FAQs about Naso lituratus Genetic Disease
FAQs on Lipstick Tang Disease:
Lipstick Tang Disease 1, Lipstick Tang Disease 2, Lipstick Tang Disease
3, Lipstick Tang Disease
4, Lipstick Tang Disease ,
FAQs on Lipstick Tang Disease by Category:
Diagnosis, Environmental,
Nutritional, Social,
Trauma, Pathogenic
(plus see
Tangs/Rabbitfishes &
Crypt), Treatments
Related Articles: Lipstick Tangs, Naso
Tangs, Surgeonfishes/Tangs/Doctorfishes and Marine
Related FAQs: Lipstick Tangs 1, Lipstick Tangs 2, & Lipstick Tang Identification, Lipstick Tang Behavior, Lipstick Tang Compatibility, Lipstick Tang Selection, Lipstick Tang Systems, Lipstick Tang Feeding, Lipstick Tang Reproduction, & Naso Tangs 1, Naso Tangs 2, Naso
Tangs 3, Naso ID, Naso Behavior, Naso Compatibility, Naso Selection, Naso Systems, Naso Feeding, Naso Disease, Naso Reproduction, Surgeons In General, Tang
ID, Selection,
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Naso Tang loss
Hello WetWebMedia Crew!
I ordered and received a Naso Tang based on our
previous conversation. The Naso was about
<Mmm, a bit too large to be caught wild, shipped... too small and
too large specimens of all species have a hard/er time adapting to
captive conditions... 3-5 inches standard length is about "the
best" range for Naso lituratus>
and doing great for the last 9 weeks. I say was doing great
because he died last night. There were absolutely no physical
signs and anything wrong and the water parameters were checked
<Ah yes... an anomalous, mysterious loss...>
Tank Param.s
Sg: 1.024
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10-20 (Working on getting them lower).
7" Blue Hippo
4" Foxface Lo
(2) 1.5" Osc. Clowns
Blue Linckia Sea Star
(2) 1.5" Blue Green Chromis
<In how large a system? Six foot long plus I hope/trust>
The Naso ate like a pig everyday. I fed the tank a small amount
early in the morning before I left for work and again at night around
7:00 pm. I feed New Life Spectrum pellets as well as food made by
our local Marine Fish club which contains all kinds of variety. I
also put sheets of Nori in the tank for everyone to eat 2-3 times per
What could have caused the Naso to go from Mr. Personality to dead in
two days?
<"Cumulative stress"... not a satisfying
descriptor likely, but the most likely and apt>
I should note that during his last day and a half, he just stayed in
corner of the tank except last night before he died, he ventured out a
little which made me think it was just a hunger strike over something
that upset him. There was also something strange with his upper
teeth, they were showing like they were overgrown, however that was the
case since I got him. Didn't seem to interfere with him
eating at all.
Any insights? I've read and understand that sometimes fish
just die, but I don't like losing any animal like this.
<Do read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nasolsel.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Naso Tang: System\Health\Shipping Stress.
<Hi Paul>
I have a 125 (6' long) all fish.
I have some live rock (1) blue tang, (1) clown, (1) damsel, (1)
mandarin,((1) yellow tang, (3) emerald crabs, (3) cleaner shrimp,
several snails, (2) sally crabs, and several hermit crabs.
<Pretty closed to maxed out as far as stocking is concerned>
All the water parameters are exactly where they should be.
<Actual readings would be helpful.>
The tank has been set up for 6 months and have not had one problem with
I started out with a 30 a couple of years ago and learned from
Three weeks ago I purchased a (Naso) Tang (west indies?) from
<What kind? I am going to assume Naso lituratus Totally
inappropriate for a tank this size and with this level of
When it got here it was very lethargic and couldn't seem to get off
of its side. It carried on approximately two days this way and then
started swimming upright.
<How big was the fish - Fish under four inches rarely adapt to
Also, it is imperative to get them eating immediately.>
During this time it didn't eat and I let it go for three more days
and it went back over on its side and never recovered. I subsequently
got my credit for the fish and decided to use it to order a larger
Hawaiian Naso Tang. (after the acclimation period)
<Any Quarantine?>
I put it in the tank and it just laid on its side. After several hours
it righted itself and seemed to be swimming OK.
<Shipping\environmental stress, starvation.>
It has yet to eat and this morning it is listing to one side like the
other one did. I have tried everything I can think of,
"entice", krill, algae, flake food, etc. but it will not eat.
The other fish in the tank are loving the different variety of things I
have offered.
<You may want to try some live Brine Shrimp>
Am I missing something? I hate to lose the guy he is very pretty but am
at my wits end. I contacted a local fish store about some help but he
was as clueless as me on what to do.
<There is much to learn here. Firstly, Nasos get BIG, needing
hundreds of gallons. Being in conditions too small will stress them to
If you can give me some advice I would be most appreciative.
<Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/naso.htm and here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/naso_lituratus.htm >
<My Pleasure>
Naso Tang: Acclimation\Quarantine\Health\Need More
Information 3/20/2009
Hi all!
<Well hello there!>
I have Naso Tang that has been in quarantine for 8 weeks (he had a bout
of Amyloodinium {microscopic verification}).
<Kudos to you for quarantining/verifying a disease before
After battling that I introduced him to my display. My quarantine tanks
are usually pH~7.8 (tap water almost always consistent. Just easier and
if I run into emergencies like I said almost always pH 7.8). When
I'm ready to transfer fish to display I increase the pH in
quarantine to 8.2 over 10 days.
<OK so far.>
Except, with this Naso. I just put him in the DT completely forgetting
to slowly increase the pH of quarantine (only realizing after his
Tried to catch it but forget it in 200g full of LR.
<Hehehe, I know what you mean.>
A week later Naso was lethargic, not eating introduced foods but still
scavenged LR algae. Couple days after was very lethargic (I figure all
a result of no acclimation). The same night after noticing his
inactivity I
saw a tiny hermit clinging to his pectoral fin and dining (my Naso is 7
inches). The Naso was trying to dump the hermit but couldn't. I
grabbed a long stick hitting the crab while the Naso was trying to swim
away (either from me or the crab).
<I'm thinking the long stick...>
Finally the hermit dropped. The hermit had a good dinner. So now the
Naso has exposed white tissue, and I've since removed the
It's been 2 days since this incident and Naso just lays on his side
and hides all day (I would to). So to my question. Do try to grab the
Naso and put him back in quarantine? OR do I leave him as he seems
already very stressed (no one else in the DT appears to bother him).
I'm leaning towards the later.
<Agreed - leave him in place and observe.>
And if I leave him, is there any point I should catch him and put him
<Signs of infection etc.>
I really don't' want to lose this guy, he's the show, Nasos
are my favourite! My anxiety is through the roof.
Thanks a bunch
Re: Naso Tang: Acclimation\Quarantine\Health\Need More
Information 3/20/2009
No visible signs of infection but this morning dead.
<Sorry to hear that.>
I suspect bacterial infection or some physiologic anomaly precipitated
by lack of acclimation all magnified by injury and trauma.
<I agree.>
I'll postmortem tonight but I don't think I'll see anything
<Still, not finding anything obvious still rules out environmental
or pathogenic.>
Looks like only one solution; get over it with a weekend on the hills
with my board and deep powder.
<Now there is an idea.>
I forgot I'm in Toronto. Sucks to be me...lesson learned...
<Do let me know if you find anything.>
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |