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Taxonomic info 12/11/12 Pink tip anemone... sys., sel. 7/21/07 First off your site and FAQ's are awesome. I have a 14 gallon Nano cube ( recent addition) I also have a 170 gallon FOWLR tank. My wife fell in love with a pink tip anemone at the LFS and brought it home for the Nano tank. <... Not a smart process for livestocking...> Well as most people know this guy likes to move. He will hang out in the same general area, but move from side to side. I have a Pipe Organ coral and a couple mushroom colonies in there also. There hasn't been a problem with stinging yet, but is this a possibility? <In a word, yes> If so I want to move the pink tip anemone to the FOWLR tank, but worry my rather large Puffer will eat it. <It could> The FOWLR also has some rather large red hermit crabs that I have been told might eat it as well. <Ditto> The pink tip anemone has been rather peaceful ( though I suspect it ate my cardinal fish) Any suggestions on what is the best solution. I personally think the Nano is too small for the pink tip anemone, but my wife swears the LFS said it would be fine <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/index.htm Scroll down to the tray on Anemones, re Condylactis... Bob Fenner> Another couple questions: re Miracle Mud filtration, keeping anemones Concerning the Miracle Mud sumps, I have been running mine without any sand in the reef tank (as I was told one should) but now that I am moving my tank over I have a chance to add some live sand. What do you think? <I f you want to add sand it will be okay. But remember to get sugar-sized sand and keep the bed either 1/2" or less or 4+". Anything else is a detritus trap> I know there is the theory that a sand bed could potentially produce nitrates which is what the miracle mud is supposed to prevent from happening. But as with the skimmer, can too much filtration really be a bad thing? <Almost impossible> And will Percula's host with Caribbean anenomes? <Do you mean the Condylactis anemone? Not likely...But stranger things have happened> I've heard it both ways. Is it a take your chances thing? <Well...unless you have the proper setup for the Condylactis, I would skip on this addition. In all probability the Condy will begin moving around shortly after being introduced to the tank and will settle somewhere that you don't like. This has been my experience thus far with anemones> Also, my understanding from reading you site is that the Condy's don't tend to live very long, even under ideal conditions? The bubble tip are better? <No anemone is considered hardy by fish standards. But compared to the other very fragile anemones, Condys are hardier. First, study the requirements of whatever anemone that you plan to buy and be sure you can meet those requirements from the beginning. This is not a critter that you can buy and then wait to do tank upgrades to match its needs. You need to meet the anemones basic requirements for day one. If you want a bubble tip (Entacmaea quadricolor) try to buy one that has been aquacultured. This will improve your chances of success> Finally, are there some damsels that will host with Caribbean anenomes? <Not many if any will host the Condys. And beware...Even if you painstakingly match fish with the proper host anemone, the fish may not respond. This behavior isn't at all unusual> Thanks for you time. Steve Thornton MD <You're welcome! David Dowless> Condylactis and Captive Clowns Greetings Bob, Anthony and crew. I am
writing not with a question, but to share some observations I have made
regarding captive born clowns and Condylactis anemones. I am hoping to clear
some confusion some readers might have about the notion that captive bred
clownfish will take on almost anything as a host, and that Condylactis being
cheap and easy to care for would make a good host. <I have stated... many
times... a few decades back that this mix (though it can happen in captivity) is
ill-warranted... and often leads to trouble (as in ingestion of the Clowns,
death of the anemone)> In general, Condylactis do not host clownfish. In
aquariums, Condylactis anemones can be a threat to clownfish. Clownfish can be
an equal threat to Condylactis anemones. I have attempted to keep two separate
Condylactis anemones with my captive reared maroon clown, with the same results
each time... a dead anemone. (Resist the urge to comment here and read on.)
<Oops, okay> I have witnessed my maroon clown take each anemone as a surrogate,
a somewhat commonplace among captive clowns from what my research shows. In
close observation of this relationship, it is easy to see that this is by no
means a symbiotic affair. My clownfish eager for a safe host, instantly warms up
to the Condylactis. The Condylactis however, shows no shared emotions for the
clown. The anemone withdrawals tentacles touched by the clown, and exhibits a
general dislike of the clowns affection. Over the course of a few days my clown
becomes aggravated and forceful toward the anemone. The anemone responds to the
pushing and poking by becoming more withdrawn, closing up for hours. The clown
persists on any given chance that the anemone is open. After a few days I find a
limp, deflated Condylactis with a torn foot on the bottom of my tank. This is
the second time this has happened to me. The first time the anemone was torn
closer to the outside ring of tentacles. I would like to note that in both
instances the anemones were on live rock surfaces that may have had sharp areas,
so I am sure that the clown did not bite or otherwise intentionally kill the
anemone. The tear wounds were rather long unlike a fish bite or a hermit claw,
and consistent with having been rubbed against a somewhat sharp surface. I
theorize that some Condylactis may take a kill or be killed attitude towards
this abuse, and this could explain the reports of clownfish being eaten by
Condylactis anemones. After my experiences I would have to disagree with Joyce
Wilkerson's suggestion that a Condylactis may be an acceptable surrogate for
Clownfishes. If readers must witness fish swimming through their Condylactis
anemone without being devoured, I suggest they ignore clownfish altogether and
go for a diamond blenny. Otherwise, forget keeping the Condylactis and get a
tank raised bubble tip. That is assuming of course one has the proper equipment
to care for it. If anyone disbelieves what I have observed, I am sure I can
repeat this behavior and document it, though I would rather not risk another
anemone. To sum it all up, Condylactis + Clownfish = Bad Idea. Readers be
warned. -Randy <Thank you for your input. Bob Fenner> |
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