FAQs on Oscar
Disease/Health 6
Related Articles: Freshwater Diseases, Ich/White Spot Disease, Freshwater Medications, Oscars, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Oscar Disease 1, Oscar Disease 2, Oscar Disease 3, Oscar Disease 4,
Oscar Disease 5,
Oscar Disease 7, Oscar Disease 8, Oscar Disease 9, Oscar Disease 10, Oscar Disease 11, Oscar Disease 12,
Oscar Disease 13,
Oscar Disease 14,
Oscar Disease 15,
Oscar Disease 16,
FAQs on Oscar Disease by Category: Environmental, Nutritional, Social, Infectious, Parasitic, Genetic, Treatments, & Cichlid Disease 1, Cichlid Disease 2, Oscars 1, Oscars
2, Oscar
Identification, Oscar
Selection, Oscar
Compatibility, Oscar Behavior,
Oscar Systems, Oscar Feeding, Oscar Reproduction, Neotropical Cichlids 1, Cichlids of the World, Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Reproduction,
help with my fish please... FW... Neotrop.
Cichlid... hlth. 3/30/08 Hi. I tried to find information
on your website, but my English is not so good so I had problem
finding the answers to my questions. <Let's see if we can
help then. If I say something that doesn't make sense, please
write back and I will try and explain better!> I have an Oscar
and a Jack Dempsey. We changed aquarium 5 months ago for a 50 gal.
At first, the fish were fine, but 2 months ago, some brown dirt
start to "growth" everywhere in the new aquarium (see on
picture) <This is just Diatoms. A kind of algae. Harmless. Wipe
away with a clean cloth or sponge. Fish won't eat it, so adding
a catfish like a Plec is pointless.> and the fish start feeling
bad. Oscar stars having a wound on his head. <Yes, I see. This
is a bacterial infection. Essentially an ulcer. Sera Baktopur
should help. But I personally prefer eSHa 2000, a Dutch medication
that seems to work very well against bacterial infections. If you
were in the US, then you would probably be using an antibiotic like
Maracyn (Erythromycin). You may want to visit a veterinarian to get
some of this medication if you are not in the US.> I treat the
water with "Baktopur" twice. (I send you picture of
before and after the treatment.) <Certainly helping, and
there's some new skin growing back. But this infection is
caused by physical damage (e.g., a bite) or poor water quality.
Perhaps both. So: check the fish are getting along. Also make sure
the water is clean. Nitrite = 0 mg/l, Ammonia = 0 mg/l. Ideally the
Nitrate should be < 20 mg/l but certainly < 50 mg/l. The
filter must have turnover of at least 6 times the volume of the
tank in gallons per hour. In other words, your filter should be
rated at about 300 gallons per hour (or about 1200 litres per
hour). Do lots of water changes, 50% per week.> Now, 2 weeks
after the treatment, both fish are still sick, the brown thing is
staying even if we clean the aquarium and even if we change water.
They stop eating, they are about to die and I don't now what to
do. <Stop feeding the fish for a few days so that water quality
stays good. Keep using medication. Do big water changes!> thank
you for your help Stephanie, Oscar and Jack <Hope this helps,
Neale.> |

My Oscar looks like he swallowed a ball. Bloated
Oscars 3-24-08 Hi, I recently had to euthanise on of my three
Oscars has he had gotten so swollen it looked like a tennis was
inside him. Unfortunately now one of my other Oscars has started
to swell as well. In the last week he has gone off his food and
is panting in the water-he cant close his mouth. I have tried
peas, but as he isn't eating that hasn't worked if it was
constipation. I've tried the Epsom salts treatment- full dose
than half dose after three days...I did this for a fortnight with
a 25% water change before the half dose...was this ok and is it
possible to overdose a fish from to much Epsom salt put into a
tank. I have done a treatment of antibiotics but it doesn't
appear to be helping. Water test are all perfect-pH 7 ammonia-0,
hardness 180-190. We do weekly water changes of 25%. We recently
did a 50% water change which the Oscars appear to love as the
livened up but unfortunately it didn't last. We usually keep
our water at around 26-27 degrees, but have had it higher by 2
degrees in accordance with anti-biotics. I'm really worried
for my Oscar who sick but also about the one who is 'ok',
I don't want him to develop the same problem is there
anything I can do to prevent it from happening again. Sorry to be
a bother but I care about them greatly. Thank you. Kylie <This
bloat or dropsy is usually caused by stress. Sometimes it can be
poor water quality but often it is the wrong food or just old
food that has lost some of its nutrients. I would recommend a
combined treatment of Nitrofuranace and Metronidazole. They can
be obtained at DrsFosterSmith.com. The key to a complete recovery
is to treat early. Once they start to eat I would try some
medicated food with the Metronidazole in it. After treatment I
would recommend a new diet.-Chuck>
Re: My Oscar looks like he swallowed a ball. -03/27/08 Oscar
Bloated Follow Up Thanks very much for getting back to me
Chuck. We give them a pretty good diet- I think?. They have
pellets we purchase from a Oscar breeder and we also give them
cockroaches, crickets and mealworms, as well as any bugs we find
in the house...is that ok or should we change it? Thank you. <
I actually really like that diet. I would probably change the
pellets to something with a little less protein. Breeding Oscars
require a very rich diet that may not be required for non
breeding fish. Something to keep in mind is the amount that you
feed them. Never feed them more than they can eat in a few
minutes. I know these little beggars can train their owners into
feeding them all the time which is not good. Check the water
quality and keep the nitrates under 20 ppm.-Chuck>
Re: My Oscar looks like he swallowed a ball. Dropsy Treatment In
Australia 4/6/08 Hi Chuck, Unfortunately both our
Oscars now have dropsy and because we live in Australia. We
can't purchase the medication you recommended to treat the
dropsy. We've tried Epsom salt, peas and antibacterial meds.
We believe we are going to have them euthanized we think its best
than letting them suffer. What we'd like to know is; if we
get more Oscars how do we treat the TANK for dropsy before we put
more fish in? Also do we need to get rid of a bacterial balls? We
weren't sure if the dropsy was infecting them also. thank
you. kylie and Dave. <It is thought that the parasites that
cause the problems are found inside the gut of the fish and not
in the open tank. When a fish defecates the fecal matter is
picked up by the other fish and that infects them. If you get new
Oscars I would recommend a different diet and keep the nitrates
under 20 ppm. I don't think that tank sterilization with
accomplish anything.-Chuck>
Re: My Oscar looks like he swallowed a ball. -04/11/08 Prolapse
Colon In Oscars Hi, Chuck, Me again. One of our Oscars looks
like it has a bubble near its anus, I cant tell if it's
coming from the Anus or It is the Anus that looks like a bubble.
Any Ideas on what is happening to our Oscar. Our other two fish
that had dropsy never did this. Thanks Kylie. < Internal
pressures have distended the colon outside of the anus. The same
factors that caused the dropsy/bloat have caused this problem.
The colon may become fungused/diseased so be prepared to treat
with antibiotics.-Chuck>
To salt are not to salt? that's the question.
Adding Salt to An Oscar Tank 3/14/08 At once I want to tell
you that you have a awesome website. < Thank you for your kind
words.> I recommend to all fish Hobbyists. It seems I'm very
confused about adding aquarium salt to my Oscars water. I know they
don't need to be brackish. At the same time I read on your website
that some aquarium salt is beneficial. I recently received a 50 Gallon
Bowfront tank from my brother. It came with a huge Tiger Oscar, (
He's a good 12 inches if not larger) I named him Sampson. He has a
404 Fluval pumping 340 gallons a hour. Good water quality as well. My
brother said he kept the water somewhat brackish. I really never heard
of that. The equipment reflects it though. There is salt on the light
hood and full glass hood, this is an all glass tank. My brother left
town and the fish was supposed to be cared for by someone else. It
wasn't. I went to break the tank down and it smelled like sewage.
Even at that the fish was very healthy. I couldn't believe it. Now,
to the water change. Naturally I went to fresh water because that's
how Oscars are cared for. The only thing about Sampson that looks
unhealthy is nose hole erosion. I figure water quality can do this. The
water pH is good, I keep it vacuumed and do my water changes. You all
hit the nail on the head when you say a canister is tough to clean! It
takes a lot of pressure to close it back once your done cleaning. My
questions are: Aquarium salt are not? <The Oscar is a cichlid which
is a secondary fish that evolved from salt water damsels. They can
handle some salt. A teaspoon per 10 gallons increases the slim coat on
the skin and gills and may prevent some parasites from penetrating the
skin.> Why the nostril erosion? < It could be a start of
Hole-In-The-Head disease. It is often associated with poor water
quality and poor nutrition. That that you have improved the tanks
conditions it should stop but may take awhile to heal.> And what do
I need to have in my 6 compartment Fluval to continue to maintain
Sampson's tank? (I'm new to a canister). < Go with the
manufacturers' recommendations for now and see how it works.>
Will white vinegar get the salt spray or lime build up off my exterior
of the tank ? <Usually the calcium will slowly come off if you use
the vinegar to soak the area over a few treatments with a saturated
paper towel.> I want the best for my Sampson! I just Love Him! And
you guys keep up the great work! < Thanks again,-Chuck>
Albino Oscar red open sores 3-11-08 Hi; I
have one Albino Oscar 10in long and about 2 1/1in though the girth of
his neck in a 55Gal tank; it has a Rena Canister Filter, the water
quality is as follows; water temp is 79 degrees, Ph.7.2, Alkalinity
120ppm, Hardness 300ppm, Nitrate 30ppm. <All sounds fine, though you
don't mention nitrite or ammonia. Usually when fish develop sores,
these are related to poor water quality and/or physical damage. Ammonia
and nitrite are key problems, and should always be checked under
situations like this. I will also make the point that 55 US gallons is
borderline as far as an Oscar this size is concerned. Can it live in
it? Yes. Is it optimal? Likely not; and rapid increases in nitrate and
acidification between water changes are definite problems.> I change
30 % of the water every three to four weeks, the diet consists of live
goldfish and pellets, and I use to feed him only live Crickets' and
Shrimp sticks. <Please stop feeding the fish Goldfish. There are
multiple problems here, but the two main ones are these: cheap Goldfish
are disease time bombs, and Goldfish also contain too much fat and
Thiaminase, together causing serious damage to the internal organs.
There is absolutely no reason to feed Oscars live fish. They certainly
don't eat Goldfish in the wild, and have strong jaws adapted to
crunching things like crayfish and snails, so if you want the
"natural" diet, then those are the food items to aim for.
Oscars also eat some plant matter, and you neglect to mention whether
you are providing things like algae and tinned peas.> Current
problem; he has developed pink/red sours back off his head area and
right side guild, these areas leave indentations as if they where
rotting. <Initial assumption would be "Hole in the Head",
an external manifestation of Hexamita infection. Triggered by poor
water quality more often than not, though exactly why and how is not
known to me at least. Regardless, Metronidazole in the food is the
usual treatment. While treating, no other food items should be used.
There are also off-the-shelf HITH medications. The effectiveness really
depends on nipping the problem in the bud. If left too late, it is very
very difficult to cure.> I have just gone though two treatments of
(API) Aquarium Pharmaceutical Tetracycline plus, and perversely one set
of medications of Erythromycin by the same company, (these are the only
medications that I could find for treating Red Spot) although both
medications have seemed to help in healing the wounds they have not
stopped the formation of new areas. <Indeed. What these things
likely did was stop the secondary infection, but the protozoan itself
is still working its way through your fish. Do also remember to remove
carbon when treating fish.> I am a firm believer of using Aquatic
Salt liberally at the first sight of any infection and during
treatments. <Which does precisely nothing. Not a big fan of
"tonic salt", and vets generally recommend against its use as
"support" for the same reasons the doctor doesn't
prescribe you a saline drip every time he gives you antibiotics! Salt
in freshwater aquaria is Old School and mostly persists because it gets
people to buy overpriced cooking salt. 50% weekly water changes will do
far more good than adding salt, and since cichlids are prone to bloat
when salt is used continuously, that's a good reason not to bring a
box of salt within a mile of a prized Oscar.> Terence <Cheers,
Sick Oscars With Internal Infection 3/10/08 I need
a lot of help. My fish are pooping white wastes. It looks like a worm
or something. He was the dominant male now all he is doing is laying at
the bottom gasping for air. My ammonia is 0 and my pH at a 7.5 my no2
and no3 are both okay. < Nitrites should be zero and nitrates should
be under 20 ppm.> My water temp is 80 or so. I have a 92 gallon fish
tank with 5 baby Oscars. One was stressed so I moved him to my 10
gallon hospital tank. He is doing fine. It's my other two Oscars
one is swimming around like he is drunk and the other is gasping at the
bottom nearly dead. He had this long white poop that was at least 2
inches long, it was longer then him. He is so stressed I am researching
the best that I can but I need a little help. Last week i successfully
cured ick now this?? I treated today with both Melafix and Pimafix
together, I don't know yet if it has helped. I just don't know
what else to do what products to use please help. <I think your
Oscars have an internal infection that may have been caused by a poor
diet. I would recommend a treatment of Metronidazole and
My Oscar Is Sick, damaged, fungal/bacterial... not using
WWM 2/28/08 Hey guys. So here is my dilemma. I
have had my Oscar for about 2 years. He is quite important to me.
I recently moved him along with his tank mates, a cichlid of the
same age, and a plecostomus, also of the same age. Well, i got
them all at the same time. Anyway, during the struggle to get him
out of my 55 gallon tank, he jumped out of the pitcher <Better
to get/use some thick plastic bags from the fish store... much
less damage> I had to use, dumb i know, and landed on the
floor. :( He cut himself on something while flapping around. I
managed to scoop him up after about 15 seconds. Now, as I have
got the tank up and running again, he is acting strange. He stays
in one spot, usually by the top, and just floats. He isn't
eating well, he used to get excited to see me come to the tank.
It seems like he is weak, because the current from the filter
moves him around. He has this huge white blotch near his top fin
on the left side and another spot like it on the right. His tail
fin is frayed, which I've never seen it like that. He also
has the usual missing scales and battle wounds to be expected
from being on the ground. I was thinking it might be Ich, but the
other two fish don't have the symptoms. He is in a bad way. I
attached some pictures of him and the group, they aren't very
clear, but I think it will help. Also, no matter how many times i
clean the tank, like filtering out water, vacuuming the rocks,
changing the filters, I can't seem to get it crystal clear
again. <Is recycling...> What am I doing wrong? <Not
reading, searching for all this... as it's posted on WWM in
abundance> I am running two filter systems with each saying it
will keep 50 gallons clean by themselves. I'm lost and need
your help. Any ideas on what I should do?? Luke 12x20x48 - size
of tank 10 inches Long, 4 inches Tall - Size of Oscar <I'd
use some BioSpira to get this system cycled ASAP... and likely a
Furan compound to treat the secondary infection. Read here:
and the linked files above... and elsewhere on WWM re the cycling
issue. Bob Fenner>
Re: My Oscar Is Sick 2/29/08 I applied
erythromycin, and a fungal treatment. I bought them at PetSmart.
Also got some stuff for the cloudiness. I will reply after the
treatment is done <Good luck! Neale.> <<... the
"cloudiness" treatment... is NOT suggested. May well
cancel/neutralize the medicant... May poison the livestock,
deprive them of oxygen outright... RMF>>
Re: My Oscar Is Sick 2/29/08 So now the
white cloudy patch has developed on his tail fin and around the
mouth. Do you think the meds I got aren't working? Or do I
just have to wait it out till the dosage is complete? Luke <Hi
Luke. Without a photo I can't be 100% sure, but I'd
assume that this is a continuation of the Fungus/Finrot. Do check
you are dosing correctly, and also check you have removed carbon
from the filter (carbon neutralises most medications). Also check
the medication you are using. My personal opinion is the Tea Tree
oil medications (e.g., Melafix, Pimafix) aren't all that
reliable and are best avoided for serious problems. Fine as
preventatives, but once the infection has set in, you need to get
in gear and use the heavy duty stuff. To some degree this will
require time to heal fully, but it should certainly not be
getting worse. Cheers, Neale.>

Um.. I'm worried... Oscars... simply fighting, or
an electrified situation? 2/18/08 I have 2 albino tiger
Oscars. A couple of nights ago my larger one started freaking out and
trying to almost jump out of my 55 gallon tank. <Yikes! Two of these
fish need more room than this...> I would hear a crash and splash
and it seemed he was almost unconscious in the water. My other one
seems to be following his pattern because I picked him up of the ground
this morning. I do have a top but they jumped threw the lid. <Yes...
can happen> They are both very scared up and have almost knocked
them selves out. It keeps happening but there's nothing wrong with
my other fish in the tank. Im really worried could you please help me
with your advice.,,,Aki <I do hope so... I am concerned that you may
have a situation here of "stray electrical current"... making
these fish "jumpy"... DO be careful around the tank till this
can be checked, solved... Have someone check with a volt meter... FIND
the fault... DO install a GFCI on all aquarium gear that uses
electricity... IF this is not the root cause here, I suspect the two
Oscars were "just" fighting... need to be separated,
ultimately placed in a system of twice this size or larger... Bob
hemexia hole in the head or something else... Using
WWM 2/14/08 Thanks for taking the time to read
about my problem. I don't have spell check <Do look on the
Net proper... such programs can be downloaded for free> and I
will do my best. I have a green Severum 4.5 inches and 3 Oscars
all are about 10-12 inches long. I have had one of them for about
8 years. The other two I received from someone that didn't
have room for them. All these fish have been in my care in this
new environment for aprox. 1.5 years. I have a 220 gal tank
upstairs that circulates into a 90 gallon tank in the basement.
(overflow type) I also filter with a powerhead. I have a total of
310 gallons of water. I usually fill with a Reverse Osmosis
filter <Mmm... the fishes listed prefer/need the mineral
content... in the raw source water> when I have time but
because of recent circumstances, I haven't been using it for
my water changes. It takes too long and I am now on a new well
that is 550 feet deep. Very good water compared to my last well.
That's why I have a Reverse Osmosis filter. My new well is a
little high is Iron and magnesium <How high is high?> but
It has no taste or yellow tint . It passes all water drinking
standards and If I would say "almost as good as spring
water." <I would just use this water, w/o the RO for your
tanks> My PH is 8- 8.2 Ammonia is 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrate is
10. ( not so good). I haven't tested for phosphates recently
as I can't locate the test. As for my water temperature I
don't usually have a heater. I did purchase one today.. My
water has been aprox. 68 F now for about 3 months. In the summer
it can be as warm as 79. I am raising that slowly to about 72
degrees unless you say otherwise. During my research I read that
when a fish is sick that raising the temperature can sicken the
fish faster. <Mmm, can, depending on actual cause...>
Helping the hemexia or bacteria grow faster. <Hexamita... aka
Octomita necatrix?> I am not so sure how true that is. About
once a week I change out about 5 gallons of water and refill.
Maybe that was not enough .Just yesterday I emptied the lower 90
gallon tank and cleaned all the rocks etc. and refilled. I have
been treating my fish for Hemixia and now with Melafix.. <The
"Fix" is worthless> I wonder if my fish have Hemexia
because I used to feed them live wild shiners. <Not a good
idea> I kept them in the lower tank for about 6 months. I
caught them in my fathers pond.. They appeared to be healthy and
I didn't seem to have the issues that goldfish do.( Ich) My
father has rainbow trout and he feeds them a high protein food.
<This food may be of value to your cichlids> The shiners
eat this for their nutrition so I thought maybe they would be a
good food for my fish. The only reason my father has the shiners
is because he thought the trout would like them. His trout
won't eat them and there are so many it was ruining his water
quality. His trout were starving for air etc.. He wanted to get
rid of shiners and that is how I started using them for food. (
FYI after alot <No such word> of work removing fish and
pond bleaching etc.. my father did get rid of all shiners in his
pond and the trout are much happier fish now) <Ahh!> My
Oscars had a diet of these shiners and pellet food for about 6
months . I haven't fed them any shiners in about 4 months
now.. And I wont ever again now that I realize the harm I brought
to my fish.. Not all my fish are sick. Mostly just my tiger
Oscar.. He has hole in the head recently progressing very fast in
the last 2 weeks. Holes are now through his gills. I treated with
a jungle Metronidazole treatment for about 2-3 days 2 weeks ago
with no major improvement. <Mmm, you did remove
carbon/charcoal... the product was used as directed, at full
strength...> I know that medication is not always the answer
and that maintaining my tank is probably the most important for
him to get better. Recently I have noticed holes in his fins and
possibly loss of scales. <Not Hexamita here, but water
quality...> When I vacuumed my gravel today I did see fish
scales ..Oh no!! I also have small white worms 1/8 - 1/4 inches
long in the gravel in my tank. <These are a third item...
unrelated to the others> In researching they appear to be
somewhat harmless. Protozoa I think they were <Uh, no...
Can't see such w/o magnification> and they are apparently
eating debris in the rocks.. Should I remove or kill these small
worms? <I would not> Another thing I have noticed recently
is that my fish used to have brown pellet like stool. Now I have
noticed that it is clear and stringy. Somewhat like a small clear
intestinal track. More than one Oscar appears to have this
symptom. all have some signs of slight hole in the head. One is
really sick with hole in the head and other symptoms that I
described earlier. All are still eating at this point. I
don't overfeed my fish. I wonder if maybe I underfeed them. I
feed usually once every other day. Sometimes I find a bug or moth
and they eat that as a treat. They do have a boring diet. They
don't like homemade foods or Krill. They spit it out. I
don't want to treat my fish for the wrong thing. I realize
that this can be harmful to their health. Hopefully you will have
some suggestions for me. Thank you so much for your time it is
much appreciated.. Amy L I will wait for your reply. Ty
<I'd return to regular water changes, use the source water
straight, and read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs.htm and
the linked files above. See WWM re "feeding feeders",
water quality... Much for you to gain there. Bob Fenner>
I Forgot to tell you... More/less re Hexamita Hello
Again, I just emailed a few min. ago. So you know... I have had
Oscars for about 10 years. They never really got sick on me.
Occasionally they did of course ,but they got better too. I have
also been adding Aquarium salt to my tank. I had put salt in the
tank a long time ago upon setting up. It wasn't necessarily a
large amount. I have not been adding salt as I make my water
changes. I never knew that it was important for their health. I
am concerned to over salt my fish now. But I am adding the
recommended dose, slowly so I don't shock them. Thanks Again
for your time in this matter My fish will thank you. I am working
on getting you a nice picture in focus. I will send it as soon as
I can. Much Thanks Amy L <Please read where you were referred
to... and learn to/use the search tool and indices on WWM. Bob
Pictures of my Oscar possible Hemexia Hello Again,
<Hi there Amy> Last time tonight. I should have sent this
the first time I mailed you. Here are some Pictures of my sick
fish. <Good ones too> I marked the picture with Yellow
arrows. Hopefully you can see the blemishes, scales and the holes
in fins.etc.... It really looks much worse in person. It is hard
to take the pictures and sending them so small that's another
challenge. I hope this helps in your diagnosis. Thanks So Much,
AMY <Some of this is neuromast destruction/HLLE... Read where
you were referred to. RMF>

update since yesterday... Reading Hello
guys Amy L here "Sick Oscars" 2/15/08
Thanks again, for helping me with my problems. I think
things will get better soon. My water temp. is now at 72
degrees. Should it be higher? <I would keep it in the
upper 70's F.> ammonia still 0 and Nitrate still 10
before this water change. I also changed more water today.
I hope I don't change too much and really mess up my
balances. I refilled the 90 gal. tank In my basement. The
water changes are pretty easy for me to do because I just
turn the valve in the bottom of the tank to empty. So I
really have no excuse for not changing more than 5 gal a
week. Before I circulate the tanks I also emptied another
32 gallons from upstairs tank, by filtering out my rocks.
They seem pretty clean on the most part. Some areas are a
little dirty. I timed how fast my overflow puts the water
back in my upstairs tank. It seems that it pumps about 30
gallons in 5 minutes. So 350-360 gallons per hour. Is that
a big enough pump for my tank? 310 gal total tank with 4
fish? <Mmm, marginal... ten or even twenty times
turnover would be better> I also run a maxi jet 1200
that filters with fiber fabric to mostly get floating
debris. <Oh! This water movement counts as well> I
have not added any medications today. As I am not sure what
the best one to add is. I will wait to hear from you. After
reading some articles, I'm leaning toward treating with
Metronidazole again and maybe a fungal medication for fin
rot. What are your thoughts. <For you to read. I would
NOT continuously expose animals to this powerful
antiprotozoal> I'm closely watching my Oscars soars
and maybe they are healing. Some are darkening. I think
that's good. Thanks again AMY <Darkening is a bad
sign... Again... reading on WWM re Oscar Disease, Flagyl...
http://wetwebmedia.com/metranidazole.htm http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/oscardisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
more information about my well water quality.
Hi Bob, Amy here with the Oscars with
"HLLE" 2/15/08 <Howdy> Thanks so
much for your time. I will read where I was referred
thanks. I'm starting to understand your sight better
now. You asked how high my Iron is in my water. My water
test shows that the Sodium is 61 Do I still have to add
Aquarium salt? <... you still have to read> This
isn't the same as city water. So here it is let me know
what you think. All these say mg / l is that milligrams per
liter? <Yes, equivalent to ppm> Iron 0.27 My
Manganese is <0.03 Lead <0.005 Chloride <10
Hardness 24 Alkalinity 150 Conductivity 280 Nitrite
Nitrogen <0.01 Nitrate Nitrogen <0.5 pH 8.28 Copper
< 0.05 Fluoride <0.2 Okay thanks once again. Amy
<Read... RMF>
Oscar, hlth. 2/8/08 Hello. I am
beginning to feel concerned about my 6 inch tiger Oscar, Dave. He
has been very healthy ever since my husband and I purchased him,
that is until about a week ago. It is starting to look like he is
missing sections of scales on his head, right above his eyes.
Today when I went to feed him I inspected him again, and the top
of his head has turned a dull grey, it is usually a nice dark
green, brown like the rest of him. It is also starting to look
like he may have hole in the head disease. He swims sideways some
times, and his head looks terrible. My husband says that he just
has a mottled coloration on his head, but it was not like that
before. He eats fine, and the levels in his tank are good, he
swims around just as actively as always. What should I do? I do
not know what to do about it or if it even something to worry
about. We cannot afford all kinds of medications for a fish right
now, so please tell me what you think, and if it is hole in the
head. Thank you so much! Once again, Lena. <Greetings. I
can't begin to answer this without some key bits of
information. Please tell me the following: [a] How big is the
tank? [b] How much water do you change per week? (Be honest!) [c]
What food does he get? Does he ever eat live fish? [d] What are
the pH, hardness, nitrite, and nitrate? You see, Hole-in-the-Head
is very much related to water quality. Cichlids that get
Hole-in-the-Head very often live in tanks with a high level of
nitrate. It's a lot easier to prevent HITH than it is to
cure, though some drugs work (slowly). See here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhllefaqs.htm Apart
from suitable medications that kill the protozoan that causes the
disease, there's no other cure, and it doesn't get better
by itself. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Oscar, hlth. 2/9/08 Hello again,
and thank you for your quick response. I looked up some pictures
online of Oscars with hole it the head and they look exactly like
my fish does. So he does have it. <Oh dear.> He is in a 50
gallon tank, eats peas, shrimp and krill, and I do a 20% water
change every week. There is carbon ion the filter, so should I
remove the carbon and buy some treatment for him? <Yes; always
remove carbon before treating fish. Personally, I consider carbon
a waste of money, but some people like to waste money, and who am
I to stop them!> My local PetSmart has a product called
"Jungle Labs Hole'n Head guard". Do you know
anything about this product, or could you please suggest one?
<Have absolutely no experience of this product. Do read here
for suggestions on treatment: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhllefaqs.htm
Since these antibiotics aren't (legally) available in the UK,
I haven't used them so can't offer any great insights
into their use.> I gave limited sources for aquarium life
supplies so I don't know what I will be able to do, or if I
will be able to do anything. Thank you again, Lena. <Cheers,
Re: Dave, my Oscar. HLLE remission
recounting -02/20/08 Sorry to bother you
again, but I thought that I should update you on my Oscars
progress. We started treating him for his Hole In The Head
about two weeks ago and he looks a million times better.
<Great!> I started a more frequent water change and
gravel cleaning schedule and it really seems to help. The
large holes on his head have shrunk considerably and many
of the smaller ones have disappeared all together. I was
wondering, for how long should I be treating him? Until all
of the holes are gone? <Unless the medication explicitly
says otherwise, yes.> Also, since he has begun healing,
we have noticed peculiar horizontal lines going across the
length of his body. He has two on one side and one on the
other. They look almost like scratches, but there is
nothing in his tank that he could have scratched himself
on. It looks as though someone took a knife and ran it
across his body, creating rifts in his scales. Is this
normal? <No; possibly these are signs the lateral line
is damaged. On cichlids, there are two lateral lines on
each flank: one arches on the main part of the body from
behind the head, and another is lower down the body running
in a straight line between halfway along the body to the
base of the tail. If that's what you're seeing
here, it's "all of a piece" with
Hole-in-the-Head, unfortunately. See here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs.htm Alternatively, fish
sometimes damage one another, so do check no-one has
attacked the Oscar. A photo might help.> If it is not
could you please help me to figure out what it is that he
may have? Thank you so much, your site is so helpful! Lena.
<Glad to help, Neale.>
Re: Dave, my Oscar. HLLE
-02/20/08 Thank you so much once again for your quick
response. According to your description of the lateral
line, it sounds like that is the problem with my Oscar. How
can I cure him? I am already treating him with medication
for Hole In The Head, will that cure the damaged lateral
line as well? <In theory, yes. The two diseases are
probably caused by the same pathogen and/or environmental
issues. But it *does* take a long time to get better.> I
read that bad water quality and diet cause this, but I do
at least a 20% water change once a week, now that he is
sick probably more like 50%. <For big cichlids, 50%
water changes are recommended. Nitrate may be the trigger;
cichlids are sensitive to nitrate, and when the
concentration goes up, the chances of HITH or HLLE
increase. Anyway, big water changes help here, especially
if your water has pretty high levels of nitrate to start
with. Here in England, many cities will get water with 50
mg/l nitrate right out the tap, so you have to do BIG,
REGULAR water changes to keep cichlids healthy.> All he
will eat is peas, krill and shrimp. <Nothing really
wrong there, but I'd add some squid, mussel and/or
white fish to the mix. Squid is very cheap, most cichlids
love it, and it is very protein-rich.> He still eats
fine, and swims around, we have now added a bubbler to
aerate the water better and upped the temp up to 86. The
holes in his head, like I said, seem to be healing, but
will he pull through all of this sickness <It sounds as
if you're doing all the right things. With luck,
he'll pull through. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Dave, my Oscar. HLLE,
reading... 3/6/08 Hello again, I know that
I have written to you numerous times now, but I really
don't know what to do. My tiger Oscar has HITH and does
not seem to be improving. We are still treating him, and
his water is fine, and for a long time he looked like he
was getting better, the holes were shrinking and he ate and
swam normally. We are still treating him, <... need
data... treating him with what? Not Metronidazole/Flagyl...
ongoing... I hope... is toxic> his water is fine and I
do frequent water changes, but he is no longer eating, he
hides almost all of the time and the holes are staying the
same size now, it has also attacked his lateral line.
Please give me some advice. Thank you, Lena. <... if the
above-mentioned antiprotozoal is used too much/long it will
destroy nephro/kidney tissue... Please, read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/metranidazole.htm
and http://wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs.htm
and http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/oscardisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above... Bob Fenner>
Treating An Oscar with Hole-In-The-Head --
1/04/08 I have an Oscar that has hole in the Head Disease. I
have treated him on two different occasions over a three month
period with Fish-Zole. The places on his head just don't seem
to want to heal. He is in a 75 gallon aquarium with a canister
filter which gets cleaned once a week. He gets a 25% water change
once a week. His water quality is in the good range on
everything. He gets a variety of foods (no feeder gold fish). He
gets pellets, sticks, krill and a mixture of beef hearts, garlic,
spinach, vitamins and other ingredients twice a week. He also
gets Vita-Chem added to his pellets 5 times a week. He has a very
good appetite and seems to be growing. Should I treat him with
the Fish-Zole again or is there something else That I can use to
heal the places on his head. I don't want to loose him. Your
help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Nancy <
This disease takes its own sweet time to heal. If the lesions are
not getting any bigger then you fish is probably cured. The
wounds left behind are typically very slow to heal. They first
turn black and then slowly start to close up. Check the nitrates.
Try and keep them under 20 ppm. Your treatment methods are very
sound and hopefully caught in time.-Chuck>
Treat Oscar With Hole-In-The-Head Part II
1/5/08 I checked the nitrates they are 10 ppm. Some of the
places seem to be turning black but he has a few places that seem
to be getting deeper. The largest one is about 1/8 across and the
others are smaller. They are white in color. I have enclosed a
couple of pictures. Maybe you can get a better idea of my
problem. Thanks again. Nancy < This infection is pretty
severe. Never seen it this wide spread before. Look for a
medicated food with Metronidazole in it. Add it to your fishes
regular diet. Keep the water clean and the diet nutritious like
you have been. Drs FosterSmith.com sell a medicated food called
Anti- Parasite. It has Metronidazole in it. Add this to the diet.
Keep tract of the disease by taking pictures of your fish once a
week. Date them and compare them over time to see if he is
getting better.-Chuck>
Oscar With Hole-In-The-Head Gets Treatment
1/7/08 Thank you for your quick response. If you look at the
picture that I have attached. The places midway up toward his
dorsal fin and midway down his side are not the holes that I am
talking about. He did those places on the gravel in the bottom of
his tank. The holes are located beneath his gills and to the
right of his eye which seem to be healing and the small ones on
top of his nose. I have started him on the medicated food and
also added some MelaFix to his water. Will see how this does. He
really doesn't know what to do with those little pellets of
food but I am sure he will find out. Thanks again for your help.
Nancy <Don't feed him for a few days and he will be hungry
enough to eat the new medicated food. It looks like you are doing
everything you can possibly do.-Chuck>
Deformed Oscar 12/27/07 Hi I guess this is a
genetic problem but would like to check. Bought two albinos Oscars
about 6 years ago both began developing deformed mouths one died
suddenly and it is still getting worse with the other. One eye is now
pushed out and the gills and the mouth are twisted in on the other
side. This appears to be worsening as he grows. We water change pretty
regular the tank and filter are adequate. The degree of deformity gets
worse over a slow period as if it is a growth defect not a disease the
rest of him looks very good. Any ideas if it could be something else?
Regards David <Hello David. It's very difficult to answer this
categorically. Albino Oscars -- and indeed albino versions of any other
species -- are less hardy than the wild-type of that fish. The
inbreeding required to make the variety true breeding does this if
nothing else. But that said, at least some of the sorts of things you
describe can also have non-genetic triggers. Deformed mouths often
follow fighting, which happens when two territorial cichlids are kept
together. The jaws become dislocated. Sudden deaths are much more
typical of poor water quality or poisoning than genetics. So do review
the basic needs of this species: big (55 gallon+) tanks, at least 50%
water changes per week, less than 20 mg/l nitrate, and so on. Many
Oscar keepers make the mistake of feeding them live fish --
particularly goldfish -- and this is a very effective way to make
Oscars sick. Oscars are omnivores and benefit from a varied diet to get
all the fibre, vitamins and minerals they need. Do read this: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/oscars.htm
And the linked articles. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Deformed Oscar 12/27/07 Thanks for the reply. <You're
welcome.> They didn't fight and the other died two or three
years ago. <OK.> Water quality may be a problem I will try and
get my parents to change this more regularly. My dad is pretty
disciplined so will probably set aside some space for regular water
changes. <Hmm... not always the best plan to depend on someone else,
however careful they may be. Best to keep animals you can care for
adequately by yourself.> Bizarrely the plants I have they don't
eat and its a 100G+ so aquarium looks great but makes it difficult
cleaning. <100 gallons should house two non-breeding Oscars fine,
especially if you don't have two males. Oscars generally don't
eat live plants, but they often enjoy tinned peas, algae wafers, and so
on. In the wild Oscars feed primarily on invertebrates as well as
smaller fish. Things with shells, such as crayfish and insects, are
particularly important parts of their diet. Oscars have specially
strengthened jaws to deal with their shells.> They are fed specific
pellets and the odd bit of scrap. <Do try and vary this a bit. A
varied diet is as important to a fish as it is to a human. All sorts of
raw seafood work well, as well (clean, unsprayed) things from the
garden like earthworms, woodlice, houseflies and so on.> Will see if
the water quality can clear it up a bit. <Always monitor water
quality. Oscars are very sensitive to nitrate, something we tend to
overlook in freshwater tanks. Hole-in-the-Head and the possibly related
gut infection Hexamita are two diseases closely linked to nitrate and
responsible for many untimely deaths among cichlids. Aim for a nitrate
level no higher than 20 mg/l. Control the amount of food going into the
tank (a meal per two days should be fine for adults) and then the
frequency of water changes (50% weekly recommended).> Thanks David
<Cheers, Neale>
Help, Oscar... hlth.... 12/16/07 Hi:
I've got a problem that's driving me crazy. I'll try to
make this as short as possible. To start off, I've been a hobbyist
of many different kinds of aquariums for over forty years. I had
African cichlids for a number of years. Towards the end they were
beating each other up, started looking a little ragged and I really
wanted a change. I found them a home and decided to go with Oscars.
I've never had an Oscar tank. <Oscars are nice fish, but in my
opinion best kept one-to-a-tank. Singletons are peaceful and easily
housed alongside catfish, large loaches, stingrays, etc.> I cleaned
out my 135 gal tank well and put in about six juvenile Oscars. They did
well for a couple of months then started looking ratty and finally
died. I thought it was just over aggression. I tried again and the same
thing started to happen. I took the fish out, had a friend hold them
for a few weeks,; they got better,; I medicated the hell out of the
tank with tetracycline and rid Ich +. It happened again. <Your
mistake here was to randomly treat without identifying the problem.
Imagine if your doctor did this, and prescribed the first medication he
could think of without first checking your symptoms. Without fail, the
first thing you do when fish get sick is check the water. Ammonia,
nitrite, excessive nitrate, rapid pH changes, and rapid temperature
changes can all cause major health problems.> I took the fish out
and dropped a bleach bomb in the tank, emptied it, cleaned, refilled,
cycled; put the fish back etc etc. Now I have a pair of Oscars and
their tails are thinning and getting lace like holes. The perimeter of
the tails are fine. Their behavior is normal. I've tried some
dietary additions, more green stuff etc. I don't know what to do. I
can't believe anything survived the bleach bomb. I don't know
if I should add antibiotics again. If so, what? Nobody I've talked
to has ever heard of anything like this. Oscars are supposed to be
easy. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas would
be appreciated. Thanks JB <My gut feeling is you have
ammonia/nitrite levels above zero, and what you're seeing is
Finrot. One other problem with Oscars is a lot of foolish fishkeepers,
including retailers, give them live fish to eat, such as minnows and
Goldfish. This exposes them to various often untreatable bacterial and
viral infections, and Goldfish especially cause chronic health problems
through excess levels of fat and Thiaminase. So do also check your fish
are not fed live feeder fish. So: let's get some water chemistry
and quality tests done STAT, at the very least nitrite and pH. Cheers,
Re: Oscar hlth. Help 12/16/07 I know this is weird. Chemistry
is fine. I just ran ammonia nitrate again with nothing there. I have
never used feeder fish. I know it's unhealthy and repugnant. I have
fed pellets and now some shredded African cichlid frozen shredded
green. It's absolutely bizarre. After everything it's been
through I can't imagine it's bacterial yet can't think of
anything else JB <Greetings. As you say, weird. Finrot is generally
uncommon where the ammonia and nitrite levels are zero. Nitrate levels
substantially and consistently above 20 mg/l can be a problem with
cichlids, but the resulting infections are typically things like
Hole-in-the-Head. I'm glad you haven't used feeder fish. With
Oscars they are an unnecessary risk; as you've observed, Oscars
will eat almost anything you offer them, including certain green foods.
Since you're giving them a balanced diet with greens included, a
vitamin deficiency seems unlikely. I think a photograph might be
helpful. Finrot is very typically erosion of the fins from the distal
side (i.e., the edge of the fin away from the body) towards the
attachment site. You will also see the membrane dissolving away faster
than the fin rays. Finrot doesn't tend to look like holes in the
fins. If the fins look like someone punctured the fins with a hole
punch, that's more typically the result of mechanical damage,
commonly fin-nipping fish like Puffers, certain Characins, etc.
Fighting between fish can sometimes cause this type of damage as well.
In any case, I'd treat with a reputable anti-Finrot/Fungus
medication, if only on a preventative basis, to stop the wounds
becoming infected. One last thing: are these "veil-tail"
Oscars? There is a strain of Oscar with longer fins than normal, and to
my eyes at least their fins always look a bit ragged unless kept
singly. Cheers, Neale.>
Oscar sick?. foaming water, Oscar with
Hole-In-The-Head I have a 5 year old albino Oscar and he is really
sick I'm thinking that has hole in the head. Recently he developed
a sore on his head and around his eye looking painful. I've been
treating him with Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Mela Fix for a month at
least every time I would put a minimum amount the sore would bleed and
he would go crazy swimming from one end to an other hitting the glass
so I stopped that medication and started giving him some antibacterial
medication the name escapes me right now. I'm doing a frequent
water change since I feed him blood worms the water turns into a
reddish color after every feeding. I do remove the carbon filter when
treating him I leave it out at least 8hours while I'm at work once
I get home I put I back in until the next treatment. A few days ago I
did a gravel cleaning and now my water is foaming on the top with
white/brown bubbles I changed all the filter replacing with new ones. I
lost I have no idea what to do please help me if I don't act now I
think he is going to die since he is not himself just staying in one
spot all the time close to the heater. Should I change my complete
filter system?.. I have an internal Hagen bio life filter it's a
20gal tank he is about 10" should I get a bigger tank? So many
questions. Thank you so very much, hope to hear from you soon.
Angèle < First of all stop feeding you Oscar. The
biological filtration has probably been affected by the medications and
you are having big spikes in the ammonia levels. The ammonia is deadly
to fish and stresses them to the point that they come down with other
diseases. Do a 50% water change, vacuum the gravel and clean the
filters. Treat with Metronidazole and Nitrofurazone every other day for
three treatments. On the days you do not treat, do a 50% water change.
On the seventh day use good activated carbon and remove the medication
from the water for 24 hrs. The use Bio-Spira to get the biological
filtration back on tract. Feed you Oscar once each day a quality food
with lots of vegetable matter in it. Make sure it is all gone in a
couple of minutes. Remove any uneaten food with a siphon. It will take
some time for all the holes to heal over. Keep the nitrates under 25
ppm with water changes and feed a varied nutritional