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new Condy question . Beh. Use WWM 11/11/14Hi guys, I couldn’t find this in the Faq’s, but I have a new Condy who immediately hid behind all the live rock; haven’t seen him(her?) since, so how do I feed the newcomer or observe its condition to judge health, etc? Thx much, Al <... can/could just wait... see if this animal "comes out" or perishes, melts down... Or try to uncover... Up to you. Need data on the system, water quality, history, tankmates; the usual urging of you to read on WWM. Bob Fenner> Condy questions Using WWM
3/13/14 Condylactis Anemone coloring.
3/10/11 Condy Running For Shade/Or A More Suitable Environment/Mixed
Anemones/Systems 4/19/10 Condy losing tentacles... Premnas, Algicide... --
10/13/08 Dear Bob, I have had a Condy Anemone for about a year
and a half now. The disk portion without the tentacles measures about 8
inches across when he is fully opened up, <Wow! Neat> and has
always done very well in the tank. I also have a 4 inch Gold Stripe
Maroon that has always hosted in the Condy <Mmm, sort of like me
wrestling with Hulk Hogan... mis-matched... A Premnas is too much for
this species> as well as a Coral Beauty, Pajama Cardinal, Bubble
Coral, Leather Coral, some Button polyps and a few Hermits and snails.
The tank is 40 gal. ( I know, a little cramped) Nitrates- 0 NItrItes-0
Alkalinity- 300 ppm Ph- 8.0 Specific gravity- 1.026 Temp. - 80 deg.
These have been the residents for more than a year with no trouble and
the tests always read the same, very stable. Here's the problem.
For the last week the Condy has been losing tentacles from one side,
they just shrivel and fall off from the base. He also has his whole
body stuck to the rock, not just his foot. He still looks healthy and
eats Mysis shrimp, but I don't think this is normal. What's
going on? <In a word? Stress> The tank had a red slime algae
problem that I treated twice in a row, <Mmm, one source... how
treated? Chemically? See WWM re... dangerous, toxic direct and
indirectly> and there is still some that grew back, this is the only
abnormality for the tank. <Not... abnormal... au contraire> Could
the Condy be splitting? <Mmm, not likely, no> It just looks like
the tentacles are going to grow back there's no sores or anything
and we use the protein skimmer aggressively. Is his life span up?
Please advise me! Thanks in advance. Amanda <"You got to
get/and keep them separated... this Condylactis needs to be in another
system... sans the Clown and Algicide. Bob Fenner> Pink tipped anemone, beh. 8/3/08 I have a Condylactis passiflora. Recently it has begun growing extra pink tips along the top inch or two of each tentacle. Is this normal? <Mmm, can be... have seen this on a few occasions> I've had the anemone for about a year ...growing like crazy. Shares 45G with Niger Trigger, Blueheaded Wrasse, and a Blue Damsel. <Yikes... these fishes need much more room than this...> Thx for any assistance you might offer. Deb <Do be dreaming, saving for that larger system. Bob Fenner>
Condy Question! Beh., hlth. 01/18/2008 Hello there! Kari here.. <<Hi Kari, Andrew here>> I have a (Hopefully) simple question... I have a fairly large Condylactis that I've had for about 6 months now in a tank with: 1 Clarkii Clownfish, 1 Yellow tail Damsel, 1 Lemon Damsel, 1 Stars and Stripes puffer >Mis-placed here. RMF< all living in a 55 gallon tank. I got the tank in November as an early Christmas present and it was already pre-set up with the damsels (yes yes.. I know.. woo damsels..) Well yesterday I did a 20 percent tank change with 1.021 saltwater. I added the 10 gallons in slowly, 5 in the morning and 5 at night. As I am finishing up on my last of the 5 gallons, I realize that my Condy is more or less just floating on the sand bed. That is Very unlike him, he has a favorite rock and never leaves that rock. Well my water kind of sent him for a ride, so with clean hands I scoop him up and place him on top of his rock. Well what worried me about this was when he moved, I noticed two 1/2inch pieces of his tentacles were shriveled up on the sandbed where he once was. I noticed instantly where the pieces use to be on the Condy because it looked like they had been twisted off and left that little twisted part on his tentacle. I know that when a Condylactis is dying, they will start to fall apart and poison your tank...I checked on him this morning and he was still exactly where I left him, seeming happy as can be. What could have caused this bit of tentacles to fall off? <<Anemone's are very very sensitive to water parameter changes and swings, was the water change water different to tank? Showing levels of ammonia or nitrate in the water? If the nem seems happy where it is, leave it alone, ensure that it receives food, either via the clown or by manually feeding it yourself>> Now the Clarkii does host in him, but that little guy (or gal) loves that anemone to let anything near it, I've never seen him bite at the anemone either. Please help! Thank you so much for your time! Kari <<Thanks for the questions, A Nixon>> Condylactis Expelling Waste -- 09/30/07 Hi, I've had a Haitian Condylactis for a few months now in my 55 gal reef tank. He seems to be doing well and is quite large. My water parameters are good (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, & nitrates 10 or less. <Nitrates need to be zero.> I perform a 20% water change ever 2 weeks. My problem is this. My Condy frequently (every couple of days) will shrivel up and excrete brown filamentous mucus out of his oral cavity. During this process he looks awful, but as soon as he's done he looks bigger and more beautiful than before. I only worry about this excretion because of the color. <Your anemone is expelling waste. How often are you feeding it?> He is perched near the top of the tank on a piece of live rock and has stayed there since his introduction to the tank. <Good!> The tank is supplied with two 250 watt 20K MH lights, three MaxiJet 900 powerheads (intakes covered) , and an in sump G1 protein skimmer. Thank you for any suggestions you can give to help me supply my Condy with an environment more to his liking. <You're welcome! Brenda> Yoli Cheers everyone. Discolored Condy incident 8/28/07 Cheers Crew, First I would like to thank all of you for doing us such a great service and for all your generous help. I could not find an answer for my question in the FAQ's, although it very well may be in there somewhere. I have a 25 gallon with an eclipse hood, which has recently been gutted as I have plumbed the tank with a custom overflow and a 10 gallon refugium/ sump with a hang on skimmer on the sump portion. I have retro-fitted the hood with two 65 watt P.C.s. One is 10'000k the other is a 50/50. Actually I guess the only thing original about the eclipse hood is the outside appearance. Livestock includes 10 -15 assorted mushrooms, a branching frogspawn (two stalks), one small leather finger coral (3-4 inch frag), countless sponges and tiny brittle stars, two small scallops, one Condylactis (6-8 inch spread), two small Ocellaris clowns, five or six small hermits, and 15- 20 various snails, and one coral banded shrimp. There is also a small (6-7 inch) snowflake moray <Needs to be removed...> but he will be moving soon as he is growing rapidly. Now that you have an idea of the set-up here's my question. Just before I installed the refugium/sump I had a massive algae bloom, you know one of those were everything turns green with in about 48 hours. Since the filtration change over (and a little elbow grease) everything has cleaned up nicely except the Condy. I realize that some Condys have brown, yellow , or even green tinting to them, but this specimen has always been the most vivid bright white with purple tips. I think that the algae actually grew all over the tentacles, but not on the base or oral disk. If that is even possible, and if so is there anyway to clean it? <Time going by, good care...> None of my cleaner grew ever go near it. Any help, advise, or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Ever searching underwater paradise, Matt <Patience my friend... the truth will indeed out. Bob Fenner> Condy Question 10/22 I bought my first anemone today and after about 2 hours of acc. I put it in my new 40 gal tank. He automatically insisted to flow to the bottom after I placed him on a rock (my tank is very deep). <Not uncommon, very delicate fickle creatures.> I came back a few hours later and he looked almost dead! <They tend to 'deflate' when under stress.> I placed him on my highest rock and came back a few hours later. He looked back to his usual health again. But I don't understand why he got that way and I'm worried about loosing him all together. <Anemones tend to do this from time to time. However anemones are also difficult to keep, have very high requirements. Please do your homework re on WWM. You do not have enough lighting on this tank to fully support one and they are many other requirements for a healthy anemone also.> Is it because I only have a 130 wt compact light? Thank you for your help. <No problem, good luck. Jen S.>
Condylactis Anemone/Behavior - 06/30/06 Hello Crew. <Hello James> I ask this question in a somewhat rhetorical manner as I think I am going to answer it in my description so here goes: I placed it high on the rock and this a 24g Nano-cube with about 80watts of PC lighting. <The Condy requires strong light to survive. The 80 watts you are providing isn't going to do the job.> My friend decided to go walking and eventually has taken residence under a rock. I suspect my cleaner shrimp is the culprit here as the little bugger burgles him when feeding though I try to keep the cleaner occupied by hand feeding him. <Condys do move around.> Water is sg; 1.024, 0 nitrites maybe 5 nitrates, pH 8.1. Wouldn't this guy prefer to be higher in the tank? <Condys prefer burrowing in sand or into a rock crevice, preferably on the ground floor.> If I were to remove the cleaner shrimp should I expect to see the anemone attempt to find a new spot? <Not necessarily.> It seems most marine life can recognize the addition and also absence of tank-mates and foods so therefore it would seem plausible that this animal would realize the loss. <Unlikely. Food loss isn't a major concern as the anemone will produce much of its food through photosynthesis and is why strong lighting is required for the Condy.> Just some thoughts I have been pondering. I also felt that the location it chose was odd as there are better spots with more appropriate flow and light. <They will move where they feel comfortable. Keep in mind, anemones do not do well in small tanks. Water quality/parameters can change too fast.> Hey, what do I know... I have no tentacles man! ; ) <Sure you do, you have two stalks with five tentacles on each one:)> Sincerely, James Zimmer New tank and anemones 01-06-06 Bob, <Travis here with you today.> Hello, I am having some problems with my aquarium. <You came to the right place.> First I have a 29 gallon Eclipse tank with a bio wheel. I have two pink tip Condys, two damselfish, and an algae blenny. I also have a handful of snails and red legged hermit crabs. My problems are that on the front of my tank on the glass I have a green and purple algae that I can't get rid of because it is almost glued on and I can't get it off and I was wondering what this is. <Sounds like coralline algae. This is a desirable algae, but will need to be removed from the glass with a razor blade.> Also my Condys have a brownish tint to the tentacles that is unattractive and I was wondering how to improve their color. If you can help me cure these problems that would be great. <You could possibly change their coloration with a change in bulb spectrum as some beneficial algae is supported by different spectrums of light. Since this is natural beneficial algae, odds are you are either going to have to live with the tint or remove the anemones. Travis> Parker Aldredge Florida species giant pink tip anemone and Green Wolf Eel 12/28/05 Just a quick question, I have had a giant pink tip anemone for about a year now it is thriving very well. I have two questions, is it rare that this species would actually bond with a greenish wolf eel, <Not unheard of... this Pseudochromid is very interesting in its behavior> my eel has become non-sensitive to its stings and actually lays in it, next to it and will even go as far as steal food right out of its mouth! <Interesting> My second question, do these anemones have eyes, because I have been feeding shrimp to everyone recently including the anemone and the other day I walked up to the tank to feed and before even opening the lid the anemone rotated quite rapidly to face me---a bit creepy, bad enough having a greenish wolf eel that begs for food all day but now is it possible the anemone can see me outside the tank? <I don't think so... most anemones do have something of a general light sense, but not long-distance, nor quick in their generalized motions... like our government> Thanks for your help, Jeannine <Thank you for writing, sharing. Bob Fenner> Condylactis On The Prowl - 12/15/05 Hi......long time no talk..... <<Howdy>> Tank is doing pretty well...why you haven't heard from me.....all are fine and I have some long time inhabitants including a Condylactis anemone who has been with us for about 6 years..... <<An exceptional accomplishment indeed...let's hope all goes well for 6 more...>> OK ....maybe 5 but anyway since the beginning when he was sent to me who had no idea what to do with him......Had to learn fast.... He has been happy but of late decided to hang out on the rim near the glass top of the tank..... <<Mmm, maybe not so "happy" now.>> I really want him back on the live rock...I have a gut feeling that this is best for him..... <<Better than the top of the tank, yes. I have found they often enjoy a soft/sandy substrate as well.>> Can I help him to move? Can I grab him in any way with out hurting him?...... Any input would be helpful..... Thanks....... <<Relocating an anemone is always risky, any damage to the foot can be lethal. Your best bet is if this critter is completely on the glass and you can gently pry the foot loose with the edge of your thumbnail...else you might be better off waiting for it to move on its own. You also need to find out why it is on the move. Possible changes in water quality?...lighting?...water flow? Regards, EricR>> Marine tank questions, ich and anemone behavior 8/9/05 Hello, this is my first attempt at using a site such as yours, you do have lots of information. I have three questions: 1. Has anyone ever reported having Ick breakout after feeding brine shrimp (frozen) mostly, I've had problems in both African and marine tanks now. <Yes... there are intermediate, resting stages of ich that have been found, photographed in with brine shrimp... dried, freeze-dried, live and frozen... One of the reasons I, others suggest rinsing in freshwater for a few minutes before feeding.> 2. Is it possible for inverts. to harbor Ick and other nasty creatures, even after the fish are cured can the inverts. re-infect the fish. <Not likely, but possible... as the intermediate stages can wait... the rationale for separating these life forms during quarantine, treatment...> 3. Has anyone experienced an Atlantic anemone coughing up a white ball with what looks like eggs in it, after about 24hrs the ball breaks up and no sign of it can be found. what was it???? <Yes. Likely a reproductive event> Thanks for any help with these questions Suggestion: convert your articles into PDF so they can be downloaded for easy reference. <Good idea. Bob Fenner> Condy anemone is tipped over Hello
I have a Condy anemone I just purchase, it is doing well, and eating
and such, but it is tipped over to one side. I touched the bottom of
its "foot" that isn't touching the rock and I noticed it
isn't sticky. Is it possible that part of its "foot" lost
its stickiness. Or is this just a normal thing they like to do? <Not
normal... not healthy. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/index.htm.
Scroll down to the Anemone section... re anemones period, their
systems, health... and particularly the Related FAQs on Condylactis in
particular. Bob Fenner> Condylactis anemone <Hi Jerry!> Thanks, he just moved
under the rock. Today he was at the highest point of the rock, I think
he likes it in my tank I'm going to feed him today. I feed him
every other day frozen silversides (man those stink). I wish they came
live. Is silver sides natural Condy prey? Thanks JM <In the wild
they would likely take whatever small prey they could sting and catch.
Don't forget to feed a variety of raw marine meats. Good to include
shrimp, clam, mussel, etc. Small bits, no bigger than 1/4".
Anemone does not live by silversides alone!. Craig> Haitian anemone I purchased a Haitian anemone (This is what the store called it although I don't seem to find much info on the internet using that in a search engine) a few weeks ago. <Take a look on our site (WetWebMedia.com) under "Caribbean Anemones" or use the Google search engine there... do you see this Condylactis?> My water levels all test out fine and everything else seems fine. Yesterday I watched him completely shrivel down to nothing and disappear into a barnacle. Latter he came back out and seemed fine but again today he has shriveled back up. Up until this point he has never done this. Is this normal? <To some extent yes... this species does shrivel up and recover in the wild> I am pretty worried about him. He seems to eat well. The pet store told me to feed him every day but reading on your site about the other kinds of anemones I have only been feeding him once a week. <Less often would be better> Is there another name for him that I could look up to get some information about how to care for him? <Likely Condylactis passiflora. Bob Fenner> Thanks Condylactis Changing Colors Hi Bob I recently added a Condylactis anemone to my 25 gal reef. I run a Lee protein skimmer and a Fluval canister with hex, live rock and foam media. Livestock includes 3 yellow tail damsels, 2 false Percula, 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 scooter blenny, 2 camelback shrimp, 5 hermit crabs (blue & red leg), 1 pink sea cucumber, 20 lbs of base & live rock, feather Caulerpa, 1 small leather coral, green star corals (very nice & healthy), yellow polyps (somebody is eating these) & hairy mushroom corals. I currently have 3 18 in fluorescent bulbs (Zoomed 50/50, Zoomed 10K & Hagen marine). The reef has been in operation for about 8 months with really good success. After I built a new hood to accommodate more lights, I started seeing significant coralline and Caulerpa algae growth. I do 20% water changes each 3 to 4 weeks. <Okay> After about 3 weeks the anemones color has gone from bright white to a brownish color on the tentacles. Otherwise he seems fine with good extension and appetite. He usually eats scraps of the thawed brine shrimp I feed the fish and I occasionally feed him a cube of thawed Krill. He moved once from the crushed coral substrate to a rock near/under an overhang. Is something wrong with him or is he adapting his color to bend in with a darker background? <Not so much to blend... but to get out of the light... Different algae are being favored that live inside the tissues of the anemone and it is their numbers that you are seeing as the coloring here. Not to worry... if all else is going well in this chock-full system, your Anemone will adjust. Bob Fenner> Anemone Waste - 8/12/03 Hello, <Hi Ryan> I have a 180 Gallon Reef/Fish with 5 anemones. <Wow. That's a lot of anemones!> The reef is fine. <Very good> The two long arm (Condy?) pukes a long brown Cyanobacteria looking substance, everyday about 5:00 P.M. <A few things could be happening here. Likely excrement (food byproduct and the like), a reproductive event, or releasing some zooxanthellae (if applicable)> Can you explain this, every now and then they shrivel up and then shake it off and are their normal selves then. What the.....Sincerely, Ryan <From what I have read, seems to be somewhat a normal occurrence. Check out the links as I find these very helpful and chocked full of information: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm -Paul> Condy Anemone I purchased a Condy about one week ago and it's my first anemone. I have noticed that when I wake up and turn the aquarium lights on, the anemone has shrunk, is completely purple and doesn't look to healthy. After the lights have been on for a few hours, the anemone is back to its white with magna tips coloring and looks strong. I was wondering if the light I have is the cause of the morning appearance. The lights I use are two Zoo Med 50/50 lights (Reef Sun). Can you please advise if this is normal for the anemone after being in the dark or is my lighting the problem. Thank you. Ian <no ,Ian this is normal the longer you have the anemone the more it will stay open. thanks MikeH.> My Little Condy >I purchased a Condy about one week ago and it's my first anemone. I have noticed that when I wake up and turn the aquarium lights on, the anemone has shrunk, is completely purple and doesn't look to healthy. After the lights have been on for a few hours, the anemone is back to its white with magna tips coloring and looks strong. I was wondering if the light I have is the cause of the morning appearance. >>No, it's the cycle of light at issue here. You just can't get around these animals being diurnal. >The lights I use are two Zoo Med 50/50 lights (Reef Sun). Can you please advise if this is normal for the anemone after being in the dark or is my lighting the problem. Thank you. Ian >>It's normal, mate, no worries. Marina Research please! Dear WWM crew, I have a Condy anemone, but
the problem is why the anemone doesn't like my light, it is power
Glo. Livestock: Ricordea, 2condies, tank is 10gal.<It could be
any number of things from insufficient light to bad water quality,
please give our web site a look through and you should be able to find
all the info you need. Our site is: www.wetwebmedia.com . Cody>
Thanks Jason |
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