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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
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octotaenia Jenkins 1901, the Eight-Lined
(sometimes labeled as Twelve-) Wrasse comes in two color morphs,
one more orange, the other more pinkish in body hue.
Indo-Pacific, including Hawai'i.. To five and a half inches
in length. French Polynesia 2018. |
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tetrataenia Schultz 1960, take a guess, yes; the
Fourline Wrasse. Like all members of the genus is best kept one
to a tank. Western central Pacific. To three inches total
length. French Polynesia 2018. |
Parupeneus multifasciatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1824), the Manybar
Goatfish. Indo-Pacific, including Hawai'i. To a foot in length. A good
looker. A juvenile out by day in French Polynesia 2018. |
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Neocirrhites armatus (Castelnau 1873), the
Scarlet or Flame Hawkfish. Pacific Plate in distribution. To three and a
half inches in length. A tough beauty. French Polynesia 2018. |