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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
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Most commonly offered are the Sickle, Lei or my favorite,
Boomerang Triggerfish, Sufflamen bursa (Bloch & Schneider 1801),
(mainly out of Hawai'i) Fr. Polynesia 2018
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And the Pinktail Trigger, Melichthys vidua
(Richardson 1845), is the other commonly offered member of the genus.
Found throughout the Indo-Pacific. These are "medium" aggressive fish
species that grow to about a foot in length in captivity, sixteen inches
in the wild. Fr. Polynesia 2018
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Padina boryana, Scroll Algae, a calcium
carbonate encrusting Brown Algae. Fr. Polynesia 2018
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Turbinaria ornata. A Brown macrophyte (algae); here
nestled twixt Magnificent Anemones and Mushrooms in a couple feet of
water in Huahine, Fr. Polynesia 2018