FAQs about the Pomacanthus Angels:
Related Articles: Marine Angelfishes, Pomacanthus,
imperator (Emperor Angel), Pomacanthus paru
(French Angel), Pomacanthus
semicirculatus (Koran Angel), Pomacanthus
maculosus (Yellow-Band
Related FAQs: Pomacanthus,
Pomacanthus 2, & FAQs on: Pomacanthus Behavior, Pomacanthus Compatibility, Pomacanthus Selection, Pomacanthus Systems, Pomacanthus Feeding, Pomacanthus Disease, Pomacanthus Reproduction, Marine Angelfishes In
General, Angelfish ID,
Compatibility, Health, Feeding, Disease,
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Marine Angel ID, info Howdy! I am still
trying to figure out what kind of angel I have in my tank. One year
ago, I was told this was probably a Blue Face angel. At least, a
Pomacanthus. Now "she" has a yellow tail, and it looks
like the tummy is turning yellow, as well as behind the head.
<This is a very nice Chrysurus angel. Please see here:
pomacanthus/Pomacanthus.htm> How do I know if this
Pomacanthus is a "Blue Face" (xanthometopon) or an
"Ear Spot" (chrysurus)? Or even another variety? I can
only judge by the pictures, and none seem to match. I know, the
only way to be absolutely positive is to wait until the fishie is
an adult. However, I want to make sure this fish is getting the
right foods; she eats ANYTHING I put in my tank, if I use my
feeding tongs. I can't even move rocks with the tongs, because
she eats the rock! Polyps, algae, Xenia, flake, Mysis shrimp,
Caulerpa (all sorts) - seems like anything and everything. Thanks
for your help! - Cathy in Texas <>< <Do try some of
Pablo Tepoot's "Spectrum" foods (the small then
medium pellets)... Having just come from a visit last weekend with
him in FLA and seeing his fishes... am inclined to believe his
foods do help reverse the effects of neuromast degradation (HLLE),
which this specimen is beginning to show signs of. Bob
Fenner> |

Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |