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Nematobrycon palmeri Eigenmann 1911, the
Black Emperor Tetra. South America; the Rio Atrato Basin. To 4.2 cm
standard length. pH 5-8, dH 5-19, temp. 23-27 C. Feeds on worms and
crustaceans in the wild. Aquarium photo. |

Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus 1758),
the River (one of the Silver) Hatchetfish. South America; Peruvian
Amazon to middle Amazon, Guyanas and Venezuela. To two and a half
inches in length. Cond.s: pH 6-7, dH to 15, temp. 23-27 C.
Gregarious, living in groups at the surface. Eats worms,
crustaceans, insects in the wild. Females larger. |
.JPG) |
Nematobrycon palmeri Eigenmann 1911, the
Black Emperor Tetra. South America; the Rio Atrato Basin. To 4.2 cm
standard length. pH 5-8, dH 5-19, temp. 23-27 C. Feeds on worms and
crustaceans in the wild. Aquarium photo. |
Anostomus anostomus (Linnaeus 1758), the
Striped Headstander. South America; Amazon, Orinoco, Guyana. To a
bit over six inches in length. Cond.s: pH 6-8, dH 5-12, temp. 22-28
C. In the wild eats worms, crustaceans, insects and plant material.
Can be a mean fish nipping tankmate to peaceful tankmates. |