FAQs on the Blue, Three-Spot, Gold/en, Opaline,
Even Albino! Gouramis, Yes, The Same Species, Trichogaster
trichopterus, Disease/Health: Treatments
FAQs on Trichogaster Disease:
trichopterus Disease 1,
T. trichopterus Disease 2,
T. trichopterus Disease
3, T. trichopterus Disease 4,
FAQs on Trichogaster Disease by Category:
Related Articles:
Anabantoids/Gouramis &
Relatives, Genera Ctenopoma &
Betta splendens/Siamese
Fighting Fish,
Related FAQs:
trichopterus 1, Trichogaster
trichopterus 2, T. trichopterus
ID, T. trichopterus Behavior,
T. trichopterus Compatibility,
T. trichopterus Selection,
T. trichopterus Systems,
T. trichopterus Feeding,
T. trichopterus Reproduction,
Gouramis 1,
Gouramis 2,
Gourami Identification,
Gourami Behavior,
Gourami Compatibility,
Gourami Selection,
Gourami Systems,
Gourami Feeding,
Gourami Disease,
Gourami Reproduction,
Betta splendens/Siamese
Fighting Fish,
Help my Gouramis is going to pop!
Wet Web Crew, I've been up all-night trying to find a fast
relief for Goldie.
I've had Goldie for 4 months, no problems, she's in a 35
gallon take with 2 other gouramis ( the others are perfectly
fine). I suspect my kids over fed the poor fishes (tetra flakes
is all they get fed, nothing else)
because the sides of Goldie have ballooned up in a matter of 4
hours after a dinner time feeding @ 6pm.
<I see!>
By 10pm I happened to notice her in her current state. I did not
feed her on July9 and based on what I've read I shouldn't
feed the fish for like 3 or 4 days. I don't happen to have
all the vitals on the take but I do 1/3 water changes every
Saturday and which includes a brief rock cleaning using a siphon
pump thing. I also have some water treatment solution I got from
PetSmart, I using this in-between water changes as directed. As I
mentioned earlier no signs of previous trouble with any fish over
the past 4 months.
<No sign at all of, for example, a developing tumour or
So from what I've read it appears as though she over ate and
is not constipated but from the photos attached you can see that
the protrusion is quite large. I'm tempted to squeeze her to
see if she will poop. LOL.
<Do NOT do this...>
Serious though, it looks uncomfortable and I just want to make
her feel better. Any suggestions? I've read peas, vegetable
oil? How long do I have before this fish gets toxic and dies? I
appreciate any advise. Thank you
<All you can realistically do is wait and see. Epsom Salt has
a mild laxative effect on fish, and a dose of 1 to 3 teaspoons
per 5 gallons will speed things up; Epsom Salt is cheap and easy
to obtain from any pharmacy. It will do no harm to healthy fish.
Obviously, don't feed this fish (or the tank) until the
swelling goes down.>
Save Goldie
<Cheers, Neale.>
Sick Gourami 12/7/08 Hi! First, I have
to apologize for my English as it is not my mother language
(I'm from Croatia, Europe). <No problems. Your English is
certainly much better than my Croatian.> 3 months ago I bought
4 Trichogaster trichopterus. The Trichogaster that I want to ask
a question about had a small white bump at the base of the dorsal
fin which was damaged, but I didn't see it until I got home.
I put it in quarantine and treated it with 2 cycles of a wide
spectrum medicine called Medimor by Aquarium Muenster
(combination of Ethacidrinlactat, Tertamethyl-thioninchlorid and
Acraflavinchlorid). Didn't help. So I changed the water,
waited a week or so, and tried with Sera's Baktopur
(Acriflavine, Methylene blue, phenyglycol) and Mycopur
(Acriflavine, cupric chloride, cupric sulfate). <These are
various antiseptics, widely sold in Europe because antibiotics
aren't available in pet stores. To be brutally frank, they
only work up to a point, and aren't substitutes for
antibiotics at all. While useful for external infections during
the early stages, they won't cure everything, and won't
fix serious problems.> No use. Then I tried salt baths which
(I think) made the problem worse because those spots spread all
over her body, but then it might be from the stress. The disease
doesn't seem to be infectious, all other fish are fine (I put
her back into the main aquarium, because the small quarantine
surely wouldn't help, and was lucky, I know I shouldn't
do that). She has a very good appetite, swims well, doesn't
hide, doesn't scratch against objects, doesn't have
clamped fins, her faeces are fine. The spots are between 1mm and
4 mm big, they look like white lumps sticking out of her body and
there are about 15 of them (I hope the photos will help although
they're not very good), the skin around them looks pinkish.
Her skin on other parts of the body also looks a bit damaged, but
her fins (apart from the dorsal which didn't grow back) are
all ok. I read everything I could find, posted a question on
forums but I can't seem to find anything that looks like
this. Maybe Lymphocystis? <Could be; certainly, gouramis do
contract Lymphocystis on occasion, though not commonly. It could
be something else though. Perhaps another virus? It doesn't
look exactly like Finrot, though I'd be treating for
Finrot/Fungus before anything else. In Europe, I recommend a
product called eSHa 2000 for this; it's economical and very
effective, and seems to fix a lot of different problems,
including Finrot, Fungus and Columnaris.> The aquarium is 10
months old Juwel Rio 180, 180 l. It has 2 big Ancistrus and a lot
of their babies, 7 Kuhlii loaches, 4 Microgeophagus altispinosa,
2 Siamese algae eaters, 2 small Botia histrionica and those
Trichogasters. Water properties are stabile at: temp 25 C; pH
7,5; KH 10; GH 15, nitrites 0; nitrates 25. <One thing I would
consider is physical damage. Certain algae-eating fish will
"suck" at the bodies of other fish. In doing so, they
pull up the scales, exposing the flesh underneath. The skin
becomes infected, often looking "bubbly". Isolating the
injured fish and treating for Finrot/Fungus will help, but long
term the fish causing the damage will need to be rehomed. I'd
be watching your Ancistrus, Crossocheilus, and Botia in
particular.> I do 15 % water change weekly, with water that
was left for 24 hours and treated with Nutrafin's Aqua+. I
feed the fish with Nutrafin's Staple food in flakes, frozen
bloodworms and frozen daphnia and my own frozen food prepared
from cooked peas, carrots, hardboiled egg, bloodworms, powdered
Spirulina algae ( I plan to add some garlic next time), and
gelatin powder, all squashed into a paste. Please help as I (and
everybody else I asked) have no idea what to do. Thank you!
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: sick Gourami
12/9/08 Hi Neale, thanks for the quick response. Which
antibiotic would you recommend? Because I can buy an antibiotic
from my pharmacy if I say it is for my pet, or I can ask my vet
to write a prescription. <In my fish medication book, a
variety of antibiotics are recommended for ulcer-type infections:
Furazolidone (20 mg/l), Nifurpinol (0.1-0.2 mg/l) and
Oxytetracycline hydrochloride (20-100 mg/l). Use whichever, added
to the aquarium water, and always remember to remove carbon from
the filter while medicating fish. Use for 7-10 days, after which
do a decent (25-50%) water change, and repeat medicating as
required.> But if it is a virus, it won't help anyway.
<Quite.> Oh, those Botia are in the aquarium since
Saturday, so it couldn't be them, and I never saw either
Ancistrus or Crossocheilus picking on her. <May happen at
night, when you're at work... In any case, when I had
Otocinclus catfish doing this to a large Awaous goby, it was many
weeks after noticing the damage that I actually saw the fish
"in the act"!> She is now in a 30 l quarantine tank,
I'm treating her for fungus and Finrot, although not with
eSHa because it is not available here, but I will try to buy it
on the net. <Hope this helps, Neale.>