FAQs on Long Tentacle Anemone
Disease/Health 4
Related Articles: LTAs, Anemones,
Tip Anemones, Cnidarians, Coldwater Anemones, Colored/Dyed Anemones,
FAQs on LTA Disease:
LTA Health/Disease 1, LTA Hlth./Dis. 2, LTA Hlth./Dis. 3, LTA Hlth./Dis. 4, LTA Hlth./Dis.
FAQs on Anemone Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy...),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Predatory/Pest, Treatments
LTA Reproduction,
Related FAQs:
LTA Health/Disease
1, LTA Hlth./Dis. 2, LTA Hlth./Dis. 3, & LTAs 1, LTAs 2, LTA Identification, LTA Behavior, LTA
Compatibility, LTA Selection,
LTA Systems, LTA Feeding, & LTA Reproduction,
Anemones 1,
Anemones 2, Anemones 3, Anemones
4, Bubble Tip
Anemones, Caribbean
Anemones, Condylactis, Aiptasia
Anemones, Other Pest
Anemones, Anemones and
Clownfishes, Anemone
Reproduction, Anemone
Lighting, Anemone Feeding,
Anemone Systems,
Identification, Anemone
Compatibility, Anemone
Selection, Anemone Behavior,
Health, Anemone

New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Long tentacle anemone 4/14/19
My long tentacle anemone finally came out of hiding.! Thank you for the advise.
<Ah, good. I do hope it reincorporates zooxanthellae... Bleached specimens don't
live long or well. Bob Fenner>
Re: Long tentacle anemone 4/15/19
Yes i hope so also. I've been trying to give it food small bits of scallops.
So far no luck but i am missing a baby (1") blue tang . And the nem was closed
up at the same time the tang went missing. I think some zooxanthellae have
returned. Hoping for the best...
<Please do search/read on WWM re the species... and on the Net, books re placing
other animals that will contribute useful Dinoflagellates here. B>
Long tentacle anemone 6/30/15
Good morning, super fast question, I bought a 10 inch emerald green long
tentacle anemone on Sunday, he found is spot within an hour and dug in with his
foot, he is completely opened up and beautiful, he took some jumbo mysis this
morning no problem, my question is his mouth is slightly open say 3/8 of an inch
with his large center tentacles crossed over his mouth, is this normal?
<Not unusual; normal>
He is not deflated, bleached, closed up or anything. He actually looks better in
my tank than he did at my LFS... Just wondering this is my first long tentacle.
<And can be difficult animals to keep. Often damaged in collection>
Every site I read on people are talking about gaping and inversion but his mouth
is not even close to looking like any of the pics I've found online.
Thank again
Ps I attached 2 pics
<Thank you for sharing. I encourage you to read (all) we have archived on WWM re
this species.
Bob Fenner>
.JPG) |
Anenome...? <sic> 3/8/15
Hi bob
Jan Latker told me to email you with pictures of my long tentacle nem to see if
you have any idea as to what it going on.
<Looks like this specimen has either been mis- or overfed. See WWM re this
species of Anemone...
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/macrodoreensis.htm Bob
The center portion as you can see is a large bubble. When I feed the
tank it grabs food, it's foot is latched onto the bottom glass. All
parameters are where they need to be. Both Jan and I are stumped hoping maybe
you have an idea
Thank you for your time
LTA Anemone Growth on base of foot
Hello Everyone At WWM,
<Hey Anthony>
Happy Holidays! I hope this email finds everyone well. I am relatively
new to LTA's and have had this purple one for about three weeks now. He
wont root,
<I see the reason why... the tear on its basal disc>
and upon further inspection I found this growth
<Mmm; not a growth; actual tissue/mesentery leaking/poking through the
torn body wall>
on the bottom of his foot (see attached picture please). In the photo
there are a couple of pieces of sand, but the main growth almost looks
like an egg sack of sorts. Can you please let me know what this is?
<As above>
I have searched everywhere in the land of Google, and cannot find
anything on it. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Also, any tips
on how to get this sucker to planted would be awesome too!
All the best,
<Mmm... if it's not too late, I'd return this animal (too much chance it
will perish from this injury)... if not... possibly triple iodide-ate
dosing every three days, feeding with a vitamin et al. prep. applied to
the water (e.g. SeaChem's Vitality), small feedings of meaty foods
otherwise soaked in the same... and hoping... These tears are VERY
common, easily done in the extraction from the wild. See WWM re LTAs
period. Bob Fenner> |
Re: LTA Anemone Growth on base of foot
Mr. Fenner,
<Mr. Racioppi>
Thank you so much for the quick reply. It is much appreciated and you guys
are a such a great resource. Due to my ignorance, and let it be known that I
tried to find out on your site before asking this, what is " triple
iodide-ate dosing"?
<What hobbyists, lay folk typically call/label "Iodine">
And while I am at it, in my other 29 gallon tank <Hard to keep (alive) large
Actinarian species in such small volumes... too
I have this LTA for about a month, and today he was acting weird and how is
shriveled up. Should I remove him from the tank or is this a normal thing
for these guys to do (I have attached two pics of him. He was buried and
rooted just fine until
<... not really normal. Again; the reading>
I really wish I knew about this site before I purchased these guys, as it is
an awesome source of information. Thank you all for taking the time to put
together such a great site.
<Certainly welcome. It is for future friends as yourself that it is
Again I appreciate all of your knowledge and time,
<Cheers, BobF> |
Injured anemone 3/2/13
Last night one of my live rocks shifted and landed on my green long
tentacle anemone. I quickly moved the rock once I realized it had
This morning I noticed that the anemone appears to have a tear on its
column. Is there any way it can survive this, or is it doomed for death?
<Yes; if it was healthy prior, the water quality is good, stable...>
Is there anything I can do to help it? Thanks!
<I'd overdose by double a dose of iodide-ate supplement (to the water).
See WWM re. Bob Fenner>
Long tentacle anemone problem
- 3/10/12
hi crew
<Hello there>
Srinivas here from India.
I have a long tentacle anemone ( or corkscrew as commonly known as) in
my 220 gallon FOWLR.
It is hosting a ocellaris clown and has been with me for over an year A
few days ago, the gut started coming out. Its now looks like an air bag
that the cars have now-a-days as a accident safety device.
Two big bubbles emerging out right form the middle ( where the mouth is
<Mmm, are you missing any livestock?>
It was under T5s and PLLs. I thought that the lighting may be an issue
and hence placed it under metal halide lighting.
It is feeding regularly and is showing great improvement in looks and
health. But the gut still remains out and its now nearly a month.
Am worried why this is and the actual problem?
<Mmm, if so, not much you can do... may have swallowed a shell (as
in a snail or a hermit crab>
How do I make it better?
<Perhaps increasing your iodide-ate supplementation>
Is it some sign that I am failing to recognise? what can be the
Please help
Srinivas Manian
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Long tentacle anemone problem
- 3/11/12
No live stock missing ( except a dotty back a couple of months
The clown usually drives every other fish away.
<Ah yes>
All snails and hermit crabs intact.
One thing I missed out earlier, I read it normally nests on the sand
Mine is right up on the rocks.
<Mmm. I might place this anemone in an (inert... glass, plastic)
tray of sand... See WWM re their Systems>
Some articles also suggested that when this happens, its going to die.
Is this any indication?
<Hopefully not>
Currently with improved lights, regular water changes have seen it
better than when bought ( except for those guts still hanging out).
<Lights, lighting not so important>
How do I increase the iodide-ate supplementation.
<... Use the search tool (on every page) on WWM>
All I have been feeding it are dried Artemia, dried shrimp, and very
very small pieces of fresh water fish, prawns we bring for ourselves
<And feeding FAQs for: http://wetwebmedia.com/ltafdgfaqs.htm
and the linked files above>
thanks and regards
Srinivas Manian
<Keep reading. BobF>
Sick Anemone 1/25/12
Hello Crew,
<Elena... you've about crashed our email server... with
your 16 Megs in pix...>
My Dad has a 20 gallon tank with a clown fish and anemone. He is
out of town and is the one who takes care of the tank regularly.
I know very little about salt water tanks, and know I should
include water properties and other helpful water levels, but I
actually don't know how to measure anything.
<Don't do anything w/ this tank or animal... Wait till
your Dad comes back... this anemone looks "okay", as in
not quite about to die>
However, from what I read on various sites it seems like our
anemone is stressed and on its way to death. Is there anything I
can do? I am attaching pictures of what it looked like this
morning. My dad wont be back for a month and the anemone has
already been acting weird for about a week, and I read that it
takes them about 2 weeks to die.
<Can happen much more quickly>
I am including a rough timeline of the anemone's
changes. First the anemone was a pinkish-purple-ish color and
then it started developing a brown tint, making it look a little
dirty (8 months ago). Then it started taking longer
to inflate its tentacles than before, but would eventually have
totally inflated tentacles (5 months ago). Then it wouldn't
totally inflate its tentacles through out the day (3 months ago)
and after that some tentacles would be shriveled and others
looked smaller, kind of cut off, and those would be semi inflated
(With in the last week). I don't know what to do, or what
could be wrong... Any ideas?
<Read here:
and the many linked files above... But do NOTHING w/o writing us
first... w/ much smaller image files. Bob Fenner>
LTA Health, HELP!! 1/5/12
Hello WWM Crew!
<Hello Andrew>
I have some brain poking to do! I have a 29 Gallon
Bio-Cube with approx 20 Pounds of Pukani LR, and 20
Pounds of CaribSea Live Sand. It has been running for about 2
months now, and I have since added (In correct timeline) a
"Purple Tip Marble Anemone" from a popular aquatic
website which I would not like to mention as I don't plan to
try and create a bad name. They're great and possibly just
could be my aquarium isn't fitting for the anemone and Im
more than sure I bought and added it way to early.
<You are correct. Your aquarium is too small to have a
chance at keeping this animal long term.>
I regret bringing this anemone into such a crummy situation but I
am hoping to make up for it in about 2 months as I buy a 125
Gallon aquarium for him to spend his better days.
<It may not be around in two months.>
Well back to the aquarium for now. I have added the Purple Tip
Marble Anemone which I suspect is a LTA. Then added 1 B/W Occ
Clownfish, and 1 O/W Occ Clownfish at the same time, Then added a
Torch Coral (Which is doing great I might add!) Pulsing Xenia
(Also doing great!) 1 Red Mushroom, and 1 Blue Mushroom. I have
give or take 8 Hermits (Red and Blue legged) 1 Mexican Turbo
Snail, 2 Astrea Snails, and 3 Nassarius Snail. Everything Seems
to be thriving EXCEPT the Anemone. When he arrived I was
actually out of town working, So before leaving town I gave my
wife hands on instructions of how to acclimate and release him
into my tank. The acclimation and release went pretty good and it
seemed to be in good health. Regrettably he attached to a rock
instead of the sand bed (which isn't the 4" DSB that is
required, and is also a question ill be asking here shortly) He
moved from one rock to another, and seemed to be planted there.
He wouldn't accept any food I offered (Frozen Mysis shrimp
thawed in a small container of tank water, fed through a turkey
baster) and still to this day, About 6 weeks later, he
still hasn't eaten anything I've attempted to
feed. All of the other inhabitants are doing splendid, and he is
seeming to slump into bad health. He seems to inflate slightly
and then deflate completely into just a column. He
doesn't seem sticky either, and now within the past day or
two has had a gaping mouth. Today I got him to release
himself from the rock, I am not sure it was the right thing,
<Was not. A healthy anemone will roam until it finds a
place to it's liking.>
although I didn't touch or rip him off at all. I needed some
rock for my fuge so I started in with his rock with a hammer and
a Flathead and started prying off pieces of rock on the opposite
side. He released his grip from the rock although I'm sure I
scared him I am not sure how this will effect him long term. I
placed him in the sand in a low flow area so he can root.
I am going to go to the hardware store and buy a 3" diameter
piece of pvc pipe and fill it with about 4" of Live sand and
place him into it this evening. would that possibly be his best
<Likely not.>
I'm sure I left out some details but that's the
problem in a nutshell is that he isn't eating, isn't
sticky, and is
deflated for long periods of time, and isn't really as big as
he was when he is inflated now.
<Doesn't sound good. I'd watch this animal very
closely. Your tank is too new and small to introduce an
anemone. A minimum of six months of aging is the norm and
even then, long term survival rates are poor. It isn't
because anemones are not hardy, is the stress they are put
through from collection to your tank.>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Pictures of LTA 1/5/12
The first pic was listed on the site I ordered from, <<Not
posted. Other's property. RMF>> He was under 20k MH, I
have 14k MH with 2 Coral Life T5 Actinics.
<What wattage is the MH?>
Second Pic was his first day in my tank.
<Appearance not too bad.>
Third Pic is the nook he decided to call him <home> for
about a week. (I moved him to get more flow although in
retrospect he should have been left alone! Sorry)
<Still not looking too bad.>
Last pic is where he was moved to as mentioned in third
<Appears to be inflated a little more.>
I will get a pic of his current position. I've placed him
where the clowns go at night in an attempt to have a relationship
and possibly he will become healthy due to the clowns feeding and
<Mmm, Macrodactyla doreensis feeds on small particles of food,
microscopic to about 1/4 inch at most. Best to mash up some
protein rich marine food and squirt a little on the tentacles
with a turkey baster. Keep an eye on it's
"mouth". Should be flat, not open or
James (Salty Dog)>

Re LTA Health, HELP!! 1/5/12
Thank you for the quick and informative reply James, I'm
going to do the best I can for this anemone.
<You're welcome.>
I'm hoping he can make it to the 125 and possibly live his
live <life> in the proper sized aquarium,
<Is not the size so much, but larger aquariums tend to provide
much more stable parameters.>
I considered giving him away for free to someone with a good size
established tank but I don't want him to pass in their tank
and crash it.
If he does make it to the 125 tank I'll be very excited. Let
me send you a picture of him currently, I'll get it to you by
the end of the day.
<Sounds good.>
Happy New Years also!
<And to you and yours. James (Salty Dog)>
Long tentacle anemone dying? 9/3/11
I have a 90 gal reef tank with around 100 lbs live rock
a deep
sand bed (about 6 in deep) urchin protein skimmer in sump,
salinity 1.025, temp 78 F, Ph 8.2 and 0 detectable NO2, NO3, NH4,
P (I think this is false however as I have read algae can cause
false zero readings and I have occasional algae blooms and some
small patches of hair algae that I don't think I would get if
these readings were true). I use RO/DI water to mix salt and for
top offs. The tank has been set up for 10 years and then I moved
and set it back up. I had it running again for 6 months and
decided to get a Long tentacle anemone (perhaps I should have
waited longer after the move). I had 5 blue green Chromis, a
royal gramma, and blue and red leg hermits, emerald crabs and
margarita, Nerite, Cerith, and Nassarius snails from before the
move, as well as pulsing xenia, Zoanthids, mushroom leather, and
a species of Favia that survived the move.
<The first three Cnidarian groups listed are very aggressively
toxic to Anemones>
I have 4 - 65W Power compact lights with 2 white 10000k and 2
actinic blue. The anemone has been in the tank for about 14
months. I introduced two A. Clarkii 6 months ago and all seemed
well. Two weeks ago it started doing this inside out bubble-like
mouth thing (see picture). What I could find online is that death
should occur in about a day.
<Mmm, no; not always or even often>
First it shriveled up except the inside out part and then
The pedal disc was buried in the sand until it shriveled. Now
that it reinflated it is attached to a rock that was next to
where it was buried.
The tentacles have expanded and looks like it is doing better
except the inside out part. Still a fraction of its previous size
as well. Color is good and there is what looks like new tentacle
growth. Tips of tentacles and areas that look like new tentacle
growth are white, but I don't think they always were before
the inside out occurrence. I have no idea what is going on with
it, I expected it to die soon after this started. At the same
time this started a xenia propagation on a ceramic disc
disappeared from the rock formation above the anemone not secured
as well as I had thought.
<This may well be related>
I don't know that it fell into the anemone, but I can't
find the ceramic disc or the xenia that was on it. None of the
other coral species are within several feet of the anemone and
the xenia that may have fallen into or into cracks in the rock
work would have been about a foot and a half above it. I feed it
about quarter size chunks of a blend of squid and shrimp I make.
At first I was worried I was not feeding it enough and increased
feedings (good or bad idea?).
<Likely overfed>
I also started several water changes of about 5 gallons each a
week. Previously I did about a 20 gallon water change every 2
weeks. Less work doing the five gallons every couple days I will
probably stick to that. Also recently I noticed little bubbles
forming on the inverted mouth
<Another good clue>
there does not appear to be waste expelling from it. Should I
stop trying to feed it?
<For now, yes>
I can't tell if it is eating what I give it or not I think it
is. When it shrank and detached I picked it up and rinsed it off
at close range to my power head to help it expel if it was having
trouble and felt for any foreign object in the mouth cavity and
found nothing. I tried shoving the inverted part back in thinking
it may be stuck or something, but it came back out. I assumed it
was doomed so I thought I can't make things worse. It is
surprisingly not dead after my handling of it and about a day
afterwards is when the reinflation started. It has been a week
since I did that. The clown fish keeps knocking sand into it when
it rubs in it's tentacles which probably does not help
either. Everything I could find to read about this suggested it
should have died by now especially after my attempt to help it.
Although everything I have read about them inverting also
describes stingy white stuff which I have not observed.
thank you for any insight or suggestions.
<IF you had another system established... to move it to,
perhaps a refugium area to isolate it away from the clowns...
I'd just wait, see if it rallies on its own. One never knows.
Bob Fenner>
Anemone Pics/Macrodoreensis/Health/Systems
No reading, useful data, following directions... 3
strikes... 2/7/11
Good afternoon,
<Hello Dorothy>
We have had this LTA for 8 days now. Saturday night he looked
beautiful, all of his tentacles were full and he was a great
pinkish/orange color with green tips. Yesterday afternoon
(Sunday), I noticed his tentacles were flat but still the
green/purple colors and his foot was still the nice orange color.
He was also very squished looking with white and green stuff
(they appear to be separate) coming from his mouth. To me, the
stuff coming from the mouth looked like the edges of red leaf
lettuce or the like (still white with some green though). He has
remained attached to the side of the tank. All water parameters
were great (tested at Aquarium World where we make our purchases
on Saturday).
<What you are lacking here is information on your system such
as tank size, lighting, type of lamps (K temp), filtration,
actual water parameters rather than "great", flow rate,
age of set up, etc.>
I called AW who said he may just be ticked off since he was moved
the night before in the tank. They said the stuff coming out of
his mouth could be waste or it could just be some of his insides
just coming out a bit but nothing to worry about. They
recommended just watching him. When I asked about sending a
picture they said it wouldn't do much good. This morning
(Monday) he is even more squished with much more coming out of
his mouth.
He seems to be contracting and then releasing; however not much
is separating from his mouth. I'm concerned that he is dying
as he does not look well. There are a few pieces of the green and
white stuff detached but most is still there. He is still
attached to the side of the tank and his tentacles are very
deflated but still green and purple. His mouth this morning was
bubbled up and then deflated as he was contracting. It appears
that he is pulling everything inside at times where you can
barely see any of the tentacles; then he opens back up a bit.
Foot is still a nice orange color.
Can they go from doing great to dead in a matter of 24-48
<Sure, us humans do.>
Any help would be appreciated. I am sending the pics that were
taken last night and then from this morning.
<Mmm, did you slowly drip acclimate the anemone to your
system? Without any useful information I can say that most losses
of this species are associated with improper environment, being
placed in too small, too new a system, without sufficient mud
and/or soft sand, a lack of light, circulation, allelopathy, and
possible poisoning. Do send information as stated above and I may
be able to further assist you. In the meantime I suggest you read
here and related articles/FAQs found in the header.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Fwd: pics #2
Here are more pictures from this morning of the LTA.
Additionally, we have not been able to get him to feed but we
know that he may go a bit without eating after his move to our
tank. Thanks again!
Dorothy, please resize/resend all the photos. Our system cannot
handle multiple pics with file sizes exceeding one meg.
A couple of hundred kilobytes is all that is necessary. James
(Salty Dog)>
Re Anemone Pics/Macrodoreensis/Health/Systems
Last set of pics from today. He has been doing some really
strange things.
When I left him, he was no longer looking like this, it was more
folded in instead.
<Disregard my previous email asking you to resize the pics,
will not help
me a bit as this anemone is going to die very soon. I suggest
removing/relocating him from your system before you have more
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>

Re Anemone Pics/Macrodoreensis/Health/Systems 2/7/11-
<Hi Dorothy>
Thank you so much for your help James.
<You're welcome.>
The anemone was dead by the time we returned home.
<Didn't think it was going to last too long.>
I called the Aquarium shop back to discuss what they had
recommended/said to find out the person giving the advise
wasn't as familiar with the anemones :( We did a 25% water
change as recommended by Aquarium shop last night after vacuuming
the few pieces of anemone that had fallen off of him.
Would you recommend a larger water change or should the 25% be
<I'd do an ammonia test to determine this....should read
0. Might want to run the system water through a chemical media
such as Chemipure or FilterEez. >
We were able to remove all the visible pieces of anemone from the
Thanks again for your help! Very much appreciated....
<You're welcome, and might I suggest researching before
buying to ensure you can provide the requirements for a given
James (Salty Dog)>
Long Tentacle Anemone, gen.
Hi Bob.
its always a pleasure to interact and as usual am restless for your
I recently added a long tentacle anemone to my 200 gallon FOWLR.
Not too sure of the exact species but looks very much like a
Macrodactyla doreensis.
Had read a bit ( not too much to be honest) and found nothing against
having them with tangs (I have a yellow and a hippo)
Hope both my tangs would be safe with this new creature.
<Generally are>
Ever since I introduced this to my tank, it hid itself inside a rock
structure. Only the tentacles are swaying from the either side and the
entire body is hid between the rocks. Its been like this for the past
40 hours and has me worrying.
It was in the open during the night (when the lights were off). As soon
as I plugged the lights on, it moved and attached itself to a live rock
and eventually buried itself inside the structure. Surprisingly, it has
attached itself to the rock ( and not the base sand) and is a bit
upside down.
Is it afraid of light ?
<Not likely; no>
(at the store, it had no place to hide and was under comparatively low
Even after lowering the lights in my tank, it does not seem to budge
from its hiding place.
<Leave it. Don't try to move it>
I have a tomato clown and a ocellaris but neither has gone near t so
At the store (where I saw it about 2 weeks ago), it housed a
Hope it would take one of these in my tank too.
<Possibly in time>
Please let me know if it is ok to keep it or else should I return the
Srinivas Manian
<... I'd wait a few weeks, see if it "settles in". Bob
Re: Anemone hlth. 12/13/10
Thanks for the prompt reply Bob.
Feeling much better now.
The anemone is still upside down but the base of the anemone firmly
attached to the live rock. It moved on to one side to expose the body a
bit but unfortunately at the back side where the flow is greater. Major
portion still within the rock cave. It has still not regained the color
(as it was in the store) and now looks bleached except for the tips
which are greenish in color.
I cannot see the mouth to give the description.
The tentacles drop down like shrunk skin at one moment and then look
full and with life the next. Totally confusing.
What symptoms should I look forward to make a decision in time.
<... see WWM re Anemone Health:
and the linked files above>
I need to know whether this thing is actually : settling in" or
getting worse. I do not want to pollute the tank any which ways.
Thanks and regards
Srinivas Manian
LT Purple Anemone Help/Macrodoreensis Health
Hi there
<Hello Ewanho>
I have a purple LT anemone that is about 2 months old - 6 inches across
when opened. It has recently lost a lot of the purple color and looks
sick. Water condition is good, but lighting is 54W x 4 , 1 10K, 1 Fiji
Purple, 1 actinic, 1 deep water actinic. The lighting is adjusted
during the day. <?>
Likely I will move the guy to a tank with MH 250W.
<Not likely, will be a must. Your present lighting is no where near
intense enough for this anemone.>
Question: Would direct feeding of DT's phytoplankton or Marine Snow
help get this guy back? Tried PE Mysis, but he tends not to bring it to
his mouth. Is there another product you could recommend. It rejects
small mashed up pieces of shrimp/scallop mix.
<Not surprising. Anemones in poor condition do reject food
offerings. This anemone needs to be placed under more intense light if
it is going to have
a chance at survival. Do read here and related articles/FAQs found in
the header. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/macrodoreensis.htm>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Purple Macrodactyla Doreensis Floating On Bottom Of Tank
After Feeding/Macrodactyla Systems/Health 8/5/10
<Hello Eric>
I have a purple Macrodactyla doreensis. I have had it for about a week
and it moved around a few times and has stayed put in a spot for about
3 days and looking pretty good. I fed it last night a half of a
silverside, and checked back about an hour later and found that it had
left its position and it's foot was quite inflated and is just kind
floating/laying on the bottom of the tank moving around with the
current. Sometimes it's foot up and tentacles down toward the sand.
It has been doing this for about 14 hours now, which I have now left
for work. I had made some attempts at trying to put it in a correct
position. It doesn't react to much too my touching it, although
there is some movement on some of its tentacles sometimes, but not
much. I don't know if this is on it's way out or a normal
reaction to feeding. Any help would be appreciated. I have a 75 gal, T5
<This anemone is one of the more difficult species of anemones to
Since you provided little system information, I strongly suggest
reading here and related articles/FAQ's found in the header which
will guide you to the requirements/needs of this anemone under captive
thank you
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>