FAQs about the Pomacanthus Angels
Related Articles: Marine Angelfishes, Pomacanthus,
imperator (Emperor Angel), Pomacanthus paru
(French Angel), Pomacanthus
semicirculatus (Koran Angel), Pomacanthus
maculosus (Yellow-Band
Related FAQs: Pomacanthus
1, & FAQs on: Pomacanthus
Identification, Pomacanthus
Behavior, Pomacanthus
Compatibility, Pomacanthus
Selection, Pomacanthus Systems,
Pomacanthus Feeding, Pomacanthus Disease, Pomacanthus Reproduction, Marine Angelfishes In
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Compatibility, Health, Feeding, Disease,
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Large angels in same tank 1/27/20
Hi guys hope all is well,
<Hi Steve, mostly yes.>
I am planning on upgrading and getting a new tank it will be 90"×30"×26"
which is 300gallons,
I'm planning the stocking for the tank and was wondering could I
keep a scribbled angel an Asfur angel and an emperor as the 3
big fish if all where added at the same time or would the tank be to
small for all 3? If not could I keep a scribbled angel with either of
the other two?
<I give you more than even odds that they will get along if you
introduce them at the same time and if they are about the same size, be
sure to add enough rockwork to diminish possible aggression due
I appreciate any help guys.
<You're most welcome. Wil.>
Pomacanthus Annularis, max. size addenda
Hi Bob,
Got a possible correction to an reply I sent out the day before
yesterday about Pomacanthus selection in a 125 gallon tank.
I recommended Pomacanthus Annularis due to its smaller maximum size,
given as 8 inches on the WWM site.
As the querior pointed out, Fishbase lists the size at up to 16 inches,
UofM Museum of Zoology lists sizes from 8 - 17 inches, with an average
of 12.
Who is right? Are the sizes we give the maximum expected in captivity
vs. what they can grow to in the wild?
<Mmm, actually all are... taken in context or with explanation. The
species grows to at least a foot in the wild, so I would not dispute
15-16" as a maximum possibility. In captivity however, I've
never encountered one more than half this. Will amend WWM stmt. though,
and post this input as a reminder to do so. BobF>
Pomacanthus Annularis - Discrepancy on size WWM vs. Fishbase
vs. U of M:. 4/24/2009
Hi Crew,
<Hi Simon>
I noticed in the Daily FAQ's today that Mike suggested that a
Pomacanthus Annularis grows to just 8 inches, and thus would be
suitable for a 125 gallon tank. A quick browse of your FAQ's does
indeed indicate that this is the case, but on Fishbase the fish is
listed with a max size of 45cm, double the size indicated on WWM!
<I saw this as well, hence the delay in getting back with
I have also seen other conflicting measurements for this fish in other
publications, sources, from 10 inches, to 12, to 14.
<Fishbase lists the size at up to 16 inches, University of Michigan
Museum of Zoology lists sizes from 8 - 17 inches, with an average of
Usually there is a slight difference of opinion between sources, but in
this case the difference in sizes mentioned is huge. Have WWM or
Fishbase got this wrong, and if so should someone somewhere be notified
to make changes as max sizes for Pomacanthus Angels are critical when
deciding if they are appropriate for home aquaria.
<I'll quote Bob here: "...The species grows to at least a
foot in the wild, so I would not dispute 15-16" as a maximum
possibility. In captivity however, I've never encountered one more
than half this. Will amend WWM stmt. though, and post this input as a
reminder to do so. BobF>
<Thanks for writing in.>
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |