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Blue spotted angelfish question, Chaetodontoplus sel. ? 02/07/08 Hello, <Hi there Rob> As always, great site, use it all the time. I have a question about the blue spotted angelfish ( Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus ). I have an opportunity to purchase this angel or a gray Poma. In your opinion, which has a better survival rate? <Both about the same... "medium" historically> I am no novice, been keeping salts for 20+ years and have had good luck with angelfish. In fact I have an 8 year old female swallowtail angelfish and a 4 year old majestic and I have raised emperors from juvie to adult, had a pair of coral beauties for 3 years, they even spawned once - true story. <All three of these are harder to keep than Chaetodontoplus> Currently I have a very healthy, fat, eats everything in sight Singapore angel. <The best member of the genus> I have had him for about 6 months and would like to try another member of this genus. I did read the info on your site but a more informed, personal opinion would be greatly appreciated. thank you Rob Mancabelli <If you can secure an initially healthy, feeding specimen of either species, you should do fine. Bob Fenner> Singapore Angel Compatibility 02/06/2008 Hi Crew, <<Hello, Andrew today>> I have been trying to determine if a Singapore Angel would be OK in my tank. My main concern is with the corals. I have Leather, Kenya Tree, Xenia, Yellow Polyps, Zoas, Mushrooms, Bubble, Frogspawn, Torch, Galaxea, Hammer and Ricordea. I currently have a Flame Angel and it seams he only nips the Xenia a little, but not enough to kill it, just slow down the growth, which isn't too bad. Which corals do you think would be most at risk? I know some large angels eat Zoas, but do Singapores? <<Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus, vermiculated angel or Singapore angel is very nice fish indeed. Ensure you are strict on getting and keeping this fish to eat. Very common for these to simply not eat in the home aquaria an die. It is possible for these to pick at sps and soft corals, however I do class them any more of a danger than you other angel, the flame. As with a lot of angels, its a bit of a gamble. Is it one your willing to take? Read more here and linked articles and FAQ's. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/Chaetodonoplus/index.htm>> Thanks, Craig <<Thanks for the questions Craig, hope this helps. A Nixon>>
Conspiculatus angel fish for sale-12/22/2007 Hello, Just wondering if you knew of any one looking for Conspiculatus angel fish. I will be receiving a shipment of them on the 27th of this month. Each fish will be between 8-14 cm in length. I will be holding the fish for 1 week before shipping them. All fish come with a 24 hr guarantee. This is what I am asking per fish at retail cost. 8-10cm $1500.00 10-12cm $1300.00 12-14cm $1100.00 If you know of any, that might be interested in one. Please pass along my contact information. Thanks Sean Stalter Saltwater Connections _Alligatorkid@aol.com_ <... will post. BobF> Scribbled Angelfish Finicky Angelfish... fdg. 12/1/2007 I am having trouble getting a 9" Scribbled Angel to eat enough for his size. I have tried shrimp, scallops, mussels, Nori, Caulerpa and frozen preparations for Angelfish. He is in a 210 tank with only a Flame Angel, 5 damsels, Snowflake Eel, and some urchins. Water quality is excellent. The only foods he is eating at all is a preparation I make with shrimp, scallops, red algae, and green algae ground up together. Any suggestions? James Wedel <Well, James, I'd consider feeding frozen Mysis shrimp. There are several quality brands out there, such as Hikari or Piscine Energetics, which I really favor. They are high in protein and essential fatty acids, providing both excellent nutrition and natural appetite stimulation for the fish. In my experience, even rather finicky fish do eat this food. Of course, you could always try the old standby, frozen brine shrimp, but only after enriching with a vitamin solution, such as Vita Chem or Selcon. Another old trick is to cut open a small, fresh clam and placing it on a rock in the half shell. Personally, I have rarely used this technique, as Mysis seems to work for me. The food you are preparing seems quite good, but I agree that it is important to offer a variety for the long-term health of your fish. Best of luck to you on your effort! Regards, Scott F.> Triple Sulfa and Maracyn Plus... Chaetodontoplus, Angel dis. period 11/12/07 Hi Crew, I have a gray Poma angel that was great for 2 months at the pet store. I brought him home and put in my 125 gallon FOWLR and was doing well for a few weeks. His fins starting getting cloudy and frayed and he had like white patches under his side fins that would look bloody at times. <Environmental... possibly with a social component> Well I removed him and treated him in a QT tank with triple sulfa and he did great with treatment which was a 4 day treatment. I put him back in the 125 tank and it came back during the course of a week. <... same env.> I removed again and treated again this time twice and once again he looked great even better since I treated him for 8 days. The instructions said I could treat twice if need be. Well this time after treatment I didn't return him to the 125 and did 50 percent water changes daily for the last 4 days in QT and can see his fins are starting to turn cloudy again since he finished his 8 day treatment. <Cumulative stress> It says I can use triple sulfa in the main display tank without hurting the bio filter. <Yes, generally> Is this true? I'm afraid to do that. My levels are all great. 0 Ammonia 0 nitrites and 20 and under nitrates. This fish was in a small 20 gallon for at least 2 months and did great health wise but always looked scared and was hiding in the pet store. <Also env.> I bring him home and he keeps getting fin rot? His tank mates are 1 clown and a small Kole tang that have o interest in him. Its driving me nuts and I'm afraid to put him back. I started treatment today in the QT with Maracyn plus. The instructions were clear with the triple sulfa but are not with the Maracyn plus except to treat on days 1 3 and 5. Nothing about partial water changes during treatment? <Monitor water quality, change-out as necessary, re-medicate...> Are if I do a fifty percent daily water changes do I add Maracyn plus to make up for the water change? One last thing the fish does not seem stressed and eats well in the main tank and QT. He did stop eating right before I started the original treatment is why I started and he was eating again the second day once treatment was started. Thanks in advance <This is NOT a pathogenic condition... What would really help is a refugium, mud... macroalgae, DSB there... It's the environment that needs improving... not the symptoms of the angel that need medicating. Bob Fenner> Gray Poma Wont Eat? 9/10/07 Hi Crew I'm at my wits end. I bought a Gray Poma 3 weeks ago today. It is still in QT and looks very healthy but will not eat anything???? <Could be the stress of collection/holding/shipping... or just the QT...> I have tried formula one and two, frozen angel formula, Mysis shrimp, krill and I even bought a red ball sponge that he doesn't seem to be eating. Ho swims about and checks everything out but will not eat and is starting to look thin. He's about 4-5 inches <A good size> and his colors are great. Anything I can try before he dies? <Yes... live rock... and if not this quickly, dipping and moving this specimen to the main display> Is this a hard fish to get to eat? <Chaetodontoplus angels can be> Any thought would be so much appreciated. Thanks Crew <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Personifer (Blue Masked Angel)...Feeding 8/4/06 Hallo Mr. Bob Fenner, <James with you today.> My name is Trevor and I thank you for taking the time to answer my queries. <You're welcome.> I recently asked my supplier to get me a 4" male Personifer Angelfish. He got me a 19- 10" angel. <19-10"??? Show quality for sure.> When I protested about the size, he gave the fish to me at no cost because he said he would never sell it. <Lucky you...so far.> I must say it is a stunning fish but I need some advice in maintaining this fish as well as feeding it. It is housed at the moment in a 250 gal tank ( 6' x 2' x 30"). I do realize that a larger tank is required <Tank should be large enough.> and that will come soon but at the moment, I really need to know what foods I should be feeding it because at the moment it does not eat. <Not unusual at first, but would have been a wonderful idea to do all the research before you ordered the fish.> Also if I may, is it possible to house a male and female Personifer together in the same tank? <Would be iffy as they are semi-aggressive, and I'd try to keep this one alive first. As far as foods, I'd try Spirulina, marine algae, Ocean Nutrition Angel Preparation, Mysid and/or frozen shrimp. Do read here and related links. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/index.htm> Thanks heaps, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Trevor Goodson Lost my Conspic :( 7/16/06 Hello WWM Crew. <Jeff> I had a tragic loss of my Conspicillatus Angel after two and a half years of healthy living he is gone. I had noticed over the last 6 months his breathing had increased and he loved the bubbles. His appetite up until the last day was voracious as usual. I always looked in the gill plates for any sign of problems but did not see anything (still bright red and full). When I came home the other night I noticed his breathing was beyond rapid. I called my fish guy at 11:00 pm to come over and help. <... some service!> After looking at the gills again we noticed a huge (about the size of a nickel) white bulbous growth tucked deep inside the gill plates (because now his gills were flared wide open to get o2). We agreed that in the morning we would "cut " whatever it was out <!> to save the fish because it wouldn't make it if he continued like this. Unfortunately by 7:00 AM he past away. The fish guy did a post op on him and said he found a "goiter" in his gill plates, <Not uncommon> one large one and a smaller one on the other side. I unfortunately do not have a pic of it but is it common, rare or even possible for angels to get them (I only saw references on rays and sharks)? <All vertebrates and some invertebrate groups are subject to these tumorous growths... Generally associated with endocrine malfunction, in turn related to a nutritional, chemical deficiency> or could there have been a copepod or some type of parasite that fits the bill? <Mmm, this is also a possibility. Would need to examine the growth> It did look more like a "tumorous" growth than parasitic but I would hate to search for another beautiful fish like that and not know what I would be dealing with. Best Regards, Jeffrey G. Schoor <Sorry to realize your loss... Might I ask, were/are you of the habit of using vitamin/supplements and/or iodine/ide/ate on a regular basis? Bob Fenner> Re: Lost my Conspic :( 7/16/06 Hi Bob, <Jeff> I do use vitamins and supplements for my fish that contain iodine but I did not use additional iodine. I guess I should start. My tank is 400 gallon fish only what types of supplements would you recommend? Thanks for the quick response Jeffrey <Mmm, well, it takes actually very little iodine to prevent Chromaffin Tissue (homologous to Thyroid, Parathyroid in "higher vert.s) deficiency syndromes... If you are adding such weekly (a good practice to time with water changes, general maintenance, this should "do it". Our collective input on this issue here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/vitaminmarfaqs.htm and http://www.wetwebmedia.com/iodfaqs.htm Bob Fenner> Help for a (Singapore) angel.....please... fdg. 5/27/06 Hello-I sent you a question 2 weeks ago but no one replied. <Mmm, don't recall seeing this. Thanks for re-sending> Anyway I have another question, but this time it's a matter of life and death! <Yikes! Some drama now!> I purchased a vermiculated Singapore angel and it has been in quarantine for the past 3 weeks. The problem is that I can't get it to feed. <Some don't...> It is an incredibly shy fish-I have never encountered any like it. It often picks at my rocks and I'm not certain if it's eating the hair algae or the large number of pods in the qt tank. Either way, it always has an apparent full belly! However when whatever it is eating runs out, I'm afraid that it won't eat. I have offered it sushi Nori and flake/pellet food <?> but it completely ignores them. Do you have any suggestions for how/what I can feed this unbelievably flighty fish? THANK YOU! <Is just a very shy species... best to place in the main system, keep trying to add small meaty zooplanktivorous foods, plenty of live rock, a healthy DSB et al. in a tied-in refugium. Please take a read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/chaetodonoplus/faqs.htm Bob Fenner>
Supporting Members For A Big Star (C. conspiculatus Angel) Hello All, <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!> With your help from the website and books, I have my 200-gallon aquarium ready and awaiting its first inhabitant. I would like to house the Conspicuous Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus conspiculatus) as the star of the aquarium and I would like your advice on which type of fish I could put in the aquarium with the Conspicuous Angelfish? Would one of the butterfly fish be possible tank mate? The aquarium has been running since March and the marine set-up includes a refugium, Euro-Reef skimmer, chiller, Live Rock and a tank cleaner crew of crabs and snails. I also have a quarantine tank for anything that will go into the main aquarium system. I know this fish is expensive and I expect I will have to wait in order for this fish to be the first in the aquarium since it is hard to locate a specimen. Again, Thanks for your help, Gary <Well, Gary- I certainly admire your choice for the star of your tank!. This fish is absolutely worth the wait! Do try to get a juvenile or smaller fish if you can, as they may adapt more readily to captive life than a full-sized 10 inch adult. I think that a fish like this is so spectacular that to put another larger beautiful fish would be distracting! Rather, I'd opt for some smaller, colorful fishes, like wrasses- such as Halichoeres chrysus (the "Canary Wrasse") or maybe a small group of Fairy Wrasses (your choice of species). Make sure that you choose tank mates that will not disturb the Angel. Other good choices might be the Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora), or perhaps some Cardinalfish (your choice). Some hardier Anthias might fit the bill, too. These more diminutive fishes add interest and color to your tank without detracting from the beauty of your "star"! Be patient, and you will be rewarded! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Conspiculatus Angel Hello Bob, <Hi Dan, MacL sitting in for the boss man> I have a Conspicillatus angelfish that I have had for approx 1 year.<Congratulations, I have a severe case of fish envy going on here!> It is aprox 5-6 inches in length and resides in a 120 gallon tank. I would be grateful if you have any pearls of wisdom regarding optimal husbandry for this type of species. What are the ideal water parameters and diet for this fish in captivity? <http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/chaetodonoplus/ is a good place to start researching. I know that they are going to need some foods with supplemental sponges or indeed sponges bought directly for them to consume. I'd also like you to take a look at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marangsysfaqs.htm about angel fish systems. Although if you have had yours for a year you obviously are doing wonderfully. Thanks for making my day, MacL> Regards, Dan Problem With A Poma (Sick Angel) Dear Scott, <Hello again!> I bought a pair of gold-stripe maroon clowns on Wednesday and added them to my tank with the Grey Poma, but now I have noticed that the Poma has developed white-spot. <Yikes! No quarantine? I don't want to scold you now- but...Ya got to quarantine all new arrivals to avoid problems like this in the future, okay?> It is not a really heavy infestation but I know I need to cure it. The angel has been trying to solicit the boxing shrimp into cleaning it but I have not yet observed them doing so. The clowns are still free of spots but what is the best way to go about treating them? I know copper is toxic to angels, so I bought some Vertaid medication which contains Quinine hydrochloride and Malachite green from another fish shop and the guy there said to add 1ml per 70l for four days and do partial water changes if the fish or inverts look stressed. <Well, some angel species are very sensitive to copper, mainly Centropyge species. I have used copper on a variety of angels without problems. Of course, if you are concerned about this medication, I'd recommend a Formalin-based product as an alternative.> I impulse bought this product because I did not know what else to do. Should I treat the whole tank or isolate the fish in a separate tank and do it as it is going to take a while to set up a hospital tank? <Id treat all affected fishes in a separate tank, and let the display run fallow for a month or so. My advice is to NEVER treat in the display tank.> He said that he would not recommend a freshwater dip as this may shock the fish more. <Well, freshwater dips can be a bit rough on an already-stressed fish. Their effectiveness can vary, and I would not consider a FW dip a primary treatment method> Can you please put me on the right track to treat my fish, I do not want to lose them. Yours Sincerely Adam Harbeck <Well, Adam- I'd remove the affected fish to a separate system for treatment, and let the display tank run without fishes for a month or so. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to the letter concerning dosage and duration, regardless of what medication that you choose to use. Follow through and keep observing your fishes carefully during the process, and I'm sure that your fish will make it through fine! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Angelfish with Rapid Breath Hello, <Hi! Ryan Bowen with you today> I recently bought a Personifer angelfish. about 4-5" with full colored face. Its currently in a 46gallon bow front QT tank, with a Fluval 304, and a 4 watt UV sterilizer. <Great to hear> Its swimming around normally, its breathing rapidly. I've had angelfish before and I know they breathe a little slower. Tank is fully cycled, there's only a trace of nitrates. Its not eating, but I only got it two days ago, so I'm not entirely worried... yet. I just want to know if there's something that I don't see is wrong. <Ammonia? Also check for gill flukes.> I have black garbage bags that I've cut to make a makeshift "kelp forest" to ease its acclimation and to give it a sense of security. It doesn't appear to be stressed because it approaches the tank when I put my face near it, but the rapid breathing has me worried. <Yes, I'd be nervous as well> any insights would be greatly appreciated. Also I gave it a F/W bath before putting it into the tank. But like I said, it doesn't appear to be stressed except for the rapid breathing. well over 80 gill movements a minute. <I'd give him a few days, but keep an eye on water quality and gills for disease. I'd execute daily water changes to keep things fresh in the QT. Thanks, good luck! Ryan> Friends For An Angel Dear Scott, <Hello again!> I went to the LFS on Friday and finally bought an angel. There were a few different varieties there but the most striking was a Grey Poma. I didn't really plan on buying this fish but they look so much better in "person" than all the photos I've seen and it showed so much more personality than the other dwarf angels on offer. <I love this species! It doesn't get too large, generally feeds well, and has fabulous colors (although not as flashy as some other species> It is about 4.5 inches long, very healthy-looking with bright colours. It was feeding in the shop and it has been pecking the live rock and happily snapping up whatever food I put in the tank (I have offered Nutrafin Spirulina flake and marine diet as well as chopped prawns and a tiny bit of Banana) as well as destroying a small native featherstars. <That's gonna happen with this angel!> She is still a bit shy but is slowly starting to come out of the rockwork and swim around the tank. <Really a great choice. I'm sure that you'll love her!> I also bought ten "boxing shrimp", they were 10 for $4 and the guy there said they would be good for eating leftover food. They are between 2 and 3 inches long, transparent, light brown with burgundy spots with elongated pincers. They readily consume any uneaten food and do not appear to hassle the angel or each other. I will be getting a pair of gold-banded maroon clowns next week but apart from them I am not sure what other fish would make suitable inhabitants. I assume the Poma will fight with other angels so what about some type of butterfly or wrasse? <I really like Halichoeres species wrasses, myself. Check 'em out!> The guy suggested a Bicolour Parrot but those fish grow to 90cm. <Yep...Really not a good long-term choice for most captive systems, IMO!> Do you have any other suggestions for fish that will cohabitate with as well as compliment these fish? <Well, there are literally hundreds of possible choices. I really encourage you to check out some of the many neat smaller wrasses, some of the more peaceful Dottybacks, blennies, gobies, and many, many others! How was that for unhelpful!> Thanks again for all your advice Yours Sincerely Adam Harbeck <My pleasure, Adam! I love your Angel choice! Have fun looking into the many other possibilities for companions for the angel! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Friend For His Angel? Hello Scott, <Hi there!> Thank you again for your helpful replies. Well the Poma and the clowns have not shown any sign of Ich reinfestation since I started medicating. <A good sign!> However, I have dismantled my other tank (20 gallon ) and set it up as a permanent quarantine/hospital tank, and this meant transferring my unidentified (Chrysiptera?) damsel into the 6 foot tank. <You know- it is not necessary to leave a quarantine tank up and running on a permanent basis- just keep a sponge filter or other media in the display tank, ready to go at all times, add some water from the display tank, and there you go...> I did a big water change and gravel-wash before I introduced him and he was fine on the first day but the next day he had developed Ich (the others were unaffected). I have started treating the tank again (the hospital tank is not yet up to scratch) and all the spots have gone. I am not going to add anymore fish for at least three weeks so that hopefully the Ich does not re-establish itself. < A wise decision> I do not think I would be able to get a cleaner goby as my dealer mostly sells Indo-Pacific and Red Sea varieties as Caribbean stuff is VERY expensive. <Just as well. Although cleaners can help, they are not a sure cure for parasitic infestations> I will probably get a pair or banded coral shrimp, I've had them before and they look nice and they might do some occasional fish cleaning. My family thinks that I need a blue fish of some type in there as the rest blend into the rockwork from a distance. I like the regal tangs but they would get too large for my tank and I don't think I would take the risk when it comes to Ich, I think a Bicolour Angel would be more suitable but is it different enough in colouration to not fight with the Poma? <Well, you can usually keep a Centropyge with other genera of angels, but the Centropyge is usually added first. It will be an interesting dynamic-one that you will have to watch very carefully, so that you can intervene if required> I have read nearly all the FAQ's on Bicolours and the major problem seems to be getting them to feed. <In most cases, this is the problem. Careful selection of your specimen, and knowledge of its area of collection can help assure greater success. Hopefully, you'll be able to support the "home team" and get an Australian specimen, which, in my opinion, are of the best quality and are almost always properly collected and handled!> If I made sure to get one that was feeding and then isolate it for 4 or more weeks in quarantine would it make a suitable, colourful addition to my tank? As always, your advice is greatly appreciated. Yours Sincerely Adam Harbeck <Well, Adam- as I mentioned before, it is certainly possible to mix this fish with the Poma in a sufficiently large tank. However, fish, like people, are individuals, and you never know how they are going to respond. It's just going to be one of those things where you'll have to roll the dice, so to speak. If your tank is large enough, and you have enough rockwork to break up territories, it may be workable. Id put the odds at about 60/40 in favor of it working...Just know what you may be getting into with this combination, and work out an "escape plan" should it become necessary to remove the Bicolor. Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Finicky Angel Dear Bob, <Hi there! Scott F. here today> I purchased a Singapore angel about a month and a half ago. After a small outbreak of Ich the fish has been pretty healthy. However the problem is he will not eat. <An all-too-common problem with these fishes, unfortunately> I have him in a 85 gallon FOWLR, however most of the live rock is covered in coralline algae. I did try to give him some fresh macroalgae, but my Yellow Tang wolfed it down (he only got a little bit). I have tried every other type of food imaginable. He is only about 3-4 inches long. The Singapore has gotten noticeably thinner. Could I put him in a 20 gallon reef that contains a lot of different macroalgae? <That may be a good idea, too help "turn the corner" on this finicky eater. I'd give it a shot for a while.> The only corals are button polyps, mushrooms, and starburst polyps. He will only be in there for about a month until I can set-up a 55 gallon FOWLR (hopefully to become a reef). Thank you. Sam Reef <The Singapore will nibble on soft corals and Zoanthids, so do be prepared for some losses. Certainly avoid LPS corals. However, if it were me- that's a risk I'd be willing to take to keep this beautiful fish alive. Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Sick Singapore Angel? Hello, <Hi there! Scott F. here today> My new Singapore Angel has Ich. He is about 4 inches long, good color and has clear eyes. I went to the store to buy Ich medication (Rid-Ich), but the owner steered me over to Mardel Copper Safe. He said I only have to medicate once and with half the prescribed treatment because of the angel. The angel is in a 10 gallon bare bottomed quarantine tank. Should I treat with Copper Safe? For how long and with what amount? <There is a lot of disagreement about whether or not to use copper with many angelfish species. I feel that CopperSafe is a good product, but the choice to use copper is a judgment call on your part. If it were me, I'd rather use a Formalin-based product than a reduced dosage of Copper. The use of copper is dependent upon a specific dosage, and should be tested for while in use. All medications should be administered in a separate aquarium.> I have had the angel for about a week. Whenever I come into the room he hides in a cave. He has only eaten live Caulerpa and nothing else. How long can he go without food? Will he eventually eat? Thank you for your time. Sam Reef <Well, Sam, it's important that the fish eats as much food as possible, as soon as possible. Yes, these fish don't have the best reputation for being easy feeders. If the fish is ill, this could complicate things, but it is important to keep food available to the fish. Don't give up! Regards, Scott F.> Singapore Angel Fish's eye turned bright blue >Hi, I bought a Singapore Angel Fish about 4 weeks ago. For the first week it would not eat. After the first week it started eating and now acts perfectly normal and eats very readily. However over the past week I have noticed that one of his eyes has swelled up a little bit and turned blue. I was wondering if you could give me any type of advice as to what to do. Thanks, John >>While I'm not familiar with color changes as you've described, I think it's safe to say that it is very possible he scraped or otherwise injured the eye. If you're not doing so now, get some Selcon and begin soaking his food in it. Nutrition and excellent water quality are a fish's best friend, so address those issues first. Also, go to our home page to the Google bar and try either "injured eye" or "exophthalmia". We have very extensive FAQ's on the subject. Good luck! Marina - Conspicillatus angel in a 90?- Someone in my area is selling a healthy 6" Conspic angel. He's had it for a year or more and it eats flake and frozen. The fish is currently in a 180g. I have a 90g w/ live rock a DSB, a harlequin tusk, a coral beauty, an algae blenny, good flow, excellent skimmer and param.s. This is an expensive fish <You're not kidding!> and I really wouldn't want it to be unhappy. I really, really wouldn't want it to perish. <As would I> Is my tank big enough? Live Aquaria says so <Well, IMO the good doctors are wrong this time. Here's Bob's little blurb from a WetWeb angelfish article: Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus (Waite 1900), the Conspicuous Angelfish (1). A beautiful and expensive centerpiece for folks with a large aquarium (hundreds of gallons). To about a foot in length. Australian east coast out to New Caledonia. They get big and need lots of space. Too nice of a fish to cram into a 90.> but I don't necessarily trust what they say. It's my understanding that they grow to a max. 10" but, have found conflicting information about their size and requirements. Thank you so much for your reply. Any info would be greatly appreciated! <If you can afford this fish, you surely can afford to set up a gigantic system for it. It would be well worth the time and money! -Kevin> -Mike Re: one sided breathing >Marina, thank you for the advice. >>You're quite welcome, I hope that it's been of some help. >Its taken years to accept but I finally realize we all need help from time to time. >>I learned a while ago to just give up the idea that I don't need help. LOL! >Also, on a positive note my Blue Line (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis) angel began breathing from both sides yesterday and respiration slowed to a more normal rate. >>Excellent. >He had not eaten since receiving him which has been five days so I tried minced clam on the half shell which was received well. >>Great, getting him started is half the battle. >Thinking he cannot sustain on clams alone I mixed in frozen Mysis with the minced clam. How and what other foods do you suggest I introduce, I've refrained from live brine so far and would like to stay away if possible. >>I would, too. If you're more concerned with getting him fattened up, keep giving him the clam (soaked in a good supplement like Selcon), and you might try instead of the live brine more Mysis. Also offer a bit of squid, krill, maybe even bits of other fish. Soak everything in Selcon at this point, once he's on his way then you can reduce it to a few times a week. >I've gone through the related files and the forum sections without success. Of course given the size of your site I probably flew over them, Ha! I floated a piece of washed spinach but it didn't get touched, I didn't mention that I set some live rock in for him to graze on, though it hasn't been successful. >>Don't give up yet. Do you happen to have on hand one of the frozen angel formulas? IIRC they also have bits of sponge and whatnot that the larger angels seem to really like. >I'm thrilled that he's begun to nibble, its a starting point. >>Absolutely! >I've done my research but can't seem to find a whole lot. Any thoughts? >>I'll link you to the FAQ, but I'm guessing you already have it. I'm going to do a quick Google, as well as searching reefs.org. Be back in a minute! http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/chaetodonoplus/faqs.htm http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=21&pCatId=1140 http://ichtyonb1.mnhn.fr/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID=11124 >>This one searching via Advanced Aquarist online zine http://www.advancedaquarist.com/cgi-bin/websearch.pl >>I know this isn't much, but it's a start. I do hope it helps, especially the one link that speaks more specifically to feeding. I don't think this angel will be very interested in vegetable matter outside of the algae it might choose to nibble at. Good luck! Marina Chaetodontoplus I was thinking of purchasing one of these angels for my 125gal tank. I was wondering if you had any experience with these and if you could give me a few pointers. also do you think it would fight with a dwarf angel? I have a true lemon peel and I love him and wouldn't want them fighting. I didn't think they would as they look so different and I have read that the larger angels and dwarfs wont fight. but they are a similar size but the Chaetodontoplus mesoleucos is a little larger. thanks in advance. Will C< They will probably be ok. But the mesoleucos is kind of a touchy angel and there are many better choices. If you do decide to get the angel make sure he is eating and interested in his environment. Be sure to quarantine him! You can find more info here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/chaetodonoplus/ Cody> Singapore angel Dear Crew, <Hi there>
I ran across a Chaetodontoplus mesoleucos at a LFS and had some
questions concerning it's compatibility. I have a 37 gallon with an
assortment of SPS, LPS, some softies and a clam. Tank has
been est. for several years. There are 3 fish, a Sunburst
Anthias and 2 yellow clown gobies. I would like to add
a compatible angel and was wondering if a Singapore Angel would do fine
in such a setup. Or want would you suggest? <Not
this fish... it needs more space than your system. Perhaps a
"dwarf dwarf" species like one of the smaller Centropyges if
you had to have an angel. Please see: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/index.htm
Bob Fenner> Thanks much, Doug Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis Care/Requirements Hello, I have been searching far and wide on care of the Blue line angel. All I have found is that it is rather hardy, and becoming a more frequent import. I am interested in putting one specimen in my 58 gallon (mostly) SPS tank. The dimensions are 36x18x20. My main question would be, can a tank of this size support this angel? <No, it is too small for any of the larger Angelfish.> It has a 25 gallon sump connected to it. Also any specifics on care would be fabulous! Thanks again, John Ragsdale P.S. I will be picking up Scott Michael's "Marine Fishes" book, soon in hopes it contains info on this particular species. <Unfortunately, it is not in there. I just looked. -Steven Pro> My Sweet Angel...? What is the fish on the Marine Center logo on your website? It is bright yellow with black around eyes and looks like on the sides but the most remarkable thing is the bright blue lips. I have never seen this fish before it is beautiful. Hadley <I believe the fish that you're referring to is the Conspicillatus Angelfish, Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus. This is one of the most sought-after and beautiful angelfishes. It's not cheap, requires impeccable water conditions, but is an absolute stunner! Good luck if you are lucky enough to acquire this sweet fish! Regards, Scott F.> Juvenile phase of scribbled angel? Hi All, Sorry to be a bug, but I am wondering if you received the email below. Perhaps you even replied and I somehow missed it :( <I do remember your question. It was answered and has already been archived. You can find it here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/chaetodonoplus/faqs.htm> Best regards, Manuel <You are welcome. -Steven Pro>
Conspicillatus angelfish Hi, I am going to get a conspicillatus angel off the marine center in a month or so. I asked them the price they said something like 1900 dollars. I was reading your faq on Chaetodontoplus angels and you said 1300 was a lot. Now that seems 1900 is a lot. But I want to get it from the marine center since there fish are excellent quality. But I was wondering if you have any tips on keeping them, what are there requirements, etc. I want to know everything you know about them. I may seem stupid in fishes, but I have much experience in keeping angels. Thanks! <The price of such "show" specimens (with or w/o quotation marks) varies greatly... with size, country of origin, relative currency strength, availability... For such a large investment I would do a good deal of searching on the various BB's, chatforums re actual keepers of this species and its congeners... as well as asking the fine folks at Marine Center what their experience is with this individual and the species. What little personal experience I have is posted on WetWebMedia.com. You might want to use the Google Search feature for the genus, species there (on the homepage and indices). Bob Fenner> Juv scribbled Hi, I just bought a fish which looks just like a picture on your site which describes a juv scribbled angelfish, but it looks a little different. Are there other juveniles that look like juvenile scribbled angelfish? The fish is about 1 in. Thanks! <Yes... other very small Chaetodontoplus spp.: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/chaetodonoplus/index.htm Bob Fenner> Personifer angelfish Hi, at the marine center they have 6 in. personifers and they say they are eating and are real healthy. My question is that what would be the difficulty of keeping this fish if its in this good condition? <<Most of the 'difficulties' arise from these fish being placed into inappropriate systems - too small.>> The tank is a 240 gallon, half way filled with live rock, and excellent filtration. <<Would be large enough... more live rock with healthy fauna would help.>> What should I feed him, should it be like other angels, angel formula, formula 2, brine shrimp. <<All that except the brine shrimp - use Mysis shrimp instead. Brine shrimp are pretty much less than junk food.>> Are there any tips you can suggest on keeping this fish. <<Well, secure the specimen from a good source, like Marine Center, and replace/renew your live rock often to keep a good round of fauna [sponges, tunicates, etc] growing there so the fish can pick at it.>> I have read your FAQs on personifers, and was looking for additional information. Thank you! <<You are quite welcome. Cheers, J -- >> Angelfish Inquiry Hi bob, I have a one year 300L old marine tank and have just put in a Personifer (9cm) and scribbled (12cm) angel. I have read places that these angels of the same species should not be put together in the same tank. <yes... in most aquaria they will be aggressive in close confines> They don't seem to be attacking each other, in fact they seem to be getting on alright. <the problems often occur as the fish mature> Have I made the wrong choice? <very likely my friend> If so, I also have 600L coral tank, which one should I move as to keep my coral intact? <neither are categorically "safe" choices although either has been known to work in some reef displays.> Thank You Ed Chiang <best regards, Anthony Calfo> Chaetodontoplus Angels How dangerous are the Chaetodontoplus Angels (specifically the Black Velvet/Gray Poma) in Reef Tanks? Are they similar in nature to the Centropyge Angels? <Have seen the genus, this species kept in very large (hundreds of gallons) reef systems with stinging-celled life of all kinds... and seen it/them eating jellyfishes (scyphozoans) in the wild with relish (not the condiment) and nibbling on various species of soft corals (Alcyonaceans). Bob Fenner> Thank you, -Eric Chaetodontoplus Hiya Bob, Just wondering what your you opinion on a C. melanosoma in an SPS reef tank. Couple of years ago I tried a mesoleucus, but that picked. But then again, that fish kinda sticks out of the Chaetodontoplus complex , doesn't it? <Yes... the "oddball" of the group in appearance... but all members are likely to chew on sedentary invertebrates of various sorts... have seen them (just a week or two back in Australia) doing this in the wild. Bob Fenner> regards, Jason Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Hi Bob, I have a 6 yr. reef tank w/ mixed coral population (mostly SPS), mushrooms, , Cataphyll, and Caulastrea. ( 110g). Would it be a mistake to add a Chaetodontoplus mes. to the system? <A medium one to start with (3-4" should go) okay. It might pick on your corals in time, but probably not.> I currently have a 6 yr. old Cent. argi, 2 g. Chromis. and a 4" Golden wrasse -hall. species. I do have plenty of turf algae and some unwanted Valonia, as well as some Sargassum growing in this system. Also, what foods would I need if you think adding the angel would be a good idea- would I need to get sponge, or Ocean Nut. angel formula? <This species very often eats most any/all types of foods> <Please read here re the genus and then back to the family in general: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chaetodonoplus.htm Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Thanks for any help! Gary Pikarsky Thirteen hundred smackers for a Chaetodontoplus Angel?! Hello bob, Just a few quick questions is 1300 dollars to high for a conspicuous angel? <Thirteen hundred dollars U.S.? For how large a specimen? Yes, in my opinion, too much but for the most high quality, large, show specimen.> Do they usually do pretty well in captivity? <This angel does well when received in good condition, given large enough systems and foods...> Is a 400 gallon efficient to keep them in their hole life? I just wouldn't want to lose a fish like this because of the high price? <I understand and a four hundred gallon should do, unless overcrowded with other life. Bob Fenner> The scribble angel and Personifer angel hi Mr. BOB, how do you rate scribble angel and Personifer angel? <Highly... if in good shape, put in large enough (hundreds of gallons) systems, with lots of healthy live rock (with sponges, tunicates to chew on, regularly fed... live for good long times... and are gorgeous, intelligent centerpieces> and what is the best size to start with? <About four inches overall length is best> And if to rate them with passer angel scale up to ten what will you give them. <Good question... six for survivability, nines for looks> Lastly did you enjoy yourself at the Aquarama? <Absolutely my friend. Glad it doesn't go on for more than a few days, I'd lose my voice. Bob Fenner> CHEER!
Vermiculated Angel Hello! I doubt you remember my, but I wrote you this past fall about xenia-eating butterflies! <I do remember> Anyway my FOWLR is doing marvelously, I now have a small Raffle's BF and a threadfin. Both are doing very well and eating like goldfish! (pigs don't swim!) <Actually, they do... admirably> So I was at the local fish store this weekend and noticed this very beautiful Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus for a very reasonable price. It was rather small. only 2-3 inches, but seemed in very good health and was picking at the rockwork in the tank. So I brought her home with me.....such beauty is irresistible. I did your recommended fresh water/Methylene Blue dip, which she did not take kindly to, but recovery came quickly. Didn't see any eating the first few days, but this is nothing unusual. Now here is the catch, she was getting noticeably thin in the belly area, and that has stopped. The belly is nice and full so she is eating something. But she ignores food I put in the tank. I have tried Formula I and II, live brine, and blackworms. She picks at the rock, but I don't see her consuming anything of visible size. I think in the short term I am o.k. here. She is feeding on the live rock and that is keeping her happy. But I am worried about the long term. I don't think it is feasible that the live rock will be enough for the years to come. <Perhaps a larger system with more live rock?> Do you have suggestions as to foods to try? Should I just be patient with the foods I am adding for the BF and hope that she comes to the table? The BF's eat so voraciously I am afraid they might scare her away? <All these are possibilities... sometime with growth, experience these animals become more generalized feeders... Maybe a sump, live rock, macro-algae, Mysid culture....> Suggestions? Thoughts? Thanks in advance for your time! Jim Coughlin <As long as the fish is full and interested don't be overly concerned. Keep offering a mix of frozen/defrosted crustaceans and worms... Bob Fenner> Mud Filters, Expensive Chaetodontoplus, Clarions/Mexico Collecting Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 01:05:44 EST Hello Bob, I have several questions today. My first: what is your opinion and what have you heard about the Eco System? <Leng Sy's business? As in "Miracle Mud"? A strong concept, and "proven" technology... I use the same sorts of activity, applied principles in our experimental tanks, farm here... but not Leng's mud... too much money for my pocketbook> My friend and I just built a couple (can't build the mud though$$$). <Ah... and for browsers, the link to this company is to be found on the pages of the same name on www.wetwebmedia.com and considerably more on mud filtration in a FAQ archive file there of the same name> Due to some miscalculations, I built one suitable for an 80 gallon tank, but it is going on a 15 gallon reef. <No worries. Can't be too big... the reciprocal is possible> Next, my girlfriends 6 gallon Eclipse reef tank has a mantis shrimp in it. <Keep the first, get rid of the last> I can only hear him. The trap to catch him is about as big as the damn tank. The only fish in it are a pair of tomato clowns. What can I do? <Drain, the tank, inspect the removed rock (watch your fingers!). Do this while the girlfriend is away... as a present/gift... Much better than the very real possibility of this animal consuming the Clowns... much more overstressing...> Moving rocks is out of the question; it has done so well since we stopped messing with it. Last question: tell me everything you know about the Conspicillatus Angelfish. <A beauty, and if purchased healthy, gotten to feed on formulated foods, fresh/meaty ones... can be kept for many years... In very large systems (hundreds of gallons). Pretty much all I know is stored in archives on the genus Chaetodontoplus on the www.wetwebmedia.com site. Oh, and I think Leng still has one... gorgeous, at his shop in Orange County> I saw one today in a store in Oakland. No where have I seen a real price. They just say "call us." Well, apparently if you have to "call" anyone for a price, you will not be happy. The thing cost $1500, and was already bought. Is this a reasonable price? <A bit high... Maybe give the mail-order/internet businesses a ring, check pricing from them (FFExpress.com is a good start here)... s/b able to find a nice enough specimen for $500-800 US> I am intrigued by this terribly expensive angelfish. Many angelfish from the region are not nearly as expensive. I know it comes from deep water. I am actually very curious about the techniques used to catch deep water fish, if you can point me towards and article. The store owner also said Clarions cannot be imported anymore. True or not. Thanks a lot, Josh <Actually, as of last year the "ban" on collection is Mexico is off, and the few Holacanthus clarionensis that were coming shatteringly (is this English?) from points further south have been surpassed by Steve Robinson's efforts in "the amigo country".... see the article et al on Clarion's posted on the WWM site as well. Bob Fenner> Your personal dealings with the Personifer/meredithi I
can't seem to find much info on this fish. although I think rules
for the rest of the angels apply, but not much is known about the
Chaetodontoplus sp. of angels. I was wondering what you can say about
them. Do they have a good survival rate? I've had one before that
ate, but I always lose Chaetodontoplus to Ich. and they're usually
in reefs. Now I'm gonna have a 20gallon with a Fluval 203 canister
and a 4 watt UV (which I got for free and replaced the bulb) I'm
curious as to which company of copper you can suggest I use (if
it's legal for you to suggest) Thanks. <This genus of marine
Angelfishes does have its problems... most due to two sets of factors:
Rough handling, hauling from the wild, and secondly, some stranger
dietary preferences... Most Chaetodontoplus consume large quantities of
sponges, tunicates/ascidians, jellyfishes... not the sorts of foods
commonly available in captivity... A twenty gallon tank is way, way too
small for any of these fishes. Please read over the coverage of the
genus, family, and general selection of marine livestock materials
(articles, book sections and FAQs) posted on the site:
www.wetwebmedia.com. Bob Fenner, who uses a few companies copper
formulations, Copper Power, CopperSafe... and even makes his own... out
of copper sulfate pentahydrate, citric acid and clean
freshwater.> Grey Poma I recently bought a 4" Grey Poma angel. It's in my 60 gallon reef until I'm confident enough to put it in the 240. <Good idea> My water parameters are 0 ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. Temperature is 78. I have 1 marine Betta, 2 green clown gobies, 1 sailfin tang, 1 Wardley's wrasse, and 1 tomato clown. The Angel is eating, but it's getting skinny. I'm thinking intestinal parasites. <Possible> I feed a lot, but the fish is extremely shy, the tang is a pig. I was wondering if I took the tang out and put it in the 240 until the Poma is all nice and fat would make a difference. <Maybe, or...> Or I can put the Poma in the 240. the 240 has 6 true perculas, 1 blue damsel, and 2 striped. the water is 76?. It's been set up for 1.5 months. It's relatively understocked for now. I'm not sure of the water parameters. I feed flakes, frozen Mysis, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, Angel Formula. I'm trying to get it to nibble at the Angel Formula, but the other fish get to it first. It'll eat everything else. <I would move this fish... and possibly try soaking whatever it is eating in one of those new "Garlic" materials (or make your own)... I don't endorse their use for "Ich" remedying... but have seen positive results for "skinny fish" (presumed intestinal parasite) disorders (especially in Puffers)... And do try placing some new live rock (a type with a maximum amount of sponge and tunicate material on/in it. This will help on a few counts... as food, water conditioner and disrupter of current hierarchies. Bob Fenner, who would do all this for your Chaetodontoplus soon, like now> Personifer Angel Hi Bob, I have a few questions regarding the
Personifer angel (Chaetodontoplus personifer). My local retail store
has a juvenile about 4"; it appears to be healthy and eating well.
I wanted an expert opinion regarding the specimen before I purchase the
fish. The questions are as follows: 1) Overall, how would you rate the
degree of difficulty to keep the Personifer in captivity? On a scale on
1 to 5, 1 being "extremely difficult" and 5 being
"extremely easy". <Good questions, well written... And
surprising as it may seem, somewhere between a 2 and 3... not an easy
fish to keep historically... most seem to "just die
mysteriously" overnight from??? a lack of nutrition, internal
parasitization, "stress"? I would guess about half live are
around after capture in three months. But this is the perfect size
specimen to start with, and you say it is eating well, seems to be
"psychologically" well-adjusted... Also, I'd like to add,
IMO the Queensland species, C. meredithi gets a point or two higher
score.> 2) Does the Personifer have any special dietary
requirements? Aside from the normal angel diet (angel formula, formula
one/two, Spirulina, dried seaweed, etc.). <Hmm, do see them
healthiest in tanks with well-established live rock with plenty of
evident sponge material growing in/on it... the bigger tanks the better
for growing always-available food items.> 3) How can I distinguish a
male/female Personifer? The Personifer I am interested in has a face
that is pale blue (w/o the white freckles) and a vertical yellow strip,
the head has a white band, the body is black/dark brown, and the tail
is yellow. Does the description above help you determine whether the
Personifer is a male/female? <Not reliably distinguishable
externally as far as I'm aware.> 4) When the Personifer matures
into adulthood, will it retain the white band? Furthermore,
regardless of sex (male/female), will the Personifer develop the white
freckles with age? <Variable by specimen, but older, larger
specimens I've seen in the wild and public aquariums lack the
freckling> Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks. >> <I think it's way past time for me to crank out
a definitive piece on this genus... and get on out to the locales that
I'm missing images for... Let's go! Bob Fenner>
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