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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
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megistos (Herbst 1789), Shell-Breaking Reef Hermit Crab,
often sold as the White Spotted. Members of this genus are
predaceous, and will gladly consume any fishes they can get their
claws on. To six inches. Place with large, aware fishes only. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
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Trapezia tigrina Eydoux & Souleyet
1842, the Yellow-Red-Spotted Guard Crab. Similar marked to its host,
Cauliflower Coral (Pocillopora meandrina). To 1/2 inch carapace
diameter. Indo-Pacific. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
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Echinometra mathaei (Blainville
1825), the Common Urchin. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Hawai'i. To about
four inches overall diameter. Hides by day in rocky crannies it helps
gouge. Mostly eats algae it rasps from rocks by night. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
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Holothuria atra Jager 1833,
the Black Sea Cucumber. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Hawai'i.
Detritivore often found in shallows, close to shore. General
detritivore. To two feet in length. These ones in Fr. Polynesia 2018 |