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Tubastrea faulkneri Variously sold as
Sun, Orange Cup/Turret, Sunflower, Sun
Polyps... Circumtropical distribution. A can-be kept species
if you constantly feed it, and can keep up with concurrent water
quality maintenance from the feeding. Raja Ampat 08. |
Genus Rhizopsammia Verrill 1870. From Joe Fish on
FB: "Note
how the polyps are seemingly disconnected from one another. They bud off via
stolons, which eventually become overgrown with benthic organisms once the
coenenchyme dies back. Tubastraea are far more cohesive... basically built
the same way as Dipsastraea." Raja Ampat 08. |
Tubastrea micracantha (Dana 1849), Black
Sun Coral. External flesh (coenesteum) green to brown to blackish
in color. Colonies are often tree-like, up to a meter in height.
Also exceptional for the genus, T. micrantha is a poor
captive survivor. Consummate with its feeding habits are good
current, filtration to remove foods, wastes.. Generally found in
areas of good current. Raja Ampat 08. |
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Tubastrea micracantha (Dana 1849), Black
Sun Coral. External flesh (coenesteum) green to brown to blackish
in color. Colonies are often tree-like, up to a meter in height.
Also exceptional for the genus, T. micrantha is a poor
captive survivor. Consummate with its feeding habits are good
current, filtration to remove foods, wastes.. Generally found in
areas of good current. Raja Ampat 08. |