FAQs about Large Marine System Livestocking
Related Articles:
Large Marine Systems, Fish-Only Marine Set-up, FOWLR/Fish and Invertebrate Systems,
Reef Systems, Coldwater Systems, Small
Systems, Plumbing Marine Systems,
Refugiums, Marine Biotope, Marine Landscaping, Fishwatcher's
Related FAQs: Large
marine Systems 1, & FAQs on: Large
System Design, Large Tanks,
Large System Lighting, Metal Halides for 40-200 gal. Systems,
MH for 200 gal. Plus Systems,
Large System Filtration, Large System Skimmers, Large System Stocking, Large System Maintenance, & Shark Systems, Fish-Only Marine
Set-ups, Fish-Only Marine Systems 2, FOWLR/Fish and Invertebrate Systems,
Reef Systems, Coldwater Systems, Small Systems, Marine System
Biotopic presentations,
Psychological as well as physiological
space requirements need to be considered in putting together a
stocking plan. RMF
Dream Aquarium Stocking 7/1/29
Greetings my friends @ the Crew! You have all, from Mister Fenner and
everyone else always given me spot on advice in the past, and as always
thank you! It is invaluable to all of us aquarists! Well, my kids are
and my wife has given me the green light and approved the budget to have
dream tank/fish room built!
It will be in a separate structure from my home, climate controlled,
The dimensions will be 24 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 8 feet tall
(17,235.12 U.S. gallons). It will be constructed onsite by Professionals
and include all applicable skimmers, pumps, powerheads, sand, rock, as
as surround seating around the entire tank. My dream stocking list would
include a Clown, Queen, Undulated, Crosshatch, Niger, Pink Tailed,
Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, and Durgon Triggerfish.
<Do start the Clown and Queen small, under four inches... these species
become intolerable mean, attacking, eating their tankmates; even in a
system. Do be aware they may have to be removed in time... maybe with
and line fishing, perhaps with a pole spear>
A French, Queen, Passer, Gold Flake, Emperor, and Maculosus Angelfish. I
would also like to keep a wide variety of aggressive and non aggressive
Tangs, Butterflyfish, and Wrasses. If possible, I would like to have a
small Barracuda to grow out.
<Could be done>
Lastly I was wondering if the acrylic would be safe from teeth gouges if
added one, or a couple Parrotfish, and a couple of large Pufferfish as
well? Thank you again for your time and advice.
<Yes; have seen large Scarids kept in public aquariums, eating good
dried foods like Hikari and Spectrum. Bob Fenner>
New England Aquarium Stocking density
Good Morning,
Just Visited the New England Aquarium. They had a marine tank that was
incredibly heavily stocked with adult fish. Tank looked to be 20 feet long x 4
feet high x 4 feet deep. The fish all looked healthy but the stocking density
was extremely high. How are public aquariums able to accomplish this?
<Ahh; the magic; well, science of a BUNCH of gear out of sight; often much more
volume than is on display as well. Ask for or take an "e" virtual tour of a
public aquarium, including a behind the scenes tour. See humongous protein
skimmers, oversized mechanical and physical filtration. Some folks
adhere to the overstocking philosophy to reduce aggression and wow/zow the
viewing public. I myself am more a fan of understocking... not as appealing
perhaps to attendees, but much safer lest there be a power outage,
overfeeding... other challenging incident>
This one side display tank was the most heavily stocked tank in the building .
Among those that I can remember there was Large Emp Angel, Several Powder blue
Tangs, Clown Fish, Sailfin Tangs, Majestic Angel, Purple Tang, Passer Angel,
Lipstick Tangs, Picasso Tangs, Many Butterfly fish etc etc etc. The fish were
un-naturally overactive IMO. Any Thoughts?
<Again, not my cuppa, but such over-stocking can be done... with lots of
equipment and good maintenance.
Bob Fenner>
Re: New England Aquarium Stocking density
I understand completely.
<Ah, good>
I have a 220 gal display right now with 2 large adult fish . Emp Angel and
Heniochus Butterfly . 2 damsels one percula . They are so much more laid back
and natural in their demeanor .
Again thanks
Has taken me a lifetime to understand but understocking is my cuppa tea
<Am glad to find our values are confluent here. Bob Fenner>
Compatibility of adding a Harlequin tusk
I am trying to determine the compatibility of adding a Harlequin tusk to my
aquarium. I have a 500 gallon tank with an Epaulette and coral cat shark with
several large tangs, Foxface and Hawaiian trigger. Both sharks are at least 2
feet long and I have had them for several years. I do not put any small fish in
my tanks or fish that hang out in the sand so they will not be eaten by the
sharks. The tusk is large but do not know about his habits if they can stay in
same tank.
Thanks for your assistance. Robert
<I give you very good odds of the Tusk getting along here. It will not bother
your sharks, tangs, trigger, and being a smart species, it won't allow them to
bother it. Bob Fenner>
Re: compatibility of adding a Harlequin tusk 6/27/18
Thank you
Mixing Acanthurus Tangs in Large Tank
Hi WMM Team,
<Greetings Brad>
So I'm just about to upgrade my current 300g reef to the new tank that
I'm building which is a ~1100g tank, 16'x'3'x3 (plus the sump).
I'm super interested to get your input on if there's any chance of
success mixing Acanthurus tangs such as Powder Blue, Brown, Black, and
Achilles (there will be other tangs such as Naso, Regal, Convict,
Scopas, Purple, Yellow, Sailfin &c) along with wrasse and Anthias, along
with a decent amount of rockwork/coral.
<Yes; easily done in very large volumes... A "Just" here; Just make sure
the system is stable and optimized, AND that the Tangs are healthy
initially... Likely month-long quarantine/acclimation in a large-enough
(a hundred gallons let's say) isolation system... for observation,
possible bolstering of health before placement in this display tank. NO
FUN having issues, or trying to net out specimens eh?>
I know that this would normally be a total no-no, but given such a large
tank + introducing them at the same time, is this all but guaranteed to
fail or is there any likelihood of success?
<A good likelihood of positive outcome. Friend Pablo Tepoot (of Spectrum
pelleted foods, cichlid farming... marine import biz) has a similar huge
tank... with most all these mixed in; successfully>
I know that these fish school in the wild, at least with their own
<Species really>
My plan would be to quarantine them all separately, and then introduce
the acan's together (with the other fish already in the established
tank). I'd probably do it on a weekend so that I could monitor the
situation and extract a fish if need be-but obviously if you just think
this is a terrible idea then I wouldn't attempt it.
<It is a good idea. One I'd do myself>
At least from my experience, I've had a great deal of luck mixing large
angels and wrasse from similar genus without much fuss in my 1500g tank,
but not sure if this is a different animal (pun mildly intended.)
Appreciate any guidance you have to share!
Best Regards,
<Do please send along periodic reports of your observations, events. Bob
Re: Mixing Acanthurus Tangs in Large Tank
Awesome, thanks Bob!
<Welcome Brad>
I was thinking that this approach would be somewhat similar to African
cichlids where you distribute the aggression so it's not a 1:1 battle.
<I'd say/warrant that the situation is very similar>
Just wasn't sure if that was likely to work with these tangs. I'll
definitely keep you guys updated and will provide some pictures!
<Ah, thank you. B>
Best Regards,
Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large
system 4/13/17
<Hi Jen>
I appreciate your site and all you do for us and the creatures of the sea!
I'm a prior reefer who had to put it on hold due to a major career change and
after 5 years am finally ready to resume the obsession.
<Ah; welcome back to the fold>
I'm planning a 748 gallon reef(120" x 48" x 30") with lots of live rock and
mixed corals.
Would one Regal Angel (Pygoplites Diacanthus) and a pair(male and female) of
Genicanthus Bellus tend to have enough space to avoid animosity in this setup?
<Oh yes>
I'll have a 100 gallon quarantine tank with established live rock and plan to
quarantine each specimen alone and slowly in order of shyness prior to adding to
the tank. My entire livestock list will be added this way. These will be the
only Angels in the system and be fed several times per day.
I have a 200 gallon refugium/sump on an opposite lighting schedule. I want to
grow Chaetomorpha mainly for filtering and secondarily for food but also would
like to grow Red Gracilaria for the excellent nutrition(for the
Regal). I know you're not supposed to mix Algae, but I've heard of people having
a veritable Macro algae garden of mixed types in large Refugiums.
Would I be able to do just these two in this system if I keep them on opposite
ends of the refugium, lower lighting on the Red Macro and trimmed up?
<Yes to growing multiple types/species here. Really is more a matter of culture
Or any tips? I'll have a skimmer rated for a heavy bio load at 1,000 gallons. I
haven't decided which brand yet. Thank you,
<Exciting! Please do periodically update us with your ideas, progress. Bob
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system; Now
Ozone 4/13/17
Hi Bob,
Big fan of yours for many years. Every time I veer from your advice I wish I
would've followed it. On this subject, I was pretty sure of the answer, but it's
always nice to get a professional affirmation. I will keep you
updated. Thanks!
<Glad to share w/ you Jenny. BobF>
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system
What size ozone generator would you recommend for this system? I want to try to
get to 400, but they say to undersize a little. You think a 360 would do it?
<400 mg/h is about right. See my writings on sizing such ( 0.3 to 0.5 mg/hour
per gallon of aquarium water)... I'd get/use, run full output at this size, no
worries. Bob Fenner>
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system
Great thank you!!
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus bellus Compatibility in
large system 4/20/17
Hi Bob and/or crew:
<Hey Jenny>
I am planning my livestock list. I've reduced the display tank
dimensions slightly to avoid needing a double row of the Giesemann
Aurora Hybrid lights I want. The width will now be 40" instead of 48",
but I increased the refugium/sump size to 240 gallons. Refugium will
have live rock rubble in one section, Chaetomorpha in one section and
Red Gracilaria in another.
<Sounds good>
The display will have about 1200 lbs. of live rock
<Wowzah! Put in half and see how you like the look>
and a 4" Fiji pink DSB, Apex controller, ozone generator and reactor, uv
sterilizer, NP biopellets in reactor, auto dosing, auto feeding, and 10%
weekly water changes(automated daily). I'm looking at the Super Reef
Octopus SRO XP-8000EXT or Bubble King with Red Dragon pump for skimming
unless you recommend one that's better. Is it worth going up to the
Super Reef Octopus 9000?
<All good choices>
I've attached a spreadsheet of my total livestock list less the
corals, which will be mostly SPS and a few LPS. I'll also
probably throw an Orchid Dottyback in the refugium. I don't care what
anyone says on forums, they are nasty bullies albeit quite beautiful and
happy to live alone in a refugium. hehe
<Tank bred ones, started smallish are generally not problematical>
Anyway, I deduct it's far better to add all your corals before you start
adding the bulk of your fish to avoid your fish attacking the new
What I was thinking of doing is adding the items that are listed as #1
of order entry after about 6 months of cycling, then every 30 days add a
few corals until my desired corals have all been added and are doing
well so
that will probably be at least a year's time. Then I would add the #2
entry items, 30 days later the next and so on and so forth. I am going
to quarantine everything according to each's requirements for 30 days.
For the Tangs I've read it's better to add them at once to avoid
aggression issues, and they will be the last additions to the tank. How
many of these tangs could be safely quarantined together in a 90 gallon
quarantine tank at one time if most of them are on the smallish side?
<I'd process all together... with some PVC parts, what have you
(chemically inert; or rock if not treating) to break up the physical
Or if they could be but in a larger QT tank, how large would I need to
<The 90 should do it>
Lastly, can the three wrasses be quarantined together if I have a DSB QT
tank solely for them?
<All together>
I'm going to set this up the same time as the display so it's ready to
go when I am.
Do you see any issues with this plan/list?
<Maybe making sure you have sufficient food/forage for the Mandarin; as
you intend to place it first>
Thank you for sharing your
knowledge and helping me avoid murder!
<Glad to share, aid your efforts. Bob Fenner>
Cycle tank for 60 days then
add #1's before beginning gradual addition of all corals.
When corals are all in after 30 days begin adding #2 items and so on. |
Fish List |
Qty |
order of entry |
Achilles Tang |
1 |
6 |
Chevron Tang |
1 |
6 |
Purple Tang |
1 |
6 |
Yellow Tang |
1 |
6 |
Desjardini (sailfin) Tang |
1 |
6 |
Powder Brown Tang |
1 |
6 |
Powder Blue Tang |
1 |
6 |
Regal Tang(blue hippo) |
1 |
6 |
Magnificent foxface |
1 |
3 |
Regal Angelfish |
1 |
4 |
Pair of Bellus |
2 |
5 |
Picasso Percula Clown |
1 |
3 |
Black and White Ocellaris Clown |
1 |
3 |
Mandarin Dragonet |
1 |
1 |
Pajama Cardinals(3) |
3 |
1 |
Yellow Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp |
1 |
1 |
Invertebrates Wish List |
Qty |
order of entry |
red serpent starfish |
1 |
1 |
Blue or purple linckia |
1 |
2 |
scarlet shrimp |
2 |
1 |
snails |
a few |
1 |
rainbow bubble tip anemone |
1 |
2 |
clams |
2 |
1 |
sps a few lps |
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large
system 4/20/17
Thank you Bob! I will follow your advice on the amount of rock.
<This IS what I'd do... NO WALLS! A few well-placed/arranged bommies...>
Since I'm adding corals and livestock slowly, it won't be difficult to add if I
want more. I had luck(was prepared) with a mandarin in the past. He ate the
first food I offered him in quarantine a couple hours after being left
alone in the dark after acclimation (frozen blood worms thawed in aquarium water
and soaked in Selcon/garlic) The vendor did say he was eating prepared foods
already, but I had him shipped so you never know for sure
until you see it for yourself.
<Agreed; and some ARE finicky eaters>
I stocked my refugium with pods and fed them until I had a great population. I
had to restock the pods a couple times once the mandarin was in the display, but
eventually there was no need.
Since I have macro algae in the Refugium, they will multiply nicely. I will just
make sure everyone is fed appropriately and happy.
For the quarantine of the tangs I plan to do a freshwater bath (buffered and
same temp as QT) with Methylene blue prior to QT. Should I medicate the QT water
for Cryptocaryon irritans right off the bat with the tangs since
there will be so many and they are prone to it?
<I would not for these tangs... notorious ones (A. leucosternon, A.
nigricans/glaucopareius...) yes>
For the wrasses, I'm planning just the freshwater bath as above into non
medicated QT tank unless something shows up. Correct?
I went to buy your book, *The Conscientious Marine Aquarist* but I didn't see it
offered as an EBook. Is it offered digitally anywhere?
<Mmm; don't think so. If it were, t'would be on Amazon.com for sure.>
Thanks again,
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large
system 4/21/17
Thank you Bob for all the great advice! I'll be in touch!
<Okay Jen>
PS: My opinion for what it's worth is you should convert your writings to
E-books on Amazon if you're able.
<All the twenty or so produced the last few years are (see Amazon.com); works by
and with others I don't have control over. Have sent your note to James
Lawrence, ed., publ. of Microcosm, urging him to consider their works>
They have software to do it for you.
<Ah yes; I use Kindle and CreateSpace.com's m'self>
There are lots of E-readers out there. I have a Kindle Fire HD myself.
Have a great day!
<Again, I thank you. B>
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system
I just realized one of the Tangs you mentioned as notorious that you would
medicate for in QT is on my list of Tangs(Powder Blue).
<Oh! I do apologize... thought you only listed Ctenochaetus spp. I may have you
confused w/ another querior>
So it's a little
contradictory. Would you medicate since they will all be in there together or
wait until they show signs(if they do) and then medicate?
<The PBT I def. would keep a very careful eye on at the very least. There is a
VERY fine line twixt "treating" a suspect specimen and harming it further. VERY
important to pick out/gather an initially healthy specimen>
Which medicine
is best for Tangs for this plight?
<Posted/archived on WWM>
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system
Yes, I thought that might be the case. Good Luck!
<And you, BobF>
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system
Ok will do. Thanks again Bob
<W. B>
Stocking options for 600 gallon tank 3/27/17
Hello my name is Jason. You guys have a wonderful forum with plenty of
information and I was able to learn a lot from reading them. I have a 600 gallon
tank with measurements of 6ft length 5 ft width and 30in height. I am planning
to keep a pair or trio of Scribbled angel (Chaetodontoplus duboulayi). The other
fishes that I want to get are a trio of Golden Semilarvatus Butterfly, One Flame
Angel (Centropyge loricula), Blue-stripped Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus
septentrionalis), Blue-girdled Angelfish (Pomacanthus navarchus), Yellow-eyed
Kole tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus), Blonde Naso Tang (Naso elegans) and
Desjardin's Sailfin (Zebrasoma desjardinii). I will also keep a few Bartlett's
Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettourum) as a dither fish. Is it possible to
keep a pair or trio of Scribbled angel in my tank with my other large angels and
large tangs?
<Yes it is; given plenty of room, break up (bommies) of the environment.
Need to get/be out of eye-shot of each other a good percentage of the time>
What do you think of my stocking list?
<Should work. I'd introduce the Anthiines first; to allow them familiarity;
feeding practice; the tangs next>
Thank you for your time for reading my e-mail.
Sincerely yours Jason
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Stocking options for 600 gallon tank 3/27/17
Dear Mr. Fenner,
Thank you for your quick reply. I appreciate it very much.
<Certainly welcome Jason. BobF>
Sincerely yours,
Marine Fish Stocking; lg. sys. 2/9/17
<Hi there>
I've begun building a custom aquarium and had a few questions on fish
selection and compatibility. The tank is "L" shaped and will be
9 feet long on one section and 5 feet long on the other. The whole tank
will have a width of 3 feet and will be 30 inches tall. I know
this gives a lot of space but, I figured it'd be smarter to ask your
opinion rather than gamble with the lives of the fish.
My current stocking plan is rather large but, I'm sure many will be
removed from the list after this email.
Not certain how well mixing Centropyge will go in a
tank this size but, these are the ones I like so far.
<Can be done w/ space, as you state>
1 Centropyge bispinosa
1 Centropyge eibli
1 Centropyge nox
1 Centropyge bicolor
<Mmm; I'd go with one or two species... and have a 3-5
Much more interesting. Start all small... 2-3 inches>
I tried to select species on your "Good Butterflyfish" section.
Butterflyfish seem to be my favorite group so I selected quite a few.
I'd pick more if I could but, I have doubts I could keep the whole list
1 Chaetodon ephippium
1 Chaetodon collare
1 Chaetodon ocellatus
1 Chaetodon rafflesi
1 Chaetodon punctatofasciatus
1 Chelmon rostratus
1 Chaetodon lunula
<These could all go here>
1 Acanthurus coeruleus
1 Acanthurus triostegus
1 Paracanthurus hepatus
1 Zebrasoma flavescens
<Again; MUCH more fun, stable to keep Surgeons in numbers; not singles>
I for sure want to have the first 3 listed here but, I liked the looks
of the Dottybacks. I am aware they are aggressive so I hope that tank
bred specimens will be more peaceful. What do you think?
1 Gramma loreto
1 Serranus tortugarum
1 Gramma melacara
1 Manonichthys splendens
1 Pseudochromis aldabraensis
1 Pseudochromis springeri
<... why solitary?>
I would like to keep a few species of Chromis (one of different
species), gobies and blennies. However I haven't selected any yet. How
would they do in this set-up?
<Fine if selected initially healthy and fed>
Flasher and fairy wrasses are also a favorite. I'm not sure which ones
I'd like to add yet but, I wanted to ask how likely it is that I could
keep one of several species together? How well would they do with the
fish named so far?
<Good choices here>
How would hogfish fare in this tank? I am interested in Bodianus
anthioides and Bodianus pulchellus. Would these fish be able to get
along with the ones listed and/or each other? And lastly, what are your
thoughts on Choerodon fasciatus in this set-up?
<Also good>
Sorry for all the questions and thank you for your time!
<Not a bother; "is" the reason we're here. Thank you for sharing, and
please do send images, your input as your project progresses. Bob
500 gallon FOWLR stocking options
<Hi Kathy, Earl here.>
Hello! First of all, let me say that I greatly appreciate your forum
.... was able to learn a lot of things from reading through the
different forums. Just a question about stocking up on a 500 gallon
FOWLR . Tank dimensions are 72"x60"x30". My son and I have been
contemplating on adding the following fishes and would love to hear your
input as to whether this would work well.
Red Sea Emperor Angel
Majestic angel
Red Sea Regal Angel
<I would be very wary of 3 large angels in a single tank.
Depending on size, decor, individual personalities, you may be ok here
but I would add them as small as possible, make sure there is a
abundance of rock, decor, etc. because one of these fishes will be the
"boss" sooner or later and there are territory issues involved. Also be
aware that these guys can grow much faster than you'd think and to a
very large size so bear that in mind. I myself am looking at an upgrade
right now to keep a Queen satisfied because I simply did not expect her
to grow so fast. Worth it in the end though! Another possible choice
that's overlooked a lot are the mid-sized angels. Genicanthus,
Swallowtails and such, often sold in sexually dimorphic pairs. They have
a lot of the personality and beauty of the large guys like Holocanthus,
but are too much for smaller tanks one would house things like Flame
Angels/pygmies in. Just a thought but 1 large species like the Emperor
as the "headliner" and a pair of middle-sizers might be a good
compromise rather than 3 big guys.>
Golden semilarvatus (maybe 3-5 pc.s?)
Heniochus butterfly (5pcs?)
<These butterflies can be fragile although not necessarily so. I'd
choose less of them, certainly. You overall plan here is pretty heavy on
fishes especially when you consider the size they will soon grow to, and
the amount of aquascape real estate in the tank that will displace a lot
of even a 500g tank's volume. Picture 10 butterflies at 6+ inches. If
you love
large butterflies, maybe narrow things down carefully to a handful of
those and go from there. Bob might jump in here, he has a few things to
say about marine angelfishes!>
Desjardini tang
Kole tang
<Kole are outstanding and good "workers" that will nibble nonstop all
day and are known to target nuisance algae that most won't touch...10/10
fish and good in most systems, a keeper. The other tang is a beauty but
also will be over a foot long...can be a showstopper that catches eyes
for sure.>
Cuban hogfish
Magnificent foxface
<Rabbitfish are one of those that I consider a no-brainer for any marine
tank that can house one. Beautiful, nonstop grazers and far hardier and
less choosy about what pest algae they target than tangs. I am a broken
record here but just make sure you are aware that some of them stay
reasonably sized, other species will rocket to a startling size inside a
year or two. Magnificent Foxfaces are just excellent all around.>
Will this combination of fishes work in your opinion? Would love to hear
your thoughts.
<Your overall game plan here seems solid except for the running theme I
have so subtly (or not!) driven at. You are setting up a pretty huge
system and are planning to fill it with a bunch of equally huge fish. A
potential problem, IME, is that can end up resulting in several of those
big fish becoming territorial, feeling cramped, engaging in warfare, and
This seems contradictory but a 6 or 8' long tank is still small enough
that a 9" fish is very unlikely to get along well with a dozen others
saucer-sized mates. Also keeping the water butterfly fish-pristine is
something to consider when you have a large bioload. Were it me, I would
choose 1 or 2 angels, preferably the one with the most peaceful
reputation or just the one that's a must-have for you. Then about half
as many butterflies, definitely the Kole and the rabbit, and look into
some smaller stuff. Other than the angels and (possibly) the tangs. Your
tank is a pretty peaceful place IF not overcrowded or allowed to get to
the point where territory or competition for food is an issue. I'm
probably rambling but basically you have good choices and good matches,
but too many of them ;) >
<Hope this helps!>
Re: 500 gallon FOWLR stocking options
Hi Earl! Thank you so very much for your quick reply. Will try to decide
between the Heniochus and goldens to lower down the bio load. And will
definitely reconsider my options for the large angels. But it is so hard
to choose! Hahahahaha! Again, I appreciate your inputs.
<Spoiled for choices definitely. I make it a hobby in itself to stock a
tank. Once it's full up that part of the fun is more or less over. Take
it slow and enjoy the browsing. Glad to help!>
Re: 500 gallon FOWLR stocking options; ref. /RS f'
Hi! It's me again ...... just a follow up question. Some
websites list that The golden butterflies need to be kept at a slightly
higher salinity to mimic their natural habitat. My question is,
will keeping my salinity slightly higher at 1.026-28 be harmful to the
other fishes that are not from the red sea?
<Like most things in aquariums, once you reach acceptable conditions
stability is far more important than precision. Salinity is a
prime example of this. A fish can adjust to a relatively wide range, but
cannot do it quickly. Obviously there are limits but you get the idea.
Some compromise is possible but 1.026 is not what I'd want generally,
let alone 1.028.
Personally I'd avoid this dilemma entirely by choosing a different
species of butterfly. Or it could be interesting to go all-in and try a
regional biotype with Red Sea fishes. They can be difficult to keep but
some of my favorites are the "fancy Basslet" Anthias. To me they are
unsurpassed as far as jaw-dropping beauty, they are very active and have
personality. You'd have already hurdled two of the obstacles (space and
salinity). Maybe check into those.
Also try a background check on specific fishes you're eyeballin'. I'm
amazed this subject doesn't get mentioned more commonly but just ask the
retailer where the fish is coming from, what they have been keeping it
in and for how long, what it's been eating in the shop, etc.. If they
have been keeping what you want to keep, in more typical salinity than
Red Sea/elevated, you are good to go. At least find out how long the
fish has been in the shop and if you can put down a deposit and pick
them up in a week in non-elevated salinity, in captivity.
At any rate as always patience is your ally...you will need to slowly
acclimate your choices to any big change in salinity in quarantine (a
few weeks).>
Thank you very much!
Re: 500 gallon FOWLR stocking options
Hi Earl! Got it! Thank you very very much for all your advice.... will certainly
take everything you suggested into consideration.
<No problem, please follow up with your outcome, down the line.>
Timing of When to Introduce Maculosus Angel to 265g Display
Hello Bob-
I purchased approximately a 6 inch Maculosus angelfish
<Oh, a fave! Likely wild-caught at this size>
from a very reputable online source who I've had great luck with in the past on
many occasions. BTW, after reading several of your great write-up's and other
reputable sources on the Maculosus, i.e.; it's wonderful personality and
hardiness after the acclimation stage, I was heavily influenced to go with a
Maculosus over other large angelfish options.
This beautiful angel has been in my quarantine tank (75 gallon) for two weeks
now. It eats very well (Nori, Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, Spirulina, and New
Life Spectrum pellets) and did so within 24 hours of receiving it. There are
zero signs of disease.
<I would move this fish to the main/display tank>
He's been in the QT with a 4 inch Scopas Tang and a 3 inch Flame Angel with zero
issues. However, and I've read a lot of this as being normal (you referenced it
in one of your past responses), it's quite shy right now. I have a large "Y"
shaped PVC tube where he always hangs out except when it's time for a feeding.
At feeding time, he blasts out of the PVC tube, scoops up food, then blasts back
to his PVC retreat. Bob, when do these angel fish become less shy?
<Weeks usually>
Part of me wonders if maybe the bare glass bottom of the tank, where I've
noticed he quarrels with his reflection nearly every time he sees it, is part of
the problem?
<Could def. be a factor; plus the dearth of hiding spaces, small confines...
lack of fishes to interact with. MOVE IT>
He also darts into his PVC whenever he sees me too. I do notice that he observes
me though from his PVC. Thus, knowing that he looks good and eats very well, I
am thinking that maybe I need to now transfer him to his new
permanent home which is a 265 gallon live rock set-up with live sand and that
might help him adjust better?
<Oh yes>
Or maybe that's rash and a bad idea?
<... no; not a bad idea>
Note that he will be the largest fish in that set-up. All of the fish in that
set-up get along very well with each other. Whenever I've added a new fish in
the past there, as long as it wasn't a conspecific, a new fish is pretty much
ignored. There's no other angel in the 265 and there's no bully or overly
aggressive fish in the 265. I plan to get a new PVC tube to place behind the
reef for him since he likes his PVC in the quarantine so much (smile). However,
my concern is, do you think, based upon his shy behavior in the quarantine, that
he's ready to be transferred to the 265 gallon?
Should I wait longer?
<One last time: I'd be moving this fish NOW>
The other option I was considering, although it goes against my protocol for a
quarantine, was to add some live sand to the quarantine tank to cover up the
reflection he sees, to determine if maybe that might help to loosen him up to
where he can calmly swim around outside of his PVC hang-out.
It's also worth noting that my quarantine isn't in any sort of high traffic,
noisy area, nor are my display tanks for that matter. Thoughts?
Thanks, John
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Timing of When to Introduce Maculosus Angel to 265g Display
Thanks Bob, I really appreciate your expert advice! I really wanted to do what
was best for this fish and not be careless.
<A test that James Lawrence put me to in meeting in 95 was naming a show fish
for his daughters H.S. 300 gal. tank at school... This is the choice I
mentioned. Cheers, BobF>
Compatibility; fishes for a large FO SW
Please help! I am trying to decide what large fish I can put in my 385 gal tank
with a 90 gal sump. Can you help me out? Right now it has 2 large zebra eels and
a 14" snowflake eel with a 5" Greenbird and Lunare wrasses, along with and two
3" Foxfaces, and 6" Minatus, Spotted and Blue Line Groupers. I am getting in two
tierra batfish. I would like to add a show fish or two to go in with the
existing fish. Can a 5-7" French Angel go in here along with a 6" Volitans Lion,
<Yes to both of these... though the Lion may inhale the Siganids, and possibly
poke the eels>
or a 7" Cortez Stingray,
<No; this is a coldwater species... mis-sold into the trade as a tropical>
or a Blue Girdled/Majestic Angel?
<No; too hard to keep in such mixed company>
Considering all will grow. Do you think the French may nip at the ray or the
I understand that it is not a good idea to mix angels but with this size of tank
do you think it would work with these two and if so should they be introduced
together and at different sizes?
<I'd look into other large and more aquarium suitable Pomacanthids. See WWM Re>
What do you think would be the best mix, considering the existing fish, to add
possibly two more show fish. I appreciate any advice. Thanks
<I'd hold off a month or so after introducing the Tieras. Bob Fenner>
Compatibility.... Lg. SW stkg.... not a reader 1/24/17
Thanks Bob for your previous reply on my last email on 1/20/17.I have already (2
M Fox Faces, Snowflake and 2 Zebra Eels all L, 3 groupers: Blue lined, Spotted
and Miniata all 6", Green bird, Lunar and Dragon Wrasses all around 5", Raccoon
Butterfly and a Sailfin Tang both M, 2 Volitans Lions around 5". In a 385 gal
tank, I had asked about putting in two adult angels (French and a Blue Girdled).
You didn't think the Blue Girdled would be a good mix based on the French and
the others in the tank.
<Just period... the subgenus Euxiphipops are NOT aquarium hardy species.
JUST READ on WWM... ahead of writing us please>
What would
you recommend if it would be possible to put two adult angels in there?
<What I suggested before: THAT you READ on WWM re Pomacanthids... they are
"gauged" re historical/likely survivability on the site, and in books I've
I really like the French but I am not sure it would tolerate any other angels?
<.... read. B>
Thanks again for your info!
Re: Compatibility Wherein Gabe responds to a non-reader, Re stkg. large SW
<Good morning, Mark>
I am writing to you again for advice regarding my 385 gal tank with a 90 gal
Right now it has 2 large zebra eels and a 14" snowflake eel with a 5" Greenbird
and Lunare wrasses, along with and two 3" Foxfaces, and 6" Miniatus, Spotted and
Blue Line Groupers and two 6" Tierra Batfish and currently a 6" Black Volitans
Lion. I would like to finish the tank off with a sting ray or two adult angels
if possible.
<Seems like you're getting close to maxing out on your bioload. Be careful about
1) If I went the angel route what two angels would possibly coexist? I am
partial to the French but I don't know if any could be put with him in the
"Large" size?
<Compatibility comes down to the individual fish in my experience. I have kept
French, Blueface, and Queen in the same tank before without problems. I have
also tried Emperor and Queen in a 400 gallon with plenty of rock and such, and I
had to separate them. It is up to you in the end, so it may take some
2) If I went the ray route what would you recommend as staying on the small size
and "tropical"? I like the Cortez but unfortunately they fall in the
cool water temps like the Round, Yellow and Calif. Ray.
<I would stay away from rays. The only one that is tropical in the sense that it
prefers 72º F - 78º F is the Fiddler stingray, and those need a 500+ gallon
Please reply ASAP. Thank you again!
<If you're going to add anything, do the angels. It may take some experimenting,
but hopefully you can land on something. See WetWeb re this topic. Thanks for
writing. Cheers, Gabe>
Re: Compatibility 1/26/17
Thanks for the reply
<My pleasure, Mark. Feel free to write us any time>
Koran and Annularis in 265?
<Hi John, Earl here.>
Please advise on your thoughts of mixing a Koran Angel (about 4 1/2" and
currently in the tank) with a Annularis Angel (about 5" to 6", considering a
purchase of it) in a 265 gallon live rock set-up (maybe 125 pounds of rock,
i.e.; wanted to keep more swimming room). I have a 40 gallon sump, over sized
skimmer, lots of flow from oversized powerheads, and return pump). If not an
Annularis, any large Angels you would feel might be more successfully mixed (and
would be hardy) with the Koran in a 265? As always, thank you for your very
wonderful advice.
<You didn't mention what if any other inhabitants are in this tank, which is a
consideration. Bioload, social structure, how does the existing angel respond to
current tankmates? That aside, that is a pretty hefty tank for a hefty fish. The
Annularis, while a gorgeous species (now being captive-bred if memory serves) is
still going to be a plate-sized 8-10 incher as a healthy adult. Which happens
faster than you might like or expect! IF you plan on keeping just the two as a
sort of large-angel tank, maybe with some very small "dither fish" like Chromis
to give a little more movement and
visual diversity, it would be worth trying IMO. Also consider that these are
customers who demand some sponge in their diet.
Your main concern here seems to be their interactions with each other.
Usually I would not suggest 2 large angels together but with space, a lot of
grazing rock, broken-up eyelines, hiding places, etc. I would cautiously try it
out if your heart is set on it. The Koran and large rowdy fish generally tend
towards territoriality as they age and the Koran is a dinner plate sized animal
when full grown. These guys (Pomacanthids) have a lot of personality and in my
experience are smart and therefore hard to categorize like we might do with
others. It's largely down to the individuals involved. Give it a try if you like
and just have a game plan as to how you'll remove one if "negotiations do not go
according to plan".
Hope this helps and please let us know how it goes. -Earl C.>
Re: Koran and Annularis in 265? 11/16/16
Thank you so much for the advice. All very good points on your part. I've
decided that I need to dial back my enthusiasm (as far as adding any more to my
tank) for large Angels and be satisfied with my Koran (who's been a
wonderful fish for about 2 years) and not push the envelope.
<You're preachin' to the choir about dialing back enthusiasm for angelfish...I
have been eyeballing a bigger tank to keep more angels for year now! Playing it
safe with 2 in the same tank is definitely the surest route.>
Like you said, beyond their beauty, the Pomacanthids have so much personality
that I keep wanting to add another.
<If you have a second system, I love the smaller angels as well. Maybe look into
Based upon the bio-load in the tank, I believe I can safely add another fish and
might try a Caribbean Blue Tang. I've had really good luck with several types of
tangs (Purple, Yellow, Hippo, Naso, Sailfin, ...etc.) in various tanks over the
years. The Caribbean Blue Tang seems to be a sometimes overlooked tang, one I've
never owned yet, but that appears to be a good aquarium specimen per Bob's
write-up of it. Thanks again!
<My two cents here is that if you can find one you like, and that stays
reasonably small, look into Rabbitfish (Siganidae family). They fulfill the same
general role as far as grazers on algae, are far more hardy and have a very
laid-back demeanor and are generally ignored by other fish. 10/10 fish. Check
out scribbled, Foxface, magnificent and one-spot Foxface maybe.
Be sure to check that max size as they (and many tangs such as powder blues) get
bigger than we'd like. Just an alternative suggestion.>
Advice please... Y Tang stkg., comp.
Greetings, Recently I set up a reef tank 265 gallon and I got the
aquarium design from a book called “ Aquarium Model Designs” by John
Tullock. In one of his designs, he called for 9 yellow tangs in a 180
gallon. This design is called “ Cheerful Yellow”. I am sure you know of
this book.
<Yes; have a copy; know JohnT>
I have a 265 gallon fully cycled tank so I added 9 young, small Yellow
tangs, a medium size purple tang and 20 azure damsels. After a day of
calm, the YTs started fighting and 2 weeks in, all develop a severe case
of Ich.
<Mmm; yes... and this picking is very likely to continue. Yellow Tangs
need to be much more or less crowded than this... else you'll suffer
slow attrition...>
However all YTs are eating like machines. The PT also had Ich but now no
signs of Ich is seen now. I have had him for 7 years in my old 210
gallon and he had recovered from ich in the past w/o treatment. Please
tell me if this plan is a good plan:
- Remove all the yellow tangs and treat them/sell them to LFS.
- Leave the azure damsels and PT in the tank if they do not show signs
of Ich.
- Let the tank be for 6 weeks. If there is NO signs of Ich on the
damsels and the PT, then add a school of true schooling fish such as
Chromis and the nicer blue reef type.
I believe 9 tangs in a 265 is not doable as the author led me to
<I do agree>
Please tell me if my anticipated plan is appropriate.
<It is one route to go... you will have a resident, residual Crypt
infestation... most if not all systems do... With challenges like poor
water quality, dips in nutrition... bringing on clinical signs>
I have few corals in the tank so treating the disease in the tank is not
possible. Thank you and I look forward to your reply. Dai
<MUCH more could be stated; IS archived on WWM re. I'd spend some time
reading... re Crypt; parasitized systems, Tangs and Protozoans.... Bob
Re: Advice please... Yellow Tang (in)comp., stocking lg. SW sys. f's
<Salud. Have re-read our correspondence. Thank you for including>
Let me update you on my tang situation. Now I have 6 remaining yellow
tangs and they all are eating and very active, No signs of ich anywhere
but I lost 4 due to ich. (40% loss). Now all the damsels (20 +), the
purple Tang and 6 YTs are doing well. Some days they fight with each
other but no fish seems to be bullied/sulk into a corner and some days
they don't mind each other at all. Now I have 2 questions:
1. I would like to add medium sized hippo and a medium Naso. I had them
with the PT in my previous 210 without any issues. However they did not
make it in the dealer tank (too small tank) when I was getting my new
tank cycled. When would be a good time to add them?
<Mmm; any time; however; there is a good chance of bringing back
(clinically) the Crypt/Ich on at least the new Tangs; due to stress...>
I understand there are still active ich but they cannot infect the
current fish because these are healthy and not stressed. Should I wait 3
months or add now?
<Later would be better>
2. Is it a bad idea to add 2 more same size YTs?
<Likely so; yes. I would NOT add more>
I am concern about disrupting the equilibrium now that may bring back
onset of ich. I believe it is a bad idea but I thought I run through it
with you.
Thank you Mr. Fenner for all you do! Thanks again Dai
<Glad to share Dai. Bob Fenner>
Infrequent Feeding for Fish (and mar. stkg. Earl's go?)
<Hi Edwin>
I have a predatory setup of Morays, Lionfish, Groupers and Scorpionfish.
My question is what other fish can go with a feeding once a week?
<Predatory nature is not the issue so much as metabolism. A moray can and will
naturally go awhile without feeding, a lionfish or similar ambush predator will
catch, say, one damsel-sized fish every few days. To a certain point, it's far
better for these types of slow, languid fish with slow (but large!) metabolic
processes to eat too little than too much.
Lionfish often eat themselves to death. I also have to ask what your setup is
like. That combination of fishes seems ok assuming low/short period lighting, a
lot of overhangs and cover, and extremely aggressive skimming.
But see below: >
Cowfish / Hawkfish / Squirrelfish / Cardinals ? seeing that they are
<Squirrels/Bigeyes/Cardinals are also big eaters but more active perhaps and
would like a little more food. Cowfish (I am assuming here that you are speaking
of the hobby-standard boxfish type) not in the same kind of category...they are
regular eaters that are constantly on the hunt for morsels and would suffer for
being fed one large, infrequent meal. This goes toward one of my favorite maxims
about animals...that you can tell what it does based on what kind of mouth it
has. Obviously a sharp-toothed fish has those teeth to catch hold of fast or
slippery prey (other fish, squid etc.) and a fish with blunt teeth is a crusher
(snowflake eels cracking open molluscs). A cowfish has a small "beaky" mouth and
is not going to survive well without small, regular food. If you watch one, they
are always moving, prowling, nibbling. Once a week won't cut it. They are also
likely to be outcompeted by faster more agile fish. Hawkfish would be a better
match depending on size and species (bear in mind fish such as groupers can and
will try to consume fish 1/3 their own size when making these choices hehe). If
you are looking for more color, variety, denizens generally for that tank but
not necessarily predators as such, you could look into "mean" assertive fish
that can take care of themselves to some degree and subsist largely on grazing
such as the meaner tangs...but limiting your feeding to once a week really does
kill your options.
Frogfish maybe? The real question I'd ask is why the limit on feeding to begin
with? Hope this helps!>
Re: Infrequent Feeding for Fish; and large SW stkg. Bob's evidently follow-up
try 11/24/15
<Hello Edwin>
I have a 180 Gallon (i think it could be more) with heaps of overhang, cover,
strong nitrate reactor, huge sump (1/3 of main tank) and an oversized skimmer.
Bob Fenner (are you bob?)
<I am>
and myself had a discussion on how my combination is not feasible but I have
always prided myself on achieving hard-to-establish tanks.
For example I had a 5x2x2 feet tank previously with almost 10 bichirs, an
Arowana, a green terror, FW stingray, tiger fish etc. On paper it sounds like
overcrowding but frequent water changes and quality oversized equipment
compensated, the tank lasted for more than 2 years till I made a mistake.
But I digress - current tank has :
6 morays - Blue Ribbon, White Margined (commonly labeled white ribbon), zebra,
snowflake, estuarine (g.tile) and labyrinth (not sure if Marco identified
<Mmm; at least the Rhinomuraena will prove difficult to keep with these others;
hard to feed, compete w/ other Muraenids>
All are juveniles and except for the white margined are on frozen food right
2 Lions - 1 fuzzy and 1 dwarf zebra
1 Scorpionfish - a yellow leaf scorpion
<And these above; will "accidentally" sting the Morays in time; not compatible>
2 x groupers - so proud of this - i separated a Variola Louti and a Polleni for
weeks, they got so used to staring at each other they are now buddies ! (I have
I have been running the above supposedly impossible setup for 3 months and
showing no problems at all.
<Good thus far>
As for the infrequent feeding - long office hours plus heavy traveling means I
only get to enjoy feeding them on weekends.
<Ah, good>
Hence the once a week - and being a predatory fish keeper I enjoy feeding live -
gut fed FW ghost shrimp and green Chromis (cheap in Singapore).
The polleni and Variola grouper add a fair amount of color so was just wondering
if any other fish would fit.
A bit too late to add a Comet Grouper so the last fish will be a radiata lion
(those things just like starving to death).
<I'd go w/ the Comet over another Scorpaenid>
Hawkfish .. hmm .. I was thinking of a large flame hawk.
<Could fit; until the basses get large enough to swallow it>
What about puffers ? Don’t think they make a good addition - a bad tempered one
will really wreck the eels.
I am worried about Frogfish as from experience they will attack massively
oversized fish (had a painted choke on a zebra lion) and don’t want them
injuring my eels - thoughts?
<A Frogfish would present feeding problems now; but it appears you have good
"hand" feeding technique/s here... As you state; if/when it gets bigger, esp. a
large species, the Frog might try to consume a smaller fish (Lion)...>
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Infrequent Feeding for Fish.... Lg. SW stkg.
Yes agreed the Blue Ribbon is harder to feed than the rest. Its a matter of
immense patience - feed groupers, then larger eels and finally the ribbon (only
one that doesn’t eat from my hand).
Only problem now is the snowflake cannot seem to stop eating …
Will the lions/scorpions sting the Morays?
<Yes; please see WWM re... Muraenids are clumsy, have poor vision; Pteroines sit
about on the bottom a great deal of the time>
thanks for advice i didn’t think they would do that unless in serious self
A comet added at this point would likely see it bullied by the Variola and
Polleni - but point taken on not another Scorpaenid.
Flame hawks get really cheap sometimes here - as low as USD 10.
<Crazy; diver pay for them in Fiji is US 9>
may get the largest one possible and give it a shot.
Concur with the frogfish analysis - I reckon they belong to a species tank, only
success i have seen is a large Rhinopias with even larger tank mates (large
morays and lions).
<Neat! BobF>
Suggestions for Additions to my Tank
Hello Wet Web Crew, I am looking to add some additions to my tank. My
tank is 200 gallons with a 75 gallon refugium. It is a FOWLR tank.
Water chemistry is in check. 0 nitrates and nitrites (I have a nitrate filter) 0
ammonia, ph 8.3 salinity 1.023 temp 79 degrees F. I also have a PhosBan reactor,
<? Why the use of the chemical filtrants here? For what purpose/s?>
large skimmer. I have upgraded since last I wrote to you requesting advice. I
unfortunately lost a few fish in the move. My 9 year old Siganus Doliatus
unfortunately died along with a bicolor angel due to a heater malfunction in
their temporary accommodations. My new set up has 5 yellow tailed damsels, a
long nosed Hawkfish, Purple tang, a Melanarus Wrasse, a One Spot Fox Face Rabbit
and a 5 inch Pink Tailed Trigger. In my old tank I had a Dardanus Megistos crab,
since my previous puffer and the pink tail trigger could not make a meal out of
him. The crab was in a 9 inch triton shell and died at 5 years of age. I am
guessing he died of old age. Although I enjoyed caring for this amazing critter.
He became quite the hulk and could move rather large rocks looking for tasty
I am looking for your advice as to what to add to my tank for a clean up crew.
<Ahh! My/our opinions re such are posted/archived on WWM. Do read there>
And or additional fish. I have some small crabs which are all still surprisingly
alive. I also have a black long spine urchin. I know eventually that they could
become food for the Trigger. Also have two skunk cleaner shrimp that the Trigger
has lived with successfully for a year as has the Hawkfish. I also know they
could become food for many of my inhabitants if the mood strikes them.
Would a goat fish work in my set up to clean the substrate?
Any suggestions that you would have as far adding a critter that will turn over
the substrate as well and as effectively as the Dardanus Crab did?
<The goat/s will do it/this>
Are there any smaller hermits that perhaps only reach 5 inches?
<Many; see WWM re the preferred available species>
The Dardanus Crab was nearly 1 foot long when I removed his corpse from his 9
inch triton shell.
Also the Pink Tailed Trigger is the most shy fish I have ever had. His/her
personality is more like that of a marine Betta then the triggers I have read
about. Will that change as this fish gets larger?
<Mmm; maybe... depends really on what else is placed here... other
Tetraodontiform fish/es might prompt a change in behavior/outgoingness>
Will his tail get a darker shade of pink?
<Again; depends... on nutrition mostly>
It is the palest pink right now. They get a variety of chopped meaty sea food
soaked in vitamins.
They get spectrum pellets and flake food. And Nori for the herbivores.
I have always found you're advice sound so any suggestions would be helpful.
Regards, Kellylynn
<Do keep perusing WWM re stocking various "kinds" of systems, then the pertinent
family coverage re compatibility and selection/stocking. Oh, and write back w/
specific questions, concerns as you reveal them. Bob Fenner>
re: Suggestions for Additions to my Tank; lg. SW stkg.
What species of goat fish would you recommend?
<See my family and our selection FAQs re on WWM>
I have pretty much read your site regarding ,triggers, rabbits tangs, a couple
times over. I have also read on reef central as well. I have also read your site
regarding comparability and knew some of my choices could result in a meal for
another inhabitant. So much information so hard to make the right choice.
<Ah yes>
You asked why the PhosBan reactor, I use it because I do not use RO/DI water
often and took care of my red slime issues in my old tank.
<I see>
What also helped that problem was switching salt mix to Fluval salt mix. That
was recommended by a LFS I frequent.
Do you see a problem as my trigger gets bigger that I may have to remove the
Melanarus Wrasse to another tank? I have another tank to remove him to if need
<The Trigger, this species, should be able to stay here indefinitely>
What hermit crabs other then Dardanus could you recommend to put with this mix
of fish?
<None really. I would be/come the clean up crew>
Or aren't there any that won't eventually become food for the Pink Tailed
Trigger one it reaches its full size?
<Yes; that and the Wrasse>
Or should I just go with buying a goat fish and skip the other crustaceans all
together since the wrasse is a substrate sleeper?
Could the wrasse be in danger from a goat fish if it was sleeping?
<It will not be>
Thanks again. You run an amazing site here.
<Welcome. BobF>
New 200gal setup; SW, stkg. 8/22/15
Hello all ^_^
I am in the planning stages for a new 200 gallon reef tank (truly, the research
never ends! New information every day ^_^)
<Ah yes>
This will be my first saltwater setup so I am opting for a large aquarium
(larger water volume, more forgiving of fluctuations is what I’ve consistently
read) with plenty of live rock in an open arrangement with bridges and caves
between rock groupings and a shallow sand bed. It will also have a sump with
integrated refugium and additional live rock. And of course a separate
quarantine tank.
I plan to start very lightly stocked and add slowly over the course of months
and years, both to allow for the close monitoring of water parameters and
interactions with each addition, and also to give the nitrifying bacteria in the
live rock time to propagate in accordance with the new bioload each time. I’ve
been told I’m overly cautious but I've really developed a love of these animals
during my research and time observing them in the wild.
<Patience is a HUGE virtue in our hobby>
I’d rather have a tank that takes a while to get up to full potential than one
that crashes and kills everything after a few months.
There are a few animals that I just have my heart set on and I am trying to
build a decent stocking list from there. The ones I adore the most and really
want to include are as follows:
2 black and white ocellaris clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris var.)
2 Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)
5+ Kaudern's Cardinalfish(Pterapogon kauderni) (I have read that a larger group
like this helps reduce the problem of them killing each other off until only one
remains that so often occurs in groups of 3 or 4. From what I have found, it
seems either a single specimen or a big(ish) group works best)
1 crocea clam
<All these will be fine in your 200>
All of these animals are available at my LFS and they are truly wonderful people
there. Happy to let me come monitor the health and eating habits of the animals
before bringing them home.
The other addition I would really like to bring in eventually (certainly not
before the 6mo-1year point, if that soon) is a Bubble Tip Anemone. I know
anemones are not for beginners and I won't be getting one until I am comfortable
doing so. I have spent a good deal of time at my LFS learning about how they
house and care for their BTAs and other animals. They've been very informative
and helpful and their nems all seem to be in consistently good condition. They
won't stock wild caught nems so the only ones they have are the BTAs in a few
colors. (They also won't stock wild Banggais or Clowns or several others,
they're pretty particular about that kind of thing.)
<All right>
Okay, gosh I didn't mean for all the background to go on so long, my apologies.
I have three main questions. First, I am having a lot of trouble settling on
which larger showpiece fish(es?) I should add to my tank. I really like both the
Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) and the One Spot Foxface (Siganus
unimaculatus). Would it be acceptable to have one of each?
<Yes; but DO read re the PBT; Isolate it a good two weeks; consider the value in
Or are there alternate large fish you’d recommend?
<Many.... better for you to take your time; read books, through WWM... >
(Except Angels because I fear for the clam lol). I have a wide variety of other
fish I like and I can choose from among them based on compatibility with the
larger fish. Despite my love of them I’m assuming a Saddle Valentini Puffer
(Canthigaster valentini) is out of the question with the clam :/
<Might nip; perhaps not>
Second, in a 200gal tank would it be okay to keep PJ Cardinals with the
Banggais? With that much space will they be okay with each other?
<They'll likely go to either corner and ignore each other>
I'm having trouble finding info from anyone who's tried it.
<Have seen a few times>
And finally, would it be okay to keep some Zoanthids on their own
bottom-of-the-tank rock cluster on the opposite end from the anemone?
<Could be done>
According to your article on BTAs and other information I have read, the nems
don't typically move a whole lot after they’ve settled (as long as they aren’t
unsettled by changes in their environment), though I know that’s always a risk.
I am wondering if keeping Zoas with lower light requirements down where the nem
likely wouldn't like it anyway would minimize the risk to tolerable levels in
your opinion. In the end I’d rather pass on the Zoas or other corals rather than
the BTA so if there aren’t coral options you'd consider acceptable for my tank
size I’ll pass on them.
<There are several "less noxious" choices that will/can go in a system of your
size with a BTA>
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this and for all the excellent
information you’ve provided on your site!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: New 200gal setup 8/23/15
Thank you for your feedback ^_^
<Welcome LJ>
I have plenty of time to read more about the potential additions I could make to
the tank and will continue to research as you recommend. Thanks for the answers
and recommendations! I hope you're all having a great day :)
<Ah yes; thank you. BobF>
New 200gal setup; SW, stkg. 8/22/15
Hello all ^_^
I am in the planning stages for a new 200 gallon reef tank (truly, the research
never ends! New information every day ^_^)
<Ah yes>
This will be my first saltwater setup so I am opting for a large aquarium
(larger water volume, more forgiving of fluctuations is what I’ve consistently
read) with plenty of live rock in an open arrangement with bridges and caves
between rock groupings and a shallow sand bed. It will also have a sump with
integrated refugium and additional live rock. And of course a separate
quarantine tank.
I plan to start very lightly stocked and add slowly over the course of months
and years, both to allow for the close monitoring of water parameters and
interactions with each addition, and also to give the nitrifying bacteria in the
live rock time to propagate in accordance with the new bioload each time. I’ve
been told I’m overly cautious but I've really developed a love of these animals
during my research and time observing them in the wild.
<Patience is a HUGE virtue in our hobby>
I’d rather have a tank that takes a while to get up to full potential than one
that crashes and kills everything after a few months.
There are a few animals that I just have my heart set on and I am trying to
build a decent stocking list from there. The ones I adore the most and really
want to include are as follows:
2 black and white ocellaris clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris var.)
2 Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)
5+ Kaudern's Cardinalfish(Pterapogon kauderni) (I have read that a larger group
like this helps reduce the problem of them killing each other off until only one
remains that so often occurs in groups of 3 or 4. From what I have found, it
seems either a single specimen or a big(ish) group works best)
1 crocea clam
<All these will be fine in your 200>
All of these animals are available at my LFS and they are truly wonderful people
there. Happy to let me come monitor the health and eating habits of the animals
before bringing them home.
The other addition I would really like to bring in eventually (certainly not
before the 6mo-1year point, if that soon) is a Bubble Tip Anemone. I know
anemones are not for beginners and I won't be getting one until I am comfortable
doing so. I have spent a good deal of time at my LFS learning about how they
house and care for their BTAs and other animals. They've been very informative
and helpful and their nems all seem to be in consistently good condition. They
won't stock wild caught nems so the only ones they have are the BTAs in a few
colors. (They also won't stock wild Banggais or Clowns or several others,
they're pretty particular about that kind of thing.)
<All right>
Okay, gosh I didn't mean for all the background to go on so long, my apologies.
I have three main questions. First, I am having a lot of trouble settling on
which larger showpiece fish(es?) I should add to my tank. I really like both the
Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) and the One Spot Foxface (Siganus
unimaculatus). Would it be acceptable to have one of each?
<Yes; but DO read re the PBT; Isolate it a good two weeks; consider the value in
Or are there alternate large fish you’d recommend?
<Many.... better for you to take your time; read books, through WWM... >
(Except Angels because I fear for the clam lol). I have a wide variety of other
fish I like and I can choose from among them based on compatibility with the
larger fish. Despite my love of them I’m assuming a Saddle Valentini Puffer
(Canthigaster valentini) is out of the question with the clam :/
<Might nip; perhaps not>
Second, in a 200gal tank would it be okay to keep PJ Cardinals with the
Banggais? With that much space will they be okay with each other?
<They'll likely go to either corner and ignore each other>
I'm having trouble finding info from anyone who's tried it.
<Have seen a few times>
And finally, would it be okay to keep some Zoanthids on their own
bottom-of-the-tank rock cluster on the opposite end from the anemone?
<Could be done>
According to your article on BTAs and other information I have read, the nems
don't typically move a whole lot after they’ve settled (as long as they aren’t
unsettled by changes in their environment), though I know that’s always a risk.
I am wondering if keeping Zoas with lower light requirements down where the nem
likely wouldn't like it anyway would minimize the risk to tolerable levels in
your opinion. In the end I’d rather pass on the Zoas or other corals rather than
the BTA so if there aren’t coral options you'd consider acceptable for my tank
size I’ll pass on them.
<There are several "less noxious" choices that will/can go in a system of your
size with a BTA>
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this and for all the excellent
information you’ve provided on your site!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
300 gallon fish only SW; stkg.... 3/3/15
I am new to this and am using a professional but he hasn't told me no
yet so... Need some advice:
300 gallon saltwater
Fish only with 75lbs of live rock
Current fish:
Yellow tang - alpha (8-9 months in tank)
Malinaris wrasse (8-9 months in tank)
Cleaner wrasse (8-9 months in tank)
Flame angel (5-6 months in tank)
Humu-humu (5-6 months in tank)
Juvenile emperor angel - (3-4 weeks in tank)
Two darker orange clowns (6-7 months in tank)
We are looking to add a dwarf lion - we just traded in a HUGE lion that
kept "rubbing up" on other fish.
<Could add>
We are also looking to replace our one spot foxface and Toby puffer. I
was also considering 3 tangs (sail, Kole and a new yellow since the
current one is super aggressive.)
<Any of these would fit here>
Any tips on order for introduction?
<The Lion first, the Zebrasoma/s last>
Can we add all these fish?
<See above; yes>
We have 8-9 snails, 5 starfish, a protein skimmer and do weekly 10-15%
water changes. I clean the filters 2 times a week and the skimmer
(whether it's full or not) every other day.
Thank you!
The tank before we traded in the lion and before the puffer and foxface
Thank you again!
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
Re: 300 gallon fish only SW
What is a Zebrasoma?
<The genus of Sailfin Tangs... try your search tool>
Could we add a porcupine puffer AND the Toby? My husband and I are split
in which we get :-)
<Tobies are puffers...>
Thanks so much for such a fast response! That's awesome
<Mmm; do you have time to read... perhaps a good general marine aquarium
book? You'd greatly benefit; and enjoy it.
Bob Fenner>
Re: 300 gallon fish only SW
Tangs - got it. :-)
Erin Trujillo
Re: 300 gallon fish only SW
Is there a book you recommend?
Erin Trujillo
<Ah yes; not to be too self-serving: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist.
Bob Fenner> |
Re: 300 gallon fish only SW 3/4/15
Thanks! I appreciate it
Erin Trujillo
<You're welcome. BobF> |
new fish addition /s; large SW
Hello Mr. F.
<Hey Andrei>
How are you?
<Fine; thank you>
My tank is progressing especially due to your direct advice and the huge
resources found on your website. For that I thank you.
One new question: I attached a photo of the tank so you can see the
aquascape and it`s dimensions because I want to ask, considering the
fishes I already have, including a Acanthurus Japonicus ( in the tank
for more than a year ) , could I add a Acanthurus Achilles?
<Mmm; well the tank is large enough... and am sure you're aware of how
"touchy" the species is; and its reputation for being a "Crypt magnet">
The well-being of my fishes is a priority, I don`t want to stress them.
Besides what you see in the pictures I have in there a Pomacanthus
Imperator ( juv) and some wrasses, a pair of percula clowns living in
the huge Catalaphyllia in the back, and a pair of mandarins ( 1,5 years
in there ). All the fishes are eating well, 6 times a day are fed with
different foods and the last one was introduced 9 months ago. Despite
the fact that I have the Zanclus Cornutus and the Imperator none of them
are touching the corals,
I even have a large xenia colony that I thought it was doomed but it is
unharmed. I also plan to introduce a Pygoplites Diacanthus , a Zebrasoma
Flavescens or two and some more wrasses and Anthias. But slowly, after
quarantine and over a long period of time.
The DT measures 2.1 meters /0.7/0.7
Thank you,
Andrei from Romania
<With care to avoid introducing parasites; starting with smaller new
specimens; you should be able to fit all this in here.
Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
New tank build... Large marine fish stocking/systems
Hi guys hope all's good, I upgraded my tank to 150 or so UK gallons or
to you guys across the pond 187 US gallon's (60"x 30"x 24") about a year
and a half a go but I have a few fish that I know will need a
bigger tank in time, they being my Stars and Stripes
puffer 7" and my emperor angel 5",
<Oh yes>
I'm planning on upgrading my tank hopefully by the end of the year to a
96"x26"x24" or 96"x30"x24" and was wondering would this size of tank be
suitable for both these fish when they reach adult size?
<Yes; likely so... to some degree; though not as much as for most
freshwater organisms; marine fishes can be stunted size-wise to their
environmental limitations>
I was also looking to add some other bigger fish like the sailfin tang
and maybe 1 other large angel but if that's not possible then no worries
my main concern is that the tank I'm upgrading to would be able to house
my two current fish for their entire life, I would greatly appreciate
your expert advice on this.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Diamond Goby 1st, Pair of O. Clowns 2nd, Sixline Wrasse
<comp.> 3rd, Now What?! (Indeed) - 04/08/14
<<Hey Melissa!>>
I am wondering... I started my reef tank off with a diamond goby; a few
months later added a pair of ocellaris clowns and have now added a
six line wrasse. I am wondering if I have messed myself up by
added the wrasse so soon??
<<Quite possibly…depending on your future piscine selections for this
I have a 215g tank so I am hoping that the size will make up for such a
rash decision to buy the little guy....
<<…Have seen them cause trouble in even larger systems.>>
Is it too late to add anything else?
<<Not “anything else,” no…but small fishes with similar body shape,
habits, environment preferences et al will have a hard time of it…in my
In the future my plan was to add a fairy or Christmas wrasse,
<<Likely an issue…>>
a couple pajama cardinals,
<<Probably fine…>>
a Firefish or gramma
(not sure which one or if they will be replaced with something else
around the same size!), a mandarin goby,
<<A Dragonet, actually…and a hit-or-miss re the wrasse…feeding issues
aside (do acquire a captive bred specimen). It likely will go ‘mostly
unnoticed’ by the wrasse IME…but no guarantee>>
fox face, coral beauty angel, lemon peel angel, and/or a couple to a few
<<All likely to co-exist fine with the Sixline>>
..... Not planning to add ALL of these, but this is what’s on my faves
list. Open to suggestions on which ones to narrow it down to also!!
<<From your list…my preference would be the Foxface and one of the
angels; likely the CB…though my fave for reef systems and “eye appeal”
is the Flame (Centropyge loricula). If you still feel the “need” for a
Tang then perhaps a Kole (Ctenochaetus strigosus) and/or the ubiquitous
Yellow (Zebrasoma flavescens)…nothing getting too large.>>
Thank you so very much for your help in advance,
Melissa Nelson
<<Happy to share… Eric Russell>>
Re: Diamond Goby 1st, Pair of O. Clowns 2nd,
Sixline Wrasse 3rd, Now What?! (Indeed) - 04/09/14
Thank you for responding!
<<Quite welcome>>
Does it matter how soon I add the smaller fish?
<<If the Sixline has been in the system more than a few days…is likely a
moot point>>
I understand that if I wait an extended period of time the 6-line will
become more comfortable, territorial and aggressive.
<<It likely already is all of these>>
So if I were to get the smaller fish added within the next few - 6 month
period will that help?
<<Refer to my first comment>>
Also, what about Anthias?
<<A small group (5-7) of Anthias could do well here…though I would then
limit adding any large and boisterous fishes if you should go this
route. Do research/read up first>>
And are there any other small, medium, and large fish that you would
recommend versus what I listed before?
<<Many possibilities (Cardinals, Wrasses, maybe even a
Butterfly…more)…research and decide what you would like and then we can
<<Welcome… Eric Russell>>
Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang
Hi Crew – hope all is well.
<Some of this; some of that. Thank you for your expressed
concern/courtesy acknowledgement>
I welcome your thoughts on adding a Regal Tang
<Paracanthurus hepatus I'll take it>
to my 96x30x30 (375 gallon) tank ... The BIG players in
the tank are 5" Majestic Angel, 6" Regal Angel (Angels get along fine),
7" Blonde Naso and the most recent addition (about a 6 months ago)
a 5" purple tang. As suspected, the purple tang has
become the most dominate fish, not attacking/harassing, he just makes
sure everyone knows he's the boss. I initially thought the purple tang
would be the last addition to the tank but I’m thinking a Regal
tang could work. If so, would a small +/- 2.5” Juvenile have a
better chance of being ignored by the big players, or should he be much
bigger to compete with the BIG players (after QT of course).
Welcome your wisdom as always.
Rick Campbell
<I do give you good odds of this fish doing well here; given the small
size start and large tank. Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden
Butterfly... 375 gal. FOWLR f' 1/31/14
Am I asking for trouble by considering a couple/few of the gorgeous
Chaetodon semilarvatus to this same group?
<A fave; and these should do fine in such a volume; given they fit in...
mostly with the established Zebrasoma... which they should at their
present size relatively. I WOULD keep an eye on the alpha tang and be
ready to net/trap it out, place it in a floating plastic colander (spag.
strainer) in the tank IF there are signs of overt aggression>
There are currently 4 in QT at the LFS, approximately 2.5" in length.
<And you; Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden
Butterfly... 375 gal. FOWLR f' 1/31/14
Am I asking for trouble by considering a couple/few of the gorgeous
Chaetodon semilarvatus to this same group?
<A fave; and these should do fine in such a volume; given they fit in...
mostly with the established Zebrasoma... which they should at their
present size relatively. I WOULD keep an eye on the alpha tang and be
ready to net/trap it out, place it in a floating plastic colander (spag.
strainer) in the tank IF there are signs of overt aggression>
There are currently 4 in QT at the LFS, approximately 2.5" in length.
<And you; Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden Butterfly:
latter, stkg./sel. 2/2/14
Paracanthurus hepatus (after 11 days in QT - gobbling up NLS pellets
from day one)
<Ah, good>
went into the display about an hour before lights out last night and had
to deal with Mr. Zebrasoma on occasion, both frontal and caudal
posturing. Displaying a few scraps this morning from wedging within the
rocks overnight I suspect - didn't appear to be scalpel wounds . Here we
are 24 hours after introduction and I just witnessed them swim within 2"
of each other as if neither existed. I've seen a few quick bolting
lunges from Mr. Z today, but they have continued to minimize as the day
went on. I'll continue to observe closely over the next couple days, but
I'm hoping the worse is behind me.
In regards to introducing one or more Chaetodon semilarvatus, I've
typically seen them singly or in pairs.
<Almost always encountered as pairs in the wild/Red Sea>
Would 3 or 4 coexist/group together considering the 375 gallon volume.
Does strength in numbers also improve their chances with Mr. Alpha
Zebrasoma xanthurum?
<I would go with two for sure here... And... look for a Red Sea angel to
go with... I fully suspect that you would greatly enjoy an Asfur or
Maculosus... perfect for this size system, setting. Intelligent,
In closing, I remember asking my first question through this forum over
10 years ago in regards to a sump design on my first (90 gallon)
I had just finished "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" soft cover for the
first time (of many). I was completely surprised (and so grateful) when
I received a response from yourself! I'm now the owner of a well used,
updated hardcopy version and would just like to say Thank You for all
your work towards a hobby that I love so dearly.
Rick Campbell
<Thank you. Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden
Butterfly. Stkg 375 f' 2/2/14
I've considered an Asfur angelfish in the past but was unsure of how
he'd fit in with the existing 5" Majestic and more so (my pride and joy)
a beautiful yellow-bellied (and assumed Red Sea) 6" Pygoplites
diacanthus (attached).
<IS a RS specimen and a beaut>
Do I have good odds of success by adding an Asfur at this point, along
with the Golden B/F pair, and if so in the 3"-4" range?
<I say yes to both/all... The Asfur will likely be tank bred/reared,
smallish... and get along fine here; ultimately vie with the Xanthurum
as alpha fish; but undoubtedly will become your fave>
You may find in a couple years time that you're wanting even a larger
display for your (biotope) tank>
<Cheers, BobF>

Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden
Butterfly. Adding an Asfur 2/4/14
A 6" Asfur currently available at LFS (attached pic shown with a
Zebrasoma Xanthurum hiding in the back - he's been there for almost 2
<A very nice specimen>
At this size, the sparks might fly immediately with my resident 5" Mr.
Z. - welcome your thoughts.
<I would go ahead and try this mix/match... WITH having a large plastic
colander on hand to catch out, float the Zebrasoma in case there is
In regard to quarantine (my QT tank is 30 gallons), I'm tempted to just
do a freshwater dip on the Pomacanthus asfur and get him in the display
(knowing he's been 2 months at LFS and a fine looking specimen).
<Yes; this is what I'd do as well>
Simultaneously I'd get the pair of Chaetodon semilarvatus into QT. Or
could I QT all 3 together?
<Just the BFs. Thirty gal.s is too small for all; or even just this
For interest ... my (intended RS biotype) currently includes the Regal
Angel and Purple Tang as discussed, but also a Midas Blenny, 3 Female
Lyretail Anthias, (with the largest starting to transition to male), a
Blonde Naso Tang, 6 blue green Chromis and an Orchid Dottyback. My 100%
biotype plan went out the window with the addition of the Majestic
<The Pomacanthus imperator I take it>
Additional non Red Sea specimens now include a Coral Beauty, a Flame
Angel, Copperbanded B/F, a Twinspot Hogfish, 3 Royal Grammas, a diamond
goby and the most recent Palette Surgeonfish that thankfully has been
totally ignored by the Purple Tang for the last 24 hours.
Took me years to convince my wife to have 8' x 2.5' x 2.5' tank "built"
into a wall as we were designing our new house ... I dare not mention a
"larger display tank".
<Heeeee! B>
.jpeg) |
Damselfish Stocking 7/24/13
Hi WWM Team!
I wanted to reach out because I am considering adding fish to my
existing reef tank and would like to create a "reef effect" with
many damselfish but am not sure it is possible / practical.
<Well; some species can exist in a shoal in a large volume... a few can
be mixed with other species>
Hence, before making such a permanent decision I thought I would research
WWM and reach out for a recommendation. The reef is 130''L x
36''W x 32'' H roughly 650G with quite a bit of Acropora and live rock.
It is stocked with a very established Achilles, Yellow, and Purple Tang,
Two Clownfish
<Which species? Will consider that these are more easygoing here>
and a Copperband Butterfly. The challenge is that the tangs and
butterfly seem to have decided that they will swim together as a
group... all the time! So the aquarium basically looks empty because the
fish are all localized in one area (with the clowns never leaving their
toadstool leather coral). After reading Bob's article on the
Talbot's damselfish, and seeing them live, I was
considering adding a number of them (or mixing 50/50 with Talbot's and
Azure Damsels) to the aquarium with the *theory* that they will
provide striking color like Anthias, while being smaller / less
<I would add these, AND some Anthias here... My choice? A nice mix of
color and behavior in Pseudanthias squamipinnis... either just a few
males, or all females and allow some to develop into males>
The challenge I am facing is that most of the information /
advice online seems to focus on individual or small group behavior when
discussing the viability of damsels.
<For aquariums, aquarists, yes; these all assume small system volumes;
which, thankfully, you're not constrained by>
Are there any special considerations to keeping a larger group of a
single species?
<Mmm, yes; many are far better stocked all at once, in the same size
(small to start) range... Chromis and a few other genera of schooling
Will they hunt in packs and kill off all the livestock or will the large
numbers basically temper the territorial behavior?
<Much more the latter; Pomacentrids don't hunt in packs>
Assuming adequate filtration for about 15-20 damsels, does the size of the
aquarium support this number of fish socially?
<It does; and I strongly agree w/ your choices here>
Best Regards,
<And you; Bob Fenner>
Re: Damselfish Stocking 7/24/13
Thank you again Bob for your insight! As always its invaluable.
<Ahh, welcome Dan>
On a separate note... I moonlight on the Aquarium Council at the Shedd
Aquarium and spent some time last week with folks from SECORE and the
Coral Restoration Foundation. At dinner I was sharing the insights I
received from you over the years and your reputation and writing really
precedes you!! :-) Not sure if they knew you personally but many heads
regarding your legend!
<Ah yes; have been around quite a while, trying to do my best in and for
the field>
(Sexual coral reproduction is a special interest of mine so I learn/work
with the Shedd on their projects in this area... WWM actually helped me
recognize my first spawning event back in 2008 with GSP, proudly
displayed at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/polypreprofaqs.htm at the top of
the page.
:-) Now spawning is a yearly event in my aquarium around the end of
Take Care Bob!
<And you, BobF>
Blue Sapphire Damselfish (Chrysiptera springeri)
compatibility 6/28/13
I would like to keep the following in a 220 gallon tank.
The tank will have lots of live rock, hiding places and broken sight
1 Flame Angel
1 Coral Beauty
1 Heralds Yellow Angel
<Can be quite boisterous.>
7 Blue Sapphire Damsels (Chrysiptera springeri)
A few Blennies
The Blennies would be introduced first, the Damsels second and the Dwarf
Angels last.
<I would add the Damsels last. Allowing the Centropyge to establish
territory unharassed would be my primary concern.>
The question I have is; How aggressive will the Chrysiptera
springeri be in this setup?
<Large enough system that they should not be of notice. I would be more
concerned with a Centropyge death match.>
I have read conflicting reports about this damsel's peacefulness or
Does anyone have direct experience with a small group of these damsels
kept in a larger aquarium?
<I have kept groups of three to five with similar stocking and the
Springer's just squabble amongst themselves for the most part. Mild
harassment but nothing of concern.>
Will they become super territorial and kill everything in the tank
when they mature?
<They will not grow large enough to pose a serious threat to your
current stock list.>
Thanks for your help,
300 gal. FO, stkg. list 6/11/13
Hello again. I am getting my ducks or fish in a row now. I am getting a
300 gallon tank. 96x24x30. It will have a 55 gallon sump/ refugium. It
will be a fish only system. Right now I have about 100 pounds of live
rock that I will transfer into that tank as well as 100 pounds of sand
and large store bought ornaments for the fish to hide in. The tank will
have two HOB protein skimmers and three hang on the back Emperor 400
filters with four power heads and four 300 watt heaters. I plan on a 6
inch DSB in the sump as well as algae grown in it. These are items
I already have on my other tanks that is why I am wanting to use them.
If you think these items are not good enough for what I am trying to put
together please advise because I have never had a system this large. I
am upgrading from a 125g and a 90g.
<Should be fine>
My fish list is a Majestic Angel, Blue Tang, Foxface Lo, Purple
Tang, Coris (Gaimard) Wrasse. Would also like to add a Harlequin Tusk
and Picasso Trigger. Would it be possible to add any smaller fish
to this mix like 5 Anthias, 2 Clowns or 5 Chromis. Or would
this tank be better with just the large fish. The one fish that I am
worried most about is the Trigger attacking the smaller fish if I have
I was planning on 20% water changes per month. Any thoughts on
what I am putting together? Will this work.
<All should be fine together if started small and kept fed>
Anything I am missing or things I should replace? Thanks for your help
as you guys have helped me in the past. Signed Gary
<I'd be moving forward... starting with the Damsels, Clowns... Bob
Future Tank Compatibility
Dear WWM Crew:
I would like to start by thanking you for putting together a truly
spectacular resource for home aquarists. I have been poring over your
site nonstop since I found it, but I still have a couple of questions. I
plan on building a tank that is 12 ft. By 10 ft. By 1. Ft.
<A single foot deep?>
In said tank, I would like to house the following:
X2 Chiloscyllium plagiosum
X1 Echidna nebulosa
X1 Gymnothorax favagineus
<Too big and mean, and will leave this shallow depth onto the floor>
X1 Pterois volitans
<Too likely to sting the shark, Morays and be eaten, harassed by the
puffer, angel>
X1 Diodon holocanthus
<Too likely to bite all but the Emperor>
X1 Pomacanthus imperator
From what I have read, these species should be compatible
in the size of tank I am planning, but I wish to reaffirm this with an
expert on the subject. Lastly, is there any species of ray you would
recommend for my setup and species list?
<... I'd redesign this system to be a foot or more deeper; start over w/
the stocking list. You might consider raising/breeding Bamboo, Epaulette
sharks... Or FW rays>
I would only keep one if it is compatible with the other fish.
Connor Sullivan
<Keep dreaming, planning. Bob Fenner>
Stocking help 4/23/13
Hello! I am writing to verify I have my facts straight before I move
forward with my current plan for my 50gal and setting up of my
265gal. I have written you a few times, and I just want to make
sure I have interpreted your advice 100% correct.
I have a 50gal tank that has been set up for around five years. It has
been through a few changes over this time.
Currently it has a refugium (about 10gal) which has seven Mangroves and
<The Mangroves need MUCH more room>
My first batch of Chaeto died. I wrote you and was told I probably
needed more nutrients for it. I got two Anthias causing me to increase
my feedings to three times a day, and now my walnut size Chaeto (came
with a batch of Pods) is the size of a baseball in a three month time.
<Ah, good>
I do not know where the Pods in my refugium have gone though.
<Flushed through, consumed by the Fancy Bass>
I don’t have any substrate in it: just a chunk of LR.
<I'd add>
My skimmer is a Berlin Airlift (it doesn’t sound like a favorite, but
seems similar to the DIY types),
<Likely a bit undersized>
and a return pump of 660GPH. I put in the refugium initially in the hope
to eliminate a hair algae problem that popped up a year ago, but now I
think it has more to do with being near a window.
<Could well be>
The tank has some Xenia, Zoanthids, and a Frogspawn. The lighting is
Current Truelumen Dual LEDs. I dose Ca+ and pH. I have an Ocellaris
Clownfish, Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish, Diamond Goby, and a Stocky
Anthias. The Anthias was purchased as a longtime pair from the
store, but her friend never seemed to adjust and died earlier this week.
The survivor is eating well and very colorful. I feed them Omega One
pellets and Prime Reef flakes. I am taking your advice and choosing to
make my 50gal house my future Lionfish instead of putting them in the
larger tank to avoid feeding issues. I thought a Dwarf Fuzzy, Fu Manchu,
and somewhere down the line adding a Sphex if I can ever find one. I
would have liked to add a Snowflake eel, but after reading about mixing
Lions and Eels it sounds too risky. This means all my other fish go into
the 265gal.
Now onto my 265 gallon. It came with a (40gal?) refugium, and I plan on
adding a 39 gal tank down there too for something. I’m not sure what yet
but something useful. The return pump is a Little Giant that from my
search appears to be 700GPH, and I assume that is not enough.
<Is fine flow rate wise for the sump/refugium... I would add water
moving pumps to the main tank above...>
It came with some metal halides, compact fluorescents, and I’ll add my
two Orphek PAR-38 blubs that I removed from the other tank. I have
read about plenums. From my reading it sounds like your opinion is they
aren’t necessary, so I’ll skip that. From much reading and your advice,
here is my list of additions: two Stocky Anthias (total of three), a
pair of Cinnamon Clownfish (theory is there is enough space to have
different species in the same tank), a
group of Halichoeres melanurus (one male, four females), and a Yellow
Tang. If all is well after a year, I’d look into one of these three: a
Heniochus diphreutes (hoping it will leave coral
alone, if not another Chaetodontids), a Red Sea Purple Tang, or a Flame
Angel. I’d finish off with five Blue Reef Chromis, and a school of
Banggai Cardinals (four?).
I hope this isn’t overstocked!
<Mmm, no>
I’m still having trouble imagining filling this tank. I am happy to take
things VERY slow.
<Ahh! A good trait>
I just want a sort of master plan so I don’t get the wrong animals along
the way.
I truly apologize for the length of this. I just thought all facts make
it easier for advice. I’ve been reading your site like a crazy person. I
wish I could answer these questions by myself, but the best I’ve been
able to do is narrow things
down. All advice will be heeded.
<As often welcome. Bob Fenner>
Larger Sized Aquarium (96x30x30) – Multiple Centropyge
Individuals? …Species? …Both?– 04/10/13
<<Hiya Rick>>
Tank is up and running with a few residents calling it home. In fact, I
thought I would have no problem with a Flame Angel (2") and a Coral
Beauty (2.5") sharing the 96" x 30" footprint (considering the Coral
Beauty is larger and both Dwarfs introduced simultaneously, about a week
<<I would agree…in fact I have had success adding two Flames
simultaneously to such a volume>>
, but Mr. Flame is being a bit of a bully (chasing and nipping - not
attacking, Coral Beauty's tail is split/torn).
<<The aggression will likely diminish…though there are those
4" Majestic Angel ignores them both.
What are your thoughts on the following?
Adding 2 more Coral Beauty's. Will the Flame feel outnumbered /
overwhelmed and leave all three of them alone?
<<Not likely, at least not right away…but it will certainly “spread the
love” assuming the CBs get along>>
Will the resident Coral Beauty also feel outnumbered by the 2 new C.B.'s
and all 4 live happily ever after ... or am I in for WWIII?
<<Is anybody’s guess really, but I do think there is a “chance” of it
working. A better option IMO would have been to introduce a pair of each
species (sized one smaller/larger within each species) as this would
have given good odds of each becoming a “pairing”>>
Welcome your feedback and Thanks in Advance.
<<Always happy to share mate! EricR>>
R2: Larger Sized Aquarium (96x30x30)…Fish Compatibility –
Good morning Eric,
<<Hi Rick…sorry about the late reply…been up to my neck in work and
haven’t kept up here like I should>>
One last question in regards to overall tank compatibility. The BIG
players in the tank are 4" Majestic Angel, 6" Regal Angel (Angels get
along fine), 6" Blonde Naso and the most recent addition (about a month
ago) a 4" purple tang. As suspected, the purple tang is starting to
become the most dominate fish, not harassing, he just makes sure
everyone knows he's the boss, especially the Majestic Angel. I initially
thought the purple tang would be the last addition to the tank, but
there is so much room in there I'm thinking either a 6"+ Powder blue
tang or I do have access to a male/female pair of blue-throat triggers
(approx 5").
<<I had a pair of these some years’ back…nice fish>>
Welcome your wisdom on this ...
<<I think either selection “can” work here…though I feel the triggers
will bring less issues re compatibility with the ‘other’ fishes>>
and as you predicted, the Flame & Coral Beauty confrontations have
subsided to few and far between.
<<Ah good>>
<<Be chatting… EricR>>
R3: Larger Sized Aquarium (96x30x30)…Fish Compatibility – 07/01/13
<<Hey Rick!>>
Sorry for being a pest (I'm worse than a parasite).
<<No worries, mate…is my pleasure to provide my input>>
I' m getting gun-shy in regards to the Powder blue and Blue Throat
triggers as I have quite a few passive fish in the tank.
<<I honestly believe the Triggers would not be an issue re…based on my
own experience with these fish>>
I'm kicking myself for not introducing 3 hippo tangs a while back
<<Mmm…a heavy load even for “this” tank>>
... looking for your wisdom again here in regards to getting one (or
preferably 2 or 3) hippo tangs introduced at this stage ... 3 little
juveniles maybe or potentially one (or more) larger guys.
<<I’m hesitant to recommend this. These fish get large (a much as
12” in the wild) and are “very” robust requiring a good bit more space
than you might think in the long term>>
<<Do keep thinking about what you want…I’m happy to discuss it with you.
Eric Russell>>
stocking 265 gallon, SW 4/8/13
Dear Wet Web Media,
I find your site the most informative out there, and I read it often. I
currently have a 50gallon reef tank and just purchased a 265gallon
<Ahh! Quite "an upgrade">
to be set up and hopefully be up and running within four months. I am
still in the planning stages and am at a loss for stocking something
this size. I have a few fish I absolutely have to have, but would like
some suggestions as to others. I may make this a reef tank also, but it
isn’t currently a priority since I plan to frag from my other tank and
see how it goes.
I want 2-3 Dwarf Lionfish. I was thinking Sphex, Dwarf Zebra, and Dwarf
Fuzzy. I also want a Snowflake Eel. I realize these choices set a size
standard in the tank and caution when choosing a clean-up crew, but they
appear docile enough to work around those issues with creativity.
I thought the Blue Cheek Goby might get big enough to avoid death (7
inches?), because I love how my sand sifting Goby cleans up in my other
tank. It would be nice to have a pair of Clowns, so I
thought of Maroon because of size but also heard they can be mean.
<Premnas can. You may be deciding on the alpha fish (the one female)
here for your system>
After this, I become very open to suggestion. What are your thoughts on
Pygmy Angels, Butterfly fish (Copper banded, Pyramid), or a Tang (I’m
afraid of Ich here, though).
<Look into the genera Ctenochaetus and Zebrasoma... these are generally
guide sturdy and more disease-resistant>
What do you think would be an ideal 265 gallon fish assortment?
<Ahh, best to take your time here; this is indeed not a race, but a
process to be savored, enjoyed over time. I would likely have two,
perhaps three schooling groups here (though they may be inhaled over
time by your dwarf Lions)... Anthiines, Apogonids, the genus
Most tank mate suggestions end at about 150gallons or move to aggressive
choices. I figure any thoughts of a school would be out since the size
of those fish would be too small.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: stocking 265 gallon 4/8/13
Yes, I am SUPER excited about my upgrade! I am amazed at the options I
have now. And yes, going slow here to fill it up is not only wise but
financially necessary.
<Ahh, yes>
You said the Premnas may become the B----in the tank. Would the
Cinnamon Clownfish (Amphiprion melanopus) be any better?
<Yes; about half as aggressive by and large>
They get pretty big too. Maybe any larger Clown has an attitude, and I’m
just going to have to accept that fact (I guess better that then lunch
for a lionfish)?
<Will still be a risk... Even small Lion species, specimens have
capacious maws; with appetites to match>
I started researching Cirrhilabrus. From what I
gather, some can get to be five inches and do best in groups of one male
to three females.
<Yes; even more females to the ratio>
I can also house different Cirrhilabrus groups in the same tank as long
as each group has only one male. Would you agree with that?
I have it narrowed to; Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura (six inches), Cirrhilabrus
exquisitus (five inches), Paracheilinus filamentosus (six inches),
Halichoeres melanurus (five inches). This was based on size (trying to
go larger) and price (didn’t want to spend $100+ each for four fish). Do
any of these stand out to be a better choice? Perhaps I left out a
better option?
<Mmm, well, the Halichoeres is nominally the more hardy... Paracheilinus
I agree with the idea of using such a large tank (large to me at least)
to show off schools. I think Cardinals would be eaten (I do like the
<Well, most Apogonids used in the trade (there are hundreds of species)
tend to inhabit the mid to upper water area... w/ the Lions usually
ensconced just over the substrate...>
The Cirrhilabrus sound good because I could potentially house different
species. I currently have two happy Anthias in my 50gallon, so if they
get too large this tank would be their new home. My local fish
store guy suggested moving my fish out of my current tank and putting my
(future) Dwarf Lionfish in it leaving my new larger tank to be more
flexible until he remembered it is a reef tank. He feels a Lionfish in
ANY reef tank is bad because of the bio-load.
Would you agree?
<Mmm, well; I do also encourage this arrangement, but not for this
reason. Mainly the fact that any dwarf Lion is going to "get lost" in
such a sized volume... and be hard to feed...>
One more question; are Butterfly fish that horrible to care for?
<Ahh, not all, no. There are some stand-outs... Take the time to read on
WWM, elsewhere re Chaetodontids. BobF>
230 gallon stock list 7/18/12
How are you today?
<Hi Brent, Bobby Here>
I finally purchased my big tank! 230 gallons. Although I am sure that
once I have had it for a few years I may want a bigger one! Since I am
able to accommodate larger fish I just need to double check my stock
list. It is real easy to get greedy and think of my viewing
pleasure and not the welfare of the aquatic inhabitants. I have poured
through you FAQ's and ReefCentral. I know that a lot of
compatibility issues are all based on individual fish personalities and
tank size. If you could kindly read through my fish list and give me
your thoughts that would be greatly appreciated.
Here goes.....Mixed Reef (Mostly softies)Emperor angel
(must have, show piece) x 1Naso Tang x 1
<The Naso Tang may ultimately be a concern. Although a 230g
tank sounds big, this genus of Tangs get very large>
Moorish Idol x 1Long Nose butterfly x 1Yellow Watchmen Goby and Shrimp x
1Sunburst Anthias x 1 Flame Hawkfish x 1Neon Goby x 2Percula Clownfish x
2Green Chromis x 5I would like a Blue Throat Trigger but I feel like
addition would be pushing the limits.
<if you did away with the Naso, the Trigger might fit in much better>
Thanks for your time and have a good day. Brent
<You as well>
Help regarding adding livestock, FOWLR
I live in India and have an 300 gallon marine FOWLR
system which has been running successfully for almost 2 years now with
the following parameters:
Display tank size: 225 gallons
Sump size: 75 gallons
Live rock: 200 pounds
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: 0
<How are NO3 and HPO4 rendered thus (zero)?>
Calcium: 450ppm
Salinity: 35ppt
Temperature: 27 degrees Celsius
I did a 20% every month for the initial 6 months and ever since then I
haven't changed the water.
<Mmm, how do you intend to replenish alkalinity, alkaline earth
materials, dilute accumulating metabolites?>
I do add saltwater from time to time in order to keep the salinity stable,
apart from this I dose calcium, iodide, strontium and magnesium once a
<I see; there is much more>
The following is the present livestock:
Yellow Tang (2.5 inch each) - 2
<A long way from home>
Regal Tang (2.5 inch) - 1
Purple Tang (2 inch) - 1
Clarkii Clown (3 inch) - 1
Humbug Damsel (1 inch) - 1
<Can become aggressive.>
The above fish were added to the tank in a span of 1 year and all have
been staying happy together with no fights whatsoever. Since the tank
has been stable and all the parameters are within range, I decided to
add some more fish and the following are the ones I have in mind:
Firefish Goby - 2
Foxface - 1
Royal Gramma - 1
Lawnmower Blenny - 1
Lyretail Anthias - 10
Flame Angel - 1
<All good choices, temperament, compatibility wise>
I was planning to add the Anthias second last and the flame angel to be
the last fish. Do you think this would a lot of fish for my kind of
<I think you'll be fine here>
I am planning to add them in a span of 6 months. I did read your forum
about Anthias and saw that there was a mix opinion on the lyretail
Anthias. I went to my LFS and he has been keeping some 20 of them
together for almost an year now and they all are happy with no fights or
compatibility issues, so thought should give it a shot.
What are your thoughts on the livestock options I have in mind?
<Look good>
Also, can I keep shrimps with the above livestock or will that be a
<If there's room to hide during molts, no worries>
I was thinking upon keeping a pair of skunk shrimp and a pair of fire
shrimp, if they can be accommodated.
Also, since the livestock will increase, would you advice on keeping
some clean up crew as I don't have any as of now. I can easily get
Nassarius snails and turbo or trochus snails, if you feel they might be
I fully understand that nothing can be guaranteed regarding the
compatibility of these fish when added into the tank, but this is the
final list of fish I thought would best suit my tank and I am all ears
to what the experts have to say.
Apologies for the lengthy email, I tried to cover as much data as I
<Thank you for sharing your system, plans. Bob Fenner>
Re: Help regarding adding livestock 5/21/12
Hello Bob,
Thank you so much for the replies, a lot of my doubts stand clear. As
for your queries, here are the answers:
> <How are NO3 and HPO4 rendered thus (zero)?>
For PO4 I used Seachem Phosguard and by studying the pattern of when to
change it, I was successfully able to calculate the right interval and
am able to keep it at zero. As for NO3, I used a product called AZNO3
initially when my dad overfed the fish due to sheer excitement when I
was away. I was successful in weaning the system off it and now its
taken care by the 5 inch DSB I have in the sump plus the live rocks.
<I see; good>
> <[Mg]?>
My magnesium is a bit low about 1000 (approx) and I have started
dosing Seachem magnesium to reach the optimum levels which I should
hopefully achieve in about a month or so.
<Good... needs to be in proportion (3:1 thereabouts) w/ Ca>
Although a little more clarification on the below points please:
> I did a 20% every month for the initial 6 months and ever since then I
> haven't changed the water.
> <Mmm, how do you intend to replenish alkalinity, alkaline earth
> dilute accumulating metabolites?>
I did not understand this, could you please elaborate on this or provide
me with a link where I can study about it?
<You had answered a bit later by explaining you supplement some major
items... I would still do partial water changes (10-20%) every month>
> I do add saltwater from time to time in
> order to keep the salinity stable, apart from this I dose calcium,
> iodide, strontium and magnesium once a week.
> <I see; there is much more>
By much more, do you mean trace elements? I asked cos I do add trace
elements offered by Seachem from time to time but not very often.
<Understand that no one is able to prevent "drift" in the make up of
their water in this fashion... hence the partial water change outs>
Another thing, just curious, mine is a FOWLR, so do magnesium or any
other additives like calcium strontium impact the health of the fish in
the tank?
<Mostly the Magnesium; not so much Sr>
I know PH alkalinity magnesium and calcium have a relation and if one is
less the others get impacted, but other than that...do they affect the
fish or are they just for inverts and corals?
<Actually all life>
<And you, BobF>
Re: Help regarding adding livestock 5/21/12
Dear Bob,
Thanks a lot for all the help, I appreciate it!
I shall start with a 10% water change each month and will increase the %
if necessary.
Take care,
<Ahh, if you'd like to see more of the reasoning for this, please do
search/read on WWM re the topic. Cheers, B>
Re: Help regarding adding livestock 5/21/12
Will certainly do so Bob, the more I read, the more I realize how less I
know :)
<Ahh! As has been my realization all these years>
Thanks a ton!
<As much mass in welcomes. B>
Re: Help regarding adding livestock, 300 gal. FOWLR
Dear Bob,
I was reading more about the lyretail Anthias and stumbled upon the page
with referred to dips/baths as the best way to acclimate these fish. I
have never done this and avoid experimenting as I don't like to hurt the
fish in any way, call me emotional towards them :)
<Understandable... but we have to gauge/measure one type of apparent
harm against its probable gains>
I always drip acclimate the livestock for 4-5 hours and it has always
worked for me. Do you suggest I should continue to do so in case of the
Anthias or should I take a risk of trying the dip method?
<Up to you... I/we, our businesses used to dip/bath most all incoming>
A reply would be appreciated.
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Help regarding adding livestock
Dear Bob,
<Hey Andy>
Thank you for the reply. I would like to explain something here.
<Please do>
The fish are packed real nice and the LFS keeps all the parameters
intact, in fact I should not address him as a LFS, instead he likes to
keep a lot of tanks and he doesn't sell the fish to anyone, in short, he
doesn't keep the fish to sell, unless someone like me pushes him real
hard. All his tanks are top notch and maintained really well. And I have
had all my fishes from him only since the beginning and I haven't faced
any problems so far with a single specimen.
Another thing, I have read this a lot of times that Anthias require
multiple feedings in order to curb the aggression and to keep them
<This can be so; particularly if they're (too) crowded>
I feed my fish NLS food and as per them, they strictly advise us to feed
no more than 2 times in a day, so will this regime work for the Anthias?
<Can, could... if they start in a good index of fitness (not thin)>
I do offer the fish Nori sheets by two little fishes every other day or
so, but that's all. Any suggestions?
<I encourage you to add an automatic feeder for the NLS pellets... have
it come on a few times per (during lights-on) day>
One last thing, 10 lyretail is a satisfactory number for a 225
gallon tank or should I add or subtract from that count?
<I'd go w/ 5 or 7...>
<And you, BobF>
Re: Help regarding adding livestock... Anthiines
Hey Bob,
The problem with the autofeeder is that the pellets don't sink fully and
they float away into the overflow,
<Ah yes>
I had 2 autofeeders and I faced the same issue with them. NLS pellets need
to be a little wet and then they easily sink..any idea how to go about
<Mmm, can't really be wetted... turn to mush, decompose>
> One last thing, 10 lyretail is a satisfactory number for a 225 gallon
> tank or should I add or subtract from that count?
> <I'd go w/ 5 or 7...>
Thank you for the clarification, the first time I emailed you with the
intended livestock, you didn't object to adding 10 of them, but after
reading a lot about them, I was a bit skeptical upon adding so many.
<Ahh, better to allow space for interaction, the addition of other
motile livestock. B>
Re: Help regarding adding livestock, 300 gal., FOWLR
Dear Bob,
Sorry for not replying before, wasn't well.
<Ahh, do guard your health>
I was thinking since am going to go with 7 Anthias, would it be possible
to add a pair of Banggai and pajama cardinals?? If yes, then:
<Is possible>
Are they compatible with each other?
Would they harm shrimps?
<Would not harm shrimp of any stocking size>
Another option I had was to have a pair of Bannerfish, but again I have
heard they aren't compatible with shrimps. What are your thoughts about
<See WWM re Heniochus spp.... Should be fine. B>
Re: Help regarding adding livestock 6/3/12
Dear Bob,
Thanks a lot for your help, I shall send you a picture of the tank as
soon as I have my completed my stock as desired.
Take care and wish me luck!
<Thanks and will do Andy. B>
227g Stocking 4/15/12
WetWeb Crew! Matt here.
First off, thank you so much for your contributions to our hobby!
On to my question. I'm in the planning stage of my 227g
(72x27x27 inches) Mixed Reef. It will be an SPS dominant system
with a few polyps, acans, clams and a BTA island.
Stocking plans thus far:
Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon)
Caribbean Blue Tang ( Acanthurus coeruleus)
4 or 5 Australian Stripey (Microcanthus strigatus)
Pair of Bellus Angelfish (Genicanthus bellus)
Clownfish Pair (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Royal Gramma Pair (Gramma loreto)
Kaudern's Cardinal Pair (Pterapogon kauderni)
Your thoughts on adding another Bellus Angelfish female? Cut them
<Could all go in... start them small-ish>
Do I have space to add another "peaceful" Tang?
<Mmm, yes; of another genus>
Thoughts on adding a wrasse for pest control?
<Yes I would>
I've searched threw faqs and articles, but there's very little
even on this vast site, about Microcanthus strigatus.
<Not a very popular species, though one of my faves... very hardy,
If you see any issues or have suggestions please inform me!
Thanks crew!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
tankmates. Diminishing aggression through castration, adding
fishes to a large occupied system 1/15/12
I would appreciate your advice on two problems before I will do another
avoidable mistake (I have less than 2 years of experience). I
haven't finished stocking my tanks yet.
1. I would like to ask you for some thoughts on one issue I
couldn't find any information about - fish castration.
<Chemical, or via physics I take it>
I wander if this could help to solve the problem of aggression some
fish like triggers or angels develop with age?
<In what way/s?>
I am hoping that castration would cause the same behavioural changes
like in dogs and cats but I am not sure if this would be case as I
couldn't find any record.
My local reptile vet performed recently surgery on the puffer to remove
tumour so I assume that everything could be medically possible (????)
Please, let me know if others also had similar thoughts/experience as
it would let me plan forward stocking in my both tanks with peace and
harmony and fish more relaxed.
<I don't think castration has the same effects on fishes... As a
hopefully pertinent example, I'll state what I know re Oscars,
Astonotus ocellatus... Since the late 1960's "sport
mutations" (red, tiger red, albino, longer-finned varieties...
though the same species, ala domestic dogs and cats) have been produced
commercially, initially w/ very few reproducing other than in the Asian
countries of their origins. The individuals sold were expressly
sterilized (reportedly by exposure to high temperature and some
chemicals), to prevent their drop in price. These fishes are no less
rambunctious, pugilistic than wild-type individuals>
2. I have two systems. The second one is a new upgrade running for less
than 3 months.
- First 470L reef with no problem of aggression.
All fish in this tank are small and reef compatible apart from tiny
long horned cowfish (about 1.5 '). Eventually it will join FO tank
once is slightly larger.
- Second 6 'x 4' x
2.5' FO -holding approx. 1600L + two sumps (300- 400L total
The reason I bought such a wide tank is because it's been always my
ambition to keep a stingray although I don't think I am still ready
for it. If blue spotted ray is almost impossible
<There are other, even similar species that are historically more
aquarium suitable. See WWM re>
to keep in captivity I would consider lemon or other in the future.
<Lemon... as in a lemon shark? Not recommended>
Tank stocks currently
6 fish + large 4' hermit crab.
-dogface puffer (Daisy) 6'
-porcupine puffer ( E.T.) 5''
-snowflake (String) 8'
-tasseled filefish (Marley) 3.5'
-blue throat trigger (Romeo) 5'
-Emperor angel ( Julius) 5.5' - Julius 'owns' the
tank. Has lots of personality and likes to chase every single
fish from time to time (particularly Romeo). He is the main reason why
I am afraid to transfer cowfish from another tank just yet and I am
worried about it. For obvious reasons I can't have cowfish being
Would it help if I removed Julius from the tank for few days, introduce
cowfish and then reintroduce Julius back. Would this change his
<Mmm, I don't have enough confidence that it would. Likely
I was also thinking of adding either female blue throat trigger or very
young clown trigger but I am afraid of potential conflicts and
won't probably do it unless castration was an option.
<The female Xanthichthys addn. should be fine here. Not the
Not sure what's the best thing to do and where to compromise.
<Keep reading, searching then>
I am happy to compromise on every single fish apart from my beloved
puffers, cowfish and stingray.
I will greatly appreciate your advice.
All the best
<And you, Bob Fenner>
stocking reef 1/10/11
Thanks as always for the great website and endless advice!
<Heeee! Seemingly endless perhaps! We're definitely finite,
I wanted to run a stocking list past someone. We have always prided
ourselves on being understocked, but I think we are about to swing the
pendulum way too far in the other direction! We have a 250
gallon SPS/LPS reef.
Total water volume with support tanks is about 600 gallons. Rock is
arranged in two islands to allow lots of hiding spots as well as open
water column for swimming. Current inhabitants for past four years are
Double Barred Rabbitfish, Yellow Tang, and pair of Ocellaris
Recently we added a Vlamingii Tang (rehome from
someone else's WAY too small tank)
<A beauty, but get QUITE large>
and an "Aiptasia eating Filefish" which we now call a
"Non-Aiptasia eating Filefish" to help with Aiptasia.
<Mmm, likely Acreichthys... tomentosus... see my comments on WWM
(use the search tool w/ the scientific name) re this Monacanthid... is
more an opportunistic corallivore than many folks wish>
We are going to be adding a Tahitian Butterflyfish in the near future
to try and help with the Aiptasia
<Chaetodon trichrous? I'd use another species... the lunula,
auriga... this too is posted:
(We've tried Aiptasia X until we felt like we were having water
quality issues secondary to it).
Now we are getting sucked into the "just spend $40 more and get
free shipping" ploy so we are considering adding another fish. I
know, BAD reason to add another fish. So...would we be woefully
overstocked if we also added seven Green Chromis?
<This system would not be>
What about a Flame Angel instead?
<You could... even in addition>
I know we may already be overstocked because of the Vlamingii, but then
I read other's stocking lists and start thinking we might be
<This Naso Tang will have to be moved to a larger system in
We also have a 90 gallon (not part of 600 gallons above) with a Yellow
Tang and pair of Clarkii Clowns. Any room here for another fish?
<Mmm, yes>
Perhaps the Flame Angel in this tank?
Your opinion will be most appreciated!
<Glad to share. Bob Fenner>
Livestock Compatibility, and much more 12/6/10
Hi Crew,
I have a 210 gallon FOWLR tank with a 125 gallon
containing a EV-400 Skimmer and Mag 18 return pump. I have filter pads
in between some baffles that are rinsed out at least once a week and
replaced once a month.
<Mmm, much nitrate accumulation?>
Activated carbon is also used and replaced monthly. The majority of the
125 gallon is a DSB with Chaeto growing on an opposite light cycle to
the tank lights.
I have a 216 watt power compact light fixture with actinics and
10k's. Inside the tank I have 2 Koralia 3's and 2 Koralia
4's helping in the circulation of water as well. There is
approximately 150-200 of live rock
in the tank with supporting PVC pipe structures to make lots of caves
and overhangs. The substrate is about a half inch of sugar sized sand.
I used to have a Bamboo Shark in the tank and have now decided to go in
another direction because he was attaining a large size and I was not
ready to upgrade to a larger tank at this juncture. A month ago I
bought a 4-5" Scribbled Angelfish and quarantined in a 55 gallon
tank until today, so she is the first fish in the tank. Currently being
fed Ocean Nutrition 1 and 2, Spirulina Flakes, Nori, Ocean Nutrition
Angel Formula, Mysis Shrimp, and a homemade meaty mix (shrimp, oyster,
squid, and scallops). Haven't been able to get her to accept
Spectrum pellets yet, though they are pretty small pellets. Will larger
ones help?
<Yes; likely so. Keep mixing in a larger percentage with the other
Ideas on encouraging eating them?
<The above>
She is fed small portions 3 times per day. I soak whatever foods I feed
her at least every other day in Zoe and Marine C. I am ordering Selcon
as well. Tank is stable at ammonia: 0, nitrites: 0, nitrates:~ 0(maybe
1-2, test kits aren't easy to read precisely), SG:1.025, Temp:78.
The other fish I would ultimately like to add to this tank over time to
join the Scribbled are....
1 Juvenile Emperor Angel
<Mmm, will eventually outgrow this volume... a few years>
1 Harlequin Tusk
1 Tang (leaning towards Atlantic/Caribbean Blue Tang)
<Not easily kept in general. Make sure and secure an
initially-healthy specimen>
Maybe a school/group of small fish (chromis, damsels, or something
along those lines)
<Sounds good>
I have 2 questions for you to help me with if you could.
1. Will my intended stocking plan work with my setup?
Any issues you see arising with my intended plan?
<None overt>
The only one I can see with an issue may be the Emperor and Scribbled
when the Emperor grows up. That is why I placed the Scribbled in first
as they are not overly aggressive and am putting in a juvenile Emperor
so they grow together thus increasing the chance of them getting along.
Does that sound like a good plan or a flawed one?
<A good plan>
2. I recently received a Red Sea 100 mg/hr ozonizer from a friend. I do
not have a controller for my tank at this time and know that it is
strongly recommended when using ozone.
<Mmm, I'd hook this one up... the size/output will not prove
See my comments here:
and in the linked files above if you'd like>
I have done some research and am wondering if I only run the ozonizer
at 25 mg or 50 mg/hr for 2 hours a day for the purpose of keeping my
water very clean, would this be alright?
<Yes... even full out should be fine>
Are the benefits of this worth any risk I am occurring in your
<Oh yes>
If this is alright, would the ozone reduce or eliminate the need for
activated carbon?
Or should I use both?
<Can use both.>
I greatly appreciate your knowledge and insights in the underwater
world and would truly appreciate your input on my plan and what you
feel could be done to increase my odds of success. Thank you so much in
<Very happy to share with you Dustin. Happy holidays. Bob
Re: Livestock Compatibility... and more, sans directed
reading... 12/7/10
Hi Bob,
Thanks for all of your help! I am very glad that my setup and fish
choices are aligned for success. I do understand that Emperor Angels do
grow quite large and my intentions are to be able to upgrade my tank by
that time. I would like to clarify a few things that I am not sure if I
fully understand pertaining to your responses as well as a few other
1. When you talk about using the ozonizer and say, "Even full out
should be fine." Do you mean full out for 2 hours as I
<... did you read where you were referred?>
Or always on at the lower level?
<... a 100 mg/h unit can be run full out on this volume w/o a
Also, do you think 2 hours would be the right amount of time at full
throttle? More time or less time? I read some of the FAQ's on RedOx
and the link you provided but couldn't seem to find answers or a
scenario like mine.
2. I have not had much, if any, nitrate accumulation from the filter
pads at this point.
<Actually you doubtless have. The other denitrifying operations and
take up of NO3 in your system has negated its accumulation>
I don't have any other filtration that would catch big particles
and thought these would be helpful. I may be missing something or this
may just be unnecessary? Do you think I should remove the filter
3. With the Atlantic Tang, I have read they are pretty hardy fish and
well suited for keeping in an aquarium.
<Inaccurate. The majority die w/in a month>
Not getting too large and such.
<How large is that?>
What size would you recommend for the best chance at success?
<Search WWM re Acanthurus coeruleus...>
Otherwise, if they really are quite difficult to keep I may pick a
different tang. I actually would prefer a Sohal Tang, but know they can
get quite aggressive.
<This is so>
I know you are a big fan of keeping Sohal's and I really like them,
but I have been cautious because I wasn't sure if it would be
alright in my setup even if it was the last fish introduced. Your
<Are posted... 30-40k folks use WWM every day... we're not a
bulletin board, but we do have one if you'd care to chat>
4. Lastly, and completely unrelated, I recently noticed a yellow patch
under some mushrooms in my 75 gallon softie reef tank. I bought the
rock only a couple months ago and didn't notice this spot until now
because it is covered in mushrooms. After much searching, I found what
I believe to be a yellow Nudibranch, as per
In that case he was eating some corals that I don't believe I have
(Sorry, I am not very good or for that matter interested in learning
all the scientific names. At least not yet!) and you suggested he
remove it/them. I don't see any areas that are damaged on any of my
corals (button polyps, Zoanthids, colt coral, lots of Ricordea, trumpet
coral, and lots of blue mushrooms that he is under). Should I remove
him immediately or will he be fine in my tank?
<I'd hold off>
Again, I thank you greatly for your time and wisdom in helping me do
the best I can to enjoy and properly care for my aquatic friends. After
all of your help a donation is definitely in order to help continue
this great
Happy Holidays to you as well,
<Thank you, BobF>
Re: Livestock Compatibility, Chromis stkg....
One last question I forgot to add to the list. My apologies.
I have decided to get a bunch of Green Chromis for my school of small
How many would you suggest to create a moving scene in my tank without
overdoing it? My initial thoughts were 9, too many or too few?
<A good number. B>
Suggestions required- Stocking options 11/30/10
Hi Bob
Need suggestions in stocking my tank.
I currently have a 200 gallon (72"(l) x 24"(w) x 30"(h))
Aquarium with a 50 Gallon sump (with skimmer and DSB only as of
It had about 70 Kgs of live rock and 72 Kgs live sand approx.
I intend to turn this to a reef tank in about a years time (with some
experience in hand by then).
I currently have the following fishes:
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Regal Tang
1 Koran Angel
1 Tomato clown
1 Yellow tang (recently purchased)
2 Green Chromis
1 hermit crab
Am interested in the following :
1) Tentacle anemone
<What species?>
2) Flame Angel fish
3) Diamond goby
4) Copperband butterfly
5) pink skunk fish (anemone fish)
PLs suggest what all can be housed.
<These should be able to fit... w/ knowing which anemone species
this is.
Stocking Question... red fish, blue... 11/23/10
Hello Crew!
As always many thanks for your loyalty, time, and knowledge. Hobbyist
are very fortunate to have your knowledge and dedication.
Here is my "situation". I have a large (300
gal.) FOWLR tank with an additional 50 gal. sump. Currently I
have the following fish: (1) 30" Zebra Moray, (1) 5" Orange
Shoulder tang, (1) 3" Chevron Tang, (1) 7"
Golden Puffer, (1) 11" Imperator Angel. I was looking at adding
one more fish. With the Eel mainly hanging out in the rockwork, and
just showing himself every now and then, I have the three other fish
swimming around, and it seems there is still lots of empty space. Also
the Chevron is now past its juvenile stage, and mainly an olive / brown
fish...still interesting, but not much color. The
Imperator, and Puffer are extremely nice fish, with
the angel from the Red Sea, and the puffer an extremely vivid yellow
with a few black dots. I was wanting to get some "red or
blue" in the tank, and after reading up quite a bit, added (after
Qt) a 7" Australian Harlequin tusk. Very
impressive fish, with nice blue / orange markings, and very healthy.
After reading Bob's write-up where he states that "Most
everything leaves a harlequin tusk alone and vice versa. Though
I've seen incorrigible triggers and angels make passing forays at a
Tuskfish, they rarely do damage or continue." Well I must have
the one angel that won't stop harassing. I have
read that large angels may be best added last, and I am worried that
may be the case for me, although the Golden puffer was added after the
angel, and neither give the other the time of day, with the exception
of a "grunt" or two from the angel during feeding.
<You have good hearing>
The tusk ate in QT for the full 4 weeks, although with the angel not
allowing the tusk to come out of the rockwork, he is stuck in one place
now for 5 days without coming out at all, and not eating either, he is
very stressed. I am thinking I am going to have to remove the tusk. Do
you agree this would be the only choice at this point?
<I'd take the Angel out for a week or so>
BIG expense to have to have this not work, but such is life in this
hobby I guess. I don't want the tusk to die, and at this point I
think removal / re-location is the only option.
With all of the above stated, I am still wanting to add some color,
preferably "red / orange". Any thoughts of choices that may
make it past the angel?
<Perhaps a Rabbitfish, Beryciform (Squirrel, Soldado...),
I was wondering if maybe going the smaller route, say 3-4 small damsels
might work?
I have large, and medium sized fish, and maybe some smaller fish would
complete the tank.
<Worth trying... would add motion, interest here>
I have plenty of rockwork for the damsels or smaller fish to hang out
in, and maybe they would be too small to be bothered with by the large
I would guess since the Golden Puffer is more of a crustacean eater,
that the small fish would not be food for him, is that correct?
<Unless they were very slow, no>
I doubt the Puffer would even come close to catching a small fish, he
is quite the slow lumbering around the tank kind of
fish.....spectacular fish to watch with lots of personality, but not
built for speed for sure. If
you think the small fish route may be feasible, do you have any
suggestions, damsels, a few Clowns, or?
<Larger clown species, specimens might go as well... even sturdier
Anthiines in a shoal>
Your suggestions and comments are very much appreciated.
Best regards,
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Stocking Question, 300 gal. FOWLR, Emperor A comp.
Hello Bob,
<Hey Steven>
Thank you for your reply.
<Certainly welcome>
I read your article on the "Fancy Seabass", and prompted a
few more questions. IN the write-up, it states they can be difficult to
keep, and "The absence of aggressive fellow tankmates is
re-emphasized".. Do you think the mix I have would work with
<Some species yes; principally due to the size of your established
I would look to Pseudanthias squamipinnis... an exceptional species in
a few regards, usually available in the trade... and the most common
fish species in the Red Sea. Good co. for that RS Emperor>
I am guessing they will be too small for the Angel or Tangs to bother
<Even considered as ditherfish>
Also you state to be careful when stocking more than one individual,
and do I need to be careful with male vs. female, or how many would you
<One determinate male... the rest not...>
Can you clarify what "sturdier Anthiines in a shoal" means?
Is there a specific genus that is "sturdier"?
<Mmm, in reference to tougher members of the subfamily Anthiinae in
a group>
Sorry for all the questions. Your help / clarification, and guidance is
greatly appreciated.
<Clarity is pleasurable. Thank you for helping me be more clear,
complete. BobF>
Re: Stocking Question 11/23/10
Hi again Bob.
Should have formed all my questions before I hit send on my last
What are some of the larger Clowns you would recommend, Tomato, Maroon,
<These, A. chrysopterus, others listed here:
Ones that get over 3-4" in length. B>
Thanks again,
300 FOWLR, stkg. - 10/09/10
Hello, I am in the process of cycling my 300 gallon FOWLR
tank,(96x24x30) with 400 pounds of live rock, and am currently deciding
what fish I should put in there. My ideas were: 1) Emperor Angel 2)
Queen Angel
<I'd choose between these two... just one>
3) Blue Tang 4) Volitans Lionfish 5) Harlequin Tuskfish 6)Yellow tang.
I was wondering what your opinion was on this stocking list. Are the
fish compatible, if not what would you suggest adding or removing?
<Mmm... these fishes could all go in this size/shape
Furthermore, is this aquarium large enough to house these fish in the
long term?
Finally, in what order should I add these fish to the aquarium?
<The Angel last; the blue tang ahead of the yellow>
Thank You very much
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Stocking a 375 Gallon Soft Coral Reef Tank/Stocking
Level/Compatibility 9/20/10
Hi Crew,
<Hello Rick>
In the process of planning a 96x96x30
<Yowsah, James is jealous again.>
Soft Coral (noxious variety) Reef Tank (currently have a 90 gallon reef
tank that I've been able to
learn/experience/make a few mistakes with/but most importantly
My DREAM occupants of the proposed 375 gallon tank would include a
Majestic Angelfish - Euxiphipops Navarchus and a Regal Angelfish -
Pygoplites diacanthus ... but honestly (and after literally hundreds
and hundreds of "hours of reading / research") I'm
probably more confused (or afraid of attempting) now than 2 years ago
when I started planning the bigger tank. My research simply tells me,
"if" you look long enough, someone will give you the
answer/info you are hoping for ... albeit not often correct or
accurate. Here's my wish-list, in order of introduction into the
tank ... please provide your wisdom in regards to my chances of success
within a soft coral tank.
<I'll give you my input, see below.>
Greatly, greatly appreciated,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
20 Yellowtail Damselfishes - Chrysiptera parasema
<Good choice, one of the least aggressive Damselfish and a great
splash of color.>
1 Coral Beauty Angel - Centropyge
bispinosus (could I house a harem of Coral Beauties - say 5?)
<They are usually found in small groups of 3-7 in the wild so in a
375 gallon tank with those dimensions, it should work out.
If you are looking for a fish that will always be in full view during
the day, this is not the one to choose.
Have one myself and I'd say it is in and among the rock more than
it is out and about in full view.>
1 Flame Angelfish - Centropyge loriculus
<If you choose to have 5 Coral Beauties, then I would omit this
Problems likely to arise.
One of each would be a better way to go.>
2 Golden Butterflies - Chaetodon semilarvatus
<Caution here as these fish will feed on benthic invertebrates,
Zoanthids, and some soft corals.>
1 Regal Angel (Red Sea) - Pygoplites diacanthus
<It's a dice roll with these fish. Most rarely live more than a
month in captivity. With your size tank, the odds may be a little more
in your favor, but still no guarantee. And if you decide to roll the
dice, do
wait until your tank has aged at least 6 months. They are pricey, so
the choice is yours to make.>
1 Majestic Angel - Pomacanthus Navarchus
<This fish is much easier to keep than the Regal but is prone to nip
at stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates)
and clam mantles. It generally will not harm small-polyped stony corals
and somewhat noxious soft corals.>
5 Blue Hippo Tangs -Paracanthurus hepatus
<A good choice, very colorful indeed, but five may be a bit too much
for your tank as they can grow up to
a foot in length, captive systems likely to 10 inches.>
1 Purple Tang - Zebrasoma xanthurum
<Another attractive species that should fit in well with the
previous choices/selections.>
Angel comparability, please need answer by Sunday.
Dear WWM Crew,
My tank is 300 gallons, 42" circular tank with a 125 refug and a
100 sump.
<Interesting shape>
Right now I have a pair of 7" Crosshatch triggers in the tank,
they have been in the tank for 3 weeks. Decided to put them in 1st
since I read that they are quite shy at 1st. Yes, they were QTed for 3
They look great and quite healthy.
<Ah, good>
I now have a pair of Blueline angelfish (3.5" and 4.5")
<Let's call them two, not a pair at this size>
ready to go in the tank next week. I already bought an 6" Emperor
angelfish but I can cancel the order by Sunday night if you think
it's too risky to add him with the Bluelines.
<I do>
Will QT him for 4 weeks and also adding a pair of 2.5-3.5" Flame
angelfish to be QTed in a 30 gallon tank at the same time as the
Emperor. Planning to add them together into the display tank.
<I'd leave out the imperator>
After that I plan to add a 4-6" Regal tang and a 4-5" Yellow
tang. They will go in my 55gallon QT together.
<Should be fine>
That will be it for that 300 tank.... maybe a Banana wrasse as a last
<Mmm, I'd add some smaller, fast-moving fishes for interest here
What do you think about my stocking list? My biggest worry is the
Emperor and the Blueline pair, will they be compatible?
<Not likely, no>
They are from different genus but have the same yellow tail, same lines
kind of and even shape kind of shape. I don't know if I want to
chance it since I love my Blueline pair and the Blueline male is
somewhat aggressive towards the female in the 55QT tank. He doesn't
constantly chases her but he always like " get out of my way"
kind of thing and when he is eating, he chases her out of his way big
<This might prove to be problematical in time>
Thank you for your time,
You guys are great!!
<Thanks, BobF>
Re: Angel comparability, please need answer by Sunday.
On your advice, I'm canceling the Emperor.... thanks for your quick
You mention adding smaller fast moving fishes..... can you elaborate
what species would
you recommend?
Thanks again,
<Perhaps a shoal of Anthiines. B>
Re: Angel comparability, please need answer by Sunday.
Dear Bob,
After reading part 1 and 2 on Anthiines on your site, I don't think
I want to tackle such a difficult and demanding species.....
<Some are not "very much" so... Or shall I better state,
not much more than what you have planned already>
That been said, which Anthiines genus is the hardiest of them all?
Bartlett's, Bicolor or the Redbar?
<These are all of the same genus... and all amongst the hardier
How many would I keep in my system?
<3-5 or so; one male...>
How many can I put all together in my 55 QT?
<The same number>
Or should I bypass QT all together?
<If there's a question as to their hardiness...>
Crosshatches already in the tank, next to be added are the Bluelines
angels and then the Anthias. Would that be ok?
<Likely so, but Bill, these are not the only choices (the subfamily
Anthiinae)... I encourage you to look/read a bit further... Perhaps
the Stocking FAQs files... take your time. BobF>
Help with biotope stocking dilemmas; stkg. large SW sys. and
rel. 8/18/10
Hi Bob, I was hoping you could you run your eye over my animal stocking
list for my new system?
There is no immediate rush for answers here, just when you have the
Dimensions are just over 7ft long x 5ft wide, 2.5 ft high. The display
is to be an Indo-pacific reef biotope, of the classic 'plating
coral' landscape with connected seagrass (6 x 2ft) and mangrove (3
x 3ft) aquariums, but the primary function of these last is as
refugiums, so predators here need to be limited.
Do the animals 'fit' in your eyes? Do you have any
comments/recommendations/ suggestions at all?
Fish - display
1 x Pygoplites Diacanthus (Already owned)
2 x Paracanthurus Hepatus
1 x Odonus Niger (Already owned)
1 x Siganus doliatus (Already owned)
1 x Pterois radiata (Already owned)
1 x Echidna nebulosa (Already owned)
1 or a pair of Ctenochaetus binotatus
2 x Chelmon rostratus
Perhaps a Zanclus cornutus in the future
<Mmm, a real challenge... do start with one with a "high index
of fitness" (i.e. not skinny), eating, curious>
Corals - display
I own all the corals listed except the Acropora. I have off-loaded a
lot of coral already in the attempt to get some corals that fit
Green & red plating Montiporas. These will dominate the landscape
with a few colonies of the corals below. For the others I have tried to
pick/ keep 'brownish' corals in order to make the scene more
4 or more species of Porites, one cylindrica, one massive, the rest are
Pachyseris rugosa
Turbinara reniformis
Favia sp.
Later on some plating Acropora will be added -- brown ones!
I also own:
3 x Alveopora sp.
Xenia elongata
<Keep this isolated... in a defined area; harvesting occasionally
lest it become overly invasive>
Duncanopsammia axifugia
1 x Goniopora sp.
<Again, an "equivalent" to Zanclus in terms of husbandry,
probable success>
I am not sure what to do with these, I've had them all for over two
years, the Goniopora for nearly 3 and the Duncans for 5. I may place
the Goniopora and /or the Alveopora in the seagrass aquarium on the
DSB, but my thoughts are that it/ they will decimate the populations of
plankton. What are your thoughts?
<Should continue to do well in your care... do place the last
one/two genera in the dirtiest, slow/er water movement
It would be a shame to give these away because they don't
'fit', but I can't find any references that show whether
they all occur together or not, and since I've just bought a house,
a trip to Indonesia is not on the immediate cards (although it is for
the future).
<Can, will "go together" in this size, type system>
The Duncans are also listed as being deep water whereas all the rest
could be shallow. The Duncans are my wife's favourite coral, which
has it's own implications! Do you see/ understand my dilemmas here
and can you help?
<Not really problematical, I assure you and your wife
My last queries are regarding the seagrass and mangroves. Are there any
animals/ fishes that would fit here without being a major threat to the
planktonic life?
<Mmm, all sorts. Do see the Net (likely scuba diving) books re what
is naturally found in these environments... A big chance to have a very
nice sub-niche display... perhaps Monos, Toxotids, small
I am considering housing the Echidna with the seagrasses instead of the
main display.
<Okay, but do provide some out of light cover there>
I am also considering one of the ideas in yours & Anthony's
book, a 'land/sea' interface in the mangrove aquarium. I think
this would be interesting, which animals could go?
<Once more, a matter of looking/seeing what naturally occurs...
these environments are macroscopically depauperate species wise (not a
lot of apparent diversity), but still, VERY interesting>
My thoughts are a fiddler crab/s, is there anything else/ better for
this bearing in mind the primary function of the refugium?
<Not likely that you can buy outright, but might well
"occur", come-in-with other life, end up t/here>
<Thank you for sharing. BobF>
Re: Help with biotope stocking dilemmas, Forcipiger f' as well
Thanks for this Bob,
<Thank you for sharing your dream tank/plans Simon>
One other thing... In your article about the Forcipiger/s you hint a
couple of times that these do not get along together, which is why we
have opted for a pair of Chelmons. We would prefer two F. flavissimus,
is this possible in this size system, or are we better off sticking
with the two C.
rostratus here?
Simon (and Kim!)
<Should be fine in this volume. Cheers, BobF, solo
540 gallon stock list, Red Sea Fishes comp.
Hi y'all!! Great site you have!!!! Hope everyone is good.
<And you>
I'll cut straight to the point.
I recently bought a 540 (96x36x36) acrylic aquarium. It's going to
be a FOWLR. I already have 500lbs of rock (give or take).
My dilemma is this.....
Their are so many wonderful fish in the ocean, I would like them
Now, I have read over your FAQ's and I really would love to house a
Red Sea emperor angel, Red Sea Odonus niger, Red Sea Naso lituratus,
Red Sea Naso unicornis, Red Sea Zebrasoma xanthurum, two Red Sea
chaetodon semilarvatus and two Red Sea chaetodon auriga. I've read
that all these fish should get along.
My main concern is the well being of the fish. Do I have enough room
for the fish to thrive from tiny to full grown?
I do not
want to overstock and I know that water quality is going to have to be
well maintained with weekly water changes, brisk circulation and an
oversized skimmer with lots of open water to swim and lots of hiding
I do not want to get greedy and make the fish suffer for my visual
Thanks for reading.
<And you for sharing. Bob Fenner, who has traveled to the Red Sea
many times>
Stocking/Compatibility question, FO 220
Hello Crew, Shea here! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday
weekend! Here's the scoop, I have a 220 gallon tank with a 45
gallon trickle filter. I run a 36 watt UV sterilizer and a protein
skimmer is coming in another month or so. In the tank I have:
-150 LBS of live rock
-3" Emperor Angel
-4" Volition Loin
-2.5" Panther Grouper
-3" Long Nosed Butterfly (Forcipiger flavissimus)
-2.5" Palette Tang
I want to add a 3" Purple Tang and a 2" Picasso Trigger as
the last two fish for this system. I believe I would be at the maximum
capacity with these last two,
<More so in time, with growth>
if I'm not already there. My angel is the boss of the tank and all
of the other fish know it. Do you think there would be a lot of
aggression between the Purple Tang and the angel or any of the other
<With sufficient break in the habitat (solid decor), likely all will
get along.>
Is the addition of these last two fish too much for this system?
<As stated, psychologically, metabolically, in a year or three, all
will feel, act crowded>
Thank You for the advice!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
What Fish Swims In The Upper Water Column?
Dear WWM crew,
<Hello Bill>
How are you?
<Just fine.>
I Have a 300 gallon circular tank, 42" in diameter, 42" high
with a 125 gallon refuge and a 100 gallon sump ( I sent pics to you
The current habitants are: 6" Emperor Angel, 5" Powder Blue
Tang, 4" Purple Tang, (3) 4" Yellow Tangs, 6" Midas
Blenny, 2.5" Percula Clown, (4) Flame Angels, 5" Pinkface
Wrasse and I have (5) Royal Grammas coming
this Tuesday.
See YouTube video below:
<Have seen, nice.>
My problem is that I need some fish that is <are> compatible to
my current <in>habitants and that these fish actually swim the
top 1/2 of the tank.
It's always very empty towards the 2nd top 1/2 of the tank, most of
the fish are all on the bottom swimming between the LR even the wrasse,
which I added just because I thought it would swim all over the place
but he is not.
On the video, it looks like they are all over the place but you are
only seeing the bottom 1/2 of the tank.
Like to add another "big" Angel or maybe a Sohal Tang....
what do you think?
<Mmm, I don't believe I would. Am surprised you have no issues
with all the Zebrasoma present. Adding another
fish from the Pomacanthus family may also present some territorial
issues as most are semi-aggressive. Do read
the compatibility FAQ's on Pomacanthus here.
What other fish can I add if any? No Butterflies and No Triggers since
they move rock work and I can't have that in there.
<Chromis generally hang around the upper part of the tank but will
visit other levels. A few of them would animate the upper half.>
BTW, those two white PVC tubes that you see in the tank, I use them to
tie a bunch of red Gracilaria algae to it and the Tangs and the Emperor
go nuts on it.
They won't touch Nori on a clip, so I'm doing this just so they
can graze on some kind of algae.
Thanks a lot,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog) who is now wishing he had a
300 gallon tank.
Red Sea FOWLR livestocking in large system
To whom it may concern,
A big hello and thank you to everyone at wetwebmedia.com!
I have 470 gallon FOWLR aquarium (84x36x36) that has been up and
running for about 4 months with 500lbs of live rock. I've only
added 21 chromis viridis and three cleaner shrimp to the aquarium since
it cycled.
My dream has always been house an Emperor Angel along with a school
Chaetodon semilarvatus,
<Just two>
a single Zebrasoma Xanthurum and a single Naso Lituratus all hailing
from the Red Sea.
<Sounds good!>
Now for my questions.
After reading over the FAQs about systems for Emperor Angels and Naso
Tangs I came across, more than once, that an Emperor Angel and a Naso
Tang should be housed in an 8ft aquarium (or larger) when adult. My
aquarium is 7ft but I was hoping with the added width and height that
this tank should give the Emperor Angel and Naso Tang more than enough
room to live a full and healthy life in captivity?
<S/b fine here>
The Emperor and the Naso will be added after the six to nine month
mark. My system has 4 marine vortech mp40w ES power heads and an over
sized skimmer rated for a 1000 gallons. So I'm doing my best to
keep the water parameters up and brisk water movement along with weekly
water changes.
Thanks for the service you provide for everyone!
<Welcome! Bob Fenner, out w/ friends at the Interzoo show in
Germany, having just come back from diving at the Red Sea ahead of time
as usual>
Re: Red Sea FOWLR livestocking in large system
Thanks for your quick response! Since you recommend only two Chaetodon
semilarvatus would I be able to add two Chaetodon aurigas from the red
sea as well?
Sorry for the poor grammar I'm replying on my cell phone. Thanks
<Welcome. BobF>
Stocking a 450 gallon tank 4/15/10
I recently upgraded to a 450 gallon tank from a 125. Needless to say,
it looks empty!
My filtration is great and my protein skimmer is rated for 600 GPH.I
have a 7-8" Emperor Angel, 6" Naso Tang, 6" Hippo Tang,
5" Yellow Tang, 4" Maroon Clownfish, 5" Orbiculate
<This fish will get massive here>
2" Blue Damsel, and a trio of Green Chromises. I just picked up a
3" Koran Angel, and 3" Starry Blenny that are drip acclimated
as I type.
<You REALLY should isolate/quarantine incoming fish
I really like the Passer's Angel, Navarchus Angel, Blue Face Angel,
and the Maculosus Angel. How many more angels can I add to my tank.
<Best to not add any more actually. Read here:
scroll down to Angelfish Sel/Stkg, the various articles and FAQs files
on the species you list. Bob Fenner>
Which, of the one's
previously mentioned, can/should I add? I also would like to add a
butterfly or two as well. I look to you for your wisdom and advice!
Thanks in advance,
Jim Daniels
Selkirk, New York
Several Questions for Planned Saltwater System: Marine
Aquarium Setup\Stocking, Lg. FOWLR 3/29/2010
Hi WWM Crew,
<Hi Andy.>
First let me begin by praising your site and all your collective
I have spent much time looking things over, and feel that I have gained
a wealth of knowledge already.
Now, on to the areas where I still have questions and can't seem to
find definitive answers.
<Fire away.>
I have kept several freshwater systems in the past, and things have
gone relatively well for me. I have always wanted to "make the
move" over to saltwater at some point though, and the moment may
finally be approaching.
<Congratulations. I'm sure you will find it rewarding (and at
times frustrating.) >
I will probably not be able to proceed for several months if not even a
year, as what I hope to do will be part of a planned basement
<Let me caution you there - A basement setup is fine, but do realize
that a marine tank can evaporate a few gallons of water per day, so do
plan for adequate ventilation to prevent excessive moisture
I am just hoping that spending as much time as I can researching ahead
of time will lead to better success down the road.
<I can assure you it will.>
First, I hope to do a FOWLR system, and am hopeful I can do one that is
relatively large (I am thinking perhaps around 300 gallons or so).
<In my experience, if you have the means to do so, the larger the
I have spent much time falling in love with and then talking myself out
of many species in terms of stocking (due to size, temperament, ease of
care, etc.), as I'm sure many others have.
<Your stocking plan will probably change from what you propose now
as well...:) >
What I am now really hoping to do is have a
Queen Angel (Holacanthus ciliaris), <As long as your 300 gallon is
long, this shouldn't be a problem.>
a Picasso Trigger (Rhinecanthus aculeatus), <See below>
a Regal Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus),
either a Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) or Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma
flavescens), <I'm a fan of the purple myself.>
and a Flame Angel (Centropyge loricula).
I would be potentially interested in something like a Flame Wrasse
(Cirrhilabrus jordani) as well,
but think its relatively small size may cause a problem.
Which leads me to my first actual set of questions. Would a 300 gallon
system be large enough for the particular fish I have mentioned here,
and would it be a serious gamble to try these species together?
<In a word, yes. That said, I'm always leery of triggers Some
remain peaceful, others become incredible bullies.>
I have come across numerous sites (here, as well as elsewhere) that
list general "minimum tank sizes" for a larger fish like the
Queen Angel for example, but what I can't seem to find specifically
is how much bigger it needs to be
if more than just the one fish are housed together?
<There are several variables. Maximum size of the fish, typical
personality, etc. As a general rule you would want a tank that is 2 or
3 times longer than the fish, and wider than the fish's maximum
I feel like from what I have researched that a 300 gallon should
suffice, but it is hard to say for sure.
<A 300 gallon 8' long, 2' wide, and 30 " deep will be
My hope is to have a system that the fish can all start small in and
grow comfortably without needing to leave years later due to
<A sound plan, and it is rewarding to watch them 'grow
In terms of the compatibility question, I feel fairly confident that
these choices would probably be ok together at least initially, but do
wonder a bit if it would become a problem later as the Queen Angel and
Picasso Trigger got larger than the Flame Angel, for example.
<I'm more concerned about the trigger. My personal preference,
but I feel they do best in a species setup.>
My other main inquiry stems from something I have unfortunately been
unable to find much information on at all. I mentioned earlier that
this will be my first saltwater system, and am very interested in
possibly acquiring professional assistance in terms of at least the
initial set-up, and possibly even some maintenance as well. Ideally,
I'd like to find a service that allows me to gain experience by
observing and learning from them to allow myself to achieve a point
where I feel confident enough to do it all on my own. I have been to
all of the local fish shops in my area that I
am aware of, and while one or two have mentioned that this may be
something they could assist with, I have nothing whatsoever to go on in
terms of how reliable they might be. Obviously some offices and other
places that have large aquariums must have some type of professional
service assisting them with their display tanks, and I live in a
relatively large metropolitan area (just outside Washington, DC), so I
would like to think that there should
be something like this somewhere nearby. Is there any type of resource
you are aware of that may be helpful to me in terms of finding
well-reputed places that offer this service?
<Beyond personal recommendations, unfortunately, I can't>
Thanks so much for your help, and for all your efforts with the site.
It truly is a great one!
<Thank you for the kind words. You are on the right track.>
Refugium Question'¦And System Stocking Too! Lg...
SW -- 03/29/10
Dear WWM Crew,
<<Hello Steven>>
First, thank you for the site.
<<Quite welcome'¦is quite the collaborative
I've spent literally hundreds of hours reading your articles, and
really enjoy the resource.
<<We are pleased to know this>>
I have for many years had a system with about 100g of water in it, and
have done fine within the parameters of what one can do with this sort
of system.
<<Ah yes'¦just recognizing/acknowledging the
limitations makes a huge difference>>
Recently, I've upgraded to a system with about 350g of water.
I've built a mechanical room in the basement and plumbed everything
down there. It's cost a small fortune but is ultimately worth
<<Mmm, I can certainly agree on both counts'¦my own
system is some 500g en toto>>
I've gone through about 3 months of cycling, plumbing and setup,
and still have no livestock. All in good time.
<<Indeed'¦and the longer the better to allow much of
the biota to attain sustainable populations before the introduction of
macro predators>>
Anyhow, I have a 90g refugium. It currently has about 4 inches of
medium grain sand, ~60lbs of live rock, and some Chaetomorpha. It's
lit by T5's @ 12 hours off cycle from the display. I've seeded
it with bottled copepods.
Most of the info I've been able to glean off the net is about
small, under tank or hang-on 'fuges, and I don't know what I
can do to take this system to its full potential.
<<As far as the refugium is concerned'¦just some time
to let things 'develop'>>
In your opinion, what is the best setup for this sort of system
livestock wise, macroalgae wise, etc.?
<<Many possibilities... Do some research and formulate a plan or
two and then feel free to bring them back her for discussion. Please do
also include a bit more detail about your system at that time (e.g. --
dimensions of the display, ancillary filtration, flow types,
I plan to run a display with a few tangs and smaller schooling fish; I
think lyretail Anthias, and a fair amount of SPS.
<<Okay'¦assuming the display is large enough this
could work quite well. And although you have listed an excellent
species for captive care, Anthiines can often be quite
challenging'¦another option might be Cardinals. I also
suggest a biotope display where animals from the same niche on the reef
(and of course the same ocean) are selected and placed in an
environment simulating same>>
The water exiting the display T's into 2 lines, one into the
refugium and another into a sump that is filtered first by 100 micron
filter bags
<<Remember to clean/exchange these a couple times a
and then a large protein skimmer, and I dose for alkalinity, calcium
and magnesium. I do 10% water changes weekly.
Total specs:
350g water
pH: 8.1
salinity: 1.023
<<Should be NSW value (1.025/1.026)>>
calc: 450
mg: 1100
<<A bit low considering the Calcium level'¦should be
about 3-times such>>
live rock: ~ 300lbs
<<Mmm'¦I hope there's room for the fish to swim,
corals to grow>>
Thank you very much for any insight you can provide.
<<Will be chatting, Steven. EricR>>
Tank Stocking
Stocking a larger reef tank. 3/2/2010
Hey there I have been reading the great advice you guys give out and
thought I owed it to my livestock (current and potential) to ask for
your help at the planning stage rather than leave it until I get into
<Hi Sean, welcome.>
I have a tank that is 3.3 m long by 0.6 metres deep and 0.5 metres
wide. I estimate its volume at just under a gigalitre.
<I figured it to about 990 liters or 261 US gallons for those
challenged by the metric system.>
20 cm at one end is separated by an overflow. Currently, I have a
wet/dry trickle filter and protein skimmer in that space. In the long
term I will install a sump, remove the wet/dry trickle filter and
relocate the protein skimmer to the sump. I will also establish a
The display tank has a DSB averaging 4-5 inches deep throughout and I
am gradually adding more live rock - currently only about 40kg in
The tank is lit by 6 x 54 watt 4ft T5 HO tubes, 4 x white and 2 x
I know this will need to be upgraded in order to keep corals especially
I have four Wavemakers: 2 x 12,000 lph and 2 x 3,000 lph. The stronger
ones are at each end and the smaller ones providing counter/cross flow
and turbulence at intervals down the length of the tank.
Current water parameters (which have been stable for about 2 months)
are ph 8.4, ammonia between 0 and 0.25, nitrites 0, nitrates 0,
phosphates between 0 and 0.25, calcium 500, carbonate hardness 12
<The ammonia reading is troubling. Will need to add some more rock
and or allow the tank more time to cycle.>
There are lots of pods of both kinds in the tank, and I have placed
some large shells with coral skeleton fragments in the openings to give
the pods a place to breed.
Current livestock:
Fish: 7 x green Chromis, a mated pair of maroon clownfish, a bicolour
Corals: 7 various Zoanthid fragments, Duncan frag (3 polyps, two more
forming), assorted brain coral, Candycane coral and Acans which came on
the live rock, unknown single polyp on live rock.
Inverts: 5 peppermint shrimp, 3 Trochus snails, 1 cowry, about 40
random snails, 10 dwarf blue-legged hermit crabs, a couple of sundry
hitchhiker crabs
Other: bubble tipped anemone (host to the maroon clownfish pair), lots
of feather dusters, various rock anemones (no Aiptasia, I nuked
My questions are, whether you can give me an idea of how much stock I
can keep in a tank of this size?
<You have a nice large tank. Ideally, you will want to select fish
that stay smaller that 50cm, which is the width of your tank, so they
have adequate space to turn around.>
Any suggestions you might have as to stock?
And finally, I would quite like to add a sohal tang as the last fish in
the tank. However, there seems to be some conflicting advice. Some say
it can be kept in a large aquarium (such as mine), while others say
don't bother.
Any thoughts? And would it bother my current livestock?
<A Sohal will become the undisputed boss of the tank, but it should
work well in this setting, as they rarely get much bigger than 30cm in
captivity. With a Sohal, I would discourage adding any large angels or
triggerfish. You should plan accordingly, focusing on smaller fish and
add the Sohal last. I would recommend that for the time being, you add
more rock and give the system more time to 'age' before adding
any other fish. Have a read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/Asohal.htm
Stocking A 240g Aggressive Reef Tank 2/16/10
Hey guys, <and gals.
Hello Joe>
I've recently decided to take the next steps from FOWLR and try my
hand at keeping an aggressive reef tank. I've started converting my
existing 240g FOWLR to a 240g Reef tank. I've upgraded my lights
from 8x65w PC's to 16x54w Ice Cap 6600 VHO T5's. My tank is
96x24x24 and is turning the water over about 10-11 times per hour and I
also have Qty 2 - Koralia 7's and Qty 2 - Koralia 3's
powerheads on it. I am also running a Aqua C EV-240 skimmer driven by a
Mag 18.
Planned Corals:
I thought I'd start with some of the easier soft corals (Green Star
Polyps, Kenya, Colt, Mushrooms, Zoos, Hammer, Toadstool, Frogspawn,
etc). I would love to eventually add a few Montipora Capricornis up
top, but I'll take my time at that.
Planned Livestock:
I will be moving my 30" Japanese Dragon Moray and his 15 various
Damsels into this tank from their current 75g. He doesn't seem to
be able to catch any and gives up pretty quickly.
I plan to add 1-2 Doz Atlantic Blue Reef Chromis, and 1-2 Doz Indo
Pacific Blue Green Chromis and 1 main fish (I'm leaning towards a
Clown Tang). I know the Blue Reef Chromis & Clown Tang are
sensitive to water quality as are the corals. I will be using my
existing 75g as a QT tank as I add fish until the 240g is stocked.
<You are not planning adding all these fish on top of the 15
damsels, are you?
The Clown Tang is very difficult fish to keep and I would suggest
removing from your list.>
So my question is this:
At what point will the livestock start to degrade the water Quality for
corals and sensitive fish? Do you have any advice stocking #'s or
<Is not so much the number of fish, but the body size of the fish
which is relative to the amount of waste they can produce. Adding all
the fish you list above would only give each fish about 5 gallons of
water to pollute, and obviously the eel and a tang are going to require
more volume than this to keep water quality in check.>
Would 5-6 doz small fish, 1 clown Tang, and the Moray make keeping even
the hardier soft corals unmanageable?
<Very likely. Most corals require pristine water quality that
includes very low nitrate levels which will be difficult to control
with 60+ fish and a 30" eel.>
Need guidance before I start stocking, because once a Damsel/Chromis is
in an 8' long tank they will be very hard to get out.
<Oh I know that road. I also would suggest not adding a moray eel to
a reef system, because of their size, they are capable of toppling over
corals during their nightly patrols which can/will cause damage to the
corals. The other downside is that no shrimp or crabs can be employed
for clean up as they will be quickly eaten by the eel.>
Thanks for the advanced advise as always. I find it better to plan
ahead than regret stupid mistakes when it comes to SW tanks.
<Keep reading/planning Joe. James (Salty Dog)>
Stocking Levels/Compatibility/Advice, Lg. SW
<Hello Brent>
Thanks for everything that all of you do here on WetWebMedia!
<You're welcome and is appreciated.>
I pick up my 470 (84x36x36) gallon tank in about two weeks. I already
have 500lbs of live rock.
<You are making me very jealous at this point, Brent. I will force
myself to go on.>
I wanted to stock the tank with:
19 Chromis viridis
<I like the Vanderbilt Chromis (Chromis vanderbilti) myself, much
more striking in appearance and
grows no larger than the Viridis.>
and an Odonus niger after the tank has cycled.
<If it were mine, I would not add the Niger Triggerfish to this
group, they are aggressive in nature and have a tendency to move rock
looking for crustaceans to munch on.>
Then, after about a minimum of 6 months I would like to introduce the
Chaetodon semilarvatus x1
<Generally accepts prepared foods, and they do better in
Chaetodon auriga x1
<A good choice.>
Paracanthurus hepatus x1
<Should fare well with the other tangs in this system.>
Naso lituratus x1
<Mmm, I think you would fair better with a Acanthurus japonicus in
this group.
The Naso Tang can be aggressive toward other tangs.>
Acanthurus achilles x1
<Unless you have plenty of experience under your belt, I would stay
away from this fish,
difficult to keep.>
Pomacanthus imperator x1
The Acanthurus achilles and Pomacanthus imperator will be added last
and together. All fish will go through 4-6 week quarantine. I have
listed the fish in the order I will be introducing them to the
Just wanted your thoughts on the order of introduction and the timing
of the introductions.
<Other than my suggestions, the stocking order seems fine.>
This is going to be a FOWLR system with 1" sea swirls on the
return lines and 2 mp40w Vortechs to start off for water
<Now you are really making me jealous. Mmmm, you've got me
thinking now.
Why is there no problem in buying my wife a 5,000.00 diamond ring, but
I would have to have a trial by jury to purchase a similar marine
system such as yours :-)
Mmm, maybe hire a moderator, seems like a fair trade off to me.>
I am also adding living color corals, secured to the live rock, to add
color and to make it look more like a reef. I have received some of
their corals already and they look great! Close to the real thing.
<Yes, they do a fine job on these products.>
Thanks for everything,
<You're welcome, I will now go cry in my beer. James (Salty
Re Stocking Levels/Compatibility/Advice, Lg. sys. SW
Thanks for your quick response!
<You're welcome.>
It has taken me five grueling years to pursuade <persuade> my
wife. I had to promise her a lot in return.
<I won't go there.>
It will definately <definitely> be worth it.
<That may be a debatable topic, Hee.>
I have found most of my equipment used and have made small purchases
through out the years to avoid a large one time payment on
<Good move on your part.>
I took a look a the Vanderbilt Chromis. You were right, much more
visually appealing.
As far as the Odonus niger is concerned I just wanted another fish in
the tank that was hardy and could swim around while the tank matures. I
really like the way the triggerfish swim and loved the lyre tail of the
Niger. Is
their another trigger you could recommend aside from the blue throat or
<I'd likely go with the blue throat in this system. Males tend
to be more colorful than the females also.>
About the semilarvatus. I have read on WWM many accounts of them
attacking each other in groups until their is only one left. I
originally wanted 3-5 of them. What number would you recommend? Would
the Chaetodon Auriga get along with a school of semilarvatus?
<Mmm, you may want to read here (all four parts) and related
I am not a fan of the Acanthurus japonicus. Would their be another Naso
family fish you could recommend?
<May want to read here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/naso.htm>
I really like the coloring and the lyre tail of the Naso lituratus.
My skill level as an aquarist is very basic. I've been researching
the Acanthurus Achilles. I know they are difficult to keep. I have read
that it's all in acquiring a healthy specimen. This was the only
fish I was iffy about do to their health in captivity. I really like
the Acanthurus sohal but I know the temperament of this fish is really
aggressive and territorial.
<Very true.>
I would really like to have 3 tangs in my aquarium but am unsure of the
other two. The Paracanthurus hepatus is the only one I am sure on for
Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
<With your skill level, take a look at the Zebrasoma. The Purple
Tang is a looker and would be a better choice for your experience level
than any of the Naso fishes.>
I pore over your website everyday to try and find a good mix of fish
that I want, but sometimes I stare at the screen to long that I
overlook certain fish.
<Understandable. Time and patience will pay off here.>
Sorry for the long winded response.
Thanks once again for your time.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Tank and stocking questions, NO3, and lg. SW sys. stkg.
f's 9/6/09
Hello. Here is the info I sent to Mr. Fenner last week. I thought it
might be helpful:
<Morning John>
Hey Mister Fenner thanks so much for your help. It is most appreciated
as always. I have another question for you, or whomever is there if you
have the time. I read all your sites posts on Nitrates but I am still
confused at why I keep having this problem. My 450 is stocked with
about 500 pounds of liverock. 300 pounds originally and another 200 of
lace rock <Very often a source of too much ortho phosphate... See
Marco's article:
added gradually to be seeded by the live rock. about 5 to 6" of
live sand, added more as time passed. I am running a dual refugium 2
twenty gallon ones connected in the sump one with crushed live rock
rubble and the other with green algae. I run a timed florescent light
at night and natural sunlight during the day. The tank takes up the
entire wall between 2 windows of my den and has great sunlight from all
sides of the room. I have a top of the line skimmer rated for my system
and electronic heating system. I run 8 powerheads front, side and back
to create cross currents.
I do a 20% water change faithfully every 2 weeks. The system is
terminally stocked and holds one 8" queen angel, one 8" clown
trigger ( I watch him closely as advised by you years ago), one 8"
niger trigger, one 6" Bluechin trigger, one 6" Aussie
harlequin tusk, one 12" Atlantic blue tang, one 7" princess
parrot, one 10" orange toadfish (fed once a week), one 8"
lunare wrasse, and two golden morays, 15" each (fed once a week or
once every 2 weeks). I feed the fish sushi Nori in the a.m., a small
amount of spectrum large fish formula at noon and a small amount of
chopped frozen octopus, squid, clam, shrimp, crab, scallop, (one of
these) at night. My entire home is run on a r/o system and their are
zero nitrates present in the water. I
use instant ocean as my mix and arm and hammer baking soda for the ph.
My main issue is that after 4 years I just can't get my nitrates
down to anywhere near zero. They normally run in the 40 to 80 range and
are as high as 160. I am extremely frustrated as I put a lot of love,
time and money into this hobby. I treat my fish like a dog or a cat. I
read about a DIY coil denitrator as a possible help and have asked my
LFS for advice but I seem to only get mixed opinions, none of which
have worked. They did tell me I am overfeeding the fish so I am going
to cut that back if you advise me to do so. I am exhausted spending 10
hours the last 2 days trying to lower the nitrates with massive water
changes and cleanings. I would greatly appreciate anything you could do
to help me. Not much saltwater help here in Michigan. Thanks again
Mister Fenner or whomever answers this.
<We're glad to share>
My new questions are as follows: I am converting the other half of my
refugium to algae as well so I will have 40 gallons of it for nitrate
the live rock rubble (40 pounds or so) is left now. I was wondering if
it would be ok to put it into the holding tank for return water.
This is the only place in the sump i have room. Please advise me on
My high nitrates have been going on for 4 years now. I work so hard
through big water changes once every 2 weeks and cleaning of the
tank/aggressive skimming, but I cant keep them below 80 to 100. I
started dosing with vodka with a formula I found on reefkepers.com last
week. I just lost my 4 year old queen angel due to a mouth infection
caused by the nitrates. When the tank gets where I want it through
water changes, vodka dosing and the algae I want to replace the queen
with another queen or other large angel.
<Start with whatever species at about 4 inches in length
With the fish I have listed i would appreciate any advice you have as
to which would be the best fit.
<See WWM re large/r Pomacanthids...>
if not a large angel I would like to add a good sized Indian ocean
Sailfin if you think the Atlantic blue would not kill it.
<Start with one about half the length of the Acanthurus
Lastly my aiptasia are out of control and I want to add a large raccoon
butterfly to get them under control.
There is one at my LFS that they will save for me for up to a month. I
witnessed him tearing up aiptasia and any foods they added. I would
like any advice you have as far as adding him to the tank and his
<During a day when you can be present, early in the AM so the lights
are on... should be able to be introduced directly with what you list,
have and the fact that the LFS has had on hand for a while>
I have heard they usually get along with other fish and vise versa.
<This is so>
I know this is a lot of questions but I am majorly stressed out about
this entire thing. I treat my fish like dogs and cats and have had them
and this 450 acrylic for 4 years now. As always i appreciate any help
you guys give me. you have been a great resource for me for years now.
Thank you.
<Mmm, I do want to say a bit more re the NO3 issue... is there space
in your main display or room elsewhere to add another sump, tied in, to
run a large DSB? Bob Fenner>
A little help from my friends. Prologue to and Stocking a
fab 240 reef 9/5/09
I think WWM is the greatest service ever provided to Reef Tank owners
like me. The wealth of information here is incredible. I feel like a
kid in a candy store, with a pocket full of dollar bills. I am on your
site so much, my wife says I am addicted and has even hinted to an
obsession with "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist".
<Could be worse!>
About five years ago, my son had a 55 gallon reef tank, while at
college. A member of ROTC, summers were spent training and OBC
beckoned. He left for military training and service. I inherited a
scruffy reef tank. At first my wife and I laughed and thought, who
would ever buy one of those dumb corals. We have a 6 year old grandson.
THC obligatory Nemo, Marlin, Dory and Bubbles appeared. Yes that's
right, a Zebrasoma flavescens and a Paracanthurus hepatus in a 55. Even
worse about 6 months later I added a
Zebrasoma veliferum. Amazingly enough, even though they seemed to be
thriving under my expertise of fish keeping, over a two year period,
all died. Of course, I had to replace the blue and yellow, Dory nor
Bubbles could just die. Funny thing, the LFS would keep suggesting and
selling, if I kept buying.
<None of this surprising>
The hobby became a burden, due to my ignorance. Then the holy grail of
aquarist information found me, WWM. I read and consumed like a sponge,
Bookmarked and reread. I brought the 55 back to life. I was determined
to do the right things for my livestock. The beauty and benefits they
provide dictate I respond in-kind. After getting the 55 in reasonable
shape, I decided to go bigger. I researched and now have the following
DT - 240 Acrylic
Sump - ADHI Refugia model 60
Protein Skimmer - RE/Vertex Alpha 250 Cone
Lighting - AquaticLife 72" HID fixture (3-150W HID, 4-36" 39W
420/460 T5 HO's, 6 1w Lunar's)
Pump - Reeflo Dart God
Powerheads - EcoTech MP40W
*Water test history attached
<Dang! Can't figure out how to open>
The following live stock inhabit the tank.
Amphiprion ocellaris-2, Pterapogon kauderni-1, Nemateleotris
Moved from the 55
Actinodiscus sp, colony blue and watermelon, Rhodactis sp Fluorescent
Green, Rhodactis indosinensis, Sinularia dura, Clavularia viridis,
Capnella sp., Goniopora lobata, Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata, purple
ribbon Gorgonia,
The aquarium was filled with water on 5/3 and the cycle process
started. I have been religious of checking water quality, for the most
part it maintains steady. A little difficult to keep CA and MG at
levels. Now, I think it is ironed out.
I am now starting to want to slowly add fish. The ultimate and last
fish in the tank I want to be an Acanthurus sohal. In addition to the 5
above and the sohal, I am leaning towards the Reef safe Wrasses. I very
much like the following and think some or all would work; Cirrhilabrus
naokoae, Cirrhilabrus tonozukai, Cirrhilabrus jordani, Cirrhilabrus
Rhomboidalis, Paracheilinus carpenteri and once the tank is mature
(1-2years) a Macropharyngodon negrosensis.
Do you see a red flag with any of these? Can all co-exist?
<Can here, yes>
My research shows I can mix the Wrasses, generally speaking. However, I
thought I would ask the experts. I am also looking for suggestions for
any fish you think might work here, wrasse or not. I do not want the
fish you see at every LFS, or every aquarium, i.e., yellow tang, lunare
wrasse, etc.
I want more rare species with a little bit of a wow factor.
<Understood... I'd pare the list down to two, three species, and
have a few more females in each harem myself...>
I also welcome any suggestions or criticism to what I am doing now.
Thank you in advance for your attention and education to me.
Greg Mason
<Thank you for sharing Greg. Bob Fenner>
240 Gallons Of Decisions, Decisions -- 08/18/09
Hello all,
<<Greetings Shawn>>
I hope everyone is well, and finding their summer or winter (for those
of you of the southern hemisphere) to be an enjoyable one.
<<So far so good'¦thanks!>>
I'm currently facing a dilemma that I hope someone can lend some
experience to.
I want to build my dream reef system
<<Ah'¦a nice dilemma to have>>
and I want to combine my 2 current reef tanks (120 gallon 48X24X24, and
75 gallon 48X18X21) into a single 240 gallon system.
<<Okay'¦assuming the two systems are
With that being said, I can't decide on what would be a better tank
layout for the inhabitants that I want to combine. I'm concerned
about some compatibility issues and would like to give enough space to
minimize the need to exclude some of my beloved pets.
<<I see>>
I'm in a debate over whether a 48X48X24 tank or a 72X30X24 would be
a better choice.
<<Mmm, yes'¦ Both are excellent designs (I do like how
you have made the depth greater than the height on the 6ft
tank'¦as opposed to a 'standard' build). I think
maybe the location of or viewing vantage points of the system, type
livestock, and/or type of reef 'niche' you wish to replicate
will determine the final choice>>
My thought for the 48 inch tank is to use a center overflow to create
an island with various caves and overhangs that the fish can swim
<<And a perfect concept if this tank is to be viewed from ALL
I'd like to use powerheads to create a circulating current around
the island and would use (2) 4 ft. fixtures, with 175 watt halide and
T5 lighting.
The 72 inch setup would most likely be a standard dual rear overflow
design with more traditional aquascaping
<<I hope 'traditional' doesn't mean the ubiquitous
'rock wall.' There's no reason not to be (and many reasons
to be) more creative, even with the 'traditional' rectangular
providing multiple small islands of rock with plenty of hiding spots.
I'd need to buy a 72 inch light fixture with (3) 175 watt halides
and PC lighting.
My current stock:
120 gallon - 4 inch purple tang, a male / female pair of tomato clowns,
a male / female pair of Laboute's wrasses,
5 resplendent anthias (all female so far). There are various SPS and
LPS corals including Acropora, Montipora, Xenia, hammer and torch
corals, brain coral, and zoos of all kinds. Kind of a mixed bag of
<<Ah yes'¦the typical 'mixed garden' reef
Two Crocea clams and a cleaner shrimp also live here. I've been
blessed with little problems.
75 gallon - This tank is only 8 months old and houses a 3 inch yellow
tang, a 3 inch regal tang,
<<The Regal is inappropriate for this size tank'¦glad
you are upsizing>>
a male / female pair of percula clowns,
<<You may have issues combining the Clowns between the two
a male / female pair of flame wrasses,
<<Neat again!>>
and a scooter blenny. The tangs here are a big reason for the
There is a Maxima clam and some zoos in this tank as well. I'm
obviously concerned about the wrasse pairs and the clown pairs being
<<Less of a problem with the Wrasses than the Clowns, in my
opinion. Even should you add multiple Anemone specimens (which I DO NOT
advocate here), the Maroons would and will likely claim the whole tank
against another Clown species>>
My hope is that space will be my friend and theirs as well.
<<There's always exceptions'¦but I think you need
another 100g or so here>>
I plan on adding the purple and yellow tangs together and if peace
can't be found I'll part with a beloved pet.
<<Can be done'¦ I have five tangs from four genera in
my 375g reef display>>
I'm optimistic because it worked in my LFS with a yellow, purple
and sailfin tang introduced at the same time.
<<The manner of introduction can play a big part, yes>>
I know that this is somewhat open to experience, and differs from fish
to fish, but any thoughts on my system design, introduction order, and
ANYTHING of note would be greatly appreciated.
<<Ultimately you have to decide which appeals most to
you'¦ The 4-foot square display would prove unique over most
and provide for some interesting aquascaping options. The 6-foot
display would prove better for the 'patrolling' fishes you
have. But'¦ If you were to return the Regal Tang, I think
you could get by with either option>>
Thanks to all of you for the service you provide.
<<Is our pleasure to assist>>
I'm sure you've saved many a hobbyist and many a fish with your
<<As are we'¦ Thank you>>
Shawn Green,
Baltimore, MD
<<Eric Russell'¦in a hot and muggy Columbia,
Stocking List for 300g 6/4/09
Hey Crew. Quick question. I'm getting a 300g in a couple weeks and
want to get as much feedback as possible on the stocking list I have
planned for it.
Emperor Angel
Naso Tang
<I'd have more than one... perhaps two>
Spotted or Dogface Puffer
Picasso Trigger
Clown Trigger (juvenile added last)
<Nope... ultimately trouble>
What does everyone think?
<Time for me to post the dailies, warm my coffee>
Ryan Mullinax
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
300 Gallon fish stocking and selection:
<Hi Francisco.>
I currently have a 300 gallon aquarium with a 4" fine sand with
about 250
pounds LR. The sump is a 140 gallon Rubbermaid bin with a modded ASM
4X+ and a DIY algae scrubber. Connected to the sump is another 140
gallon bin refugium with a 4" sand bed.
<Sounds like a nice setup.>
My current fish are a 4 1/2 " Powder Blue Tang, 3" Yellow
Tang, 3 1/2 " Kole tang, a 4" Hippo, a 4" Majestic
<Pomacanthus (Euxiphipops) navarchus - a dismal survival record in
captivity. Do read here:
If you do have success with this fish,. please do share your
a 4" Coral Beauty, 4 1/2 Melanurus Wrasse,
<Melanurus Wrasses historically do not do well in captivity, do read
two black Saddleback Clownfish, and a 2 1/2" Ocellaris clown.
Fish are all plump and graze on a sheet of Nori all day along with a
cube of food of either krill, mysis, ocean plankton, formula 1 and 2,
mega marine angel, prime reef, or spectrum food rotated daily. Since I
put the clip on the right side of the tank, all the fish stay within
the right side of the tank.
<Had a similar problem, take the clip out when you are not using it,
or move it more towards the center. Center rear works best if you can
reach it.>
The tank seems a bit empty
<For now....>
so I was wondering if the tank is overcrowded or can I add a few
smaller fish or another tang like a tennenti tang.
<I would not.>
I know I already have an Acanthurus in the powder blue tang, but a Naso
gets to big in the long run. Am I pushing my luck with the current tang
list which at the moment show no aggression.
<You have a big enough system that you may not have any aggression
with your current stocking list, but adding anything else big would be
pushing it.>
I also wouldn't mind adding a few smaller fish but the black saddle
back who is about 4" tends to harass smaller new fish more than
the tangs do,
<Typical for Clownfish.>
that's the reason I'm asking about another tang? My LFS got a
3" tennenti but I know impulse buys aren't any good, so I
would rather wait and get advise from this great website as I have in
the past.
<Perhaps some small bottom dwelling fish such a "scooter"
blenny, but you are at the limit for big fish.>
<My pleasure>
Stocking List/Introduction for 750 Gallon System --
02/16/09 Hey guys, <<Adam>> I've been talking
with Eric Russell over the past few months about my new system and
I'll have it up and running with skimmer and lights within the next
month. <<Ah yes, excellent'¦and tis I again,
mate>> Going to give it a few months before stocking it with
anything major <<The longer the better>> (I may move a few
of my gobies from my 120 when I break it down.) I have a list of things
I had thought about including, the list needs to be trimmed down and I
made it knowing that. <<Very good>> I have read through
Bob's book several times, as well as many other books trying to get
a grasp on what can go with the fish/inverts that I would like most to
include in the system and widdle it down from that. Still have a lot to
go and I'm looking for some advice. <<Okay>> I ran a
prelim list by Eric a while back and it's been added and taken from
since but this is the last revision. *grin* No I'm serious!
<<Uh-huh [grin]>> I would like to see the Anthiines and the
flasher/fairy wrasses (I know I'll have to trim the species down to
a few,...hence the advice for the best for this system) stay in the
system as I have taken to these guys seeing them in the LFS and would
like to see them in my dream tank. <<Then I very much suggest you
make these fishes your central theme, and base any other
decisions/choices on this fact>> I really like Nigers and I know
this is not the system for one but I left it on the list in hopes
someone would think differently (HAHAHA). <<Mmm'¦that
'someone' won't be me'¦>> There is a
"key" at the bottom as I have made some notes because I
currently have some of the fish in the list in my 120 gallon set up.
The main display tank will focus on SPS/Clams and Inverts (Fromia
stars, pistol shrimp, cleaner shrimp maybe a Linckia) <<I suggest
you pass on any Linckia species'¦for all the known
reasons>> I listed the fish in what I thought would be from most
aggressive (Introduced last? at the top) Without further ado, Here it
is: SPS Display - 400 Gallon - ~300 - 380 lbs live rock Niger Trigger*
Flame Angel~** Blue Hippo Tang Naso Tang* Yellow Tang~ Purple Tang~
Powder Blue Tang* Blue Lined Rabbit Fish* Big Long Nosed Butterfly* or
Copper Band Butterfly* Lyretail Anthias (1 M & 4 F) Schooling
Bannerfish (3) Bicolor Blenny Orangespot lawnmower Blenny Sixline
wrasse~ Melanurus Wrasse Potters Leopard Wrasse Leopard Wrasse
Filamented Wrasse (1 M 2F) Carpenters Flasher Wrasse (1M 2 F)
Australian Lineatus Wrasse Longfin Fairy Wrasse (1 M 1F) Scott's
Fairy Wrasse Solar Fairy Wrasse Yellow Assessor Blue Assessor Black Cap
Basslet~ Royal Gramma Pink and Blue Prawn Goby~ Yasha Hase Goby Flaming
Prawn Goby Neon Goby (3 - 4) Gecko Goby Randall's Goby
Rainford's Goby Red Head goby (2) Twinspot Goby Engineer goby (3)
Banggai Cardinal (2 - 3) Purple Firefish Bar goby scissortail goby
Green Mandarin Feathered Dragonette Dragon Moth <<That's some
listing of fishes'¦ You've stated you really like
Anthiines and Flasher/Fairy Wrasses'¦ With that in
mind'¦ The Lyretail species is an excellent
choice'¦and these along with a moderately sized grouping
(5-7) of 'one or the other' of the Flasher Wrasse species
listed'¦as well as a single specimens from a
'couple' of the Fairy Wrasses listed would make for a good
central theme for the display. Further additions would need to take in
to account the 'central fishes' tendencies for being easily
spooked (and consequently hiding or jumping) by aggressive and/or
rambunctious fishes. Tangs are a gamble in my opinion (though I think
the Rabbitfish would be fine), as are the Basslets. The Sixline is also
iffy due to its often nasty nature'¦and the Leopard Wrasses,
though unlikely to be a bother to anything but each other, should only
be introduced to a 'mature' system (this also applies to the
Dragonettes). The Gobies would also need to be pared down to reduce
territorial disputes (even in this big tank)'¦and the Dragon
Moth is certainly a no-no with all the smallish species listed>>
125 Macro Algae Tank - ~100- 150 Lbs live rock - 6 inch sand bed Blue
spot Jawfish Pearly Jawfish (2 - 3) Dragonface Pipe Fish (2) Kudu
Seahorse (2) 40 Gallon Anemone Tank 2 true percula clowns 1 - 2 BTA
Flame Angel~** <<The forty is really too small for the
Angel>> Grow out Tank (Approx. 40 gallons) Longnosed Hawk fish~
<<Also needs a bigger tank>> Bicolor Dottyback~ ~ I have
this fish on hand in my 120 now * Could be excluded due to issues with
tankmates without hurting my feelings **Flame Angel may be the culprit
of Zoanthid disappearances and I have not decided where he will be
located. I would like to see in the main display but not at the expense
of my corals. <<This specimen may need to go back t the LFS
then>> Again I know I have listed a lot of fairy wrasse and
flasher wrasse and will have to trim it down <<Indeed>>
which is why I am researching and looking for other opinions on
behavior and longevity to pick the ones best suited for the tank. Even
thought of having fewer species with bigger harems. <<This is how
I would go>> There will also be a 110 gallon fuge hooked into
this tank with a 6-8inch sand bed and Chaeto. <<All
good'¦but it all needs time to mature and establish
self-sustaining populations of micro and macro food organisms before
introducing some of the more delicate fishes on your list (e.g. --
Leopard Wrasses'¦Dragonets)>> Thanks again for all
your advice over the past few years, Adam <<Happy to share
Adam'¦ Consider my comments and trim your lists to something
a bit more 'manageable''¦then come back to discuss
further, if you wish. Cheers mate, Eric Russell>>
Re: Stocking List/Introduction for 750 Gallon System --
02/17/09 Eric, <<Adam>> I had already begun
trimming before I got your reply and subsequently I trimmed even
further with the help of my wife and daughter last night from about 65
fish down to about 45 or less (in the total system).
<<Okay>> The tangs being a gamble is something I was afraid
of as we are all attached to the purple and yellow tang we have now,
and we all wanted a blue hippo in the big tank. <<The Hippo is
certainly a no-no in my opinion. These fish are easily spooked
themselves, and having a large Tang 'zooming around the tank'
won't do the stress levels of you Anthiines and Flasher/Fairy
Wrasses any good. Either the Yellow or Purple Tang on its own would
likely be fine, but together you are going to get the occasional
chasing/sparring (and will probably increase in frequency as they
mature) that can send their nervous neighbors dashing for
cover'¦or the carpet. But none of this is guaranteed to
occur'¦the decision to include or omit is yours>> How
do you think the angel and the long nose Hawkfish would fare with its
piscine tank mates in the SPS display? <<Would be fine I think.
Neither are pushovers, but I don't think they will go out of their
way to bother your central species>> I can live with no
Zoanthids, as I like my angel. <<Centropyge species have been
known to sample many species of coral/invert'¦but many have
also been known to coexist just fine'¦>> I also have a
problem taking things back to the LFS knowing that someone who
doesn't care as much could get a hold of my fish (hence the
multiple tanks, I'm trying to accommodate) and let it perish or put
it in an environment that it REALLY doesn't belong in.
<<Mmm'¦I see>> Also how about the schooling
Bannerfish? <<A trio of Heniochus diphreutes would probably be
fine'¦and though considered 'reef safe' by many,
these too will probably pose a hazard to your Zoanthids and maybe
more>> Can't find a ton of info on them other than that if
you end up with one of the other Bannerfish species it could be
detrimental to your reef, no lengthy compatibility profiles.
<<Heniochus acuminatus is certainly considered to be more of a
Cnidarian-muncher than H. diphreutes, and discerning the two can be
problematic but is not impossible. I suggest you search the web re the
scientific names and learn to tell them apart so as not to rely on the
fish store to do it for you. A good place to begin looking is
fishbase.org>> I read that having schooling species helps out
with the more timid fish and gives them a sense of security?
<<Can do, yes>> I was told and read to avoid chromis
though, as they would be a risk with the flasher wrasse. <<Any
smallish and potentially nasty species like Damsels, Pseudochromids,
and wrasses from the genus Pseudocheilinus should be avoided (ideally)
in my opinion when trying to keep Anthiines and/or Flasher and Fairy
Wrasses>> Any suggestions or comments for schooling species and
their effect on the other tank inhabitants? <<Mmm,
yes'¦ The smaller schooling Cardinalfishes would be
excellent tankmates here, in my opinion. A grouping of either
Sphaeramia nematoptera or Apogon leptacanthus would make for an
attractive and peaceful display>> I also ditched the leopard
wrasses. <<This is usually for the best>> I'd like to
give two dragonets their best jump at things and the leopards were
always lower on my priorities. <<And prime competitors for the
same foodstuffs'¦ And again, do give the system time to
mature before introducing them>> (The wife likes them, so there
still may be one added....) <<Mmm'¦>> Also how
do you feel about the melanurus wrasse? <<I give this species an
even smaller chance for survival'¦best to skip>> Was
your comment on the Basslets being a gamble in reference to the
Anthiines/fairy wrasse? <<Indeed'¦may chase them
about>> (I could ditch all but the blackcap and not twitch an
eye, as he/she is part of my current display.) <<Perhaps the
display will prove large enough for this single
specimen'¦but do keep watch>> Also I have decided to
go with a 65 gallon anemone display in my upstairs away from the big
system. It would house a couple BTA and a couple clowns, would it be a
gamble to place my Hawkfish and bi color in this tank with the
BTA's? <<Would probably be fine'¦>>
Here's the trimmed version: (I like to have things planned out best
as possible before executing, things never go along as planned, so
sorry for the constant stream of emails ;) ) <<No worries>>
Flame Angel (pending) Blue Hippo Tang Yellow Tang Purple Tang Blue
Lined Rabbit Fish <<You have my thoughts on these>>
Lyretail Anthias (1 M 4 - 5F) Schooling Bannerfish (3 - 5) (Pending)
<<I would probably keep this to three, considering your
anticipated stocking levels>> Bicolor Blenny Orangespot Lawnmower
Blenny Long nose Hawkfish (Pending/or anemone tank?) <<Your
choice>> Six Line Wrasse Melanurus Wrasse <<I suggest you
pass on both of these'¦ The Sixline can be a
terror'¦and the Melanurus is much too delicate>>
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse (1M 3 - 4 females) McCosker's Fairy
Wrasse (1M) Longfin Fair Wrasse (1M) Scott's Fair Wrasse (1M)
Yellow Assessor (Pending) Blue Assessor (Pending) Black Cap Basslet
<<A potential problem'¦as stated earlier>> Pink
and Blue Prawn Goby Yasha Hase Goby ~or~ Flaming Prawn Goby Neon Goby
(3) Gecko Goby Rainford's Goby Banggai Cardinal (Pair)
<<Unless you obtain a true pair I predict you will soon only have
one. Do consider the much more 'social' species I
mentioned>> Purple Firefish (2) Bar Goby (1) Green Mandarin Fish
Fingered Dragonet Seahorse Tank (125 Gallon) 3 Pearly Jawfish
<<Ah, a wiser choice than mixing species as you earlier
indicated>> 2 Kuda Seahorse 2 Pipefish (Dragonface or Banded) I
have emptied the grow out tank of fish.....and moved the anemone system
away from the big system to be placed up stairs, <<Will likely
fare better on its own'¦away from the influences of the
other systems>> (it also grew in size from a 40 to a 65... might
go with the New BIG (66G) Red Sea Max or set up something with
HOB/canister filters) one Bi-color Dottyback with no place (anemone
tank?)..... :( <<Sure'¦ Be chatting, EricR>>
R2: Stocking List/Introduction for 750 Gallon System --
02/18/09 Eric, <<Hi Adam>> One reason I have been
hesitant to add cardinals is because the cleaner and pistols I want to
include. <<The species I listed should not pose much, if any,
threat re>> I had the pair of Banggais on the list but wasn't
completely set on the decision. I have 2 large skunk cleaners, one
Alpheid, with plans of adding one more Alpheid and a fire shrimp to the
big tank. <<I see no problems here re the Cardinals>> How
well can the cardinals be trusted with larger sized cleaners and the
goby guarded Alpheids? <<In my experience this has not been a
problem with the smaller species I listed>> A friend of mine had
bad luck with a pair of Banggais (the male was the culprit, female
remained in the tank innocent), the male was caught with one of the
smaller cleaners in its mouth after a long time of peaceful
coexistence. <<Happens>> Cardinals occupy the shrimp eating
niche in the wild don't they? <<Mmm, many of our aquarium
fishes will devour shrimp of the right 'size' if/when
encountered. The Cardinals are planktonic feeders primarily, watching
for and plucking morsels from the water column, but will also feed on
small crustaceans, worms, etc., when opportunity presents>> Any
thoughts on this? <<I think either Cardinal species I recommended
poses small risk to the ornamental shrimps (just don't drop the
shrimp in to the tank like food when introducing new specimens), with
the smaller Apogon leptacanthus posing the less of the two. Cheers,
R3: Stocking List/Introduction for 750 Gallon System --
<<Hiya Adam>>
As you suspected my list has been hacked to death and reassembled
several times and even now after introducing the first 8 fish and
having 1 in QT I think I have hacked it up and assembled a new
<<Not at all unusual mate>>
I have left the idea of a big group of anthias and some
I have had bad luck with the anthias.
<<Mmm, I see'¦ They can be difficult, especially the
less a system has matured>>
I bought 8 "Bartlett's" after much research and looking
<<Generally a very good selection re Anthiines for captive
keeping'¦in fact, probably 'the best' for first-time
Anthias owners. But there is also much to be said for the manner of
collection and handling when it comes to a fish's
Upon getting them home and being able to get a better look at them I
think I received 2 or 3 Dispar and the rest Bartlett's.
<<Mixed shipments of similar looking species is not uncommon in
my experience'¦unfortunately>>
Unfortunately I lost half of them within the first 2 - 3 days, and
spotted a salt size white speck on one of the Bartlett's tails the
second night I had them. All has been well and no more white specs, my
cleaners have shacked up with them and I have been feeding nothing but
Selcon and garlic soaked mysis to them, mixed in with some New Life
Spectrum they are a little hesitant to eat but have been more and
<<Keep it up with the Spectrum pellets>>
I now have 2 Dispar and 2 Bartlett's that seem to be doing
relatively well,
<<Mmm, if these two species are comingling (have seen such
before) then you may be fine'¦else you may need to acquire a
few more (maybe from a different source?) of each to keep aggressions
aside from one of the Dispar having a white patch next to his
I believe this was due to an abrasion as it looks as though the
skin/scales are missing (a thin chunk taken out).
<<Ah yes'¦a physical injury likely obtained during
Aside from the Anthiines, there is a Filamented Flasher Wrasse, 2
Banggai Cardinals and a Bicolor Blenny. I also have a Mystery Wrasse in
QT; he's been in there for 2 weeks now and looks relatively
eating NLS as well.
<<Very good'¦but if this fish is stressed in any way
by the QT it should be moved to the display (unless a disease/pathogen
is obvious). Quarantine procedure is not a 'black and white'
I wanted to pass you by the new list and see what you think.....
<<Okey dokey>>
2 Bellus Angel or Zebra Angel Pair (Genicanthus Sp.)
1 Purple Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Regal Tang
2 Pyramid Butterflyfish
3 Schooling Banner fish
2 Percula Clown (Onyx or Picasso)
1 Black Cap Basslet
1 Chalk Bass
1 Yellow "Coris" Wrasse
1 Christmas Wrasse
1 Zebra Goby
1 Green Mandarin Fish (Male)
1 Pistol/Prawn Pair
5 Blue Ring Cardinals
2 Purple Firefish
1 Mystery Wrasse
1 Filamented Flasher Wrasse
2 Dispar Anthias
2 Bartlett's Anthias
1 Bicolor Blenny
2 Banggai Cardinal (Pair)
That's a total of 35 fish in a 84" X 36" X 30"
<<Ah yes, nearly 400g'¦a nice size and dimension.
But'¦ I do think you are maybe pushing the envelope
'just a bit.'>>
100 gallon sump (with Chaetomorpha and live rock) and a 120 gallon fuge
with 5" DSB soon to be online with the new system.
(Don't know if you remember this set up or not)
<<Is coming back'¦>>
If I had to lose one of the fish, I think I'd rather lose the blue
ring cardinals which would bring me down to 30 fish... my target
number. What do you think?
<<Honestly'¦ I would drop the Regal Tang in this
instance'¦ This large (to 12'), beefy, and VERY active
fish would contribute the most over any other single choice here re
success of the system by its exclusion'¦in my opinion. You
will still need to keep on top of maintenance/husbandry. The five
Butterflies are a push as well'¦ I would choose one or the
other species for now and see how things go. Even with these omissions,
you have to be sure to allow plenty of open swimming space, as well as
adequate hiding/resting places for all'¦a difficult balance
as the number of fishes increases'¦especially those of
Also given what is currently in the tank, and the mystery wrasse coming
out of QT in 2 more weeks...
<<Or maybe sooner>>
who do you think should be added next....I tried to put them in order
bottom to top.
<<I agree/would stick with this>>
I know the tangs should go in last, I have the two Zebrasomas in a
Rubbermaid sump (they were in my 120) along with the blackcap, zebra
goby and several other fishes that I have not decided where they are
going (friend's tanks or back to the LFS). I hate looking at them
in there, given the list should they be the last additions or
should/could they be bumped down a couple spots?
<<I would stick with your plan to add the Tangs
last'¦is best I think for the Butterflies/Angels you have
selected. Good luck, and keep me posted on your/the fishes progress.
R4: Stocking List/Introduction for 750 Gallon System
-- 06/25/09
Yes, I know the system may have needed a bit more time to mature
I left it without fish and only inverts for almost 5 months and
couldn't wait to add fish any longer (I had planned for 6
<<Still quite commendable'¦most
can't/won't wait 5 weeks>>
I saw a good population of "bugs" at night and figured
a flasher wouldn't pickoff an entire population.
<<Agreed'¦not with the inline refugium in place
The Bartlett's seem to be taking the NLS pellets well
<<This will go far towards their/any fish's continued
good health and vigor. I am a huge fan of this food
but the Dispars seem to eat only the frozen mysis...but still
have fingers crossed.
<<Me too'¦hopefully they will 'learn'
from the Bartlett's>>
The two species are co-mingling for the most part, every once in
a while the smaller Dispar is distant from the group....
The mystery wrasse in QT will have been in QT for 2 weeks this
Friday, relatively well probably wasn't the best way to
describe it.
He is VERY shy and at first wasn't eating well but he has
started to come to the front of the tank and out of the crevices
more and eats well when fed.
<<Like many of the Anthiine species, I feel many wrasse
species (particularly those species that 'burrow' at
night) suffer much in quarantine for the small risk they pose re
direct introduction to the display>>
No signs of any pathogens though. You mentioned letting him out
I am wrestling with this idea because of the white speck I
spotted on one of the Bartlett's tails. The spot was noticed
on day 2 or 3 of them being in the display and was gone by end of
weekend (Fish introduced on Friday, spot noticed on Sat). I
almost would say I was trying to QT my display for fear of
introducing any more fish to whatever the Bartlett may have had?
(What do you think?)
<<Crypt is present in most any system'¦ As long
as you aren't experiencing an outbreak of symptoms I would go
ahead and introduce the wrasse to the display>>
The anthias have been in the display the same amount of time as
the Mystery Wrasse in QT. With the stocking list I figured I was
pushing the envelope, was hoping you would give some feedback on
the two butterfly species.
<<Both are risky re housing with corals/inverts>>
I like the Heni's a lot more than the Pyramids (as does my
wife), but given the difficulty in telling them apart from H.
acuminatus, (As I have heard and read that acuminatus can be a
destroyer of reefs) I was teetering on their selection.
<<H. acuminatus is more risky than H. diphreutes, but the
latter still tends to nip at Zoanthid colonies in most all
situations that I have been aware'¦though in a large
system with large populations of Zoanthids this may be
tolerated'¦depends much on the individual fishes. As
for identification between the two, this becomes much easier/more
apparent if you have the opportunity to view the two species at
the same time>>
Any reputable places to order them from that you know of?
<<I generally prefer to order through a LFS, but on
occasion do turn to the Internet. I've had very good
experiences with both Drs. Foster & Smith/Live Aquaria and
Pet Solutions>>
After the mix up with the anthias and the mix up trying to get
some female filamented flashers for my male filamented (He got
the completely wrong species from his distributer), I don't
trust my LFS with anything that can be mixed up species wise.
<<I see>>
I have also attached a couple images of the display/anthias. (or
you can see updated pics/info on my RC thread
<<I see these'¦an in-wall display
eh'¦very nice. I may have mentioned to you before that
I have a 500g in-wall reef system (375g display/75g sump/55g
There is a full shot that was taken during setup when I first
started moving coral over, it's not very good quality but the
best full tank shot that shows the "openness" of the
<<Ah yes'¦ Very important to provide such
'room' for the livestock'¦in my
I don't like the whole rock wall look.
<<Its time has passed>>
From the picture you can see that I am obviously having trouble
keeping the Tunze's from blowing sand out of the middle of
the tank...still trying to work on this, as far as positioning
etc. ... nothing seems to work, except taking them down a few
notches from full blast...
<<I have the same issue (I have six Tunze Stream pumps in
my display)'¦but I wouldn't worry too much about
the sand movement. You can try adding a bit of coarser material
to those low spots, but it too will shift'¦and going
'too coarse' will only trap detritus'¦best to
live with it>>
Thanks for all your help,
<<A pleasure to assist'¦ Eric
Plans For New 340 Gallon Tank -- 11/23/08 Hey guys,
<<Hey there Adam>> I have rushed every reef I have had
because it was previously a friends system or someone who was getting
out of the hobby etc. Due to this everything has always been a rush and
issues have always ensued. <<I see>> I am now in the
planning/purchasing phase of the first system solely designed and
started by myself. <<Cool! Much fun and learning to be had during
the planning stages>> I have been brainstorming different ideas
for nearly 6 - 10 months and have settled on a 350 gallon display, 100
gallon sump, 100 gallon dry sump (in case of over flow issues), a 180
gallon refugium and a 45 gallon grow-out tank. <<Very
nice'¦ I have a 500g system (375g display, 75 sump, 55g
refugium) that I built from the ground up, so I have a an idea of what
is ahead for you>> The display will focus on invertebrates and
fish so I wanted to run a possible stocking list (fish) by you guys.
<<I'm happy to give you my opinion>> I've
researched a lot of the fish and their temperament but some of them I
am not so comfortable with. Other inhabitants will be a focus on SPS,
Clams and shrimp (pistols and cleaners). <<Okay>> The
stocking list is as follows: 1 Hippo Tang 1 Sixline Wrasse 1 Bar Goby 1
Pink and Blue Prawn Goby 1 Bicolor Blenny 1 Ember Blenny (Saw it at a
LFS guessing from looks it is a color morph of the Lawnmower blenny) 2
Firefish 2 Purple Firefish <<I don't recommend these
Dartfishes (Nemateleotris spp.) in this type of setting. These shy
little fish (conspecifics aside) tend to get bullied and or just
stressed to the point that they simply 'disappear' when housed
with more boisterous fishes, as you have listed. They're really
best suited to a species specific system'¦or at least one
with 'their' requirements as the focal point>> 1 Bicolor
Pseudochromis 1 Fridmani Pseudochromis <<Mmm, not sure these will
cohabitate even in this size tank>> 1 Yasha Hase Goby 1 Flaming
Prawn Goby 1 Flame Wrasse 1 Filamented Wrasse 1 Carpenters Flasher
Wrasse 1 Australian Lineatus Wrasse 3 Dispar Anthias (2 F, 1 M) 1
Fathead Anthias <<Ah yes'¦this is one Anthiine species
that I've 'not' seen do well in captivity as a group
(results much like those when trying to keep a 'school' of
damsels)>> 3 Ventralis Anthias (2F, 1 M) 1 Blackcap Basslet
<<This Gramma may also become a target of the
Pseudochromis>> 1 - 2 Green Mandarin Fish (depends on
availability of a pair) <<Even with the refugium, I suggest you
let this system mature for at least a year before attempting these
fish>> 3 Neon Gobies 2 Yellow Headed Jawfish 1 Sea of Cortez
Jawfish <<And a suitable substrate for these'¦>>
1 Yellow Tang 1 Purple Tang 1 Flame Angel 2 Percula Clowns This being
my third and final reef tank I scoured the internet and books to try to
include everything I could and then make adjustments given their
husbandry requirements. I know I have read that the Anthias if housed
with even semi-aggressive tankmates can go belly up, would this be an
issue with the tangs and angel with this big of a tank? (I already have
the purple, and yellow tang as well as the angel housed in my 120
gallon reef and don't want to part with them.... and absolutely
cannot stand something dying under my care. :( ) <<There is a
possibility the Anthiines will be intimidated to the point of decline,
yes. Some species seem to fare better with aggressive tankmates in my
experience (e.g. -- Lyretail and Bicolor)'¦maybe partly due
to their larger size but also 'their' more aggressive nature.
Anthiines also seem to do better in my estimation when they are the
major population species in a tank'¦not the case in
yours>> The tank will be set up over the next year, and I
don't have plans of stocking it with fish until around six months
of cycling to give planktors and algae their first go at life and it
will be a slow addition later that with the fish in my current tank
being introduced last (except some of the gobies). <<Excellent!
Kudos to you for your patience here'¦ Your system will be so
much the better for it>> Second question, due to circumstances in
the past, like the recent demonstration of Murphy's Law while I was
on vacation, I want everything to have a "back- up" plan.
<<Redundancy is good'¦ I could share my own tragic and
costly events re>> I want to go with a single pump circulating
the display and Fuge, as well as feeding the Aqua C EV-1000 I plan to
employ, and of course, keep a backup of that pump at all times.
<<Mmmm'¦ Some considerations to share
here'¦ Trying to regulate flow to multiple devices is a
constant battle. Small changes in resistance to the flow within the
plumbing lines, the skimmer, etc., will require your continuous
attention to regulate for maximum efficiency of the skimmer. And of
course, if the pump goes down, everything goes down. And with that in
mind, why not 'two' sump return pumps? You stated you wanted a
backup system. Well mate, short of an auto-start generator in the event
of a total loss of power, running two smaller sump return pumps (for
sump return/circulation only) on separate electrical circuits is the
way to go. If one pump fails, or if something on one of the circuits
trips a GFCI, you still have one pump that, even at half the total
flow, will be able to keep your tank 'alive' until you can
affect repairs. Even the auto-start generator won't help for a
simple surge/circuit breaker tripping'¦but running two
return pumps on two different circuits could be a lifesaver>> I
was thinking of using the Reeflo Hammerhead Gold due to its 5555GPH
output and low watt draw (~275 watts). <<Do also consider the
pumps location/noise in the living space'¦if a
consideration>> Would running this pumps output into a 3-way
manifold with ball valves ruin its high flow rate? <<In my
opinion, yes'¦ High flow pumps with very low wattage draws
typically do not do well against much head pressure>> Even if it
doesn't would it depreciate it enough that it wouldn't be worth
doing? <<That depends on what the end flow rate needs to
be>> I plan to have ~3000 GPH going to the display, ~1500GPH to
the skimmer and the rest of the flow directed to the Fuge. <<I
doubt you will get this much total flow from this pump with the
manifold and other head-loss issues. And a note'¦ This is a
LOT of flow to process through a sump'¦some noise and flow
issues ahead of you for sure>> Or would it be a better idea to
run two Darts (3600 GPH) into a manifold and have them feed the three
tanks/device? <<These too are high-flow low-wattage
pumps'¦not much of an improvement in my opinion. But I also
don't think you need as much flow as you are striving for so these
or your original pump/plan will probably be fine'¦though I
suggest a separate 'dedicated ' pump for the skimmer>> On
the display end I plan to use a manifold much the way that Anthony
Calfo describes in the WWM article so that obviously would have its own
effect on the total system head. <<Indeed it will>> (Other
circulation will be provided by 4 EcoTech Vortechs ~3000GPH apiece,
hopefully creating a surging effect in the tank) <<A much better
way to create flow within the tank versus trying to flush thousands of
gph through the sump, in my opinion>> Lastly I am trying to make
a decision on Lighting and wouldn't mind a little input from
someone with loads more experience than I. I had planned to place 3 400
Watt MH 12K as well as 4 48" T5 Actinics and 3 36" Actinics.
My local Fish store said that the 400W would be overkill and a big
power hog (I knew the power hog part). So do you guys think that going
with 3 250W would be adequate? <<250w MH is perfectly adequate in
my experience for a tank of this height. And considering the depth
front-to-back, have a look at full-size quality reflectors like
Lumenarc and LumenMax>> The tank dimensions are 84" X
36" X 26" H. with a 1 - 2 inch sand bed. <<Ah, well
then'¦either consider passing on the Jawfishes or deepen the
substrate to at least 4-inches of sand with some mixed rubble>>
Thanks AGAIN, Adam <<Happy to share. Eric Russell>>
Re: Plans For New 340 Gallon Tank -- 10/24/08 Eric,
<<Adam>> Couple follow up questions/comments on your reply:
<<Okay>> My biggest stocking question was with the
fairy/carpenter wrasses that I selected as well as the Anthias, as I
have no experience with either of them. <<Wonderful
fishes'¦ Some species much harder to keep than others,
especially among the Anthiines'¦be reading all you
can>> I have always used chromis to give the tank a schooling
fish/ bit of a flash and want to try something more colorful with the
bigger tank. <<Ah, if I only had the money back that I've
squandered on such ventures'¦ What you wish for here is not
uncommon and the attraction is quite understandable. Unfortunately,
creating an eye-pleasing school of fish in the unnatural confines of an
aquarium is often difficult and usually requires some special
considerations such as 'species-specific' setups. Both the
small Flasher and Fairy wrasses and the Anthiines as we previously
discussed, can be easily intimidated by the larger and/or more
boisterous fishes in the tank. This intimidation doesn't have to
come from direct attack, but is most often just a result of all the
'activity' in the tank. At worst this leads to their decline
and eventual death'¦at best it disrupts any natural
schooling behavior (though they may 'hide' as a
group'¦not exactly what you're after). One exception in
my experience has been groupings of small Cardinalfish species. These
fishes tend to take the hustle and bustle of a mixed community better
the aforementioned fishes. I have a 'school' of a dozen Pajama
Cardinals (Sphaeramia nematoptera) in my large reef tank, and while not
particularly colorful, this 'display' of fish is very
attractive all the same'¦and quite interesting to
observe>> The Jawfish are teetering on whether I include a DSB in
the display. <<Not an option'¦a must for these
fishes>> I'm leaning to keeping with a DSB in the fuge so
that no issues arise in the display down the road so the Jawfish would
be taken off the list. <<Okay>> Unfortunately I have had
bad success with Dartfish in the past (lost 2 in my previous 55 gallon
reef) and was leery of trying them again, but my wife adores them.
<<Mmm'¦ Then perhaps a separate 'species tank'
with a few of these fish should be on your shortlist of Christmas gifts
for her>> Would it be better for the fish if I chose 1 Anthiine
Species instead of a mix? <<I think so, yes'¦ The
increase in numbers may provide some extra sense of
security'¦but will certainly help with conspecific
aggression>> I've head of 5 as the magic number with some
species? <<Depends on the size of the tank'¦other
stocking densities, etc. With the foregoing of the two Jawfish species,
I think you could do 7 if you wish. And something I didn't mention
before'¦ If you go with the Flasher Wrasses or Anthiines,
consider omitting the Clownfish. It's not always, but I've
often seen Damsel species chase these timid and already nervous fishes
to the point where they jump from the tank'¦just something
else for you to consider if you want to be successful here in the long
term>> You mentioned Lyretails and Bicolors? <<Yes, both
very hardy once acclimated>> Would you expect much better success
with one of these two species in this setting? <<I
would'¦especially the Lyretail species. In my opinion their
larger size and pugnacious attitude (for an Anthiine) make them better
suited to a system such as you propose>> Stocking numbers for
these guys? <<Five'¦of these larger beauties>> I
am more concerned with the success of my husbandry than having that
fish my wife or I just has to have, if it's a long shot I would
rather stick with something that I won't have to face seeing perish
at my care. <<Much to research and consider
then'¦>> As far as the circulation goes the 100 gallon
Rubbermaid sump was to built on a platform so that it would only
require the pump to move water 1' - 2' plus the height of the
tanks... no more than a 5' static head from upward flow. I know
with the manifolds it will increase this number quickly. <<Maybe
as much as doubling it>> I have decided to go with a dedicated
pump for the skimmer, <<Ah! A much better approach>> and
most likely go with two pumps for the fuge/display circulation.
<<Excellent!>> You mentioned using the Hammerhead or two
Darts would be overkill on the flow? <<Mmm, more
specifically'¦more than you need to process through the
sump, along with the associated plumbing (surge/flushing/air
entrainment) and noise hassles>> Noise is not going to be a huge
issue as the tank will be in the basement underneath the
laundry/kitchen in its own room, though if it is a monsoon like sound
it could be an issue... <<I see>> What would an appropriate
flow rate be for a tank this size/stocking? <<A 1000gph through
the sump would be quite adequate (could even be a bit less if
wanted)'¦utilizing other methods (powerheads/closed-loop) to
boost water movement within the display tank>> Construction
starts on the tank next Monday, and I still haven't specified
drain/supply hole sizes for the overflows, because it is dependent on
the pump/flow I will be using. Do you have any insight on this?
<<Yes'¦ For optimum results with gravity drains,
figure no more than 300gph per 1' drain, 700gph per 1.5' drain,
or 1200gph per 2' drain. Some of the online flow calculators will
lead you to believe these numbers to be ultra conservative, but
experience, along with some purposeful testing done by
WetWebMedia's own ScottV, has proven the value of these
figures>> Originally I had planned to circulate as much as
economically/physically possible but you brought up some good points
and I am again rethinking some of my plans. Mucho Gracias, Adam
<<Muy bienvenida. EricR>>
500 Gallon stock list, SW FO, not mixing rays, sharks...
8/29/08 I'm looking into getting a 500 gallon tank Dims
are 96"Lx 48"Wx 25"H, <Ahh, a very nice
"shape" indeed> and I'm doing some pre-leg work. This
is the fish list that I have in mind. The compatibility is based off of
Blue zoo Aquatics quick facts chart <A worthwhile
endeavour/project... though such charts/lists should not be
considered/held as sacrosanct> and some of the FAQ's section
from your site about Shark compatibility. Can you give me your opinion
of what will and won't work together. I'm also going to try and
get these fish in a smaller size. I already know filtration is going to
be key, so what type of filtration or protein skimmer would you suggest
for a system this size with a stock list of this level? 1 White spotted
Bamboo Shark or a male and female pair 1 Blue spot stingray or Cortez
which ever works better <Mmm... I would not place this ray here...
nor really mix most any Batoid with Elasmobranchs... not really
compatible... Sharks eat rays... they are their principal predators in
the wild> A mix of about 20 Chromes: 10 Bicolor, 5 Green, 5 Blue
<Food for the sharks> A mix of about 12 Altheas: 3 Square, 3 Lyre
tail, 3 Disbar, 3 Resplendent <... Mmm, also food... And I would not
mix such small numbers of any but the Pleurotaenia... see WWM re> 1
Bicolor Fox face Rabbit fish 2 Indigo Hamlet 1 Blue Tang 1 Blonde Nash
1 Spotted Unicorn 1 Horseshoe Filefish 4 Blue streak cleaner wrasse
<Mmm, no... see WWM...> 1 Yellow head wrasse 1 Checkerboard
wrasse 4 Pork fish 1 Zebra eel I know it may be a bit over crowded but
that is why I came to the experts, thanks for all your answers.
<Mmm, not really answers, but a request that you start over... what
you list won't work. Either the sharks, and possibly some of the
larger (start and finish size) fishes toward the end of your list...
scratching off the Hypoplectrus, the Gymnomuraena... Take your time at
this stage... I assure you, better time now than real troubles
(induced) later. Bob Fenner>
Big Tanks Have Limitations Too'¦ Stocking And
Equipping A New 300g -- 08/28/08 Thank you for your time in
reading this email. <<No worries mate'¦that is what we
do>> I know you are busy so I will be brief. <<Ah yes, that
honey-do list ya know'¦>> It has been a long time but
I finally received my 300 gallon (96Lx30Wx24T) tank.
<<Congrats'¦ After finally getting a 375g display for
myself after more than 30 years in the hobby, I do know the
'joy' of getting/having a big tank. Though friend and fellow
Crew-mate Scott Fellman doesn't seem to think big tanks are such a
big deal (dude'¦what up with that article?! [big
grin]>> I have been planning this for about three years now.
<<Planning is wise>> Every day since I started dreaming of
this tank the stock list has changed a million times along with the
tank dimensions. <<Been there>> Thanks to your website I
now believe that I have the knowledge to provide my fish friends with
the proper care to keep them happy and healthy! <<Yay!
But'¦then why are you here now? [grin]>> All fish will
go through a 4 week minimum quarantine. <<Very good>> The
fish list includes 3 Chaetodon semilarvatus, <<A spectacular
Butterfly species'¦I do hope they 'get along' for
you in this volume (I have found that 300g+ is not 'all that
big' sometimes)>> 1 Paracanthurus hepatus, <<I'm
really glad this tank is as big as it is. This is a very robust and
active (and nervous) species that requires a large volume for its long
term health>> 13 Chromis viridis, Naso lituratus (male red sea),
Moorish Idol <<Do obtain/train this fish to feed on New Line
Spectrum pelleted food'¦will be a big benefit to all your
fishes as well. See WWM re'¦>> and finally an Emperor
Angel (red sea). I would add the angel about 6 months to a year after
the tank is set up so he won't suffer from new tank syndrome.
<<Mmm'¦actually mate, this wait period would benefit
ALL your fishes, and the system in general>> I will be employing
the use of an ATI Bubble Master 300 (would the ATI 250 be better for my
setup?). <<Ah yes, a good friend of mine (Scott Groseclose at
Aquarium Specialty) sells these. And yes, I think the '250'
would be plenty of skimmer for your system>> ReeFlo Dart for
return. 2 Wavy Seas attached to a closed-loop run on another ReeFlo
dart. <<Very nice>> A Tunze Wave Box. <<<Do
consider the 'space' these require as well as the restrictions
re close placement of rock/coral (yes, even in a 300g tank) and maybe
reconsider for some of the electronic Tunze Stream pumps w/controller
(just a suggestion)>> 1 wave box to start then, when I get more
money, I will purchase another one. Lighting will be 2 48" 65 watt
Coralife Lunar Aqualights. <<Mmm, okay'¦so a total of
'8' 65w bulbs over the tank>> I was going to make the
tank a FOWLR but maybe down the road I would like to add a few softies.
<<Your fish choices may say otherwise>> Do you think that I
could keep the lighting I currently have or would I have to upgrade?
<<This depends on the specific species of corals you choose.
Stick to Corallimorphs and you will likely be
fine'¦otherwise you may need a few more bulbs/a different
methodology>> I will have a 100 gallon sump that will house the
protein skimmer, a large refugium and the heaters. Sincerely, Brent
<<Good luck, and enjoy that new BIG tank. Regards,
New (large) tank... gen. stkg. order for large
SW 7/29/08 Hello Bob and crew. I am just starting my new 650
gallon tank and needed your advice. Unfortunately in my country
many people are not interested in the fish so there are only a
few stores and they can only import certain fish. So I am getting
these fish for my new tank. Can you please go through the list
and tell me if these are ok! Angels 1 emperor 6-7 inches 1 Koran
8-9 inches (unfortunately my LFS only gets big ones) 1 Blueface
6-7 inches 1 asfur 5-6 inches 1 navarchus 5-6 inches butterflies
a pair of falcula 3-4 inches omato a pair of raccoon 3-4 inches a
pair of saddlebacks 4-5 inches a pair of teardrop 3-4 inches
tangs 3 regal tangs ~3 inches 1 powder blue ~4 inches 3 yellow ~4
inches 2 purple ~4 inches 1 Naso ~7 inches 1 dussumieri ~8 inches
1 Desjardin sailfin ~5 inches triggerfish 1 niger trigger ~4
inches 1 black ~5 inches misc 1 zebra eel 30 inches + 1 Foxface
~5 inches a pair of tomato clowns 1 golden puffer ~6 inches In
what order should I add these fish. <The misc. first... a
month or so later, the Butterflies... a month or so after that
the triggers, a month or so after all the angels at once...
lastly the surgeons> I assure you they will all be quarantined
because I have 2 75 gallon quarantine tanks and there will be a
minimum of 2 weeks between each group of animals. <Good>
Thank you! <Welcome. BobF>
Re: New (large) tank... gen. stkg. order for
large SW -- 7/30/08 Thank you so much for the reply but I am
a little confused with your answer. Do you recommend I add the
angels before the smaller surgeons? <Yes> And also do you
think that the golden puffer is peaceful enough to not disturb
other arrivals after him. And are all my fish absolutely safe
with the zebra or should I drop it? <Should be fine... is too
slow, the system large enough... to do much damage. B>
Re: Large SW stkg. 8/2/08 Hey Bob. I know in am
becoming a nuisance but I am confused between all the
possibilities and I decided on keeping anthias. You already
agreed on my previous list for my 650 but here is a new one.
Angels 1 emperor 6-7 inches 1 Koran 8-9 inches (unfortunately my
LFS only gets big ones) 1 Blueface 6-7 inches butterflies a pair
of falcula 3-4 inchesomato a pair of raccoon 3-4 inches a pair of
saddlebacks 4-5 inches tangs 2 regal tangs ~3 inches 1 powder
blue ~4 inches 2 yellow ~4 inches 2 purple ~4 inches 1 Naso ~7
inches 1 dussumieri ~8 inches 1 Desjardin sailfin ~5 inches misc
1 Foxface ~5 inches a pair of tomato clowns 5-6 cleaner shrimps
And now for the anthias. I am wanting to keep a large group.
around 14 individuals. Do you think it is safe to house this
many. Also which species do you think is best in these?
Pseudanthias squamipinnis <This, the above, by far>
Pseudanthias ignitus Pseudanthias pulcherrimus Also how many
males do you think should I keep? <One or two> In what
order should I add these fish. I assure you they will all be
quarantined because I have 2 75 gallon quarantine tanks and there
will be a minimum of 2 weeks between each group of animals.
<Can go near the front. B>
clean tank... More lg. SW stkg... 8/2/08 Hey Bob and
crew. I have a question for you. I have a new 650 gallon tank
which will be housing 3 large angels, some butterflies, Foxface,
some anthias, and some tangs. Well I wanted some invertebrates
like hermits, sandsifting stars and cleaner shrimps for the tangs
and anthias. I want to know if these are safe with the
butterflies. <Yes> Now in a system this big they are all
bound to get lost and how will I know if anything dies because
they would all be in the live rock and all around. Also in this
system how many cleaners, hermits and sandsifting stars should I
get? And also do anthias require cleaner shrimps? <I'd
undershoot the stkg. of such... In large systems especially, the
equipment employed should be decided on to provide most such
"clean up"... The Anthias can/will use suitable
cleaners... I'd avoid too many Stenopids... Bob
new tank. Same nonsense 8/03/08 Hello bob. <...>
Ok this is my final stocking list. 650 gallons 80 gallon sump 40
gallon refugium. <Too small for the volume of this
main/display> Angels 1 emperor 6-7 inches 1 Koran 8-9 inches
(unfortunately my LFS only gets big ones) 1 Blueface 6-7 inches 1
annularis 5-6 inches butterflies a pair of falcula 3-4
inchesomato a pair of raccoon 3-4 inches a pair of saddlebacks
4-5 inches tangs 3 regal tangs ~3 inches 1 powder blue ~4 inches
3 yellow ~4 inches 2 purple ~4 inches 1 Naso ~7 inches 1
dussumieri ~8 inches 1 Desjardin sailfin ~5 inches 1 vlamingi
~8inches triggerfish 1 niger trigger ~4 inches 1 black ~5 inches
misc 1 zebra eel 30 inches + 1 Foxface ~5 inches a pair of
clarkii clowns ~3 inches 1 golden puffer ~6 inches 2 miniatus
groupers ~5 inches All fish will be respectively quarantined in 2
75 gallon systems. Thank you! <So? RMF>
Right combinations or not... 15 foot tall
cylindrical tank... tiny fish choices 7/24/08 Hello My wife
and I are having a steel framed house built <Wave of the
future... strike that, the present> and in the center of the
house will be the showcase of the house. It is a 10ft diameter X
15ft tall cylinder marine aquarium. <... is this a mis-print?
A fifteen foot high system? Wow!> The house is a two floor
structure. The walls on the house are 10 ft high and then there
is a gap for the build up of the second floor to go around the
aquarium and then there is about 3ft of the aquarium showing on
the second floor. I will have it age about 8 months before I add
any fish or invertebrates. I was wondering what your feelings are
for an aquarium with Cardinalfishes, Dwarf Angels, and
Damselfish. <... in such a volume? I'd likely have/keep
larger species...> The species that I plan on keeping are
Apogon cyanosoma, Apogon novemfasciatus, Centropyge nox,
Centropyge aurantia, Centropyge heraldi, Centropyge vroliki,
Chrysiptera talboti, and Chrysiptera tricinta. I was wondering if
this good. I know that the dwarf angels will bully each other in
smaller aquariums but with one this big I doubt it since it will
have plenty of hiding places. I plan on having 10 each of the
cardinals and at least 6 each of the damsels. Is that too many or
not enough? <... You likely won't "be able to find
them" in this volume, shape system... the curvature of the
sides...> What invertebrates could go with such a set-up?
<The list here is huge...> Your help is greatly
appreciated. Are clownfish, in particular Ocellaris Clowns (both
orange and black varieties) good tank mates and how many of each?
<... could be quite a few...> Thank You David De Veny
<Might I ask, have you looked into the cost of the tank
itself? If not, I think you will be surprised at how much the
cost "jumps" per every foot or so of increase in
height... I suggest you do a bit more reading period, before
going further... Chat with fabricators, your general
contractor... re what is involved here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Right combinations or
not... 15' tall cylinder... stkg... 7/25/08 Quoting
WetWebMedia Crew <crew@wetwebmedia.com>: > I have talked
with the contractor and the fabricators. My wife and I know how
much it will cost. You suggested to go with larger fish. What
suggestions do you have? Do you think larger Angelfish and
Butterflies? I want a setup that will be pleasing to the eye
(lots of color) and peaceful. Thank You. David <... for the
hundreds of thousands of dollars this is going to cost I advise
you to do a bit of reading... Some Pomacanthids and Chaetodontids
would indeed be amongst my choices for such a show piece.
Sharks, rays, tangs, lionfish, and tangs... stkg. a large SW pond
- 07/19/08 hi WWM, I am in the process of building a circular
indoor pond and would be interested in putting some saltwater fish. my
question is : would I be able to have a black banded cat shark (the
"not true" cat shark), a lion fish radiata or Volitans?),
<Umm, no... too likely the Shark will consume any Lion species> a
sohal tang and a ray or eagle bat ray. <...?> How big would the
pond need to be? would 6,000+ gallons be enough (because of the bat
ray) and would I be able to keep a bat ray at all with the rest of the
tank being more tropical?. <... What species? There are tropical
Myliobatids: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eagle_ray> I am planning
on making the pond about 18 feet across by about 52" deep (again
circular). would the tang nip at the fins of the bat ray? <Doubtful
in a volume of this size> Have you guys had success at keeping bat
rays? <Not in residential settings, but in "public aquarium
ones", yes> and if I cannot keep a bat ray (I would really love
to have one), what other ray/fish would you recommend. <? Are you
joking?> I am in the middle of researching the fish I plan to put in
the pond and want to get all the info I can. <...?> There will be
live rock. (I don't know how much yet), but no corals. Also are bat
rays even legal to own? <As far as I'm aware, yes... at least in
the U.S.> The only reason I ask this is they have one for sale at
this LFS on 6Th and clement in San Fransisco CA and some of my fish
friends say they like the place because they have some nice illegal
corals. I am not a coral person but if they have illegal corals they
could have illegal fish. thank you for all your help and info!!!
sincerely, will <Keep studying and planning Will... Bob
compatibility... too much, too soon? 6/26/08 hello. I am
cycling my 800 gallon tank(12x3x3) right now. It has a 140 gallon sump.
I am going to add my first fish in about 2 weeks. Can u tell me if
these fish are compatible? angels Blueface 6-7 in emperor 5-6 in
majestic 4-5 inches Koran 7-8 in scribbled ~5 inches butterflies 2
falcula ~3 inches 2 golden ~4 inches 2 saddleback ~4 inches tangs sohal
~4 inches powder blue ~3 inches 2 yellow ~ 3 inches 2 purple ~3 inches
3 regal ~3 inches triggers black ~5 inches niger ~4 inches misc
magnificent Foxface ~5 inches 2 tomato clowns ~3 inches 2 cleaner
wrasse 2 sand sifting gobies ~4 inches 2 squirrel fish i really like
your website and i want your opinion. My supplier is very good and can
order specimens specifically for me and would hold them for 3 weeks. In
what order should i add the fish? thank you. TOMMY <....> <...
could all get along in this volume... Angels semi-last, Sohal
absolutely last, the rest of the tangs in six months or so. Bob
Compatibility -SW/stocking 5/25/08
Big Aquarium With Big Plans! (Stocking Critique) Ok, I think you
guys are the most experienced people I can find, so please read my
stocking list, and tell me what I should add or delete. OK! 1 Blueface
Angel 5-6 in (sorry but I'm disobeying, but I just love this
species to much) <I understand your love for the fish, and I know
that you are building a very large aquarium. I still can't say
I'm a fan of keeping it in captivity, though!> 3 Golden Pygmy
Angels <Nice fish...tend to hide a lot, but may become emboldened
over time. Keeping them in a trio, added at the same time, is a good
idea if you want to keep more than one specimen.> 2 Threadfin
Butterflies 2-3 in <Definitely add them at the same time to avoid
potential aggression issues. They do get pretty large (like almost
1)"),and aggressive (for a Butterfly, at least) so keep this in
mind.> 3 Black and White Heniochus 2-3 in <Can be nice fish for a
large system.> 2 Falcula Butterflies 2-3 in <Personally, I have
found them to do better than the Threadfin Butterfly. I'd choose
this species over the Threadfin; perhaps a trio of these instead.> 2
Pakistani Butterflies 2-2 in <In my experience, these fishes can be
really poor adaptors to captive life. I'd pass on them,
myself-particularly in a system with a number of other Butterfly
species. They tend to be timid.> 1 Magnificent Foxface 3-4 in
<Will add a lot of personality to your aquarium. Add when small for
optimum adaption capacity.> 4 Regal Tang 2-3 in <Everyone hates
me for this, but I really don't think that you should keep more
than one of them. They become quite large, need lots of space, and
keeping a group of these active, gluttonous feeders will tax your
filtration system. In the wild, they get huge, and I tend to think of
them like large Angelfishes- better of in the wild.> 1 Desjardin
Sailfin tang 3-4 in <Wow- you MUST hate me by now. I love this fish,
but it simply gets enormous, and, once again, like the large Angels,
requires a lot of room to roam. I am not a fan of keeping this one in
captivity.> 1 Powder Blue Tang 3-4 in <In my opinion, if you are
going to try to keep this fish, it should be the only Tang in your
system. They tend to have a rough time adapting to captive life, get
quite large, and are rather "touchy" (ie; susceptible to
illness).> 2 Purple Tangs 3-4 in 2 Yellow Tangs 3-4 in <I'd
advise you to only keep one species of Zebrasoma in this system,
particularly in a group. Besides, it would be really interesting to see
a larger group of the Yellow Tangs, IMO.> 1 Lipstick Tang 4-5 in
<Ok..just beat me senseless! This is a popular fish, but it can and
does reach almost 20 inches in length! It's just another fish that
I cannot personally recommend for captivity.> 2 Niger Triggers 2-3
in <Whew...! Another fish that simply gets huge. If you've ever
seen these guys in the wild (I have), you'll see them in groups of
several individuals. Nonetheless, they can be a bit aggressive, and
once again, I'd be inclined to pass on these fish, particularly in
a community situation. I'd rather you consider a somewhat more
peaceful Xanthicthys species, such as the Blue Chin, X. auromarginatus,
or the Crosshatch, X. mento, both of which are smaller and better
behaved than the Niger. That being said, they are REALLY pricy fishes,
and that may be a factor. But you asked, and I'm giving you my best
advice!> That's all. And I don't like tanks cramped full of
live rock <You wouldn't want a lot of live rock with the
size/number/types of fishes you are considering for this system!> I
will keep live rock at the back of my tank, mostly and leave large gaps
so big fish can get around. <I'm not a big fan of "rock
walls", but I do like your idea of leaving spaces for the fishes
to swim. In fact, why don't you create an aquascape that consists
of several smaller aggregations of rock? This will help avoid the
"wall" look, and will break up territories and help curb
aggression among some of the fishes.> BTW, my tank is 12x3x3. do you
think I can add Cleaner Wrasse and Sandsifting Starfish. <I would
not ever condone the purchase of a Cleaner Wrasse, as they are of prime
importance on the wild reefs. Removing them from the reef creates a gap
in "coverage" from these valuable fishes, leaving wild reef
inhabitants without their cleaning services. A sand-sifting Starfish is
okay, assuming you have an acceptable population of microcrustaceans
for it to fee upon. I'd be inclined to wait until the aquarium is
well established before purchasing one.> In what order should I
stock my tank and how many specimens at a time. <Start slowly,
adding only a few fishes at a time, after proper quarantine has been
completed on each fish (read up on this process right here on WWM). I
would start with the Butterflies, then the Pygmy Angelfishes, followed
by the Tang(s) and/or Rabbitfish. If you're going to add the
Blueface Angelfish, I'd add him/her last. Once again, I hope that
you understand the spirit in which my critique was intended. Although I
recommend against keeping a number of the fishes you have selected,
there is literally an ocean full of adaptable, appropriate fishes out
there from which to choose. Please keep at the research here on WWM and
other places. I am taking a very conservative stocking approach, based
on my personal experience and opinions. Others may have different
thoughts on the approach. Take anyone's advise with a "grain
of salt", and reach your own conclusions from your research. In
the end, please consider the long-term needs of your fishes and the
implications of your selections. Best of luck to you! Regards, Scott F.
> New 750 gallon aquarium, stkg SW 4/27/08 hello bob.....i am
so happy to see that many of you try to help people that you don't
even know... i love your website and i need some answer from you
please... my tank is currently cycling and in 2-3 weeks it will be
ready for my first few fish.. i just want to ask you the compatibility
of these fish... 1) Annularis angel 5-6 in 2) Blue face angel 5-6 in 3)
Koran angel 7-8 in 4) Majestic angel 5-6 in 5) French angel 7-8 in 6)
Cream angelfish 3-4 in 7) Asfur angel 5-6 in 8) Queen angel 5.5-6.5 in
9) Emperor angel 5-6 in <I'd start all these Angels at the 3-4
inch length to start... much more likely to be healthy, get along>
10) 3 Heniochus butterfly 3-4 in 11) 2 falcula butterfly 3-4 in 12) 4
pacific blue tang 2.5-3.5 in 13) desjardinii Sailfin tang 4-5 in 14)
Naso tang 5-6 in 15) powder blue tang 3-4 in 16) 2 Scopas tang 3-4 in
17) 2 purple tang 3-4 in 18) 2 yellow tang 3-4 in 19) magnificent
foxface4.5-5.5 in 20) blue throat trigger 3.5-4.5 in 21) Humu Humu
trigger 3-4 in 22) black trigger 3-4 in 23) niger trigger 3-4 in 24)
rectangle trigger 3.5-4.5 in 25)2 tomato clownfish 2-3 in 26) 2
Pakistani butterflyfish 2-3 in 27) 2 auriga butterfly 2-3 in 28) 6
cleaner wrasse 1-2 in <Either skip these or just two> please tell
me your opinion and if you think i shouldn't add some fish.....i
really appreciate your opinion...i know cleaner wrasse are hard but
someone told me that they very important and with a fish population
this big. they'll have a lot of food.. <All should be carefully
acclimated, quarantined (per WWM) before introducing. Bob
Large Aquarium- Large Fish? -- 03/18/08 Hi there
to whom may reply to this, and thank you for your time in doing so.
<You're quite welcome! Scott F. in tonight.> I am planning to
amalgamate 2 existing systems that I have into 1 large and would like
some advice on stocking plans. My first system is a 180 litre reef that
is home to a 2" Centropyge loricula, a 3" Ecsenius bicolor, a
4" Cryptocentrus cinctus and an Alpheus soror pair, a
1.5"Pseudochromis Springeri 2" Priolepis nocturnus pair of
1.5" tank bred Amphiprion percula,2 x Catalaphyllia Jardinei
Protula Bispiralis and a handful of Superman spotted Discosoma all of
which I would really like to keep as they were some of my first fish
nearly 3 years ago. <Nice variety!> That was my wife's tank
and now mine which is a 6ftx2ftx2ft main display, a 2ft sq. refugium
and a 4ftx18"x18" sump and is a full on reef garden and has
the following inhabitants: 6" Calloplesiops altivelis 5"
Zebrasoma xanthurum 4" Zebrasoma veliferum 3"Paracanthus
hepatus 1.5" Acanthurus coeruleus 3" Pomacanthus imperator
1.5"Holocanthus bermudensis 5" Siganus lo Vulpinus 6 x
2.5" Pseudanthias squamipinnis (1 Male,5 Female) 3"
Chrysiptera cyanea 4.5" Amphiprion melanopus (hosting with a
22" dia.Sarcophyton leather) 2.5" Synchiropus picturatus (now
nearly 3yrs old) 3" Paracheilinus mccoskeri 3" Bodianus
bimaculatus In the refugium there is a single Lysmata Amboinensis and a
1" Stonogobiops nematodes and in the sump somewhere there is a
Belonepterygion fasciolatum. <You have some wonderful fishes in
there, but you'll have to make some concessions, particularly in
regards to the Tangs and the Angelfish. Yes, as I read below, the new
aquarium is spacious, but you're still dealing with some fishes
that reach large sizes, need lots of physical space, and give off large
amounts of metabolic waste. I'd re-think the long-term implications
of this plan and narrow down you choices to one or two of the
Tangs.> The new system is a 96"x30"x36"tall with a
48"x24"x24" sump and a 2ft cubed refugium. Existing rock
which is approx 145 kilos combined from the 2 systems to which I am
going to add another 120 kilos. There is an existing 4" sand bed
of sugar fine Aragamax in both systems to which I am going to transfer
along with more fresh sand to make a 4" bed in the new system. All
existing filtration will be transferred (live rock rubble approx
20kilos,Chaetomorpha)into the new sump and am thinking of adding a
6-8"bed of mud/or DSB what are your thoughts? <Sounds really
good! The DSB can be an additional source of nutrient processing.
Perhaps you might get adventurous and light it in reverse of the
display system and grow some Seagrasses in there. Just a thought!>
Obviously I have my doubts regarding a few of the inhabitants mainly
the Tangs and Angels and also the predatory nature of the Marine Betta
in respect of smaller fish and shrimp. <I appreciate your concern
regarding these fishes and their potential predatory habits. Is a true
concern.> Firstly I would like to ask would my new system sustain
(size wise) all the inhabitants for years to come or am I pushing the
boat a bit too far, <You are; please see my comments above.
Reviewing your animals' needs and ultimate sizes will give you a
good idea of what to do. Concessions must be made.> and if yes would
I be able to add more smaller fish like a small shoal of Serranus
tortugarum,another shoal of Anthias, Halichoeres ornatissimus/ Iridis?.
<I love the idea of small fishes in a large aquarium. I am a huge
fan of the genus Halichoeres, too! Consider stocking this large
aquarium with small fishes!> In respect of the Tangs and Angels do
you think I have my work cut out in trying to keep these fish in
harmony together and if so what would you recommend I change?
<I'd eliminate most of the Tangs, quite honestly. Stick with one
that you like, preferably the Z. xanthurum. I would tend to go with a
smaller Angelfish, like a Centropyge species.> These have all been
together for around 11 months apart from my last addition was the Blue
angel which was about 10 weeks ago. Initially there was a little
chasing between the Emperor and the Blue Angel but the Emperor (Henry)
has long since given up as he can't fit in the same nooks and
crannies. <Not sure how long this behavior will go on. Could be a
long-term problem. In fact, it could proof fatal for someone. I'd
think seriously about this stocking plan for the long run. Really, give
some thought to the large aquarium/small fish philosophy.> Thanks
again for the valuable time and effort you may take in reading and
replying to this your efforts are most appreciated. Kind regards Jason,
Wales UK <My pleasure, Jason. You sound like you have the basis for
an excellent system there. Just refine your stocking list and make the
necessary concessions. Think long term when stocking, and you won't
go wrong! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.>
Large, SW, new tank set up... stkg. 2/1/08 I have
owned a 105 gallon reef aquarium for about 4 years now and it has done
very well. All the fish are happy and celebrating their 4th year in the
tank this February. I am wanting to get a fish only tank and my budget
and space would allow for a 580 gallon aquarium. It would be 144"
long x 30" wide x 31.5" tall. I have spoken to my LFS person
(the owner of the store) and he has come up with a setup using two
large protein skimmers, about 500 lbs of live rock, a 120 gallon sump
tank below, about four pumps (for redundancy), <Mmm, you'd be
better off with just two good ones...> two heaters (for redundancy).
I feel confident in the tank setup he has come up with. I will also set
the tank up to its own 2 electrical breakers with a home generator that
will come on automatically if the power goes out (I have discussed all
this with an electrician, and based on the required power needs for the
tank it should pose no problem). <Good idea> The tank would be
glass (rectangular) and have steel reinforcements at all seams and 3
two inch steel supports across the top as well. <How will you coat,
prevent these from rusting, poisoning the water?> It would be built
by Oceanic with a 7 year warranty. <... am surprised that Oceanic
would provide a steel frame...> I thought about acrylic, but I was
afraid about the scratches and removing them when they occur. Everyone
seems to be going to acrylic but I am willing to pay for glass and the
place I am putting it will support the weight. <Mmm, weight not
important re the tank... when you consider the rest...> I plan on
keeping this tank for many years. My question is the livestock. Here is
what I would like to put in the tank, all starting at around 4 inches
(with the eel appropriately sized for the fish): Panther Grouper Lunare
Wrasse Queen Angel Snowflake Eel Harlequin Tusk Wrasse Porcupine Puffer
Naso "Lipstick" Tang Pink Tail Trigger Blue Chin Trigger
Volitans Lion <May have a hard time getting to the food...> maybe
a Clown Trigger (may be too mean) <Not suitable> maybe a Blue
Line Trigger I would like to get these fish at a relatively small size
and try to keep them to full size in this tank. I realize the grouper
does and will get 20-24 inches and I may just have to remove him at
some point. <Many years hence> The others would get around 10-15
inches or so. Maybe 16-18 inches for the Angel. Do you think this tank
is too small for that? <Not in time. And you will very likely
"graduate" to other organisms, a reef of sorts...> I guess
I could transfer the fish to an even larger tank in several years and
use this one for something else, perhaps a reef. Is there any other
problem you see with this set of fish for this tank? <Mmm, no. But I
would like to suggest you start them off early on an exclusive diet...
of Spectrum pelleted foods... for all the reasons stated here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/foodsppt1.htm> Also not sure as to the order
to add them to the tank. I know the triggers would need to come last.
<Probably best... though not much of an issue in a system of this
size, starting with smaller specimens period> Thank you for your
time and information (great website, by the way. Very informative)
Steve <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: new tank set up... large SW f' 2/1/08 Bob,
<Steve> Thank you for the info. What did you mean below when you
said "weight not important regarding the tank....when you consider
the rest". <Simply that the weight of the tank itself,
fashioned of whatever matter is not relatively important, compared with
the contents mass> Do you think I should go with acrylic instead of
glass? <Mmm, no my friend; not necessarily. I might well opt for
glass here myself. You can read here re the principal pro/con argument:
http://wetwebmedia.com/tkmats.htm> Oceanic is covering all the metal
seams and the cross supports themselves with some kind of black
sealant. <Ah, good> The guys that own the aquarium store here
said that they see so many acrylic tanks around town that they service
and all of them are badly scratched over the years. Scratches occur so
easily it is hard to keep on top of it and remove them all the time.
<As stated... there are benefits, drawbacks to all materials...>
So you don't think the clown trigger is a good idea. I understand,
my fish store guy told me the same thing. What about the blue chin and
the blue line triggers? <Please read on WWM re Balistids... these
issues are covered...> As for the food, I feed my current reef fish
in the 105 gallon tank Spectrum pelleted food and they love it. <Is
an amazing product line... the owner/manufacturer, Pablo Tepoot is a
good friend> And it is very clean as there is none really left over
when the fish eat. <Ahh!> I was just worried about the eel,
angel, and lion. They need squid and more protein based stuff,
don't they? <Actually no... the Spectrum product is akin to the
best lines of commercial dogfoods (Science Diet, Nutro, Eukanuba...) it
is completely nutritious to all food consuming groups of fishes...>
My panther grouper is currently in my reef (he is the smallest fish at
3.5 inches in length), and he will only really eat the freeze dried
krill. He won't eat the pellets. Any thoughts? Steve <Mix some
of the pellets in with the krill, keep decreasing the amount of
Euphausiid... the Chromileptis will eat the Spectrum... B>
Stocking 300 gallon tank The "Chromis Factor"
(Keeping a Large School of Chromis with Aggressive Fish?)
11/26/07 Dear WWM crew, <Scott F. at the keyboard
today!> Just set up my 300 gallon circular tank (see attached
pic), it has a 72x20x20 refugium attached to it (about 150lbs of
live rocks with live sand) plus a closed mechanical filtration
system (a Jacuzzi filter).<<Will need more... RMF>>
<Nice configuration.> I have a Hippo tang 4"-5",
Clown trigger 3", Pink Tail trigger 4", Tomato clown
3" and a Lunare wrasse 4"-5" which I'll be
transferring to this tank but First. I would like to add a school
of Chromis viridis. I actually would like the school of Chromis
to be the focal point of the tank, so how many should I add??
Twenty or so? <Well, I'd be inclined to go with a smaller
number, like 12-15, but that's just my gut feeling. Your
aquarium could probably support 20 if well maintained. I'm
not a huge fan keeping large schools of these types of fishes, as
you will see shortly.> Will they be compatible with all those
aggressive tankmates? <To be honest, you might see some
attrition among the Chromis. The Clown Trigger and the Lunare
Wrasse are of particular concern to me, not to mention the
possible hierarchical issues that can occur among the Chromis
themselves. It's really your call here, but I would not be
fulfilling my promise to you as a fellow hobbyist if I didn't
warn you of possible problems. Large groupings of Chromis always
seem to work better on paper than in practice, in my experience!
There always seems to be some factor (disease, possible
predators, interspecific aggression, etc.) that arises when
keeping multiple damselfishes. Believe me, I've lost quite a
few in various attempts over the years! Throw some aggressive
tankmates into the mix, and the odds for success decrease
further, IMO.> Would also like to add a Harlequin Tusk after
the Chromis and before the transfer too. Will the Tusk get along
with my Lunare? <Man, this isn't really helping me feel
better about the Chromis! As mentioned above, there will no doubt
be some "issues" with the Chromis. As far as getting
along with the Lunare, it really depends on the specific
individuals involved. In a sufficiently large aquarium, your odds
of success are far greater than they would be in a smaller
system. Supplying ample territory for each fish is important.>
I'm also going to add an Kole tang to take care of algae so
will that be ok with the Hippo tang? Thanks a lot, Bill <I
don't think that you'll have much trouble with the Kole
and the Hippo. They inhabit different ecological niches, and
should not have an real difficulties. In the end, though-I'd
rethink the Chromis issue. With some interesting larger fishes,
why "clutter" the system with these fish, or risk them
becoming someone's appetizer? Just my opinion. Good luck!
Regards, Scott F.>
Re: Stocking 300 gallon tank Alternatives to
Schooling Fishes- Aquarium Stocking 11/28/2007 Dear Scott,
<Hey there!> Thank you so much for your quick & honest
response. <My pleasure!> Ok, so if I scrap the Chromis
schooling idea as a main focal point of the tank, what other fish
would you recommend taking consideration of the fish I already
mentioned?? <I'd look into some Wrasses, myself. Perhaps
some Fairy or Flasher Wrasses, or even Halichoeres species. They
are colorful and interesting in groups, especially n a large
aquarium.> You see, I like to stay away from Angel fishes and
Butterfly fishes since I think they are too hard to keep healthy.
Any other schooling fish suitable for this tank? Thanks again,
Bill <Well, Bill- as above, I'd look into s Wrasses for
interest and beauty. Hope this helps! Check 'em out! Regards,
Scott F.>
Re: Stocking 300 gallon tank New Aquarium and
Cloudy Water 11/28/07 Dear Scott, <Hi there!> Thanks on
the advice about schooling fishes, I'll definitely check out
the Fairy or Flasher wrasses. I plan to transfer my Lunare wrasse
to this tank and I plan to buy a Harlequin Tusk too so will they
be ok with the wrasses you mentioned? <I'm a bit leery
about both of them, really. I mean- if you start with small
specimens of these two, you'll probably be okay...but it
could be a problem over time if these fishes develop aggressive
tendencies.> One more thing, about a week about I filled my
300 gallon circular tank with RO water, added crushed coral for
substrate. My refugium (100 gallons) is also filled with RO water
and it has a 4" sand bed. I'm also using a close loop
Jacuzzi filtration system with a 1/3 hp Sequence pump on the
tank. The tank has that faux coral in the middle (like Living
color) and that is why I have such a huge refugium. I want to put
as many lbs of live rock as I can to make up for the lack of it
in the tank. <Understandable.> It took a day or so to clear
up after adding the substrate but it did, it looked super clear
but the very next day it was cloudy. The tank have some micro
bubbles but not a lot and it's definitely not the dust from
the substrate. It just looks hazy.... foggy like. Why did that
happened? What caused it? Bacteria? If it is bacteria, then where
did it come from since I have not added any livestock. <Hard
to say. Could be bacteria from the sand itself, could be simple
fine silt from the substrate, or just about anything else that is
suspended in the water.> Yesterday, I added a bag full of
carbon and some 10 lbs of live sand and today I'm going to
add about 100 lbs or more of live rock. Will the cloudiness go
away? Thanks again, Bill <Well, Bill- in time, the cloudiness
should go away. If it is suspended particles, they will
ultimately settle or be removed by the filter system. If it is
bacterial, the bloom will probably subside over time when
conditions correct themselves. Small water changes, regular use
and replacement of chemical and mechanical filter media, and the
passage of time will help. Keep doing what you're doing, and
all should work out in time. Good luck! Regards, Scott F.>
Re: Stocking 300 gallon tank Stocking a Refugium
12/1/2007 Dear Scott, <Hey there!> Yesterday I changed
60 gallons and today the tank looks a little clearer..... I think
it will clear up like you said in time. I'm adding 100 lbs or
so of live rocks today (fully cured) and that should help as well
(I hope). <Well, if nothing else- the addition of the extra
rock will add some biological "filtration"> As I
mentioned before, my refugium is 72 x 20 x 20 and it has a
4" sandbed. I don't know much about algae so I was going
leave that alone for now and just really add loads of live rock
to help filter the water. <Not a bad idea. But do look into
growing and harvesting "purposeful" macroalgae, such as
Caulerpa, to assist in nutrient control and export.> Do the
live rocks need very strong lighting on their own? Like 2-65w
compacts or 2-96w ones? Sorry for these dumb questions but
I've never done a refugium before. <Not dumb at all!
Lighting is important if there are photosynthetic organisms on
the rock that require light (which there are, no doubt). If
you're not growing high-light-demanding corals in there, your
PC lighting should suffice, IMO.> When should I add a cleaning
crew to the refugium? And what do you suggest? Do I need any
critters that might help move the sand a little? Detritus eating
ones too? <Well, I'd probably stick to some small snails,
such as Turbo, Nassarius, or Trochus. Maybe a brittle star. Add
them at the outset.> There will be only a few pieces of live
rock in the main tank and no cleaning crew since most of the fish
I intend to put in, are not invert friendly. <Smart
strategy.> Any other suggestions are welcome and very
appreciated..... thank you so much for all your help. Bill
<Well, Bill- you sound like you put a lot of thought into the
system. Do stock your refugium to take advantage of its valuable
nutrient-processing/food production capacity. There is a ton of
information on refugia right here on the WWM site! Check it out!
Good luck! Regards, Scott F.>
Nice! But maint.?!
Stocking/Compatibility...Even Big Tanks Have Limits --
10/08/07 Hi to all at WWM, <<Hello Ann>> I have a 350
gallon tank which has been up and running for approx 1 year.
<<Cool...love big tanks...>> I currently have a juvenile
clown trigger, <<Mmm...this 'Triggerus reallymeanus' is
likely to eventually kill all its tankmates...even in this size tank.
Best kept in a specimen tank, in my opinion>> 1 big-eyed
soldierfish 2 black and white clownfish <<These may end up as a
meal for the Soldierfish...depending on size disparity>> 1 coral
grouper 1 dog-faced puffer and 1 file fish (unfortunately I'm not
sure which species of file fish it is) my LFS called it a combat19 as
he couldn't remember the name. <<Hmm...I wonder if the
'combat' is indicative of something they failed to mention to
you?...>> What I would like to know please is if it would be okay
to introduce either an emperor or queen angelfish into this community?
<<You don't make mention of your filtration or any ancillary
systems (e.g. -- refugium), but even so, you already have some large
(or will be) and heavy/messy feeders here. And with the presence of the
Clown Trigger I'm doubly hesitant to recommend adding any more
'chew toys' for this mighty alpha-bruiser of a fish>> I
have been given conflicting advice and am therefore confused please can
you help? <<And likely my advice will only cause you more
conflict [grin]>> I would also like to eventually get a blue
lined snapper as well if possible. <<Find another home for the
Trigger and the addition of a beautiful and relatively hardy Queen
Angel (do read here:
should be fine...foregoing any further additions to allow the fishes
you have room to grow and mature without the stress and retardation of
overcrowding>> Thank you in advance, Ann <<Happy to assist.
Eric Russell>>
Stocking (And Overstocking!) A 300-Gallon Marine Display --
07/18/07 Hello WWM Crew! <<Hiya Bryan!>> I am currently
cycling a 300-gallon reef tank, and I am working on my stocking list.
<<Congrats! I do love big tanks...have a 375g reef tank
myself>> I want to get a solid plan laid out before I start
stocking, and I am going to stick to it (no exceptions for fish that
were "just too good to pass up"). <<Always good to have
a 'plan'>> I bought the tank from a mortgage company that
had it in their office. I don't have all of the info on all of the
parts, but from what I've gathered the system is pretty overkill,
the tank was maintained by a LFS that my friends and I have decided is
a pretty shady outfit... <<Oh?>> They won't take
payments to hold livestock, will try to sell you anything you show any
interest in, even if it would be a terror in your system (they told me
a Picasso trigger would be a fine addition to a 50-gallon community
reef tank, <<Yikes! Shady indeed...>> I only asked to see
if they were trustworthy enough to buy from...) anyway, the tank was
set up as a fish-only system and has a 70 gallon sump, a really bulky
protein skimmer, <<But is it a 'good' really bulky
protein skimmer?>> a 1/2 hp chiller (which was totally
unnecessary in! So-Cal) <<Mmm, was there just a couple weeks
ago...can see where a chiller might be handy/needed...depending on the
system>> and two BEEFY canister filters (the bigger one is an
Eheim, can't tell the model though) and a UV sterilizer. I will
have 3 X 150 watt halides, <<I don't know what
Cnidarian/invertebrate livestock you are planning, but I doubt this
lighting will be sufficient on this size tank...but then, maybe you
have a plan for this also...>> not sure what brand or intensity
yet, I am currently negotiating a trade with a maintenance company I am
familiar with for the chiller. <<You mention in your first
sentence this will be a reef tank, yes? You really should decide on the
livestock/niche you want replicate and then tailor the lighting to
fit>> The people I bought it from said everything was three years
old or less, and they were getting rid of it because it was too
expensive. They said every time the maintenance company came out they
were told they needed to spend hundreds on new equipment. Which I
figure is pretty par for the course with this particular LFS...
<<Sound like crooks...>> Anyway, their loss is my gain...
<<Indeed...and better in the end for the livestock that was
likely mal-tended in the 'company' tank>> I will be
setting up the system as a community reef tank, with a mostly Pacific
flavor (with one or two exceptions). It will be a reef, but the focus
will not be on the corals, I have access to just about as many free
frags of most common species as I could want, so I will be stocking the
coral around what is compatible with the fish I will be stocking, and
not the other way around. <<Ah, I see'¦then with this
in mind, the lighting may indeed be sufficient>> I have pretty
much made up my mind on the stocking list, but I would like your input
on a few things that I am unsure of, <<Okay sure, but if your
mind is made up...>> so first let me start with the stocking list
(this is not in the order in which they will be stocked): 1 Acanthurus
sohal (this one is not negotiable, if you think anything below will not
fare well with the Sohal let me know and they will be out)
<<Okay, so you will build the system around 'this' fish.
I would suggest obtaining a small (3'- 4') specimen and letting
it 'grow up' in your system. Even so...it will likely get
mean...it 'will' rule this tank...and sooner or later, it will
probably even 'bite' the hand that feeds it (or is working in
the tank). But other than this, these are indeed a beautiful fish...and
quite 'aquarium' hardy>> 1 Paracanthurus hepatus
<<A big/beefy fish. Requires much open space like the Sohal but
with plenty of suitable 'hidey-holes' as I consider this
species to be more 'twitchy' than normal...as Tangs go>>
1 Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis 1 Ctenochaetus strigosus 1 Zebrasoma
flavescens 1 Zebrasoma xanthurum 1 Zebrasoma gemmatum <<The tank
is big, but I don't think it is 'this' big'¦ I
think you should limit your selections to a 'single' species of
each Genus>> Let me pause here and ask one of my biggest
questions: The first two tangs are the two fish that I absolutely HAVE
to have in my tank, the second is the fish that first attracted me to
the hobby as a child, and the first is what drew me back as an adult.
<<I understand, both are magnificent animals'¦and both
can be terrors in 'too small' systems>> I want these two
no matter what, and as I understand a large group of tangs is
preferable to only two, but the other 5 tangs listed are only in the
mix to keep the aggression down amongst the tangs, but I think I will
be overstocked with 7 tangs. <<Me too>> If I can get away
with 3 or 5 let me know. <<Four seems like a good figure...as
already stated>> Or if you think the passive Hippo will be ok
with the aggressive Sohal by themselves let me know, and I won't
stock the others. <<I've never considered Hippo Tangs as
'passive''¦can be quite aggressive in their own
right. I've even heard of this species killing 'non-Tang'
tankmates'¦though I think these extreme behaviors are often
due to behavioral development/retardation issues from being kept in an
improper (too small!) environment. Even so, I think a couple more Tangs
as stated will be fine/may indeed prove helpful in this
instance>> Continuing on: I would like to keep at least one pair
of the following: (more than one pair if you think I am able to keep
them peacefully) 2 Genicanthus watanabei (another that I really,
really, want to have, unless there are serious objections to it, do you
think the males look close enough to the Sohal Tang to maybe garner
aggression from the Sohal?) <<Will probably be
fine'¦but your challenge here is to provide enough
escape-routes and hiding places among the live rock while leaving
plenty of swimming room within the tank>> 2 Genicanthus lamarck 2
Centropyge interruptus 2 Centropyge bispinosa
<<Again'¦pick one species from each Genus. Finding a
pair of angels in of the Genicanthus genus won't be too difficult
as they often seem to be collected/come to the LFS in this
manner...finding a pair of angels of the Centropyge genus may prove
more problematic and may take 'special ordering' of such.
Though I must say, the number of fishes/species selections I saw at a
couple stores in San Diego was much better than anything I'd seen
before...including some very nice shops I frequented/visited while in
the UK. This is an obvious advantage to being located on the West Coast
(can only imagine what the wholesale facilities are like...[sigh] maybe
next time...)>> I would like to have at least one mated pair of
angelfish, more if it is possible without putting any undue stress on
the rest of the community. Shoaling fish have always held a big
fascination for me, and I would like to keep a few small shoals of a
few different species, here are some of the species I am considering:
40-60 Chromis viridis (another that I just have to have, I don't
see any conflicts besides the obvious bioload considerations, I may
consider going with less, but I do want a swarm of 'em)
<<Mmm, methinks you muchly overestimate the capacity of this
system. If you want to keep any other fishes at all, let's shoot
for about 12 of these guys. If that's not acceptable then we (you)
need to start rethinking this stocking plan. Even at 300-gallons, the
capacity of this system is not infinite>> 5-15 Pseudanthias
bicolor (do you have any other suggestions for a shoal off Basslets
that would be community friendly?) <<There are several good
choices in my opinion. But with 'bio-load' in mind, maybe
something on the 'small' side (comparatively) like Pseudanthias
bartlettorum. These are gorgeous little fishes and if added
first/allowed to settle in will not be so likely to
'jump'...about seven should do>> 7-12 Serranus tortugarum
(would I be ok with more?) <<I love these little guys...but
let's keep the number at five...again, in the interest of long-term
sustainability of this system>> 7-15 Pterapogon kaudneri 7-15
Apogon leptacanthus (will the two species of cardinal be ok together
and with the rest of the tank? Can I stock a little more of them,
particularly the leptacanthus? There will be a large section of the
tank devoted to the cave/under shelf region of the reef.)
<<Choose one or the other (my vote is for A. leptacanthus)...you
are quickly running out of room>> And then there are these two
species, I find conflicting reports as to whether they are ok in groups
or not, I'd like to know if they would be ok if I stocked 15 or
more, or if I should stock only one or two: 2-15 Nemateleotris
magnifica or helfrichi (one species or the other, not a mix of both)
<<Not an appropriate Genus for this tank in my opinion. These shy
fishes are very easily intimidated, very often to the point of
starvation...not to mention the effects of continual stress. Most will
die/disappear within weeks to months...all will eventually
'go.' They are best kept in systems 'designed for
them'>> 1-15 Ptereleotris evides (are these a bad idea with
tangs?) <<Another one I would skip...>> The rest are misc.
bottom feeders, cleaners, etc... 1 Salarias ceramensis 1 Synchiropus
splendidus <<No... Too many competing species already>> 4
Elacatinus puncticulatus <<Let's leave these out too>>
8 Gobiosoma oceanops (could I stock more, should I stock less, or is
this a good number?) <<May prove beneficial, assuming they can
find enough to eat/sustain themselves...maybe a trio>> 4
Amblyeleotris guttata & accompanying shrimp <<I wouldn't,
likely to be some territoriality issues...and besides, there's
going to be more than enough fish flesh in this system>> 1
Valenciennea strigata 4 Opistognathus aurifrons <<Another
'not so good' choice...best in a species-specific
system>> This group will be stocked over a period of 1-2 years,
and I do not want to introduce anything that will be put under a lot of
stress or harassed, and I certainly don't want to be murdering
livestock by putting them into a system that they will not do well in.
<<Is good to know...do look over and rethink your stock
list/stocking levels. To recap (using 'my' numbers) for my own
edification, and maybe put this a bit more in perspective for all...
We're looking at 1-Sohal Tang, 1-Hippo Tang, 1-Ctenochaetus spp
Tang, 1-Zebrasoma spp Tang, 1 Pair-Genicanthus spp Angels, 1
Pair-Centropyge spp Angels, 12-Chromis viridis, 7-Pseudanthias
bartlettorum,, 5-Serranus tortugarum, 7-Apogon leptacanthus, 1-Salarias
ceramensis, 3-Gobiosoma oceanops, 1-Valenciennea strigata. Luckily many
of these species are on the 'small' side (2'- 3'), even
so I think you will find this to be a pretty good 'load' for
your 300-gallon display tank. If you employ a large 'quality'
skimmer w/ozone and can plumb in a large-as-possible in-line
refugium...you could probably get away with adding a 'few' more
of the smaller shoaling species>> Please let me know if any of
the above species stand out as obvious mismatches in this system. (or
if I should lower/raise the density of any particular species) and I
would love to hear any suggestions you may have that would fit well
with this system (of course I will thoroughly investigate any
suggestions you make before adding them, so please feel free to give me
several suggestions). I won't just be throwing everything in just
because someone suggested them, but I'd like to look at a few more
species that might fit into my setup. <<I think you've got
about all you can handle as it is. But honestly, I would rather see you
research/set up a more 'biotopic' display... Not that you
can't be successful with this 'mix' (many hobbyists are),
but choosing fishes from the same region is more natural...to those
'in the know' and to the fishes themselves, and also precludes
introduction of diseases/parasites they may have never
encountered/built immunities against>> Thanks a ton! ~Bryan in
San Diego <<My visit to Aquatic Warehouse was awesome!... Bryan,
please do consider my input, and let's discuss this system setup as
well. Regards, Eric Russell...back in hot and very humid Columbia,
SC>> Re: Stocking (And Overstocking!) A 300-Gallon Marine
Display -- 07/20/07 Eric, <<Bryan>> Thank you for the
quick and detailed reply! <<Most welcome>> That was exactly
what I needed. <<Glad I could serve>> I had a feeling what
I wanted was going to end up being overstocked... <<And then
some'¦indeed>> But sometimes ya just need someone who
knows more than you to slap your hand and say "No more fish!"
<<Mmm, more like a 'big stick' needed with
you'¦[grin]>> Anyway, I've been meaning to
research the skimmer and filters, but I've been way overloaded at
work for the past two months and have barely had time to set the thing
up... but I will try to make that a project for this weekend.
<<No worries'¦but do let's chat re this setup
before you begin stocking>> As far as the lighting goes, I
don't really feel the urge to have an electrical bill bigger than a
car payment, <<Understandable>> and it took a few weeks of
convincing on my roommate's part to even get me to make the jump
into putting in some kind of halide... <<Best bang/look for the
buck'¦in my opinion>> And as far as a refugium goes,
the sump and canister filters are very big... they take up about 2/3 to
3/4 of the space under the tank, so I don't have a ton of room to
work with, and I had planned on a 20gallon QT, and 3 10 gallon tanks
for phyto/zoo plankton and 'Pod production. And that pretty much
takes up all of the room I have under the tank. <<Hmm, I
see'¦ Do let me impress upon you that an in-line refugium
will be exponentially more beneficial than these large canister filters
under your circumstances. The canister filters have their
place/uses'¦but can be nightmares if not kept up
with/maintained diligent and maybe even counter-productive in your case
depending on how they are configured and considering the number of
planktivorous feeding fishes you want to add to your system. The
refugium would also supplant the need for the three 10-gallon tanks you
mention. You do understand what a refugium is, yes?
(http://www.wetwebmedia.com/refugium.htm)>> Although the tank is
very close to a large window leading to the backyard and my roommate
has spent the better part of a week suggesting we cut a hole in the
screen and plumb in one of those big 4'X4'X3' plastic
refugiums that you see in wholesalers, outside of the window. Though I
don't know if it would make that big of an impact with the current
plumbing situation (single 3" overflow, one 2" return
bulkhead in the back of the tank, and 3 1.5" exhaust bulkheads) I
am not too crazy about the idea of drilling more holes in the tank, and
I think that without at least a second overflow box the 'fuge will
be a bit overkill and unnecessary... <<Doesn't have to be
this complicated>> As far as the livestock goes, I had wanted to
set up a Hawaiian biotope, but I am finding that a biotope is going to
exclude a large number of specimens that I want to have, <<Mmm,
well'¦is what makes it a biotope>> and more than one
tank is just not practical in my current place (square footage is at a
premium in So-Cal) <<Indeed>> so I figured if I can't
have 4 100-gallon biotopes then I'd get the biggest tank I possibly
could and if I couldn't replicate a specific location I would at
least like to replicate a few different zones of the reef within the
tank. <<Okay, but'¦the issue here isn't multiple
reef 'zones' but rather pooling organisms from completely
different oceans. As I mentioned before, what you propose is what the
majority of hobbyists 'do''¦ Just using my bully
pulpit here to voice my opinions'¦>> Basically I am
going to have the left 1/3 of the tank aquascaped to replicate the
under-shelf/cave/low light regions (going to be reinforcing the
rockwork with PVC and building a pretty large shelf) that is going to
give way to a branch-rock/rubble zone with a large (about 4 square
feet) open bottom free swim area in the center of the tank. On the
other side of that will be a wedge-shaped slope with a straight
drop-off towards the right corner of the tank about 4'-6" from
another pillar, to try and simulate a small gorge. I am hoping that by
simulating a few different habitats as opposed to just putting in a
"pile of rocks" I will be able to alleviate some stress and
try to provide many suitable territories for all of the inhabitants.
<<Sounds like a good plan'¦places to hide/disappear
from view while leaving room to swim>> As far as the tangs go, I
thought it was best to keep odd groupings of as many as possible (the
reason I picked the arbitrary number 7), <<Mmm'¦this
really applies more to when keeping a single species'¦and
our own (human) sense of aesthetics I think>> but if 4 will be ok
together than I will be stocking the A. sohal, P. hepatus, and most
likely C. strigosus and Z. xanthurum or Z. gemmatum (do you think
either one of these two are more or less aggressive? is one better
suited to my mix?). <<A 'toss up' I
think'¦perhaps economics will decide as Z. xanthurum will be
decidedly less expensive than the rare Z. gemmatum ($3,500 at Marine
Center'¦if you can even get one!)>> I would even be
fine with stocking three and leaving the Zebrasoma out all together,
unless I am likely to see more aggression with three rather than
four... <<This would be fine'¦and would create some
'room' for a few more individuals of the shoaling species you
covet>> I had pretty much figured that I would only be able to
keep one pair of each genus of angels, but wasn't sure if I would
be able to keep one pair of each genus or only one pair total!... G.
watanabei is in, and I still can't decide between C. interruptus
and C. bispinosa (I'm leaning towards interruptus, but will
probably ultimately go with whichever one is better suited to the
system. Suggestions?) <<Mmm'¦C. bispinosa can be
difficult to keep'¦C. interruptus is sexually dichromatic
making it easier to sex, but also much more scarce in the trade on
'this' Continent. Might I suggest a third choice?...C.
loricula'¦ This is a hardy, readily available, and in my
opinion, very beautiful dwarf angel that 'can' be paired up in
the home aquarium (I have done so). Though doing this takes a bit of
luck and somewhat of a 'trained' eye for the species/its
behaviors>> As for the shoals... I really do want a swarm of the
C. viridis, I was really hoping to have about 24-30 at the absolute
minimum... I am willing to sacrifice somewhere else to accommodate a
larger group... maybe instead of 5-15 P. bicolor I could go with 7-9 P.
bartlettorum, and maybe 5 S. tortugarum (or maybe just leave them out
altogether, I do really like these guys, but I like a lot of other
species I want to stock too...). <<I do understand your
attraction to shoaling species'¦a large group of small
shoaling fishes in a large aquarium is attractive to many hobbyists,
myself included. I started to bring this up in my earlier
response'¦but if I may take a moment to comment a bit more
in detail on your chosen species'¦ It has been my experience
and the experience of others' with whom I've discussed this
genus that Chromis have a hierarchal structure that like some other
shoaling species seems to 'self destruct' in the confines of an
aquarium. By this I mean that two or three dominant individuals will
develop, and by whatever means, whether it be damage from direct
physical aggression or the stress of constant harassment, the other
members of the shoal slowly decline/disappear until only the few most
dominant individuals remain. If you really want a 'swarm' of
small shoaling fishes I recommend Pseudanthias bartlettorum or Apogon
leptacanthus. You could possibly try other species within the
Families/Genera of each, but these are two species I feel work well for
creating schools/shoals within the confines of home aquaria>> As
for P. kaudneri & A. leptacanthus I would really like to have a few
of both... As I mentioned before there is going to be a large area of
the tank dedicated to under-shelf/cave, could I get away with 5
kaudneri and 9 leptacanthus? <<Possibly'¦though I find
groups of P. kaudneri to often display similar issues as the
Chromis>> Will they be too competitive with each other?
<<P. kaudneri will be the more aggressive of the two for
sure'¦but I can only speculate as to whether they will
cohabitate'¦>> (if I were to stock only one species
how many would be the max with the current mix?) <<If you drop
the Zebrasoma species Tang and the Chromis'¦I think a school
of 20 or so A. leptacanthus is feasible>> Also do you have any
other suggestions for species that would thrive in the under-shelf
region? <<Not that can/should be added to this already heavy fish
load>> I don't think squirrel/Soldierfish would be a good
fit, what about assessors? (Of course at this point if I add any other
species I will subtract from somewhere else...) <<With this last
in mind'¦Assessors might be a viable option>> I will
probably round it off with the following (based on your suggestions): 1
Salarias ceramensis, 1 Valenciennea strigata , could I have 1
Elacatinus puncticulatus? (will leave it out if you think it is likely
to starve, but I do really like the little guys...),
<<Mmm'¦upon reflection, will probably be
fine'¦perhaps a trio of these as well'¦>>
3-4 Gobiosoma oceanops (mostly I want them for cleaning purposes, the
tank has mostly a Pacific feel, and I'd love to have a Labroides
dimidiatus or Labroides phthirophagus (was lucky enough to spot quite a
few of the latter snorkeling off of Lanai last May, that has got to be
the most intense violet I have ever seen). <<I have been diving
off the Big Island a few times (Bob is over there now). I don't
recall seeing these, though they must have surely been about. Perhaps I
was just overwhelmed at the profusion of fishes/bio-diversity that
abounds there'¦>> But in my book "Loving" a
species of fish does not equate to "Starving & Torturing"
(talk about loving your pets to death!) <<Indeed>> So I
figure even though the captive bred G. oceanops isn't even from the
same ocean as most of the rest of the tank mates, it would serve the
same purpose, and would not be detrimental to the wild environment. (I
can't tell you how livid I'd be if I found out any of the
little beauties I saw last may had been taken from their home only to
die in a bag somewhere halfway around the world). <<Numbers in
the thousands'¦>> Do you have any better suggestions
for cleaners? And how many will I really need? <<A handful of
'cleaner shrimp' (Lysmata amboinensis) would be an interesting
and beneficial addition>> As for the Amblyeleotris guttata &
shrimp and the Opistognathus aurifrons, I really like these guys, there
is going to be a rather large open sandy area, could I get away with
one to a few O. aurifrons and/or one or two shrimp/goby tandems
(I'd be open to looking at a different goby species than A.
guttata, any suggestions?) <<I'm going to stand by my earlier
comments re these fishes>> So to clarify I am now looking at:
1-Sohal Tang, 1-Hippo Tang, 1-Kole Tang, 1-Purple or Gem Tang, 1
Pair-Watanabe's Angelfish, 1 Pair-Japanese Pigmy Angelfish or Coral
Beauty Angelfish, 24-30-Chromis viridis, 7-9-Pseudanthias
bartlettorum,, 5-Serranus tortugarum, 5-Pterapogan kaudneri 9-Apogon
leptacanthus, 1-Salarias ceramensis, 3-4-Gobiosoma oceanops,
1-Valenciennea strigata, 1 Elacatinus puncticulatus, and maybe one/some
red-headed gobies and 1-2 shrimp gobies & shrimp. Does this still
look too overcrowded? <<A bit, yes'¦per my earlier
statements>> I really don't want to take any more out, guess
I should have gotten a 400 gallon tank...lol. <<Mmm, more like
600 [grin]>> Maybe it will help once I figure out what the exact
spec is on all of my equipment... <<Not really'¦the
'specifics' of the gear without the changes I suggested will
have little impact in 'my' opinion>> Please do let me
know if you think this mix is still too volatile, I really want a large
mix (hence the reason I bought a 300) but I want it to be stable, and I
for sure do not want to be torturing/killing any of my pets, that's
not fair to them or my wallet! ~Bryan <<Have attempted to be
concise with my suggestions/explanations'¦but the final
decisions rest with you, mate. Regards, Eric Russell>>
Thinking Big- Stocking Small! (Stocking A Large System) --
07/18/07 Planning a 200 gallon saltwater tank, what do you think of
the following fish: Clown Surgeonfish (Acanthurus Lineatus) Clown
Triggerfish (Balistoides Conspicillum) Harlequin Tuskfish (Choerodon
Fasciatus) Emperor Angelfish (Pomacanthus Imperator) Maroon Anemonefish
(Premnas Biaculeatus) Harlequin Hind (Cephalopholis Polleni) Blood Red
Hawkfish (Cirrhitops Fasciatus) and either a Coral Hind (Cephalopholis
Miniata) or Metallic Blue Grouper (Anyperodon sp.) <Yikes! A neat
mix of fishes, but I foresee all sorts of possible aggression issues,
not to mention the seriously overcrowded result and its devastating
effect on the fishes in the long term. You'll definitely have to
make some concessions here! I would not even consider the Clown Surgeon
in anything less than several hundred gallons of size, if only for the
fact that it's an extremely aggressive, large and intolerant fish!
The Clown Trigger is another very large fish, which will give off
copious amounts of metabolic waste. It could work as the sole large
fish in this aquarium, but it's definitely not going to be a good
choice in this aquarium with the stocking plan that you have. The
Emperor Angel is a beautiful, popular fish, but it can and will reach
12 to 15 inches in the wild-and in the aquarium, and it needs a very,
very large aquarium to live anything resembling a normal life span.>
How badly would I be overstocking and how would they get along? <It
would be REALLY badly overstocking. It's a mix of large,
high-metabolic-waste-producing fishes that demand tremendous physical
space. The potential for aggression is great. Personally, I'd
compromise. I do like some of the selections in the latter half of your
stocking list: The Anemonefish and Hawkfish, perhaps with the Harlequin
Tuskfish as the "alpha" fish, would be a possibility. Really,
I'd go with smaller fishes: A Centropyge or smaller Chaetodontoplus
species of Angelfish would be a nice start, along with smaller fishes
like Pseudochromids, Halichoeres species Wrasses, etc. These smaller,
less space-demanding fishes are equally as colorful, interesting, and
(in my humble opinion) sexy as the big guys! However, they adapt better
to captivity, require dramatically less room, and will live long,
healthy lives in a well-maintained system of this size.> Would also
like to add a Green Mandarin ( I read somewhere that other fish leave
it alone) <Just say "no" to the Mandarin! Although it
might be ignored as a food items by some of the fishes that you're
talking about, it will be intimidated into starvation by the activity
of the other tankmates. These fishes are really best in quiet, lightly
stocked aquariums with very peaceful species. They eat slowly and are
often quite shy. They'd do really well in a species aquarium
designed just for them! Wow- could you imagine how cool a 200 gallon
Mandarin biotope system would be, with seagrasses, some Fungiids
("Plate Corals"), Goniopora, and some other peaceful fishes?
You'd have a huge tank with a meadow of seagrasses, populated with
some unique, interesting fishes and corals...That would be different-
and inspiring to other hobbyists! Wow- listen to me- going off the deep
end again! Well, think about trying something different. Remember, just
because you have a large aquarium doesn't mean that you have to
keep large fishes!> What would you take out, change, what size tank
would hold these fish, Nick <Well, Nick- my comments are above...If
you were dead set on keeping this mix of fishes, I'd literally
suggest a system of 800 gallons or more (preferably more). Anything
less is sentencing these large fishes to a life of misery. Kind of like
you or I being forced to spend the rest of our lives in our living
rooms.. Comfortably initially (especially if you have Satellite TV!),
but maddening over time. My philosophy has always been "Think
Big-Stock Small". Hope this provides some insight. Regards, Scott
- A Large Tank Inquiry 6/23/06 - Hello WWM Crew. First off I
must say how much I appreciate such an incredible website from so many
excellent aquarists, you have answered most of my questions, and helped
me along with this wonderful hobby where information is sometimes
scarce. I've had a 120G (48in x 24in x 24in) reef tank set up and
running nicely for about a year now, and I've been
researching/looking into setting up a larger predator type tank (220G
72in x 30in x 24in). I've had quite a few sources of information,
but it seems difficult to find the exact answer to my question. The
fish that I am interested in keeping in this tank are as follows: 1
Goldentail Moray (Gymnothorax miliaris) 1 Blue-ring Angelfish
(Pomacanthus annularis) 1 Harlequin Tuskfish (Choerodon fasciatus) 1
Palette Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) AND/OR 1 Naso Tang (Naso
lituratus) 1 Clown Trigger (Balistoides conspicillum) 1 Picasso Trigger
(Rhinecanthus aculeatus) 1 Porcupine Pufferfish (Diodon holocanthus) I
am fully aware of the potential size of each and every on of these
specimens, and I am open to any worries/suggestions/changes that you
have to offer. <Really, my main concern would be the clown trigger.
These fish often become absolute terrors as they get larger and could
easily kill everyone in the tank. I'd drop this one fish off the
list or consider keeping it by itself in the 120 if you're going to
keep that tank running.> I'm much more accustom to working with
smaller reef fish which are much cleaner eaters and much less vicious.
If anyone could let me know if that list is too much for that size of
tank, or if there is room for anything else, I would be very thankful.
<These fish will fill this tank so I'd just remove the clown
trigger from the list and go for it.> So I hope someone can give me
some input, and help me in my decision. Thanks for your time. Alex C.
<Cheers, J -- >
Stocking a Large Marine Tank...Sequence of
Introduction/Compatibility Issues -- 01/15/07 Dear distinguished
Wet Web Media Crew: <<Greetings!>> Best wishes for a happy
and prosperous New Year, <<Thank you...and may I wish you the
same>> and thank you for the benefit of your experience and
wisdom. <<Tis a pleasure to share>> My wife and I spent
nearly a year reading the information on your site and in your books
before purchasing a 70-gallon marine system some eight months ago.
<<Most excellent to read this! I love it when budding (and not so
budding) hobbyists take to heart our pleads to read/research/learn what
they can; and yes, ask questions, 'beforehand' >> All is
going very well with the tank, set up as follows: -oversized wet/dry
filter with bio-balls -Euro-Reef RS 135 protein skimmer -Eheim 1262
recirculating pump -50 lbs. Fiji live rock, 25 lbs. coral skeletons -50
lbs. live sand -3 fish: Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris), Purple
Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurus), Clown Trigger (Balistoides conspicillum) -
now all 3"-4" <Mmm...you need a bigger tank mate>>
When we purchased these fish, we did so with the understanding that a
larger tank would be needed in the future. <<Sooner than
later...>> Thus, we have purchased an 8 foot, 450 gallon tank.
<<Ah! Outstanding!>> It will be recirculated by two Dolphin
pumps at approximately 15x/hour, filtered through course, 100 micron
and 50 micron filter pads, run through two protein skimmers with a
combined capacity of 1,000 gallons and passed through Chemi-Pure before
returning to the tank. <<This sounds very good...and hopefully
your research has made you aware of the importance of cleaning those
micron pads 'at least' weekly>> The tank will contain
3/4" live sand, 500 lbs. of live rock and 100 lbs. of coral
skeletons. <<A word of caution/opinion here... Don't get
caught up in the 'pounds per gallon' adage for including live
rock. Instead, consider what you will need to provide an aesthetically
pleasing display while also providing hiding/sleeping places for the
fish but also leaving 'plenty of room' for the fish to
swim/move about. Even in reef systems it is my opinion that hobbyists
tend to cram way too much rock in to the tank...often fueled by the
belief that 'more is better' or because someone told them they
needed 'X' number of pounds per gallon of volume. I have found
in my systems that I have been able to get by with as little as half,
and even less, the 'recommended' quantity of live rock (most
often pushed by those who 'sell' the rock) and still maintain
adequate bio-filtration (which in your case, a FOWLR system, can be
easily and effectively augmented through the use of supplemental
fluidized-bed filtration). My suggestion to you would be to start with
about half what you list of good quality porous live rock (do be
cautious of dense/heavy limestone 'cultured' rock), and nix the
coral skeletons altogether>> We would like to stock the tank in
the following manner. Initially, one mated pair of Maroon Clownfish
(Premnas biaculeatus) and one Mappa Puffer (Arothron mappa) would go
into the large tank (after cycling) in order to acclimate, grow and
establish territories. <<I would add the clownfish last...due to
the very reasons you state. Once these fish become established/grow
large they can be surprisingly aggressive to the point of doing
physical harm making it difficult to introduce more timid/gentle
species later>> After several months, the three existing fish
(angel, tang and trigger) would be added to the large tank to join the
clownfish and puffer. <<A month between group additions should be
sufficient>> Three additional fish, a Harlequin Tuskfish
(Choerodon fasciata) , Red Sea Bird Wrasse (Gomphosus caeruleus) and a
Sohal Tang (Acanthurus sohal) would be placed in the 70 gallon tank for
6-12 months before moving to the large system. <<I don't
understand this...why not just place in the larger tank as acquired?
Also worth mentioning in my opinion...despite their sometimes fierce
appearance, the Tuskfish is relatively peaceful, sometimes even timid,
(with regards to fishes...shrimp/crabs/snails are another matter) and
should be one of the first fishes placed in this larger system>>
No other fish are planned given the concern for bioload in the future,
as the fish grow. <<Very good>> Your thoughts, comments and
suggestions (e.g., alternate or additional species, equipment
recommendations, husbandry ideas, etc.) will be greatly appreciated.
<<Ah yes, one more thing... Do read up some more on the Clown
Trigger. These fish are REAL BRUISERS...as this fish grows/matures it
will very likely kill everything else in the tank along the way. A
better/alternate species in my mind is one from the genus Rhinecanthus.
Since you appear to have a penchant for Red Sea fishes, perhaps
Rhinecanthus assasi would appeal to you>> Sincerely, Don and Jill
<<Regards, Eric Russell>> Stocking/Compatibility, Lg.
SW 12/18/06 Hi Crew, I'm saving up for a 265G tank and
have developed my stocking 'wish' list. I wrote a few weeks
back, but my wife has reviewed and thus the list has changed.
<Heeee!> It will be a FOWLR with some ornamental shrimps. My
concern lies with the compatibility of the angels below (2 pairs of the
same genus) and whether the overall tank size for this list is
appropriate. Are there any other concerns that you see with this?
Scribbled Angel Chaetodontoplus dubolayi Blue Spotted Angelfish
Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus Flame Angel Centropyge loriculus
Golden Pygmy Angel Centropyge aurantia Powder Blue Tang Acanthurus
leucosternon Fridmani Pseudochromis (2)Pseudochromis fridmani Yellow
Tang Zebrasoma flavescens Golden Butterfly Chaetodon semilarvatus False
Percula Clownfish (2)Amphiprion ocellaris Helfrichi Firefish
(2)Nemateleotris helfrichi Your thoughts/inputs are greatly
appreciated! Thanks, Ian <In a tank this size... starting with
"mid-size" or smaller individuals, you should be okay here.
Once these fishes are grown a bit, established... it may prove
difficult to introduce much in the way of others in their niches. Bob
Large SW Aquarium Stocking - 1/25/07 Mr. Fenner: <Hey
Dennis, JustinN with you today.> I would very much like your input
as to a salt water aquarium that I am setting up. <Ok> The
dimensions are as follows: 6' long, 2' tall and 30" wide.
<2 foot deep? I hope you've got some long arms, my friend!
*grin*> I want to purchase a young salt water angelfish that will be
the star attraction of the aquarium. <Ok> I want an angel fish
that will be hardy, but the main thing is to have a personality much
like a fresh water Oscar or a salt water bat fish. Would you please
give me a list of some of the angels that are noted for their
personality. <To my knowledge, all larger angelfish are noted for
their personality. We cannot make this choice for you, Dennis, as it is
not our aquarium. In an aquarium the size you describe, any
aquarium-suitable species should do wonderfully. See here for more info
on the species available: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/bestmarangs.htm
and the files linked in blue above.> Also, there will be live rock
in the aquarium. I would also like a school of Chromis, either the
green or blue variety. I do not want to overstock the aquarium. <Not
a whole lot of chance of that with your aquarium size, and current
intended stocklist... you will do fine.> How many Chromis would you
suggest? <7 to 9> And would you also give me a list of some other
small fish that I could add to the aquarium that would be 4" and
under. Many thanks for your help. Dennis. <The list of smaller fish
here is innumerable, Dennis. We really cannot make the choices here for
you, and all this information you request is available, both here at
WetWebMedia, and at many other locations around the net. Perhaps a
thorough browsing through our species selection sections is in your
future? Start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/index.htm and follow
the indices to the information you seek. -JustinN>
Preparation, SW, large sys... still not ready 3/21/07 Hello
all! I have emailed your site for over a month now. The advice I have
received and the knowledge I have gained is immeasurable! Thank you. I
will be setting up a 240g (96x24x24) in the near future. I am going to
forgo the clown trigger due to what I have read on this site and
references for other local fish store owners. I am deeply intrigued by
the Hawaiian dragon eel. I have read up on it and asked several
questions before. Thank you once again for your help. The Hawaiian
dragon eel is going to be the center piece of my aquarium. As for the
tank mates I would really appreciate your advice. I was thinking of
adding a Pinktail trigger, Naso tang, emperor angel (I was told that
the emperor angel will get to <too> big for the dimensions of
this aquarium. <Yes> If so, what other large angel could
suggest?) <Mmmm, for having the Moray as your center piece...
none> and a volitans lionfish. For filtration I will be using a
Euro-reef RC250 with and ozonizer. <Mmm... need more... biological,
mechanical...> I will be employing a closed loop system for added
water movement. As per Anthony Calfo's diagram. I will have two
overflows and was wondering how to make it a closed loop with not being
able to put pvc in front of the overflow? <Mmm... could loop around,
truncate on either side, even drill through...> My questions are as
follows. Are these fish compatible with the Hawaiian dragon eel?
<All are potential prey> Is this too many fish for the system?
<Mmm... not initially> If the fishes are not compatible, what
fishes would you recommend? <Heeeee! You're not joking? To go
with what? The Moray... see WWM re the "Compatibility" and
"Systems" of what you list, are interested in...> Do I
have adequate filtration and water movement? <No> I would really
like a trigger and a lionfish but know that this may not be possible.
Thank you once again for your patience and time. It is greatly
appreciated! Brent <You're getting closer... but I'd still
be reading, studying, dreaming and scheming at this planning stage. Bob
Livestock Choices for Large Fish Only -- 05/03/07 Guys,
<Hello Adam...this is Adam with you this morning.> Right now in
my 240 g saltwater, I have 20 blue Chromis, 2 yellow tail damsels, a
dogface puffer, a Sweetlips, a lawnmower blenny and 4 large hermit
crabs. <So the puffer and the Sweetlips are either too small to eat
the damsels/Chromis or too slow.> I'd like to add an assortment
of angels, butterflyfish and tangs but want to add the right number and
right kinds so that the tank remains--it's doing great now--a
peaceful community. <Well; what specific animals out of the families
you mentioned are you interested in? Some angels, even in a tank of
this size, will not do well with co-geners or conspecifics; same with
the surgeons.> Also, if there other fish to recommend please do so.
<This is a matter of personal preference of course and I don't
know what your set-up is like. You have some compatibility issues
already...the puffer can/will become "nippy" as he ages and
if the Sweetlips lives to adulthood (most don't in aquaria) he will
eventually begin hunting your smaller specimens. So before I recommend
livestock choices, I'd like you to divulge a little more on your
preferences and what the direction of the tank is.> Thanks,
<Welcome.> Adam <Adam J.>
Re: Stocking a 240g saltwater tank -- 5/5/07 Adam,
<Adam.> Thanks for this info. Give me a few days to read up on
the links and names you provided and I'll get back to you with some
more questions. <Ten-Four.> Thanks, <Welcome.> APH
Re: Stocking a 240g saltwater tank -- 5/4/07 Adam,
<Adam.> Thanks for getting back to me. <No problem,
anytime...usually I'm quicker.> The Sweetlips is about 7 inches
long and I've had him for about a year. <Good, that's longer
than most folks have them.> He loves feeder goldfish <Mmm...do
read this; http://www.wetwebmedia.com/goldfshfd.htm .> but I mostly
feed him frozen shrimp, squid, octopus, etc. <All good.> He's
yet to chase the Chromis or damsels. <Interesting for him to
recognize the goldfish as food yet not chase fish of similar size.>
Dog face puffer is the same size and is slower than the Sweetlips but a
bigger eater <As most puffers are.> --eats same food as above.
<Cool.> So, I'd like to have as many
angels/tangs/butterflyfish in the 240 g with as much color variation as
possible. <As far as angels I'm a huge fan of Genicanthus
angels; they are planktivores and they can be kept in harems (one male,
multiple female groups). I'm also a fan of the three amigos (though
only two are attainable really; http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pomacanthus/zonipectus.htm).
As far as butterflies; a duo of Heniochus could suit you. Surgeons,
well I'd stay away from most of those in the Acanthurus
genus...they get pretty big, though a few may suit you, same goes for
those in the Naso genus. Check out the Zebrasoma genus first. Much more
detailed info is posted on WWM.> If moving the Sweetlips and/or
puffer down the road is needed I do have room for another (4th) tank.
<Awesome.> Right now I have a very peaceful 130g tank (5' x
30" tall x 18" deep) and an aggressive tank 6x2x18" that
has a clown trigger, niger trigger, Foxface lo and snowflake eel.
<The eel and the Foxface might actually be more suited to the
peaceful tank; I'd consider swapping them out with the Sweetlips or
the puffer...or even both.> Basically what I need to know is the
exact different types of tangs that can live together (if introduced
together) plus the same with butterflies and angels. <There's
really no hard and true rules, too many variables among species and
individuals for that matter. How about if you come up with a stocking
list I'll look over it and/or modify it for you.> And also
what's the most fish I can add at once to a 240g without upsetting
any chemical/waste issues for the water. <Well obviously you need to
quarantine them first, and it depends on the size temperament of the
fish but generally I prefer no more than one or two at a time. Of
course there are exceptions...likely with the surgeons/tangs if you
choose to get more than one.> I care for the fish daily but I also
have a pro come in twice a month for water changes, salinity checks
etc. <Cool.> Also, I know these fish can be costly but give me
advice as if cost were no object--I can always work down from there.
<Use the WWM search engine on the home page and enter the animals I
talked about above...there are pictures as well...see if you like any
of those.> I appreciate your advice and really enjoy the site.
Please let me know if there is anything else you need to know about my
set-up that can help you in your counsel. From one Adam to another, APH
<Adam J.>
The Big Picture (Big Fish- Big Tanks!> I've read
though all your FAQs about lionfish. I found them very interesting and
informative. I wanted to ask your opinion about the number of fish in
our tank. I'm concerned after reading all the FAQs that we have too
many fish. <Definitely worth looking at...> We started out with
George and Lenny. George is a black Volitans lion. He's now about 5
inches long. Lenny is a panther grouper. They were tank mates at the
pet store for a long time before my husband fell in love with George,
so we bought them both. They were in a 55 gallon tank with live rock
only. But we have since moved them into a 72 gallon bowfront, with the
live rock. And since the move we have also added Leo and Cleo, 3 inch
black Volitans lions. And Frank, a green wolf eel, who is about 8
inches long. Just today, he brought home Frick and Frack, two yellow
tangs. They are about 2 inches a piece. <Okay- no need to go
further- it's seriously crowded, and you'll definitely need to
move up to a MUCH larger tank for the long-term benefit of these
fishes. They are small now, but they will get bigger- soon. And, there
will be a lot of metabolic waste production with these fishes. Lon-term
environmental stability is a concern here> We do have good
filtration and a skimmer. I can't give you specifics without
asking, but can provide them if its important. I do check the water and
its doing very good. We have too many fish don't we? <I'm
afraid so. On the brighter side- your husbandry techniques have been
good so far- imagine what they would do in a much larger tank!> Our
goal is to get another 125 gallon tank, but we haven't decided what
to put in it. My husband has dreams of an Hawaiian Dragon Eel...insert
sigh here... <Yep- major sigh...Insert custom order for 70 gallon
acrylic tank with 300 gallon refugium here...> we have one 125
gallon already, its full of clowns, dwarf angels and a lot of other
cool fish that George and Company would scarf down in a second. I'm
thinking if we do get another 125 gallon tank that we should keep
George (the big one and my baby), the two tangs and the eel. Is that
too much even? <Better, but I'd honestly look at two 240 gallon
tanks! I know that is a conservative stocking approach, but with
big-time eaters and big-time waste producers, such as the ones that you
have- the old adage about "dilution being the solution to
pollution" holds true. More water, higher flow rates, major
skimming, and lots of water changes will all benefit your animals.>
My husband could keep his dragon eel in the 72 gallon. Alone. <I
think it would be better in a 125 plus- alone. Or, consider a
"Golden Dwarf Moray". Pricey, but it has lots of the
"features" of the big guys in an 8-10 inch package!> Any
advice or opinions you could share with me would be greatly
appreciated. I love my lion. I don't want to hurt him
unintentionally just because my husband has a fish fetish. LOL Thanks,
Teri <Understood, Teri! I'd just think about expanding to either
one much larger tank, or a few smaller ones (by "small", I
mean 100 gallons plus). It seems kinda frustrating, but the big fishes
do need big tanks for long-term success...Best of luck! Think BIG!
Regards, Scott F>
- Large Tank, Large Fish - hi! really, really love
the sight! I have these fish now in many lg tanks but I'm wanting
to put them together! I know some fish wont do well together but if I
had a lg enough tank would it work? tank size - 120x48x30 and fish are
as follows: blonde Naso, BlueLine trigger, shoal tang, powder blue
tang, Emp. angel, Mac angel, Moorish idol, zebra eel, Epaul. shark,
Aussie tusk fish, blue dot grouper, Mappa puffer thank you Bart
<Well, Bart, even with a tank of this size, there are still bound to
be some problems. The Tangs and Angels would likely be fine. The
Grouper would probably get large enough in such a system to make a meal
of your other specimens, in spite of their size. Likewise, I would
probably leave the shark in a species specific system - but otherwise,
if you put together a tank of this size and have sufficient places for
all the fish to hide, then it should work out. Cheers, J -- > Big
Tank- Big Plans! Hi Crew. <Hi there! Scott F. here today!>
First off, thanks for all of your ongoing help to us marine
enthusiasts. I do spend hours reading through articles and letters
while enjoying and learning. <We're glad that you enjoy it! We
sure get a kick out of bringing it to you!> I have an established 55
gallon marine aquarium with crushed coral substrate, live rock, some
mushrooms, polyps, and a Ritteri anemone which house two Perculas. My
other inhabitants are the usual cleaning crew of Blue Legged Hermits,
Turbo snails, a Sally Lightfoot crab and a Serpent Star, a Green
Wrasse, a Royal Gramma, a Mandarin and the boss of the tank, a Flame
Angel. All in all, they seem to cohabitate fine together. In a few
months I will upgrade my to a 180-200 gallon system. <Cool!> Of
course, I will let the new system cycle properly (I hope to give it a
head start with some water from my existing set-up), and I have all the
proper skimming equipment, powerheads, mechanical filters etc. Will the
following new additions be good members of this community system? A
small eel of some kind (any specific suggestions ?)... <Well, there
are a number of small Moray species that may be interesting. However,
Morays do require significant water volume and great attention to
husbandry. I've never though of them as "community
fishes", to be quite honest with you. I think a dedicated display
would prove to be a better route!> 2-3 Banggai Cardinals, possibly a
smaller Lion fish (again any recommended species?) a few tangs i.e.: a
Hippo, a Naso, and Yellow (or Kole) hoping these are different enough
from each other to discourage fighting, <I'd avoid the Naso, as
these guys get huge, requiring a really large tank (like 8 feet long
and over 300 gals) to be truly happy, IMO. The other tangs seem like
they could work, if introduced as young, smaller specimens.> ...and
lastly as the showpiece some type of larger angel (French or Queen
maybe?). <Again- the size issue is foremost with these angels. They
can reach up to 18 inches in length, and require really large quarters.
I'd go for a smaller variety. Perhaps, with enough cover (and if
they are all introduced together), you could try another two Centropyge
angelfish. It's still a calculated risk, but it could prove
interesting if it works.> Please comment on the type that might be
best for my system. I do realize that each of these must be added
slowly over time. <Agreed! Slow and steady does the trick.> I
don't want this new set up to become a predator tank so I am
wondering about the Lion and the Eel. <Well, the Lion and Eel will
give you an instant predator tank! if you want to be truly different,
I'd shoot for a neat community of smaller blennies and gobies, and
maybe some other interesting fishes, like Pseudochromids and the like.
Big tank with small fish-a bold concept that I wish more hobbyists
would try!> I don't want stressed fish so I am asking your
opinion on these selections. Sorry for the long letter but I value your
opinion. <Happy to be of service! I wish you luck with your new
tank! Regards, Scott F.>
Tank Recommendations - 06/20/05 WWM Crew, How's it going?
<<Well, thank you.>> I'm sure you get a lot of these
types of "Is this right?" questions so I appreciate anyone
who can take the time to reply. <<Just glad you're asking the
questions now <G>.>> I'm currently planning (I over
plan everything. From substrate to filtration to livestock to
daily/monthly routines) a 375 gallon reef tank. <<SWEET! That
happens to be what I have too!>> It will be 96x30x30 with a sump
of around 80 gallons. <<Hey man!...you been peekin' in my
window?>> That is unless I can get it plumbed into the closet in
which case I want to go bigger. <<There ya go!>> As well,
it will have a 100 gallon refugium that will be on a stand next to it.
<<Excellent!>> My goal is to actually make the refugium
interesting and not something hidden away. <<Is just as
fascinating as the main display, yes.>> With mainly Chaetomorpha
and Gracilaria Parvispora for occasional tang feeding. <<Both
great algae for a vegetable refugium...but I would recommend picking
just one to go with. Just like corals, the algae will compete for
space/dominance in the refugium.>> The refugium will have a
6-8" sand bed, 150-175 pounds of Fiji live rock, and will be where
I can finally put my 3-stripe damsel. <<Dude...I was right there
with ya up to this point! With the sand bed (which I applaud) and the
live rock, you won't have much room for macroalgae growth. I would
suggest choosing one method or the other (rock 'fuge or veggie
'fuge). And whatever you do...DON'T put that damsel in the
refugium, it will quickly deplete your pod population (read: defeat the
purpose of the refugium).>> As well, I'm planning on keeping
a mated pair of coral banded shrimp, and a flame hawk in this tank as
well. <<All good. But do be aware hawk fish are neither peaceful
nor particularly reef-safe.>> Moving on, the main display will
have over 500 lbs of live rock (mainly Fiji, but some Tonga branch), a
3-4" sand bed. <<Way too much rock, in my opinion. Think
about going for a more "open" seascape. Open space/rockwork
looks fantastic in a large tank like this, gives corals/fish space to
grow "big", not to mention the ease on the pocket book. You
really don't need to "fill" the tank with rock for
effective bio-filtration, specially with the DSB (I'd bump that to
5-6 inches, by the way.) The skimming will be done with a Euro-Reef
CS12-3 and I'll also be using a KNOP Calcium Reactor S-IV. This is
the only brand that I've found for this size at a reasonable price.
Any recommendations would be great. <<No problems here with
either product. I have the same skimmer on my 375, though I went with
the PM-CR622 for my calcium reactor.>> As well as Maxi-jet's,
Tunze Turbelle Streams, and such for water movement. <<Love those
Streams! I'm pushing around about 11,000 gph...would recommend same
(or more) for you.>> My first question is about lighting.
<<Uh oh...shoulda been pacing myself.>> My goal is to
primarily keep LPS with some Zoanthids and a couple of Montipora SPS
species. Would you recommend 4 400W MH or 4 250w MH?
<<Wouldn't recommend 400w even of you were keeping "high
light" acros...go with the 250w... or better yet 150w (DE),
considering what you want to keep.>> Also, do you think PC
actinics or VHO actinics would work better? <<Moot point...use
10,000k halide bulbs and the actinics will be for your pleasure, not
the corals.>> Would 1 watt blue LED's reach the bottom of the
tank for moon lighting? <<Yes. But again...this is for
you.>> Also, what do you recommend for Kelvin rating? I've
seen really good tanks with 10,000k and 14,000k, but have also heard
recommendations for mixing different ratings. <<Maybe...tis up to
you. My recommendation is all 10K.>> I know much of this is
opinion questions, but I really do like getting honest opinion.
<<No prob! Opinions I have in abundance <G>.>> As far
as livestock, I'd like to know if you foresee any problems with
this livestock list (attained over a very long period, 2+ years). All
quantities are 1 unless stated otherwise: Opistognathus aurifrons,
<<Hold off on the mandarin for at least a year (good advice for
all fish if you can do it!) until the refugium can provide a
sustainable food supply.>> 6 Chromis viridis, Centropyge
Aurantius, Centropyge Multispinis, Ecsenius Midas, Salarias Fasciatus,
<<I don't really consider ANY blenny to be
"reef-safe.">> 2 Amphiprion Ocellaris, 2 Black
Amphiprion Percula, 2 Elacatinus Oceanops, 2 Pterapogon Kauderni, 1
Stonogobiops Nematodes, Gobiodon strangulatus, 1 Gobiodon Okinawae, 2
Nemateleotris Decora, <<The gobies will be great in this
tank.>> Paracheilinus Filamentous, Wetmorella nigropinnata,
Cirrhilabrus, Laboutei, Pseudanthias Dispar, Oxycirrhites Typus,
<<Longnose hawks are fascinating, curious fish...but you'd be
surprised at the size shrimp they can get in their mouths...you are
forewarned.>> Centropyge Loriculus, Centropyge Bispinosus, Tank
Bred Pseudochromis Fridmani, Tank Bred Pseudochromis Springeri,
Acanthurus Achilles, <<I can't endorse the Achilles
Tang...needs more flow/more space than even this tank can
supply.>> Ctenochaetus Hawaiiensis, Paracanthurus hepatus ,
Zebrasoma Flavescens, <<Honestly...not a tang person when it
comes to reef tanks...but these last three should be fine in this size
system...if you must <G>.>> 2 Blue Synchiropus Splendidus.
<<Again with the mandarins? Please do wait on these.>> As
well as various snails, hermits, and cleaner shrimp. <<Other than
noted...a fine selection...do keep an eye on the pygmies though...can
be risky to mix so many, even in a big tank, as well as a risk to
corals.>> Any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated.
I'm just looking to make sure I have the best possible start that I
can provide for my underwater friends. Also, one last question, I want
to use a 55 gallon tank just for holding live rock to culture algae on
it so I can put it into the main display for the tangs and angels and
then remove it and continually replace it with other pieces in the
algae tank about once a week. My question, what lighting would you
recommend for growing algae on the rock and would I have to use any
supplements on this tank as well to encourage growth? <<No
supplements...and a couple or three 65w 6500K PC lights will serve you
well.>> Thank you again for your help. Nick <<Is a
pleasure, Eric R.>> Large System - 08/16/05 I recently
acquired a 600 gallon tank that I am planning some upgrades for.
<<cool>> The tank came with 2 - 6' VHO's. It's
a 4' tall tank, and I just want it to look REALLY nice, not
necessarily try to grow anything in it (aside from healthy fish).
<<ok>> I haven't gotten it filled yet, or the lights
hooked up so I'm not sure how bright it's going to be, but
I'm curious if VHOs can hack it or would it be recommended to bump
it up to halides even though its a FOWLR. <<The VHOs will work
fine for the fish (may want to add a couple more tubes), but I
wouldn't expect any life to "flourish" on the live rock
in the bottom third of the tank. I prefer the look of a single-point
light source myself...and considering the depth of this tank, would
likely opt for the halides.>> I want to mount my 125 above the
600 if that is possible and use it as a refugium/invert display to
complement my FOWLR, so it would be nice if I could avoid the heating
issues that would inevitably arise with halides. <<A valid
concern...but don't be fooled in to believing VHOs won't be
hot. The use of cooling/exhaust fans will likely be required for either
application.>> That leads to my next question and that is...are
there any nifty tricks aside from drilling (glass tank), and overflow
boxes (the devil) to getting a top mounted tank to overflow to a tank
below? <<Not that I'm aware/would trust. Drilling really is
you're best option.>> Third question - The tank came with two
Oceanclear canisters (which I am scraping for this project), and two
1200 gph external pumps. There are four drilled holes and bulkheads in
the bottom of the tank from this, and two pumps I have no great use
for. Would it be hazardous at all to just run two small closed-loops
right out the bottom - provided that I elevated the drains above the
substrate? <<Employ "true" closed-loops and you have no
worries.>> And would that be worthwhile?
<<Absolutely!>> I'm going to plumb a Dolphin AquaSea in
for a closed loop on the back so if I had to plumb them any other way
it probably wouldn't be worth the hassle. <<More flow the
better...whether a reef or a FOWLR.>> Lastly - just before my
dreams get out of control - assuming I have top notch water quality,
and 600+ lbs of live rock how many "stocking rules" can I
break in a tank this size? <<Every tank has it's own set of
rules...>> Can I keep a school of Yellow or Blue Tangs...or
multiple Pomacanthus angels...or keep a Sohal with other types of
tangs...or....you get the picture :) <<Unfortunately yes, I do
<G>... You don't give the tank dimensions, but at 4 feet in
height I'm guessing it's no longer than 8 feet
(96"x48"x30" ?). The Sohal gets too big even for this
tank to be happy/well adjusted for its lifetime...the blue tangs
(Hippo?), though not quite as large as the Sohal at maturity, are so
robust, active, and high strung/twitchy as to (in my opinion) require
more swimming room, more flow, and more "hidey holes", than
most casual hobbyist can provide...especially if more than one. As for
the yellow tangs, I might be tempted to try a trio (all same size
introduced together) in this tank. Careful selection of a Pomacanthus
might prove interesting as well (two might be trouble)...tho be warned,
these can/will become bruisers at maturity...choose tank mates well. At
least research your selections (fishbase.org provides good info on
adult size, gut content (food), etc.) and seriously consider their
requirements/needs before purchase.>> Muchas Gracias, I always
appreciate your input. Scott <<Happy to be here to assist/give
opinion. Regards, EricR>> Big Fish- Big Tank? 10/12/05 Hi
Crew! <Heya! Scott F. at your service!> I did look at your
FAQ's to make sure the question I have was not previously
asked/answered and did not find specific answers to my question. <No
problem...> Basics: 220 gallon Oceanic 72" long tank with Tonga
Supreme live rock, live sand substrate, 40 watt UV sterilizer, Aqua
Medics protein skimmer, Seio power heads, large wet/dry with filter,
refugium, etc... Currently have a beautiful 30" Zebra Moray,
2.5" Volitans Lionfish, 5.5" Bicolor Fiji Rabbitfish, with
several Turbo Snails and Hermit Crabs. Question: I am adding this week
a Chevron Tang and wanted to know if I added a Desjardini Red Sea
Sailfin and Prionurus laticlavius (Yellowtail Sawtail Tang) if you
thought they would get along??? This mix is a divergence from the more
popular Purple, Yellow, and PB (Blue Hippo) Tangs that most people buy.
I know some folks indicate that tangs should be introduced together;
however I will be adding them individually. <Well, my best advice is
to consider the "end game' here. The Desjardini can hit
15" plus, and the Prionurus gets even larger. I think the issue
here is more the size of the fish than their possible compatibility.
I'm sure that they could get along socially, but not in this sized
aquarium. Even a 220 is too small to house both of these guys together
for anything close to a natural life span, IMO. I'm looking at my
225 right now, and I cannot imagine these two guys living together
comfortably in my tank for an extended period. Perhaps in a 400 or 500
gallon plus tank, yes.> My last fish after the tangs will either be
a Majestic or Emperor Angel, which will make 7 fish. Do you think this
is a good mix and fine with the tank size I have? <To be honest, no.
My personal philosophy has always been, "Why keep large fish just
because you have a large tank?". Granted, that's my kooky
world view, but it warrants consideration. You're talking about
fishes that can and do reach well over a foot in length. Placing them
in even a 6-foot plus tank is questionable. Kind of like you and I
living the rest of our lives in our living rooms. Sort of comfortable,
but after a while, you'd go nuts! Why not consider stocking fishes
that hit a maximum length of say, 6"-8"? There are plenty of
neat fishes that are in that range, and they'll be a lot happier in
your tank. One more fact to consider: A study I read indicated that the
adult Emperor Angel typically ranges over an area about half the size
of a football field! Obviously, you can take this argument to absurd
lengths, but the point is - think small!> One last question: my
Lionfish will absolutely not eat frozen, only live feeders. I can only
get ghost shrimp, prawn shrimp, and feeder guppies in which I place Zoe
drops into the bag they are in and let them set in there until they are
fed to the Lion. Would this be okay long term if he just won't eat
the frozen? <It can work, but you really want to wean him to
prepared foods, ideally foods of marine origin, as they have the proper
nutritional profile for this fish. Keep trying> I have gone a long
time in between feedings to hope to entice him with frozen food on a
clear feeding stick (wiggling it) but he hides in the rocks every time.
Your thoughts? <My advice is to keep doing what you're
doing...Don't give up. He will eventually come around-could take a
long time, but it will happen eventually.> Thanks for your help and
outstanding dedication to this hobby and I look forward to your
comments. Steven <Best of luck, Steven. Regards, Scott F.>