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Trichogaster leeri (Bleeker 1852), the
Pearl Gourami. Found naturally on the Malay Peninsula,; Thailand
and Indonesia. To nearly five inches in length. Cond.s: pH 6-8, dH
5-19, temp. 24-28 C. Aquarium photograph of a male (longer
unpaired fins, much more colorful). |

Potamotrygon motoro (Muller and Henle
1841), the Ocellate River Stingray. Uruguai, Panan-Paraquai,
Orinoco and Amazon Basins. To a meter in diameter, 15kg. Cond.s: pH
5-6, dH, up to 10, temp. 24-26 C. A dangerous venomous fish.
Aquarium image.
speciesname=motoro |
Potamotrygon ocellata (Engelhardt 1812),
the Red-Blotched River Stingray. Reio Pedreira and south of Mexiana
Island. Aquarium image.
&speciesname=ocellata |
Potamotrygon orbignyi (Castelnau 1855), the
Smooth Back River Stingray. Amazon and Orinoco Basins. To about a
foot in diameter, 2kg. Cond.s: pH 6.8-7.5, temp. 24-26 C.
speciesname=orbignyi |