FAQs about Yellow-Eye, Kole Tangs, Trauma
Related Articles:
Kole Tangs,
FAQs on Kole Tang Disease:
Kole Disease 1,
Kole Disease 2,
Kole Disease 3,
Kole Disease 4,
FAQs on Kole Tang Disease by Category:
(plus see
Tangs/Rabbitfishes &Crypt),
Related FAQs:
Kole Tangs 1,
Kole Tangs 2, &
Kole Identification, Kole Behavior,
Kole Compatibility,
Kole Selection,
Kole Systems,
Kole Feeding,
Kole Reproduction, &
Ctenochaetus Tangs 1,
Ctenochaetus Tangs 2, &
Ctenochaetus Identification,
Ctenochaetus Behavior,
Ctenochaetus Compatibility,
Ctenochaetus Selection,
Ctenochaetus Systems,
Ctenochaetus Feeding,
Ctenochaetus Disease,
Ctenochaetus Reproduction, &
In General,
Tang ID,
Tang Behavior,
Compatibility, Systems,

Kole Tang injury? 4/1/17
Hi WM crew hope all is well.
<Yes; thank you Bernard>
I added a Kole Tang to my 72g Bow Front a couple of days ago.
Tank parameters Salinity 1.025, PH 8.2 early morning tests before the lights
come on, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0 and Nitrates 0(undetectable) on a Salifert
test kit. Tank occupants 4 Red leg Hermits, 4 Green Chromis, two Cleaner
Tank was down for a couple of years and I restarted when I moved to north
Texas from California around July of 2016.
The recently added Kole tang has what appears to be a wound on his side.
<Agreed; I see this in your excellent photo>
He has been very skittish as expected since I added him to the tank a couple
of days ago. Today he was out more but I noticed that he has what appears to
be a wound or parasites?
We had a severe storm and lost power for over 12 hours the night he was
added. He goes at the live rock constantly(eating) when out and about and
ate the New Life Spectrum Thera A+ soaked in garlic that I fed when I got
home this evening.
Had to take the photo from a distance as he's still skittish. What do you
think? Should I leave in the tank and just keep parameters optimal?
I do have a hospital tank I could use. Should I treat somehow?
<I would not move this fish; more stress>
I'm thinking this is a wound from hitting the rocks, he darts to cover very
quickly when I enter the room.. Hoping time and good parameters will allow
him to heal as he gets more comfortable in the surroundings.. Getting a
battery backup to run air lines this weekend just in case there is another
extended power outage:)
Thanks for your assistance
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>

Re: Kole Tang injury? 4/14/17
Wanted to thank you for your response and also send an update, the injury healed
amazingly quickly, I was very surprised.
<I am not! Heeee>
New pic with a quick question there are a couple of bumps just behind his eye on
the same side as the original injury.. He's much less skittish.. Do you think
these are also injuries from bums in the night/day? Water parameters still
measure the same..
<Can't tell, but would not be concerned re... These too should self-heal in
time. Bob Fenner>
Kole Tang - Mouth - 5/9/2012
I bought a Kole tang three days ago and have got him in QT. In the first few days he was attacking his reflection along the back glass and I fear he may have caused some damage to his mouth.
Not uncommon
I have covered the glass and his behaviour has improved. He is nibbling at food but I haven't seen him take any yet. I have also added Nori to the tank but
haven't seen him eat this.
I'd try some live rock if there are no deleterious chemicals present
Is there anything I need to be concerned about at this stage or should I just observe him and try some different foods such as frozen Mysis or the like. I do plan to hypo him as a precaution against marine ich.
And Spectrum pellets are a very good choice as a trial and staple
Thanks again for all your help and information to hobbyist such as myself.
Don't be discouraged... these "things" take time. Most all Ctenochaetus learn to eat w/in a week under captive conditions. Bob Fenner

Damaged mouth on Kole tang 05/10/21012
Sorry I sent a reply with no photo. This is a bit clearer showing his
<Can't download such files, but have seen the prev. one Darrel uploaded. B>
Re: Kole Tang - Mouth 05/10/2012
Thank you for your reply. My main concern is if the mouth may cause
him troubles with eating and he starves to death. He seems to be unable to
close his mouth and his top lip seems very high. Do these injuries improve
with a
reduction in swelling. How resilient are Kole Tangs.
<Do improve; quite resilient>
I was hoping to hypo the Kole but maybe I need to move him in with
some live rock on his own and see how the goes there. I have some live rock
I have QT'ed for the last 5 weeks for my DT so I can move some of this and
leave a piece or two for him to feed off and hide amongst. He still seems
very shy.
<I would move this fish>
On a positive side the yellow tang is a pig and looking very healthy
just three days into the QT process. The two stick together like glue.
Thanks again. Sorry about the extra questions I am just a bit concerned as I
really feel responsible when it comes to keeping fish healthy and
<No worries. BobF>
Marc |
Odd Kole Tang Issue 3/13/10
<Hi Spencer>
I have had this Kole for a bit over six months now and he has
been awesome.
<A great fish!>
Eating every type of food I offer (Mysis, Formula One, and
Formula Two).
<Try to lean more towards the veggie end of these if you can..
maybe skip the F1 and swap for some New Life Spectrum>
Today I noticed this really bizarre spike or bone sticking out
from its caudal peduncle region, right before the caudal fin.
<I see this>
It protrudes out about 1/2 a centimetre on both sides as if the
fish has been punctured through.
There is no red area around the wound,
<It's not a wound>
or any type of puss seeping. In fact, it appears as if this is
causing the fish no harm at all.
<It is not>
He ate like a hound dog this morning. I have taken a few pictures
and they are jpegs attached in .zip form. What could this
possibly be?
<This is clearly seen in these photos. Ever wondered why these
are called 'Surgeon Fish'? This is the 'scalpel'
that all Surgeons have, and is one of the identifiers that help
place each species into a genus. This Ctenochaetus species has a
single retractable scalpel on each side of the caudal peduncle.
For some reason this fish has it's scalpel in 'out'
Why? Maybe as a defence/ offence showing to another fish in the
My system is a 90g assorted reef with a 40g sump and about 90lbs
of LR. I do a 30g water change every two weeks, and maintain good
water parameters. He shares his home with: (2) Percs, Hippo Tang,
Potters Wrasse, Mandarin, Chalk Bass, Algae Blenny
<This one....>
, and an assortment of shrimp, crabs and snails.
<No worries..>
Spencer Hall
<Simon><<Is an injury to the one "tang"...
I see there is a follow up... RMF>>
Kole Tank Oddity 3/13/10
Scratch that fellas, I did some more reading and found it (
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/besttgsreefs.htm), thanks again.
<Too late Spencer I just finished replying!>
<Simon><<No treatment per se... Ctenochaetus are part
of the Acanthurids that can exsert or retract their caudal
peduncle spines (as opposed to the genus Naso for instance, where
they are always "out"). This may or not heal on its own
accord. RMF>>
Re: Kole Tank Oddity... not a good "sharer"
with AEBs, same eco-niche 3/14/10
Thanks Simon.
<No problem Spencer>
I appreciate the response. It makes sense because he always seems
to be going after the Blenny and he's a pretty big
<Yes, these fishes are not compatible>
I am assuming this is because they share a natural food
<Yes, 'niche'>
Although, I have <read?> a lot about the Kole and they are
mainly detritivores?
<They will eat algaes as well, and do graze the same places as
the Salarias/ Atrosalarias Blennies>
(sorry to be asking question inside statements)
<No worries!>
Thanks again
Kole Tang Disease? 3/11/10
Hi guys. I got a Yellow Eye Kole Tang yesterday, and it had a
couple spots on its right side that were very close to its body
color, so I thought they might be some sort of scarring from
being bitten from another fish. Now, a couple of the spots have
changed from near-body color to a whitish color.
The spots are about 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch across, and the
whiter ones are slightly raised from the rest of the skin.
He's hard to take a picture of because he hides, so I used
arrows to indicate the spots that weren't from the tank
glass. The rightmost spot is what they all looked like when I
first saw the spots. There aren't any more of them that have
appeared since
I got him, just changing in color. Is this ich, or some other
Thanks alot!
<No such word>
Andrew Angrist
<These look like marks, reactions from stings, physical
trauma. Not parasitic, treat-able per se. See WWM re these on
Tangs. No specific "treatment" desired. Bob
Injured kole tang 8/21/09
Hey guys!,
I have a kole tang that has been doing very well for a few months.
He's always a voracious eater and shows no signs of stress.
However, I'm perplexed by something that has happened twice now. A
few weeks ago, I added a velvet fairy wrasse to the tank. There was
some initial aggression
on the part of the tang, but it was never too serious (mostly just
chasing the wrasse away from his hole). About a day after the wrasse
was added, there was a small "scratch" between the tangs
eyes. It wasn't red, and didn't seem irritated. It seemed like
the scales had been scratched off.
I didn't put much thought into it because he certainly was acting
normal and it healed up within just a few days. However, two days ago,
I added a one spot Foxface to the tank. The tang largely left this
fellow alone, and everything has been going grand. That being said,
last night, not 10 minutes after doing some work in/on the tank, I came
back to the room to find another similar spot on the tang's face.
This time it was larger, and more on his snout, but it looked like the
same kind of "injury."
<Likely is>
Is this attributable to him picking on the new fish and the new fish
fighting back?
<Likely related, yes>
A new fish seems like the common denominator here, but it could just be
a coincidence. I do have a skunk cleaner. Could the shrimp have gotten
a little too overzealous?
<Not impossible, but unlikely>
The only other thing I can think of is that he stuck his face up into
one of the Koralia pumps (though that doesn't seem likely to me).
I'd think his injuries would be much more severe had he done
Any input would be greatly appreciated. He seems to be none worse for
the wear, but I'd love to hear what you have to say.
<... Umm, how large is this system? See WWM re the physical needs of
the animals you list. Bob Fenner>
Re: injured Kole tang
Thanks for the reply. This is a 75 gallon tank.
<Ahh! This IS likely a behavioral/territorial issue.
Re: injured Kole tang
I thought you might say that! All inhabitants are quite small at the
moment...less than 3 inches.
<Good... do know that Ctenochaetus species can claim such an area as
your tank all their own, even at this size. B>
Yellow Eye tang with hole in his side 1/28/09
I have read many many pages about the problems with Tangs but I
just can't figure this one out. When introduced to my 108
gallon tank with 65 pounds of live rock all my measurements have
been within acceptable ranges, Ph is 8.5 and salinity is 1.024. I
do regular weekly water refreshes and have been maintaining good
levels for over a year. In my tank are 2 damsels, 2 clowns, 1
regal tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 yellow eye tang, 1 blenny, 1
cardinal. All are relatively young and have been doing well. 2
days ago i noticed a spot on my yellow tang near his tail. I have
attached a picture as it now appears to be a hole in his side. I
do not think any of my other fish bit him so I'm not sure
what is going on. Is this an injury, parasite or is he suffering
something else. Thank you for your time. Tamara <Does appear
to be a sore from a mechanical injury... a "bump in the
night" if you will... Likely will heal in time (a few
months) of its own accord. The usual urging to monitor water
quality, provide good nutrition. Bob Fenner>
May be Aiptasia involvement |
Re: Yellow Eye tang with hole in his side 1/28/09 Thank
you very much for your input. I'll keep an eye on him for
sure. <Ah, good... and you may want to address the Glass
Anemone/Aiptasia here... It might be involved in the injury...
Perhaps the new Red Sea product (Aiptasia-X)... BobF>
Re: Yellow Eye tang with hole in his side
1/28/09 I forgot to mention we have a Copperband and 2
peppermint shrimp for 2 weeks now. They are slowly attacking our
Aiptasia. <Ah, good> I was going to purchase some Berghia
but am waiting to see how these work first as they are expensive
to bring into Canada right now. I'll take a look at the
product you have mentioned I do need to get my Aiptasia under
control. <Thank you for this follow-up. B>
Yellow Kole mouth problem 2/8/08 Just
purchased a yellow eye Kole from an online dealer. I know not to
now! Its mouth is stuck open and looks like growths or something
on its edges where it opens and closes. <Mmm, Ctenochaetus do
have some evident processes around the mouth... but the mouth
should close... This one is likely damaged> I read on wet web
of another person with a similar Kole mouth problem and it was
said to take action ASAP. However the writer went to another
subject of damsel fish and the ASAP action was never discussed.
It was suggested that the problem was probably a microbial
infection to damage done in capture or shipping. My question is
what action to I take to cure a microbial infection? Thanks for
Your help Bob Carter <Mmm... I really don't like carte
blanche infectious disease (probable or real) treatments with
marine life... Best to situate this fish in a stable, lots of
live rock, and low total bacteria setting (a newer, though cycled
system, perhaps with a UV, ozonizer...) and hope for spontaneous
recovery. Bob Fenner>
Re: yellow Kole mouth problem 2-9-08 Thanks
so much Bob. I seem to be on the right track because I have moved
him into a two month old cycled system. I have put in Ulva, Ogo
or Gracilaria, feather Caulerpa and rock with much hair algae.
<Ah, good> Before I moved him to the newer system he spent
much time hanging out in front of my Hectors goby. Is it possible
he was expecting the goby to pick parasites from his mouth?
<Perhaps...> It sure looked like he was seeking help. Crazy
thoughts I guess. However I am going to put in a skunk cleaner
shrimp in case it might help. <A good idea> This animal
{yellow eyed Kole} is so beautiful and graceful its breaking my
heart to see him suffer. Bob, thanks so much for being there as
well as the rest of your crew. Bob Carter <A pleasure to
"bear pain with you"... to be compassionate is to be
human. BobF>
When it rains it pours, Ctenochaetus tang damage 5/5/07 Hey
guys I have been a reader of your site for a long time and love it. You
guys and gals are incredibly helpful. I have asked a question of you
once, and that was last week. Well I need you again already. I asked
last time about my Yellow Eye Kole Tang (HLLE), and a Radiant Wrasse
(Cataracts) . Thanks for the input by the way. <Welcome> Well
this time it seems my Tang has caught his tang on a rock or something.
It is sticking out on one side and there is minor damage to the flesh
around it. <Does happen> It seems to have pulled his spur through
from the other side inside of his tail. I say that because I can't
see any damage on the other side but his tang is missing. <Unusual,
but may have broken off...> Since this happened he is darting around
the tank like a mad man. He still eats but not as much, and I am
worried. I read on your site the tangs can be clipped and they grow
back. <Mmm, yes... if not too damaged...> But if they are ripped
out of place will they heal on there own or continue to grow out of
place. I am worried about this protruding part of him getting caught
again and causing even more trauma/stress. I didn't say it in my
last e-mail but thanks <Only time can/will tell... BobF>
Kole On The Decline? I just purchased a Kole Tang one week
ago, and everything was fine except that she wouldn't eat the sea
weed either from the veggie clip or when floating around the tank. The
Kole Tang was eating Spirulina flakes with vigor just a few days ago.
Yesterday, I noticed that she had some light blotches on her forehead
and stayed completely hidden (under a large rock) and didn't come
out for food at all. <Hmm, not a great sign, huh?> Her mouth was
open and looked fine although I'm not sure if it was swollen. <
Do confirm this with careful observation. Sometimes, Ctenochaetus tangs
do occasionally suffer from "collection traumas" and other
injuries to their mouths, and these visible problems should disqualify
a specimen from selection for your tank. When the mouthparts of these
fishes are damaged, they rarely recover. Not trying to paint a
"gloom and doom" scenario here, but, based on your
description, there is a possibility that the fish may be damaged in
this manner..> This morning, I used a flashlight to examine her in
her little cavern and it looked like maybe the white blotches might be
HLLE. Since I have not seen any pictures of this on the internet I
cannot diagnose properly. <Well, HLLE symptoms usually include a
"pitted" appearance to the head of the fish. White blotches
sound more like a fungus or a bacterial malady of some sort. It sounds
to me like this fish needs to be moved to a "hospital tank"
for observation and/or treatment. Do read up on the wetwebmedia.com
FAQs on disease to confirm what it is you may be dealing with. With
quick, decisive intervention, you may be able to save this fish
(assuming that the mouth is not damaged, as discussed above).> Is it
time to heat up the frying pan or can I still save my Kole? Tank specs.
Tank:100GAL Sump: 40GAL (approx 17GAL full) PH: 8.3 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite:
0 Nitrate: 0 ALK: Normal Temp: 80.5 SG: 1.024 (using the plastic
Coralife Hydrometer with the arm) I do not have a grounding probe and
the other fish in my tank are a blue damsel and a three stripe damsel.
The tank is three months old and has approximately 30lbs of live rock
in it. Thanks, Peter <Well, Peter, it sounds like your tank
conditions are okay...I get the feeling that you're not dealing
with HLLE here for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the
very rapid onset of the symptoms. In the future, please "play it
safe" and quarantine all new arrivals for a minimum of 3 weeks
before releasing them into your main system. Tangs, in particular, are
notorious for contracting diseases during collection, shipping, and
acclimating, and quarantine gives you the opportunity to observe,
"harden", and treat the fishes if necessary without incurring
the added stress (for both you and the fish) of removing it from the
main tank, or spreading disease to your other fishes. Take quick action
with this fish...Good luck! Let us know if we can be of further
assistance. Regards, Scott F>
Kole On The Decline? (Pt. 2) Thanks for your response, I
examined the Kole Tang again most of the night and she seems really
slow and unresponsive. Not like when she was purchased. At this point
it looks like her mouth rarely closes if at all. She did come out to
eat, although not with the same vigor as last week. <The fact that
this fish is eating is a good sign!> Do you know of any successful
treatment if this is mouth trauma? <Well, if the mouth is damaged,
it's unlikely that a medication could help. However, if the fish is
"gaping" due to a bacterial infection, then a medication
could perhaps work. Impossible for me to diagnose here, so you'll
have to really take a look at this fish and review the disease FAQs on
the wetwebmedia.com to try to verify exactly what you're dealing
with. Try to verify if the mouth is actually "injured",
versus swollen.> Some type of antibiotic, or, medication to help her
through this? <Well, I'd go for a broad-spectrum antibiotic,
such as Maracyn 2. The administration of the medication should really
take place in a separate aquarium. At the very least, freshwater dips
may help if you're hesitant to try a medication. This is a more
manageable, but possibly less effective treatment, if a
"hospital" tank is not available.> At this point I do not
have a quarantine tank set up. But after this experience I will in the
future. Peter <Certainly a great idea! You'll definitely reap
the rewards of this practice down the line! Good luck! regards, Scott