FAQs on the Blue, Three-Spot, Gold/en, Opaline,
Even Albino! Gouramis, Yes, The Same Species, Trichogaster
trichopterus, Disease/Health: Trauma
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Blue Gourami with black head
-- is he sick? -02/20/08 I have a blue Gourami that is
at least 3 or 4 years old -- he's (I call him a he but have
no idea if he is a he or she) <Males have long, pointed dorsal
fins.> in a 10 gallon tank along with 2 goldfish, 2 neon
tetras, and 1 sucker fish. Has been in the same tank with these
fish for about 2-1/2 to 3 years. No problems so far. <All this
in a 10 gallon tank? Madness. The sucker fish is either a
Pterygoplichthys catfish (average size 30-45 cm at maturity) or
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (only slightly smaller but infamous for
its aggression). The Goldfish need a tank at least three times
this size all by themselves. Oh, and Neons are schooling fish,
and are only happy when kept in schools of six or more. While you
might not have had problems yet, that's rather akin to a guy
not killing himself at the first round of Russian Roulette and so
declaring the game "safe".> We were away on vacation
for the past 3 days and when we returned home last night, we
noticed his head has turned black or maybe a really dark blue. It
covers his entire head back to his first set of fins on either
side. He is swimming around just fine and he is eating just fine
-- not acting like there is a problem. The only thing that we did
differently when we were away was that we: 1) fed them all using
a 3-day tablet feed; <No need to feed fish for a 3-day
vacation; in fact it is safer not to.> and 2) turned the
heater on in the tank since we'd be away and the house would
be slightly colder so the tank temperature was about 2 degrees F
higher than normal. <How warm is this aquarium otherwise? How
do you keep tropical fish in an aquarium without a heater? Unless
your home is constantly at around 25C/77F day in, day out then
these fish are not at all being kept correctly. Seriously: are
you winding me up? Big fish in a tiny, unheated tank!! This
sounds like someone trying to wind me up... everything is wronger
than the wrongest thing that anyone has ever gotten wrong.>
All the other fish are fine and he seems fine, I just do not know
what this color is. Should I be concerned? <Very, very,
concerned, though not specifically for the Gourami. Without a
photo, can't say what's going on. Could be viral or even
nerve damage (which affects the chromatophores) but this fish
sometimes change colours thanks to genetic abnormalities.> If
so, what should I be doing? <Buying a bigger tank and leaving
the heater on all year around would be a start.> Thanks ahead
of time for your help, Pam <Cheers,
Neale.> Re: Blue Gourami with black head -- is he
sick? 2/21/08 Thanks for your comments -- I get the
suggestion about the size of the tank and about not feeding them
when only away for 3 days. Will do. <Very good.> I need to
explain about the heater being off/on. The tank is located near a
heated radiator (yes, I live in a home that is 80 plus years old
and is heated with radiators, not vents or baseboard heating) and
it is located near a window that has sunlight coming in most of
the daytime. So, the heater is not always on because the
temperature spikes so severely in the winter daytime when it is
sunny. I've tried different heater types so that I do not
have this problem and it's the same. Moving the tank is not
an option -- no other location for it. When we go away, however,
the heater is always on. This was the case this past weekend when
we were away. <OK. So long as the tank doesn't go above
30C at its hottest or below 20C at its coolest, you're fine.
But I would try placing aluminum foil (for example) behind the
tank to reflect away some of the sunlight. If pasted behind the
aquarium backdrop you won't see the foil. Placing a fan above
the tank in summer, to increase evaporation, will also help cool
things down. Regardless, putting tanks on windowsills above
radiators isn't considered best practise!> Back to the
Gourami-- here are a few shots that I took just now. I have
inserted them into this email and am attaching them as well. I
hope you can get an idea of what I mean by his head being black
or dark blue with these. They are the best I could get with a not
so great camera -- sorry if they are not so great. <Odd, but I
don't think dangerous.><<Is not... just neurological
impairment. RMF>> Any ideas on what this is? <No
idea.> Thanks for your help. Pam <The fish is a male, by
the way. Cheers, Neale.>