FAQs about Naso lituratus Disease-Health
FAQs on Lipstick Tang Disease:
Lipstick Tang Disease 1, Lipstick Tang Disease 2, Lipstick Tang Disease
FAQs on Lipstick Tang Disease by Category:
Diagnosis, Environmental,
Nutritional, Social,
Trauma, Pathogenic
(plus see
Tangs/Rabbitfishes &
Crypt), Genetic,
Related Articles: Lipstick Tangs, Naso
Tangs, Surgeonfishes/Tangs/Doctorfishes and Marine
Related FAQs: Lipstick Tangs 1, Lipstick Tangs 2, & Lipstick Tang Identification, Lipstick Tang Behavior, Lipstick Tang Compatibility, Lipstick Tang Selection, Lipstick Tang Systems, Lipstick Tang Feeding, Lipstick Tang Reproduction, & Naso Tangs 1, Naso Tangs 2, Naso
Tangs 3, Naso ID, Naso Behavior, Naso Compatibility, Naso Selection, Naso Systems, Naso Feeding, Naso Disease, Naso Reproduction, Surgeons In General, Tang
ID, Selection,
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Naso Tang with skin issue 2/23/18
Hello. I have a Naso Tang with some white scratches and areas of what appear to
be slightly raised lumps.
<I see this in your photo>
I first thought they could be from scratches from the live rock. She has a great
appetite and is behaving normally. Any insight?
Ragan Wilson
<Mmm; yes... likely a nutritional issue here; but could have trauma/physical
damage, water quality component/influences as well. This fish is too thin (has a
low index of fitness). I'd have you read on WWM re
Naso and Naso lituratus period; esp. nutrition/feeding. Do so. Bob Fenner>
Re: Naso Tang with skin issue 2/23/18
Ok, thanks. I’ve been treating the Naso for Ick with copper and am on the third
week of treatment.
<Acanthurids and Cu don't mix. PLEASE read where you've been referred. You're
poisoning your fish>
She is eating very well but now I’m concerned that maybe the copper is affecting
her nutrition.
<Ah; you are wise here; or at least knowledgeable>
I don’t see any signs of Ick but was told to treat the parasite for 28 days. Do
you think I should stop the treatment early? Thanks again.
<Yes I would. BobF>
Ragan Wilson
Re: Naso Tang with skin issue 2/23/18
For future reference, what is your method for treating Ich?
and the linked files above. B>
Ragan Wilson
Naso tang floating at surface after transport and freshwater
dip 6/22/17
Hi Bob, I hope you are doing well.
<Ah, thank you Jake>
I am very sorry to bother you with a question but am a bit desperate to
save a fish I received today. I picked up a very large male blonde Naso
tang (about 11" not including streamers) from a wholesaler today and all
seemed well got it back and did a freshwater dip before placing in a
customers quarantine system. Normal procedure for freshwater dip that I
always do (added airstone, adjusted ph and temp) but as soon as I put
him in he started floating upside down at the surface.
<A "usual" behavior for large, moved Tangs... likely just anoxic; low
oxygen at work here>
Added him to the tank and is upright but still floating. He has gotten a
bit better but is still rising. The reason I'm asking is because this is
the second large Naso tang that this has happened to me before and the
first one died. Is this osmotic shock and if so what is your suggestive
<These Acanthurids need to be packed in double, tripled bags of good
make, in enough water to move about, and in the dark (in a box); and to
be processed expediently. A job as a youngster was in the P.I., pushing
newly arrived fishes about w/ a wooden dowel. Naso spp. especially were
easily lost on receiving>
Again I apologize for messaging, I know you are a busy person and I
personally don't prefer random messages on Facebook either but am a bit
desperate. I tried W.W.M. As well as Google of course But I did not see
anything pertaining to this situation.
Thank you for your time.
<This fish will resolve in time if it began righting itself. Going
forward, LARGE acclimation container, LOTS of aeration applied. Bob
Re: Naso tang floating at surface after transport and freshwater dip
Excellent, thank you very much for the very quick response and
<Glad to share... wishing we were out diving, even spearfishing for
large Nasos. Cheers, BobF>
Re: Naso tang floating at surface after transport and freshwater dip
This guy seems just about worthy of that status, thanks again
- Jake
Juvenile Naso tang - hiding and not eating
Hi! I need your advice (tank size 120g including sump, 5ft long,
<See WWM re Naso lituratus... needs more room than this>
ammonia 0, nitrate 7, phosphate 0-ish) (fish : 3 small Bartlett Anthias, 4 small
Chromis, 4 inch blue tang, 4 inch yellow tang, 5 inch blue throat trigger, midas
blenny) I just received a juvenile Naso Tang from DD two days ago. Upon arrival
(day one) he was swimming about and even ate couple of NPS <NLS likely> pellets
- he was chased a few time by the yellow tang and but he seemed OK. Day 2 - was
spent hiding in a cave and not accepting any food. Day 3 he was swimming about
in morning low lights and there was no fighting but as the lights increase he
retreated back to the cave - again accepted no food. I tried NPS 1mm and larger,
Nori dipped in garlic, mysis shrimp, lettuce all target fed. Finally tried to
some arctic pods (target feeding with turkey baster) - I think he ate some as
much as I could see in the cave. I still think he is scared of the yellow tang.
I decided to try to put him in a social acclimation box to decrease aggression
<Mmm; no. Put the Yellow tang in there instead... to give the Naso time to get
and also try to feeding him something!
<See WWM re... Phaeophytes are preferred>
I have successfully got him in social acclimation, the yellow tang still charges
but stops half way. Do you think I am on the right track with isolation in
acclimation box?
<No; I know you're not>
How many days can they go without food?
<Several; depending on how well-fleshed to start>
I like the nano tang a lot - do you think I would have to get rid of the yellow
<Not likely; no>
I am afraid even if I can get the Naso Tang to eat once he goes back in the tank
he would be harassed and stressed out again. Thank you advance for your
<The reading for now... Bob Fenner>
Re: Juvenile Naso tang - hiding and not eating
Thank you very much for you advice. The yellow tang is tough to catch.
<Yes; two nets... and maybe a friend with two more!>
I put a egg-crate separator in the main DP tank and put the Naso Tang back in
the tank. This way he can settle down and not be bothered by the Yellow Tang. I
am hoping reducing the stress will help with eating.
<It should; yes. Tangs are VERY starved in the process of collection, holding
and shipping... Often don't eat for some time>
Now he lives on his own side of the tank with a small blue tang who is mellow. I
am putting some Nori on a few rocks and will be getting some live red Gracilaria
on Tuesday.
<Look for Browns per the reading....>
Hopefully by then things would have calmed down a bit and he would eat.
Again thank you for your help.
<Welcome! BobF>
Re: Juvenile Naso tang - hiding and not eating
Hi Bob - thank you for sharing your experience. Unfortunately the Naso Tang
didn't make it.
<Ahh; do see here:
re criteria in selection>
He was lying no the sand in the rock work for couple of days with very little
movement so never got the chance to eat. She was a small
so I think the stress of travel was too much for her - I got the fish from DD
and I am sure that he was eating while in their care. Just wanted to give you an
update. Again thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Best, Reza
<Thank you, Bob Fenner>
stunned, absolutely stunned... Still, no reading; more fish
killing; sm. Naso 4/13/16
Hi Bob,
What took place tonight, put simply, can not be real, has to be a
I have my main tank, 180 gallon, going fallow. I am starting week 5 of
that. My fish, are in a 75 gallon quarantine, no rock, just pvc, with 20
gallon sump. In sump is a hob filter, with big sponge seeded in main
tank for months. I am running .5 level Cupramine in ere I came home from
work today, and all fish ate, no issues. Couple hours later, maybe 4-5
tops, I come back down, and my Naso tang which I acquired Sunday
from very reputable store, is swimming in slow motion, almost upright.
Stunned, I observe the other fish, all seem fine, except for my
3 inch blonde Naso. Who is on the ground, dead. just 4 hours
prior, they were both eating and seemed fine.
All the other fish seem fine, eating, including a 4 inch Moorish idol, 3
inch purple tang, 3 inch Achilles tang, whom is housed in the 20 gallon
long sump, and emperor angel.
<..... can't live in this sized space. See/Read.... a waste of time>
There is a 700 gph return pump blasting the sump, the 300 gph HOB filter
in the sump, 1000 gph powerhead in tank, along with an airstone running
all the time. I don't believe oxygen could be an issue here.
Upon taking the dead fish out (4 inch Naso, 3 inch Naso) I noticed the
larger one had a large white blotch, almost like tissue necrosis in
coral, which was visible during his last attempts at swimming.
These Nasos were in expensive, and I am not mentioning that for ego
purposes, but the price may imply the local of these guys, and the
possibility of cyanide catching (maybe?)
Stunned, speechless, no words for it. Losing a fish is one thing. Losing
2 out of 8 fish, who happen to be the same species, at the same time
hours after seeming fine, is a bit suspicious to me.
Forgive me for writing perhaps prematurely, I am reading as we speak,
and am very concerned with the remaining live stock.
Thanks, bob
stunned...follow up. Killing Naso lituratus
Well Bob, upon reading, sure enough, on reef central I see
someone quoted you about small Naso tangs not being very accepting of
the captive environment. I have read that before, I suppose next time
would be a larger one.
However, what is still appalling to me is the timing of both deaths
simultaneously. I also see some people state that .5 Cupramine may be
too high for them.
Off to bed, hope to stum
re: stunned, absolutely stunned... No sense
I understand a larger quarantine would be better, but would never invest
the funds in a 6 foot quarantine. Suppose I won't do Nasos anymore.
But does that really explain how two fish, could be eating and fat at
6pm, and within four hours. Emaciated and struggling to swim?
Too great a coincidence, hoping there's not a bigger issue lingering.
<.... keep.... reading....... Don't write>