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Hemigrammus bleheri Gery & Mahnert
1986, one of the two Rummynose Tetras of this genus. South America:
Rio Negro basin, Brazil; RÃo Meta basin, Colombia. 3.6
cm. standard length. pH 5-6, dH 5-12, temp. 23-26 C. Show best
being kept within the stated water quality conditions in a grouping
of several to many individuals. Aquarium pix. |

altum (Pellegrin 1903), Wild Angel. pH range: 4.8 - 6.2; dH
range: 1.0 - 5.0, temp.: 27 - 31°C. South America: Rio
Amazonas basin, in the upper Rio Negro drainage; Rio Orinoco Basin,
in tributaries of the upper Rio Orinoco (Rio InÃrida,
Rio Atabapo) to Puerto Ayacucho. To about 8 inches in height. |
Apistogramma borellii (Regan 1906),
Umbrella Cichlid. To 3.9 cm. South America: Paraguay River basin
and along the lower Paraná River in Argentina. |
Apistogramma macmasteri Kullander 1979,
Macmaster's Dwarf Cichlid. South America; Orinoco River basin,
in the upper Meta River drainage. Males to 5.5 cm., females to 5.0
total length. Aquarium photo |