FAQs about Yellow-Eye, Kole Tangs,
Nutritional Disease
Related Articles:
Kole Tangs,
FAQs on Kole Tang Disease:
Kole Disease 1,
Kole Disease 2,
Kole Disease 3,
Kole Disease 4,
FAQs on Kole Tang Disease by Category:
(plus see
Tangs/Rabbitfishes &Crypt),
Related FAQs:
Kole Tangs 1,
Kole Tangs 2, &
Kole Identification, Kole Behavior,
Kole Compatibility,
Kole Selection,
Kole Systems,
Kole Feeding,
Kole Reproduction, &
Ctenochaetus Tangs 1,
Ctenochaetus Tangs 2, &
Ctenochaetus Identification,
Ctenochaetus Behavior,
Ctenochaetus Compatibility,
Ctenochaetus Selection,
Ctenochaetus Systems,
Ctenochaetus Feeding,
Ctenochaetus Disease,
Ctenochaetus Reproduction, &
In General,
Tang ID,
Tang Behavior,
Compatibility, Systems,
Kole Tang 6/1/18
Good evening Crew!
I have a 60G shallow tank, 60lbs of mature liverock with a very little
bit of green hair algae growth. I've had my Kole Tang for almost 6months
now, and I'm getting increasingly concerned over what I presume to be
the fish's "thinness".
<Not much space to grow food in a 60>
I've had a Kole Tang before for years in my previous tank, and I'd say
this particular fish's behavior is normal. He eats aggressively, and I
typically feed frozen Mysis, Spirulina, brine, Spirulina, etc...
switching daily and feeding at least five times a week (if I'm out for
the weekend) if not every day. The fish will consume until finally he
ignores it and lets it fall to my Yellow Watchman Goby. I believe if the
fish was still hungry, he'd continue to eat.
<Usually, yes. Six mo.s in captivity though... do you suspect intestinal
On weekends where I can manage two feedings, I've fed when the lights
first come on and then again at night, thinking he'd pack on a little
more meat on the bones, but I haven't noticed a difference. Bottom line,
when I feed... there's never an instance where this fish won't eat...
he's always there consuming. Do you have any recommendations for me?
Would an algae clip with nori be a good option?
<I do have a strong recommendation; for you to add a good quality
pelleted food to your daily offerings. Hikari and Spectrum are my fave
brands. These foods add a good deal of mass and food value compared w/
what you're currently using>
I don't think it makes a difference to my question, but the tank is
lightly stocked with only two Picasso Clowns, the Watchman Goby, a
Canary Wrasse, and then my clean-up crew.
<Good to have the data. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Kole Tang 6/1/18
Hi Bob,
I thought the same thing, adding a good high protein pellet. I've
offered a small Spectrum pellet of appropriate size and the Tang has
taken the odd one, but it mostly goes to the goby or else eventually my
sandbed. Perhaps I should try a different kind?
<Yes I would... and mix in right before feeding with other types of
foods in an increasing percentage>
How would I determine intestinal parasites?
<Mmm; sampling of feces, examining under a 'scope... is best>
Aside from looking skinny, there's nothing else that appears out of the
<This is a bit of diagnosis itself. Bob Fenner>
old or sick Kole Tang? 6/29/12
Hi guys, thanks for your time. I've read many of your responses on Tang
care and disease, and wonder if my Kole Tang has just run its course and
is simply old, or if it is salvageable, will quarantining it do more
damage than good.
Our 125 gal. tank with 100 lbs. of live rock is 6 years old,
<Mmm, DO add a bit (10-20%) new live rock, remove some of the
old if there's too little space...>
as are the 3 clowns and 1 Kole Tang. We have included other fish and
cleaner crews throughout the years, but these 4 fish have been through
it all. along with the 4 we have 1 yellow goby with its pistol
crab mate, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 six line wrasse, and 1 blue Chromis
along with several types of snails and crabs. The ph is 7.8,
nitrates 0.2. The water quality has been consistently "fine" not great,
can always use an extra water change, but the Kole has adapted all these
years. It's been hot here, and since the Kole has been upset I've turned
the lights off ( with pumps running) for a day or two.
<Good move>
The past 2 days the Kole Tang has been attempting to keep its
equilibrium in one place, not cruising the tank and not eating. He is
not pursing his mouth at all, just keeping it open. Therefore, he is not
cleaning the glass or rocks at all and when I feed him garlic
flakes or Mysis as usual he is not taking the bait.
<Try/use Spectrum pellets... highly palatable, completely nutritious>
His face and body are very thin and his color is faded, sort of too
green and sickly. He has what looks like a minuscule dot of sand on his
tail that has not spread.
Gloria R. S.
<Mmm, well; Ctenochaetus species can live 10-12 years in captivity...
When in doubt, "water change/s"; new live rock addition, and the switch
to the NLS food. Bob Fenner>
Kole tang 8/3/11
Hi Crew,
I'd appreciate any advice you could give me about my Kole
tang. He's swimming a bit sideways, and his mouth is open all
the time.
<... this fish is badly emaciated... starved>
There's this white stuff lining his lips as well. In
addition, he has a bump on the side with an indentation in the
middle of it, like a donut. I attached a picture for you to see.
I noticed him like this today; however, I just came back from a
week-long trip and I'm not sure how long the fish has been
like this. Everything looked fine before I left for vacation, and
a water change was done before I left. This tang's been in
the system for 2 years.
<What do you feed your fishes? Is this one eating? It needs
food, quick. Bob Fenner>

Re: Kole tang 8/3/11
The tang usually eats the small marine pellets by Omega One, as
well as algae from the rocks.
<Obviously insufficient>
Are you saying that there's no disease here, and what I'm
seeing is the result of starvation? He shows interest in the food
now but doesn't actually manage to eat anything.
<Read: http://wetwebmedia.com/kolefdg.htm
and the linked files above, particularly Ctenochaetus Feeding FAQs.
BobF> |
Yellow eye Kole tang issues Mystery
Malady or Environmental Response (Tang Condition) 11/18/08 Hi
guys, I'm new to your site but been reading on it off and on since
I started my reef tank a year ago <Welcome to the site/hobby! Scott
F. in today.> I have a yellow eye Kole tang that over the past few
days has begun to look like something is taking chunks out of its head.
he had this issue before but it went away so I thought it might just be
from him running into the rocks like he does when I dig around in the
tank. but these, although they look the same, are just getting worse.
he seems to be healthy as far as eating and swimming and being his
normal self. just starting to look like he got dropped into a French
fry fryer!!! <I can make so many jokes here, but I won't,,,>
Its only on his head and no where else. he eats a combination of red
sea veggies, green dried sea weed, marine flakes and formula two marine
pellets with garlic. and is always grazing on the rock, glass and in
the sand. the only thing that seems to of changed is now he wont let
the shrimp clean him. <Hmm...> Any ideas on what may be wrong
with him? If its a parasite or something will it spread to the other
fish in the tank? is house mates include....2 OC clowns, 1 Lawnmower
Blenny, 2 Firefish Gobies, 1 Elegant Foxface, 2 Pajama Cardinals,
normal Blue Leg and Scarlet hermits, snails, Arrow Crab, Skunk Shrimp,
Coral Banded Shrimp and some soft corals. Thanks DJ Hollingsworth
<Well, DJ, it's hard to be 100% certain without pics and some
information on your system parameters, but I'd hazard a guess that
you are talking about "Head and Lateral Line Erosion" (HLLE),
which is theorized to be a response to environmental/nutritional
deficiencies. Generally, this malady is non-lethal, and comes and goes
over time. Tangs and Angelfishes are particularly susceptible.
Typically, it can be put into permanent "remission" with very
high quality diet (seems like you're just about there...Keep up
feeding the marine algae and maybe add some more live rock for the fish
to graze on..They are detritivorous and also like to rasp diatoms from
rocks/glass) and excellent water quality. Step up your water change
regimen and utilize some form of chemical filtration (e.g.; activated
carbon or Poly Filter) to help keep organics to a minimum. With greater
attention to these factors, you should see improvement. Hope this gets
you looking in the right direction. Do read up on HLLE here on the WWM
site! Regards, Scott F.
Kole tang Hi Bob, I wrote to you earlier today asking about
protein skimmers for our 46ga. bow front. Now I will get into why we
decided we should get one. I'll recap our setup: <Good>
Magnum 350 canister filter, approx. 10 lbs live rock, Blue Damsel,
Percula Clown, Yellow tang, and a Kole tang. We also have 3 hermit
crabs, and 4 turbo snails. The PH is at 8.1-8.2. Not sure any other
levels. We have recently been taking our water to the LFS and getting
it tested. They say that the water is fine as far as nitrates and
nitrites. <Would invest in my own test kits... some values change
with time, moving the samples... What to do if store is closed?>
Everyone in the tank seems to doing great except our newest addition,
the Kole tang. We've had him for three weeks. The first couple of
days, there was some tension between the yellow and Kole. <Very
typical> After that they were friends, eating from the clip of food,
and swimming around just fine. Then, gradually, the Kole looked like
some of the skin was coming off of his nose area. I thought maybe he
rubbed a rock the wrong way. But as each day went by, the area started
getting bigger. Now, along with the nose area, he is getting pea-sized
brown spots all over his body. And it seems that a 'layer of
skin' (for lack of better words) is coming off of his eyes, and
they look cloudy. All of his fins are full and healthy looking. He has
a big appetite, and isn't shy. Sometimes when he is still, he will
start to twitch and then swim aimlessly, jerking as he swims. <I
see> His diet includes marine flakes, frozen brine shrimp, green
marine algae (seaweed), and the brown algae in the tank. Our LFS gave
us some Maracyn to use in the tank. He explained that it was made for
fresh water, but worked fine in salt. Not knowing what else to do, we
used it in our tank, and it hasn't helped. <No... not bacterial
in origin.> I searched WWM for an explanation, but haven't come
up with anything yet. If you can help, please let me know. Thanks,
Jason <The major "cause" in this erosive condition is
likely nutritional, and principally having to do with iodine... or
co-factors related to its uptake/utilization. I encourage you to
supplement these fishes foods with a vitamin preparation that includes
"iodine" (soak it a few minutes before offering), and
consider growing some Caulerpa (a genus of Green macroalgae) in your
tank, a sump... for a more natural source of this element. This will
work, but may take weeks to months to reverse the effects... the
general description of "environmental disease" you describe
so well for this Ctenochaetus strigosus is "HLLE", Head and
Lateral Line Erosion... There are materials, FAQs about this condition
posted on the www.WetWebMedia.com site now that you know the name. Bob
Kole Tang Hi Bob, I wrote to you recently about our Kole
tang. I included the original e-mail below if you have forgotten the
symptoms. <Thank you... not too feeble (well...), but do get a bunch
of mail...> We have tried enhancing his diet with a new food from
the vet, and soaking his food in vitamins, also. He seems to be getting
worse. Now half of his body is covered with 'brown spots', and
he acts like he can't breathe. He has been at the top of the water
lately wedged in between the glass and heater with his mouth out of the
water like he's trying to get more air. He has also been laying on
the bottom of the tank on his side. I almost wish he would just die
because I think he is suffering. <...not good. If the animal is
still eating at all I would not give up hope... have seen Ctenochaetus
recover from huge troubles...> If you have any other suggestions,
please help! We have a hospital tank set up if we needed to use it, but
I don't see how putting him in it could help. <I agree... would
not move this animal... As I say, if it is eating... Otherwise I
would/do consider euthanizing doomed specimens... by freezing (in a bag
with not much water... in the house freezer... as a humane way to
end.> <Bob Fenner>