FAQs on Genus Chaetodontoplus Angels
Related Articles: Chaetodontoplus
Related FAQs: Chaetodontoplus
Angels 1, Chaetodontoplus Angels
2, & FAQs on: Chaetodontoplus
Identification, Chaetodontoplus
Behavior, Chaetodontoplus
Selection, Chaetodontoplus
Systems, Chaetodontoplus
Feeding, Chaetodontoplus
Disease, Chaetodontoplus
Reproduction, Marine
Angelfishes In General, Angelfish
ID, Selection, Behavior,
Compatibility, Health, Feeding, Disease,

Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Mixing Scribbled Angelfish <Video
Link> 8/3/18
Dear Crew
<Hi Ignatio>
I just want to ask you the possibility mixing scribbled angelfish (male
and female) more than 1 pair in one tank (as you can see in the attached
<Next time please place the video in the cloud or YouTube and send us
just the link to see it.>
Tank dimension in that video only 2 m * 1 m * 0.5 m with so many fishes
in there without any aggression at all with no rock or a hiding place.
<Is this a holding tank? If so, fish won´t be there for long and
aggression is dissipated because of the number of fish kept in there>
Will they eventually sick in long term or not? (or fight each other) or
they can be maintain just like that.
<Angelfish are very belligerent towards its own kind and Dubolays are no
exception, You may try starting with a trio of small specimens as they
are less aggressive when young, be sure to introduce them all at once;
nevertheless a 130 gallon tank like the one on the video is too small
for long term success, you should attempt this in a tank of a few
hundred gallons as a bare minimum.>
Note: the salinity was set on 1.015 to prevent disease. I saw the fishes
in there are really in top condition .. ate like a pig and didn't afraid
with human
<Yes, they look in excellent health>
Thanking you all in advance
<You are welcome. Wilberth>
Re: mixing scribbled angelfish male
Dear Wilberth
Sorry for late reply
<Next time please place the video in the cloud or YouTube and send us
just the link to see it.>
ok sorry for the trouble
<Is this a holding tank? If so, fish won´t be there for long and
aggression is dissipated because of the number of fish kept in there>
Yes it is a holding tank but I've watched the fish already 2 weeks now
What about if I put 4 adult male scribbled angelfish (30 cm each) in
tank dimension 300 cm * 90 cm * 40 cm with no rock in there, I'll give
plenty vigorous water circulation, Wavemaker, will they fight or still
they confused who is going to attack who?
Thank you for your advise Wilberth
Re: mixing scribbled angelfish male
Dear Wilberth
sorry for late reply
<<No worries>>
<Next time please place the video in the cloud or YouTube and send us
just the link to see it.>
ok sorry for the trouble
<<It´s ok, we posted it >>
<Is this a holding tank? If so, fish won´t be there for long and
aggression is dissipated because of the number of fishes kept in there>
Yes, it is a holding tank but I've watched the fish already 2 weeks now
What about if I put 4 adult male scribbled angelfish (30 cm each) in
tank dimension 300 cm * 90 cm * 40 cm with no rock in there, I'll give
plenty vigorous water circulation, Wavemaker, will they fight or still
they confused who is going to attack who?
<<You can try but they will still need hiding places as they are very
territorial, there is no absolute guarantee that they won´t fight,
eventually the dominant male will harass the other three.>>
Thank you for your advise Wilberth
<<Glad to help. Wilberth>>
Zoanthid ID & juvenile angel & eel ID
Hey Crew !!!
<Hey Abdo!>
Abdo here, from the land of the pharaohs :D (AKA aquarium no
man's land!!!)
<Ahh, hope to be diving w/ friends in Sharm this coming
First I just want to show my deeeeep gratitude for you guys being
really makes the difference !!! from the bottom of my heart:
now down to business
I have just ventured into invertebrates and I'm having a hard
time identifying that group of polyps I just bought, the tank
they were in at the retailer's was such a biohazard that a
military submarine wouldn't survive !!!
anyway I attached a picture, it was taken the day after I put
them in the tank, they were acclimated very slowly over 4 hours
and now I think 80% of them have opened completely :D Yay :D Hope
you guys could help me treat the polyps well :)
<Looks to be some species of Zoanthid; very nice>
Another question, hope I'm not being a pain in the neck
I bought what I identified positively as a vermiculated angel, at
just under an inch long!!!, do you have any special
recommendations regarding such a fish, given its size and other
tank inhabitants ??? any advice ???
<Mmm, yes... keep it with small-ish, easygoing fishes,
non-predatory invertebrates and you should be fine. These angels
grow quite quickly when small, given good circumstances>
lastly (I promise), I had bought those 2 eels a while ago, and
I've been having such a hard time identifying them it drives
me crazy !! their looks are not special but their behavior amazes
me!! They are grey with white bellies, 30cm long with 1cm
diameter or so, small eyes, dotted lateral line near the head and
curved, burrow under the sand and they do it backwards, meaning
they stick their tails in and slip into the sand bed, and once
they grab a piece of food they quickly pull it down under the
sand to eat it, the retailer said they we're from the red
sea, but I wouldn't count on anything he says.
the closest matches I could find in Dr. Burgess's atlas of
marine aquarium fishes were "Pisodonophis cancrivorus"
and "Muraenichthys tasmaniensis" but I'm not so
sure..... I attached the best picture I could take, hope it
<Mmm, is an Ophichthid... a Snake Eel... looks a bunch like an
Apterichthys species... Unfortunately I don't see this
species in my in-print reference works, and Fishbase.org is
running VERY slowly currently. I would go there, and search
"By Country" (I did for Jordan), Marine fishes (which
will come out by default by species) and re-sort by family...
Look at the Ophichthids found there (the Red Sea)... and try to
find these species for photos, further descriptions>
I have a 110G + 20G sump, since August 2008, sandy bottom with
one pile of LR, some locally obtained Ulva, 2 four stripe
damsels, 1 domino, 1 silver moony, 1 Aidablenius sphynx, many
coastal shrimps, 1 vermiculated angel, 1 common goby, 1 red
tomato, 1 urchin with short sharp spines (red sea), several
mussels and oysters, some Nerites, the 2 eels and the clump of
<Sounds very nice indeed!>
Thank you in advance, and sorry for the long email :S
<Thank you for sharing! Bob Fenner>
I really want a Personifer... 9/5/09
I have a 350+ gallon reef aquarium. (8.6 feet x 3 x 2.2). I currently
have it stocked with various SPS corals (Acros, Montis, etc.) along
with a few LPS such as frogspawn and hammer corals. My water
is good, i.e. very low nitrate (< 5), 10-11 Hardness, 450 Calcium. My
current fish are 3 yellow tangs, 1 purple tang, 1 Sailfin tang, 1
powder blue tang, 1 chocolate tang, 1 Goldflake Angel (7"), 1
angel (4"), 1 solorensis wrasse, 2 percula clownfish, and a large
magnificent Foxface. I want to add a Personifer and flame wrasse to the
mix. My Regal and Goldflake are very passive as Angels go, but is
a third pushing it too much?
<I think you'll be okay in this size, shaped system>
Will the flame wrasse be ok with the solorensis?
<Likely so as well>
I have searched everywhere for compatibility questions with angels, and
I know that it isn't a sure thing. I have had this set up for over
2 years without losing any fish, and I am just ready for a new
Eric Alspaugh
<A good choice. Bob Fenner>
Angelfish Inquiry Hi bob, I have a one year 300L old marine
tank and have just put in a Personifer (9cm) and scribbled (12cm)
angel. I have read places that these angels of the same species should
not be put together in the same tank. <yes... in most aquaria they
will be aggressive in close confines> They don't seem to be
attacking each other, in fact they seem to be getting on alright.
<the problems often occur as the fish mature> Have I made the
wrong choice? <very likely my friend> If so, I also have 600L
coral tank, which one should I move as to keep my coral intact?
<neither are categorically "safe" choices although either
has been known to work in some reef displays.> Thank You Ed Chiang
<best regards, Anthony Calfo>
Chaetodontoplus Angels How dangerous are the Chaetodontoplus
Angels (specifically the Black Velvet/Gray Poma) in Reef Tanks? Are
they similar in nature to the Centropyge Angels? <Have seen the
genus, this species kept in very large (hundreds of gallons) reef
systems with stinging-celled life of all kinds... and seen it/them
eating jellyfishes (scyphozoans) in the wild with relish (not the
condiment) and nibbling on various species of soft corals
(Alcyonaceans). Bob Fenner> Thank you, -Eric
Chaetodontoplus Hiya Bob, Just wondering what your you
opinion on a C. melanosoma in an SPS reef tank. Couple of years ago I
tried a mesoleucus, but that picked. But then again, that fish kinda
sticks out of the Chaetodontoplus complex , doesn't it? <Yes...
the "oddball" of the group in appearance... but all members
are likely to chew on sedentary invertebrates of various sorts... have
seen them (just a week or two back in Australia) doing this in the
wild. Bob Fenner> regards, Jason
Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Hi Bob, I have a 6 yr. reef tank
w/ mixed coral population (mostly SPS), mushrooms, , Cataphyll, and
Caulastrea. ( 110g). Would it be a mistake to add a Chaetodontoplus
mes. to the system? <A medium one to start with (3-4" should
go) okay. It might pick on your corals in time, but probably not.> I
currently have a 6 yr. old Cent. argi, 2 g. Chromis. and a 4"
Golden wrasse -hall. species. I do have plenty of turf algae and some
unwanted Valonia, as well as some Sargassum growing in this system.
Also, what foods would I need if you think adding the angel would be a
good idea- would I need to get sponge, or Ocean Nut. angel formula?
<This species very often eats most any/all types of foods>
<Please read here re the genus and then back to the family in
general: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chaetodonoplus.htm Be chatting, Bob
Fenner> Thanks for any help! Gary Pikarsky
Singapore angel Dear Crew, <Hi there> I ran across a
Chaetodontoplus mesoleucos at a LFS and had some questions concerning
it's compatibility. I have a 37 gallon with an assortment of SPS,
LPS, some softies and a clam. Tank has been est. for several years.
There are 3 fish, a Sunburst Anthias and 2 yellow clown gobies. I would
like to add a compatible angel and was wondering if a Singapore Angel
would do fine in such a setup. Or want would you suggest? <Not this
fish... it needs more space than your system. Perhaps a "dwarf
dwarf" species like one of the smaller Centropyges if you had to
have an angel. Please see: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/index.htm
Bob Fenner> Thanks much, Doug
Re: Singapore angel Bob, Thanks for your reply. I was certain
that you would say that that the Singapore would be too big. <It may
be time for you to start answering queries> Okay a "dwarf's
dwarf", another LFS has a C. Fisheri, C. Potteri (about 1 1/2
months in the store) and C. flavicauda. Do I just flip a coin and go
for it? <Not the Potter's. Bob Fenner> Thanks again,
Friends For An Angel Dear Scott, <Hello again!> I
went to the LFS on Friday and finally bought an angel. There were
a few different varieties there but the most striking was a Grey
Poma. I didn't really plan on buying this fish but they look
so much better in "person" than all the photos I've
seen and it showed so much more personality than the other dwarf
angels on offer. <I love this species! It doesn't get too
large, generally feeds well, and has fabulous colors (although
not as flashy as some other species> It is about 4.5 inches
long, very healthy-looking with bright colours. It was feeding in
the shop and it has been pecking the live rock and happily
snapping up whatever food I put in the tank (I have offered
Nutrafin Spirulina flake and marine diet as well as chopped
prawns and a tiny bit of Banana) as well as destroying a small
native featherstars. <That's gonna happen with this
angel!> She is still a bit shy but is slowly starting to come
out of the rockwork and swim around the tank. <Really a great
choice. I'm sure that you'll love her!> I also bought
ten "boxing shrimp", they were 10 for $4 and the guy
there said they would be good for eating leftover food. They are
between 2 and 3 inches long, transparent, light brown with
burgundy spots with elongated pincers. They readily consume any
uneaten food and do not appear to hassle the angel or each other.
I will be getting a pair of gold-banded maroon clowns next week
but apart from them I am not sure what other fish would make
suitable inhabitants. I assume the Poma will fight with other
angels so what about some type of butterfly or wrasse? <I
really like Halichoeres species wrasses, myself. Check 'em
out!> The guy suggested a Bicolour Parrot but those fish grow
to 90cm. <Yep...Really not a good long-term choice for most
captive systems, IMO!> Do you have any other suggestions for
fish that will cohabitate with as well as compliment these fish?
<Well, there are literally hundreds of possible choices. I
really encourage you to check out some of the many neat smaller
wrasses, some of the more peaceful Dottybacks, blennies, gobies,
and many, many others! How was that for unhelpful!> Thanks
again for all your advice Yours Sincerely Adam Harbeck <My
pleasure, Adam! I love your Angel choice! Have fun looking into
the many other possibilities for companions for the angel! Good
luck! Regards, Scott F>
Friend For His Angel? Hello Scott, <Hi there!>
Thank you again for your helpful replies. Well the Poma and the
clowns have not shown any sign of Ich reinfestation since I
started medicating. <A good sign!> However, I have
dismantled my other tank (20 gallon ) and set it up as a
permanent quarantine/hospital tank, and this meant transferring
my unidentified (Chrysiptera?) damsel into the 6 foot tank.
<You know- it is not necessary to leave a quarantine tank up
and running on a permanent basis- just keep a sponge filter or
other media in the display tank, ready to go at all times, add
some water from the display tank, and there you go...> I did a
big water change and gravel-wash before I introduced him and he
was fine on the first day but the next day he had developed Ich
(the others were unaffected). I have started treating the tank
again (the hospital tank is not yet up to scratch) and all the
spots have gone. I am not going to add anymore fish for at least
three weeks so that hopefully the Ich does not re-establish
itself. < A wise decision> I do not think I would be able
to get a cleaner goby as my dealer mostly sells Indo-Pacific and
Red Sea varieties as Caribbean stuff is VERY expensive. <Just
as well. Although cleaners can help, they are not a sure cure for
parasitic infestations> I will probably get a pair or banded
coral shrimp, I've had them before and they look nice and
they might do some occasional fish cleaning. My family thinks
that I need a blue fish of some type in there as the rest blend
into the rockwork from a distance. I like the regal tangs but
they would get too large for my tank and I don't think I
would take the risk when it comes to Ich, I think a Bicolour
Angel would be more suitable but is it different enough in
colouration to not fight with the Poma? <Well, you can usually
keep a Centropyge with other genera of angels, but the Centropyge
is usually added first. It will be an interesting dynamic-one
that you will have to watch very carefully, so that you can
intervene if required> I have read nearly all the FAQ's on
Bicolours and the major problem seems to be getting them to feed.
<In most cases, this is the problem. Careful selection of your
specimen, and knowledge of its area of collection can help assure
greater success. Hopefully, you'll be able to support the
"home team" and get an Australian specimen, which, in
my opinion, are of the best quality and are almost always
properly collected and handled!> If I made sure to get one
that was feeding and then isolate it for 4 or more weeks in
quarantine would it make a suitable, colourful addition to my
tank? As always, your advice is greatly appreciated. Yours
Sincerely Adam Harbeck <Well, Adam- as I mentioned before, it
is certainly possible to mix this fish with the Poma in a
sufficiently large tank. However, fish, like people, are
individuals, and you never know how they are going to respond.
It's just going to be one of those things where you'll
have to roll the dice, so to speak. If your tank is large enough,
and you have enough rockwork to break up territories, it may be
workable. Id put the odds at about 60/40 in favor of it
working...Just know what you may be getting into with this
combination, and work out an "escape plan" should it
become necessary to remove the Bicolor. Good luck! Regards, Scott
Supporting Members For A Big Star (C. conspiculatus Angel)
Hello All, <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!> With your help
from the website and books, I have my 200-gallon aquarium ready and
awaiting its first inhabitant. I would like to house the Conspicuous
Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus conspiculatus) as the star of the aquarium
and I would like your advice on which type of fish I could put in the
aquarium with the Conspicuous Angelfish? Would one of the butterfly
fish be possible tank mate? The aquarium has been running since March
and the marine set-up includes a refugium, Euro-Reef skimmer, chiller,
Live Rock and a tank cleaner crew of crabs and snails. I also have a
quarantine tank for anything that will go into the main aquarium
system. I know this fish is expensive and I expect I will have to wait
in order for this fish to be the first in the aquarium since it is hard
to locate a specimen. Again, Thanks for your help, Gary <Well, Gary-
I certainly admire your choice for the star of your tank!. This fish is
absolutely worth the wait! Do try to get a juvenile or smaller fish if
you can, as they may adapt more readily to captive life than a
full-sized 10 inch adult. I think that a fish like this is so
spectacular that to put another larger beautiful fish would be
distracting! Rather, I'd opt for some smaller, colorful fishes,
like wrasses- such as Halichoeres chrysus (the "Canary
Wrasse") or maybe a small group of Fairy Wrasses (your choice of
species). Make sure that you choose tank mates that will not disturb
the Angel. Other good choices might be the Purple Firefish
(Nemateleotris decora), or perhaps some Cardinalfish (your choice).
Some hardier Anthias might fit the bill, too. These more diminutive
fishes add interest and color to your tank without detracting from the
beauty of your "star"! Be patient, and you will be rewarded!
Good luck! Regards, Scott F.>
Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis in a captive
reef? Gambling With Corals (Risking A Large Angelfish With
Invertebrates)? 1/16/08 Hey guys and gals: <Scott F. your
guy tonight!> Simple question. Is Chaetodontoplus
septentrionalis an angel that can be placed in a captive reef
aquarium (90G) without being too destructive? < I guess
it's all relative..."Destructive" to some reef
people is the loss of one polyp of coral. Yes- fishes in this
genus will nip at all sorts of sessile invertebrates. It's
rather uncommon in the U.S. trade, seeing how it has a rather
limited distribution (mainly Southeast Asia and Japan). If you
have a source and are up to keeping this beautiful fish, the risk
may be worth it! My main concern is the size of the fish. This
species can and will hit around 10 inches, and a 90 gallon
aquarium is simply not large enough to house this species for
anything close to a normal life span, IMO. You really will need
an aquarium that is six feet or greater in length (preferably 8
feet), as they roam over large areas of reef in nature, and they
do like caves and crevices to hide in.> I have a few LPS
corals and a few softies (no SPS) and I'm willing to tempt
fate on one of my favorite fish of all time if it could possibly
be kept without tearing everything up. <A total dice roll, my
friend!> If the fish is well-fed enough (3 times daily with
New Life Spectrum pellets along with frozen foods -- all soaked
in Selcon), could it be somewhat trusted not to be a holy terror
to corals? I was thinking about keeping a clam, but I
wouldn't trust a large angel with a clam since I've seen
first hand one getting nibbled to death in the past and I'd
much rather have a huge want of mine in the septentrionalis if at
all possible. <Again- there is no guarantee. Even fishes with
a "reputation" for NOT munching on corals can turn on
them. Like people, fish are individuals, and we cannot expect
them to conform to our behavioral expectations.> It's
either that, or I was thinking of going with a Pomacanthus
annularis which is my distant 2nd choice (but another gorgeous
fish to say the least) which I've read in the FAQ's is
one of the 3 large marine angels Bob would tempt fate with in a
reef environment.- Jon <Well, Jon, I have seen the P.
annularis in reef systems. Again, it's a gamble, but it's
up to the hobbyist to decide his/her threshold. A more pressing
concern is the HUGE size that this fish can attain (like 15 to 18
inches), and its need for correspondingly huge quarters! Keeping
one of these fish in anything less than an aquarium of hundreds
of gallons is cruel and unusual, in my opinion. My advice to you,
my risk-taking friend: Try fishes better suited to the quarters
that you can provide, such as a rare Centropyge species (try
pricing a C. hotumatua or C. joculator if you want sexy and
expensive!), which are just as challenging (and potentially
destructive to reef invertebrates), but generally max out at 4
inches or less. Regardless of what route you take, there are
tradeoffs that you must make, so be prepared and go for it based
on what is best for you and your animals. Good luck! Regards,
Scott F.> Jonathan Philpot
Re: Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis in a captive reef? Big
Angels- Little Angels! 1/17/08 Thanks for the quick response,
Scott. <MY pleasure! Didn't want to be a
"buzz kill", but I just felt that I needed to highlight
a few things.> Question in regards to P. annularis -- on the
WWM site it's listed as a max-out of 8 inches or so in
captivity and I must say that I've never seen one anywhere
near the size you gave me (the 15-18 inches). The two older
specimens I've seen (one around 6 or so years old in the LFS
display tank of around 600 gallons and another in a 125 gallon
tank belonging to a friend of mine) have both been roughly the 8
inches listed from what I've been able to tell. <I must be
honest with you- I have seen at least 3 specimens of this species
well over 12 inches, and one that was darned close to a foot and
a half. I'm gonna render advice based on what I have seen.
Sure, they may not all reach that size, but the potential does
exist...And you can't ignore that, IMO.> But I've seen
the fish listed anywhere from 8 inches to 12 inches and now you
mention possibly a foot and a half as well. A bit confusing (and
trust me, I'm not doubting you -- just confused by my own
witness of the fish and by the multitude of length listings out
there in both print and online). I've also seen so many
different tank size suggestions which really makes it a bit
frustrating since I've had the possibility to attain a few
nice specimens at a reasonable price but passed because I've
been so confused! <I totally agree! It is confusing. I can
only speak from my experiences/observations. They can and do get
quite large. Always take any advice you find-mine or anyone
else's-with a grain of salt. In the end, you need to gather
your information for yourself, from sources you know and from
personal observations, and temper your decision with a healthy
dose of skepticism. In the end, go with what your observations
tell you. However, always think of the "end game" with
large fishes. They need such large quarters to live healthy,
happy lives.> I'll probably pass on both large angels
until I can make a move to a larger aquarium in the future and
stick with the Centropyge angels that I've had success with
in the past. <I commend you on this decision. If you can house
these fishes successfully (and I have no doubt that you can), you
will enjoy much success, and the fishes will enjoy longer,
happier lives!> I do a lot of "trading" of fish with
a few fellow aquarists I know and trust so I've had quite a
few species of fish over the years and have kept my tanks pretty
varied. <Cool!> Thanks for the response, again, though.
I'll likely give the Centropyge potteri another go since I
did have success in my first go-around until my tank crashed in a
very rare power outage. Though I'd love to find the
blue/black variant of it since it is a truly magnificent
coloration in my opinion (not that the normal coloration
isn't magnificent). - Jon <I hope you have every success,
Jon! I have seen a blue morph of the C. potteri in a store in
Chicago, and it was awesome! Probably a temporary aberration, but
what a beauty! Take care! Regards, Scott F.>
Singapore Angel Compatibility 02/06/2008 Hi Crew,
<<Hello, Andrew today>> I have been trying to determine if
a Singapore Angel would be OK in my tank. My main concern is with the
corals. I have Leather, Kenya Tree, Xenia, Yellow Polyps, Zoas,
Mushrooms, Bubble, Frogspawn, Torch, Galaxea, Hammer and Ricordea. I
currently have a Flame Angel and it seams he only nips the Xenia a
little, but not enough to kill it, just slow down the growth, which
isn't too bad. Which corals do you think would be most at risk? I
know some large angels eat Zoas, but do Singapores?
<<Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus, vermiculated angel or Singapore
angel is very nice fish indeed. Ensure you are strict on getting and
keeping this fish to eat. Very common for these to simply not eat in
the home aquaria an die. It is possible for these to pick at sps and
soft corals, however I do class them any more of a danger than you
other angel, the flame. As with a lot of angels, its a bit of a gamble.
Is it one your willing to take? Read more here and linked articles and
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/Chaetodonoplus/index.htm >>
Thanks, Craig <<Thanks for the questions Craig, hope this helps.
A Nixon>>
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |