FAQs on Dwarf Ram Cichlid Reproduction
Related Articles: Rams,
Dwarf South American Cichlids,
Discus, Juraparoids, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Asian Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Rams, Ram Identification, Ram Behavior, Ram
Compatibility, Ram Selection,
Ram Systems, Ram Feeding, Ram
Disease, Cichlids of the World, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,
Best to stock, raise a few individuals, allow
them to pair up over time.

Breeding German Blue Rams 7/10/18
Hi again Neale,
I have a question about breeding German Blue Rams this time.
<Very soft, very acid water; lots of heat; minimal nitrates. The Rams
will do the rest, albeit the 'fancy' forms do not seem to have
particularly high fertility or good parenting skills.>
If you remember, previously I had Bumblebee Gobies together with my 2
Rams and Neon Tetras. I have since then relocated the BBGs into their
own tank (60×30×36). Still freshwater for now.
Since then, I have had 2 spawnings 10 days apart from the Rams. The
first batch I removed from the tank (the Neons were overly interested in
the eggs) and hatched them out separately.
<Neons and Rams need much different water temperatures. So bit confused
why you're keeping them together. Do you mean Cardinal Tetras? These are
fine at the 28-30 C that Rams need; Neons prefer 22-25 C, and tend to be
sickly when kept too warm for too long.>
I managed to get the eggs to free swimming stage for 2 days then they
all suddenly died overnight. Water parameters were all fine.
<What numbers? Let's be clear, Rams need very soft water to breed
successfully, maybe 1-2 degrees dH, at most. In harder water (even
"soft" by aquarium standards, e.g., 5 degrees dH) the eggs become
fungus-prone, or the fry simply wither away.>
I use JBL 6 in 1 test strips and results were in the green o.k. range.
<I don't know what this means. What are the actual numbers?>
Second batch I left the eggs with the parents and removed the Neons to
the BBG tank. I added a foam filter and switched off the HOB once we got
to the wriggler stage. Female Ram was all motherly, guarded the fry and
kept the male Ram away from them. This morning the fry were all gone.
Eaten by one or both of them.
Would appreciate any suggestions and directions on how to keep the fry
alive. Which would you suggest, letting the Rams raise the fry
themselves or would I get a better survival rate if I hatch the eggs out
<The parents will (usually) look after the eggs reasonably well, and
better than the average fishkeeper! But some pairs are better than
others, it's true.>
Will it be better to set up a separate spawning tank and move the Rams
over when the female gets fat with eggs? Will a 45x30x36 do? I
understand that it is really difficult to breed rams but I'm hoping to
get at least a few.
<They're not difficult to breed in the conditions outlined above; in
others, yes, they're a struggle.>
And for the BBGs, do I leave them freshwater or would it be better if I
slowly turn the tank brackish? (Will move the Neons back to their
original tank) I'm also thinking of adding some mates for them, what
would you suggest? I know guppies and Endler's would work, how about
<If the BBGs are happy and feeding well, I see no point to moving them.
But if you want to, go ahead! They're a bit peaceful to live with
Mollies, but Endler's should work nicely.>
It seems that this hobby involves having more and more tanks in the
house but the pleasure and feeling of content derived is none other :)
<A well known problem, yes.>
Thank you, Effie
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: Breeding German Blue Rams 7/10/18
Hi Neale,
Thank you for the reply.
Water parameters currently in my Rams tank are as follows:
No3 - 10mg/l
No2 - 0.5mg/l (can't seem to lower this. Even fresh water from the tap
shows this reading)
<Non-zero nitrite could easily account for problems with eggs and fry.
Extra filtration should eliminate nitrite. Perhaps a larger sponge
filter? I would not increase turnover rate (these cichlids dislike
strong currents) but more bacteria would help.>
GH - 4°dGH (too hard?)
<Quite possibly.>
KH - 3°dKH
<Also a bit high.>
pH - 6.4
<Could be lower, maybe pH 6, if you can get some Discus Buffer to
maintain a safe and steady pH level.>
Temperature - 28°C
I live in Singapore where water temperature stays almost constant 28°C
all year round. What would you suggest to soften the water?
<Ideally, rainwater or RO water; though I admit that urban/city
rainwater is probably too polluted to be safe to use. So perhaps better
to use RO if available.>
Indian Almond Leaves, peat or Blackwater?
<Indian Almond Leaves may soften the water a bit. Blackwater extract
doesn't. Peat can, but it's ecologically difficult to justify, so I tend
to recommend against it.>
I do use Eiho 6.5 buffer to stabilise the PH.
As for the Neon Tetras (yes I'm sure they are Neon Tetras), I can remove
them from the Rams tank and have them in my other community tank but
short of having the AC on 24 hours a day, I don't think I can lower the
water temperature.
<Understood. Yes, they'd probably be better in the other tank.>
Thank you. Effie
<Most welcome! Neale.>
Bonded GBR pair not getting along so well
Hello crew,
I've been dealing with an issue that I haven't been able to find described
anywhere on the net, at least with the same sorts of details. I'm aware that it
is not so uncommon for German Blue Rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) to get a bit
nippy and territorial with each other, especially when a male is getting to know
a female. My issue is a little bit different, though.
First, some background:
This is a 29 gallon aquarium, 30" long. Both GBR have been in the tank for
roughly 8 months, they were around 3 months old when added. Tankmates include 7
Rummynose tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri), 10 Corydoras habrosus
(largest is just a hint over 1" SL), and a common Bristlenose Pleco (female,
about 3.25" SL). They were all added to this tank within a week or so of each
other. Tank is filtered by an Aquaclear 70 hang-on-back filter with Seachem
Matrix bio-media and Seachem Purigen. There is an air-powered sponge filter as
well as a just-in-case measure.
Tank is heavily planted, with an Amazon sword about half the width of the tank
on one side that I keep trimmed as a means to keep it from taking over any
further. There are several pieces of driftwood of various sizes as well as a
Pleco cave (elongated clay pot-esque hidey-hole). There is a Vesuvius sword
(Echinodorus angustifolia variant), Myriophyllum mattogrossense, and some
patches of Christmas moss as well. In other words, there are a lot of
things to explore, broken sight lines, and hiding places.
Parameters are 79 degrees Fahrenheit, 6.2-6.5 pH, 0 ammonia/nitrite, and
nitrates that vary from 0-15ppm (always zero without adding fertilizers).
GH 4 degrees, kH 1-3 depending on normal variance in my tap and time since water
change. I do a 50% water change every week to avoid any nutrient
buildups from plant fertilizers.
<Mmm; I'd likely raise the temp. here to low 80's F.>
*Back to my problem: *The GBR pair spawned the day they were introduced 8 months
<? At three mo.s of age?>
I had purchased the female at a local chain pet store and had planned to go to
another to grab a male. Unfortunately, the other pet shop sold the male in the
time between my scoping out the availability and picking it up. No matter, I
bought my male from an online breeder who also taught me a thing or two about
hormone injections in rams. I was prepared for my store-bought female to perhaps
not be receptive to the more naturally-bred male, but to my surprise they hit it
off immediately. In the intervening time, they have spawned at least 10 more
times, always reaching the free swimming stage since try #5 or so. I suspect the
tetras or filter intake are doing in the fry.
<I'd add a sponge filter... turn off the power filter/s at these times>
In the first 6 months of owning this pair, they were two peas in a pod, whether
in mating mode or not. They have no
problem getting food since these tetras are mid-to-bottom feeders in a similar
way to the rams. Foods offered include New Life Spectrum Thera+A, Omega One Kelp
Pellets (mostly as a supplement to Pleco's diet and to make sure there is some
plant material for the various omnivores), blanched zucchini (staple diet for
Pleco), and several frozen foods like Spirulina brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and
the rare bloodworm. They are fed live blackworms twice a week when my LFS has
them in stock.
Around mid-March, I noticed my female with clamped fins and—to the extent the
hormone-injected rams can have this—washed out colors. I don't normally think
much of the occasional odd behavior of course, but this was paired
with a lot of hiding and some chasing from the male. This has since become a
fairly common pattern, though she isn't always clamped by any means but very
typically pale. She hides from the male often and he chases her all over the
place. They have spawned twice since this behavior began and their behavior and
colors go back to normal in the immediate days pre-spawning and while dealing
with the eggs/fry. No matter their general behavior, they both eagerly accept
food as normal. My main concern is that I have seen her have fin damage a few
times and with the latest iteration I figured I better get some outside input. I
have seen her caudal fin missing a roughly 2mm by 2mm patch, then after the
caudal fin healed up she lost about half the length of one of her pelvic fins.
She has been acting normal<ly> and looking ready to spawn for the past few days,
but I just noticed that she has a 2mm by 2mm patch missing from one of her
pectoral fins, in this case as clear as ever that the area was nibbled off.
There are a couple nicks in her caudal fin as well.
At this point, I'm unsure of what to do about these things, especially since she
seems to constantly bounce back and eventually does spawn. I know some cichlids
do tend to stress the female to induce spawning, though it clearly wasn't needed
early in this pair's relationship! I just don't want the female to end up
actually dying if the male decides to step up his tactics.
Thanks in advance,
<Well; not much I would do differently here. Cichlids are often damaged in the
wild... by predator tries as well as conspecific interactions; particularly as
regards reproductive behavior. I would not treat the fish/es, but just elevate
the temp. here as mentioned. Am sharing this w/ Neale here for his independent
response. Bob Fenner>
Bonded GBR pair not getting along so well /Neale's go
Hello crew,
I've been dealing with an issue that I haven't been able to find described
anywhere on the net, at least with the same sorts of details. I'm aware that it
is not so uncommon for German Blue Rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) to get a bit
nippy and territorial with each other, especially when a male is getting to know
a female. My issue is a little bit different, though. First, some background:
This is a 29 gallon aquarium, 30" long. Both GBR have been in the tank for
roughly 8 months, they were around 3 months old when added. Tankmates include 7
Rummynose tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri), 10 Corydoras habrosus (largest is just a
hint over 1" SL), and a common Bristlenose Pleco (female, about 3.25" SL). They
were all added to this tank within a week or so of each other. Tank is filtered
by an Aquaclear 70 hang-on-back filter with Seachem Matrix bio-media and Seachem
Purigen. There is an air-powered sponge filter as well as a just-in-case
<Do review stocking; the required temperature range for Rams, 28-30 C/82-86 F,
is well above that of, in particular, Corydoras habrosus. In cooler water their
health is compromised, and more to the point in this situation, they're less
likely to spawn. Plus, once Mikrogeophagus ramirezi get settled and spawning,
their territorial aggression tends to damage even medium-sized Corydoras, though
conceivably they'd ignore the midwater swimming pygmy species. I'd still be
watching them closely.>
Tank is heavily planted, with an Amazon sword about half the width of the tank
on one side that I keep trimmed as a means to keep it from taking over any
further. There are several pieces of driftwood of various sizes as well as a
Pleco cave (elongated clay pot-esque hidey-hole). There is a Vesuvius sword
(Echinodorus angustifolia variant), Myriophyllum mattogrossense, and some
patches of Christmas moss as well. In other words, there are a lot of things to
explore, broken sight lines, and hiding places.
Parameters are 79 degrees Fahrenheit, 6.2-6.5 pH, 0 ammonia/nitrite, and
nitrates that vary from 0-15ppm (always zero without adding fertilizers). GH 4
degrees, kH 1-3 depending on normal variance in my tap and time since water
change. I do a 50% water change every week to avoid any nutrient buildups from
plant fertilizers.
<All sounds good.>
Back to my problem: The GBR pair spawned the day they were introduced 8 months
ago. I had purchased the female at a local chain pet store and had planned to go
to another to grab a male. Unfortunately, the other pet shop sold the male in
the time between my scoping out the availability and picking it up. No matter, I
bought my male from an online breeder who also taught me a thing or two about
hormone injections in rams. I was prepared for my store-bought female to perhaps
not be receptive to the more naturally-bred male, but to my surprise they hit it
off immediately. In the intervening time, they have spawned at least 10 more
times, always reaching the free swimming stage since try #5 or so. I suspect the
tetras or filter intake are doing in the fry. In the first 6 months of owning
this pair, they were two peas in a pod, whether in mating mode or not. They have
no problem getting food since these tetras are mid-to-bottom feeders in a
similar way to the rams. Foods offered include New Life Spectrum Thera+A, Omega
One Kelp Pellets (mostly as a supplement to Pleco's diet and to make sure there
is some plant material for the various omnivores), blanched zucchini (staple
diet for Pleco), and several frozen foods like Spirulina brine shrimp, mysis
shrimp, and the rare bloodworm. They are fed live blackworms twice a week when
my LFS has them in stock.
Around mid-March, I noticed my female with clamped fins and—to the extent the
hormone-injected rams can have this—washed out colors. I don't normally think
much of the occasional odd behavior of course, but this was paired with a lot of
hiding and some chasing from the male. This has since become a fairly common
pattern, though she isn't always clamped by any means but very typically pale.
She hides from the male often and he chases her all over the place. They have
spawned twice since this behavior began and their behavior and colors go back to
normal in the immediate days pre-spawning and while dealing with the eggs/fry.
No matter their general behavior, they both eagerly accept food as normal. My
main concern is that I have seen her have fin damage a few times and with the
latest iteration I figured I better get some outside input. I have seen her
caudal fin missing a roughly 2mm by 2mm patch, then after the caudal fin healed
up she lost about half the length of one of her pelvic fins. She has been acting
normal and looking ready to spawn for the past few days, but I just noticed that
she has a 2mm by 2mm patch missing from one of her pectoral fins, in this case
as clear as ever that the area was nibbled off. There are a couple nicks in her
caudal fin as well.
<Could indicate fighting, especially if the male is "nipping" at her vent, as
some cichlids are wont to do.>
At this point, I'm unsure of what to do about these things, especially since she
seems to constantly bounce back and eventually does spawn. I know some cichlids
do tend to stress the female to induce spawning, though it clearly wasn't needed
early in this pair's relationship! I just don't want the female to end up
actually dying if the male decides to step up his tactics.
<I think your concern here is valid. I'd start by separating them. Get the
female fed well for 6-8 weeks so she puts on some fat. In fish, each batch of
egg production is closely related to how well the female has recovered from the
last. So you need to do what old school fishkeepers called "conditioning" the
female; bringing her into spawning condition. Once that's done, try introducing
them to a spawning tank with minimal decor but a few suitable spawning sites.
Just because two cichlids are sold as a pair it doesn't mean they are a pair, or
for that matter, there's no reason two fish that paired off one time should
happily pair off again. Just doesn't work like that. Within the pair the two
fish will be continually "testing" each other, and if you don't condition the
female, it's easy for her to "fail" the male's test. In the wild he'd drive her
off and try to attract another female, but in an aquarium that's not always an
option. Do try reviewing some of the older aquarium books on fishkeeping and
breeding. Those authors took a lot less for granted, and more to the point, were
more reliant on breeding their fish because buying more of a particular species
tropical fish was by no means a certainty. Finally, do recognise that the Blue
Ram is hopelessly inbred, and if it's anything like the Electric Blue Jack
Dempsey, can be expected to have much lower fertility than the wild fish.>
Thanks in advance,
<Welcome, Neale.>
Blue Rams 1/22/16
Hi, do female ram turn to males?
<No; they are of determinate sex. Bob Fenner>
Bolivian or blue ram
Please could you help is this a blue ram or Bolivian ram?
<The former. Bob Fenner>
Female Ram fancies Bala Shark 8/10/12
I have a 55g tank with 1 Bala, 1 unknown Rasbora, 6 Angelfish, 4 Rams,
and 6 assorted Corys, 3 of the Rams are only a few months old but, 1 is
a fully matured female. My problem is before I bought the 3 younger Rams
the large female was acting strangely toward my shark, She would slap
him with her tail, nip him (taking chunks out his tail and fins) but
also follow him everywhere,
<Strange... the Bala should be near the surface, the Ram near the
the minnow shark very fast moving, the Ram, slow>
then a couple of weeks ago she laid eggs, but of course he has no
interest in fertilizing them and she ended up eating them. I bought the
new rams hoping for a male assuming she would leave the shark alone, I
discovered 2 of the new Rams are male but the large female attacks both
of them if they go anywhere near her. Since the new Rams have settled
she has laid another clutch of eggs which again were eaten and she is
about to do it again, but still has no interest in the other Rams.
I tried moving the female and one of the male into my 30g tank but she
paced constantly in one corner staring at the tank with shark in the
whole time, she stopped eating and I felt I should move her back, When I
did she swam straight to the shark and started to nuzzle him (she
obviously loves him).
<...? Nah>
I am not so sure that this is really a problem, despite her nasty
advances toward him, he is very healthy, he is twice the size of her and
he takes her abuse well. I'm just not sure if it is healthy for her and
now I have 2 males and 1 female left squabbling all the time, no damage
to any yet but they are still small. Any thoughts or suggestions here
would be appreciated
<I'd just grow up, condition the new Rams. Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Blue Ram Chiclids,
repro. f' 1/5/12
Ram Questions
Hi, I am a 11 year old that needs help with my fish. I have two German
Blue Ram Cichlids and they laid eggs. I'm not sure if they are a
mated pair. Would a female lay eggs if there were two females in 1
< If conditions are favorable then female cichlids would lay eggs
without a male being present.>
If they hatch should I put them in a little box that floats on top of
my tank so the male doesn't eat them, or should I let them swim
with the mom?
< Rams can be a problem to get the parents to raise the fry. Usually
this is a problem for young parents but soon grow out of it with
additional spawns. Make sure that the parents are well fed. If they
continue to eat the fry then separate the eggs from the parents and
hatch the fry artificially.-Chuck
Beginner Jeffrey
Blue German Rams breeding
Hello Crew, Jesse here again
I would like to thank you and at the same time apologize for all of my
recent questions! I set up like 3 new tanks and a whole bunch of new
fish species for me, and they are having babies and doing all sorts of
other crazy stuff and I thank you so much for the help you have given
to me already!
<Glad to hear the good news.>
Anyways, tonight my two Blue German Rams laid about 100+ eggs on a
rock, and I read that the fry are so small that they need infusoria to
make it.
Is this the only thing that they can eat?
<No, not really. Brine Shrimp nauplii are readily taken as well. You
can also try using Hikari First Bites, a powdered food. I've found
it works very well with cichlids and indeed a wide variety of fish,
though the number of fry that survive may be fewer than you'd get
with brine shrimp nauplii.>
I have never cultured some, I started 3 cultures just now, two with
lettuce, one with dry hay, I read both work so I tried both. Will the
cultures be ready in time if the eggs do hatch and the parents
don't eat the eggs? This is my first time attempting cultured
infusoria and it may not even work, and maybe not in time! If the
cultures aren't ready when the fry hatch is there any other foods
that will last them?
Thanks ahead for your help!
<Cheers, Neale.>|
Re: Blue German Rams breeding 9/1/11
Hey Neale thanks for the help already tonight, another thing, my male
turned into a real terror!
<Unfortunately not uncommon. As I wrote a few days ago re: Angelfish
breeding, those cichlids that are farmed have their eggs taken away to
be reared manually, so over the generations there's a lack of the
selection pressure you get in the wild that favours competent
parenting. End result, many farmed cichlids are lousy parents. The
great exception seems to be Kribs, which are usually able to breed with
little if any help, even in community tanks. It's a shame
they're fiddly to breed properly -- at the wrong pH, you end up
with all male or all female fry.>
I moved the female out into a back up tank I always have running, she
is fine besides a few small chunks from the tail missing.
<Oh. Well, it'll heal.>
Anyways was this the right thing to do?
Or should I put them both back together and remove the eggs? Or just
let them all back together?
<It's a tough call. Obviously you should separate them if
they're fighting and one is being harmed. But at the same time,
you'll never see proper pairing behaviour if they don't come to
some modus vivendi. You can "fix" broken marriages in fish
tanks, but it's tricky. One approach is to use egg crate to divide
the two fish while allowing them to watch one another.
Sometimes, you can help by adding a target fish (something big enough
to elicit the need to work together). A good example might be a
day-active, fast-moving solitary fish species such as a Flying Fox. The
target fish needs to be tough enough and fast enough to avoid trouble,
but not so dangerous it poses a threat to the cichlids. If you
haven't read "The Cichlid Aquarium" by Paul Loiselle,
it's a very good read that explains what's going on the mind of
a cichlid, making it easier to work around them. Used copies are
available on Amazon for little money (just checked the US site, and
it's $6.14).>
Thanks so much, Jesse
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Blue German Rams breeding 9/1/11
I actually did that the first time! I had them in a community tank, but
the female hated the male and chased him everywhere in there, so I
switched them to their own 30 gallon tank with a 8 inch Senegal bichir,
I think they teamed up for defense, and then they paired up, so I did
this without even knowing it haha!
Thanks so much for the advice, and I will look into the book!
<You will enjoy, I suspect. Cheers, Neale.>
German Blues
Hello Crew!
As always I owe you many thanks for all your help in the past. Anyways,
I bought a female and male blue German ram and they paired off. Now
they appear healthy, showing bright colors, eating well, etc. The water
is in good condition and the temperature is at about 83 degrees. When
they are not eating or sleeping it seems that all they do is go up and
down again and again on the left side of my aquarium. Any ideas why
they might be doing this? they do it together and never really leave
each others sides.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
<Hello Jesse. How big is this tank? What are their tankmates? How
bright is the lighting? Are there suitable hiding places for them? This
sort of repetitive "pacing" behaviour typically means the
fish doesn't feel settled or secure. One of the commonest reasons
is that the tank is too small. For a pair of Mikrogeophagus ramirezi,
you want a tank at least 20 gallons in size. If there are other dwarf
cichlids in with them, then those other fish could be dominating the
bottom of the tank, and again, the Mikrogeophagus will need space of
their own. Review, and act accordingly. Normally dwarf cichlids settle
down within a week of being introduced to a new aquarium.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: German Blues 8/23/11
Hey Neale, thanks for the advice. I think it was a mixture of both tank
mates and missing structure. I moved my Senegal bichir out of the tank,
and put a lot more structure in there. They are no longer window
surfing, however it seems with the new structure the male ram became
extremely aggressive towards the female. They used to never leave each
others side before the change, but now the male wont even let the
female get close to him. Any suggestions on getting them to pair back
up? Or am I just out of luck?
<It's likely that moving things about, and removing the
(perceived) predator, triggered the male into becoming territorial.
That's good in one way, because the male has to claim a territory
before he'll breed. So you task now is to keep the female safe
until the male has found a place to nest. With all cichlids there's
no guarantee that a given male and female will pair off, any more than
any two humans will pair off! But given time, and if you ensure the
female is well fed so she "ripens" with eggs quickly, you
have a good chance of things ending well. If needs be, use a tank
divider to keep the female safe. You can buy these, or else cut one
from plastic egg crate or similar. But if the tank is big enough, the
female will just stay away from the male until she feels ready to
approach him, and if the male is happy with that, they'll pair off.
Remember that Mikrogeophagus are open spawners rather than cave
spawners, and they prefer flat rocks over sand or plants. So if you put
a nice flat rock in one corner of the tank, with luck, the male will
take it as his home, and you stage manage the tank more effectively.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: German Blues 8/23/11
Thanks Neale,
But that's the thing, before I took the bichir out and added
structure, they were paired off, like they even found a flat rock and
started rubbing their tummies on it and cleaning it. It's like they
"broke up" is this
normal and it just happens or will they get back together
<What you describe is not uncommon. If they want to pair up again,
they will. The fact they were "paired" off beforehand, when
they were less settled and the male didn't have a territory,
doesn't really mean much.
What matters is having a pair *and* a territory for them to spawn in,
as well as the right tankmates (or none at all) so they can breed
successfully. Be patient. Cheers, Neale.>
Sudden Lumps/Growths on Ram's Head - Please Help??
Hi WWM Crew!!
Your web site is great! I have been extensively reading through
your pages and have seen the great advice you have given to
others. I was hoping you would please help me as I cannot find a
definitive answer, but can only suspect early HITH as a
<Mmm, not definitive unfortunately>
Have included as much info as I could think of and the last
couple of week's events leading up to my current problem.
I try to keep my water quality pristine - Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0,
and never let my Nitrates get above 10ppm (it generally tests
around 5ppm). The PH is stable at 7.6. I test my water once to
twice a week (with API drops) and perform 50 - 60% weekly water
changes (temperature matched) - more if I feel it necessary. I
only have a thin layer of fine gravel which I vacuum weekly and
thoroughly and only ever rinse my filter media in tank water.
Tank temp is 27 Celsius.
For the last seven months I have been running a 250 litre
tropical tank without any problems at all. Inhabitants were 11x
cardinal tetras, 3 blue rams, 1 yellow balloon ram (who has
paired up with a blue and they often spawn), 2x sterbai cories,
2x albino cories, 2x dwarf gouramis and 2x angelfish (which I
have grown out since they were tiny).
Less than three weeks ago, I purchased a brand new 300 litre Aqua
One tank which came with an Aqua One 1250 canister filter and I
basically transferred everything from the old tank into the new
one - gravel, silk plants, a couple of ornaments, the filter and
about 10% of the water. The new tank had everything the old tank
had in it and I ran both the old and new filters simultaneously.
I tried to make it so the move to the new tank would be no
different than doing a huge water change on the old one, but over
the next few days, I suddenly lost 8 of my cardinals and 1 of the
dwarf gouramis. All other fish seemed unaffected.
My little balloon ram then became very ill, losing all its
colour, hiding and not eating. I was sure I would lose it too,
when it suddenly occurred to me that I had added a couple of new
live plants to go with the new tank (which I shamefully
didn't sterilize) and am thinking they could be the cause of
the sudden problems???
<Maybe... but I more suspect some sort of chemical
contamination from the new tank, water...>
I immediately removed the plants and did an 80% water change.
This seemed to have helped the sick ram because by the next day
it regained its full colour, appetite and activity. Then
yesterday, I noticed these protruding white lumps appeared on its
head and around the eyes! I now have all four rams in a 60 litre
quarantine tank and have started with salt at 0.1% and raised the
temp to 30 Celsius. The ram Is behaving and eating normally, and
even looks like its getting ready for another spawn with its
mate. Could this be the start of HITH disease??
<I don't think so>
I have attached some photos of these lumps. Perhaps they are
something else entirely.
I don't know what course of action, if any, I should take.
Should I medicate and what with?
<I would not "treat">
Should I treat the whole community tank or just the quarantine
I also keep discus and fancy goldfish (not together!) and would
hate to cross-contaminate to their tanks with whatever this
Sorry for the novel, but am feeling pretty lost right now and
really hope you can help me help my little fish!
<Not to worry... thank you for providing as much info. These
bumps may be some sort of "pre nuptial tubercles"
(hormonal happenings w/ quite a few neotropical cichlids)...
Could be something pathogenic (Microsporidean, other protozoan),
but I discount this, as your other Mikrogeophagus have not shown
similar... And again, the fact that you state this male has been
involved in spawning, the stress of the changes you list... I
would leave all as is, not even continue the salt exposure. This
situation will likely resolve itself w/in a few weeks.>
With many thanks,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>

Re: Sudden Lumps/Growths on Ram's Head - Please
Help?? 6/11/11
Hi Bob - thank you so much for your reply and for sharing your
expertise! I am very grateful. I've never seen such tubercles
on a ram before - fascinating!!
<I do sometimes wish I were back in academia/the ivory
tower... Would REALLY like to study hormones and behavior of
various organisms>
Thanks again for your help,
<Cheers, BobF>
German Blue Ram Breeding issues 5/11/11
Okay so I have a pair in a 40 gallon planted tank. The Parameters
as of a few seconds ago are as follows Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0
Nitrate .5. The temperature is 85 PH is 7.4 (I'm working on
lowering it.
<Do not, Do Not, DO NOT lower the pH directly. If you think
this is what you need to do, then you clearly don't
understand about water chemistry.>
I have 3 large pieces of driftwood in the tank and I'm doing
water changes with RO water what else can I do to lower it?).
<Mikrogeophagus ramirezi needs extremely soft and acidic
water. Use your hardness test kit to measure the ratio of RO and
tap water you need to get somewhere between 1- and 3 degrees dH.
Then use a pH buffer to stabilise the pH at 6.0. Once you know
how to do this to one bucket of water, repeat for each bucket of
water added to your aquarium so that over a series of water
changes the water chemistry changes slowly. Do note many aquarium
fish will not thrive in these conditions. A Ram Cichlid aquarium
will, for example, be far too warm for Corydoras (except C.
sterbai), Neon tetras, and Otocinclus catfish. What people
don't always realise is that the fish they buy at pet stores
have been bred through extensive use of hormones, antibiotics and
sometimes artificial colours. This is called "juicing"
and among other things may render the males infertile. Also, once
transferred to the home aquarium Mikrogeophagus ramirezi has a
dismal survival record, most specimens lasting less than 6
months, partly because they lose the resistance to bacteria they
had when given antibiotics. Spawning happens readily enough, but
rearing the eggs is extremely difficult without very soft, very
acidic water, preferably in a dimly-lit tank, and all this
assumes your male is fertile. As I've stated here again and
again, and as most expert fishkeepers will tell you, Ram Cichlids
are best avoided.>
I previously had them in a heavily planted 20 gallon tank. They
spawned unexpectedly in that tank less than 24 hours after I put
the female in with him. I moved them into the other tank because
the next morning all the eggs were gone and someone told me it
was the Pleco. In the forty gallon tank there is them 5 Oto's
and 6 Corries (learned on your sight they don't really go
<Not with Rams, no. Rams are not community fish, and need
their own single-species aquarium. Tankmates can include
"hothouse" tropical fish that appreciate very warm
water, such as Angelfish and Discus, but forget about breeding
under such circumstances.>
They spawned again yesterday and they were guarding the eggs all
day today.
I went to work and came home today and no one was guarding the
rock so I went over to check and the eggs were gone... Who is
most likely responsible for eating the eggs this time?
<Could be either of the catfish or for that matter the
cichlids themselves. Fertility in farmed specimens of this
species is extremely low, especially among the "fancy"
varieties like Blue Rams that are even more inbred and
genetically weakened than the standard sort sold inexpensively in
pet shops. Their instinct is to eat unfertilised eggs.>
I've also read that it takes them a few times to "get it
right" is that what's happening here?
<Can be.>
The female is smaller than he is. Probably younger. Do younger
pairs have a harder time "getting it right"? Should I
just be patient. I'm planning on adding more fish to the 40
gallon tank and right now there's only 4 neon tetra's
<Neons, like Otocinclus and Corydoras are "low end"
tropicals that must be kept cool, 22-24 C/72-75 F. One reason
people fail to keep Neons alive for long is keeping them much too
a Female Betta and another female ram in the 20 gallon tank. The
Neons are going as is the Betta. Could I switch them out for the
female and leave them alone in that tank and see if it will
<You could try swapping the females, but with the usual
warnings about male aggression to new females in his
Are there any fish that I can add to the 20 gallon tank that
won't pose a threat or should I just leave them alone in that
<Breeding tanks are not community tanks. Don't expect to
breed fish in tanks where there are more than one
I feel like this is my fault that the eggs keep disappearing.
<I guess. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: German Blue Ram Breeding issues 5/15/11
I took your advice and for the last three days have been
researching pH and the RIGHT way to lower and stabilize it.
I bought a kit to check the dGH API Drip kits (took me a while to
figure out how it worked. Had to read the instructions a few
times). It seems 1 part tap to 2 parts RO water makes it a 3
<Okay'¦ sounds like you have fairly soft water
already. 3 degrees dH is very soft water, and if that's one
part tap water to two parts RO (which has 0 degrees dH, by
definition) that would seem to suggest your tap water had a
hardness of 9 degrees dH.>
Long story short my rams are in their own tank and I'm using
the mixture at water changes 10% at a time to slowly get it where
it needs to be.
I've seen only improvement in color since moving them to
their own planted 20 gallon tank and keeping the temp at 84 (The
cycle was cloned using filter media from the other tank and
plants taken from the main tank).
<May take a few days, weeks before they "get in the
mood" again.>
Thank you for your strict words. It's what I needed to
<Hmm'¦ wasn't my intention to be strict. I'm
sometimes pretty tired by the time I get around the answering the
Daily FAQs, and after a day of shepherding teenagers, sometimes
I'm a little harder with the grown-ups than I ought to
I'm also not going to be housing anything with them. I
couldn't find any relatively small "hot house"
species to house them with.
<Yes, this is often the case. Cardinals can work well though,
as well as "False" or "Green" Neon Tetras, if
you can find them. Some of the smaller Hatchetfish such as
Marbled Hatchetfish are worthwhile too.>
They seem to be faring just fine with their own company.
<Certainly true.>
For my 40 gallon tank I'm now researching new inhabitants and
making sure the temp and matches high and low.
The new stocking will be:
4 Peacock Gudgeons
<An excellent species. Should do well at 9 degrees dH, pH
6.5-7.5. Tricky to feed though. Won't eat flake or pellets;
only fresh, wet-frozen and live foods.>
6 Diamond Tetras
6 Bloodfin tetras
<Both superb species.>
5 Otos
<Do read warnings about this species elsewhere on WWM; much
sold, rarely maintained for long without some forethought re:
6 Corydoras (albino)
<Corydoras paleatus; an excellent species, though the albino
ones are marginally more delicate and tend not to grow as large
as wild fish.>
I checked the pH range for all the fish and I have a range of
6-7.5 for them.
<Hmm'¦ do remember pH value isn't normally
critical, so long as its stable.>
A dGH range of 6-12 and a temp range of 72-78.
<Yes and yes.>
I'm thinking I should keep the pH of 7 a dGH of what would
you recommend? and a temperature of 76. How does that sound?
<Something that avoids extremes is fine. If your tap water is
around 10 degrees dH, pH 7.5, that would be absolutely fine. The
less you fuss with your tap water, the easier and cheaper water
changes become, and it's water changes that matter more to
these fish than the water chemistry.>
I am trying to do what's good for my fish. I'm sorry for
sounding like an uneducated "newbie".
<Sounds as if you're educating yourself, so well done!
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: German Blue Ram Breeding issues 5/15/11
Short update. They spawned last night or early this morning. But
this is a different pair in a 20 gallon tank by themselves too.
I'll attach pictures. They're kind of bad because they
spawned on the backside of a piece of driftwood instead of
somewhere more accessible. The darker reddish looking one is
without flash and the other one is with flash. I'll let you
know if anything comes of them. Are Ghost shrimp a threat to the
eggs? If so I might have to get them out of there too.
<The Shrimp may go after the eggs and young if the parents
aren't attentive. I would remove the Ghost Shrimp. Bob

Re: German Blue Ram Breeding issues
Parents ate all the eggs. But that's their first spawn.
<Ah yes... does happen>
I moved the shrimp out too so I guess there's always next
<You are correct. Cheers, BobF> |
Dwarf ram cichlid breading
Hi, I have a breeding pair of dwarf ram cichlids and they have breed,
the fry hatched 5 days ago but today the male won't let the female
near the fry and aggressively attacks her if she tries to go to them, I
am unsure what to do?
<This is not unusual. Best to remove the female to another -- at
least 10 gallon, and fully cycled -- aquarium for the duration. Cichlid
"divorces" are not uncommon, and sometimes fix themselves as
the fish mature. But also be aware that inbreeding means that many
cichlids are too stupid (for want of a better word) to know how to
exhibit their proper behaviours. The absence of suitable dither and
target fish can also cause weaker than normal pair bonds. Much written
on this topic by Paul Loiselle and others;
consider buying/borrowing one such book. Cheers, Neale.>
Ram Cichlid Pairing 9/13/10
Hello! I bought 2 beautiful male and female Ram Cichlids yesterday. The
male nips the female every now and then, but I guess this is normal
Cichlid behaviour. Usually the male will sort of ambush the female and
both will keep still for a few moments afterwards. How would I know
if/when they pair off?
<Assuming conditions are right, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, the Common
Ram Cichlid, pairs readily. If conditions are wrong, the female
especially won't be "in the mood" to breed. Let's
recap the needs of this species. You need very soft, very acidic water.
You're aiming for 1-5 degrees dH, pH 6-7. Hard water = dead Ram
Cichlids. Water temperature needs to be very high, much warmer than
almost any other fish will tolerate, 82-86 F/28-30 C. This is why you
cannot keep Ram Cichlids in community tanks. Cooler water = dead Ram
Cichlids. Lots of folks try to keep Ram Cichlids in community tanks,
and lots of folks end up with dead Ram Cichlids. You need a gentle
water current, ideally an air-powered sponge filter. The quality of Ram
Cichlids in the trade is abysmally low, and they are extremely prone to
Mycobacteria infections and Hexamita infections. You can't do much
about Mycobacteria, but you can at least prevent debilitating Hexamita
infections by providing the right water chemistry and temperature, plus
nitrate levels below 20 mg/l. These fish should be sold with a warning
level -- easily 9 out of every 10 sold dies within a few months because
people buy them without researching their extremely specific needs.
Personally, I'd always recommended the Bolivian Ram, Mikrogeophagus
altispinosus, for the casual aquarist. One last thing. Common Rams are
notoriously difficult to sex. Be open minded about the fish you think
is a female -- it could easily be a male who happens to have short
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ram Cichlid Pairing
I have Rummy Nose Tetra tankmates, because I ready even Discus keepers
keep them with Discus because of their high temperature needs.
<Quite so. Also Cardinal Tetras work well in this warm
The heater is set at 78F.
<Ignore the dial on the heater; they're hopelessly inaccurate.
What's on the thermometer? Must be 82-86 F for Ram
0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 30 Nitrate. The pH is 6.4 while the water
hardness is cruising around 10 degrees.
<The hardness is on the high side for Common Rams. You might get
lucky though. E-mail me back in a year, and tell me if they're
still alive. I'd bet money against it, but as I say, you might be
Sorry if none of this makes sense, I have a horrible headache right
<Ooh, sorry to hear that. A nice cup of tea and a lie down should
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ram Cichlid Pairing
Oh that's what I mean, sorry, yes the thermometer gives me a
display of 78F. Sorry for the confusion. Should I notch it up to
<No. As I said, the *thermometer* tells you the temperature of the
aquarium. The dial on the *heater* is very, VERY approximate. Usually
they're off a couple of degrees either way. If your thermometer
says the
water is between 82 and 86 F, you're fine; if not, adjust as the
heater by a degree on its dial, wait 24 hours, and then check again.
Repeat as required.>
The local shop I got them from has a very good reputation for high
quality fish (they aren't them typical street sellers who source
fish from Asia) and all fish appear to look healthy.
The other rams in the shop's tank were busy sifting through the
substrate (picking up small particles and spitting them out). Mine are
doing the same. . . they are sand-sifters, right?
<Yes. The name, Mikrogeophagus, literally means "small earth
eater", Mikro = small, geo = earth, phagus = eater.>
I forgot to mention it in the last message, but my female has the pink
blotch on the belly, while my male is bigger and has more intense
colouration and longer fins.
<Sounds promising.>
Oh! And they seem to enjoy my big lava rock and Echinodorus plants.
<They are open spawners and tend to lay their eggs on flat, smooth
stones, ideally ones snuck in a corner behind some plants. A fun
species, very attractive, but sadly much more demanding that retailers
suggest. Spawning usually follows a few days of good feeding: live or
wet-frozen bloodworms and brine shrimps and daphnia do the trick
nicely. They might possibly spawn if fed flake or freeze-dried food,
but I wouldn't hold your breath.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ram Cichlid Pairing 9/13/10
Ok that's what I'm doing. The thermometer says 78F but the
heater dial says 26C. I'm adjusting it accordingly now. Really
though, they seemed happy and full of colour at 78F.
<The colour, unfortunately, is often "juiced" on farms.
What the breeders do is use antibiotics and/or hormones to get Common
Rams to colour up nicely and stay healthy long enough to be shipped out
and sold. Over the weeks this "juicing" wears off, and
that's why the mortality rate of Common Rams is highest a few weeks
or a couple of months after purchase.>
Also thank you for that bit of Latin!
<Sometimes these Latin names are like those "Easter Eggs"
in computer games. Once you understand them, they're a nice little
extra. My two favourites are the Common Angelfish and the White Cloud
Mountain Minnow.
For the first, the Latin name is Pterophyllum scalare, which means
"leaf-like wings" and "like a flight of stairs",
this second part of the name referring to the step-like edges to the
dorsal and anal fins. The
minnow's name is Tanichthys albonubes, which means "Tan's
fish" and "white cloud"; in this case the first part of
the name refers to a Chinese boy scout, Tan, who discovered the fish,
and the white cloud refers to the White Cloud Mountain in China where
the fish was found. Pretty neat, huh?
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ram Cichlid Pairing 9/14/10
Ok the thermometer says 80F now.
I knew about the White Cloud one, but not the Angelfish name. Some of
them are quite creative . . .
<Yes they are. Have fun! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ram Cichlid Pairing 9/17/10
Hey Neale!
Today I am seeing what I think is the male trying to court the female.
He has intense colouration and flaring of his fins. He is almost
constantly "ambushing" the female and rubbing against her
scales. The female is trying to keep to herself mostly right now.
Thank your for your wisdom.
<Hello again. Female cichlids need to be "conditioned"
before they will breed. In fact most female fish need to be
conditioned. Think of it as the equivalent of a good meal and a box of
chocolates before you can get your own lady friend interested in the
mood. In the wild fish aren't breeding every day of the year, but
in synchrony with seasonal effects such as the appearance of aquatic
insect larvae in spring. Try feeding your female the very best foods
you can, ideally live bloodworms and daphnia, but failing that,
wet-frozen substitutes. Nudge the temperature up a degree or two, up to
a maximum of 30 C/86 F. After a week or so, you should find your female
looks visibly fatter and her colours become heightened; she's now
filled with eggs and looking for a partner. That's where your male
Ram Cichlid comes into the equation. Ideally, you'd separate the
female while conditioning her, a simple egg-crate screen working fine.
Cheers, Neale.>
Sexing Rams 5/18/10
So is this a female? Notice the small triangular flap at the base
of the belly between the pectoral fins. Also "she" has
blue throughout the black spot. This is my first attempt at
sexing any fish, let alone a ram, so just looking for a good 2nd
opinion. Thanks
< Hard to tell from the head on view. I see a little pink on
the belly in your photo. Females usually have a pink hue to the
stomach region. The side black spot should have some larger
reflective scales either on it or around it.-Chuck>
Microgeophagus Ramirezi
Can you help me sex this ram? -- 5/17/10
<Notoriously difficult to sex.>
It has developed more red on the dorsal fin and chases any fish that
gets near it (tankmates are 2 other rams, Corys, Otos, & Xray
tetras). It's in neutral, soft water @ 80'¢f.
<Much too warm for Corydoras, except Corydoras sterbai, but not warm
enough for Rams. For what it's worth, neutral water isn't
ideal, and you really do need it to be slightly acidic. Frankly, Rams
have a very poor survival record generally, and you're aiming for
82-86 F, 2-3 degrees dH hardness, pH 5.5-6.5. Outside of those
conditions, lifespan of Ram cichlids tends to be measured in months,
not years.>
There are 2 other rams with it and this one seems to dominate the
others. One of the other rams is totally submissive with duller colors
and the
3rd is bright like this pic but without the dorsal extensions and it
likes to hold it's ground with the dominate one.
<Males should have longer dorsal fin rays at the front, but farmed
fish are notoriously unreliable in this regard. Females should have a
reddish patch around the belly, but this is most obvious when sexually
mature, and may be absent from some specimens.>
They sometimes do a fight/dance(?) where they hover side by side and
slap against each others sides followed by some chasing.
<Does sound like males fighting.>
But I'm having trouble sexing the fish in the pic because it sports
the dorsal extension, but is smallest of the 3, and has blue on the sub
dorsal fin black spot (the immediate first black spot behind the eye is
solid). Any help or insight is appreciated.
<My guess is it's a male. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Microgeophagus Ramirezi -- 5/17/10
Thanks for the reply. Today I noticed a difference in the rams: 1 of
the 3 has a tiny little "fin" thingy at the front base of the
anal fin.
<Possibly the genital papilla?>
This ram and the dominate ram are the ones chasing each other/slapping
sides together, while the 3rd hovers in the corner.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Microgeophagus Ramirezi -- 5/18/10
Is it normal for rams to be aggressive to potential mates?
<Yes. They're cichlids! Females that are not ready to spawn will
be chased
out of the male's territory. Cheers, Neale.>
Mating Rams 4/9/10
Hi everyone! Quick question, I have a balloon ram, and an
electric blue ram (I attached a pic of each). I just noticed
tonight that they are spawning!
They have made a nice little bed of eggs. Has anyone ever heard
of different ram species mating?
< These are not different species. They are line bred
variations of the same species that show designed
Do you think they will hatch into viable fish fry?
< No reason to think they won't.>
If they do, once hatched, are they pretty much on their own
without the parents protection?
< The parents should protect the eggs and fry in a typical
cichlid fashion.>
And, what would I feed the little mutt rams?
< They are usually too small for baby brine shrimp so I would
recommend green water with infusoria-Chuck.>
Thank you for your help in advance! :) Banjo
Mik/crogeophagus... Blue! &
Mutant -- 12/01/09
Hi Bob,
Not sure if you have one of these on WWM yet. Might be worth
adding to the page on Ram cichlids; over here, they're called
"Electric Blue" rams. Almost look like blue
Cheers, Neale
<Mmm, yes... have seen about. Beauties! Have attached some
thumbs of. Oh, and a short-bodied mutant as well. Cheers!
Mik/crogeophagus... Blue! &
Mutant, and pond dis. follow-up TBP -- 12/01/09
Hideous things, aren't they! Not my idea of beauty at all. But
I can see that they'll sell in droves, even though this species
rarely lasts long in "cold" (by its standards) tropical
Your addition to today's Heron/Goldfish query was interesting.
You're probably right to assume a mature pond provides much
healthier water conditions than any aquarium,
<It certainly does and a comment re beyond. I have found that
"pond fishes" are remarkably creatures of habit... That
removing one, changing some aspect of their physical environment,
routine, really has a large (mal-) effect on them, their social
dynamic, health. MUCH better to either regularly disrupt their
world, or do ones best to be very moderate in modifying>
but I do wonder if a cold winter would cause problems in terms of
immune response.
<I do believe that like humans in comas, there are instances
where more good than otherwise is done in keeping these and other
organisms in a thermal-suspension-stupor>
Cheers, Neale
<And you my friend. BobF> |
Blue ram flesh wound? 8-23-2009
Last night I was watching my pair of blue ram cichlids and
something is not right. They have been inseparable since I got
them about a month ago, their colors have been amazing, the
female has been red in her belly after a week of having her and
last Tuesday they even laid eggs. After the male did not become
territorial in terms of the female, they took turns guarding the
eggs and worked together as a team, the eggs ended up not
producing fry.
<Does happen... may require a few "attempts" to get
things right. Sometimes adding a few surface-swimming dither fish
can help.>
Last night I noticed my female had a red spot near her tail, I
thought I was seeing things and it was just her belly, but I
looked closer and it appeared as though a piece of her was ripped
<Whatever the immediate cause, does appear to be a secondary
bacterial infection. Usually caused either by water quality
issues or physical damage, but with this species, Mikrogeophagus
ramirezi, other factors come into play. Their quality just
isn't good to begin with, and if you've had them less
than a couple of months, they may be infected with something they
caught on the fish farm or in the retailer's tank.
Mycobacterium spp. infections are a particular nuisance. Hard
water causes real problems with its high bacterial count, and
these fish really do need very, very soft water to do reliably
well: pH 5.5-6.5, general hardness 1-5 degrees dH. If a
biological filter works, then it's likely the water is too
hard and basic for Rams to do well, and they're best kept in
soft water tanks filtered with zeolite and carbon.>
Also, when I looked at her straight on there was like a weird
mark around her eye, almost appearing as though she had a 3rd
eye. As I watched her and the male interacting, the male was
being very aggressive to her, actively looking for her then
pushing her out of the way'¦ basically bullying her
<Can, does happen; if a male decides a female is too sick to
be worth mating with, he may well drive her off to make space for
another female. Remember, these fish likely don't form stable
pairs in the wild, and may be, to some degree, harem
For the first time since having them they are separated and the
female is basically hiding from the male. Oddly enough the male
is not bullying the 5 cardinal tetras at all.
<Again, reinforcing the idea that his behaviour is
"normal", even if not attractive or desirable.>
This afternoon I went to check on the female again while I fed
them and she just sitting at the bottom near the corner and did
not even move; her not eating is a huge concern for me because
they beg for food normally. Is it possible that the male has bit
<Judging by the wound, no, I think not.>
I have included pictures and I'm sorry about the quality, I
tried to get the best ones I could. Also, I just want to note
that there is NO way this is an issue involving water quality,
it's a 10 gallon/81-82 degrees F, and I do water changes
basically every day (5%) to every other & I use stress
<The thing with water quality is that at very low pH and
hardness levels, biological filtration doesn't work properly,
so if you're using a biological filter at all, the water is
too hard and basic. Therefore it's always a risk under such
circumstances that Rams will contract opportunistic bacterial
infections. It's a similar situation to that with other black
water fish: wild Discus, checkerboard cichlids, chocolate
gouramis, Hemirhamphodon, pikeheads, and so on.>
I just need some help/insight as to what is going on asap, love
these little guys, they are the most beautiful ones I have yet to
see. I greatly appreciate your help, thanks again.
<A general antibiotic such as Maracyn or Maracyn II may help,
but do review the general issues with Mikrogeophagus
Not a cichlid I recommend, and well known for being difficult to
maintain, despite being widely sold.
Cheers, Neale.>
Sexing rams? 05/27/09
Hello Crew,
I, for the first time, bought a pair of fish on the
recommendation of my LFS.
The pair of rams I got seems healthy and happy.
<Ah, one of the worst fish you can choose on a whim! Do
understand that Mikrogeophagus ramirezi is NOT a community fish;
when kept in standard community tanks, their mortality is very
high. Requires warm (28-30 C) water that is very soft (less than
5 degrees dH) and very acidic (pH 5.5 to 6.5). Extremely prone to
nitrate-related issues such as Hexamita, so water quality needs
to be perfect. Only choose companions that enjoy similar
conditions, such as Cardinals, or ideally, keep them in a single
species aquarium.>
I asked for one male and one female, but now I wonder if I
don't have two boys.
<Very difficult to sex. Males typically have much longer
dorsal fins, while the females -- in breeding condition -- sport
a red patch of colour around the belly. Your specimens appear to
be farmed fish with somewhat "dumpy" bodies and
indifferent fins, a very common occurrence among farmed fish,
which are often of rather poor quality. So while the one with the
shorter black fin rays at the front of the dorsal fin may be the
female, it's impossible to be sure until you've seen them
The two are inseparable, always swimming the tank as a pair and
sharing a cave. I've noticed that every now and again the two
will 'ram' each other, no pun intended. The slightly
aggressive behavior is not common, but it makes me think the two
might both be male. I've read that the males are a bit bigger
and have purely black spots where the females are a bit smaller
and have purple tinted scales over their spot.
<Colours are very variable anyway, and farmed fish are
notoriously "juiced" with hormones and colour-enhancing
foods that do nothing for their health but make their colours
brighter than normal.>
The one that appears larger in the picture is slightly so, but
both seem to have black centers to their spots. Can any
determination as of sex be made by the attached images? Thanks
for the help in solving this mystery!
<A nice species but an extremely challenging one, not least of
all because of the poor quality of the stock sold in pet stores.
So do observe their requirements carefully, and don't even
think about keeping them in a community tank! Hope this helps,
Re: Kribs- Breeding German Rams
06/15/08 I took a fifteen mile bike ride
to my favorite local fish store today in 90 degree weather, and
alas, found out that they only had one Kribensis left. So after
going through many options I settled on buying 3 golden dwarf
German strain rams. The sales clerks got me 2 females and one
male, and a cichlid specialist there confirmed they were of those
sex, but I might need to return a female if a pair occurs and
they become aggressive. I just read on your site that the fish
like soft water which I will be working towards. Right now they
are all doing great, with bellies full of live brine shrimp a few
minutes after being introduced. I added some slate in addition to
the coconut shell for a spawning site. I intend to do twenty
percent water changes twice a week. So all I really need to do is
up the temp. to the low 80's and work on getting the pH down
for a successful spawn right? < Rams are very cool dwarf
cichlids but they are different than other dwarf cichlid species.
Most dwarf cichlids like the genus Apistogramma are sexually
dimorphic at an adult size. Ram male and females look almost
exactly alike. Males tend to be larger. Females are smaller with
a pink to reddish belly when they are mature. The best way I know
to sex rams is to shine a flashlight on the flanks of the fish.
Over the dark spot on the flanks, the females usually have larger
blue scales covering that dark spot. Males usually don't have
any colored scales over the dark spot. Once you know you have a
pair they can be enticed to spawn by heating the water up to the
low 90's. They usually spawn out in the open on a rock or
even on the glass. They will spawn in hard alkaline water but the
eggs usually do better in softer water. They can be conditioned
with live, frozen or high quality pelleted food. the eggs usually
hatch in three days and the fry become free swimming in another
three days. At this time the fry need to be fed. Baby brine can
be too large for their tiny mouths so they need infusoria or
green water for the first week until they get big enough to eat
baby brine. Breeding pairs have a tendency to eat the eggs and
fry. Some pairs get past this stage as they get more
Re: Kribs -German Rams II
06/15/08 I do believe that I have at
least one pair because two of them, (one with an over all
brighter coloration, and a large difference in size and dorsal
fin length, the other small and pale) have begun to chase the
third to the other side of the tank. I got my water tested today
at work, pH read 7.8 but I have been treating the water the past
few days, and there is ammonia and nitrite/ate registering so
I'm working on frequent water changes and added a aeneus Cory
to help eat leftovers. The fish are eating frozen bloodworms
twice a day. Am I on the right path? < The dominant ram may be
a male. Frequent water changes can't hurt. Many cichlid
keepers don't keep Cory's with their dwarf cichlids. You
will notice that the rams and the Cory hang out around the bottom
of the tank. Rams are very territorial so when the Cory stumbles
into the rams territory he is quickly chased away. Be careful on
how you are modifying the water chemistry. Never change chemical
parameters in the aquarium. Always do changes in a separate
container and do it slowly over time.-Chuck.>
Re: Kribs -Breeding German Rams III
06/15/08 They actually don't seem to
mind the Cory because he's usually frolicking in the jungle
of plants during the day. I actually noticed something about the
rams though. I said that the male and female will chase the other
female away from the right side of the tank, and when the male
chases her, he does so with a very nippy sort of chase. When he
sees the other female he rushes up to her but doesn't bite,
he gives her more of a nudge towards the area where they usually
stay. Is this a good sign? <If they spawn the other fish will
become more of a target than they are now. Signs look good for a
possible pairing.> Oh and will Hikari First Bites be a
suitable fry food? < Haven't tried them. They may be too
Breeding German Rams IV 6/25/08 After last
test the readings of the conditions in the rams breeding tank are
as follows: pH 6.2, < This is OK.> ammonia .25, < Should
be zero in an established tank.> nitrite 40, < Wow , very
dangerous. This should also be zero.> nitrate .5 in ppm. <
This is oK.> The temp is at 82 degrees. < This is fine .
Leave the water temp at 82 F until you get the other factors
corrected.> All I need to do is keep rising the temp right?
<Your tank has some biological filtration problems. Check your
tap water against the water in your aquarium. Some areas of the
country that are close to agriculture tend to have high
nitrogenous wastes from fertilizer run off. The ammonia and
nitrites should be zero and the nitrates should be under 20 ppm.
If your tap water is good then you need to do water changes until
the bacteria start to convert the ammonia and nitrites to
Breeding German Rams V. 6/25/08 Actually a
lady today told me the same thing today at work. She said that my
tank might be having old tank syndrome. She told me that I should
do a 90% water change to get rid of all ammonia/nitrate/nitrites
and vacuum out the gravel and use plants to reduce nitrites. Is
this good advice? < Check the tap water first as I had
previously recommended. If your tap water has problems then
changing the water won't help much. If your tap water is ok
then do a partial water change every day until the numbers are
under control. Vacuuming the gravel is a very good idea if it is
done slowly and gently. If it is done too briskly then it could
remove the biological filtration that you are starting to
establish. Plants will absorb all forms of nitrogenous waste, but
at 82 F plants will be struggling to survive at these
Breeding German Rams V.V 7/10/08 They just
spawned! < Congrats!> The male and I think the mother are
being very good guardians so far but the other female discovered
the eggs taste good when I fed them. Should I remove or separate
them. < Your question is not very clear, but if you are asking
about removing an extra female then I would say that removing her
is a very good idea.> And are Hikari First Bites a suitable
first food? < I have never used them before to ram fry but
they may be worth a try.> How long should it take for the eggs
to hatch? < About 3 days.-Chuck>
Breeding German Rams VI -- 07/11/08
Actually by the time I woke up the eggs are gone. But since
cichlids mate for life I just bought a divider and the First
Bites. I'm just going to keep doing what I was doing and hope
they do it again. < They should spawn again in a couple of
weeks. Cichlids do not mate for life. They are together as long
as it is satisfactory to both partners. Mates have been known to
kill one another.-Chuck>
Ram breeding 5/15/07 Hello WWM crew,
First, awesome awesome site. <Hello and thanks!> I've learned
so much, and with education comes appreciation. My German blue rams
have spawned for the second time. <Very good.> The first time
many of the eggs turned white and were lost. <Happens...> From
what I've read on your FAQ's they either were infertile or were
lost to fungus? <Usually a bit of both: the few infertile ones get
fungused, and the fungus spreads to the developing eggs. The parents
should help prevent this by removing infertile eggs.> Not much I can
do about the former but what of the latter? <Add anti fungus
medication to the water. Keep the water quality high. Ensure water is
slightly acidic (pH 6.5) and very soft (2-5 dH).> I also understand
that when a certain percentage of eggs are lost the parents will abort
the process and consume the few remaining eggs. Is this true? <No
idea, sounds dubious. If the batch is bad, the parents will
"recycle" them. But cichlids often do trial runs before
settling down to breed properly. Patience is required...> My other
questions are re: feeding the fry should I get to that point. <You
will... breeding cichlids isn't difficult, it's just a question
of getting "all your ducks lined up". Once you have, the
parents pretty well take care of everything.> I've read your
advice/directions of how to use lettuce to culture infusoria. <This
does indeed work well with rams. Also try microworms. If all else
fails, some green algae dragged from a clean pond can work very well.
The fry will peck off tiny animals/plants you can't see.> Of
course I now do not have enough time. So, had I cultured a batch
previously, can I freeze or otherwise preserve that for later use?
<Not really.> I'll be using some Cyclop-eeze or equivalent
fry food which I've never used before. <Definitely worth a
shot!> Do I need to turn my sponge filter off when I add this?
<Try it and see. If the fry are eating the food, it'll be
obvious. If the food is simply getting zipped into the filter, then
yes, switch off for a couple minutes at a time. With baby fish, feed
small amounts but often.> The rams/eggs are in a 10 gal tank with
clay pots/dishes and some java moss along with a few timid guppies.
<Sounds ideal.> Thanks so much, you guys are awesome. Keep up the
great work. -- Dean <Good luck! Neale>
Re: Ram breeding 5/20/07 Thanks for
the info Neale. Alas, all the ram eggs turned white and were lost. I
don't think they were fertilized. I guess I need to be patient.
<Maybe not fertilized, maybe just the wrong water conditions. Check
pH/hardness, and if acceptable (i.e., not hard/alkaline) just give the
cichlids time.> I have another issue I'd like your help with.
I'm planning to set up a 150 gal Amazon tank which will eventually
be home to a silver Arowana. I realize that finding tank mates for them
can be difficult and I had a large one years ago that lived happily
with an Oscar. <Different species of Arowana vary widely in their
territoriality. The South American species are generally good community
fish with species that stay at the middle and bottom layers of the
tank. The Asian species tend to be far less tolerant. If in doubt,
stick with catfish, loaches, etc. that the Arowana won't view as a
threat.> However, now that I will have one in a planted tank, I
wonder if you might suggest some larger, non-plant-destroying, fish
that might fit the bill. <150 gallons is a good tank size to start
with, but do bear in that it is a bit smaller than the ideal for an
adult Arowana. Typically, tanks in the 180-200 gallon size range are
recommended.> Ideally, some specimens from the same part of the
world would be appreciated. <So as not to overburden the swimming
space and filtration, I'd probably be looking at catfish to start
with. Thorny catfish (family Doradidae) are always fun and in the 15-20
cm size bracket there are some very nice species, such as Platydoras
costatus (the Striped Raphael). A similar sized catfish is Hoplosternum
littorale (the Common Hoplo) a relative of the Corydoras but bigger and
very hardy. It is a first-rate scavenger, and easy to tame. Docile
Pimelodidae are possible, but choose with care as many species get
extremely large while others are hyperactive and will stress the
Arowana. Sorubim lima and Pimelodus ornatus are two reasonably easily
obtained pims of suitable size. Sorubim lima at least seems to do well
(better?) in groups. Inevitably, one of the Loricariidae would make a
good choice. The smaller stuff like Ancistrus would probably end up as
dinner, but anything around the 30 cm mark such as Hypostomus would be
not too big and not too small. Panaque are always good value and very
attractive fish, but they produce huge amounts of wood-chippings that
need to be siphoned away regularly (daily in my inexperience!). For the
midwater, you'd perhaps do best with either some sort of docile
cichlid, like the aforementioned Oscar, or a school of mid-sized
characins, such as silver dollars. Pacu get far too large for your
aquarium, and Semiprochilodus tend to be aggressive and might annoy the
Arowana. The same goes for Leporinus, which while the right size, have
the potential to be very nasty.> I realize they like lots of open
water for swimming and will plant accordingly! <Very good! Besides
the question of swimming space, plants also trap uneaten food and
faeces, particularly when large fish are kept. Often the best approach
is to skip plants in favour of plain gravel at the bottom plus rocks or
other structures that are easy to clean. An authentic Arowana habitat
would not be filled with aquatic plants anyway, but with tree roots.
Arowanas normally forage in the "flooded forest", as you
probably know, and in S America they are called "water
monkeys" because they swim in the water but eat bugs and beetles
they catch from overhanging trees. So while some low-lying plants, such
as Cryptocorynes, might be fun, I'd tend towards using fake or real
wood instead. There are some excellent fake mangrove roots that would
look ideal here.> I'm very much looking forward to having a
silver again; haven't had the opportunity for the last 12 years.
<Sounds like you're going to have fun. Do consider upgrading the
tank though, or at least putting a bigger tank on your wish list from
Santa. The price difference between a 150 gallon tank and 200 gallon
tank won't be great, and probably better value to get the 200 now
than have to upgrade 6 or 12 months from now.> Thank you, Dean
<Good luck! Neale>
Breeding Ram Cichlids -- 05/07/07 Hello, My
German Rams mated! Yay! And while I am very excited about this, I
wasn't expecting it/didn't think it would happen so soon
(I've only had the female for about a month and they really
didn't seem all that in to one another) and I am a bit unprepared
for it. What is the best and quickest way to grow/culture infusoria?
<There are actually lots of recipes for culturing infusoria. Here is
an easy one. Take some rotting lettuce leaf and add it to the bottom of
a wide mouth jar. Fill it 2/3 full with near boiling water. Let it cool
for 24 hours then add about and ounce of aquarium water from the
surface or some stagnant pond water. Cover the jar. In about a week you
should have some infusoria to feed the babies. This recipe is just one
from the book " Encyclopedia of Live Foods", by Charles O.
Masters. This is a great book that is long out of print but worth the
effort to find.> In reading info on several websites, I am a bit
overwhelmed by the process and am worried that I may introduce
something to the tank that may not only kill the fry, but also hurt the
rest of my fish. Is this possible? From what I have read, I don't
think I will have enough (any) infusoria available by the time the fry
hatch. In lieu of infusoria, is there anything else that I can feed
them? <There are some commercial fry foods around that are worth a
try. Try Cyclop-eeze. It can be found liquid and frozen from
Drsfostersmith.com. Azoo makes an Artificial Artemia and an Artificial
Rotifera. Hikari makes First Bites to for fry.> I am also worried
that the eggs may have already died. I have heard/read that the first
couple of batches don't survive and that some males are infertile.
I saw the eggs yesterday morning for the first time and they looked
just like I thought fish eggs would (I've never really seen any
outside sushi restaurants). This morning when I checked the tank, the
eggs definately looked different. It is hard to describe, but they
didn't look as round, almost like they were deflated a bit. Or like
coarse ground salt grains. Some of them were clearer and some were more
whitish. I keep telling myself that that is just how they grow, but I
have a feeling that's not true. I realize that most won't make
it to maturity, but I would like to get at least one to adulthood. And
hopefully the pair will keep spawning and I will be prepared next time.
Any information would be greatly appreciated. < The white eggs are
probably dieing. Transparent eggs are still viable.> If it helps, I
have a 20 gallon long tank with the aforementioned pair of German Rams,
a Balloon Gold Ram, an Apistogramma, 2 Mollies, 3 Corys and 8 Neon
tetras. I have soft water and good water chemistry (pH a bit high for
the rams at 6.8 but have been trying to slowly lower it). I do regular
(every 7-10 days) water changes and keep the temp around 82-84F. Thanks
so much. The CLV < It will take a few tries for the pair to figure
out how to spawn effectively. Once they do you will have time to
prepare some food for the fry.-Chuck>
Re: Unexpected Surprise ! Microgeophagus
"blessed event" 4/22/07 Dear Mr. Fenner: <Ashley>
Thank you for your prompt reply. I have read the excerpt on WWM re: the
alkaline reserve, etc and will try to rectify my problem as indicated
as I believe that is exactly what is wrong with my water. However, upon
checking my tank today I have a wonderful surprise, totally unexpected
and now am faced with *what-to-do*. <Do tell> My paired Golden
Ram Cichlids have not only spawned but I now have as it seems
gazillions of little Rams under the protection of their parents.
<Congrats!> My other 3 Rams are huddled at the other end of the
tank. <Ah, yes... as I alluded to... need for more space... to
"get away"> I was planning to get a 20 gallon tank for
these fish and keep the 10 as a QT, but my equipment is not in as yet.
So in the meantime, I would expect the odds these fry would even
survive is next to nil, <Along with perhaps the other adults...>
but if some can, what should I do? Also if there is a chance to have
them grow, do I need to put in special food for them specific for fry?
<Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/ramreprofaqs.htm
and the linked files above> Should I get a tank divider to separate
the 3, or put the 3 in my main which is a 55 gal species only Angelfish
tank contesting of 7, (this water & temperature will not be the
same as my Ram tank), or just let nature take its course. <Mmm, a
tough question/proposition... There's not enough room in the
present tank... but trying to re-catch the Rams in the larger tank... I
would likely move them myself> It would be nice to see them grow and
mature as I have gotten many of my cichlids to spawn but never to
maturity. As far is getting rid of them, that would be no problem as I
would have many enthusiasts that would take this little fish. They are
a pretty and comical cichlid. "A little fish with a big fish
attitude." <Ah yes> I'm just thrilled for this to happen
and wanted to share this with you. I believe that reading on this site
enabled me to give them a proper environment and to any one wanting to
keep fish I can't stress it enough, as they do on WWM, to read
first and then buy the fish, your rewards will be three fold in seeing
the fish in its best finnage/form is very rewarding. Once again,
thanks!! :D! <Thank you for this sharing, your enthusiasm... Life to
you my friend. Bob Fenner>
Re: Unexpected Surprise ! Ram repro.
UPDATE 23/04/07 Dear Mr. Fenner: <Ashley> I did what you
suggested and put the 3 Rams into the bigger Angel tank, and right away
their color changed from their golden brilliancy to a washed out
yellow, but I believe they are much happier for it. <Ah, good>
They are swimming around and exploring, although the Angels seem to be
annoyed at the newcomers. I have this tank at 78F, and the ph is at
7.0. I have ordered peat pellets from my LFS and will add those to the
filtered system to try and make it more acidic. <Good> I know
Angels also like it at a more acidic range and soft water so hopefully
this will help somewhat. <Yes, should.> I am also raising the
temperature to 80F, so 2 out of 3 conditions are being met, to try and
accommodate both the Angels and Rams in the 55 gallon tank. <Very
good> As for the Ram parents and fry, they are still holding in
there, being day 3. The *school* of fry has diminished somewhat but I
don't think me chasing the other fish to get them out helped with
the stress level of the parents. <Yes... and do know that the first
batches of Microgeophagus (and other Cichlids) often do have
"troubles"... high/er incidental mortality... I take it
you've read re culturing foodstuffs for the young... and are
preparing such, as well as water for changes...> I can see the fry
much more clearer from being regular dots, to little wiggles with 2
eyes now, with a white clear string ( if you call it a body), :D ! My
question is ( and if I missed it on the FAQs on breeding RAMS on the
WWM, I apologize), can/or should I change the water in the *breeding
tank* now, as it is due for its weekly maintenance? <Yes I would...
Stipulated (for browsers mainly... as am sure you're well aware)
that said water is suitable in terms of chemistry, physical
properties... soft, acidic, warm...> And also in reading the FAQs it
does say that there should be enough microbes, etc in the tank that
they would feed on in an old established tank but mine isn't that
aged, perhaps only 2-3, months at best, or to cultivate Daphnia (of
which I have no access to a kit at the moment), so being that the fry
are now 3 days old and growing, will the bits of decay or leftover
flake food be enough to sustain them until I can get such fry *food*?
<Mmm... not really likely... a bit of a "sticky wicket"
here... as there are cross-purposes in wanting to provide sufficient
nutrition, BUT avoid pollution... there are other cultured organisms
(too late to try to grow now...) and a myriad of commercial and DIY
items that one can try... I would look to your Local Fish Stores
here... as you need something in a day or so... Likely paste or liquid
food (in a tube) will be the direction you have to go... with this
cycle... I would add something more in the way of "sponge
filter/filtration", an open-topped Dacron media box filter (both
these to add bio-filtration w/o the possibility of damaging the
young... and some small Corydoras sp. catfish when the parents are
removed...> I read all I could on the Golden Rams on the site, if I
missed parts and am asking questions with answers already present on
the site, I do apologize, but I saw lots of information regarding what
to do before, and to get them to lay, but not an abundance on what to
do after you get them to fry stage and so on. <Mmm, books are of
much more value here... the same husbandry, care applies for "wild
type" Rams... Do check with your library, inter-library loans...
Amazon... re dwarf cichlids...> I would like to add, at first I
thought the parents were eating the fry as they were catching them and
what looked like eating them, but no, they were what I would call
corralling them and spitting them back out into the school to keep them
contained. <Yes. Well stated> That was amazing to watch. So
hopefully mine will advance and I could share my experience with the
readers to add to the FAQs on Rams. :D! <I thank you; they will
too.> Will the parents quit being so protective as the fry grow more
mature, and if so, will they eat them or continue to let them exist in
the tank? <They will bother them most likely... Do need to be
separated... The best route, to remove the parents...> Once again,
thanks for the advice, and your time. Will keep you posted. :D!
<Thank you my friend. Bob Fenner>
Breeding Ram Cichlids 4/6/07 Hello, I have
bought 3 ram cichlids about a month ago from a local PetSmart and I
tried to get males and females because I have an interest in breeding
them. I am convinced that I have at least a pair. Just the three of
them are in a 10 gallon tank with plastic plants and a sideways flower
pot for like a "shelter" because them seem like they need
lots of cover. Do you have any tips on how I can breed them, like
should I use driftwood or slate or neither? I feed them pellets, mini
krill, and frozen beef heart. Your help is greatly appreciated. Also,
what can I do to make their habitat as best as possible? I do regular
water changes and keep the water around 84 deg. Thanks, Kevin < Rams
like warm soft acidic water. You have the temp right, but did not
mention the other water parameters. Try changing 50% of the water with
R/O or distilled water. Add a couple pieces of driftwood to help
acidify the water and darken it a little bit to make them feel more
comfortable. Rams like to lay their eggs out in the open. Sometimes
they pick an open flat rock or the side of the glass. Sexing rams is
not easy and many times they are bred in Asia and they send all the
same sex in a shipment. Males are larger and have no blue scales over
the black spot on the side. Females are usually smaller and have some
enlarged blue to purple scales over the black spot. Sometimes they have
pink bellies too. ram babies have very small mouths and usually need
very small live foods for the first week or so.-Chuck>
Female Ram Not Interested In Male 3/9/07 Hi
there, My name is Angelia and I want to say that your site has been
awesome for answering all of my questions. I have searched and
searched however and I can't seem to find a solution to this
question. I have two German Blue Rams, a male and a female as far
as I can tell. That up until yesterday evening were doing great.
The problem is with the female, she has really faded in color, and
acquired a dark lateral line that I haven't noticed before, and
when ever she is close to the male she acts like she is going to go
belly up. She clamps all of her fins and looks like she is having a
hard time staying up right. She isn't eating a whole lot,
mostly tasting stuff and spitting it out. The male sticks close by
her and looks like he is kinda picking on her, but when he does
leave her and is on the other side of the tank her fins spread out
and she acts normal, other than the pale color. The male on the
other hand is very vibrant, more so than when I got them, (the
female was looking great until yesterday evening). Is this normal
or is there something wrong? Is he just chasing her to death? I
separated them last night, putting her in a breeder net to give her
a break and this morning she seemed fine, eating and swimming
normal, but as soon as the male got close when I let her out she
clamped up and started swimming funny again. Thank You, Angelia
< Sounds like the female ram is being intimidated by the male.
He is interested in b reeding and she may not be up to it. She
shows the male that she is not colored up and takes a submissive
posture by closing her fins. Separate her for awhile and give her a
little TLC. After she puts some weight back on you can try and
reintroduce her again to the male. Increase the hiding places in
the main tank in case the male gets a little too
aggressive.-Chuck> |

The Blue Ram - Queen of the Desert 12/17/06
Dear WWM Crew, I think I have trans - gender Rams... <Happens>
So, I've heard that Rams in pet shops, come in, commonly all males,
or all male-ish, due to breeders infusing the Rams with Hormones, to
produce the more colorful males. Which really bites. <Mmm, mostly do
"juice" the males... and send mainly these... as females by
and large "don't sell"> I have just bought a
'pair' of Rams, in MD. The third ray of 'the male' was
elongated and the 'female' had no third ray elongation and was
smaller. <Could be just immature...> After only a day or so they
have come out of their shell and are happily chasing each other around
and strobing their colors as they flirt about. <Okay> The thing
is, the bigger male has developed the rosy abdomen that I hear belongs
to the female and has lowered the ovipositor or something like that.
They both have blue speckles over the spot on their side. The
'male' is about an 1.25 inches. <Oh! Is a bit large to be a
male here...> Do you think these fish are essentially infertile and
most probably effected artificially by hormones? <Mmm, might be
infertile... have almost assuredly been hormone treated...> I
questioned the dealer/owner, at the time of purchase about such
effected Rams, as I made the purchase, the rosy abdomen was not
noticeable at the time, and he assured me these Rams were not those
'phony' Rams. <... Well... there are such as this about...
on the West Coast often labeled as "German" this or that
Rams... But...> I paid $15 for the pair. I plan on getting more for
my basic Ram/Orinoco Biotype set-up, at least two more pairs so perhaps
these two will be lessons learned and interesting conversation pieces.
<Good... good attitude> I have a school of six Pristella Tetras
and am also planning on getting a school of about ten Cardinals, a few
Corys and a Royal Pleco, so far, for my 55 gallon. <Mmm, the Plec
may be a bit too much here ultimately size-wise> Any advice or help
would be greatly appreciated. <I'd look to other Loricariid
species> Thank you for all the help you've given me, your
services are a boon.. Ishan <Thank you for sharing. Bob
Breeding Ram Cichlids 9/30/06 Hi crew. I
have a pair of blue rams which spawned recently. About 40% eggs
hatched. The fry became free swimming. They decided to spawn again. My
question is should I remove the fry and let the parents guard the eggs
or should I leave the fry and the eggs with them. After how many days
can I separate the rams from the fry. Any help will be greatly
appreciated. Thanking you < If you are trying to save every fry then
remove the eggs the day they are laid. Place them in a clean tank with
warm 82 F water, and a few drops of Methylene blue to inhibit fungus.
They should hatch in about three days. If you are more interested in
watching the parents take care of the fry, then separate them after the
fry become free swimming.-Chuck>
Rams Fighting Or Mating?
9/26/06 Hi guys! About a week ago I bought a couple of relatively
young rams at a LFS. I thought they were both female, but since then it
has become apparent that the one is probably male, although judging
from the black spot on the other I'm pretty sure it's still
female. My tank is a 18 gal eclipse, running for a long time (over a
year) and tank specs are pretty good (0,0,15), other than that the
water is a bit basic and hard, but I'm working on fixing that.
There are several plants in there, but it's not heavily planted by
any means. When I got the rams, they seemed to adjust to my tank
conditions pretty quickly, even though it's not in their ideal
range. The one I think is male colored up really quickly and the other
seemed to recover from the stress, but didn't really color up.
They've been hanging out together for a while, and every once in a
while they sort of "face off" and maybe dart at each other a
little bit, but not really nip each other. While they do this the pale
one would get really pretty, but become dull again as soon as it was
done. I was worried about aggression, so last night I separated the one
out in a little trap thing in the tank. Now it's really pretty, but
the other one is right next to the trap and they both are trying to get
at each other. They aren't acting aggressive either, more like a
pair to my uneducated eyes. Eventually, since they hung out together so
much, I took the pale ram out of the trap and it turned pale again! I
don't know what to do. Should I try to find another tank for this
ram? Or should I just wait and see? I tried finding an answer to this
question, but nothing quite seemed to fit my situation. Thank you so
much Sarah < Lets determine the sexes first to see if you have a
pair. Males are generally larger with longer fins. Females sometimes
have a rosy red belly when they are in good shape. the key is usually
the black spot on the side. Males have metallic blue spangles on the
flanks except over the black spot on the side. Females usually have
larger spangles right over the black spot. Many times all the fish in
the dealers tank are the same sex. If you have two males then there is
a territorial dispute. If you have a pair then this could lead up to
spawning if they end up being compatible. My guess is they are two
Breeding Rams 9/9/06 Hi crew. I purchased a
pair of blue rams. They are in a 10 gal. tank. They are about 1 inch.
They appear to be afraid as they do not eat. The tank contains a 1 inch
convict, a few pots. Should I add a few plants as I want to breed them.
How can I make them feel secure. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you < Remove the convict. He gets too big and is too
aggressive for the rams to compete against. Raise the water temp to
82-84 F. Use soft acid water an feed lots of different live and frozen
food. Keep the water clean. If they are pair then you should see some
results in a couple of weeks.-Chuck>
Mysterious Rams! Dear Crew, Greetings from
Blighty! In my lovely freshwater tank (240l, ph 6.5-7, nitrates 0, v.
low alk) we have finally added 3 Rams, on the advice of the LFS we
bought what we thought were 1 male and 2 females....however...it has
since turned out to be 2 lads and 1 lass, as the boys have been
fighting, so, back to the LFS we went with boy1 (sadly missing a couple
of scales) to return with what we were promised was a girl <Mmm, am
surprised to find so much damage with this species in such a sized
system...> ...but having put her/him into our tank, she coloured up
lovely and turned out to be...(can you guess!) another boy, intent on
chasing boy2, so that he is also missing a couple of scales. So we will
be taking him back to the LFS as soon as humanly possible. Is there a
fool proof way of telling the difference? <More "fool
proof" when Microgeophagus spp. are larger... the size, color,
morphological (particularly the first few spines of the dorsal fins
being longer)... are discernible sexual characteristics> and is
there anything we can do to help boy2's wounds heal more quickly?
Concerned and amazed by my feisty fish. Nicola <There are chemicals
that can/could be used (administered to treatment water as dips/baths,
introduced in foods, even injected in cases where the specimens are
severely debilitated or valuable), but I would do nothing other than
keep the specimen/s in ideal, stable conditions... soft, acidic water,
not-too brightly lit... well-fed, and they should recover nicely.>
Nicola Blay, BSc, MSc International Zoo Veterinary Group Keighley
Business Centre South Street, Keighley West Yorkshire, BD21 1AG UK
<Oh! BTW, these fishes are sometimes treated with androgens,
producing what appear to be males (with elevated agonistic behavior),
but may well be genetically females... This is a long-standing practice
with a few species/groups of fishes coming out of the orient (though
the fishes originate elsewhere)... to "boost sales", provide
"pairs" to human customers... I mention this to encourage you
to seek your Rams from more than one source (perhaps a local breeder).
Bob Fenner, phenotypically a male and a real one as well>
Like A Rock... actually a Ram Hey Bob, Had a
big success that I had to share....at least it's big to me. For the
past couple of months I have had one female Ram in my planted tank.
I've been patient waiting for some decent males to show up at the
LFS. I finally brought a couple home a week and a half ago. <One of
my fave fish species> This evening I was doing my usual spot check
and noticed that the female had laid about 250 - 300 eggs on a hollowed
out portion of a piece of bogwood right at the front tank panel. The
male and female are taking turns fanning the eggs and are violently
chasing off all comers. The next several hours will be interesting.
<Neat> I raised the tank temp two days ago from 72 to 74. Have
been adding Ketapang and Blackwater every week. Didn't think Rams
bred so easily. <Didn't used to years back... but now much more
facile... due to conditioning/selection of a few successive captive
generations. Bob Fenner> Dave
SEXING RAMS I have recently purchased 2 Blue
Ram Cichlids (Microgeophagus Ramirezi) and I am looking at purchasing
more depending on how they interact with the rest of my fish. I would
like to know if there is any way to tell the sex of them and if so how.
I would like to have an equal mix of male and female. Thank you,
Spenser Nice < Sexing rams can be difficult. Most dwarf cichlids are
sexually dimorphic with the males usually being larger and more
colorful, but rams don't follow this pattern. Male rams are usually
larger than the females. Some female rams have pink bellies, but not
all the time. On the side of wild rams there is a black spot. Look
closely at this site with a flashlight from the side. Females usually
have numerous highlighted colored scales over this spot. Males usually
don't have any colored scales on this spot and it remains black.
Many times rams are imported from Asia and they are usually all the
same sex. They can be all males or all females. There are a strain of
domesticated rams referred to as German Rams that have darker markings
over the front and back of the fish.-Chuck>
SEXING RAMS How can I determine sex? I have
one but want to get a mate. < Rams are different from many other
dwarf cichlids in that they are not sexually dimorphic like the Apistos
and Nannacaras. I discovered this little technique years ago that seems
very reliable. First of all males are slightly larger than the females.
The forehead is a little broader on the males too. Females that are
mature may have a rosy pink area on their belly. Males fins are
slightly longer than the females. Take a very close look at the black
spot located on the side of the fish with a flashlight. On most males
they have numerous blue scales on the side of the fish except over the
black spot. Females on the other hand have larger more pronounced
scales in and around this black spot. Sometimes they are slightly
different colors too. Check out any good dwarf cichlid book at the LFS
that shows a breeding pair of rams and you to will soon see the
difference. Sometimes all the fish in the tank are the same sex. If you
rams were imported from Asia then they may have artificially enhanced
longer fins too. This is one of my favorite all time fish. Good
Sexing Blue ram cichlids Hello, <Hi
there> I would like to know if there is any way to tell the
difference in sexes of blue ram cichlids, AKA Microgeophagus ramirezi.
And if so, how? <This is posted on our site... which you would have
seen, had you had the courtesy to follow instructions: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/rams.htm>
Thank you, Spenser Nice P.S. I have tried sending you an email asking
this same question before and received no reply. I would really like to
figure this out, and so would the head fish guy at my local pet co who
is also an avid reader of your site. Again, thank you and please send
me a reply. <Please read. Bob Fenner>
Egg Eating Rams Moving to New tank 12/1/05
Hi there and thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I have a
25 gallon freshwater with 1 Pleco, 3 gold rams, 1 Curviceps cichlid
<<Chuck, or anyone else, if you get a chance, would you
provide me with the genus and species of this animal? Marina>>
<<<Flag cichlid. Used to be Aequidens Curviceps, is
now Laetacara Curviceps .>>> and 2 African
butterfly cichlids, 2 plants, a large rock/cave, piece of wood on slate
and a small bridge. 2 of the rams have had eggs 4 times thus far and
each time the eggs are eaten/disappeared usually when I wake up in the
morning and after usually 2 days. The butterfly cichlids I purchased
about 4 weeks ago have just laid their second batch of eggs. The first
batch had the same fate as the ram eggs. Any idea's of what I can
do to try to help them keep the eggs? Should I try an egg light (read
that on your site)? < After spawning the fish are exhausted and have
expended a lot of energy to spawn and have worked up an appetite. Try
to keep them well fed with lots of baby brine shrimp or micro worms.
Egg eating is a problem for these species and they can get into a habit
of eating eggs that is hard to break. the eggs could be removed and
hatched artificially.> I am also purchasing a 55 gallon that I would
like to move most of the occupants too, but still keep one of the mated
pairs in the old 25 gallon. What is the best way to get the new tank
safely cycled and not damage the old tank or kill any of my fish when
they get moved? < Take some of the old gravel and place it in the
new tank. The bacteria in the old tank are needed to get the bacteria
in the new tank going. Add new fish slowly over a week or so.
Quarantine any new fish from the store for at least a couple of weeks
before adding them to an established tank.> Is it possible to run
the new filter for the 55 gallon on the 25 gallon without doing any
harm to the fish and using the old 25 gallon filter with the new tank
to help the process? Should I move some of the substrate and/or plants,
ornaments? < Swapping filters for awhile will not harm anything.>
Thank you for any help you can provide, I really appreciate it. Your
site is a great resource, thanks for all the time and work you all put
into it. Troy < Thanks for your kind words.-Chuck>
Gold Ram Spawning 11/1/05 Dear Bob,
<Actually, Sabrina here, in his stead.> My pair of Gold Rams has
spawned 4 times. <Excellent!> The three previous times they have
eaten the eggs after lights out. <Bummer....> So this time I
decided to place the eggs in a net breeder in the tank. I would have
preferred to have left the eggs for the parents to care for but they
seem more motivated to eat than parent. My question is how do I
determine the fertile eggs from the infertile? They are all white in
color, but the majority of them are translucent. The eggs that I think
are infertile are the eggs that are more of a solid white or cloudy
white. This is correct.... Usually the viable eggs will be more
clear-ish, or maybe orange-ish.> From everything that I have read I
am supposed to remove the infertile eggs because they will cause the
eggs around them to grow fungus. Is this also correct? <That's
the best idea, yes. You are correct.> Thanks for the help, -Mike
Mural <Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Re: Gold Ram Spawning 11/2/05 Thanks for the
quick reply, <You bet.> The eggs that have turned white are the
empties. I have little fry wriggling all over the leaf I removed with
the eggs. <Ahh! A delight!> I thought it took 60 hours for them
to hatch. I also have discus in the tank and the temperature is
85°F, could this cause them to hatch more rapidly? <Yes,
certainly.> It is a well established (4 years) heavily planted tank.
I want the fry to make it but was not prepared for them to breed so
quickly after eating the last batch of eggs. So my problem is what to
feed them. The fry are much smaller than the Kribensis fry I have
raised in the past. So I added some Java Moss from the tank to the
breeder net. I tried to hatch some brine shrimp but they have not
hatched yet. So my main question is what to feed them since I am in a
bit of a squeeze? <In this heavily planted tank, there are tons of
opportunities for tiny and microscopic life.... Any piles of decaying
plant matter, rotting leaves, or other detritus in the tank? I would
add some of this to the breeder net.... with caution, as it could
"foul" the water in their little world rapidly. Otherwise,
you might try liquid fry food available at fish stores, or even dried,
powdered egg yolk.> Thanks again, -Mike <Wishing you well,
Rams Breeding :-) 1/31/06 I have a
120 gal that has an Xp3 filter (rated well over 120 gal.) a 4 bulb
compact fluorescent Coralife light, 4" fluorite eco-complete mix,
2 300 watt heaters, 100-150 plants, 2 LARGE pieces of driftwood, ph
6.9, ammonia 0, Hardness: medium. I have 6 rams, 6 cardinal tetras, 4
lemon tetras, 4 clown plecs, 6 Cory cats, and 3 killies. I believe my
rams have spawned, because there are about 50-100 little white eggs
that look like pictures I have seen on google. One of them hovers over
the broad leaf they are on and when I went to move a plant, it went for
my hand. I looked, and to my surprise, I saw a bunch of eggs! What do I
do? FOOD, REMOVE, KEEP TOGETHER? I really don't have another tank,
so I would like to keep them in the 120. Please tell me what I need to
do to care for them. I have bred Cory's before, but didn't
notice till there were only five left, so please respond promptly, so I
can keep as many as possible. I'm not trying to count my eggs
before they hatch (lol lol lol), but will LFS's want these at all,
or are I better off keeping them? >>Anthony, baby rams are really
tiny when they hatch, and very sensitive to a small parasite called
Tetrahymena that may well be in your tank without affecting anything.
From my experience you will need to raise the fry in a clean bare tank
with live micro worms etc, but you could try to see if some will hatch
and grow up in your tank. Add a night light with a very dim glow to
make sure your Plecos do not eat the eggs/wigglers when it is dark.
Good Luck, Oliver
Re: Rams Breeding 2/1/06 Hi, thanks for the
info, but roughly how often do they breed? Monthly, bimonthly? Thanks,
Anthony < When they are in good shape and conditions are right about
once every two weeks.-Chuck>