Related FAQs: Emperors,
Some Could be Pet-Fish, Emperors and Breams Family

By Bob Fenner
aureolineatus, Maldives
Closely related to Snappers, Family Lutjanidae. These fishes have
ten spines in their dorsal fin followed by 9 or 10 soft rays. Five
genera: Gymnocranius (eight species), Lethrinus (28
species), Gnathodentax, Monotaxis and Wattsia with
one each.
Genus Gnathodentax:
Gnathodentex aureolineatus (Lacepede 1802),
the Striped Large-Eyed Bream. Indo-Pacific. To one foot in length
in the wild. Feeds at night on crustaceans and the occasional small
fish. Found in various parts of the reef, sometimes in aggregations
of a hundred or so individuals. Specimens shown in Moorea, French
Polynesia and the Cook Islands. |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
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Genus Lethrinus:
Lethrinus elongatus Valenciennes 1830, the
Smalltooth Emperor. Indo-West Pacific, including the Red Sea. This
may actually be an image of the similar L. olivaceus as the
picture was made in French Polynesia. Both to about two feet in
length. |

Lethrinus erythracanthus Valenciennes 1830,
the Orange-Spotted Emperor. Indo-Pacific. To twenty eight inches in
length. This fourteen inch adult in the Maldives. |

Lethrinus miniatus (Forster in Bloch &
Schneider 1801), the Sweetlip Emperor. Distinctive red coloring on
pectoral fin bases and face. To three feet in length. A beauty and
good food and game fish. This one off of Queensland,
Australia. |

Lethrinus nebulosus (Forsskal 1775), the
Spangled Emperor. Indo-West Pacific, including the Red Sea (where
this picture was taken). To a maximum length of thirty four inches
in the wild. |

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The images in this table are linked to
large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images to
go to the larger size. |

Lethrinus obsoletus (Forsskal 1775), the
Orange-Striped Emperor. Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea. To two
feet in length. This one off of Queensland, Australia. |

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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Lethrinus olivaceus Valenciennes 1830, the
Long-faced Emperor. To a meter in length. Indo-West Pacific; Red
Sea, East Africa to the Ryukyu Islands. Fiji and S. Sulawesi
images. |
Genus Monotaxis:
Monotaxis grandoculis (Forsskal 1775), the
Humpnose Big-Eye Bream, Mu. Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea and
Hawai'i. To two feet, but a slow grower, and attractive when
young to midsize. Below a two inch juvenile in the Cook Islands, a
six inch sub-adult off Queensland, Australia, a ten inch specimen
off of Kona, Hawai'i, and a one foot adult in the upper Red
Sea. |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
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