FAQs about Yellow-Eye, Kole Tangs, Disease
Related Articles:
Kole Tangs,
FAQs on Kole Tang Disease:
Kole Disease 1,
Kole Disease 2,
Kole Disease 3,
Kole Disease 4,
FAQs on Kole Tang Disease by Category:
(plus see
Tangs/Rabbitfishes &Crypt),
Related FAQs:
Kole Tangs 1,
Kole Tangs 2, &
Kole Identification, Kole Behavior,
Kole Compatibility,
Kole Selection,
Kole Systems,
Kole Feeding,
Kole Reproduction, &
Ctenochaetus Tangs 1,
Ctenochaetus Tangs 2, &
Ctenochaetus Identification,
Ctenochaetus Behavior,
Ctenochaetus Compatibility,
Ctenochaetus Selection,
Ctenochaetus Systems,
Ctenochaetus Feeding,
Ctenochaetus Disease,
Ctenochaetus Reproduction, &
In General,
Tang ID,
Tang Behavior,
Compatibility, Systems,
Kole tang bumps
Hey crew hope all is well, need help identifying....
My Kole tang has several bumps UNDER the skin on both sides of body.
My Heniochus picked at them and now they're light pink from skin shedding. I
Google and couldn't find a good identifier. I just bought him last week, could
this be from capture and handling?
Just concerned it will get worse and unsure if it's HLLE. Any ideas? He swims
all over and eats well.
Thanks much
<Scan through the Ctenochaetus and Surgeonfish disease FAQs. Bob Fenner>
Kole Tang-swollen abdomen – 02/20/13
Good evening! I will start with some information about my tank. I
have a 90 gallon saltwater tank with a wet/dry filter,
<Mmm, I see that you list NO3 at 0 ppm... how is this done w/ a WD
Reef Octopus 150 skimmer, Corallife 150 watt 20 k - radiums, 2x Tunze
NanoStream 6025's, 2x smaller power heads, 1x Quiet One 4,000 return
pump, a 3"sand bed in most areas, about 70 lbs. LR, 5x Nassarius Snails,
1x Super Tongan Nassarius Snail, 1 Turbo snails, 1x Large Cleaner
Shrimp, 1 Green Mandarin (eats all foods offered and has substantial
Copepod population) , 1 Hoeven's Wrasse, 2x Ocellaris clowns, 4x
Bartlett's Anthias, 1 Royal Gramma, 1 Kole Tang, 1x Feather Duster, 1x
Caulastrea Furcata (Candy Cane), 1x Tubastrea (SunCoral), 2xTubiporidae
(Pipe Organ), 2x Briarium (GreenStarPolyp), 2x Zoanthid colony, 1x
(Literally) Yuma Ricordea mushroom, 1x Actinodiscus Mushroom,
5xBlastomussa Wellsi(Blasto), 2x Echinophyllia Aspera(chalice) and
finally 1x Acanthastrea or the Acan frags. Most everything is frag size
maybe slightly larger.
My parameters are as follows:
Mg- 1275
Ammonia-0 Alk-9.2
Phosphate-Test maxed out at 3 and it tested at 3
Cal- 440
Temp-80 F
In regards to the phosphate levels, obviously my personal test kits were
showing 0 on everything. I had a local aquarium member test my
water. So if my phosphates are through the roof then I am assuming
my others like nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia are too.
<Mmm, no; doubtful. Likely there is Nitrate, but not NH3, NO2>
I just received a phosphate reactor tonight and am setting it up.
<There are other, better approaches>
I also ordered a digital phosphate reader. I also, do 10 gallon
water changes weekly. I am also more careful as to how I feed the
tank, not putting excess food in such. So I feel comfortable about
getting all this in check. Like I said, tonight starting with the
phosphate reactor that will be set up tonight.
Despite my phosphate readings, I haven't lost any fish, thankfully.
I am worried about my Kole tang. We have had this Kole tang for
about 7 months now. Eats everything and keeps the rocks in the
tank very clean.
Yesterday was water change day (Sunday) and the Kole tang seemed
slightly bothered by it this time. He/she was fading its color and
hiding. Nothing too drastic though! I put in a Nori sheet
and the Kole tang started grazing on it. Well, today is a
different story. The tang is withdrawn today, has a swollen
abdomen, possibly elevated breathing, and is not interested at all in
food (not normal at all for our tang). I haven't noticed the fish
go #2 either. And this tang is always going! And it is never
white and stringy (I read on here that could indicate bacterial
infection). Here is what we feed - Spectrum pellets, Nori sheets, Mysis,
Cyclop-eeze (small amounts, a little goes a long way) and Selcon is used
a couple times a week.
<Sounds good food-wise>
I understand poor water quality can take its toll. But if the tang
was fine and then just today (Monday) not fine, could it be something
He/she is keeping its color normal 95% of the time today also.
Looking through all the posts, I did see that fish can become
constipated. Could this be our situation?
<Perhaps... my best guess is that it/this is something the fish
(over)ate... and will likely cure itself. I would not treat this fish,
the system, nor remove the Kole elsewhere>
I appreciate any help. Thank you!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Kole Tang Scratching
Hi all.
<Hi John>
Firstly, great site, advice and friendly staff!
I've lost count of all the number times I've referred to your
<It is a wonderful source>
My question is: I purchased a Kole Tang about a month ago for my FOWLR
set up. Was eating fine and looking great at the store and did the same
when I took him home. I had an ich infestation at one stage, but I
seemed to clear that up. It's been a year and no sign of parasites.
Until a couple of days ago, when I noticed the Kole scratching.
<They will do this from time to time>
Mind you, he hasn't scratched in over a month. He has a healthy
appetite, greedily eating everything I throw in there, and his colours
are vibrant. He seems very, very happy. All water parameters are good.
I did add recommended dosage of Seachem calcium powder to the sump just
before he began scratching. Could this be a cause of irritation?
He hasn't scratched since as it only lasted about a day. Thanks in
<I would not worry too much here John. I certainly would not be
removing or treating this fish. This behavior is not a positive sign of
parasites unless it is consistently scratching itself all day long.
Re: White splotches and sadly swimming Kole Tang...
Ludicrous speed 3/19/10
Oh, let me add that this is a 75 gallon tank, has been running
for about 2 years. I have been battling a hair algae problem.
<What form has your battling taken?>
Water parameters all test within the norms.
Please let me know if I need to provide more info.
Marc from Gmail!!!
<... What? Please send along image/s, real test data, the
scope of maintenance, tankmate list... Oh and read here:
and all the linked files above. BobF>
White splotches and sadly swimming Kole Tang
I came home yesterday to find my Kole tang swimming sadly in a
cave and his skin is all splotchy (see image).
As far as I can tell it is not a growth on the skin, but the
pigment has become mottled.
I managed to remove it from the tank without having to chase it
too much and put it in a hospital tank.
After a bit in the tank, hiding behind a rock I put in there, it
seemed to regain a bit of strength and color. I put in a bit of
Nori in case it got peckish.
This morning it was still alive but I think only barely. it's
color looked to be all gone and it was having trouble staying
I searched WWM and found only one reference that looked like it
might fit, stress. the only thing that didn't quite match was
that the reference article said that their fish still had
strength and energy.
I had this fish for a week. During that week it looked healthy,
was nibbling at the rocks and had found a friend. My fairy
wrasse, following it around like a puppy. It showed no signs of
I hope you can help, if it's not too late.
Marc from Gmail!!!
<Something is amiss here... chemical-wise perhaps... Your pic
shows a good deal of Cyanobacteria growth... likely a factor.
Read where you've been referred to, and onto
chemical/environmental disease issues. Have you used a chemical
Algicide in this system? Bob Fenner>
Kole Tang Disease? 3/11/10
Hi guys. I got a Yellow Eye Kole Tang yesterday, and it had a
couple spots on its right side that were very close to its body
color, so I thought they might be some sort of scarring from
being bitten from another fish. Now, a couple of the spots have
changed from near-body color to a whitish color.
The spots are about 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch across, and the
whiter ones are slightly raised from the rest of the skin.
He's hard to take a picture of because he hides, so I used
arrows to indicate the spots that weren't from the tank
glass. The rightmost spot is what they all looked like when I
first saw the spots. There aren't any more of them that have
appeared since
I got him, just changing in color. Is this ich, or some other
Thanks alot!
<No such word>
Andrew Angrist
<These look like marks, reactions from stings, physical
trauma. Not parasitic, treat-able per se. See WWM re these on
Tangs. No specific "treatment" desired. Bob
Kole Tang/Behavior/Health 10/13/09
Dear Sir,
<Hello Chris, "Sir" won't be necessary in the
Have read as many articles as possible om <on> the Kole
Tang and still a bit concerned, I purchased a small Kole Tang 2
weeks ago, picked one that was eating, fins erect, good colour
etc., mouth looked OK, no damage, but lips looked to protrude
like Kissing Gourami, thought this was OK as per photo's.
<Is normal.><<Mmm, I don't think so... not in
this case... RMF>>
He has been in a QT tank since I got him home, I know you advise
against QT with this fish but have had so many set backs due to
not QT, I decided I would, anyway he is eating and is very
colourful really good marking and fins still erect, he never
stops picking at glass, piece of rock etc and readily takes flake
<Hoping this isn't all he is being fed.>
but his mouth still looks like it's pouting and open. The
only time it's closed is when he is chomping on food
<I know of a few humans that display this same
or the small piece of rock, is it natural for these fish ?
<Yes, and a good sign the fish is interested in food. Should
be no worries here but a pic would have been nice to confirm your
Many thanks,
<You're welcome. And, please do a spelling check and
proper use of caps before future mailings. We just
do not have the time to correct. James (Salty Dog)>
<<There's some trouble here... Maybe overgrown teeth,
some sort of damage, or blockage in the bone structure that makes
up the jaw... genetic anomaly? But the mouth is not right. Please
read through the Ctenochaetus area and C. strigosus on WWM.
Re Kole Tang/Behavior/Health
James thank you for the prompt reply,
<You're welcome.>
some photo's attached the best I can do he is to fast and he
is also eating mysis
<May want to introduce some New Life Spectrum (1mm size)
pellets, a very nutritious food.>
and picks at Nori.
<Mmm, mouth does appear to be open more than the norm.
Ctenochaetus do have some evident processes around the mouth, but
the mouth should close a little more than what I see in the
photo. Quite possibly some
damage from shipping/handing. As long as it is eating good and
has a full girth, no caved in stomach, I would just continue
observing. I will ask Bob here for his input.
James (Salty Dog)>
Re: Kole tang
Thanks again will be waiting to hear what Bob has to say,
<My input Chris, James. RMF
Re: Kole tang 10/14/09
Thanks again, not what I was wanting to hear but these things
happen, thought I had picked a good one, anyway will keep an eye
on him and fingers crossed perhaps it might right itself,
<I/we do hope so as well Chris. What passes for amniotes
"neotenous" period/development in fishes extends more
over their first several months of apparent juvenile to
adulthood... With good care, this fish may self-correct the
apparent "mouth defect". BobF>
Re Kole Tang/Behavior/Health 10/13/09
Thank you for your input/help. Mine was based on his statements,
and is why I suggested photos.
<Always a good idea. Cheers, B>
Re Kole Tang 10/14/09
Thanks to both of you for your help, will know what to look out
for next time,
<You're very welcome Chris. Will relay your thanks to Bob
James (Salty Dog)>
Sudden Kole Tang Troubles
About 4 weeks ago, I purchased a Kole tang from my LFS. He was active,
constantly foraging, and quick to respond to anybody watching the
After bringing him home, I performed a freshwater dip with Methylene
blue, but skipped quarantine per the advice found on this site:
<Have heard of it>
For the past 4 weeks, he's been living in a 75 gallon tank all by
The tank has been around for more than a year, but I haven't had
any fish in it lately. It's populated by a serpent star
(Ophiolepsis superba), 4 Astrea snails, 1 Nassarius snail, and a pair
of cap snails (Stomatella
varia). And, of course, the usual army of copepods, amphipods and
Asterinas. Because I perform a small water change daily, the parameters
tend to remain very stable. Temperature wavers between 78 and 80
degrees (depends on the time of day), specific gravity 1.023-1.024,
ammonia & Nitrite both at 0 ppm, nitrates stay around 2.5 ppm, and
ph at 8.4.
The tang has been very active, munching on rocks, munching on the
substrate, and swimming through every nook and crevice. I've fed
him 3 times daily, which includes one feeding of frozen mysis and at
least one
feeding of Formula Two flakes. He's eaten quickly each day, and any
time I enter the room, he swims to the surface just in case it's
time to eat again. My point is: as far as I could tell, he was in
excellent health,
even as recently as last night, when I was watching the tank before I
went to bed.
<So far...>
Today, while performing my water tests, I didn't see him come to
the surface, which was odd. I found him hiding behind a rock. He was
pointed more vertically than horizontally, he was breathing very
rapidly, and had some patches of lighter coloration near one side of
his lower rear side.
When he didn't respond to food being dropped into the tank, I got
<Me too>
Examining him further, he didn't appear thin, he doesn't have
any other colored patches or marks, and I can't find any sign of
damage (sores, torn fins or body, scratches, etc.). I did notice that
his ventral area, just
under the mouth has what might be a slight swelling, but I'm not
sure if I'm seeing a real problem, or if my brain's
exaggerating what I'm seeing because I'm looking for something
to be wrong. Unfortunately, I can't get a good photo shot to get a
second opinion.
Any idea on what may have caused the illness and, more importantly,
what I can do to treat him?
<I'd just "wait and see" at this point... perhaps this
is some sort of residual (hopefully transient)
"capture/handling/shipping syndrome" (very common with
wild-caught fishes...)... and will solve itself in short order (also
the usual nature of these affairs).
IF other symptoms show, we should talk. Bob Fenner>
Yellow eye Kole tang issues Mystery
Malady or Environmental Response (Tang Condition) 11/18/08 Hi
guys, I'm new to your site but been reading on it off and on since
I started my reef tank a year ago <Welcome to the site/hobby! Scott
F. in today.> I have a yellow eye Kole tang that over the past few
days has begun to look like something is taking chunks out of its head.
he had this issue before but it went away so I thought it might just be
from him running into the rocks like he does when I dig around in the
tank. but these, although they look the same, are just getting worse.
he seems to be healthy as far as eating and swimming and being his
normal self. just starting to look like he got dropped into a French
fry fryer!!! <I can make so many jokes here, but I won't,,,>
Its only on his head and no where else. he eats a combination of red
sea veggies, green dried sea weed, marine flakes and formula two marine
pellets with garlic. and is always grazing on the rock, glass and in
the sand. the only thing that seems to of changed is now he wont let
the shrimp clean him. <Hmm...> Any ideas on what may be wrong
with him? If its a parasite or something will it spread to the other
fish in the tank? is house mates include....2 OC clowns, 1 Lawnmower
Blenny, 2 Firefish Gobies, 1 Elegant Foxface, 2 Pajama Cardinals,
normal Blue Leg and Scarlet hermits, snails, Arrow Crab, Skunk Shrimp,
Coral Banded Shrimp and some soft corals. Thanks DJ Hollingsworth
<Well, DJ, it's hard to be 100% certain without pics and some
information on your system parameters, but I'd hazard a guess that
you are talking about "Head and Lateral Line Erosion" (HLLE),
which is theorized to be a response to environmental/nutritional
deficiencies. Generally, this malady is non-lethal, and comes and goes
over time. Tangs and Angelfishes are particularly susceptible.
Typically, it can be put into permanent "remission" with very
high quality diet (seems like you're just about there...Keep up
feeding the marine algae and maybe add some more live rock for the fish
to graze on..They are detritivorous and also like to rasp diatoms from
rocks/glass) and excellent water quality. Step up your water change
regimen and utilize some form of chemical filtration (e.g.; activated
carbon or Poly Filter) to help keep organics to a minimum. With greater
attention to these factors, you should see improvement. Hope this gets
you looking in the right direction. Do read up on HLLE here on the WWM
site! Regards, Scott F.
Kole Tang died... can't figure out what
sickness it had - 12/13/07 I have looked through a couple
hundred posts/articles on this site and others, but I have not
been able to locate exactly what doomed my Kole Tang. Here's
the background. I have a 75g tank with protein skimmer, 80lbs
live rock, Longspine urchin, a few small crabs, some coral, and a
maroon clown. At previous times, I have had damsels, Chromis, and
a yellow tang, none of which have had problems in our tank (the
yellow tang unfortunately died within 18 hours during an attempt
to kill off a significant Cyanobacteria infestation with an
antibiotic, following the directions
explicitly--"doesn't harm fish", right...).
<You're learning> I purchased my Kole Tang from the LFS
after observing that it ate fine and looked very healthy. I
acclimated it into the main tank using a drip method over
approximately 2 hours. I do not have a quarantine tank. It was
very shy at first, but I've read here and other places that
this is in no way unusual for these fish. <Correct>
Initially, the Kole exclusively ate microalgae in my tank (there
was a lot of it--it's amazing how fast the tang cleaned off
the glass). I also fed it Nori, which it eventually warmed up to
and also Formula One flake, which took a little longer, but it
eventually ate it. Within a week of introduction into my tank,
the Kole started to lose color, and I began to see blemishes (see
the attached picture). I checked my water parameters and also had
LFS check them to make sure. The LFS said all parameters were
just fine with one exception: my salinity was 1.028. Turns out my
hydrometer was biased heavily to the low side (lesson
learned--I'm getting a refractometer). LFS recommended a fast
decrease in salinity, <Mmm, I would not> so I did a fast
water change to get the salinity to around the LFS-recommended
1.020 (I only use RO water). <?! And would NOT keep a mixed
"reef" tank at this low spg... My comments re are
posted on WWM, books, articles> I also began to supplement the
Kole's diet with garlic by soaking the Nori with it. The Kole
kept getting sicker, but it still was a voracious
eater--microalgae, Nori, and eventually flake food. It began to
scrape itself against the sand and glass and shake more and more
over time, and the sores got much worse over its body--much worse
than the attached picture. It ate heavily even the day before it
died. It lasted a total of about five weeks. I never observed the
maroon clown fighting with the Kole Tang, <Wouldn't
necessarily be overt...> and the clown still has no visible
signs of sickness and is eating fine. I'd like to introduce
more fish in the future and would like to know what doomed this
poor guy as well as what I could have/should have done. Also,
hopefully the picture can help others to diagnose similar
problems. My best guess based on my reading is that it was an
infection of sorts. <Mmm, not mine... perhaps very
secondarily, tertiarily...> Thanks much for your help and your
incredible knowledge base on this site. Steve <While out in HI
this go I've written a survey piece on this Ctenochaetus (and
therefore have read what I can re its practical husbandry)... It
is my opinion that this specimen died mainly from
"stress"... Is a touchy species at times... the mix of
livestock, psychological crowding (mainly the Premnas) the change
of spg... I might get a quarantine tank... and switch out the
clown for a week or two when introducing new fish. Bob

Kole Tang Shaking 5/9/07 Hi Crew I have a Kole tang that has
been in the 90G with 2 ocellaris and various IPSF critters for about a
year. After suffering from ich when he first arrived, he recovered and
ever since has been quite healthy and fat. He's about 4 inches
long. About 3 weeks ago I noticed what looked like a white hole on his
side. It was much larger than a typical ich spot so rather than jump to
conclusions I thought I'd wait and observe. <You are wise
here> The hole cleared up after 2 days but since then I have noticed
an occasional juddering/shaking. <Many fishes "do" this
from time to time... some more than others...> It is very different
to the flashing he did when he had ich. He swims up to the glass and
either turns side ways or backs up into the corner before shaking and
moving his pectoral fins quickly as if he's trying to swim
backwards. He doesn't do this against the glass but about 1 inch
away. He only does this when the light is on so I'm not sure if it
has anything to do with reflection. <Good point> The only new
item to the tank was a bottle of tiggerpods (I'm currently building
up a refugium). Otherwise he looks and acts fine and still eats like a
pig - dried seaweed, frozen formula 2, frozen formula Spirulina and has
even started stealing the ocellaris' enriched brine/Mysis shrimp.
Any Idea what the shaking is ? <Mmm, well... likely
"nothing" to be concerned about... I do think there is a
positive correlation twixt water quality issues and the frequency,
intensity of such behavior... So the usual emphasis on improvement here
should be mentioned> Thanks -Peter Hi, I forgot to add - PH=8.2,
Nitrates undetectable, Temp=78. Lots of live rock with too much Algae.
I add B-IONIC 2 part every other day for Alk/Calcium. I also have a
Current 25v UV and ETSS Reef Devil Skimmer. Thanks -Peter <All reads
as good... Perhaps adding a purposeful cleaner organism (e.g. Lysmata
amboinensis is found in the Ctenochaetus strigosus range) might help
all feel more at ease... Bob Fenner>
Sick Tang? Hi all, Happy Turkey Day. Sorry
to bug you on the holiday but take a look at the attached pic and
tell me if you think the Kole is sick and if so recommended
treatment. I looked at the disease articles and could not find any
pics that look like this and I don't want to treat until
identified. This fish is in quarantine with sponge filter,
powerhead , heater, and skimmer. I had it in the dark for the first
5 days and then put a 40w NO light on the tank (20L). It looks real
pale in the am but I thought this was normal. <At times the
species, actually genus and whole family will "pale" if
stressed> It is swimming around, is active, fins are not
clenched and breathing is not rapid. I have added some Caulerpa and
Ulva and a piece of live rock, 3' PVC T. I have been feeding
Mysis (never seen him eat any) and Spirulina. This it attacks
violently. Whaddya ya think? Thanks in advance, Don <It does
appear mostly okay to me from your pic, and very much so from your
description. I am inclined to give it a clean bill of health. Bob
Fenner> |

Kole On The Decline? I just purchased a Kole Tang one week
ago, and everything was fine except that she wouldn't eat the sea
weed either from the veggie clip or when floating around the tank. The
Kole Tang was eating Spirulina flakes with vigor just a few days ago.
Yesterday, I noticed that she had some light blotches on her forehead
and stayed completely hidden (under a large rock) and didn't come
out for food at all. <Hmm, not a great sign, huh?> Her mouth was
open and looked fine although I'm not sure if it was swollen. <
Do confirm this with careful observation. Sometimes, Ctenochaetus tangs
do occasionally suffer from "collection traumas" and other
injuries to their mouths, and these visible problems should disqualify
a specimen from selection for your tank. When the mouthparts of these
fishes are damaged, they rarely recover. Not trying to paint a
"gloom and doom" scenario here, but, based on your
description, there is a possibility that the fish may be damaged in
this manner..> This morning, I used a flashlight to examine her in
her little cavern and it looked like maybe the white blotches might be
HLLE. Since I have not seen any pictures of this on the internet I
cannot diagnose properly. <Well, HLLE symptoms usually include a
"pitted" appearance to the head of the fish. White blotches
sound more like a fungus or a bacterial malady of some sort. It sounds
to me like this fish needs to be moved to a "hospital tank"
for observation and/or treatment. Do read up on the wetwebmedia.com
FAQs on disease to confirm what it is you may be dealing with. With
quick, decisive intervention, you may be able to save this fish
(assuming that the mouth is not damaged, as discussed above).> Is it
time to heat up the frying pan or can I still save my Kole? Tank specs.
Tank:100GAL Sump: 40GAL (approx 17GAL full) PH: 8.3 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite:
0 Nitrate: 0 ALK: Normal Temp: 80.5 SG: 1.024 (using the plastic
Coralife Hydrometer with the arm) I do not have a grounding probe and
the other fish in my tank are a blue damsel and a three stripe damsel.
The tank is three months old and has approximately 30lbs of live rock
in it. Thanks, Peter <Well, Peter, it sounds like your tank
conditions are okay...I get the feeling that you're not dealing
with HLLE here for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the
very rapid onset of the symptoms. In the future, please "play it
safe" and quarantine all new arrivals for a minimum of 3 weeks
before releasing them into your main system. Tangs, in particular, are
notorious for contracting diseases during collection, shipping, and
acclimating, and quarantine gives you the opportunity to observe,
"harden", and treat the fishes if necessary without incurring
the added stress (for both you and the fish) of removing it from the
main tank, or spreading disease to your other fishes. Take quick action
with this fish...Good luck! Let us know if we can be of further
assistance. Regards, Scott F>
Kole On The Decline? (Pt. 2) Thanks for your response, I
examined the Kole Tang again most of the night and she seems really
slow and unresponsive. Not like when she was purchased. At this point
it looks like her mouth rarely closes if at all. She did come out to
eat, although not with the same vigor as last week. <The fact that
this fish is eating is a good sign!> Do you know of any successful
treatment if this is mouth trauma? <Well, if the mouth is damaged,
it's unlikely that a medication could help. However, if the fish is
"gaping" due to a bacterial infection, then a medication
could perhaps work. Impossible for me to diagnose here, so you'll
have to really take a look at this fish and review the disease FAQs on
the wetwebmedia.com to try to verify exactly what you're dealing
with. Try to verify if the mouth is actually "injured",
versus swollen.> Some type of antibiotic, or, medication to help her
through this? <Well, I'd go for a broad-spectrum antibiotic,
such as Maracyn 2. The administration of the medication should really
take place in a separate aquarium. At the very least, freshwater dips
may help if you're hesitant to try a medication. This is a more
manageable, but possibly less effective treatment, if a
"hospital" tank is not available.> At this point I do not
have a quarantine tank set up. But after this experience I will in the
future. Peter <Certainly a great idea! You'll definitely reap
the rewards of this practice down the line! Good luck! regards, Scott
- Kole Tang Changing Colors - Hi there how are you? <I am
well, thanks for asking.> I have a question or two for you. I
purchased a Kole tang about a week ago at a local pet shop it looked
healthy it was continually eating algae off the live rock in the tank
and with further inspection I took him home. After a day or so it
started to eat I tried a variety of foods including dried see weed,
brine shrimp, blood worms and a frozen seaweed variety angel formula.
<As an FYI - Angel Formula is actually a sponge based food for
larger angels... not so much sea weed in there.> After about four
days I noticed some blotches on his sides I have had many battles with
marine ich before and I know this isn't it. <Could be for a
variety of reasons, but I suspect your problems with Ich would be due
to the fact that you didn't quarantine your fish before placing
them in the system. Please read up on this here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/quaranti.htm
> These blemishes seem to be below the surface mostly seen under
bright light, these blotches have spread to the head area as well they
don't fall off and they don't look fuzzy like fungus. <These
fish can change their colors depending on mood, time of day, etc...
most likely it is under stress from the move to your system and is just
feeling out of sorts. It will take a couple of weeks to a month for
this fish to feel at home.> The tang is still very active but is a
finicky eater it seems to be feeding off the rock and some areas of the
glass where algae has started to form. I am wondering if It is Stress
that is causing this any suggestions. <Yes... stress - give it time,
be patient.> He is housed in a 72 gallon tank with a Lemonpeel
angel, a blue devil damsel, two common clowns about an inch long, a
purple Pseudochromis small as well, and a very small tomato clown. It
seemed to quarrel with the blue devil damsel for a while but now it
seems ok. All other fish in the tank are feeding and have a clean bill
of health. If you have any suggestions please E mail me back. Thank you
Stan N.
Dark spot on cheek of Yellow Eye Tang... Bob, I have a
Yellow eye tang with what appears to be dark sores or spots below his
eyes on both sides, on his "cheeks." I can't figure out
what they are. Any ideas? Thanks, <the description is too general my
friend... please look through the archives of FAQs and articles to see
if you find anything similar or that helps. Regards, Anthony>
Yellow eyed tang I have a yellow eye tang been in the tank
for a few months. recently it has gotten to look like it can't shut
its mouth. <A very bad sign, development... Often, a
"bump" or rubbing on a bag in transit will result in
microbial infection, loss of feeding, vigor... death. Best to react
ASAP> It looks like his mouth is peeling, any ideas? It may also
help to know that it wasn't until recently that I found out you are
supposed to feed them seaweed. Could these two things be linked?
<Yes, likely> In the tank are 5 damsels a wassy or rassy however
you want to pronounce it, a clown (orange and white) 6 black and white
fish. My wife picked up 3 hermit crabs 3 anemone 4 Featherdusters about
20 lbs of rock and a walking pin cushion. Okay laugh I don't know
the names of all these fish. Its a 30 gal tank with proper filtration
unit (recommended by the fish shop) and a 50/50 bulb. please help. Mike
<Yikes... this is a lot of fish in such a small tank... the Damsels
in particular are often quite territorial (depending to a large degree
on species). Please use the Google search tool at the bottom of our
homepage: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ with the names of your fishes,
"tang health"... to learn what you should know as a keeper of
this life. Bob Fenner>
Tang unable to maintain balance Bob, I recently bought two
Tangs (Naso, and a yellow eye Kole) to add to my 200g aquarium. Before
putting them in the big tank I decided to put them in a hospital tank
to give them some time to adjust to the new water without being hassled
by the other fish. <Good idea> Tonight I found the yellow eye
Kole laying on his side at the bottom of the hospital tank. Upon
further inspection the fish is still breathing. Fearing that the
problem was water quality I carefully moved the Kole tang into the sump
of the big tank where he would still be physically isolated from the
other fish but in a fully cycled tank. I also moved the Naso into the
main tank as a precaution (he looks healthy although a bit shy). I have
been keeping an eye on the Nitrates and ammonia and changing water in
the tank to keep them as low as I can while the tank adjusts to the
additional bio load. What is the probable cause for the tang to become
sick? Is possible to save him? Thanks, Rodney Korn <<In such a
large system, I discount the sudden loss of water quality as a probable
(first, primary) cause... How "recent" is recent? This is
little doubt an animal collected in Hawai'i (most Ctenochaetus
strigosus, Kole's, Yellow-Eye Tangs hail from there to the U.S.)...
but I would conjecture that this animal has/had some sort of congenital
defect, or suffered some unseeable trauma through the
collection/shipping procedure from the wild... Not likely an infectious
or parasitic situation but "something" genetic, or
developmental...Bob Fenner>>
Re: Tang unable maintain balance Thanks for the quick reply.
The fish in question did not make it through the night. <Ah yes, I
intimated as much> He was purchased from FFExpress about two weeks
ago. I guess I am just glad the Naso Tang is still doing well (still
very shy and gets chased by a blue damsel once in a while). I figure
that as the Naso grows the Blue will learn humility (the Naso is a Juv,
just a little bigger than the blue). <Yes, the health of this animal
is not linked to the deceased Kole> On a second, less important
question, do you know of any way to catch a fish in a BIG aquarium with
minimum stress to the other animals? I was thinking about moving the
blue into the hospital while the other fish get acquainted. He is fast
and there is lots of room for him to run to...Thank, Rodney
<<About the best technique is to condition the animal not to
respond (shades of B.F. Skinner, no relation). Place a net (I like the
large plastic coated handle green ones) in the tank in a corner, at
about a thirty degree angle (lip under water)... and casually feed the
fishes over and in this site for a few to several days... leaving the
net in the tank... soon, Mr. Fast Damsel will be lifted out. Bob
Yellow eyed-tang Hey guys, I recently bought a yellow-eye and
he seems to have splotches on him and he looks like he is bouncing on
the top of the water.... have you seen this before ? <Yes. Sometimes
just resultant stress from shipping, handling... but can be indication
of other (environmental, parasitic...) disease. Please read through
www.WetWebMedia.com re the genus Ctenochaetus tangs, Tang Disease...
and where you lead yourself through the linked files (at top, in blue).
Bob Fenner> Paul Rawlings
Re: Yellow eyed-tang FW dip ? I
have heard of this.... Freshwater and de-chlorinate it ??? <Time to
send you back... to www.WetWebMedia.com, please use the search tool
(bottom left) on the homepage, with your terms "freshwater
dip". Bob Fenner> Paul Rawlings
Questions - Yellow-eye Tangs (5/15/2004) We've recently
started a 50 gallon saltwater aquarium and have a variety of marine
life living quite happily-We just lost 2 yellow-eyed tangs, <Sorry
to hear it. I assume you mean the tang Ctenochaetus strigosus. More
than 1 in a 50 gallon aquarium would overcrowding them> the third is
doing fine, we have a butterfly fish, <What species? Most butterfly
fish have very specific diets and can be hard to feed in captivity>
a crab, a starfish, a cleaner shrimp and a bunch of snails and little
hermits. We have a never-ending battle with red, stringy algae growing
all over everything. <Most likely Cyanobacteria, technically not an
algae> The ammonia, nitrite, and ph are all good (according to our
supplier and to our own tests) but we don't know what happened with
the tangs or why we have the algae. <What are your
nitrates\phosphates? What do you mean by an "Ok" reading?
Numbers would be helpful :) Cyanobacteria is often caused by excessive
dissolved organics, nitrates, and phosphates. Try doing weekly or
bi-weekly partial water changes with a water source that is known to be
free of phosphates and nitrates. Use a chemical media such as
Seachem's SeaGel or Poly-Bio-Marine's PolyFilter to remove any
excess DOCs, as well as phosphates and nitrates. Do you have a protein
skimmer? If not, I highly recommend you obtain one. Definitely do a
search of our FAQs regarding Cyanobacteria removal) If you have any
recommendations, we'd love to hear them. <I wouldn't add any
more fish to your aquarium, as your tang will reach 6-8 inches by
itself. M. Maddox>