FAQs on Dwarf Ram Cichlid
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Related FAQs: Rams, Ram Identification, Ram Behavior, Ram
Compatibility, Ram Selection,
Ram Systems, Ram Disease, Ram
Reproduction, Cichlids of the World, Dwarf South American Cichlids,
Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,

Blue ram feeding #2 7/26/12
Hey guys! Another easy one here. I checked your site and there are only
2 postings for this so I thought I would inquire. I have 2 healthy
German blue rams. Currently feeding them flake 4 times weekly and frozen
Mysis shrimp twice weekly. Obviously they seem to prefer the shrimp.
But I heard this can cause disease if fed as a staple by an LFS.
<Sort of. Any food fed continually may cause problems, if only because
no one food has all the vitamins needed. I doubt Mysis are
disease-causing, because [a] they're frozen and [b] they're marine
animals, but like other crustaceans, they may contain Thiaminase, and
that means over time you risk a vitamin B1 deficiency. So, use as a
treat, but offer up a wider variety of things, preferably not
crustaceans (unless stated as vitamin
LFS also has frozen Mysis shrimp gut loaded with Spirulina. Would this
be preferable for the rams over the regular Mysis shrimp?
<For sure.>
I've also been looking into pellets. Any thoughts on staples and treats
for GBR's?
<There are several excellent brands, like Hikari and New Spectrum, that
seem to deliver better than average results. Hikari Cichlid Gold is a
tried-and-trusted cichlid food, and one I use routinely. But
realistically, any flake if used alongside a variety of different frozen
foods will ensure good health, so go by budget and availability as much
as anything else.>
Many thanks again guys and hope you are all well!
<Cheers, Neale.>
A fish no one knows about 7/18/08
Hello. I'm Samie. I'm 16. I can take care a lot of
different fish, but I seem to have an eye for trouble makers.
<Oh?> I have a 10 gallon tank. It has been set up since
January. My pH is 7. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are all at 0. I
have drift wood and 1 small plant. <All sounds fine, but do bear
in mind that 10 gallons is really too small for the fish you have
chosen, and long term are likely to have problems. Because 10 and
20 gallon tanks have almost the same footprint and cost almost the
same amount of money, I always recommend people go with 20 gallons
when starting out.> The fish I have are tetras (2 white skirts,
1 rosy, and 3 x-rays) Ghost Shrimp, and Balloon Body Gold Ram.
<Ah, now these fish aren't compatible. White Skirt tetras
are albino Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, a notorious fin-nipper and going
to get quite large, about 5 cm long. Rosy Barbs (what I assume the
"rosy" is) are Puntius conchonius, a subtropical species
able to get to 14 cm and so obviously way too big for your tank.
The long-fin version will also be vulnerable to fin nippers. X-Ray
Tetras are Pristella maxillaris, a superb species, but in my
opinion slightly too big for a 10 gallon tank. All these fish are
schooling species, and MUST be kept in groups of 6 or more if they
are to be happy. Keeping them in the numbers you have may be
convenient to you, but it is intensely stressful for the fish, and
long term they may exhibit aberrant social behaviours, such as
shyness, fin-nipping, or chasing.> My problem is, no matter how
many people I ask, no one seems to know how to help me.
<We'll do our best...> My Balloon Body Gold Ram is not
eating. <Likely too cold, wrong water chemistry. Mikrogeophagus
ramirezi can ONLY be maintained in very warm (28-30 degrees C),
very soft (less than 10 degrees dH), very acidic (pH 5-6) water
conditions. None of your other fish will tolerate this, and some,
like the Rosy Barb and the Shrimp will be quickly killed by such
conditions. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi is simply NOT a community fish,
and the majority of specimens die within months when put into
community systems. Specifically, when kept too cold and too hard
water their immune system is suppressed, and they become prone to
diseases such as Hexamita and Hole-in-the-Head.> ?? I have tries
frozen foods. Micro Pellets. Betta pellets, Betta flakes, tropical
flakes, and he/she won't eat. <Likely sick, dying.>
He/she has a red spot on he back. So I started treating him with
MelaFix. Since it's been only 1 day. <Could be Finrot,
another opportunistic infection that affects fish when they are
stressed by a poor environment. So this is consistent with my
analysis.> There is no change yet. <There won't be.
Firstly Melafix may be cheap but it isn't effective so serves
no useful purpose except perhaps as a preventative. Once fish get
sick, you need more useful medications like eSHa 2000 (in Europe)
or Maracyn (in the US).> If know anything about this fish.
<Much information in cichlid books; look up Mikrogeophagus
ramirezi. Widely kept, bred and so the basics for its care are very
well known. It's a shame retailers don't tell people what
they need PRIOR to purchase. Underlines our mantra here that you
should always RESEARCH a species BEFORE buying it.> Why he/she
won't eat. <Wrong environment. Doomed.> or even if it guy
or a girl. <Difficult to sex, but males tend to have longer
dorsal fin rays.> Please help me out. <Have certainly
tried.> <Cheers, Neale.> |

FW Ram and Plant Questions - 5/2/2006
1. My rams have been doing very well lately but I just have 1 concern.
On the bottom of their bodies, they are fine but about half way to
their tail and their body's curve inward. Is their stomach not
full? Are they hungry or starving? They always eat but my other fish
are really quick and I don't want to put more food in because if my
other fish are full... the rest will go to waste and pollute my tank.
What should I do? < Over feed them some live brine shrimp or Tubifex
worms and see if they fill out. You may need to change the food to
sinking pellets to make sure they get enough to eat.> 2. I have one
Brazilian Sword and it has 4 open leaves and one that is in the process
of opening. Will it grow more stalks with more leaves or is this how
little it will be forever? < The Brazilian sword plant is actually
not a fully aquatic plant. The leaves should be out of the water. You
plant will slowly waste away after awhile. Try switching to a fully
aquatic plant like an Amazon sword.> 3. If there is a slight tear
and around that tear, brown spots on one of my swords' leaves,
should I cut the entire leaf off because then my plant will look really
skimpy? Also, I if I cut anything off, I should cut it as close as
possible to the roots as with any plant right? Thanks < The
Brazilian sword is already rotting away. Swap it out for an Amazon
sword.-Chuck> Revisiting the Ram - 07/12/2005 Hello!
<Hi, again! Sabrina here....> I have a 10 gallon tank
with 5 guppies, 1 Cory and one ram. I have had this ram for only one
day, and it's not eating. <One day.... If by this you
mean you got it earlier today, I would not be concerned about it not
eating. If you got it yesterday, it might be a different
story. Be sure to offer a variety of tasty foods, and keep
in mind if the ram is large enough, or the guppies small enough, if you
don't get food in him soon, he may be looking at those guppies and
licking his lips pretty soon. Rams are timid, but cichlids
nonetheless.> I think it is still a little bit in shock, but I just
want to be sure. Also, I want the Ram to have the best colors and I
would like to know what would be the best food to give it... I have
flakes and dried bloodworms, but what else? <I would try
high-quality frozen foods, or failing all else, I would try live
foods.... never tubificid worms (Tubifex, blackworms), but
live bloodworms, mosquito larvae, or brine shrimp are an option, if he
refuses to eat over the next few days. Once you get
*something* in him, it'll be easier to get him to eat other
foods. Also, as timid and shy as rams are, be certain that
there is plenty of cover and lots of good hiding spots for him, so
he'll feel safer in coming out to eat. If he's
scared, he may just refuse to eat and may even starve.> Thanks a
ton! Christine <You bet. Good luck with your
fishes, -Sabrina>