanthus imperator, and I see you recommend a minimum 400L to begin
with, and ultimately twice that, which according to my math is 200G. So
I guess by that criterion, 150G is too small. <With the other life
present especially> I just thought 150G would be adequate, though I
wouldn't really want to try anything smaller. In fact, the 150G was
specifically purchased so that I could keep this species. How many fish
(large fish--I know size is important) are permissible in a 150G tank?
<... a good question... in that it's not easily answered. At
least two criteria need to be considered... The physiological
"load" such a volume can take/handle safely and just as
important the "psychological" load any given mix might
present... Thinking on this... what is there must be taken into account
AS WELL as order of introduction... how many other factors might we
co-reason? Feeding, physical break-up of the environment...
"enriched" aspects of water quality control... might all
"stretch" or reduce the size/possibilities here> If we are
shooting for "natural" conditions, then I need a tank the
size of my house per fish! <Mmm, maybe so... but this is
unrealistic... am sure you agree. What I and other folks are
"shooting for" is keeping our livestock that way... for a
reasonable span of time... as displays mostly> Unfortunately, my
vocation requires periodic relocations, though never outside the state,
so there is a limit to the size tank I can reasonably have--big tanks
are no fun to move. <Don't I know...> So I have different
tanks with different animal populations in mind--a 150G long for my
large fish, a 150G show for my LPS, a 72BF for my soft corals and
anemone, and a 55G in my office for a few small, more docile fish like
a Firefish and a small Anthias. And soon a 55G QT in addition to the
present 20G. <Nice> I do generally quarantine all my fish, but I
have never purchased a fish this large before (some, like the Foxface,
have gotten that big in my tanks, but were not purchased at that size),
and the 20G made me nervous, not that it matters now. I have also read
up on crypts, repeatedly. Unfortunately, I am not always sure what to
believe. I have generally tried to use QT with hyposalinity, because my
experience is, as WWM suggests, that this is the best (only?) real
solution. The OrganiCure was only an (ill-advised?) <Mmm, no... not
knowing you well, what language we share meaning-wise, am given to
state that the active ingredients in this commercial product have real
value... in applications of use to hobbyists as well as commercial
concerns... Have used many gallons myself...> move of desperation. I
have also tried letting a tank go "fallow," as suggested. My
55G at the office was infected a couple years ago, so I removed and
(re)quarantined all the fish, leaving the live rock, starfish and camel
shrimp in the tank alone for over two months. The fish were QT in
hyposalinity only, and quickly recovered. When I placed them back in
the tank over two months later, they became reinfected in about two
weeks. I had expected the life cycle of the parasite to run its course
by then. All I can figure is that some encapsulated cysts had gone
dormant? <Very likely so> Anyway, I do try to take responsible
care of my charges. I am sorry that your opinion of my care is so low.
<Again... this is not the case> As an update on the emperor--he
was not doing well, and seemed to be getting worse, so I drained my 20G
QT and filled it with water from the display tank. After reading your
article about the Koi that got the "bends," I started
thinking about the rapid change in osmotic pressure when I lowered the
salinity from 1.021 to 1.009, so I raised it a little (1.012) in the QT
tank before I moved the emperor. I then treated with the recommended
dosage of Maracyn and Maracyn 2, hoping that one of the antibiotics
would be effective. By evening, the bloating had begun to subside and
the fish was swimming right side up. The next morning he was eating
again, and is doing fine now. I plan to finish out the round of
antibiotics and then return him to the display, assuming everything is
stable in both tanks and there is no sign of further ich/illness. Jim
<Wishing you and your Emperor well. BobF>
Emperor Angle is Sick!!! Crypt Most Likely 6/26/07 Hey guys
<Hello> I bought a adult Emperor Angle, 5 inches, a few weeks ago
and he's getting white spots all over him and also really tiny
white spots on the eyes. <Sounds like Ich, Cryptocaryon irritans, to
me.> Everyone else in the tank is doing fine my toxic ammonia is at
0.014 I did a 25 % water change and its still reading the same.
He's eating but acting kinda funny twitching and stuff. I read
about lowering the sp gravity. What do you think I should do? I'm
setting up my quarantine tank now, <This is what you should do.>
I know I should of did that a long time ago and I'm kicking my self
in the butt rite now for not doing it. But this will be my schooling on
that one!!!! Is there any fast set ups on the Q tank I can do to get
him rite in there? <Yes, just need to do daily water changes.>
Any meds I can use in the main tank without killing my liverock?
<No> I know you have the info on the site but it would take me
awhile to find it and I don't want to lose him!!! Please help
him!!! Thanks a lot Todd <Lots to read here. Start here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm , here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/QuarMarFishes.htm , and here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichart2mar.htm .> <Chris>
Re: Emperor Angle is Sick!!! Crypt Most Likely
6/27/07 Hello again <Hello> I've got my Emperor and
everything else in a quarantine tank with copper. <Good, watch the
copper levels very closely.> The emperor already looks 100 times
better. <Good.>Since the copper messes with the bio filter is it
even necessary to use a filter during copper med? <Not really, but
you do need water movement, which the filter can supply.> Cuz you
don't want charcoal, mech filter or the bio media when copper is in
use? <Correct.> No protein skimmer either? <Nope> Just lots
of water changes? <Yep> I just have Tank with bare bottom, pvc
for hiding, powerhead for water movement, heater, thermometer, and a
air pump with air stone. Do I have everything I need? <Yes> In my
reading I've read that to quarantine for 2 to 4 weeks to see if
fish has any sickness effects but I also read the some fish are just
carriers of ick and do not show any problems. <Will still be cured
by the copper. They just don't show the normal signs of white
spots. Also looking for a absolute minimum of 4 weeks symptom free
after the treatment ends before adding back to the tank, 6 weeks would
be much better.> So if you put a fish after he was fine during
quarantine, that is a carrier, in main display, a fish that is more
prone to the disease will probably get it right? <They are not
really just carriers, their gills are infected and are lower
functioning, but not visually effected.> Why don't you just
treat every fish in a copper quarantine just to make sure? <You
should after an outbreak in a tank they live in.> Except those you
cant use copper on, what kind of med do you use on copper intolerant
fish for preventive measures? <As far as preventative measures go, I
do not recommend them, even copper is quite toxic to fish, and
unnecessary exposure is not a good idea. Kind of like getting
chemotherapy for cancer "just in case" you have it.> I
have 6 fish in a 29 gal quarantine tank, Emperor is 5" the rest
1" to 3 " Should I be doing a 20% water change everyday?
<Most likely necessary, test for ammonia/nitrite and change
accordingly.> Before I coppered my fish I Did a freshwater bath, I
raised the ph and temp to the same as display tank and put them in
there for 3 to 5 minutes. Everyone was alright except my tang like went
into shock and froze up but was fine after I put him in the quarantine
tank. Did I do the bath rite? <Seems like it.> Is there anything
else you can dip/bath newcomers before quarantine that's a good all
disease prevention? < Methylene Blue is a good thing to add to dips,
can help with some diseases.> Once nets, buckets, tank and supplies,
etc are completely dry can they still carry a disease on them?
<No> If so what can I use to disinfect? <Hot water, a mild
bleach solution.> What do the pet stores use on new fish they just
received so their whole stock doesn't get anything from a sick
fish. <The vast majority of stores use nothing, a few run copper
continuously, and even fewer QT their fish.> All their tanks are
hooked to the same filtration at most pet stores, and I read that UV
helps to keep the parasites down but not totally get rid of them.
<Yes.> What measures do the pet stores and the big wholesalers use
so they don't get the whole fish stock sick? <As stated above,
most use nothing.> And I don't think they quarantine every fish
in a separate tank, that would be a lot of work but would probably be
the safest!! <Would be, but probably not cost effective.> Also
how do the tanks take the bioload changes from selling out and then
adding a huge stock over and over again, or does it not effect the
water as long as its only a week or so before they get a full stock in
again. <Most store's bioload does not change that much over
time, a pretty constant addition/subtraction going on.> I would
think the bacteria colonies would start to die off as the stock got
down to 5 to 10 fish from like 50 to 100, and then as the bacteria
start to die then there's 100 fish again. <You assume most have
good water quality to begin with, which is sadly not often the
case.> The web is the best!!!! I always learn a lot on here,
there's just so much good stuff I never get to what I was looking
for in the 1st place!! If fish go to heaven, then you guys are the fish
gods!!!!! Thanks for all the info, Todd <Welcome>
Re: Emperor Angle is Sick!!! Crypt Most Likely
6/26/07 Hello again <Hi> Thanks for the info! I read a lot of
the info you referred me to! Good Stuff! <Welcome.> So can marine
ich come from just a fish getting stressed or does it have to be in the
aquarium 1st and/ or the fish already being infected? <Must be
present in the system first.> If I do the 45 day quarantine tank
with meds and have no symptoms and do the 45 day no fish display tank,
can the fish still be infected even though no signs are present during
quarantine? <As long as the treatment is done correctly all of the
parasites should be eliminated with this method, and reinfection can
only occur if you accidentally add the parasite back somehow.> Can
the display tank still be infected after the 45 days of no fish?
<Unlikely, but the longer you wait the less likely it becomes, I try
to do 60 days fallow to be extra safe.> Why does the ich not attack
inverts? <Just not biologically capable of feeding off them, however
they can carry ich tomonts so they should be QTed as well before adding
to the tank.> So its ok to leave all my cleaning crew hermit crabs,
snails, emerald crab and a flower duster in the display tank for the 45
days no fish period? <Yes> Thanks so much for the help!!!!! Todd
<Welcome> <Chris>
Re: Rapid Breathing Emperor 1/26/07 Bob, thanks for
your input on my "declining" situation. Yes, unfortunately
this problem has gotten worse. The day of your response my
powder blue tang began to scratch on the rocks. Just slight
little brushes. Nothing too aggressive, but still displaying
some irritation. He did this occasionally for about four
days, and then I observed my emperor angel flash on one
occasion. NOT GOOD! I performed a 20% water
change. I did this in hope that there was some kind of water
quality issue that my test kit could not pick up. I watch my
fish very closely, and as of now it has been a few days since I have
witnessed anything like this. <Mmm... the Crypt will be back... is
just cycling...> They are both eating very well and
appear to be calm. I have never seen a spot on either one of
them. If I was a betting man I would say that my emperor
angel has been subclinically harboring parasites this whole time and
once he was moved to the tank with my ich magnet they are beginning to
gain the upper hand. <Agreed> I understand about the
life cycle of ich, and I am also aware that the apparent improvement is
probably just ich (or some other pathogen) rallying the troops for
another assault on my finned friends. <Correct> I guess because
of the fact that I have yet to see any spots I am reluctant to treat
these copper sensitive fish. Am I just being ignorant by
thinking that at this point I can beat this thing with good nutrition,
vitamin supplements, garlic( unproven, I know), and good water
quality. Obviously this would be ideal, but I fear by doing
this the situation could spiral out of control. I have read
and experienced first hand how fast these parasites can manifest
themselves and kill. My first fish, a auriga butterfly, died
three days after showing spots. I don't imagine the PBT
will fair much better. Bob, I regard your opinion t be the
best available, and I could sure use it right now. Thanks a bunch, Jim
<A matter of a bunch of review, reading: http://wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm and the many files above.
Emperor with ich Hello Crew! I have a quick
question: I have an emperor angel in QT and he just came down with a
few ICH spots. I know they are copper sensitive, what other med can I
use to get rid of this? <I would try a freshwater dip, that
should help. There really are no medications other than copper that
effectively work. When using copper for angels don't exceed .15ppm
of copper. If the fish shows stress, filter the copper out with
activated carbon. Good luck. James (Salty Dog)>
Recovering Emperor Hi guys <Scott F. your guy today> I
have an adult Emperor Angel which I treated for ICH when I first got
him 6 weeks ago and no longer see any sign of that infestation.
<That's good to hear> My problem now is that his color has
blanched (overall and even more in certain spots) and his eyes became
cloudy. I have been treating him with Maracyn 2 for 6 days
and the overall color has improved a bit, his eyes are not nearly as
cloudy but then again not yet perfect. He still has numerous
faded spots. In reading the "faq's" on your
site, I see that this is a common problem and also noted that Maracyn 2
might not be the way to go. What should my course of action
be and how long should it take to cure him? <Well, use
of a product such as Maracyn is certainly acceptable to help reduce the
possibility of secondary infection. However, if you think about it,
this fish has been through the trauma of illness, and the stress of
treatment (albeit, a successful one) over the last few weeks, so it may
be time to give him a break from medication for a while.> Are the
faded spots "normal" for this fish? He is being
treated in a 10 gal QT tank. Thanks as always. Joe <I
have noticed this with a number of Emperors after disease treatment. I
think that some of this discoloration may be the result of skin damage
from the parasites, and possibly even from the treatment itself
(prolonged copper treatments can damage some fishes). Another thought
is that it is a result of imperfect water quality (which sometimes
happens in a treatment tank, where water volumes are small...Keep up
the good water quality...Execute frequent, small water changes, and
observe this fish carefully. Feed high quality food, and I'm sure
that you'll see some dramatic improvement in this fish soon! Good
luck! Scott F>
Sick Emperor I mailed about one week ago and received a
gracious reply by Anthony. I had treated my Emperor Angel with copper,
FW dips, Marex, and Greenex in a vain, uneducated effort to rid him of
Cryptocaryon. I was advised to do FW dips for 8 days with daily
vacuuming of the bare bottom. I have done 4 days of dips and vacuuming
but the ich persists. In fact, the distal part of his anal fins are
starting to shred. He still eats and acts normally, but his clinical
condition is not getting better, in fact he is worsening. Plus, my last
FW dip yielded some unusual results. The water I put him in was crystal
clear, pH adjusted, and isothermic. After transferring him back to his
quarantine tank, I noticed a few (4-8) scale-like objects floating
around in the FW dip container. They were mostly clear, but they looked
to me like large scales (2-3 mm clear plates). Potentially
corresponding to less-pigmented areas that exist on his body and head,
however he had this before the last dip. It doesn't have a head and
lateral line distribution. Should I continue FW dips? <I would have
made a decision on a good course of action and stuck with it. Jumping
around from treatment to treatment (as it seems you have done) is not
helping. FW dips and daily water changes can be very effective, but
will not cure your fish over night.> Is this HLLE? <No, likely
damage from the parasites boring into the skin and handling.> I am
tempted to take my chances and acclimate him to the main tank. <Oh
God no!> He would more stability of water quality and have a better
variety of algae on the LR in the main tank. <And get to infect your
entire tank, too.> I feed him angel formula, red and green algae on
clips, and vitamin-enriched flakes now, but maybe he could get more in
the main tank. Desperately yours, John <Please, for your sake and
that of your fish, complete one full treatment protocol before going on
to the next. -Steven Pro><<Flukes. RMF>>
Emperor angelfish breathing problems Hi, I have a 10 in. xmas
island emperor angel. <please don't tell me this fish is in
anything less than an eight foot tank. A magnificent fish and still has
growing to do!> I've had him for 2 or 3 mos. now and he is doing
great and everything. <hmm... was this animal quarantined for the
first 4 weeks? Else, you need to get a large QT tank ready. Many
parasites with the big fishes for stressful shipping> But the right
gill seems to be not working. The gill opening is not opening and
closing. It is just closed. <yep... this is a telltale sign of gill
flukes. Tough to cure but possible. Needs meds in a bare bottomed QT
tank though. Formalin is needed. Take aged water and a mature filter
(with seeded media) to the QT tank. Be prepared to do daily water
changes for the first eight days minimum to control parasites (larval
cysts on bottom of tank) and for water quality (test daily at first).
The display needs to run fallow for 4 weeks. 4 weeks minimum for angel
in QT. No treatment in display... meds get absorbed and parasites
flourish in sand/gravel> When I feed him he eats it then for the
next 5 minutes or so his gill is working a bit but then it quits after
those 5 minutes. The left gill is working good maybe breathing a little
faster. What do you thin is wrong? Is it ick? <some sort of parasite
that has begun in the gills... as most do> Please reply as quick as
possible I fear he may not have much more time. Please help me and my
fish. Thank you. <best regards, Anthony>
Problems with my Emperor Angel <flukes?> Hi Bob, I am writing about a
problem with my newly bought Emperor Angel. I have a 125 gal. FO tank,
only because I live in Hawaii and anything related to having a reef is
illegal here? <Do know of the laws in the fiftieth State, and
disagree with them... > It has been set up and running for about 8
months now. All my chemistry is just about perfect. Anyway I bought my
Emperor about three weeks ago, when I put him in a QT for about 10
days. Everything seemed fine, so I put him in the main tank. About two
days later he started to scratch at both his eyes. It's now to the
point where you can see little rub marks on the clear part of both
eyes. I have had ich in the past, about three months ago. I treated it
with copper sulfite and everything was good and still there is no signs
of ich on any of the other fish or the Emperor, except for the
scratching. I also don't have a cooler, so I use a fan for
evaporation, therefore I am always replenishing with RO water. Any
advise at this point would be great. Thanks for all the help you have
already given in you column and book. >> Sounds very much
like a chemical or physical anomaly to me... not necessarily or
directly anything "catching"... What I would do: Add a
biological cleaner, my fave choice, one or two Lysmata amboinensis, the
Pacific Cleaner Shrimp. And add a pad of Polyfilter to remove metals,
possible biochemical problems... And lower your specific Gravity to
about 1.018 to diminish the infectiousness of possible lingering
parasites....increase gas solubility, lest there is insufficient
aeration, circulation in this system. And place some macro-algae, even
Ogo (wish I was eating some Ahi poke right now!) for "comfort
food", improving water quality, absorbing some of that probable
biochemical anomaly.... Bob Fenner who will be in touch
Re: Problems with my Emperor Angel Hi Bob, again.... Well
today I took the Emperor out and put him in a QT. He was looking worse
than yesterday. His fins are almost totally cloudy now and spreading to
the gills. He is also breathing more rapidly than normal. Also, he was
hiding horizontally under some rocks, which really scared me when I
first got home. He did come out to eat, but went strait back to hiding.
<Bizarre... the behavior and looks you describe are very bad... but
the fish came out and ate? Unusual> So let me get this strait, you
don't want me to put any kind of medication in the QT. I did use a
slightly lower specific gravity (l.018) in the QT. I just wish I knew
what is wrong, so I don't make the same mistake again. I followed
your advise and bought a poly filter and put it in the main tank, but
of course there is never an immediate cure. Thanks again for any
advise. Mark >> <I would not have moved the animal... but if I
had, I would have run it through a Nitrofuran compound (probably
Nitrofurazone) dip (about 250mg per five gallons, in slightly lowered
spg water, for ten minutes) before placing it in quarantine... Keep
your eye on it, Bob Fenner>
Ailing emperor Hi Robert, Maybe you can help. I've had a
changing juvenile emperor anger in my tank for 3 weeks now. It has
white "clumps" on the ends of it's fins and on both of
it's gill spines. Besides the unsightly spots, it eats normally,
swims normally, and interacts normally with the other species in the
tank (150 Gallon fish only). None of the other fish show signs of the
same ailment. What am I up against? Thanks, Scott <Almost without
doubt this is a case of the environmental/viral condition called
Lymphocystis. Take a read over the materials on the subject stored on
the www.wetwebmedia.com site. Lymph can be cured... Bob Fenner>
Question on Imperator Angel Mr. Fenner: First off, thanks for
all the help and advice that you offer to marine aquarium folks like
myself. I know it has helped countless people. <You're welcome.
Deeply gratifying to hear, be part of> Now to my question, and the
problem I am having. I have a 150 gallon tank, set up with live rock, a
few leather corals, and some fish. The tank is maintained in a very
meticulous way, with systematic partial water changes, monitoring of
Ph, KH, Nitrates, Phosphate, and Calcium. The water is always crystal
clear, and there is some nice coralline algae growth. The following are
the readings on the water: Temperature - ranges from 79 to 81 degrees F
Specific Gravity - kept between 1.021 and 1.022 Ph - 8.3 KH (in dKH) -
10.6 Calcium - 380 Nitrates - less than 10 ppm Phosphate - 0 Ammonia
and Nitrite - 0 Fish In The Tank: Imperator Angel, Naso Tang, Purple
Tang, Harlequin Tusk, Niger Trigger, Fox Face, 2 Blue Damsels, 2
Cleaner Gobies I have had a recurring problem with the Imperator
showing signs of Cryptocaryon, primarily associated with its pectoral
fins. I have had the fish for two months, and it was at the aquarium
store for a couple of months before I bought it. The angel is in the
final stage of changing from juvenile to adult colors. <This species
is "touchy" in the way of easily contracting the common reef
fish scourges, unfortunately> The other fish in the tank have not
shown any signs of parasite infestation, and some have been in the tank
for a few years. The Imperator's body does not show any signs of
parasites, but there are splotchy areas in the pectoral fins, and the
fish frequently rubs up against the side of the tank or smooth rocks.
The rubbing seems to be directed toward the pectoral fin area. During
the two months I have had the angel, I have given it fresh water baths,
and also put it in a quarantine tank with copper safe for two and a
half weeks. When I took it out of the quarantine tank and put it back
in the main tank, it showed absolutely no signs of parasites, and was
no longer rubbing up against the walls of the tank. After being back in
the main tank for about a week, the splotches and the rubbing returned.
I now have the angel back in the quarantine tank. Throughout all of
this, the fish has remained a very outgoing and friendly fish. Even
after being caught and put in the quarantine tank, the fish was eating
out of my hand a few minutes later. The fish has remained active
through all this, and does not act like a sick fish. The splotchy areas
and the rubbing, however, make it clear to me that there is a problem.
Because of the live rock and the leather corals, I know I cannot use
copper on the main tank. I do have an ultraviolet sterilizer on the
tank (with a new bulb) and an ozonizer hooked up to the protein
skimmer. I may be wrong, but it appears to me that parasites are always
around, to some extent, even in a well maintained tank (unless a copper
treatment is in use). <Yes to the omnipresent possibility of
"disease" (do read through "The Three Sets of
Factors" that determine health, posted on the www.wetwebmedia.com
site... you'll find yourself agreeing/nodding so much that
you'll resemble an old Beatles doll in a fifties Chevy with poor
shocks. A UV would likely help, I would not use copper... anything
improving water quality and nutrition would be beneficial as well...
Like more, better live rock, macro-algae, a sump/refugium...> Am I
correct that parasites are always present to some extent, but that they
only tend to become a problem if the water quality goes down or a
fish's immune system and natural defenses go down? Is the Imperator
Angel a fish that is prone to parasite attack, while the other fish in
my tank do not show any sign of it? Is there anything that I
haven't tried, that you would recommend to help solve this problem?
<Not linear, mutually-exclusive events... some parasitic and
infectious load is present in all systems, some organisms with complex
(intermediates) life cycles are more easily excluded... there is an
interplay twixt "initial state (genetic and developmental),
suitability of the environment (a huge category) and the
presence/degree of infectiousness of disease-causing organisms... read
the above citation> I could return the fish to the aquarium shop,
and trade it for another type of fish. I hate to do that, because it is
a beautiful and outgoing fish and it has become a member of the family.
But I don't want to continue subjecting it to fresh water baths and
quarantine. <Won't help the specimen to be moved, or you/your
sense of place in both your lives> Thanks a lot for your help. Pete Vosbury <Be chatting my friend, Bob Fenner>
Fin rot and sores on Imperator Bad news. Apparently, I burned
my fishes with too much copper. My imperator angel now has his tail and
pectoral fins damaged (missing portions) as well as suffering from body
sores. <Oh no...> I've been feeding him Zoe-soaked
Mysis shrimp and Nori, and he eats well, as do all the fish in the
tank. The sores seem to be getting a little smaller, kind of
brownish-scabbed over, but still, this beauty does not feel well and my
heart aches for the damage wrought on him by my mistake. Should I wait
it out to see if he self-heals or treat him/the tank with an
antibiotic? <Just wait...> He also is covered by little white
things, not cyst-like as in ich, but kind of like tiny tufts, about 0.5
to 1 mm each in size. My Koran angel, while not suffering from body
sores, seems to have a little of the edges of his fins eroded as well,
and the yellow tang, while not having any fin erosion, seems to have
some of the same white tufts (for lack of a better description) on his
tail fin. <Could be some manifestation of the burn... or indirectly
Lymphocystis... described on the www.WetWebMedia.com site under
"Environmental Diseases"... a similar description
physically> A couple of the other fish do, too (on their fins), but
not to the extent of my imperator. What to do, what to do?
<Maintain high water quality, use cleaner organisms (shrimp,
gobies)... and be patient> The hospital tank has turned into a
disease tank. If you recommend treatment with antibiotics, please be
specific about which one, and advise whether the neon gobies I have
coming in a couple of days should go into the tank, and whether I
should put my cleaner shrimp (3) in the tank now. <Do both,
now and when you get the gobies...> Bear in mind that I did treat
the bare tank with copper and removed it with water changes,
poly-filter pads, and carbon. I've also put some peppermint shrimp
in there just to make sure they wouldn't croak...they've been
in there for 3 days. Thank you, Sherri <Steady on my friend. Bob
Fenner, in Cabo San Lucas>
Angelfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert
(Bob) Fenner