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Genus Plerogyra Mile Edwards and Haime
1848, Bubble, Bladder, Grape Coral. Characterized by their colonies
being covered by oblong bubble-like vesicles by day, tentacles by
night. Raja Ampat 08. |
Genus Plerogyra Mile Edwards and Haime
1848, Bubble, Bladder, Grape Coral. Characterized by their colonies
being covered by oblong bubble-like vesicles by day, tentacles by
night. Raja Ampat 08. |
.JPG) |
Genus Plerogyra Mile Edwards and Haime
1848, Bubble, Bladder, Grape Coral. Characterized by their colonies
being covered by oblong bubble-like vesicles by day, tentacles by
night. Raja Ampat 08. |
Tubastrea faulkneri Variously sold as
Sun, Orange Cup/Turret, Sunflower, Sun
Polyps... Circumtropical distribution. A can-be kept species
if you constantly feed it, and can keep up with concurrent water
quality maintenance from the feeding. Raja Ampat 08. |