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Brochis splendens (Castelnau 1855), the
Emerald Catfish. South America, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. To about
8 cm. in length (females 2 cm. larger). By far the most common
member of its genus imported for aquarium use. |

Callichthys callichthys (Linnaeus 1758),
Callichthys Cat or Cascarudo in Sud America. Guianas to Paraguay.
To ten inches in length. Cond.s: pH 5.8-8.3, dH up to 30, temp.
18-28 C. Needs a soft substrate, low lighting, meaty foods, TLC on
first arrival/acclimation. |
Corydoras agassizi Steindachner 1876.
Agassiz's Corydoras Catfish. South America; Brazil to Peru. To
6.5 cm. Cond.s: pH 6-8, dH 2-25, temp. 22-26 C. |
Corydoras barbatus (Quoy & Gaimard
1824), the Banded Corydoras. Southern Brazil. One of the larger
members of the genus, attaining nearly five inches in length.
Conds. pH 6-8, dH 2-25, temp. 25-28 C. Not a great photo of a
beautiful species. Female shown.
Scleromystax&speciesname=barbatus |