FAQs on Oscar Infectious (Viral, Bacteria,
Fungal) Disease/Health
Related Articles:
Freshwater Diseases, Ich/White
Spot Disease, Freshwater Medications, Oscars,
Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids,
Dwarf South American Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in
Related FAQs: Oscar Disease 1,
Oscar Disease 2,
Oscar Disease 3,
Oscar Disease 4,
Oscar Disease 5,
Oscar Disease 6,
Oscar Disease 7, Oscar Disease 8,
Oscar Disease 9,
Oscar Disease 10, Oscar Disease 11,
FAQs on Oscar Disease by Category:
Cichlid Disease 1,
Cichlid Disease 2,
Oscars 1,
Oscars 2,
Oscar Identification,
Oscar Selection,
Oscar Compatibility,
Oscar Behavior,
Oscar Systems,
Oscar Feeding,
Oscar Reproduction,
Neotropical Cichlids 1,
Cichlids of the World,
Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification,
Cichlid Behavior,
Cichlid Compatibility,
Cichlid Selection,
Cichlid Feeding,
Cichlid Reproduction,
Like almost all infectious disease of fishes, Oscar's are principally secondary.
That is, they are predetermined by adverse conditions.... principally poor water
quality and a lack of nutrition. Fix these first and usually infectious disease
will sort itself out.
Rescued Oscar (any thoughts, Chuck?)
Hello! My husband and I have rescued a tiger Oscar from a young couple
who had him in a tank with NO filter. We put him in an immediate
quarantine tank when we got him home. His story... He is about 10 inches
long and the
couple had him in a 55 gallon that was only filled about 50% (again with
NO FILTER.) The water looked like watered down milk. To top it off, they
had McDonald's happy meal toys as decorations in the tank. While we were
their children were chucking random things into the tank! Food, sippy
cups, toys... Seriously... you name it, it was in there.
<Poor guy; thanks for "doing God's work" as some folks would say,
helping out an unfortunate animal that can't help itself.>
This guy is in bad shape. His gills and mouth are swollen and he can
only open one side of his mouth.. And as you know, these guys are
supposed to be black and orange. He is a very pale grey and his orange
is an off white color. His poop is clear and stringy. We have tried API
salt, slight water changes, and we have just started running an
antibiotic in the tank.
But we still cant get him to eat, he barely swims or moves around. He
has sever indents on his head (no holes) and one side of his face is
distended (the same side that he cant open). The spines on his dorsal
fin are also exposed, and he has some slight tail rot. We have done
everything we can think of to try to bring this guy back to being
Any help or ideas would be grateful Thank you for you time.
<Sounds like this guy has, among other things, Finrot and "Hole in the
Head". Finrot is treated, usually very successfully, with antibiotics.
Hole in the Head is trickier, and requires something specific:
You can use the two medicines together, though the Nitrofuran group of
antibiotics works especially well with Metronidazole, so if you can use
these two together, do so. Don't forget to remove carbon from the
filter, if you use it (carbon removes medicines as well as things that
colour the water). Do remember to provide optimal conditions in the
tank, especially oxygenation. In the short term, food isn't that
important, and if he can't eat, don't worry about it for now. He can go
several weeks on his body fat.
Short term, it's all about stabilisation. Get the fins healing and the
lesions on his flanks healing. I've cc'ed out cichlid expert, Chuck, for
anything else he might add or anything I might have got wrong. Good
luck, Neale.>
Re: Rescued Oscar (any thoughts, Chuck?)
Thank you so much for your swift reply. We will be getting that in the
morning! We will keep you updated as to what happens, if there is any
developments and if we have any further questions! Thank you again.
<Glad to help, and good luck. Neale.>
Re: Rescued Oscar (any thoughts, Chuck?) 4/23/16
I wanted to let you know that I discovered a hole right above his eye,
it looks like someone had thrown a dart at him. It's extremely deep, but
small in diameter. I went to the store and bought some Metronidazole.
<That's the ticket!>
We have started that process, hopefully he pulls through! Thank you
again for the advice! I'll keep you updated.
<Does sound like typical damage to the sensory pores caused by Hexamita
infections and/or Hole-in-the-Head more generally. Do read up on these.
While Hexamita is treated with Metronidazole, it's a pathogen that seems
to work alongside other problems, specifically poor diet (i.e., lack of
green foods/vitamins) and high nitrates (i.e., lack of water changes).
Obviously your fish is a rescued fish, so the causes aren't your fault,
but going forwards, you will need to keep these two in mind in the long
term. Good luck, Neale.>
Sick 7 yr. Tiger Oscar, HITH
My 12 in. 7 yr. Old Tiger Oscar lives in 75 gal tank with 2 306 Fluval
canister filter a 400 mainland hob. He developed hth. from over feeding
<Hole-in-the-Head? Rest assured that this is treatable, though you do
need very specific medications, and need to medicate promptly.>
I treated with MelaFix and then Ali general cure as directed.
<Both useless for this. Hole-in-the-Head is partly related to diet,
partly to water quality, and partly to a parasitic protozoan called
Which is the most important of these remains a matter of debate! But you
need to consider, and tackle, all three. First, diet. Stop
feeding if water quality isn't good. When you do start feeding again,
you need to ensure plenty of fresh greens. Oscars are often overfed junk
food, most dangerously of all, goldfish and other live foods. When
hungry, they will eat plant foods, and these provide essential vitamins.
Grapes, melon and other soft fruit are all worth a shot. Cooked peas are
generally taken without fuss. Feel free to starve an adult for a week or
more to get them
interested! Secondly, check water quality. Ammonia and nitrite MUST be
zero, and don't feed if they're not. But crucially, nitrate must be low
as well, 20 mg/l is the upper limit for good health; even 40 mg/l is
stressful in the long term. So, a spacious tank, minimal food given to
the fish, and lots of water changes are usually the key to success when
it comes to nitrate. Finally, medication. For Hexamita, you need
Metronidazole. Often used alongside an antibiotic, but Metronidazole is
the silver bullet here.
Nothing else works. Be sure to remove carbon, if used, from the filter
during medication.>
Every spot cleared except 2 holes near his eye that still look pink. He
won't eat his works or any thing ! Does he need antibiotics ? Please
help .
I'm disabled he's my therapy pet and friend .
<Well, I hope all of the above helps get him back into shape! Good luck,
Oscar fish; growth 4/6/16
Hi ☺️ I was given your email address in the hopes you might be able to
give me an idea of what I should do with this guy. He developed this
lump before he was given to us but just in the last week or so it has
gotten a lot bigger and looks sore. Thanks,
<This growth looks to be tumorous; no treatment available directly.
Doing your best to provide good care (hard, alkaline water of low
nitrate/metabolite content; good nutrition...) is about all one can do.
As far as I'm aware no medicines will reverse this growth. IF you decide
on euthanizing this fish, I'd have you read here:
Bob Fenner>
Oscar cichlid diagnosis
Oscar with Bacterial Infection 11/19/10
Hi just wanted to see if you could help me out. I have studied your site
and really appreciate all the information you provide. I have two
Oscars, have had them about 6-8 months now. They live in a 100 gallon
tank, with 2 emperor 400 filters. They live with one Pleco, and one
Synodontis catfish. I noticed about 2 weeks ago, that one of my Oscars
had a little hole forming on his head, freaked me out, went and
researched hole in head disease, and took action. I checked my water
parameters, and my pH 7.8 – 8.0, Ammonia = 0, Nitrate = 0, Nitrate was
40 ppm. So I immediately started increasing my water changes from once a
week, to every 2nd or 3rd day. I had also recently switched to some
cichlid food that I bought on eBay, witch I immediately stopped feeding
them, and went back to Hikari Cichlid Gold, frozen blood worms and some
Krill. After every water change, I have started adding aquarium salt,
and did dose them with one dose of Metronidazole, and removed my carbon.
The Oscars look so much better, they are back to greeting me again, very
active, eating great etc. The hole in his head grew a little larger, but
now looks to be healing great. I thought I had it all under control, but
now I notice these discolorations on one of my Oscars body. I really
don't have any idea what it is, maybe a fungal infection? He is still
eating, my Nitrates are now between 10 – 20 ppm, and I am still doing
water changes every 3 days. Should I be concerned about this, and if so
what should I do? I have attached a few photos outlining areas where I
am concerned. Thanks so much for having this website, the information is
so valuable. Mike
< When the nitrates are high the bacteria become very active while the
fish's immunity starts to become less effective. I think you have a
bacterial infection that could be treated in a hospital tank with either
a Furanace or Erythromycin type of antibiotics. Keep the nitrates under
20 ppm. Check your tap water too. You may have high nitrates in your tap
water and will never get under the tap water nitrate levels while using
that water.-Chuck>
Oscar Cichlids
https://cid-07a714df5b8d1e98.skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?page=browse&resid=7A714DF5B8D1E98!349&type=5&authkey=XjEZYP3b1SA%24&Bsrc=Photomail&Bpub=SDX.Photos |
Oscar w/ tumor for a few months started swimming
Oscar With Internal Infection 5/26/10
Hello...I've been through many, many pages on your site and I want to
thank you for being such a valuable resource!
< Thank you for your kind words.>
Perhaps you can help me with my fish problem... I adopted 2 already full
grown Oscars three years ago from a local pet store. One of them is a
textbook tiger Oscar, the other one looks more like a hybrid of a small
mouth bass and an Oscar, just doesn't have the cichlid look to her. They
have always been very active fish, they 'fight' each other and often
fight me, trying to grab the stick right out of my hand when I clean the
inside of the tank. Recently, 'Tina' the hybrid looking Oscar developed
a large lump on her side. It didn't really have time to grow, it just
seemed to happen over night. Her coloring changed a bit too, her normal
dark green areas turned to black and some of the white on her underside
also went a bit grey. She still was very active, eating normally,
fighting with her mate, etc... This morning she has gone sideways. She's
still actively struggling, trying to right herself up. She also seems to
be breathing very heavy but otherwise has normal energy, just can't get
up. I'm on my way now to the pet store to bring in a water sample. Any
ideas what stage of any fish disease I might be dealing with and if I
can help her out here would be much appreciated. The first photo is of
her at a normal stage, 2&3 from the first time I noticed the bulge and
discoloration, and the final ones of her this morning. Thank you, Ryan
< Thanks for the photos. Your Oscar has an internal infection. Use the
combination of Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace in a hospital tank. It
could have been caused by diet to by fighting with the other Oscar. Look
at the ingredients of the common "cures" sold in the big pet shop chains
to find the right meds to use. They can be bought online too at
Drsfostersmith.com too.-Chuck>
Sick Oscar 6/6/09
I have been searching your site for answers but could not find any for
my particular situation. I currently have a tiger Oscar that is about 4
inches long. I noticed some white spots on his pectoral fins and before
that he was staying at the surface behind my power filter. I figured he
has Ich because these are the most common signs of it. I currently put
him in a quarantine tank for treatment. The display tank has no other
fish and is set at 82 degrees Fahrenheit to speed up the life cycle and
let parasites die off. I am currently using super Ich cure by API. The
quarantine tank is at about 84 for the same reasons. Now for my
question. About a day after the first dose I noticed the spots starting
to fade a bit and maybe a few
going away. Now his pectoral fins seems to be a little frayed and maybe
some slight if any cloudiness in his eyes. Has my Oscar developed even
more illnesses do you think? I rarely ever have sick fish so I'm not
sure what to do. I appreciate your help and time. Thank you.
<Hello Jonathan. It's actually not uncommon for Ick (Whitespot) to lead
to secondary infections such as Fungus and Finrot. What happens is that
the white cysts on the fish's body burst open when mature, and that's
how the "baby" free-living parasites get into the water and so are able
to find new hosts. But the damage to the fish's skin allows infections
to set in. So, as always, review water quality, since that's the thing
that makes such infections probable, and also treat for Finrot and
Fungus using a reliable medication of your choice (not salt, not
tea-tree oil!). In the UK and Europe, I recommend eSHa 2000, but there
are doubtless other products you might use elsewhere in the world. Do
remember to remove the carbon from the filter while treating your fish
with medications. Cheers, Neale.>
Big Bellied Oscar 1/25/09
Hello maybe you can help ,I went to all pet stores and they are no help,
I have an Oscar about 9 inches and his belly is big. I have not seen any
feces on the bottom. know he is not going to the bathroom. I was told to
give him boil peas I did and it did not work, do you know what I can
give him to help him go the bathroom. I have a picture attach for you to
see ,under his belly there is something and it looks like it wants to
pop out..help please .thank you Bridget
< Your Oscar is suffering
from an internal infection. Usually this is because of a blockage in the
gut of the fish. Nobody knows for sure what causes this in cichlids.
Some think it is water conditions while others think it is diet. There
is probably a little of both that cause this condition. Do a 50% water
change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter.
Treat with a
combination of Nitrofuranace and Metronidazole. These might be difficult
to find at your local store but can be found online at
Drsfostersmith.com. Treat on the 1st, 3rd and 5th day Do 50% water
changes in between treatments. After the last treatment do a 50% water
change and add some carbon to the filter to remove any left over
medication. Feed once a day with a high quality pellet food. Any food
that is not eaten in 5 minutes should be removed. Try every day until he
eats. watch for ammonia spikes since the medications may have modified
your biological filtration so a bacterial additive may be needed like
Dr. Tim's One and Only. Early treatment is the key to a successful
Oscar with Fin Rot 12/24/05
I noticed another thing on my Oscar. At the end of its tail its white and
the edges look like they're torn. Is it Bacterial Fin Rot? What should I do?
< Could be fin rot. Do a 30% water change, vacuum the gravel and change the
filter. If it looks like it is getting worse then treat with
Oscar Problems
Hi, I own 5 tanks and have several different kinds of fish (not in the same
tank!) my newest fish is an tiger Oscar. I have had him for about one week and
he is not looking too good. I checked the water and it seems to all be ok. My
poor Oscar lays on the bottom of the tank and doesn't move around unless I move
him myself, not even to eat. what am I doing wrong? I'm hoping that he won't
die, please help. thanks Jackie
< Oscars like warm soft water at least 80 degrees F. Try some live food like
worms or brine shrimp to get him up and about. If you think he is really sick
then look closely for signs of disease and check back with the store you bought
him from to see if they are having any problems with the rest of the
tank.-Chuck.> |
Oscar Problems
Hi Bob, I have two tiger Oscars that are about 4" - 4.5" long. I
have had them for about 1 and a half months now and everything was fine
until yesterday. My favorite one, "Rocky" started getting a blackness on his
head and it even looks like a scale is coming up. I got them from Pet Smart,
when I set up the tank they gave me aquarium salt and conditioner that is
also a stress reducer. The tank ran and built up the proper bacteria for
about 4 weeks before I put them in. I gravel vac every other day but I never
take a lot of water out. I have them in a ten gallon tank (I know too small
but my 58 gallon is still setting up at this time). I don't understand what
is wrong with him, he is the one that already eats from my hand and know who
his daddy (owner/master etc.) is.
I did a 3 gallon water change and added the proper dosage of stress coat
in it, but it looks worse here are the pics. this one he is perfect (the one
on top) Here is the bad (the one on bottom) and the tail.
<<Only one photo came through - posted above>>
< The blackness is caused by a bacterial infection. Do a 30% water change,
vacuum the gravel and clean the filter. Treat with Nitrofuranace as per the
directions on the package. When treatment is complete use carbon to remove
the medication and add Bio-Spira from Marineland to replenish the good
Oscar Problems - Chuck out..
What caused this infection and how can I prevent it from coming back?
P.S. I greatly appreciate the advice, these are my first Oscars I got them from
PetSmart when they were about 1 1/2" long. Thank you again - Mike
<<Mike, this is Marina here. Chuck has marked himself out, so I'm going to offer
a follow-up. I've looked at your procedure, and noted that you appear to have
"cycled" the tank without any fish or source of ammonia. This means that there
could have been no nitrifying bacteria present, it would be impossible to
culture these without that source of food (search our site on freshwater
cycling). THAT means that ammonia and other nitrogenous wastes hit toxic (and I
do mean TOXIC) levels very quickly, thus inducing omnipresent disease organisms
to gain a foothold. Therefore, the good husbandry mentioned by Chuck is a MUST,
and do make further use of our site. Search using the Google tool or however you
like on Freshwater fishes, Oscars, etc. Also, PLEASE, for future reference (and
as the one who will likely be editing) we kindly ask that all emails please be
sent using proper capitalization and punctuation. This saves the rest of us
volunteers a great deal of time, as all messages are archived. Thank you,
Oscar Problems
Hi, I just bought 2 baby tiger Oscars 4 or 5 days ago. They seemed fine when
I saw them at Petco and when I put them in their new 10 gallon home. I have a
plecostomus too. These past 2 days my tiger Oscars have been acting
strange...I'm feeding them "Oscar bites" (micro pellets) and they're only eating
one pellet each. The pellets just lay on the rocks and in the holes of the
Another problem I have is that both of them lay together on their sides against
the gravel in a corner of the tank. not only do they lay on their side, but they
swim sideways too. Oh my gosh!!! I love these fish already and I'm so worried
about them. What do you suggest I do? Thanks- Jasmine
< Change 30% of the water, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter. Check the
water temp and make sure it is up around 80 degrees F. Only feed once a day and
only enough food so that all of it is gone in two minutes. Siphon out the rest
of the uneaten food. Hopefully they will be normal in a couple of days. If there
still is a problem then they may have an internal bacterial infection and need
to be treated with Metronidazole.-Chuck> |
Oscar Problems
Hi Bob, I am coming to my wits end, I have a tiger Oscar which i purchased
over 12
months ago (already an adult at 12 inches therefore i have no idea on the
age of the fish). He had a scrape down his side measuring about an inch in
length by about 1/4 inch which has never healed ( given to him by the guys
at LFS transferring him to the bucket for transportation home ). About 14
days ago now he started swimming erratically, swimming downward in a spiral
and then generally losing the ability to stay upright coming to the surface
and listing toward one side. I suspected he might have a swim bladder problem
so used Interpet's swim bladder treatment. I have now come to the end of this
course, and although he seemed to show an initial improvement this was
short-lived and now he is becoming more lethargic and has taken to hiding
behind an ornament that helps him stay upright, he also lost his appetite
for about 36 hours but has eaten small amounts in the last 48 hours. Other
than these symptoms, he has no other signs of any illness. I did a 50% water
change and allowed 24 hrs to remove meds with carbon and a poly filter, i
have now gone to day 3 of an 8 day course of anti-internal bacteria
treatment by Interpet thinking that this may be the problem ? He is in a 200
litre tank with 2 apple snails ammonia at 0.1ppm (messy fish hard to get to
zero) nitrite 0ppm nitrate <5ppm Ph 7 (hard to make exact colour on card
but with daylight behind me most closely approximates this colour. I have a
Rena xp2 canister filter and 3 weeks ago also added a Fluval 304 in a
further effort to reduce ammonia to zero. there are no plants only the
plastic aquaria friendly type and about 1 1/2 inches of gravel and finally
an air pump driven air tube for oxygenation of the water - oh and a
powerhead for even further circulation. Am i jumping in with too many meds
or do you have any further suggestions ? Oh 1 more thing i added Aqualibrium
salt to a dose of 0.1% according to the dosage table on the box however this
was right at the start of the treatment so is probably reduced to 50% of
that dose because of the water change . . . . Love your site and take your
information as the Gospel according to WWM :)
Thanks Trevor in Blackpool England ( your meds are difficult to acquire here )
<Your fish has an internal bacterial infection. Do a 30% water change, vacuum
the gravel and clean the filters. Now that the tank is clean you should treat
the disease with one of three things. The first choice would be Metronidazole.
Second choice would be clout. The third choice would be Nitrofuranace at double
strength. All these medications can be found online at DrsFosterSmith.com-Chuck>
Spots on Tiger Oscars
Hi guys, Firstly top web site very informative and I'm happy to say that I
seem to be
doing everything correctly. My question is this. I have noticed two small
reddish brown spots on one fin of one of my tiger Oscars (I have two at
about 3" long and two albino's at 4" long). I have seen lots of reference to
white spot / Ich and have had to treat for this in the past, but learned my
lesson well. I have not been able to find any info about brown / red spots.
The Oscars behaviour seems to be absolutely normal, active eating well etc.
What could this be? Do I have anything to worry about? Many thanks in
advance guys, look forward to getting your answer.
Mick Hawkes Southsea UK
< Could be bacterial or could be normal coloration. Do a 30% water change and
clean the filters and vacuum the gravel. Check the water chemistry to make sure
all is OK. If the spots get bigger and it appears to be a bacterial infection
then treat with Nitrofurazone as per the directions on the package.-Chuck>
Dear WWM Crew, I have written in the past regarding an "upside down" Oscar, who
is still alive, but seemingly not well. I strongly believe that he has
permanent swim bladder damage b/c he does not float and has been on his side
at the bottom of the tank for some time now.
< The swim bladder in cichlids is an open system in which the fish can change
the size depending on depth and conditions. Deep water rift lake cichlids take a
few days do decompress like divers from deeper waters. The valve that controls
this can become infected and close permanently. It appears your Oscar is in this
In addition, there is a permanent small distended area around his rectal area,
which can vary slightly in size.
< It appears there is or was a definite internal infection with your Oscar>
I clean the tank one a week (30 gal.) and use Epsom salt each time because it
seems to help keep the distention at bay. I have not tried any other
< The damage is already done and he will probably not get any better>
He still eats very well and can swim, although only with major effort and tires
so quickly that I often end up pushing the
food toward him to help. It is very upsetting to see him in this state and I
worry that he his suffering. I've considered Euthanizing and you have suggested
that freezing is the most humane, but I don't see how since he will be removed
from the tank he has resided in for several years and placed in a dark place
that get progressively colder. Perhaps, I'm thinking too much (my husband
complaint). Any suggestions?
< Your fish will probably not get any better. If you want to try to save him you
can get some medicated food with Metronidazole in it. Feed it to him for a
couple of days, clean the filter and vacuum the gravel to get rid of the built
up waste. Raise the water temperature to 82 degrees. Repeat the medicated food
in a week. It probably will not work since your Oscar is a few years old and
only live a couple of years in the wild. An Oscar that is "several years old"
probably has his best years behind him. To euthanize you fish I would take some
water out of the aquarium and place it in a small bucket with just enough water
to cover the top of him. Place a few Alka-Seltzer's?) tablets in the bucket. The
kind you get at the drug store for headaches. The tablets will foam when they
hit the water and put out Co2 gas. This will put him to sleep. He will still be
breathing but will be unconscious. Then put him in a plastic fish bag with some
of the water from the bucket and place him in the freezer. The cold will slowly
kill him and you can then dispose of him. -Chuck>
Re: Oscar
Chuck, Thanks so much for your reply. I do want to clarify that I have in
the past tried to medicate. This condition has been an issue for almost a year
now and the last time I was in contact with your awesome crew, he seemed to show
promise after the initial Epsom salt treatment, he was even floating on his own.
However, not too long after he took a sudden turn for the worse and has never
recovered! He is over five years old at this point. Anyway, thanks for
your advice. Would you agree that he would be better off in the Seltzer-seltzer
bath at this point?
< That is probably best for both you and the fish. A new fish active in your
tank would also be much more entertaining and make things much easier to take
care of. Hopefully another cichlid since they are a personal favorite of mine.
Good luck -Chuck> Thanks much. Best, Kim
Epsom salt treatment 9/2/03
Good morning. Another follow-up on our Oscar. Since my first email below, we
gratefully took your awesome advice (as it turns out) and treated Oscar with the
Epsom salt twice along with a water change. The good news is that he's had a
couple successful (and quite healthy) bowel movements and the swelling on his
belly is more or less gone.
<excellent and as hoped/expected>
Naturally, we are thrilled. The only problem now is that he is now laying on the
bottom of tank.
<very common with even healthy Oscars at times... in time will improve>
That is, he's not upside down, but flat on his side (his poor eyeball!).
<Heehee... truly not uncommon at all>
However, with what seems like a ton of effort he will swim to the top of the
tank to get food (no more hand feeding with wooden skewers), but as soon as he
gives up trying he sinks.
<stress or damage to swim bladder... may heal in time.>
Any thoughts on this? Can they lose their ability to swim
if either the swim bladder was affected for too long or haven't been swimming?
If so, will he ever swim again or will he be doomed to the bottom of the tank
for the rest of his life? Thanks in advance for your help. I look forward to
hearing from you.
<we cannot say for certain... but Oscars are amazingly resilient. I think it is
more likely he will recover in time. Wishing you the best, Anthony>
VERY Sick Oscar
>First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this...but I
will get right into it.
>>Greetings, you're welcome (it's what we're here for), and we do appreciate
brevity. ;)
>I have 2 Oscars (one white tiger and one classic tiger). I have had them for
maybe 4 months and I have been very active in their environment. They have been
growing very quickly and were very healthy until recently. Let me give you some
background. The classic tiger has always been the bigger of the two and now is
maybe 6 inches head to tail. This one is very strong and healthy. The white
tiger is maybe 4.5 - 5 inches in length and was always more active but is now
very sick.
>>To be expected with the kind of breeding necessary to achieve amelanistic
>I regularly do partial (15%) water changes and test my water very often. All
of my levels are perfect. They are in a 55 gallon tank for right now, but I'll
be getting a larger tank very soon.
At first they were only getting fed feeder fish and frozen bloodworms.
>>Nix the feeders, ASAP. They're a fantastic way to introduce disease, and NOT
at all nutritious, even if you gut-load. Bloodworms are fine, but not as a
>They were doing fine and growing very rapidly. Now here is the
problem. The white tiger almost looks like it's falling apart. It
shows signs of fin rot but also has a loss of appetite and stays laying in the
gravel until it wants to eat. This has been going on for maybe 3 days. Today
it is swimming but only using one pectoral fin and looks very labored. The
other symptom....its skin almost looks like it's peeling like its loosing its
scales. Aside from this, the Oscar is not exhibiting any other symptoms (as far
as erratic behavior, or physical marks). Like I said, the environment is
perfect the water is very stable and the other tiger is very healthy. My local
aquatics expert told me that it may be a nutritional problem and recommended
cycle and mixing up their diet as far as greenery, brine, cichlid pellets etc...
and try to stay away from feeder fish. I love these Oscars like part of the
family and would hate to see the white tiger become fatal. So if you can help
me, it would be greatly appreciated.
>>Your local expert is correct. In nature they would be eating a variety of
foods that would rival our own (which is why, in the wild, they're *very* good
eating). This would include bugs, fruit, whatever other wild fish they can
find, so on and so forth. This is what I recommend; get a container, 30 gallons
should be sufficient, and remove the white Oscar to it. This is going to be
your hospital tank. You will need nothing more than a sponge filter and a
heater. If the fish still eats, feed him mealworms, bits of overripe fruit, the
cichlid pellets (soak them in a good supplement, we use Selcon for salties),
while keeping up with many large water changes. (Large is on the order of 50%
or better.) He sounds as though he's succumbing to bacterial infection, so I
want you to add sea/aquarium salt at the ratio of 1T/gallon. This will do two
things--it will relieve the difference in osmotic pressure, making certain life
processes easier, and it will boost the effects of antibiotics. I want you to
start him on a regimen of Melafix (you can also use Maracyn--I or II, but you're
going for a broad spectrum antibiotic here). This is the reason for the large
water changes, because any nitrifying bacteria in the sponge filter won't
survive antibiotic treatments well. Keep the container dimly lit, but not
dark. I do hope this gets to you in time, let me know what happens. Marina
Oscar and Myxosoma?
I have searched the archives and have found very little information about this.
From what I have read, I suspect that my Oscar may have this "whirling disease".
He has stopped eating for the last week or so. I normally do weekly water
changes of about 15%. Because of his symptoms, I have done three water changes
during the last week totaling probably about 60% I have been using Melafix for
the last few days , but have seen no changes. He is breathing heavy, mouth
opening and closing. The other fish in the tank (2 large tinfoil barbs and a
Synodontis cat) remain normal.
During the day when I'm not home, I don't suspect that he is doing the whirling
thing because there is no water on the floor. At night when the lights are on,
he will do the quick, one full turn around action, often splashing water out of
the tank. This goes on every few minutes while I'm watching. I have done some
research on the web and found that infected fish will often do the whirl when
they are startled or fed (connection with the lights?). Almost no info exists on
this disease in Oscars, some in reference to Discus, but most are about Salmon
and Trout. There are no references to a cure. One site even said to "immediately
euthanize the infected fish and all other inhabitants and sanitize the
tank...there is no cure!" ...and that was a discus site! Heck, I don't think I'd
get too attached to a salmon or a trout, but Oscar is family! Do you think that
this is what I'm up against? Do you have any information on this and a
possible cure? I hate seeing this graceful creature suffer like this.
<I am sorry it took me a while to get back with you! I also had problems finding
treatments for this disease. This seems to be fairly rare infection in a warm
water climate. Myxobolus cerebralis is the parasite you're dealing with, and it
seems to find it's host initially in Tubifex worms. I think the following
course of action is in order: Quarantine the Oscar in a sanitized tank. By
medicating your other fish, you're putting additional stress on their
environment. Keep his water in the QT changed as much as you can, and feed him
lighter than normal. You may want to contact the nice folks at
for more suggestions. I have a friend who is a toxicologist for the Department
of Fish and Game- I'll forward your email and see if he has treatment ideas as
well. Sorry I can't be of more help! Ryan>
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
- Oscar and Myxosoma? -
I have searched the archives and have found very little information about
this. From what I have read, I suspect that my Oscar may have this "whirling
disease". He has stopped eating for the last week or so. I normally do weekly
water changes of about 15%. Because of his symptoms, I have done three water
changes during the last week totaling probably about 60% I have been using
Melafix for the last few days, but have seen no changes. He is breathing heavy,
mouth opening and closing. The other fish in the tank (2 large tinfoil barbs and
a Synodontis cat) remain normal. During the day when I'm not home, I don't
suspect that he is doing the whirling thing because there is no water on the
floor. At night when the lights are on, he will do the quick, one full turn
around action, often splashing water out of the tank. This goes on every few
minutes while I'm watching. I have done some research on the web and found that
infected fish will often do the whirl when they are startled or fed (connection
with the lights?). Almost no info exists on this disease in Oscars, some in
reference to Discus, but most are about Salmon and Trout. <This is where it
occurs most often... is bad news in aquaculture, in fact is a 'reportable'
disease in the US because its spores can live in the mud for up to a year, and
even survive being dried out.> There are no references to a cure. <Not really,
is a seriously debilitating disease [cartilage is destroyed] and can only be
addressed by making sure breeding systems/raceways are cleaned/disinfected.> One
site even said to "immediately euthanize the infected fish and all other
inhabitants and sanitize the tank...there is no cure!" ...and that was a discus
site! Heck, I don't think I'd get too attached to a salmon or a trout, but Oscar
is family! <I hear you.> Do you think that this is what I'm up against? <A
possibility, a co-symptom of whirling disease is a black tail, so you might look
for that too.> Do you have any information on this and a possible cure? <I have
information, but none about 'curing' this problem in adult fish. Because it is a
parasite of cartilage, it is very hard to treat directly.> I hate seeing this
graceful creature suffer like this. <I'm sorry I don't have better news. I'd
keep up the observation... perhaps Oscar has just learned a new trick and is
trying to get your blood pressure up. Let's both hope for the best.>
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
<Cheers, J -- >
Tiger Oscar problems
Good Afternoon,
<And the same to you! Ryan here>
I have just finished reading several of the letters on your website and learned
a lot! <Great! Don't stop there!> I learned that first off my 55 gallon tank is
to small for my community (1 tiger Oscar, 1 Pleco, 2 Dempsey.) All have been
living together however for over 6 years. <Sounds good.>
The problem I am currently having I have never encountered before. My Oscar
which is the
oldest at 6 years old has suddenly developed an unusually large extended abdomen
both sides of his body. <Sounds like bloat without seeing it. Do you have the
resources available to quarantine the fish. What is he eating daily? Is it
varied?> If I had to guess I would say that he is constipated. He is
eating everyday like normal and the other fish appear normal. I am planning on
moving in the next
week so I was avoiding doing a 25% water change just to have to break the whole
tank down
in less than two weeks anyway. <OK...I'd probably do for safe measure.> I have
not had a chance to check the water yet, I will do
that today. <Let us know the results...bloat can be correlated to water
quality.> I have read some sites that suggest a diet change. <Not a bad idea->
The symptoms appeared about a
week ago. Any suggestions as to what could be wrong with my baby. <Not without
more info...change his diet/lessen his food intake. Quarantine him if
possible. Test that water, and get back to us. If you can get a digital photo,
I'd be happy to take a look and give you my best guess! Take care!>
Michele Cooper
Tiger Oscar Problems
Good Afternoon,
<and the same to you, Michelle. Ryan with you again!>
I have watched my Oscar after 3 days since the 25% water change I made. <Good,
observation is the single most important part of this hobby!>
Although one side of him appears to have gone down the other side is still quite
distended and he has not been fed in 3 days.<Eek. Keep with it.> The other
fish in my tank are eating small cichlid crumbles just fine but he is not
interested in eating that. <Have you tried other things? Bloodworms? I would
even try live foods at this point, just get something down him.> I have not fed
him the cichlid pellets. I read on your website from another letter something
about using Epson salt. What do you advise about that? <It can work wonders, but
I'm not sure it's the right solution for your problem.> I am unable to send a
picture of him at this time. Any other suggestions? Again I will be moving in 2
day and the whole tank will be broke down and setup again. <Moving the tank is
going to be a stress in itself- Use this opportunity to quarantine him. I would
try the Epsom salts about three days into quarantine if he hasn't improved. Do
you notice dark nodules appearing on his scales? Is he swimming in a controlled
manner? Watch for signs of Popeye, or swimming in circles. Internal fungal
infections can cause fluid in the stomach- not much you can really do. Just
give him time, care, patience. -Ryan>
Thanks for your help,
5 yr. old Oscar & Plecostomus
I have a 55 gallon tank with a red Oscar and a Plecostomus which are both at
least five years old. The Oscar is about 10 inches long and the Plecostomus is
about a foot long. The Oscar looks as if it's pregnant. It is blotted and has
clear looking eggs coming out right under his stomach. I know that this is not
possible but I have seen fish eggs and that's what it looks like. It's not
acting any different, but I'm worried about the clear eggs coming out. Please
help me. We have had them so long I would hate for anything to happen to them.
< I think your Oscar has an internal bacterial infection and the infection has
caused the gut to swell and prolapse part of the intestine and rectum. Treat
with Metronidazole and follow the directions on the package. The fact that he is
still eating is a good sign.-Chuck>
My big fishy
Hi Bob,
My girlfriend and I have an Oscar that has had pop eye for at least three
weeks. It started with the one eye and now the other eye is beginning to
bulge. He is eating very little, if at all. We have him isolated in a separate
tank (none of the other fish have any symptoms). We have been treating him with
Maracyn Two and have completed the second treatment, but it seems he is getting
worse. White spots have appeared on his body. Should we continue with
treatment? Switch the treatment? What could this possibly be? HELP!
Please let us know if it is time to say good-bye.
< Pop-eye is caused by bacteria growing behind the eye socket. Metronidazole
will treat the pop-eye and rid-Ich by Kordon will treat the white spots if he
has Ich. Do a 30% water change and keep the water at 80 degrees F and clean the
filter. Follow the directions on the packages. These medications may affect the
good bacteria that break down the fish waste so check the water quality often
during treatment. Ammonia and nitrites should be zero and the nitrates should be
under 25 ppm.-Chuck>
Thanks much!!