FAQs on Clown Triggerfish
Related Articles: A
Cruiser and A Bruiser, the Clown Trigger, Balistoides
conspicillum, Triggerfishes (Family
Balistidae), Red Sea
Triggerfishes, Triggers of the Cook Islands
Related FAQs: The
Clown Trigger 1, Clown Triggers
2, Clown Trigger Identification,
Clown Trigger Behavior, Clown Trigger Compatibility, Clown Trigger Selection, Clown Trigger Systems, Clown Trigger Disease, Clown Trigger Reproduction, Genus
Balistoides Triggers: Balistoides
Triggers, Balistoides Triggers
2, Balistoides Identification,
Balistoides Behavior, Balistoides Compatibility, Balistoides Selection, Balistoides Systems, Balistoides Feeding, Balistoides Disease, Balistoides Reproduction, Triggerfishes
in General: Triggerfishes
in General, Identification,
Selection, Selection 2,
Behavior, Systems,
Triggerfish Health
2, Reproduction,
Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Young Triggerfish Sight
Hi WetWebMedia Friends,
Do you know if young Triggerfish have poor sight and it improves as they
<Actually; they have good/great site as juveniles and can lose their
vision with growth/age... from nutritional issues. See WWM using the
string "Trigger blindness, Thiaminase>
I have a young Clown Triggerfish that seems to have poor sight as it
sometimes misses it's target when attacks food attached to a clamp or
even pellets that I put in the tank.
Or maybe this species doesn't have as good sight as other species have.
Thank you
<Mmm; I do hope this condition corrects itself with time. I would try
soaking foods in a vitamin, HUFA supplement ahead of offering, and
administer the same to the water. Do search WWM re these products as
and write back if you require more input. Bob Fenner>
Re: Young Triggerfish Sight 1/1/18
Hi Bob,
<Ave Raul!>
It's a pleasure to get in contact with you. We met at the Last MACNA in
I got your Book Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums from Amazon :)
<Hope you enjoyed, gained by its reading>
Is this a good option for vitamins and HUFA supplement?
AminOmega from Brightwell Aquatics
Can you recommend a weekly or daily menu for a Clown Triggerfish so its
never in risk of get sick due to a Bad nutrition?
<Indeed I can, will. Either buying, using a mix of seafood (bagged for
human consumption) or buying commercial prep.s made of the same. San
Francisco Bay Brand, Hikari, LFS, Rod's... along with a good staple
pellet... Hikari, Spectrum...>
Thank you.
Best regards,
Raúl Labastida
<And you amigo. Bob Fenner>
Clown Trigger could be constipated? 8/1/09
Hi again Bob and Crew,
Sorry to bother you guys again but I have other concern regarding my
Clown Trigger. If you remember a couple of weeks ago, I wrote that my
Clown Trigger wasn't eating and now he is just eating vigorously
and while it's really a nice thing, I decided to hand-feed him
which he loves nipping and eating food right from my fingers. Every
time he would see me, he's now the first one at the top of the tank
waiting for me to hand-feed him. I feed him frozen fresh seafood,
mussels, oyster, shrimp and squid.
<Mmm, take care with using these foods... too fatty...>
This is my concern now, I don't know if he's just getting fat
but I realized that he's abdomen is getting rounder, not bloated
(yet) but I would like to think that he's just getting fat.
<Likely so>
His colour is still bright and not lethargic, an enthusiastic Clown
Trigger with a personality. I don't see anything wrong but is it
just me or worse, and please God no, suspecting Dropsy or
<Not likely>
In my observation I don't see him defecating a lot. His
"poo" is stringy with greenish-white coloration but with the
amount of food he's eating? I found that he excretes waste seldom
and lesser. I do 30% water changes every 2 weeks. My maroon clown and 2
blue damselfishes are alright and robust as ever. I don't see
anything wrong as well.
Could it be constipation? based on what I've read, I could treat
with Tetracycline or Erythromycin and removing the activated carbon but
I don't want to do it just yet and if ever, are these antibiotics
also advisable for the saltwater world?
<Not in this application... no>
Epsom salt is another that I've read. Right now, I don't know
if it's constipation, dropsy or he's just getting fat but based
on my observation, he doesn't defecate a lot considering the amount
of food intake he would always do.
What should I do at this time? I just want to prevent anything that
could be fatal in the future.
Please help.
Thank you very much.
Derrick XXX
<Do look into a less-fatty steady diet, with some of the current as
treats... My fave: Spectrum Pelleted foods... Bob Fenner>
Re: Clown Trigger could be constipated? --
Thanks Bob!
Okay so he did excreted the wastes after 2 days and he's tummy is
now back to normal. Thank God and Thank you for the tips. Your site is
just right on the spot at narrowing cases down and speedy replies.
Thank You.
<Welcome my friend>
I didn't know about fatty foods for them so thanks for opening up
about pellet feeding as I've always though pellets are a bit
"processed" for them.
<Mmm, actually... to be very clear; akin to completely nutritious
"companion animal (dog, cat...), there are very good dried
prepared food products (as there are poor)... amongst the best:
Spectrum, Hikari, Tetra's...>
I will read more about the pellets you're suggesting. I have fed my
clownfish pellets before and I've always found to see them spitting
it out after nipping it, should I crush it to their bite size?
<Worth trying>
Also, are flakes not advisable too for my clownfish and trigger?
Pellets or Flakes? Which is advisable? I would love to know more about
<Pellets... much more "body">
Hope to hear from you and thank you again Bob and Crew.
Derrick XXX
Clown Triggerfish not eating
Hello Bob and crew,
I have read all of the feeding questions and possible sickness for a
Clown Triggerfish and I must say, your site (by posting people's
questions) is just amazing. Kudos and you guys are a big help.
This may be a little too early to tell, but 2 days ago, I purchased a
Clown Trigger at a local LFS here in the Philippines and like most LFS,
I had to purchase the poor thing due to the small tank he was in. I
have a 50 gallon tank Fish Only
<Will be too small...>
and all I have there is just 2 tiny blue damsel, "Miracle" a
single maroon clown and a 3lbs base rock and shallow sand bed, plus the
Clown Trigger that's approximately 4 to 5 inches.
<Will in time harass, consume these other fishes>
I take pride in cleaning my tank every 3 weeks (50-60%) and to even
make my water parameters met, I use AquaSafe NH/CL Formula that removes
chlorine, chloramine and neutralizes toxic ammonia. I have a
fascination with Triggers because they are just full of personality and
I adore them.
<We share this interest>
I took care of a Niger, Picasso, Orange-Line, White Tailed Triggers
before and had no problem about it. I just had to give them to a fellow
aquarist because they are just aggressive and might hurt
"Miracle". I call my maroon clown "Miracle" because
she almost lost it and nearly died because my Orange-Line Trigger
before started nipping her beautiful fins off and the next thing I
know, she was lying helplessly at the sandbed while being bitten to
death by other Triggers. I was out of town for 2 days that's why I
wasn't able to see her suffering for 2 days. Imagine that!
<Don't know if I can>
I thought "Miracle" would die, moved her to a QT looking
terribly injured and weak and changed water every 2 days to help
maintain water parameters for her alone. Day by Day, I would actually
stay beside her and yes do my paperwork at home while with her and
recovered after a month or so growing her skirt like fins again and
gaining strength. I never thought I could do that kind of nursing to a
fish! but my boyfriend and I love her and it was a gift from him.
That's the story about our little "Miracle". Sorry for
the long story, I got carried away.
<No worries>
She also survived a tank cycle crash when my filter got busted. She was
the only fish that survived. She's a fighter!
Anyway, she's back on the tank and after 2 months I decided to have
a Clown Trigger that would not eat. Miracle and the 2 blue damsels are
eating aggressively and "Miracle" would actually get the food
off my hand but I am concerned with the Clown Trigger. His eyes are not
cloudy, no fin rot but the fins are slightly damaged due to the
overwhelming number of fish in the small tank at the LFS but I
don't see the point of not eating because of that. He has brilliant
colour, the black skin background where the white spot patterns are
located in his belly shifts from brown to black and he swims around
nipping on the sand, the rock or the filter and swims about okay. His
skin is alright.
<Good signs>
I offer them crushed frozen mussel, shrimp, squid and clam,
"Miracle" and the 2 damsels go nuts on these treats but the
Clown Trigger seems to just nip it and would spit it out, worse, he
wouldn't eat. Very unlikely from the previous Triggers I took care
<Clowns are different>
I read here that we could possibly administer stick feeding and force
feeding. I'm not sure on the latter. Could this be trauma from the
I see no signs of disease, OH! Before I forget, when I did freshwater
dip the Clown Trigger with Methylene Blue for 15 minutes, he excreted
these white gravel like feces. Not sure what it is. You see, I would
love to actually have Selcon and the stuff you put on food for these
fishes but the Philippines is just only rich in exotic marine fishes,
but branded names for fish disease and other treatment medications are
not readily available here.
<Yes... thank you for this input, reminder>
We have medications like that but they are just in a bottle that you
could purchase with no brand name or simply put, medications that are
probably made to work minimally or not even or is it because I never
tried them as I'm scared to use it. I don't even know if
it's safe.
<I agree with you; would not use such>
2 days being in the tank for the Clown Trigger, how can I get this guy
to eat? Please help me.
Thank you very much.
Derrick Gavin Lam (Philippines)
<Really just to be patient, keep doing what you have been... perhaps
offer an opened clam or shrimp every few days... in time this fish
should accept food if it hasn't been cyanided. Bob Fenner>
Re: Clown Triggerfish not
eating 7/12/09
Thank you for the reply. Today is his 3rd day and he nipped on some
mussel but he would not eat it and would spit it afterwards.
<Time, patience...>
I will be doing what you just said and I can see that there is
absolutely nothing wrong with him. He's not bloated and looks
healthy swimming about and checking the places too.
I have read about Cyanide and yes they do trauma the fish heavily.
I will be writing to you again if something comes up, in the meantime,
I would be following your advice.
More power and take care Bob. God bless and Thank YOU very much.
<Welcome my friend/mi pari jo. BobF>
Re: Clown Triggerfish not eating 7/14/09
I would like to thank the staff of this website, Bob and to all the
members who replied and gave their advice on my problem!
My lovely Clown Trigger is already eating A LOT! Stick feeding worked
and the open mussel he wouldn't stop chewing and nipping! He's
basically eating all the food I'm offering!!!
Derrick XXX
<We share! BobF>
- Clown Trigger Questions - Hello, <And hello to you,
JasonC here...> I've recently set up a semi predator tank with
inhabitants including a clown trigger (3.5 in), snowflake eel, <My
friend, with these two creatures alone, the word "semi" does
not belong - this is a true predator tank.> formosa wrasse and a
recently added Imperator Angelfish (4.5 in) and my triggers colors have
been fading since his addition I am not sure if this is a sign that he
is stressed out from the new arrival or if it might be related to
either a feeding or disease issue. <Could be any one of those - how
big is this system?> About 6 weeks ago, I noticed spots on him and
corrected by treating my tank with a mild based copper treatment
(killed my cleaner wrasse) which seemed to correct the situation and
regularly am checking for signs of return <Egad... this is not a
correction by any means. Treating your main system with copper will
likely stall your biological filter and could even lay it to waste. You
should do some rudimentary water tests to make sure ammonia and nitrite
are not building up...> In regards to feeding I try a few
goldfish/ghost shrimp twice a week and for the balance of the week feed
the tank brine shrimp and frozen krill. At what size can I feed him
crayfish and what size should they be in relation to him <I would
stick with frozen foods like Prime Reef and other meaty foods, shrimp,
krill, squid, etc. Live foods tend to cause too much aggression which
this clown trigger doesn't need to have encouraged.> All
assistance is greatly appreciated <I would encourage you to browse
and read the Wet Web Media site - all of these animals and their
captive care requirements are covered there in addition to quarantine
and treatment procedures for ailing fish.> Chris
<Cheers, J -- >
Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |